The Ujuian People ----------------- You can redistribute and/or modify this file under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or at your option) any later version. The Uju evolved from crustaceans on their planet. They're cold-blooded with reddish/organgeish exoskeletons, which tends to become paler as they age. Some are born with a rare (approximately 1 in 8 million) genetic condition that results in their exoskeletion being more yellowish instead. Their flesh is a greyish blue and their blood a deep purple. They've evolved lungs and have nonfunctioning vestigial gills located on the lower front of their body, near the top of their legs. They primarily live out of water, although they still return to salt water as part of their reproductive cycle. Their lungs are more efficient than a human's, which helps them to remain underwater for long periods of time but will die if left submerged in water long enough without the ability to breathe oxygen. These highly efficient lungs also help them to function in oxygen poor atmospheres. They have two arms with eight fingers each although two seem more claw-like; an evolutionary holdover from their distant past. They have a large mouth full of sharp teeth for chewing food. They usually eat the sea creatures of their home planet but have been known to eat land animals or even offworld foods when it's not dangerous to do so. Their digestive system can process only a limited amount of human food, with help. A small amount of alcohol or fermented fruit juice will do the trick. They have two vertical eye slits that are more sensitive than our eyes. Their eyes can both see more of the spectrum than humans and in lower light situations. The average lifespan is about 70 years. They have three legs and no hair. They have a crest of cartilage and bone running from their nose to the top of their heads. They can "elevate" this, and in so doing open their nostrils to give them a better sense of smell, which even then is less advanced than a human's. They have developed their hearing to an amazing level, able to hear much better than a human. They're smaller than humans and are usually 3 to 4 feet in height. The tallest recorded was around 5 feet. Their arms are longer and legs shorter than a human's would be at that height. They typically weigh less than a human of similar build. Their bodies grow larger as they mature, and the males tend to be larger and stronger than females. They have a high-pitched/shrill voice that can produce a larger range of vocal sounds than humans can. For this reason the Uju/English dictionary is only an approximation, based on how close humans can come to the actual sounds. The Uju are a very old race, with a recorded history going back over 200,000 years but it is only been about 500 years since they developed a single worldwide system of government. Before that they were a race of scattered tribes. The exact number was in constant flux as they would join forces for greater strength, or split into factions to pursue different goals but usually ranged between 50 to 100. Each tribe had its own name but they but they are also known by a larger designation, shared among multiple tribes, based on the continent they inhabited. The turning point for the Uju toward a more unified world was when they were "enlightened" by a philosophy professor. He taught them the value of education, reading, writing, and math. He also taught them that they had a duty to their community and their planet. This professor was eventually executed for his beliefs, but by then the changes had been made. By the time he died, the Ujuian people were beginning to see themselves as a single unit, rather than numerous sovereign autonomous tribal units. Within a century of his death they had formed their first single government but even today, tribal lines can still be seen. Ujuians are generally a cold, serious but also stalwart, proud and fearless race. They have a very militaristic society that's based around codes of honor and duty, and they measure each action by that code. Ujuians believe in the concept of duty to the group. They believe that their lives are spent for the good of the their community, and every death is a sacrifice for the greater good. Despite unification each Ujuian is still born into a tribe although tribes are not viewed as important as they once were. Each tribe has a different code of honor which are as varied as the tribes themselves. If two Ujuians had a dispute they would attempt to solve it themselves with honor rather than involving any outside interference. As tribal lines become less important these various codes of honor are slowly combining and there are some aspects that appear to be universal. No matter the tribe or combination of tribes, certain things are just not done. They do not lie, and do not tolerate laziness. Everyone is expected to fully contribute to society. They are also very orderly. They keep their living areas spotless and everything in its place. They are fastidious about their weapons, keeping them clean and well-functioning. War is a dirty business even among the Uju. Most Ujuians would not attack another without reason. Attacking another without a just cause is against all codes of honor. While not overly aggressive or cruel, they see war as an inevitability, and prepare for it as such, though they are slow to anger. If a Ujuian was ever defeated in combat, he or she would be expected to surrender and submit to the winner. The winner may exact tribute or a penalty of some kind, but the loser surrenders any right to take any further action regarding the conflict. This sort of surrender is done to prevent perpetual blood feuds. The Ujuian people as a whole are expected to defend against outside aggression. If there's an outside attacker, the Ujuian people as a whole are expected to unite in defense. Their military tactics are focused to bring about an end and win as quickly and efficiently as possible. They do not waste time with strategies designed to cause terror or hardship among the enemy. Prisoners are seen as a resource, not a burden, and are assigned labor positions. Those who are too young, too old, or too infirm to be of use are kept comfortable and well fed, but not given luxuries. Some may be interrogated to gain military intelligence. Torture isn't generally a standard practice among the Uju. They are a welcoming and inclusive people, accepting of anyone who values their code of honor.