#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # c4: Chip's Challenge Combined Converter # # Use "perldoc c4" to read the documentation. # # Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Brian Raiter. This program is licensed under # an MIT-style license. Please see the documentation for details. # use strict; # # First, some global functions used across packages. # package main; # All the names of all the tiles. # my @tilenames; my %tilenames; foreach my $names ([ "empty", "floor" ], [ "wall" ], [ "ic chip", "computer chip" ], [ "water" ], [ "fire" ], [ "hidden wall", "invisible wall permanent", "inv wall permanent" ], [ "wall north", "partition north", "blocked north" ], [ "wall west", "partition west", "blocked west" ], [ "wall south", "partition south", "blocked south" ], [ "wall east", "partition east", "blocked east" ], [ "block", "moveable block", "movable block" ], [ "dirt" ], [ "ice" ], [ "force floor south", "force south", "slide south", "slide floor south" ], [ "block north", "cloning block north" ], [ "block west", "cloning block west" ], [ "block south", "cloning block south" ], [ "block east", "cloning block east" ], [ "force floor north", "force north", "slide north", "slide floor north" ], [ "force floor east", "force east", "slide east", "slide floor east" ], [ "force floor west", "force west", "slide west", "slide floor west" ], [ "exit" ], [ "blue door", "door blue" ], [ "red door", "door red" ], [ "green door", "door green" ], [ "yellow door", "door yellow" ], [ "ice wall southeast", "ice wall se", "ice se", "ice corner southeast", "ice corner se" ], [ "ice wall southwest", "ice wall sw", "ice sw", "ice corner southwest", "ice corner sw" ], [ "ice wall northwest", "ice wall nw", "ice nw", "ice corner northwest", "ice corner nw" ], [ "ice wall northeast", "ice wall ne", "ice ne", "ice corner northeast", "ice corner ne" ], [ "blue block floor", "blue block fake", "blue wall fake" ], [ "blue block wall", "blue block real", "blue wall real" ], [ "(combination)" ], [ "thief", "spy" ], [ "socket" ], [ "green button", "button green", "toggle button", "button toggle" ], [ "red button", "button red", "clone button", "button clone" ], [ "toggle closed", "toggle wall closed", "closed toggle wall", "toggle door closed", "closed toggle door" ], [ "toggle open", "toggle wall open", "open toggle wall", "toggle door open", "open toggle door" ], [ "brown button", "button brown", "trap button", "button trap" ], [ "blue button", "button blue", "tank button", "button tank" ], [ "teleport" ], [ "bomb" ], [ "trap", "beartrap", "bear trap" ], [ "invisible wall", "invisible wall temporary", "inv wall temporary" ], [ "gravel" ], [ "popup wall", "pass once" ], [ "hint button" ], [ "wall southeast", "partition southeast", "blocked southeast", "wall se", "partition se", "blocked se" ], [ "clone machine", "cloner", "cloning machine" ], [ "force floor any", "force any", "slide any", "slide floor any", "force floor random", "force random", "slide random", "slide floor random", "random slide floor" ], [ "(chip drowned)" ], [ "(chip burned)" ], [ "(chip bombed)" ], [ "(unused 1)" ], [ "(unused 2)" ], [ "(unused 3)" ], [ "(exiting)" ], [ "(exit 1)" ], [ "(exit 2)" ], [ "(chip swimming north)", "(chip swimming n)" ], [ "(chip swimming west)", "(chip swimming w)" ], [ "(chip swimming south)", "(chip swimming s)" ], [ "(chip swimming east)", "(chip swimming e)" ], [ "bug north", "bee north" ], [ "bug west", "bee west" ], [ "bug south", "bee south" ], [ "bug east", "bee east" ], [ "fireball north", "flame north" ], [ "fireball west", "flame west" ], [ "fireball south", "flame south" ], [ "fireball east", "flame east" ], [ "ball north" ], [ "ball west" ], [ "ball south" ], [ "ball east" ], [ "tank north" ], [ "tank west" ], [ "tank south" ], [ "tank east" ], [ "glider north", "ghost north" ], [ "glider west", "ghost west" ], [ "glider south", "ghost south" ], [ "glider east", "ghost east" ], [ "teeth north", "frog north" ], [ "teeth west", "frog west" ], [ "teeth south", "frog south" ], [ "teeth east", "frog east" ], [ "walker north", "dumbbell north" ], [ "walker west", "dumbbell west" ], [ "walker south", "dumbbell south" ], [ "walker east", "dumbbell east" ], [ "blob north" ], [ "blob west" ], [ "blob south" ], [ "blob east" ], [ "paramecium north", "centipede north" ], [ "paramecium west", "centipede west" ], [ "paramecium south", "centipede south" ], [ "paramecium east", "centipede east" ], [ "blue key", "key blue" ], [ "red key", "key red" ], [ "green key", "key green" ], [ "yellow key", "key yellow" ], [ "water boots", "boots water", "water shield", "flippers" ], [ "fire boots", "boots fire", "fire shield" ], [ "ice boots", "boots ice", "spike shoes", "spiked shoes", "ice skates", "skates" ], [ "force boots", "boots force", "slide boots", "boots slide", "magnet", "suction boots" ], [ "chip north" ], [ "chip west" ], [ "chip south" ], [ "chip east" ]) { push @tilenames, $names->[0]; @tilenames{@$names} = ($#tilenames) x @$names; } # The original 150 passwords. # my @origpasswords = @{ [qw(BDHP JXMJ ECBQ YMCJ TQKB WNLP FXQO NHAG KCRE VUWS CNPE WVHI OCKS BTDY COZQ SKKK AJMG HMJL MRHR KGFP UGRW WZIN HUVE UNIZ PQGV YVYJ IGGZ UJDD QGOL BQZP RYMS PEFS BQSN NQFI VDTM NXIS VQNK BIFA ICXY YWFH GKWD LMFU UJDP TXHL OVPZ HDQJ LXPP JYSF PPXI QBDH IGGJ PPHT CGNX ZMGC SJES FCJE UBXU YBLT BLDM ZYVI RMOW TIGW GOHX IJPQ UPUN ZIKZ GGJA RTDI NLLY GCCG LAJM EKFT QCCR MKNH MJDV NMRH FHIC GRMO JINU EVUG SCWF LLIO OVPJ UVEO LEBX FLHH YJYS WZYV VCZO OLLM JPQG DTMI REKF EWCS BIFQ WVHY IOCS TKWD XUVU QJXR RPIR VDDU PTAC KWNL YNEG NXYB ECRE LIOC KZQR XBAO KRQJ NJLA PTAS JWNL EGRW HXMF FPZT OSCW PHTY FLXP BPYS SJUM YKZE TASX MYRT QRLD JMWZ FTLA HEAN XHIZ FIRD ZYFA TIGG XPPH LYWO LUZL HPPX LUJT VLHH SJUK MCJE UCRY OKOR GVXQ YBLI JHEN COZA RGSK DIGW GNLP)] }; # Return true if the given tile is one of the creatures, one of the # blocks, or Chip. # sub iscreature($) { $_[0] >= 0x40 && $_[0] < 0x64 } sub isblock($) { $_[0] == 0x0A || ($_[0] >= 0x0E && $_[0] < 0x12) } sub ischip($) { $_[0] >= 0x6C && $_[0] < 0x70 } my $filename = undef; my $filepos = undef; my $filelevel = undef; sub err(@) { if (defined $filename) { if (defined $filelevel) { print STDERR "$filename: level $filelevel: "; } elsif (defined $filepos) { print STDERR "$filename, byte $filepos: "; } elsif ($.) { print STDERR "$filename:$.: "; } else { print STDERR "$filename: "; } } else { if (defined $filelevel) { print STDERR "$filename: level $filelevel: "; } elsif (defined $filepos) { print STDERR "byte $filepos: "; } elsif ($.) { print STDERR "line $.: "; } } print STDERR @_, "\n"; return; } # Given a pack template, return the size of the packed data in bytes. # The template is assumed to only contain the types a, C, v, and V. # sub packlen($) { my $template = shift; my $size = 0; while (length $template) { my $char = substr $template, 0, 1, ""; my $n = $char eq "V" ? 4 : $char eq "v" ? 2 : 1; $n *= $1 if $template =~ s/\A(\d+)//; $size += $n; } return $size; } # Read a sequence of bytes from a binary file, according to a pack # template. The unpacked values are returned. # sub fileread($$;\$@) { my $input = shift; my $template = shift; my $levelsize = shift; my ($buf, $len); $len = ::packlen $template; return ::err "invalid template given to fileread" unless $len > 0; my $ret = sysread $input, $buf, $len; return ::err $! unless defined $ret; return ::err "unexpected EOF" unless $ret; $filepos ||= 0; $filepos += $ret; if (ref $levelsize) { return ::err "invalid metadata in data file", " (expecting $len bytes; found only $$levelsize)" unless $len <= $$levelsize; $$levelsize -= $len; } my (@fields) = (unpack $template, $buf); foreach my $field (@fields) { last unless @_; my $min = shift; my $max = shift; return ::err "invalid data in data file" if defined $min && $field < $min or defined $max && $field > $max; } return wantarray ? @fields : $fields[-1]; } # Translate escape sequences in the given string. # sub unescape($) { local $_ = shift; s/\\([0-7][0-7][0-7])/chr oct$1/eg; s/\\([\\\"])/$1/g; return $_; } sub escape($) { local $_ = shift; s/([\\\"])/\\$1/g; s/([^\020-\176])/sprintf"\\%03o",ord$1/eg; return $_; } # Take a standard creature list from a dat file and augment it as # necessary for a Lynx-based file format. This involves adding entries # for Chip, blocks, immobile creatures, and creatures on clone # machines. # sub makelynxcrlist($$) { my $map = shift; my $datcreatures = shift; my @crlist; my @listed; if (defined $datcreatures) { foreach my $n (0 .. $#$datcreatures) { $listed[$datcreatures->[$n][0]][$datcreatures->[$n][1]] = $n; } } my $chip = undef; foreach my $y (0 .. 31) { foreach my $x (0 .. 31) { my $obj = $map->[$y][$x][0]; next unless ::iscreature $obj || ::isblock $obj || ::ischip $obj; my ($seq, $ff, $mobile) = (0, 0, 1); if (::ischip $obj) { return "multiple Chips present" if defined $chip; $chip = @crlist; } elsif (::isblock $obj) { $mobile = -1 if $map->[$y][$x][1] == $tilenames{"cloner"}; } else { if ($map->[$y][$x][1] == $tilenames{"cloner"}) { $mobile = -1; } else { $mobile = defined $listed[$y][$x] ? 1 : 0; } $seq = $listed[$y][$x] + 1 if defined $listed[$y][$x]; } push @crlist, [ $seq, $y, $x, $mobile ]; } } return "Chip absent" unless defined $chip; return "over 128 creatures" if @crlist > 128; ($crlist[$chip], $crlist[0]) = ($crlist[0], $crlist[$chip]); my @sortlist; foreach my $n (0 .. $#crlist) { push @sortlist, $n if $crlist[$n][0] } @sortlist = sort { $crlist[$a][0] <=> $crlist[$b][0] } @sortlist; my @lynxcreatures; foreach my $n (0 .. $#crlist) { my $creature = $crlist[$n]; $creature = $crlist[shift @sortlist] if $creature->[0]; push @lynxcreatures, [ $creature->[1], $creature->[2], $creature->[3] ]; } return \@lynxcreatures; } # Translate a creature list from a lynx-based file format to one # appropriate for a dat-based file format. # sub makedatcrlist($$) { my $map = shift; my $lynxcreatures = shift; my @crlist; return undef unless defined $lynxcreatures; foreach my $creature (@$lynxcreatures) { next if $creature->[2] != 1; next if ::ischip $map->[$creature->[0]][$creature->[1]][0]; next if ::isblock $map->[$creature->[0]][$creature->[1]][0]; push @crlist, [ $creature->[0], $creature->[1] ]; } return \@crlist; } # # The textual source file format # package txtfile; # The list of default tile symbols. # my %tilesymbols = %{{ " " => $tilenames{"empty"}, "#" => $tilenames{"wall"}, "\$" => $tilenames{"ic chip"}, "," => $tilenames{"water"}, "&" => $tilenames{"fire"}, "~" => $tilenames{"wall north"}, "|" => $tilenames{"wall west"}, "_" => $tilenames{"wall south"}, " |" => $tilenames{"wall east"}, "[]" => $tilenames{"block"}, "[" => $tilenames{"block"}, ";" => $tilenames{"dirt"}, "=" => $tilenames{"ice"}, "v" => $tilenames{"force south"}, "^" => $tilenames{"force north"}, ">" => $tilenames{"force east"}, "<" => $tilenames{"force west"}, "E" => $tilenames{"exit"}, "H" => $tilenames{"socket"}, "6" => $tilenames{"bomb"}, ":" => $tilenames{"gravel"}, "?" => $tilenames{"hint button"}, "_|" => $tilenames{"wall southeast"}, "<>" => $tilenames{"force any"}, "@" => $tilenames{"chip south"}, "^]" => [ $tilenames{"cloning block north"}, $tilenames{"clone machine"} ], "<]" => [ $tilenames{"cloning block west"}, $tilenames{"clone machine"} ], "v]" => [ $tilenames{"cloning block south"}, $tilenames{"clone machine"} ], ">]" => [ $tilenames{"cloning block east"}, $tilenames{"clone machine"} ] }}; # # # # Error message display. # sub err(@) { warn "line $.: ", @_, "\n"; return; } # The list of incomplete tile names recognized. Each incomplete name # has a list of characters that complete them. # my %partialnames = %{{ "key" => { "blue key" => "b", "red key" => "r", "green key" => "g", "yellow key" => "y" }, "door" => { "blue door" => "b", "red door" => "r", "green door" => "g", "yellow door" => "y" }, "bug" => { "bug north" => "n", "bug west" => "w", "bug south" => "s", "bug east" => "e" }, "bee" => { "bee north" => "n", "bee west" => "w", "bee south" => "s", "bee east" => "e" }, "fireball" => { "fireball north" => "n", "fireball west" => "w", "fireball south" => "s", "fireball east" => "e" }, "flame" => { "flame north" => "n", "flame west" => "w", "flame south" => "s", "flame east" => "e" }, "ball" => { "ball north" => "n", "ball west" => "w", "ball south" => "s", "ball east" => "e" }, "tank" => { "tank north" => "n", "tank west" => "w", "tank south" => "s", "tank east" => "e" }, "glider" => { "glider north" => "n", "glider west" => "w", "glider south" => "s", "glider east" => "e" }, "ghost" => { "ghost north" => "n", "ghost west" => "w", "ghost south" => "s", "ghost east" => "e" }, "teeth" => { "teeth north" => "n", "teeth west" => "w", "teeth south" => "s", "teeth east" => "e" }, "frog" => { "frog north" => "n", "frog west" => "w", "frog south" => "s", "frog east" => "e" }, "walker" => { "walker north" => "n", "walker west" => "w", "walker south" => "s", "walker east" => "e" }, "dumbbell" => { "dumbbell north" => "n", "dumbbell west" => "w", "dumbbell south" => "s", "dumbbell east" => "e" }, "blob" => { "blob north" => "n", "blob west" => "w", "blob south" => "s", "blob east" => "e" }, "paramecium"=> { "paramecium north" => "n", "paramecium west" => "w", "paramecium south" => "s", "paramecium east" => "e" }, "centipede" => { "centipede north" => "n", "centipede west" => "w", "centipede south" => "s", "centipede east" => "e" }, "chip" => { "chip north" => "n", "chip west" => "w", "chip south" => "s", "chip east" => "e" }, "(swimming chip)" => { "(swimming chip north)" => "n", "(swimming chip west)" => "w", "(swimming chip south)" => "s", "(swimming chip east)" => "e" } }}; # The list of tile definitions that are defined throughout the set. A # number of definitions are made by default at startup. # my %globaltiles = %tilesymbols; # The list of tile definitions for a given level. # my %localtiles; # Add a list of tile definitions to a hash. # sub addtiledefs(\%@) { my $tiledefs = shift; while (my $def = shift) { $tiledefs->{$def->[0]} = $def->[1] } } # Given a string, return the tile with that name. If the name is not # recognized, undef is returned and a error message is displayed. # sub lookuptilename($) { my $name = shift; my $value = undef; return $tilenames{$name} if exists $tilenames{$name}; if ($name =~ /^0x([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])$/) { $value = hex $1; return $value if $value >= 0 && $value <= 255; } my $n = length $name; foreach my $key (keys %tilenames) { if ($name eq substr $key, 0, $n) { return ::err "ambiguous object id \"$name\"" if defined $value && $value != $tilenames{$key}; $value = $tilenames{$key}; } } return ::err "unknown object id \"$name\"" unless defined $value; return $value; } # Given two characters, return the tile or pair of tiles which the # characters represent. The characters can stand for a pair of tiles # directly, or each character can independently represent one tile. In # either case, a pair of tiles is returned as an array ref. A single # tile is returned directly. If one or both characters are # unrecognized, undef is returned and an error message is displayed. # sub lookuptile($); sub lookuptile($) { my $symbol = shift; $symbol =~ s/\A(.) \Z/$1/; return $localtiles{$symbol} if exists $localtiles{$symbol}; return $globaltiles{$symbol} if exists $globaltiles{$symbol}; if (length($symbol) == 2) { my $top = lookuptile substr $symbol, 0, 1; if (defined $top && ref $top && $top->[1] < 0) { return $top; } elsif (defined $top && !ref $top) { my $bot = lookuptile substr $symbol, 1, 1; if (defined $bot && !ref $bot) { return [ $top, $bot ]; } } } return ::err "unrecognized map tile \"$symbol\""; } # Return the number of chips present on the map. # sub getchipcount($) { my $map = shift; my $count = 0; foreach my $y (0 .. 31) { foreach my $x (0 .. 31) { ++$count if $map->[$y][$x][0] == 0x02; ++$count if $map->[$y][$x][1] == 0x02; } } return $count; } # Given a completed map, return the default list of traps connections # as an array ref. (The default list follows the original Lynx rules # of connecting buttons to the first subsequent trap in reading # order.) # sub buildtraplist($) { my $map = shift; my $firsttrap = undef; my @traps; my @buttons; foreach my $y (0 .. 31) { foreach my $x (0 .. 31) { if ($map->[$y][$x][0] == 0x27 || $map->[$y][$x][1] == 0x27) { push @buttons, [ $y, $x ]; } elsif ($map->[$y][$x][0] == 0x2B || $map->[$y][$x][1] == 0x2B) { push @traps, map { { from => $_, to => [ $y, $x ] } } @buttons; undef @buttons; $firsttrap = [ $y, $x ] unless defined $firsttrap; } } } push @traps, map { { from => $_, to => $firsttrap } } @buttons if @buttons && defined $firsttrap; return \@traps; } # Given a completed map, return the default list of clone machine # connections as an array ref. (This function looks a lot like the # prior one.) # sub buildclonerlist($) { my $map = shift; my $firstcm = undef; my @cms; my @buttons; foreach my $y (0 .. 31) { foreach my $x (0 .. 31) { if ($map->[$y][$x][0] == 0x24 || $map->[$y][$x][1] == 0x24) { push @buttons, [ $y, $x ]; } elsif ($map->[$y][$x][0] == 0x31 || $map->[$y][$x][1] == 0x31) { push @cms, map { { from => $_, to => [ $y, $x ] } } @buttons; undef @buttons; $firstcm = [ $y, $x ] unless defined $firstcm; } } } push @cms, map { { from => $_, to => $firstcm } } @buttons if @buttons && defined $firstcm; return \@cms; } # Given a completed map, return the default ordering of creatures as # an array ref. (The default ordering is to first list the creatures # in reading order, including Chip. Then, the first creature on the # list swaps positions with Chip, who is then removed from the list.) # sub buildcreaturelist($$) { my $map = shift; my $ruleset = shift; my $chippos = undef; my @crlist; foreach my $y (0 .. 31) { foreach my $x (0 .. 31) { my $tile = $map->[$y][$x][0]; if (::iscreature $tile) { push @crlist, [ $y, $x ]; } elsif (::isblock $tile) { push @crlist, [ $y, $x, 0 ]; } elsif (::ischip $tile) { $chippos = @crlist; push @crlist, [ $y, $x, 0 ]; } } } if ($ruleset eq "lynx") { ($crlist[0], $crlist[$chippos]) = ($crlist[$chippos], $crlist[0]) if $chippos; foreach my $item (@crlist) { $#$item = 1 } } else { if (defined $chippos && $chippos > 1) { my $cr = shift @crlist; $crlist[$chippos - 1] = $cr; } for (my $n = $#crlist ; $n >= 0 ; --$n) { splice @crlist, $n, 1 if $#{$crlist[$n]} > 1; } } return \@crlist; } # Compare two arrays of lines of text. Wherever the same pair of # characters appears in same place in both arrays, the occurrence in # the first array is replaced with spaces. # sub subtracttext(\@\@) { my $array = shift; my $remove = shift; for (my $n = 0 ; $n < @$array && $n < @$remove ; ++$n) { my $m = 0; while ($m < length $array->[$n] && $m < length $remove->[$n]) { my $a = substr $array->[$n], $m, 2; my $b = substr $remove->[$n], $m, 2; $a .= " " if length $a == 1; $b .= " " if length $b == 1; substr($array->[$n], $m, 2) = " " if $a eq $b; $m += 2; } } } # Interpret a textual description of a section of the map. The # interpreted map data is added to the map array passed as the first # argument. The second and third arguments set the origin of the map # section. The remaining arguments are the lines from the text file # describing the map section. The return value is 1 if the # interpretation is successful. If any part of the map sections cannot # be understood, undef is returned and an error message is displayed. # sub parsemap($$$@) { my $map = shift; my $y0 = shift; my $x0 = shift; return ::err "map extends below the 32nd row" if $y0 + @_ > 32; for (my $y = $y0 ; @_ ; ++$y) { my $row = shift; return ::err "map extends beyond the 32nd column" if $x0 + length($row) / 2 > 32; for (my $x = $x0 ; length $row ; ++$x) { my $cell = lookuptile substr $row, 0, 2; return ::err "unrecognized tile at ($x $y)" unless defined $cell; return unless defined $cell; if (ref $cell) { if ($cell->[1] < 0) { $map->[$y][$x] = [ $cell, 0x00 ]; } else { $map->[$y][$x] = $cell; } } else { $map->[$y][$x] = [ $cell, 0x00 ]; } substr($row, 0, 2) = ""; } } return 1; } # Interpret a textual overlay section. The first argument is the # level's hash ref. The second and third arguments set the origin of # the overlay section. The remaining arguments are the lines from the # text file describing the overlay. The return value is 1 if the # interpretation is successful. If any part of the overlay section # cannot be understood, undef is returned and an error message is # displayed. # sub parsecon($$$@) { my %symbols; my $data = shift; my $y0 = shift; my $x0 = shift; return ::err "overlay extends below the 32nd row" if $y0 + @_ > 32; for (my $y = $y0 ; @_ ; ++$y) { my $row = shift; return ::err "overlay extends beyond the 32nd column" if $x0 + length($row) / 2 > 32; for (my $x = $x0 ; length $row ; ++$x) { $_ = substr $row, 0, 1, ""; push @{$symbols{$_}}, [ $y, $x ] unless $_ eq " " || $_ eq ""; $_ = substr $row, 0, 1, ""; push @{$symbols{$_}}, [ $y, $x ] unless $_ eq " " || $_ eq ""; } } foreach my $symbol (sort keys %symbols) { my $list = $symbols{$symbol}; if (@$list == 1) { my ($y, $x) = ($list->[0][0], $list->[0][1]); my $cell = $data->{map}[$y][$x]; return ::err "no creature under \"$symbol\" at ($x $y)" unless defined $cell && (::iscreature $cell->[0] || ::iscreature $cell->[1]); push @{$data->{creatures}}, [ $y, $x ]; } else { my $linktype = undef; my $to = undef; my (@from, $type); foreach my $pos (@$list) { my ($y, $x) = ($pos->[0], $pos->[1]); my $cell = $data->{map}[$y][$x]; my $obj = $cell->[1] || $cell->[0]; if ($obj == $tilenames{"red button"}) { $type = "cloners"; push @from, [ $y, $x ]; } elsif ($obj == $tilenames{"brown button"}) { $type = "traps"; push @from, [ $y, $x ]; } elsif ($obj == $tilenames{"clone machine"}) { $type = "cloners"; return ::err "clone machine under \"$symbol\" at ($x $y) ", "wired to non-button at ($to->[1] $to->[0])" if defined $to; $to = [ $y, $x ]; } elsif ($obj == $tilenames{"beartrap"}) { $type = "traps"; return ::err "beartrap under \"$symbol\" at ($x $y) ", "wired to non-button at ($to->[1] $to->[0])" if defined $to; $to = [ $y, $x ]; } else { return ::err "no button/trap/clone machine ", "under \"$symbol\" at ($x $y)"; } $linktype ||= $type; return ::err "inconsistent connection ", "under \"$symbol\" at ($x $y)" unless $linktype eq $type; } push @{$data->{$linktype}}, map { { from => $_, to => $to } } @from; } } return 1; } # Interpret a tile definition. Given a line of text supplying the tile # definition, the function returns an array ref. Each element in the # array is a pair: the first element gives the character(s), and the # second element supplies the tile(s). If the definition is ambiguous # or invalid, undef is returned and an error message is displayed. # sub parsetiledef($) { my $def = shift; $def =~ s/^(\S\S?)\t// or return ::err "syntax error in tile defintion \"$def\""; my $symbol = $1; $def = lc $def; $def =~ s/^\s+//; $def =~ s/\s+$//; if ($def =~ /^([^\+]*[^\+\s])\s*\+\s*([^\+\s][^\+]*)$/) { my ($def1, $def2) = ($1, $2); my ($tile1, $tile2); $tile1 = lookuptilename $def1; return unless defined $tile1; if (lc $def2 eq "pos") { return ::err "ordered tile definition \"$symbol\" ", "must be a single character" unless length($symbol) == 1; $tile2 = -1; } else { $tile2 = lookuptilename $def2; return unless defined $tile2; } return [ [ $symbol, [ $tile1, $tile2 ] ] ]; } my @defs; if (exists $partialnames{$def}) { return ::err "incomplete tile definition \"$symbol\" ", "must be a single character" unless length($symbol) == 1; foreach my $comp (keys %{$partialnames{$def}}) { push @defs, [ $symbol . $partialnames{$def}{$comp}, $tilenames{$comp} ]; } return \@defs; } my $tile = lookuptilename $def; return [ [ $symbol, $tile ] ] if defined $tile; return; } # Given a handle to a text file, read the introductory lines that # precede the first level definition, if any, and return a hash ref # for storing the level set. If an error occurs, undef is returned and # an error message is displayed. # sub parseheader($) { my $input = shift; my $data = { ruleset => "lynx" }; my $slurpingdefs = undef; local $_; while (<$input>) { chomp; if (defined $slurpingdefs) { if (/^\s*[Ee][Nn][Dd]\s*$/) { undef $slurpingdefs; } else { my $def = parsetiledef $_; return unless $def; addtiledefs %globaltiles, @$def; } next; } elsif (/^\s*[Tt][Ii][Ll][Ee][Ss]\s*$/) { $slurpingdefs = 1; next; } last if /^%%%$/; next if /^\s*$/ || /^%/; /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S(?:.*\S)?)\s*$/ or return ::err "syntax error"; my ($name, $value) = ($1, $2); $name = lc $name; if ($name eq "ruleset") { $value = lc $value; return ::err "invalid ruleset \"$value\"" unless $value =~ /^(lynx|ms)$/; $data->{ruleset} = $value; } elsif ($name eq "maxlevel") { return ::err "invalid maximum level \"$value\"" unless $value =~ /\A\d+\Z/ && $value < 65536; $data->{maxlevel} = $value; } else { return ::err "invalid statement \"$name\""; } } return ::err "unclosed definition section" if $slurpingdefs; return $data; } # Given a handle to a text file, positioned at the start of a level # description, parse the lines describing the level and return a hash # ref containing the level data. If the end of the file is encountered # before a level description is found, false is returned. If any # errors are encountered, undef is returned and an error message is # displayed. # sub parselevel($$$) { my $input = shift; my $ruleset = shift; my $number = shift; my %data = (number => $number, leveltime => 0); my $seenanything = undef; my $slurpingdefs = undef; my $slurpingmap = undef; my @maptext; local $_; $data{passwd} = $origpasswords[$number - 1] if $number >= 1 && $number <= 150; for my $y (0 .. 31) { for my $x (0 .. 31) { $data{map}[$y][$x] = [ 0, 0 ] } } undef %localtiles; while (<$input>) { chomp; if (defined $slurpingdefs) { if (/^\s*[Ee][Nn][Dd]\s*$/) { undef $slurpingdefs; } else { my $def = parsetiledef $_; return unless $def; addtiledefs %localtiles, @$def; } next; } elsif (defined $slurpingmap) { if (/^\s*([AEae])[Nn][Dd]\s*$/) { my $overlay = lc($1) eq "a"; if ($slurpingmap->[2] >= 0) { my @overlaytext = splice @maptext, $slurpingmap->[2]; return ::err "overlay section is taller than map section" if @overlaytext > @maptext; subtracttext @overlaytext, @maptext; return unless parsecon \%data, $slurpingmap->[0], $slurpingmap->[1], @overlaytext; } else { $slurpingmap->[2] = @maptext; return unless parsemap $data{map}, $slurpingmap->[0], $slurpingmap->[1], @maptext; } unless ($overlay) { undef $slurpingmap; undef @maptext; } } else { 1 while s{^([^\t]*)\t}{$1 . (" " x (8 - length($1) % 8))}e; push @maptext, $_; } next; } elsif (/^\s*[Tt][Ii][Ll][Ee][Ss]\s*$/) { $slurpingdefs = 1; next; } elsif (/^\s*[Mm][Aa][Pp]\s*(?:(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*)?$/) { $slurpingmap = [ $2 || 0, $1 || 0, -1 ]; next; } elsif (/^\s*[Mm][Aa][Pp]/) { return ::err "invalid syntax following \"map\""; } elsif (/^\s*[Tt][Rr][Aa][Pp][Ss]\s*$/) { $data{traps} ||= [ ]; next; } elsif (/^\s*[Cc][Ll][Oo][Nn][Ee][Rr][Ss]\s*$/) { $data{cloners} ||= [ ]; next; } elsif (/^\s*[Cc][Rr][Ee][Aa][Tt][Uu][Rr][Ee][Ss]\s*$/) { $data{creatures} ||= [ ]; next; } last if /^%%%$/; next if /^\s*$/ || /^%/; $seenanything = 1; /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S(?:.*\S)?)\s*$/ or return ::err "syntax error"; my ($name, $value) = ($1, $2); $name = lc $name; if ($name eq "level") { return ::err "invalid level number \"$value\"" unless $value =~ /\A\d+\Z/ && $value < 65536; $data{number} = $value; } elsif ($name eq "time") { return ::err "invalid level time \"$value\"" unless $value =~ /\A\d+\Z/ && $value < 65536; $data{leveltime} = $value; } elsif ($name eq "chips") { return ::err "invalid chip count \"$value\"" unless $value =~ /\A\d+\Z/ && $value < 65536; $data{chips} = $value; } elsif ($name eq "title" || $name eq "name") { $value = ::unescape $value if $value =~ s/\A\"(.*)\"\Z/$1/; $data{title} .= " " if defined $data{title}; $data{title} .= $value; } elsif ($name eq "password" || $name eq "passwd") { return ::err "invalid password \"$value\"" unless $value =~ /\A[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]\Z/; $data{passwd} = $value; } elsif ($name eq "hint") { $value = ::unescape $value if $value =~ s/\A\"(.*)\"\Z/$1/; $data{hint} .= " " if defined $data{hint}; $data{hint} .= $value; } elsif ($name eq "traps") { $data{traps} ||= [ ]; while ($value =~ s/\A\s* (\d+)\s+(\d+) \s*[-=]?>\s* (\d+)\s+(\d+) (?:\s*[,;])?//x) { push @{$data{traps}}, { from => [ $2, $1 ], to => [ $4, $3 ] }; } return ::err "syntax error in trap list at \"$value\"" if $value && $value !~ /\A[,;]\Z/; } elsif ($name eq "cloners") { $data{cloners} ||= [ ]; while ($value =~ s/\A\s* (\d+)\s+(\d+) \s*[-=]?>\s* (\d+)\s+(\d+) (?:\s*[,;])?//x) { push @{$data{cloners}}, { from => [ $2, $1 ], to => [ $4, $3 ] }; } return ::err "syntax error in clone machine list at \"$value\"" if $value && $value !~ /\A[,;]\Z/; } elsif ($name eq "creatures") { $data{creatures} ||= [ ]; while ($value =~ s/\A\s* (\d+)\s+(\d+) (?:\s*[,;])?//x) { push @{$data{creatures}}, [ $2, $1 ]; } return ::err "syntax error in creature list at \"$value\"" if $value && $value !~ /\A[,;]\Z/; } elsif ($name eq "border") { my $cell = lookuptile $value; return unless defined $cell; $cell = [ $cell, 0x00 ] unless ref $cell; foreach my $y (0 .. 31) { $data{map}[$y][0] = [ @$cell ] } foreach my $y (0 .. 31) { $data{map}[$y][31] = [ @$cell ] } foreach my $x (1 .. 30) { $data{map}[0][$x] = [ @$cell ] } foreach my $x (1 .. 30) { $data{map}[31][$x] = [ @$cell ] } } elsif ($name eq "field") { return ::err "invalid field spec \"$value\"" unless $value =~ /^(\d+)\s+(\d+(?:\s+\d+)*)$/; my ($num, $data) = ($1, $2); return ::err "multiple specs for field $num" if exists $data{fields}{$num}; $data{fields}{$num} = join "", map { chr } split " ", $data; } else { return ::err "invalid command \"$name\""; } } return "" unless $seenanything; return ::err "unclosed defs section" if $slurpingdefs; return ::err "unclosed map section" if $slurpingmap; return ::err "missing level title" unless exists $data{title}; return ::err "missing password" unless exists $data{passwd}; return ::err "missing level map" unless exists $data{map}; $data{chips} = getchipcount $data{map} unless exists $data{chips}; $data{traps} ||= buildtraplist $data{map}; $data{cloners} ||= buildclonerlist $data{map}; $data{creatures} ||= buildcreaturelist $data{map}, $ruleset; $data{lynxcreatures} = ::makelynxcrlist $data{map}, $data{creatures}; $data{fields} ||= { }; return ::err "title too long (", length($data{title}), "); ", "254 is the maximum length allowed" if length($data{title}) > 254; return ::err "hint too long (", length($data{hint}), "); ", "254 is the maximum length allowed" if exists $data{hint} && length($data{hint}) > 254; return ::err "too many (", scalar(@{$data{traps}}), ") ", "trap connections; 25 is the maximum allowed" if @{$data{traps}} > 25; return ::err "too many (", scalar(@{$data{cloners}}), ") ", "clone machine connections; 31 is the maximum allowed" if @{$data{cloners}} > 31; return ::err "too many (", scalar(@{$data{creatures}}), ") ", "creatures; 127 is the maximum allowed" if @{$data{creatures}} > 127; return \%data; } # This function takes a handle to a text file and returns a hash ref # containing the described level set. If the file could not be # completely translated, undef is returned and one or more error # messages will be displayed. # sub read($) { my $input = shift; my $data; $data = parseheader $input; return unless $data; my $lastnumber = 0; for (;;) { my $level = parselevel $input, $data->{ruleset}, $lastnumber + 1; return unless defined $level; last unless $level; $lastnumber = $level->{number}; push @{$data->{levels}}, $level; last if eof $input; } $#{$data->{levels}} = $data->{maxlevel} - 1 if exists $data->{maxlevel} && $data->{maxlevel} < @{$data->{levels}}; return $data; } # # # my %globalsymbols; my %localsymbols; $globalsymbols{"0"}[1] = " "; $globalsymbols{"0"}[2] = " "; $globalsymbols{"0:0"}[1] = " "; $globalsymbols{"0:0"}[2] = " "; foreach my $symbol (keys %tilesymbols) { my $key; if (ref $tilesymbols{$symbol}) { $key = "$tilesymbols{$symbol}[0]:$tilesymbols{$symbol}[1]"; } else { $key = $tilesymbols{$symbol}; } $globalsymbols{$key}[length $symbol] ||= $symbol; } my @symbollist; my $newsym = -1; sub printwrap($$$) { my $output = shift; my $prefix = shift; my @segments = split /(\S\s\S)/, ::escape shift; push @segments, "" if @segments % 2 == 0; for (my $n = 1 ; $n < $#segments; ++$n) { $segments[$n - 1] .= substr($segments[$n], 0, 1); $segments[$n] = substr($segments[$n], 2, 1) . $segments[$n + 1]; splice @segments, $n + 1, 1; } my $width = 75 - length $prefix; my $line = shift @segments; while (@segments) { if (!$line || length($line) + length($segments[0]) < $width) { $line .= " " . shift @segments; } else { $line = "\"$line\"" if $line =~ /\\/; print $output "$prefix $line\n"; $line = shift @segments; } } $line = "\"$line\"" if $line =~ /\\/ || $line =~ /^\s/ || $line =~ /\s$/; print $output "$prefix $line\n"; return 1; } sub printlist($$@) { my $output = shift; my $prefix = shift; while (@_) { my $item = shift; local $_ = "$prefix $item"; my $x = length $_; print $output $_ or return; while (@_) { $x += 3 + length $_[0]; last if $x > 76; $item = shift; print $output " ; $item" or return; } print $output "\n" or return; } return 1; } sub tilesymbol($;$) { my $tile = shift; my $max = shift || 2; return $globalsymbols{$tile}[$max] if defined $globalsymbols{$tile}[$max]; return $globalsymbols{$tile}[1] if defined $globalsymbols{$tile}[1]; return $localsymbols{$tile}[$max] if defined $localsymbols{$tile}[$max]; return $localsymbols{$tile}[1] if defined $localsymbols{$tile}[1]; return undef; } sub getnewsym() { shift @symbollist } sub resetnewsyms() { @symbollist = split //, "ABCDFGIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345789@*+.,'`-!"; } sub cellsymbol($;$) { my $top = shift; my $bot = shift || 0; my $tile; my $symbol; return " " if $top == 0 && $bot == 0; $tile = $bot ? "$top:$bot" : $top; $symbol = tilesymbol $tile; if (defined $symbol) { $symbol = "$symbol " if length($symbol) == 1; return $symbol; } if ($bot) { if ($top == 0) { $symbol = tilesymbol $bot, 1; return " $symbol" if defined $symbol; } else { my $st = tilesymbol $top, 1; if (defined $st) { my $sb = tilesymbol $bot, 1; return "$st$sb" if defined $sb; } } } $symbol = getnewsym; unless (defined $symbol) { ::err "too many unique tile combinations required"; $symbol = "\\"; } $localsymbols{$tile}[length $symbol] = $symbol; $symbol = "$symbol " if length($symbol) == 1; return $symbol; } sub trimmap(\@) { my $map = shift; my @xs = (0) x 32; my @ys = (0) x 32; my $count = 0; foreach my $y (0 .. 31) { foreach my $x (0 .. 31) { next if $map->[$y][$x][0] == 0 && $map->[$y][$x][1] == 0; ++$xs[$x]; ++$ys[$y]; ++$count; } } return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) unless $count; my $border = 0; if ($map->[0][0][0] != 0 && $map->[0][0][1] == 0) { my $tile = $map->[0][0][0]; foreach my $n (1 .. 31) { goto noborder unless $map->[$n][0][0] == $tile && $map->[$n][31][0] == $tile && $map->[0][$n][0] == $tile && $map->[31][$n][0] == $tile && $map->[$n][0][1] == 0 && $map->[$n][31][1] == 0 && $map->[0][$n][1] == 0 && $map->[31][$n][1] == 0; } $border = $tile; $xs[0] = $xs[31] = $ys[0] = $ys[31] = 0; noborder: } my ($left, $right, $top, $bottom) = (-1, 32, -1, 32); 1 until $xs[++$left]; 1 until $xs[--$right]; 1 until $ys[++$top]; 1 until $ys[--$bottom]; return 0, 31, 0, 31, 0 if $border && $left == 1 && $right == 30 && $top == 1 && $bottom == 30; return ($left, $right, $top, $bottom, $border); } sub writeheader($\%) { my $output = shift; my $data = shift; print $output "ruleset $data->{ruleset}\n" and print $output "\n%%%\n"; } sub writelevelheader($\%) { my $output = shift; my $level = shift; printwrap $output, "title ", $level->{title} or return; print $output "passwd $level->{passwd}\n" or return; print $output "chips $level->{chips}\n" or return if exists $level->{chips} && $level->{chips}; print $output "time $level->{leveltime}\n" or return if exists $level->{leveltime} && $level->{leveltime}; printwrap $output, "hint ", $level->{hint} or return if exists $level->{hint}; print $output "\n"; } sub writelevelmap($\@) { my $output = shift; my $map = shift; my (@tiletext, @maptext); undef %localsymbols; resetnewsyms; my ($left, $right, $top, $bottom, $border) = trimmap @$map; $border = cellsymbol $border if $border; foreach my $y ($top .. $bottom) { my $mapline = ""; foreach my $x ($left .. $right) { $mapline .= cellsymbol $map->[$y][$x][0], $map->[$y][$x][1]; } $mapline =~ s/\s+$//; push @maptext, "$mapline\n"; } foreach my $tiles (keys %localsymbols) { foreach my $tile (@{$localsymbols{$tiles}}) { next unless defined $tile; my $line = "$tile\t"; if ($tiles =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)$/) { my ($top, $bot) = ($1, $2); $line .= "$tilenames[$top] + $tilenames[$bot]\n"; } else { $line .= "$tilenames[$tiles]\n"; } push @tiletext, $line; } } @tiletext = sort @tiletext; print $output "tiles\n", @tiletext, "end\n\n" or return if @tiletext; print $output "border $border\n\n" or return if $border; print $output ($left || $top ? "map $left $top\n" : "map\n"), @maptext, "end\n\n" or return; } sub writelevelcloners($\%) { my $output = shift; my $level = shift; my $n; my $default = txtfile::buildclonerlist $level->{map}; if (!defined $level->{cloners}) { return print $output "cloners\n\n" if @$default; return 1; } $n = 0; if (@$default == @{$level->{cloners}}) { for ($n = 0 ; $n < @$default ; ++$n) { last if $default->[$n]{from}[0] != $level->{cloners}[$n]{from}[0] || $default->[$n]{from}[1] != $level->{cloners}[$n]{from}[1] || $default->[$n]{to}[0] != $level->{cloners}[$n]{to}[0] || $default->[$n]{to}[1] != $level->{cloners}[$n]{to}[1]; } } return 1 if $n == @$default; printlist $output, "cloners", map { "$_->{from}[1] $_->{from}[0] -> $_->{to}[1] $_->{to}[0]" } @{$level->{cloners}} or return; print $output "\n"; } sub writeleveltraps($\%) { my $output = shift; my $level = shift; my $n; my $default = txtfile::buildtraplist $level->{map}; if (!defined $level->{traps}) { return print $output "traps\n\n" if @$default; return 1; } $n = 0; if (@$default == @{$level->{traps}}) { for ($n = 0 ; $n < @$default ; ++$n) { last if $default->[$n]{from}[0] != $level->{traps}[$n]{from}[0] || $default->[$n]{from}[1] != $level->{traps}[$n]{from}[1] || $default->[$n]{to}[0] != $level->{traps}[$n]{to}[0] || $default->[$n]{to}[1] != $level->{traps}[$n]{to}[1]; } } return 1 if $n == @$default; printlist $output, "traps", map { "$_->{from}[1] $_->{from}[0] -> $_->{to}[1] $_->{to}[0]" } @{$level->{traps}} or return; print $output "\n"; } sub writelevelcrlist($\%$) { my $output = shift; my $level = shift; my $ruleset = shift; my $n; my $default = txtfile::buildcreaturelist $level->{map}, $ruleset; if (!defined $level->{creatures}) { return print $output "creatures\n\n" if @$default; return 1; } $n = 0; if (@$default == @{$level->{creatures}}) { for ($n = 0 ; $n < @$default ; ++$n) { last if $default->[$n][0] != $level->{creatures}[$n][0] || $default->[$n][1] != $level->{creatures}[$n][1]; } } return 1 if $n == @$default; printlist $output, "creatures", map { "$_->[1] $_->[0]" } @{$level->{creatures}} or return; print $output "\n"; } sub writelevel($\%$) { my $output = shift; my $level = shift; my $ruleset = shift; writelevelheader $output, %$level or return; writelevelmap $output, @{$level->{map}} or return; writeleveltraps $output, %$level or return; writelevelcloners $output, %$level or return; writelevelcrlist $output, %$level, $ruleset or return; print $output "%%%\n"; } sub write($$) { my $output = shift; my $data = shift; $globalsymbols{$tilenames{"block north"}} = [ @{$globalsymbols{$tilenames{"block"}}} ] if $data->{ruleset} eq "lynx"; writeheader $output, %$data or return; my $lastnumber = 0; foreach my $level (@{$data->{levels}}) { $filelevel = $level->{number}; ++$lastnumber; print $output "\n" or return; print $output "level $level->{number}\n" or return unless $level->{number} == $lastnumber; writelevel $output, %$level, $data->{ruleset} or return; $lastnumber = $level->{number}; } return 1; } # # # package datfile; # Given a string of run-length encoded data, return the original # uncompressed string. # sub rleuncompress($) { local $_ = shift; 1 while s/\xFF(.)(.)/$2 x ord$1/se; return $_; } sub parseheader($) { my $input = shift; my %data; my ($sig, $maxlevel) = ::fileread $input, "Vv" or return; if ($sig == 0x0002AAAC) { $data{ruleset} = "ms"; } elsif ($sig == 0x0102AAAC) { $data{ruleset} = "lynx"; } else { return ::err "not a valid data file"; } return ::err "file contains no maps" if $maxlevel <= 0; $data{maxlevel} = $maxlevel; return \%data; } sub parselevelmap($$) { my $layer1 = shift; my $layer2 = shift; my @map; if (length($layer1) > 1024) { ::err "warning: excess data in top layer of map"; substr($layer1, 1024) = ""; } if (length($layer2) > 1024) { ::err "warning: excess data in bottom layer of map"; substr($layer2, 1024) = ""; } return ::err "invalid map in data file" unless length($layer1) == 1024 && length($layer2) == 1024; foreach my $y (0 .. 31) { foreach my $x (0 .. 31) { $map[$y][$x][0] = ord substr $layer1, 0, 1, ""; $map[$y][$x][1] = ord substr $layer2, 0, 1, ""; } } return \@map; } sub parselevel($) { my $input = shift; my %level; my ($fieldnum, $fieldsize, $data); my $levelsize = ""; return ::err $! unless defined sysread $input, $levelsize, 2; return "" unless length($levelsize) == 2; $levelsize = unpack "v", $levelsize; return ::err "invalid metadata in file (only $levelsize bytes in level)" unless $levelsize > 8; @level{qw(number leveltime chips)} = ::fileread $input, "vvv", $levelsize or return; ($fieldnum, $fieldsize) = ::fileread $input, "vv", $levelsize, 1, 1, 0, 1024 or return; my $layer1 = ::fileread $input, "a$fieldsize", $levelsize or return; $fieldsize = ::fileread $input, "v", $levelsize, 0, 1024 or return; my $layer2 = ::fileread $input, "a$fieldsize", $levelsize or return; ::fileread $input, "v", $levelsize or return; $level{map} = parselevelmap rleuncompress $layer1, rleuncompress $layer2 or return; while ($levelsize > 0) { ($fieldnum, $fieldsize) = ::fileread $input, "CC", $levelsize, 1, 10 or last; $data = ::fileread $input, "a$fieldsize", $levelsize or return; if ($fieldnum == 1) { return ::err "invalid field" unless $fieldsize > 1; $level{leveltime} = unpack "v", $data; return ::err "invalid data in field 1" unless $level{leveltime} >= 0 && $level{leveltime} <= 65535; } elsif ($fieldnum == 2) { return ::err "invalid field" unless $fieldsize > 1; $level{chips} = unpack "v", $data; return ::err "invalid data in field 2" unless $level{chips} >= 0 && $level{chips} <= 65535; } elsif ($fieldnum == 3) { ($level{title} = $data) =~ s/\0\Z//; } elsif ($fieldnum == 4) { $fieldsize /= 2; my @values = unpack "v$fieldsize", $data; for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $fieldsize / 5 ; ++$i) { $level{traps}[$i]{from}[1] = shift @values; $level{traps}[$i]{from}[0] = shift @values; $level{traps}[$i]{to}[1] = shift @values; $level{traps}[$i]{to}[0] = shift @values; shift @values; } } elsif ($fieldnum == 5) { $fieldsize /= 2; my @values = unpack "v$fieldsize", $data; for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $fieldsize / 4 ; ++$i) { $level{cloners}[$i]{from}[1] = shift @values; $level{cloners}[$i]{from}[0] = shift @values; $level{cloners}[$i]{to}[1] = shift @values; $level{cloners}[$i]{to}[0] = shift @values; } } elsif ($fieldnum == 6) { ($level{passwd} = $data) =~ s/\0\Z//; $level{passwd} ^= "\x99" x length $level{passwd}; } elsif ($fieldnum == 7) { ($level{hint} = $data) =~ s/\0\Z//; } elsif ($fieldnum == 8) { ::err "field 8 not yet supported; ignoring"; } elsif ($fieldnum == 9) { ::err "ignoring useless field 9 entry"; } elsif ($fieldnum == 10) { my @values = unpack "C$fieldsize", $data; for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $fieldsize / 2 ; ++$i) { $level{creatures}[$i][1] = shift @values; $level{creatures}[$i][0] = shift @values; } } } return ::err "$levelsize bytes left over at end" if $levelsize; $level{lynxcreatures} = ::makelynxcrlist $level{map}, $level{creatures}; return \%level; } sub read($) { my $input = shift; my $data; $data = parseheader $input; return unless $data; for (;;) { my $level = parselevel $input; return unless defined $level; last unless $level; push @{$data->{levels}}, $level; } ::err "warning: number of levels incorrect in header ($data->{maxlevel}, ", "should be ", scalar(@{$data->{levels}}), ")" unless $data->{maxlevel} == @{$data->{levels}}; return $data; } # # # # Given a string of packed data, return a string containing the same # data run-length encoded. # sub rlecompress($) { my $in = shift; my $out = ""; while (length $in) { my $byte = substr $in, 0, 1; my $n = 1; ++$n while $n < length $in && $byte eq substr $in, $n, 1; substr($in, 0, $n) = ""; while ($n >= 255) { $out .= "\xFF\xFF$byte"; $n -= 255; } if ($n > 3) { $out .= "\xFF" . chr($n) . $byte; } elsif ($n) { $out .= $byte x $n; } } return $out; } # Given a level set definition, return the pack arguments for creating # the .dat file's header data. # sub mkdatfileheader(\%) { my $data = shift; my @fields; if ($data->{ruleset} eq "ms") { push @fields, 0x0002AAAC; } else { push @fields, 0x0102AAAC; } push @fields, scalar @{$data->{levels}}; return ("Vv", @fields); } # Given a level definition, return the pack arguments for creating the # level's header data in the .dat file. # sub mkdatfilelevelheader(\%) { my $data = shift; my @fields; push @fields, $data->{number}; push @fields, $data->{leveltime}; push @fields, $data->{chips}; return ("vvv", @fields); } # Given a level definition, return the pack arguments for creating the # level's map data in the .dat file. # sub mkdatfilelevelmap(\%) { my $data = shift; my $map = $data->{map}; my ($layer1, $layer2); my @fields; for my $y (0 .. 31) { for my $x (0 .. 31) { if (defined $map->[$y][$x]) { if (defined $map->[$y][$x][0]) { $layer1 .= chr $map->[$y][$x][0]; } else { $layer1 .= "\0"; } if (defined $map->[$y][$x][1]) { $layer2 .= chr $map->[$y][$x][1]; } else { $layer2 .= "\0"; } } else { $layer1 .= "\0"; $layer2 .= "\0"; } } } $layer1 = rlecompress $layer1; $layer2 = rlecompress $layer2; push @fields, 1; push @fields, length $layer1; push @fields, $layer1; push @fields, length $layer2; push @fields, $layer2; return ("vva$fields[1]va$fields[3]", @fields); } # Given a level definition, return the pack arguments for creating the # level's title field in the .dat file. # sub mkdatfileleveltitle(\%) { my $data = shift; my $n = length($data->{title}) + 1; return ("CCa$n", 3, $n, $data->{title}); } # Given a level definition, return the pack arguments for creating the # level's hint field in the .dat file. # sub mkdatfilelevelhint(\%) { my $data = shift; return ("") unless exists $data->{hint}; my $n = length($data->{hint}) + 1; return ("CCa$n", 7, $n, $data->{hint}); } # Given a level definition, return the pack arguments for creating the # level's password field in the .dat file. # sub mkdatfilelevelpasswd(\%) { my $data = shift; my $n = length($data->{passwd}) + 1; return ("CCa$n", 6, $n, $data->{passwd} ^ "\x99\x99\x99\x99"); } # Given a level definition, return the pack arguments for creating the # level's bear trap list field in the .dat file. # sub mkdatfileleveltraps(\%) { my $data = shift; return ("") unless exists $data->{traps}; my $list = $data->{traps}; my $n = @$list; return ("") unless $n; my @fields; push @fields, 4; push @fields, $n * 10; foreach my $i (0 .. $#$list) { push @fields, $list->[$i]{from}[1], $list->[$i]{from}[0]; push @fields, $list->[$i]{to}[1], $list->[$i]{to}[0]; push @fields, 0; } return (("CCv" . ($n * 5)), @fields); } # Given a level definition, return the pack arguments for creating the # level's clone machine list field in the .dat file. # sub mkdatfilelevelcloners(\%) { my $data = shift; return ("") unless exists $data->{cloners}; my $list = $data->{cloners}; my $n = @$list; return ("") unless $n; my @fields; push @fields, 5; push @fields, $n * 8; foreach my $i (0 .. $#$list) { push @fields, $list->[$i]{from}[1], $list->[$i]{from}[0]; push @fields, $list->[$i]{to}[1], $list->[$i]{to}[0]; } return (("CCv" . ($n * 4)), @fields); } # Given a level definition, return the pack arguments for creating the # level's creature list field in the .dat file. # sub mkdatfilelevelcrlist(\%) { my $data = shift; return ("") unless exists $data->{creatures}; my $list = $data->{creatures}; return ("") unless $list && @$list; my $n = @$list; my @fields; push @fields, 10; push @fields, $n * 2; foreach my $i (0 .. $#$list) { push @fields, $list->[$i][1], $list->[$i][0]; } return (("CCC" . ($n * 2)), @fields); } # Given a level definition, return the pack arguments for creating the # level's miscellaneous fields, if any, in the .dat file. # sub mkdatfilelevelmisc(\%) { my $data = shift; my ($template, @fields) = (""); return ("") unless exists $data->{fields}; foreach my $num (keys %{$data->{fields}}) { my $n = length($data->{fields}{$num}); $template .= "CCa$n"; push @fields, $num, $n, $data->{fields}{$num}; } return ($template, @fields); } # Given a level definition, return the pack arguments for creating the # level in the .dat file. # sub mkdatfilelevel(\%) { my $data = shift; my ($template, @fields); my @p; @p = mkdatfilelevelheader %$data; $template .= shift @p; push @fields, @p; @p = mkdatfilelevelmap %$data; $template .= shift @p; push @fields, @p; my $data2pos = @fields; $template .= "v"; push @fields, 0; my $tmplt2pos = length $template; @p = mkdatfileleveltitle %$data; $template .= shift @p; push @fields, @p; @p = mkdatfilelevelhint %$data; $template .= shift @p; push @fields, @p; @p = mkdatfilelevelpasswd %$data; $template .= shift @p; push @fields, @p; @p = mkdatfileleveltraps %$data; $template .= shift @p; push @fields, @p; @p = mkdatfilelevelcloners %$data; $template .= shift @p; push @fields, @p; @p = mkdatfilelevelcrlist %$data; $template .= shift @p; push @fields, @p; @p = mkdatfilelevelmisc %$data; $template .= shift @p; push @fields, @p; $fields[$data2pos] = ::packlen substr $template, $tmplt2pos; unshift @fields, ::packlen $template; $template = "v$template"; return ($template, @fields); } # Given a level set definition, return the pack arguments for creating # the .dat file. # sub mkdatfile(\%) { my $data = shift; my ($template, @fields); my @p; @p = mkdatfileheader %$data; $template = shift @p; @fields = @p; foreach my $level (@{$data->{levels}}) { $filelevel = $level->{number}; @p = mkdatfilelevel %$level; $template .= shift @p; push @fields, @p; } return ($template, @fields); } # This function takes a handle to a binary file and a hash ref # defining a level set, and writes the level set to the binary file as # a .dat file. The return value is false if the file's contents could # not be completely created; otherwise a true value is returned. # sub write($$) { my $file = shift; my $data = shift; my @args = mkdatfile %$data; my $template = shift @args; print $file pack $template, @args; } # # # package lynxfmt; my @objectkey = ($tilenames{"empty"}, $tilenames{"wall"}, $tilenames{"ice"}, $tilenames{"dirt"}, $tilenames{"blue block floor"}, $tilenames{"force north"}, $tilenames{"force east"}, $tilenames{"force south"}, $tilenames{"force west"}, $tilenames{"force any"}, $tilenames{"ice corner se"}, $tilenames{"ice corner sw"}, $tilenames{"ice corner nw"}, $tilenames{"ice corner ne"}, $tilenames{"teleport"}, $tilenames{"ice boots"}, $tilenames{"fire boots"}, $tilenames{"force boots"}, $tilenames{"water boots"}, $tilenames{"fire"}, $tilenames{"water"}, $tilenames{"thief"}, $tilenames{"popup wall"}, $tilenames{"toggle open"}, $tilenames{"toggle closed"}, $tilenames{"green button"}, $tilenames{"red door"}, $tilenames{"blue door"}, $tilenames{"yellow door"}, $tilenames{"green door"}, $tilenames{"red key"}, $tilenames{"blue key"}, $tilenames{"yellow key"}, $tilenames{"green key"}, $tilenames{"blue button"}, $tilenames{"computer chip"}, # counted $tilenames{"socket"}, $tilenames{"exit"}, $tilenames{"invisible wall temporary"}, $tilenames{"invisible wall permanent"}, $tilenames{"gravel"}, $tilenames{"wall east"}, $tilenames{"wall south"}, $tilenames{"wall southeast"}, $tilenames{"bomb"}, $tilenames{"bear trap"}, $tilenames{"brown button"}, $tilenames{"clone machine"}, $tilenames{"red button"}, $tilenames{"computer chip"}, # uncounted $tilenames{"blue block wall"}, $tilenames{"hint button"}); my @creaturekey = (0, 0, 0, 0, $tilenames{"chip north"}, $tilenames{"chip east"}, $tilenames{"chip south"}, $tilenames{"chip west"}, $tilenames{"bug north"}, $tilenames{"bug east"}, $tilenames{"bug south"}, $tilenames{"bug west"}, $tilenames{"centipede north"}, $tilenames{"centipede east"}, $tilenames{"centipede south"}, $tilenames{"centipede west"}, $tilenames{"fireball north"}, $tilenames{"fireball east"}, $tilenames{"fireball south"}, $tilenames{"fireball west"}, $tilenames{"glider north"}, $tilenames{"glider east"}, $tilenames{"glider south"}, $tilenames{"glider west"}, $tilenames{"ball north"}, $tilenames{"ball east"}, $tilenames{"ball south"}, $tilenames{"ball west"}, $tilenames{"block north"}, $tilenames{"block east"}, $tilenames{"block south"}, $tilenames{"block west"}, $tilenames{"tank north"}, $tilenames{"tank east"}, $tilenames{"tank south"}, $tilenames{"tank west"}, $tilenames{"walker north"}, $tilenames{"walker east"}, $tilenames{"walker south"}, $tilenames{"walker west"}, $tilenames{"blob north"}, $tilenames{"blob east"}, $tilenames{"blob south"}, $tilenames{"blob west"}, $tilenames{"teeth north"}, $tilenames{"teeth east"}, $tilenames{"teeth south"}, $tilenames{"teeth west"}); my @textkey = ("\n"," ","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D", "E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T", "U","V","W","X","Y","Z","!",'"',"'","(",")",",","-",".",":",";", "?", (("%") x 207)); my @levelfilenames = @{ [qw(lesson_1.pak lesson_2.pak lesson_3.pak lesson_4.pak lesson_5.pak lesson_6.pak lesson_7.pak lesson_8.pak nuts_and.pak brushfir.pak trinity.pak hunt.pak southpol.pak telebloc.pak elementa.pak cellbloc.pak nice_day.pak castle_m.pak digger.pak tossed_s.pak iceberg.pak forced_e.pak blobnet.pak oorto_ge.pak blink.pak chchchip.pak go_with_.pak ping_pon.pak arcticfl.pak mishmesh.pak knot.pak scavenge.pak on_the_r.pak cypher.pak lemmings.pak ladder.pak seeing_s.pak sampler.pak glut.pak floorgas.pak i.pak beware_o.pak lock_blo.pak refracti.pak monster_.pak three_do.pak pier_sev.pak mugger_s.pak problems.pak digdirt.pak i_slide.pak the_last.pak traffic_.pak grail.pak potpourr.pak deepfree.pak mulligan.pak loop_aro.pak hidden_d.pak scoundre.pak rink.pak slo_mo.pak block_fa.pak spooks.pak amsterda.pak victim.pak chipmine.pak eeny_min.pak bounce_c.pak nightmar.pak corridor.pak reverse_.pak morton.pak playtime.pak steam.pak four_ple.pak invincib.pak force_sq.pak drawn_an.pak vanishin.pak writers_.pak socialis.pak up_the_b.pak wars.pak telenet.pak suicide.pak citybloc.pak spirals.pak block.pak playhous.pak jumping_.pak vortex.pak roadsign.pak now_you_.pak four_squ.pak paranoia.pak metastab.pak shrinkin.pak catacomb.pak colony.pak apartmen.pak icehouse.pak memory.pak jailer.pak short_ci.pak kablam.pak balls_o_.pak block_ou.pak torturec.pak chiller.pak time_lap.pak fortune_.pak open_que.pak deceptio.pak oversea_.pak block_ii.pak the_mars.pak miss_dir.pak slide_st.pak alphabet.pak perfect_.pak t_fair.pak the_pris.pak firetrap.pak mixed_nu.pak block_n_.pak skelzie.pak all_full.pak lobster_.pak ice_cube.pak totally_.pak mix_up.pak blobdanc.pak pain.pak trust_me.pak doublema.pak goldkey.pak partial_.pak yorkhous.pak icedeath.pak undergro.pak pentagra.pak stripes.pak fireflie.pak level145.pak cake_wal.pak force_fi.pak mind_blo.pak special.pak level150.pak)] }; my (%objectkey, %creaturekey, %textkey); for (0 .. $#objectkey) { $objectkey{$objectkey[$_]} = $_ } for (0 .. $#creaturekey) { $creaturekey{$creaturekey[$_]} = $_ } $creaturekey{$tilenames{"block"}} = $creaturekey{$tilenames{"block north"}}; for (0 .. $#textkey) { $textkey{$textkey[$_]} = chr $_ } # # # sub longestmatch($$$) { my $dictionary = shift; my $data = shift; my $pos = shift; my ($longest, $longestlen) = ("", 0); foreach my $entry (@$dictionary) { my $len = length $entry->{text}; if ($len > $longestlen && $entry->{text} eq substr $data, $pos, $len) { ($longest, $longestlen) = ($entry, $len); } } return $longest; } sub builddict($) { my $data = shift; my $dictionary = [ ]; my $pos = 0; while ($pos < length $data) { my $entry = { refcount => 0 }; my ($match, $len); $match = longestmatch $dictionary, $data, $pos; if ($match) { $entry->{left} = $match; $len = length $match->{text}; } else { $len = 1; } $entry->{text} = substr $data, $pos, $len; $pos += $len; last if $pos >= length $data; $match = longestmatch $dictionary, $data, $pos; if ($match) { $entry->{right} = $match; $len = length $match->{text}; } else { $len = 1; } $entry->{text} .= substr $data, $pos, $len; $pos += $len; push @$dictionary, $entry; } return $dictionary; } sub refcountadd($$); sub refcountadd($$) { my $entry = shift; $entry->{refcount} += shift; refcountadd $entry->{left}, $entry->{refcount} if exists $entry->{left}; refcountadd $entry->{right}, $entry->{refcount} if exists $entry->{right}; } sub countuses($$) { my $dictionary = shift; my $data = shift; my $pos = 0; while ($pos < length $data) { my $entry = longestmatch $dictionary, $data, $pos; if ($entry) { ++$entry->{refcount}; $pos += length $entry->{text}; } else { ++$pos; } } foreach my $entry (@$dictionary) { refcountadd $entry, 0 } } sub assignkeys($$) { my $dictionary = shift; my $data = shift; my @used; while ($data =~ /(.)/gs) { $used[ord $1] = 1 } my $n = 0; foreach my $entry (@$dictionary) { ++$n while $used[$n]; die "too many dictionary entries; not enough keys" if $n >= 256; $entry->{key} = chr $n; $used[$n] = 1; } } sub composedict($) { my $dictionary = shift; my ($out, $len) = ("", 0); foreach my $entry (@$dictionary) { $out .= $entry->{key}; if (exists $entry->{left}) { $out .= $entry->{left}{key}; } else { $out .= substr $entry->{text}, 0, 1; } if (exists $entry->{right}) { $out .= $entry->{right}{key}; } else { $out .= substr $entry->{text}, -1; } ++$len; } return ($out, $len); } sub composedata($$) { my $dictionary = shift; my $data = shift; my ($out, $len) = ("", 0); my $pos = 0; while ($pos < length $data) { my $entry = longestmatch $dictionary, $data, $pos; if ($entry) { $out .= $entry->{key}; $pos += length $entry->{text}; } else { $out .= substr $data, $pos, 1; ++$pos; } ++$len; } return ($out, $len); } sub compress($) { my $data = shift; my $dictionary = builddict $data; countuses $dictionary, $data; $dictionary = [ grep { $_->{refcount} > 3 } @$dictionary ]; assignkeys $dictionary, $data; my ($cdict, $dictlen) = composedict $dictionary; my ($cdata, $datalen) = composedata $dictionary, $data; return pack("vv", $dictlen, $datalen) . $cdict . $cdata; } sub expand($) { my $data = shift; my $tablesize = unpack "v", substr $data, 0, 2, ""; my $datasize = unpack "v", substr $data, 0, 2, ""; my @data = map { ord } split //, $data; my @table; for (my $n = 0 ; $n < $tablesize ; ++$n) { return ::err "@{[$tablesize - $n]} entries missing" unless @data; my $key = shift @data; my $val1 = shift @data; my $val2 = shift @data; if (defined $table[$val1]) { $val1 = $table[$val1]; } else { $val1 = chr $val1; } if (defined $table[$val2]) { $val2 = $table[$val2]; } else { $val2 = chr $val2; } $table[$key] = "$val1$val2"; } $data = ""; foreach my $byte (@data) { if (defined $table[$byte]) { $data .= $table[$byte]; } else { $data .= chr $byte; } } return $data; } sub parsemap($$) { my $level = shift; my @data = map { ord } split //, shift; return ::err "@{[1024 - @data]} bytes missing from map data" unless @data == 1024; $level->{chips} = 0; foreach my $y (0 .. 31) { foreach my $x (0 .. 31) { my $obj = shift @data; ::err "undefined object $obj at ($x $y)" unless defined $objectkey[$obj]; $level->{map}[$y][$x][0] = $objectkey[$obj]; $level->{map}[$y][$x][1] = 0; ++$level->{chips} if $obj == 0x23; } } return 1; } sub parsecrlist($$) { my $level = shift; my $data = shift; my @t = map { ord } split //, substr $data, 0, 128, ""; my @x = map { ord } split //, substr $data, 0, 128, ""; my @y = map { ord } split //, substr $data, 0, 128, ""; foreach my $n (0 .. 127) { next unless $t[$n]; my $x = $x[$n] >> 3; my $y = $y[$n] >> 3; my $t = $creaturekey[$t[$n] & 0x7F]; push @{$level->{creatures}}, [ $y, $x ]; # unless $t[$n] & 0x80; $level->{map}[$y][$x][1] = $level->{map}[$y][$x][0]; $level->{map}[$y][$x][0] = $t; } return 1; } sub parselevel($) { my $data = shift; my $level = { }; $data = expand $data or return ::err "invalid data"; local $_; $_ = substr $data, 0, 1024, ""; parsemap $level, $_ or return ::err "invalid map"; $_ = substr $data, 0, 384, ""; parsecrlist $level, $_ or return ::err "invalid creature list"; $level->{creatures} = ::makedatcrlist $level->{map}, $level->{lynxcreatures}; $level->{traps} = txtfile::buildtraplist $level->{map}; $level->{cloners} = txtfile::buildclonerlist $level->{map}; $level->{leveltime} = unpack "v", substr $data, 0, 2, ""; $data = join "", map { $textkey[ord] } split //, $data; $data =~ s/\A([^\n]+)\n//; $level->{title} = $1; $data =~ s/\n+\Z//; if (length $data) { $data =~ tr/\n/ /s; $level->{hint} = $data; } return $level; } sub readmsdos($) { my $dirname = shift; my $data = { ruleset => "lynx" }; foreach my $n (0 .. $#levelfilenames) { $filename = "$dirname/$levelfilenames[$n]"; $filelevel = $n + 1; next unless -e $filename; open FILE, "< $filename" or return ::err $!; binmode FILE; my $level = parselevel join "", ; close FILE; return unless defined $level; $level->{number} = $n + 1; $level->{passwd} = $origpasswords[$n]; push @{$data->{levels}}, $level; } return $data; } sub readrom($) { my $input = shift; my $data = { ruleset => "lynx" }; my $buf = ::fileread $input, "a20" or return; return ::err "invalid ROM file" unless $buf eq "LYNX\000\002\000\000\001\000chipchal.l"; my @levels; sysseek $input, 0x02F0, 0 or return ::err $!; for (my $n = 0 ; $n < 150 ; ++$n) { my @rec = ::fileread $input, "C4vv" or return; $levels[$n][0] = (($rec[0] << 9) | $rec[1] | (($rec[2] & 0x01) << 8)) + 0x40; $levels[$n][1] = $rec[5]; } for (my $n = 0 ; $n < 150 ; ++$n) { $filelevel = $n + 1; $buf = sysseek $input, $levels[$n][0], 0 or return ::err $!; $buf = ::fileread $input, "a$levels[$n][1]" or return; next if $levels[$n][1] == 5 && $buf eq "\000\000\001\000\377"; my $level = parselevel $buf; return unless defined $level; $level->{number} = $n + 1; $level->{passwd} = $origpasswords[$n]; push @{$data->{levels}}, $level; } return $data; } # # # sub translatetext($;$) { my $in = shift; my $multiline = shift || 0; my $out = ""; my ($x, $y) = (0, 0); my $brk = [ undef ]; foreach my $char (split //, $in) { if ($char eq "\n") { ++$y; $x = -1; $brk = [ undef ]; } elsif ($x >= 19) { if (!$multiline || $y >= 6) { ::err "truncated text"; substr($out, 17 - $x) = "" if $y >= 6 && $x >= 19; last; } if ($brk->[0]) { $x -= $brk->[0]; substr($out, $brk->[1], 1) = "\0"; } else { $x = -1; $out .= "\0"; } ++$y; $brk = [ undef ]; } elsif ($char eq " ") { $brk = [ $x, length $out ]; } $out .= $textkey{uc $char}; ++$x; } return $out; } sub mklevelmap($) { my $level = shift; my $out = ""; my $chips = 0; for (my $y = 0 ; $y < 32 ; ++$y) { for (my $x = 0 ; $x < 32 ; ++$x) { my $obj; my $top = $level->{map}[$y][$x][0]; my $bot = $level->{map}[$y][$x][1]; if (::iscreature $top || ::ischip $top || ::isblock $top) { $obj = $bot; if (::iscreature $obj || ::isblock $obj || ::ischip $obj) { ::err "ignoring buried creature"; $obj = 0; } } else { ::err "ignoring buried object" if $bot; $obj = $top; } if ($obj == $tilenames{"computer chip"}) { $obj = $chips < $level->{chips} ? 0x23 : 0x31; ++$chips; } else { $obj = $objectkey{$obj}; unless (defined $obj) { ::err "ignoring non-Lynx object"; $obj = 0; } } $out .= chr $obj; } } ::err "chips needed was reduced" if $chips < $level->{chips}; return $out; } sub mklevelcrlist($) { my $level = shift; my @listed; my @crlist; return ::err "invalid creature list: $level->{lynxcreatures}" unless ref $level->{lynxcreatures}; my ($types, $xs, $ys) = ("", "", ""); foreach my $creature (@{$level->{lynxcreatures}}) { my $y = $creature->[0]; my $x = $creature->[1]; my $type = $level->{map}[$y][$x][0]; $type = $creaturekey{$type}; unless (defined $type) { ::err "ignoring non-Lynx creature in creature list"; next; } $type |= 0x80 if $creature->[2] < 0; $y <<= 3; $x <<= 3; ++$y, ++$x if $creature->[2] == 0; $types .= chr $type; $xs .= chr $x; $ys .= chr $y; } return pack "a128 a128 a128", $types, $xs, $ys; } sub mkleveldata($) { my $level = shift; my $out = ""; my $part; $part = mklevelmap $level; return unless defined $part; $out .= $part; $part = mklevelcrlist $level; return unless defined $part; $out .= $part; $out .= pack "v", $level->{leveltime}; $part = translatetext $level->{title}; return unless defined $part; $out .= "$part\0"; if (exists $level->{hint}) { $part = translatetext $level->{hint}, 1; return unless defined $part; $out .= "$part\0"; } $out .= "\0"; return compress $out; } sub writemsdos($$) { my $dirname = shift; my $data = shift; ::err "warning: storing an MS-ruleset level set in a Lynx-only file format" unless $data->{ruleset} eq "lynx"; foreach my $level (@{$data->{levels}}) { $filename = $dirname; $filelevel = undef; if ($level->{number} >= @levelfilenames) { ::err "ignoring level $level->{number}, number too high"; next; } elsif ($level->{number} < 1) { ::err "ignoring level $level->{number}, number invalid"; next; } $filename = "$dirname/$levelfilenames[$level->{number} - 1]"; $filelevel = $level->{number}; ::err "ignoring password" if $level->{passwd} ne $origpasswords[$level->{number} - 1]; open FILE, "> $filename" or return ::err $!; binmode FILE; my $out = mkleveldata $level or return; print FILE $out or return ::err $!; close FILE or return ::err $!; } return 1; } sub writerom($$) { my $file = shift; my $data = shift; ::err "warning: storing an MS-ruleset level set in a Lynx-only file format" unless $data->{ruleset} eq "lynx"; my $buf = ::fileread $file, "a22" or return; return ::err "invalid ROM file" unless $buf eq "LYNX\000\002\000\000\001\000chipchal.lyx"; sysseek $file, 0x02F0, 0 or return ::err $!; my @ptr = ::fileread $file, "C4" or return ::err $!; my $startpos = (($ptr[0] << 9) | $ptr[1] | (($ptr[2] & 0x01) << 8)); my @levellist; my $dropped; foreach my $level (@{$data->{levels}}) { my $n = $level->{number}; $filelevel = $n; if ($n < 1) { ::err "ignoring invalid-numbered level $n"; } elsif ($n > 149) { ++$dropped; } elsif (defined $levellist[$n]) { ::err "ignoring duplicate level $n"; } else { ::err "ignoring password" if $level->{passwd} ne $origpasswords[$n - 1]; $levellist[$n] = mkleveldata $level; return unless defined $levellist[$n]; } } ::err "ignored $dropped level(s) above level 149" if $dropped; my $levels = ""; my $index = ""; my $ptr = $startpos; for (my $n = 1 ; $n <= 149 ; ++$n) { my $size; if ($levellist[$n]) { $levels .= $levellist[$n]; $size = length $levellist[$n]; } else { $levels .= "\000\000\001\000\377"; $size = 5; } $index .= pack "C4vv", ($ptr >> 9), ($ptr & 0xFF), (($ptr >> 8) & 0x01), 0, 0, $size; $ptr += $size; } $levels .= "\000\000\001\000\377"; $index .= pack "C4vv", ($ptr >> 9), ($ptr & 0xFF), (($ptr >> 8) & 0x01), 0, 0, 5; return ::err "too much data; cannot fit inside the ROM file" if length $levels > 0x11D00; sysseek $file, 0x02F0, 0 or return ::err $!; syswrite $file, $index or return ::err $!; sysseek $file, $startpos + 0x40, 0 or return ::err $!; syswrite $file, $levels or return ::err $!; return 1; } # # # package cudfile; # The terse names used by the universal-dump file format. # my @shortnames = ("empty", # 0x00 "wall", # 0x01 "ic_chip", # 0x02 "water", # 0x03 "fire", # 0x04 "inv_wall_per", # 0x05 "wall_N", # 0x06 "wall_W", # 0x07 "wall_S", # 0x08 "wall_E", # 0x09 "block", # 0x0A "dirt", # 0x0B "ice", # 0x0C "force_S", # 0x0D "block_N", # 0x0E "block_W", # 0x0F "block_S", # 0x10 "block_E", # 0x11 "force_N", # 0x12 "force_E", # 0x13 "force_W", # 0x14 "exit", # 0x15 "blue_door", # 0x16 "red_door", # 0x17 "green_door", # 0x18 "yellow_door", # 0x19 "ice_turn_SE", # 0x1A "ice_turn_SW", # 0x1B "ice_turn_NW", # 0x1C "ice_turn_NE", # 0x1D "blue_floor", # 0x1E "blue_wall", # 0x1F "overlay", # 0x20 "thief", # 0x21 "socket", # 0x22 "green_button", # 0x23 "red_button", # 0x24 "toggle_close", # 0x25 "toggle_open", # 0x26 "brown_button", # 0x27 "blue_button", # 0x28 "teleport", # 0x29 "bomb", # 0x2A "trap", # 0x2B "inv_wall_tmp", # 0x2C "gravel", # 0x2D "popup_wall", # 0x2E "hint_button", # 0x2F "wall_SE", # 0x30 "cloner", # 0x31 "force_any", # 0x32 "chip_drowned", # 0x33 "chip_burned", # 0x34 "chip_bombed", # 0x35 "unused_1", # 0x36 "unused_2", # 0x37 "unused_3", # 0x38 "chip_exiting", # 0x39 "exit_1", # 0x3A "exit_2", # 0x3B "chip_swim_N", # 0x3C "chip_swim_W", # 0x3D "chip_swim_S", # 0x3E "chip_swim_E", # 0x3F "bug_N", # 0x40 "bug_W", # 0x41 "bug_S", # 0x42 "bug_E", # 0x43 "fireball_N", # 0x44 "fireball_W", # 0x45 "fireball_S", # 0x46 "fireball_E", # 0x47 "ball_N", # 0x48 "ball_W", # 0x49 "ball_S", # 0x4A "ball_E", # 0x4B "tank_N", # 0x4C "tank_W", # 0x4D "tank_S", # 0x4E "tank_E", # 0x4F "glider_N", # 0x50 "glider_W", # 0x51 "glider_S", # 0x52 "glider_E", # 0x53 "teeth_N", # 0x54 "teeth_W", # 0x55 "teeth_S", # 0x56 "teeth_E", # 0x57 "walker_N", # 0x58 "walker_W", # 0x59 "walker_S", # 0x5A "walker_E", # 0x5B "blob_N", # 0x5C "blob_W", # 0x5D "blob_S", # 0x5E "blob_E", # 0x5F "centipede_N", # 0x60 "centipede_W", # 0x61 "centipede_S", # 0x62 "centipede_E", # 0x63 "blue_key", # 0x64 "red_key", # 0x65 "green_key", # 0x66 "yellow_key", # 0x67 "water_boots", # 0x68 "fire_boots", # 0x69 "ice_boots", # 0x6A "force_boots", # 0x6B "chip_N", # 0x6C "chip_W", # 0x6D "chip_S", # 0x6E "chip_E" # 0x6F ); for (0x70 .. 0xFF) { $shortnames[$_] = sprintf "tile_%02X", $_ } sub write($$) { my $output = shift; my $data = shift; my $list; print $output "BEGIN CUD 1 ruleset $data->{ruleset}\n\n" or return; foreach my $level (@{$data->{levels}}) { printf $output "%03d chips %d\n", $level->{number}, $level->{chips} or return; printf $output "%03d time %d\n", $level->{number}, $level->{leveltime} or return; printf $output "%03d passwd %s\n", $level->{number}, $level->{passwd} or return; printf $output "%03d title:%s\n", $level->{number}, ::escape $level->{title} or return; printf $output "%03d hint", $level->{number} or return; print $output ":", ::escape $level->{hint} or return if exists $level->{hint}; print $output "\n" or return; my @notes; $list = $level->{traps}; foreach my $i (0 .. $#$list) { $notes[$list->[$i]{from}[0]][$list->[$i]{from}[1]]{tfr} = $i + 1; $notes[$list->[$i]{to}[0]][$list->[$i]{to}[1]]{tto} = $i + 1; } $list = $level->{cloners}; foreach my $i (0 .. $#$list) { $notes[$list->[$i]{from}[0]][$list->[$i]{from}[1]]{cfr} = $i + 1; $notes[$list->[$i]{to}[0]][$list->[$i]{to}[1]]{cto} = $i + 1; } $list = $level->{creatures}; foreach my $i (0 .. $#$list) { $notes[$list->[$i][0]][$list->[$i][1]]{crl} = $i + 1; } foreach my $y (0 .. 31) { foreach my $x (0 .. 31) { next if $level->{map}[$y][$x][0] == 0 && $level->{map}[$y][$x][1] == 0 && !defined $notes[$y][$x]; printf $output "%03d (%02d %02d) ", $level->{number}, $x, $y or return; printf $output "%-12.12s %-12.12s ", $shortnames[$level->{map}[$y][$x][0]], $shortnames[$level->{map}[$y][$x][1]] or return; printf $output " Tfr=%-2.2s", $notes[$y][$x]{tfr} or return if exists $notes[$y][$x]{tfr}; printf $output " Tto=%-2.2s", $notes[$y][$x]{tto} or return if exists $notes[$y][$x]{tto}; printf $output " Cfr=%-2.2s", $notes[$y][$x]{cfr} or return if exists $notes[$y][$x]{cfr}; printf $output " Cto=%-2.2s", $notes[$y][$x]{cto} or return if exists $notes[$y][$x]{cto}; printf $output " CL=%-3.3s", $notes[$y][$x]{crl} or return if exists $notes[$y][$x]{crl}; printf $output "\n" or return; } } printf $output "\n" or return; } print $output "END\n" or return; return 1; } # # # package main; use constant yowzitch => < "1.0\n"; my ($infile, $outfile); my ($intype, $outtype); sub deducetype($) { local $_ = shift; if (-d $_) { return "P"; } elsif (/\.dat$/) { return "D"; } elsif (/\.txt$/ || /^-$/) { return "T"; } elsif (/\.lnx$/ || /\.lyx$/) { return "R"; } elsif (/\.cud$/) { return "U"; } return; } sub findfiletype($) { open FILE, shift or return; local $_; sysread FILE, $_, 16 or return; close FILE; return "D" if /\A\xAC\xAA\x02/; return "R" if /\ALYNX\0/; return "T" if /\A\s*(rul|til|max|%%%)/; return; } die yowzitch unless @ARGV; print yowzitch and exit if $ARGV[0] =~ /^--?(h(elp)?|\?)$/; print vourzhon and exit if $ARGV[0] =~ /^--?[Vv](ersion)?$/; $infile = shift; if ($infile =~ /^-([A-Za-z])$/) { $intype = uc $1; $infile = shift; } die yowzitch unless @ARGV; $outfile = shift; if ($outfile =~ /^-([A-Za-z])$/) { $outtype = uc $1; $outfile = shift; } die yowzitch unless defined $infile && defined $outfile && @ARGV == 0; $intype ||= deducetype $infile; $outtype ||= deducetype $outfile; die "$outfile: file type unspecified\n" unless $outtype; $intype = findfiletype $infile if !defined $intype && -f $infile; die "$infile: file type unspecified\n" unless $intype; my $data; $filename = $infile; if ($intype eq "D") { open FILE, "< $infile" or die "$infile: $!\n"; binmode FILE; $data = datfile::read \*FILE or exit 1; close FILE; } elsif ($intype eq "T") { open FILE, "< $infile" or die "$infile: $!\n"; $data = txtfile::read \*FILE or exit 1; close FILE; } elsif ($intype eq "P") { $data = lynxfmt::readmsdos $infile or exit 1; } elsif ($intype eq "R") { open FILE, "< $infile" or die "$infile: $!\n"; binmode FILE; $data = lynxfmt::readrom \*FILE or exit 1; close FILE; } elsif ($intype eq "U") { die "File type -U is a write-only file format.\n"; } else { die "Unknown file type option -$intype.\n"; } undef $filename; undef $filelevel; undef $filepos; $filename = $outfile; if ($outtype eq "D") { open FILE, "> $outfile" or die "$outfile: $!\n"; binmode FILE; datfile::write \*FILE, $data or die "$outfile: $!\n"; close FILE or die "$outfile: $!\n"; } elsif ($outtype eq "T") { open FILE, "> $outfile" or die "$outfile: $!\n"; txtfile::write \*FILE, $data or die "$outfile: $!\n"; close FILE or die "$outfile: $!\n"; } elsif ($outtype eq "P") { lynxfmt::writemsdos $outfile, $data or exit 1; } elsif ($outtype eq "R") { open FILE, "+< $outfile" or die "$outfile: $!\n"; binmode FILE; lynxfmt::writerom \*FILE, $data or die "$outfile: $!\n"; close FILE or die "$outfile: $!\n"; } elsif ($outtype eq "U") { open FILE, "> $outfile" or die "$outfile: $!\n"; cudfile::write \*FILE, $data or die "$outfile: $!\n"; close FILE or die "$outfile: $!\n"; } else { die "Unknown file type option -$outtype.\n"; } # # The documentation # =head1 NAME c4 - Chip's Challenge combined converter =head1 SYNOPSIS c4 [-INTYPE] INFILENAME [-OUTTYPE] OUTFILENAME c4 allows one to translate between the several different types of files used to represent level sets for the game Chip's Challenge. c4 expects there to be two files named on the command-line. c4 reads the levels stored in the first file, and then writes the levels out to the second file. The format to use with each file usually can be inferred by c4 by examining the filenames. If not, then it may be necessary to use switches before one or both filenames to indicate their type. There are four different types of files that c4 understands. -D MS data file (*.dat). This is the file type used by Chip's Challenge for Microsoft Windows 3.x. It is the file type used by most other programs, such as ChipEdit and Tile World. -R Lynx ROM file (*.lnx, *.lyx) This "file type" is actually just a ROM image of the original Chip's Challenge for the Atari Lynx handheld. It is used by Lynx emulators such as Handy. -P MS-DOS fileset (directory of *.pak files) This is the format used by the MS-DOS port of Chip's Challenge. In this case, the filename given on the command line actually names a directory, containing *.pak files. -T textual source file (*.txt) This file type is native to c4. It is a plain text file, which allows levels to be defined pictorially using a simple text editor. A complete description of the syntax of these files is provided below. =head1 EXAMPLES c4 mylevels.txt mylevels.dat Create a .dat file from a textual source file. c4 -P levels -D doslevels.dat "levels" is a directory of MS-DOS *.pak files. c4 translates the directory contents into a single .dat file. Note that the switches in this example are optional, as c4 would be able to infer the desired formats. c4 mylevels.dat chipsch.lnx Embed the levels from the .dat file into a Lynx ROM file. Note that c4 does NOT create chipsch.lnx. You must provide the ROM image file, which c4 then alters to contain your levels. (Obviously, you should not use this command on your master copy of the ROM file.) c4 chipsch.lnx -T out Output the levels in the .dat file as a text file. Here the -T switch is needed to indicate that a text file is the desired output format. When producing a text file, c4 will attempt to produce legible source, but the results will often not be as good as what a human being would produce. (In particular, c4 cannot draw overlays.) =head1 NOTES Be aware that there can be various problems when translating a set of levels using the MS ruleset to one of the Lynx-only file formats. There are numerous objects and configurations in the MS ruleset which cannot be represented in the Lynx ruleset. Usually c4 will display a warning when some aspect of the data could not be transferred intact because of this. The remainder of this documentation describes the syntax of the textual source file format. =head1 LAYOUT OF THE INPUT FILE The source file is broken up into subsections. Each subsection defines a separate level in the set. The subsections are separated from each other by a line containing three percent signs: %%% A line of three percent signs also comes before the first level and after the last level, at the end of the source file. Any other line that begins with a percent sign is treated as a comment, and its contents are ignored. Beyond these things, the source file consists of statements. Statements generally appear as a single line of text. Some statements, however, require multiple lines. These multi-line statements are terminated with the word B appearing alone on a line. =head1 INPUT FILE HEADER STATEMENTS There are a couple of statements that can appear at the very top of the source file, before the first level subsection. ruleset [ lynx | ms ] The B statement is the most important of these. It defines the ruleset for the level set. If the B statment is absent, it defaults to B. maxlevel NNN The B statement specifies the number of the last level in the .dat file. By default, this value is provided automatically and does not need to be specified. In addition to the above, a set of tile definitions can appear in the header area. See below for a full description of the B multi-line statement. Any tile definitions provided here remain in force throughout the file. =head1 INPUT FILE LEVEL STATEMENTS Within each level's subsection, the following two statments will usually appear at the top. title STRING password PASS The B statement supplies the level's title, or name. The title string can be surrounded by double quotes, or unadorned. The B<password> statement supplies the level's password. This password must consist of exactly four uppercase alphabetic characters. If the level's number is 150 or less, the B<password> statement may be omitted. In that case the level's password will default to match that level in the original Lynx set. (N.B.: The Lynx ROM file format does not provide a mechanism for setting passwords, so in that case the default password will be used regardless.) The following statements may also appear in a level subsection. chips NNN The B<chips> statement defines how many chips are required on this level to open the chip socket. The default value is zero. time NNN The B<time> statement defines how many seconds are on the level's clock. The default value is zero (i.e., no time limit). hint STRING The B<hint> statement defines the level's hint text. As with the B<title> statement, the string can either be unadorned or delimited with double quotes. If a section contains multiple B<hint> statements, the texts are appended together, e.g.: hint This is a relatively long hint, and so it hint is helpful to be able to break it up across hint several lines. Note that the same can be done with B<title> statements. tiles DEF1 DEF2 ... end The B<tiles> multi-line statement introduces one or more tile definitions. The definitions appear one per line, until a line containing B<end> is found. Note that the tile definitions given here only apply to the current level. A complete description of tile definitions is given below. map [ X Y ] map [ X Y ] LINE1 LINE1 LINE2 LINE2 ... ... and end OVER1 OVER2 ... end The B<map> statement defines the actual contents of (part of) the level's map. The line containing the B<map> statement can optionally include a pair of coordinates; these coordinates indicate where the the section will be located on the level's map. If coordinates are omitted, the defined section will be located at (0 0) -- i.e., the upper-left corner of the level. The lines inside the B<map> statement pictorially define the contents of the map section, until a line containing B<and> or B<end> is encountered. When the map is terminated by B<and>, then the lines defining the map section are immediately followed by lines defining an overlay. The overlay uses the same origin as the map section (though it is permissible for the overlay to be smaller than the map section it is paired with). A complete description of the map and overlay sections is given below. border TL The B<border> statement specifies a tile. The edges of the map are then changed to contain this tile. Typically this is used to enclose the level in walls. The following statements are also available, though they are usually not needed. They provide means for explicitly defining level data, for the occasional situation where the usual methods are more cumbersome. creatures X1 Y1 ; X2 Y2 ... The B<creatures> statements permits explicit naming of the coordinates in the creature list. Pairs of coordinates are separated from each other by semicolons; any number of coordinate pairs can be specified. There can be multiple B<creatures> statements in a level's subsection. traps P1 Q1 -> R1 S1 ; P2 Q2 -> R2 S2 ... The B<traps> statement permits explicit naming of the coordinates for elements in the bear trap list. Coordinates are given in one or more groups of four, separated by semicolons. Each group consists of the x- and y-coordinates of the brown button, an arrow (->), and then the x- and y-coordinates of the bear trap. Any number of B<traps> statements can appear in a level's subsection. cloners P1 Q1 -> R1 S1 ; P2 Q2 -> R2 S2 ... The B<cloners> statement permits explicit naming of elements in the clone machine list. It uses the same syntax as the B<traps> statment, with the red button's coordinates preceding the coordinates of the clone machine. level NNN The B<level> statement defines the level's number. By default it is one more than the number of the prior level. field NN B01 B02 ... The B<field> statement allows fields to be directly specified and embedded in the .dat file. The first argument specifies the field number; the remaining arguments provide the byte values for the actual field data. These statements are only meaningful in conjunction with producing a .dat file. =head1 DEFINING TILES A tile definition consists of two parts. The first part is either one or two characters. The characters can be letters, numbers, punctuation -- anything except spaces. The second part is the name of a tile or a pair of tiles. The characters then become that tile's representation. Here is an example of some tile definitions: tiles # wall * teleport rb red button @ chip south end (Note that a single tab character comes after the characters and before the tile names.) Once these definitions have been provided, the newly-defined characters can then be used in a map. The above definitions all use singular tiles. To define a pair of tiles, combine the two names with a plus sign, like so: tiles X block + bomb G glider north + clone machine end Notice that the top tile is named first, then the bottom tile. The B<tiles> statement is the only statement that can appear in the header, as well as in a level's subsection. Tile definitions in the header are global, and can be used in every subsection. Tile definitions inside a subsection are local, and apply only to that level. A number of tile definitions are pre-set ahead of time, supplying standard representations for some of the most common tiles. (If these representations are not desired, the characters can always be redefined.) Here are some of the built-in definitions: # wall $ computer chip , water H socket = ice E exit & fire [] block 6 bomb ? hint button See below for the complete list of tile names and built-in definitions. A few groups tiles allow one to specify multiple definitions in a single line. For example: tiles G glider end This one definition is equivalent to the following: tiles Gn glider north Gs glider south Ge glider east Gw glider west end (Note that "G" by itself is still undefined.) All creatures, including Chip, can be defined using this abbreviated form. Doors and keys are the other groups that have this feature; the following definition: tiles D door end is equivalent to: tiles Dr red door Db blue door Dy yellow door Dg green door end =head1 MAP SECTIONS Once all the needed tiles have defined representations, using the map statement is a simple matter. Here is an example: map # # # # # # # & & # # # [] H E # # & $ # # # # # # # # # end This is a map of a small room. A block stands in the way of the entrance. Three of the four corners contain fire; the fourth contains a chip. On the east wall is an exit guarded by a chip socket. Note that each cell in the map is two characters wide. (Thus, for example, the octothorpes describe a solid wall around the room.) Here is a larger example, which presents the map from LESSON 2: tiles B bug north C chip south end map 7 7 # # # # # # # # $ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # B , , $ # # E H # # B , , [][]C ? # # # # # B , , $ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # $ # # # # # # # # end There are a couple of different ways to fill a cell with two tiles. The first way is to simply use tile definitions which contains two tiles: tiles X block + bomb G glider east + clone machine end map 12 14 # # 6 E # # # X G end The second way is to squeeze two representations into a single cell. Obviously, this can only be done with both representations are a single character. tiles [ block G glider east + clone machine end map 12 14 # # 6 E # # # [6 G+ end In both cases, the top tile always comes before the bottom tile. Note that you can "bury" a tile by placing it to the right of a space: map # # # # # # 6 6 6E # # # # # # # end Any number of map statements can appear in a level's subsection. The map statements will be combined together to make the complete map. =head1 OVERLAY SECTIONS Every map statement can optionally include an overlay section. This overlay permits button connections and monster ordering to be defined. The overlay is applied to the same position as the map section it accompanies. The overlay can duplicate parts of the map section it covers, and any such duplication will be ignored. The only characters in the overlay that are significant are the ones that differ from the map section it covers. These characters are treated as labels. Labels are always a single character; two non-space characters in a cell always indicates two separate labels. Any non-space characters can be used as labels, as long as they don't match up with the map. An overlay section defines a button connection by using the same label in two (or more) cells. One of the labelled cells will contain either a bear trap or a clone machine, and the other will contain the appropriate button. If there are more than two cells with the same label, all but one should contain a button. Characters that only appear once in an overlay, on the other hand, indicate creatures. The characters then indicate the ordering of the creatures in the creature list with respect to each other. The ordering of characters is the usual ASCII sequence (e.g., numbers first, then capital letters, then lowercase letters). For example, here is a map with an overlay that demonstrates all three of these uses: tiles G glider east + clone machine r red button * beartrap b brown button end map G v # G+ * r * G+ b & # r G+ * r # # r # > b b G < # # and 2 v # A c C d C d & # A B a C # # B # > a c 1 < # # end In this example, capitals are used for the clone machine connections, lowercase for the bear trap connections, and numbers are used for the creature ordering. (Note that the gliders atop clone machines are not numbered. While it is not an error to include clone machine creatures in the ordering, they are ignored under the MS ruleset.) It is not necessary to reproduce any of the map section's text in the overlay section. Blanks can be used instead. The ignoring of matching text is simply a feature designed to assist the user in keeping the overlay's contents properly aligned. The B<traps>, B<cloners>, and B<creatures> statements can be used in lieu of, or in conjunction with, data from overlay sections. In the case of the creature list, items are added to the list in the order that they are encountered in the source text. If a level contains no overlay information and none of the above three statements, then this information will be filled in automatically. The data will be determined by following the original Lynx-based rules -- viz., buttons are connected to the next beartrap/clone machine in reading order, wrapping around to the top if necessary. (Likewise, the creature ordering is just the order of the creatures in their initial placement, modified by swapping the first creature with Chip.) Thus, if you actually want to force an empty bear trap list, clone machine list, or creature list, you must include an empty B<traps>, B<cloners>, and/or B<creatures> statement. =head1 TILE NAMES Here is the complete list of tiles as they are named in definitions. Two or more names appearing on the same line indicates that they are two different names for the same tile. Note that the tile names are not case-sensitive; capitalization is ignored. empty wall water fire dirt ice gravel computer chip ic chip socket exit ice corner southeast ice se ice corner southwest ice sw ice corner northwest ice nw ice corner northeast ice ne force floor north force north force floor south force south force floor east force east force floor west force west force floor random force random force any hidden wall permanent invisible wall permanent hidden wall temporary invisible wall temporary wall north partition north wall south partition south wall east partition east wall west partition west wall southeast partition southeast wall se closed toggle wall closed toggle door toggle closed open toggle wall open toggle door toggle open blue door door blue red door door red green door door green yellow door door yellow blue key key blue red key key red green key key green yellow key key yellow blue button button blue tank button red button button red clone button green button button green toggle button brown button button brown trap button blue block floor blue wall fake blue block wall blue wall real thief teleport bomb beartrap trap popup wall hint button clone machine cloner water boots water shield flippers fire boots fire shield ice boots spiked shoes skates force boots magnet suction boots block moveable block cloning block north block north cloning block south block south cloning block east block east cloning block west block west chip north chip south chip east chip west ball north tank north bug north bee north paramecium north centipede north fireball north flame north glider north ghost north blob north walker north dumbbell north teeth north frog north (The last nine lines, listing the creatures, only show the north-facing versions. The remaining 27 names, for the south-, east-, and west-facing versions, follow the obvious patttern.) Note that tile names may be abbreviated to any unique prefix. In particular, this permits one to write names like "glider north" as simply "glider n". There are also tile names for the "extra" MS tiles. These tiles are listed in parentheses, as an indicator that they were not originally intended to be used in maps. (combination) (chip drowned) (chip burned) (chip bombed) (unused 1) (unused 2) (unused 3) (exiting) (exit 1) (exit 2) (chip swimming north) (chip swimming n) (chip swimming west) (chip swimming w) (chip swimming south) (chip swimming s) (chip swimming east) (chip swimming e) Finally, note that one can also explicitly refer to tiles by their hexadecimal byte value under the MS rules by using the "0x" prefix. Thus, the names "0x2A" and "bomb" are equivalent. =head1 PREDEFINED TILE DEFINITIONS The following is the complete list of built-in tile definitions: # wall E exit $ ic chip H socket , water = ice & fire 6 bomb ; dirt : gravel ~ wall north ^ force floor north _ wall south v force floor south | wall west < force floor west | wall east > force floor east _| wall southeast <> force floor random ? hint button @ chip south [] block [ block ^] cloning block north + clone machine <] cloning block west + clone machine v] cloning block south + clone machine >] cloning block east + clone machine =head1 LICENSE c4, Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Brian Raiter <breadbox@muppetlabs.com> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and documentation (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =cut