= wumpus(6) = :doctype: manpage == NAME == wumpus - the classic game of Hunt the Wumpus == SYNOPSIS == galaxis [[description]] == DESCRIPTION == wumpus is a faithful transcription of the 1974 game WUMPUS for the Atari, the first computer game to maintain a consistent external map. An article on the history of this classic game can be found at the http://www.atariarchives.org/bcc1/showpage.php?page=247[Atari Archives]. superhack is a structurally similar game with a different premise. [[authors]] == AUTHORS == The original Atari game was designed and written by Gregory Yob. This version was cloned from the original BASIC sources by Eric S. Raymond . See ESR's home page at http://www.catb.org/~esr/ for updates and other resources. // end