! Z-Tornado - Two player weather action game ! ! Tornado is copyright (C) 2000-2002 Oliver Feiler ! http://www.lionking.org/~kiza/linux/tornado ! Inform version copyright (c) 2003 Sophie Frühling (sfruehling@aon.at) ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Release 2; ! Screen stuff Global screen_height; Global screen_width; Global dialog_x; ! dialog box cursor for player input Global cloud_x; ! Can be switched off in terps where colour doesn't work properly ! (For all I know only useful in Unix Frotz 2.32, where timed input ! doesn't work like it should either) Global colour = 1; ! Player stuff ! 1 if current player, otherwise 0 Global player1; Global player2; Array player1_name -> 18; Array player2_name -> 18; Global player1_ai = 0; Global player2_ai = 0; Global player1_left = 100; Global player2_left = 100; ! Can handle scores up to 9999999, which should be more than enough Array player1_score -> 7; Array player2_score -> 7; ! House stuff ! Position relative to screen Global house1_x; Global house1_y; Global house2_x; Global house2_y; ! How many spaces does the house initially contain? Constant SPACES = 32; ! Weather stuff Global windspeed; Global randseed = 0; ! 80 x 24 grid, discounting 1 row for statusline and 4 for cloud Array snow_world -> 1520; ! Actual entries of snow_world Global fields = 0; ! Highscores Array highscore_file string "ZTORNADO.HGH"; Array highscore_array -> 220; ! Add degree character to Zcharacter table Zcharacter table + '@{B0}'; Include "draw.inf"; Include "erwin.inf"; Include "scores.inf"; Include "weather.inf"; [ Main input; if (TestTerp() == 0) return; DrawTitleScreen(); InitHighScores(); while ((input = Menu()) ~= 'Q') { switch (input) { 'A': About(); 'C': if (colour) colour = 0; else colour = 1; 'I': Instructions(); 'P': Game(); } } Quit(); ]; [ Menu ch; @erase_window -1; print "^^^"; Banner(); print "----------------------^"; print "(A) About Z-Tornado^", "(C) Toggle colour (currently "; if (colour) print "on"; else print "off"; print ")^", "(I) Instructions^", "(P) Play Z-Tornado^", "(Q) Quit^^"; while (1) { ch = Read(); switch (ch) { 'A', 'C', 'I', 'P', 'Q': return ch; } } ]; [ Game; Init(); Tornado(); Bye(); ]; Array score_array->7; [ Tornado quitting tmp_score; while (1) { InitGame(); while (1) { @erase_window 1; DrawSnowWorld(); DrawCloud(0); windspeed = random(11) - 6; if (player1) { player1 = 0; player2 = 1; quitting = Play(player2_ai); } else { player2 = 0; player1 = 1; quitting = Play(player1_ai); } if (player1_left <= 0) { tmp_score = 100 - ((CountDestroyed(' ', house2_x, house2_y, 17, 10) - SPACES)*100)/138; CopyArray(score_array, player2_score); Multiply(player2_score, score_array, tmp_score); break; } if (player2_left <= 0) { tmp_score = 100 - ((CountDestroyed(' ', house1_x, house1_y, 17, 10) - SPACES)*100)/138; CopyArray(score_array, player1_score); Multiply(player1_score, score_array, tmp_score); break; } if (quitting) return; } DrawStatusLine(); AddToHighScore(player1_name, player1_score); AddToHighScore(player2_name, player2_score); if (ContinueGame() == 'N') return; } ]; [ Play ai x input aim destroyed; DrawStatusLine(); ! We have a human player if (ai == 0) { while (1) { input = PlayerChoice(); if (input == 'Q') rtrue; ! lightning: player doesn't have to aim ! tornado: we'll draw the tornado cloud before aiming if (input == 'L' or 'T') break; if (input == 'H' or 'R' or 'S') { aim = GetAim(); break; } if (input == 'C') ShowCurrentScores(); else if (input == 'O') ShowHighScores(); } } else { ! The computer chooses if (player1) input = ErwinChoice(player1_left); else input = ErwinChoice(player2_left); aim = ErwinAim(input); } destroyed = 0; switch (input) { 'H': x = cloud_x + random(14) - 1; destroyed = DrawWeather(x, windspeed + aim, ':', 2); 'R': x = cloud_x + random(14) - 1; destroyed = DrawWeather(x, windspeed + aim, '/', 1); 'S': x = cloud_x + random(14) - 1; DrawSnow(x, windspeed + aim); 'L': destroyed = DrawLightning(cloud_x - 7 + random(25)); 'T': DrawTornadoCloud(); if (ai == 0) aim = GetAim(); else Pause(2); ! So the player can see the cloud for a while destroyed = DrawTornado(cloud_x, windspeed + aim); } player2_left = 100 - ((CountDestroyed(' ', house2_x, house2_y, 17, 10) + CountSnow(house2_x, house2_y, 17, 10) - SPACES)*100)/138; player1_left = 100 - ((CountDestroyed(' ', house1_x, house1_y, 17, 10) + CountSnow(house1_x, house1_y, 17, 10) - SPACES)*100)/138; ! (You get points for destroying your own house, too) if (player1) { CopyArray(score_array, player1_score); AddShort(player1_score, score_array, destroyed*destroyed); } else { CopyArray(score_array, player2_score); AddShort(player2_score, score_array, destroyed*destroyed); } DrawStatusLine(); rfalse; ]; [ PlayerChoice ch; DrawUserInterface(); DrawStatusLine(); while (1) { ch = Read(); switch (ch) { 'S', 'H', 'T', 'Q', 'R', 'L', 'C', 'O': ClearUserInterface(); DrawSnowWorld(); return ch; } } ]; [ GetAim num; DrawDialogWindow(); DrawStatusLine(); @set_cursor 8 dialog_x; print "Aim?"; @set_cursor 9 dialog_x; num = ReadNumber(); @set_cursor screen_height 1; ClearDialogWindow(); DrawSnowWorld(); return num; ]; ! Get the position of x y in snow_world array [ GetLoc x y; if (x < 1 || x > screen_width || y < 5 || y > screen_height) rfalse; if (y == 5) x--; return (y - 5)*screen_width + x; ]; [ CountDestroyed ch x y wid hgt i j n count; for (i = x: i < x + wid: i++) { for (j = y: j < y + hgt: j++) { n = GetLoc(i, j); if (snow_world->n == ch) count++; } } return count; ]; [ CountSnow xx yy wid hgt; return CountDestroyed('*', xx, yy, wid, hgt); ]; [ ChangeWorld x y num i; for (i = 0: i < num: i++) ChangeSnowWorld(' ', x + i, y); ]; [ ChangeSnowWorld ch xx yy x; x = GetLoc(xx, yy); if (x < fields) snow_world->x = ch; ]; ! ----------- Initialising and game ending stuff ------------- [ TestTerp; screen_width = 0->33; screen_height = 0->32; if (screen_width < 64) print "Your interpreter detected a screen width of only ", screen_width, ".^"; if (screen_height < 24) print "Your interpreter detected a screen height of only ", screen_height, ".^"; if (screen_width < 64 || screen_height < 24) { print "To play Tornado you need at least 64 x 24.^^"; rfalse; } if (screen_width > 80) screen_width = 80; screen_height = 24; if ((0->1) & 128 == 0) { print "Your interpreter apparently doesn't support timed events.", " This game should be pretty tiresome to play without, sorry.^"; Read(); } if ($32-->0 == 0) { print "Your interpreter doesn't obey the Z-Machine standard. Z-Tornado", " will probably not work correctly on such an interpreter.^"; Read(); } ]; [ Init y; y = 0->32; dialog_x = screen_width/2 - 16; @split_window y; @set_window 1; if (colour) @set_colour 9 2; house1_x = 5; house1_y = screen_height - 10; house2_x = screen_width - 21; house2_y = screen_height - 10; fields = screen_height*screen_width - 5*screen_width; InitSnowWorld(); @erase_window 1; DrawSnowWorld(); DrawCloud(10); player1_ai = 0; player2_ai = 0; GetNames(); ]; ! There might be some bug in there, because Windows Frotz 2002 doesn't draw ! the dialog window correctly after asking for the first player's name [ GetNames i; DrawDialogWindow(); for (i = 2: i < 17: i++) { player1_name->i = ' '; player2_name->i = ' '; } @set_cursor 8 dialog_x; print "Please enter your name Player 1"; @set_cursor 9 dialog_x; player1_name->0 = 15; read player1_name 0; if (player1_name->1 == 0) { ("Computer").print_to_array(player1_name); player1_ai = 1; } @set_cursor 8 dialog_x; print "Please enter your name Player 2"; @set_cursor 9 dialog_x; print " "; @set_cursor 9 dialog_x; player2_name->0 = 15; read player2_name 0; if (player2_name->1 == 0) { ("Computer").print_to_array(player2_name); player2_ai = 1; } @set_cursor screen_height 1; ]; [ InitGame; @erase_window 1; player1_left = 100; player2_left = 100; player1 = 0; player2 = 1; Nullify(player1_score); Nullify(player2_score); InitSnowWorld(); DrawSnowWorld(); DrawCloud(10); ]; [ InitSnowWorld i; for (i = 0: i < fields: i++) snow_world->i = ' '; InitHouse(0); InitHouse(1); ]; Array building table " ___ " " ||| " " /-------'|`-@@92 " "/'/////////////`@@92" "|---------------|" "|-,_____,--,__,-|" "|-|__|__|--|++|-|" "|-|__|__|--|o+|-|" "|----------|++|-|" "|__________|__|_|"; Array temp_array -> 20; [ InitHouse nr i j x y tmp; if (nr) { x = house1_x; y = house1_y; } else { x = house2_x; y = house2_y; } temp_array->0 = 17; for (j = 1: j <= 10: j++) { tmp = GetLoc(x, y + j - 1); (building-->j).print_to_array(temp_array); for (i = 2: i < 19: i++) snow_world->tmp++ = temp_array->i; } ]; [ ContinueGame yesno; DrawDialogWindow(); DrawWinningScreen(); yesno = Read(); while (yesno ~= 'Y' && yesno ~= 'N') yesno = Read(); ClearDialogWindow(); return yesno; ]; [ Bye y; @erase_window 1; y = screen_height - 2; @set_cursor y 1; @set_colour 1 1; style roman; @erase_window -1; ]; [ Quit x; @erase_window -1; print "^^[Trying to save highscore file]^"; @save highscore_array 220 highscore_file -> x; if (x == 0) print "^[Couldn't save the highscore file, sorry.]^"; print "^^Thanks for playing Tornado!^^"; ]; ! ---------------- Low level routines --------------------- ! Read in a character/digit from the keyboard [ Read x k; if (randseed > 0) @read_char 1 x; else { ! This should make the random function more random. @read_char 1 1 SeedRand -> k; for (k = 0: k < randseed: k++) random(1); } ! Convert lower case to upper case so we only have to test ! for half of the cases if ('a' <= x && x <= 'z') return x - ('a' - 'A'); return x; ]; [ SeedRand; randseed++; rfalse; ]; ! Read in numbers from -99 to 999 (We really only need -9 to 9) ! If the player doesn't type a number, or anything, we return 0. Array num_array->6; [ ReadNumber x y neg tens sum; num_array->0 = 3; read num_array 0; if (num_array->1 == 0) return 0; x = 2; if (num_array->2 == '-') { x++; neg = 1; } for (sum = 0: x < num_array->1 + 2: x++) { if (num_array->x >= '0' && num_array->x <= '9') { for (tens = 1, y = num_array->1: y + 1 > x: y--) tens = tens * 10; sum = sum + (num_array->x - '0') * tens; } else break; } if (neg) sum = -sum; return sum; ]; ! Pauses for x/10 seconds [ Pause x t; @read_char 1 x Interrupt -> t; ]; [ Interrupt; rtrue; ];