[Linux-libre-announce] Status of ALX kernel module, and version 3.6

Jason Self j at jxself.org
Fri Feb 22 13:05:10 PST 2013

Support For Linux-libre 3.6 Terminated
With the release of Linux-libre version 3.8, version 3.6 is now
end-of-life. If you're using 3.6 or earlier please move to the 3.7 or
3.8 kernel branch at this time for continued updates and support.

ALX Kernel Module Removed
The ALX kernel module is still not accepted into the upstream kernel.
The latest version I can find doesn't compile for 3.8, and has also
been removed from the compat-drivers backport for 3.8. I've removed
this module from my build for now. If you need this kernel module
please remain on the 3.7 kernel branch at this time and don't upgrade
to 3.8. Instructions for following the 3.7 series are available at

I'll continue to monitor the situation surrounding this module and
will provide an update that enables it when I can.

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