{//-------------------------------------------------------------------------} {/* } {Copyright (C) 1990, 2009 - Apogee Software, Ltd. } { } {This file is part of Supernova. Supernova is free software; you can } {redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public } {License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 } {of the License, or (at your option) any later version. } { } {This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, } {but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of } {MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. } { } {See the GNU General Public License for more details. } { } {You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License } {along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software } {Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.} { } {Original Source: 1990 Scott Miller } {Prepared for public release: 03/19/09 - Joe Siegler, Apogee Software, Ltd. } {*/ } {//-------------------------------------------------------------------------} (****************************************************************************) (* SUPERNOVA VERSION B *) (* >> This file contains the special room routines for Supernova << *) (* Programmer: Scott Miller *) (* << Began February 2, 1985 >> *) (* Copyright 1985 Scott Miller *) (****************************************************************************) {$C-,R-,V-,K-} const VMax = 95; { Verbs } NMax = 133; { Nouns } PMax = 11; { Preps } AMax = 4; { Adverbs } TMax = 30; { Timers } RMax = 109; { Rooms } MMax = 29; { Mov's } Null = 0; Legal = 255; type Str1 = string[1]; Str9 = string[9]; Str19 = string[19]; Str29 = string[29]; Str53 = string[53]; Str77 = string[77]; Str78 = string[78]; Str130 = string[131]; Str234 = string[234]; Str255 = string[255]; Entr = record AX,BX,CX,DX,BP,SI,DI,DS,ES,Flags:integer;end; LSet = set of 1..NMax; SaveSet = record aInv : set of 1..MMax; aPStat : set of 1..6; aEvents : set of 1..255; aSocket, aWear : set of 1..MMax end; var SetSave : SaveSet; Sets : file of SaveSet; Objects : file of LSet; Things : file of byte; Timers : file of integer; V{erb} : array [1..VMax] of Str29; N{oun} : array [1..NMax] of Str29; P{rep} : array [1..PMax] of Str29; A{dvb} : array [1..AMax] of Str53; RN{ame} : array [1..RMax] of Str19;{ Name of each room stored here. } R{oom} : array [1..MMax] of byte; { Knows which room a Mov object is in.} L{ocate}: array [0..RMax] of LSet; { Locates all non-Mov objects. } T{imer} : array [1..TMax] of integer; Dir : array [1..8] of Str9; M{max} : array [1..3] of byte; {******************} PStat : set of 1..6; {* Player Status: *} NoNounOnly : set of 1..VMax; {* [] = Healthy *} OneNounMaybe : set of 1..VMax; {* 2 = Hungry *} ToNounOnly : set of 1..VMax; {* 3 = Sick *} ToNounMaybe : set of 1..VMax; {* 4 = Injured *} Events : set of 1..255; {* 5 = Tired *} Mov{able objects}, {* 6 = Thirsty *} Inv{ventory}, {******************} Socket, Wear : set of 1..MMax; Brief : set of 1..RMax; NounSet : set of 1..NMax; MugCon, { All -Con variables are containers. } FoodCon, SatchCon, HolstCon, NicheCon, PyraCon, HingeCon, PodumCon, RobotCon, CodeSet, ScrnSet, Vb, N1, N2, Pr, Md, VNP, Prm, { Player Room } EFlag, { Error Flag } FFlag, { Format Flag } TFlag, { Timer Flag } list, Num, Region, { Knows what room to go in when exiting the player's ship } AlienRm, FriendRm, SinkRm, Serum, { Begins at zero, dispenser jams at 2! } Weight, Old, { for Block Reader } Old2, x,y,o : byte; Code, { dials, etc } Tic, StoreR, { Knows if the previous Room that was read is the same as the } StoreS, { Room that is about to be read. If so, then it simply writes } StoreL, { that variable again! } StoreC, RC, { Endless Room Counter } Sc, { Score } TestC, Floor, i,j : integer; Input, Again, Line : Str130; Text1, Text2, Text4 : Str234; Text3 : Str78; Text5 : Str77; R1,R2,S1: file of Str234; L1 : file of Str78; C1 : file of Str77; T1,T2 : text[2500]; Identity, VStr, NStr, PStr, LastNoun, Word : Str29; Result : Entr; Drive, Log, CFlag : char; Maze, Crawl, Color, QFlag, SFlag : boolean; { If TRUE then a Special action took place. } {----------} {$Ia:ADPAR.pas <<<<<------ LOADS IN MANY PARSER COMMANDS ***************} procedure Describe(Room:byte); begin col(9,9);write(RN[Prm]);col(11,7);writeln; if(en(1))or(not(en(1))and not(Prm in Brief))then begin Brief:=Brief+[Prm]; case Prm of { Alternate Room Descriptions } 29:if en(35) then begin RS(130);RS(131)end else RR(29); 34:if en(30) then begin RS(81);RS(82)end else RR(34); 52:if en(39) then RS(126)else RR(52); 91:if en(51) then begin RS(157);RS(158)end else RR(91) else RR(Room) end; end; case Prm of { For initial object's description } 1:if 16 in L[1] then RL(150); 107:if 19 in L[107] then RL(518); 38:if 17 in L[38] then RL(260); 41:if(18 in L[41])and not en(34)then RS(96); 55:if 11 in L[55] then RL(290); 63:if 20 in L[63] then RL(356); 73:if 28 in L[73] then RL(352); 80:if 17 in L[80] then RL(395); 94:begin if 26 in L[94] then RL(397);if 2 in L[94] then RL(398)end; end; for o:=1 to MMax do { Print the objects that are lying in the room } if r[o]=Prm then begin if o=6 then write('There is some ',FN(o),' here.') else begin Word:=FN(o); if Word[1] in['a','e','i','o','u']then write('There is an ',FN(o),' here.')else write('There is a ',FN(o),' here.') end; if((o=29)and(MugCon<>Null))or((o=7)and(HolstCon<>Null))or ((o=5)and(SatchCon<>Null))then write(' (with something in it)'); if(o=5)and(R[5]=20)then write(' (lying in some trash)'); if(o=7)and(7 in L[12])and(R[7]=12)then write(' (on the shelf)'); if o=NicheCon then write(' (on the niche)'); if(en(6))and(o=16)then write(' (on the seat)'); if o=PyraCon then write(' (in the pyramid''s slot)'); if o=HingeCon then write(' (inside the statue''s mouth)'); if o=PodumCon then write(' (on top of the podium)'); if(o=16)and en(37)then write(' (under the crystal)'); if o=RobotCon then write(' (in the robot''s panel)'); if o in Socket then write(' (in one of the regulator''s sockets)'); writeln; end; end; { Describe } procedure Move{New:byte}; begin SF; if en(7) then RL(22) else if en(8) then RL(23) else begin if(MugCon<>Null)and(29 in Inv)then begin if Prm<>8 then L[Prm]:=L[Prm]-[MugCon];L[New]:=L[New]+[MugCon]end; if(SatchCon<>Null)and(5 in Inv)then begin L[Prm]:=L[Prm]-[SatchCon];L[New]:=L[New]+[SatchCon]end; if(HolstCon<>Null)and(7 in Inv)then begin L[Prm]:=L[Prm]-[HolstCon];L[New]:=L[New]+[HolstCon]end; Prm:=New; Describe(Prm); end end; { Move } {$Ia:VOCAB.pas <<<<<------- Loads in VOCABULARY LIST **********} {****************************** ROOM ROUTINES *******************************} overlay procedure Room1; { The Player's Ship } begin case Prm of 1:case Vb of { Bridge } 2,13:Door(2,50); 11:RL(199); 22,24,28:case N1 of 37,38,55,44:if Md<>Null then RL(534)else RB(3,11);103:RL(317); 35:if en(6)then RL(542)else RL(543); 59:case Region of 1:RS(46); 2:RS(63); 4:RS(T[9]+46); end end; 35:if N1 in[16,35] then if(here(16))and(en(6))then if not en(4) then begin Add(7);sound(440);RS(19);T[6]:=4;for x:=1 to random(30)+9 do begin y:=random(6000)+60;play(y,y,70);delay(9)end;Score(10,67) end else begin Add(7);RL(149); for x:=1 to random(9)+9 do begin y:=random(9999);play(y,y,30);delay(55)end;end else RL(141); 56:if en(7)and en(6)then if T[6]>0 then if input=Identity then begin RS(21);T[6]:=Null;Score(15,4);play(400,400,200)end else RL(142) else if input='r2/20-8 d2/vega' then if not(Region in[2,4]) then begin RS(28);Add(26);Min(27);play(600,600,99)end else RL(154) else begin Min(26);RS(39);Min(27);play(600,600,99)end else RL(179); 44:if en(7)and en(6)then case N1 of 43:begin play(750,750,200); { Purple } if Region=4 then if T[9]=11 then begin Score(5,68);Region:=2;T[13]:=3;TFlag:=2; n[126]:='hinged mouth\mouth\hinge\'; RB(9,11);Explode(30)end else RS(64) else RL(198) end; 40:begin play(900,900,200); { Cyan } if en(26) then begin RS(37);Add(27)end else RL(195) end; 41:begin play(600,600,200); { Tan } if en(27) then if not(en(22))and not(en(23))then begin col(28,23);RL(180);col(11,7); RS(38);T[8]:=7; for x:=1 to 6 do for y:=30 to 200 do begin sound(y);delay(5)end;nosound; end else begin RS(40);play(500,999,3);Min(26);Min(27)end else if en(26)then RL(184)else RL(185) end; end {case} else RL(179); 39:if(16 in NounSet)and en(6)then if en(7)then RL(575)else begin Min(6);RL(145);SFlag:=false;end; end; {Vb} end; {main case} end; { Room1 } {----------} overlay procedure Room2; { The Player's Ship } begin case Prm of 2:case Vb of { Forward Corridor } 9,13,51:if(n1 in[0,62,64,71])then if en(23) then begin RL(237);case Region of 1:move(22);2:move(24);end end else RL(99); 1,11:Door(1,50); 2:move(3); 4:move(4); 24,28:if NStr='hatch' then if en(23) then RL(163)else RL(99); 50:if N1=78 then if en(22)then begin RL(160);Min(22)end else begin RL(161);Add(22); if T[8]>0 then begin RS(40);play(500,999,3);T[8]:=0;Min(27)end end; 41:if NStr='hatch' then if Region<>4 then if en(22) then begin RL(96);Add(23); if(not en(44))and(Region=2)then begin Add(44);RL(327);for i:=1 to 400 do sound(random(3500)+999); for i:=7500 downto 500 do begin sound(random(i)+i); sound(random(3500)+2000)end; for i:=1 to 300 do sound(random(3500)+2500);nosound; end end else RL(97) else begin RS(45);DEAD end; 53:if N1=56 then if en(23) then begin RL(98);Min(23)end else say('hatch','closed'); end; {Vb} 3:case Vb of { Rear Corridor } 1,13:move(2); 3:move(6); 4:move(7); 28,31:if N1 in[55,81] then begin RB2(4,12);Pause;end; 24,41,76:if N1=55 then if Md in[1,4]then RL(533)else begin RS(22);DEAD;end; end; {Vb} end; {main case} end; { Room2 } {----------} overlay procedure Room3; { The Player's Ship } begin case Prm of 4:case Vb of { Ship's Lab } 3,13:move(2); 28,22:case N1 of 90:RS(23); 52:RS(26); 38:RS(27); 55:RS(31); 81,119:begin RB(10,14);Pause;end; 64:if NicheCon<>Null then writeln('There is a ',FN(NicheCon),' sitting on the niche.') else RL(152); end; 31:if N1 in[81,119] then begin RB(10,14);Pause;end; 41..44,88:if N1=55 then RL(174); 33:if N2=64 then if N1 in[3,4,8,9,12,17,29] then if Pr in[1,5,10] then if NicheCon=Null then begin Van(N1);R[N1]:=4;NicheCon:=N1;RL(147)end else RL(148) else crazy else RL(146); 54:if N1 in[38,90]then begin RL(321);Serum:=1;end; 56:begin Serum:=Serum+1; if Serum<3 then if NicheCon=Null then RS(24) else if NicheCon<>29 then writeln('A small amount of serum drips onto the ',FN(NicheCon),' and ', 'dries up.') else if MugCon=Null then begin MugCon:=92;RS(25);L[4]:=L[4]+[92]; if input='6' then Add(42)else Min(42)end else if MugCon in[79,92,99] then writeln('The serum mixes with the ',FN(MugCon),' inside the mug.') else writeln('The serum drips on the ',FN(MugCon),' inside the mug and', ' quickly evaporates.') else RS(135) end; {type} end; {Vb} 5:case Vb of { Sanitary Facilities } 2,13:move(6); 22,28:if N1=98 then RL(122); end; {Vb} 6:case Vb of { Sleep Chamber } 1,11:move(5); 4,13:move(3); 28:case N1 of 80:RL(159); 69:RS(29) end; 51:if N1=69 then Vb:=35; end; {Vb} 7:case Vb of { Cargo Area } 3,13:move(3); 22,28:if N1=32 then RL(155); 24:if N1=32 then RL(156); 41,53:if N1=32 then RL(157); 39:if 32 in NounSet then RL(158); end; {Vb} end; {main case} end; { Room3 } {----------} overlay procedure Room4; { The Tavern } begin case Prm of 8:case Vb of { Tavern } 2,13:if en(7)then RL(22)else begin RL(93);move(13)end; 3,9,11,51:if en(7)then RL(22) else if(N1 in[null,71])then begin RL(283);move(9)end else if N1=126 then RL(473); 31:if N1 in[81,119]then RB(2,9); 35:case N1 of 83:if T[1] in[4..7,11..17] then RS(8) else begin Add(19);Add(7);RL(30)end; 35,84,85:begin Add(7);RL(30);if N1 in[35,84] then Add(2)else Min(2)end; end; 65:if N1=124 then if en(2) then if T[1] in[5..7,11..18] then if(md=1)or(en(18))then begin RL(31);Score(20,3); if not en(18)then begin Add(18);T[1]:=8;end end else RL(32) else RL(41) else RL(33); 28:case N1 of 56:RL(371);81,119:RB(2,9);111:RL(44)end; 41:if N1=56 then RL(394); 39:if(29 in NounSet)and not en(21)then RL(86); 54,93:if N1=111 then begin RS(32);DEAD;end; 42,44,75:if N1=111 then RL(474); 59:if N1=126 then RL(473); 20:if N1=126 then RL(178); end; {Vb} 9:case Vb of { West Hallway } 1,2:RL(89); 3,11:move(10); 28:if N1=56 then RL(92); 4,10,13,51:if(n1 in[null,71])then begin RL(284);move(8)end; 54:if(N1=56)and(T[1]<1)then RS(13)else RL(123); 41,88:if N1=56 then case N2 of 0:RL(107);3:RL(101)else RL(137)end; end; {Vb} 10:case Vb of { Central Hallway } 1:RL(89); 4,13:move(9); 3:move(11); 28:if N1=56 then if en(11)then RL(370)else RL(92); 2,11:if en(11) then begin RL(90);Score(5,69);move(12);Min(11)end else RL(89); 41,88:if N1=56 then case N2 of 0:RL(107);3:begin;end else RL(137)end; 54:if N1=56 then RL(123); end; {Vb} 11:case Vb of { East Hallway } 1,2:RL(89); 4,13:move(10); 28:if N1=56 then RL(92); 41,88:if N1=56 then case N2 of 0:RL(107);3:RL(101)else RL(137)end; 54:if N1=56 then RL(123); 53:if N1=56 then begin RL(92);Min(11)end; end; {Vb} 12:case Vb of { Suite #4 } 1,13:if en(7)then RL(22)else if en(11) then begin RL(91);move(10);Min(11)end else RL(92); 41,88:if N1=56 then begin RL(104);Add(11)end; 22,28,76: case N1 of 56:if en(11)then RL(370)else RL(92); 80:if Md<>Null then RL(535)else RL(536); 87:if 7 in L[12] then begin RL(106);R[7]:=12;Score(5,24)end; 98:RL(121); end; 53:if N1=56 then begin RL(92);Min(11)end; 39:if(7 in NounSet)or(30 in NounSet)then Score(5,24); end; {vb} end; {main case} end; { Room4 } {----------} overlay procedure Room5; { Barre-An Planet } procedure Zap; begin for x:=1 to 29 do if R[x]=Prm then Van(x) end; begin case Prm of 13:case Vb of { Crossroads } 1,11:if en(7)then RL(22)else begin RL(93);move(8)end; 2:move(18); 3:move(16); 4:move(14); 28,31:if N1 in[81,88] then begin Score(5,70);RB2(5,6);Pause;end; 41:if N1=56 then RL(394); end; {Vb} 14:case Vb of { Dusty Road } 3:move(13); 4:begin RC:=1;move(15)end; end; {Vb} 15:case Vb of { Dusty Road (endless) } 3:begin Zap;RC:=RC-1;if RC<1 then move(14)else move(15)end; 4:begin Zap;RC:=RC+1;move(15);if RC=40 then writeln('You notice something unusual.')end; 11,13:if RC=40 then begin RL(135);Explode(3);play(1,9999,0);play(9999,1,0); walls(10);Explode(5);TFlag:=4;Inv:=[1,6,12,17,20,26,28,29];move(78); T[3]:=120;T[4]:=120;T[5]:=120;PStat:=[];MugCon:=79;Bor(0,0)end; end; {Vb} 16:case Vb of { Gravel Road } 2,11:begin RL(108);move(20)end; 3:begin RC:=1;move(17)end; 4:move(13); 28,31:if N1=81 then RL(109); end; {Vb} 17:case Vb of { Gravel Road (endless) } 3:begin Zap;RC:=RC+1;if(RC=80)and(Inv<>[])then begin move(17);RS(17);Inv:=[];end else move(17)end; 4:begin Zap;RC:=RC-1;if RC<1 then move(16)else move(17)end; end; {Vb} 18:case Vb of { Paved Road } 1:move(13); 2:begin RC:=1;move(19);end; 4,11:move(21); end; {Vb} 19:case Vb of { Paved Road (endless) } 1:begin Zap;RC:=RC-1;if RC<1then move(18)else move(19)end; 2:if RC=60 then RS(18) else begin Zap;RC:=RC+1;move(19)end; end; {Vb} 20:case Vb of { General Store } 1,13:move(16); 28:if N1=132 then RL(88); 20,26,76:if(N1 in[86,87])and(5 in L[20])then begin RS(14);R[5]:=20;Score(15,20)end; 39:if(5 in NounSet)or(30 in NounSet)then Score(15,20); end; {Vb} 21:case Vb of { Gravel Lot } 3,13:move(18); 1,4..8:RL(27); 2,9,51:if N1 in[Null,62,71] then begin RL(234);move(22)end; 28,31:if n1=81 then begin Score(5,71);RB(1,7);Pause;end; end; {Vb} 22:case Vb of { Top of Ship (Barre-An) } 1:begin RL(235);move(21)end; 10,11,51:if(n1 in[null,62,64,71])then if en(23) then begin RL(236);move(2);Score(15,72)end else RL(99); 24,28,31:case N1 of 56:if en(23) then RL(163)else RL(99);81:begin RB(1,7);Pause;end end; 50:if N1=78 then if en(22)then begin RL(94);Min(22)end else begin RL(95);Add(22)end; 41:if N1=56 then if en(22) then begin RL(96);Add(23);Score(5,73)end else RL(97); 53:if N1=56 then if en(23) then begin RL(98);Min(23)end else say('hatch','closed'); 59:if(N1 in[49,122])or(VStr='jump off')then move(21); end; {Vb} end {main case} end; { Room5 } {----------} overlay procedure Room6; { Jungle Planet } begin case Prm of 23:case Vb of { Deep Pit } 1..13,51:RL(217); 28,31:case N1 of 73:RL(218); 81,116:RS(80) end; 75:if N1=73 then move(34); end; 24:case Vb of { Top of Ship (Jungle planet) } 3:begin RL(235);move(25)end; 10,11,51:if(n1 in[null,62,64,71])then if en(23) then begin Score(5,74);RL(236);move(2)end else RL(99); 24,28:if N1=56 then if en(23) then RL(163)else RL(99); 50:if N1=78 then if en(22)then begin RL(94);Min(22)end else begin RL(95);Add(22)end; 41:if N1=56 then if en(22) then begin RL(96);Add(23)end else RL(97); 53:if N1=56 then if en(23) then begin RL(98);Min(23)end else say('hatch','closed'); 59:if(N1 in[49,122])or(VStr='jump off')then move(25); end; {Vb} 25:case Vb of { Sandy Clearing } 4,9,51:if N1 in[Null,62,71] then begin RL(234);move(24)end; 1:begin move(26);Score(5,75)end; 1..8:RL(200); end; {Vb} 26:case Vb of { Winding Path 1 } 2:move(25); 5:begin RS(65);DEAD;end; 59:if N1=66 then if VStr='jump in' then begin RL(288);DEAD;end else begin RS(66);move(27);Score(25,76)end; 1..8:RL(200); 9,51:if N1=112 then RL(204); 28:if N1=66 then RS(85); 35,62:if N1=66 then begin RL(288);DEAD;end; 75,76:if N1=66 then RL(285); 83:if N1=66 then RL(286); 84:if N1=66 then begin RL(287);DEAD;end; end; 27:case Vb of { Winding Path 2 } 6:move(28); 8,11:begin RS(65);DEAD;end; 1..8:RL(200); 9,51:if N1=112 then RL(204); 59:if N1=66 then if VStr='jump in' then begin RL(288);DEAD;end else begin RS(66);move(26)end; 28:if N1=66 then RS(85); 35,62:if N1=66 then begin RL(288);DEAD;end; 75,76:if N1=66 then RL(285); 83:if N1=66 then RL(286); 84:if N1=66 then begin RL(287);DEAD;end; end; 28:case Vb of { Winding Path 3 } 7:move(27); 6:move(29); 8:begin RS(67);DEAD;end; 1..8:RL(200); 9,51:if N1=112 then RL(204); 28:if N1=112 then RS(86); 24:if N1=112 then RL(553); end; 29:case Vb of { Winding Path 4 } 7:move(28); 5:if en(29) then move(32) else begin col(10,7);RS(72);col(11,7);T[12]:=146;Add(29);move(32)end; 9,51:if N1 in[Null,112] then begin RL(201);move(30)end; 6:begin RS(69);Prm:=31;T[11]:=4;end; 8:if en(35)or en(130)then begin RC:=1;move(59);Score(20,77)end; 1..8:RL(200); 28:case N1 of 112:RL(238);120:RL(544); 113:if Md=1 then begin RL(314);Add(130)end end; 59:if N1=120 then begin RL(541);Prm:=31;T[11]:=4;end; end; end {main case} end; { Room6 } {----------} overlay procedure Room7; { Jungle Planet } begin case Prm of 30:case Vb of { Top of Tree } 9:RL(202); 10,51:if N1 in[Null,112] then begin RL(203);move(29)end; 1..8:RL(200); 20..28:if N1=68 then RS(79); 18,17:RL(603); end; 31:case Vb of { Quicksand Pit } 1..8:RL(206); 9,51:if N1=112 then RL(204); 39,42,76:if N1=47 then if en(78)then RL(549)else begin T[11]:=0;RS(71);Prm:=29;Score(25,78)end; 28:case N1 of 47:RL(239); 120:RL(240);end end; 32:case Vb of { Winding Path 5 } 1:move(33); 8:begin move(29);if en(35) and not en(40) then begin RL(314);Add(40)end end; 1..8:RL(200); 9,51:if N1=112 then RL(204); end; 33:case Vb of { Winding Path 6 } 2:move(32); 6:if not en(28)then begin RS(68);Add(28);move(34)end else move(34); 1..8:RL(200); 9,51:if N1=112 then RL(204); end; 34:case Vb of { Front of Pyramid } 7:move(33); 41..44,54,75,88:if N1=56 then RL(220) else if N1=126 then if HingeCon<>Null then begin writeln('The hinged mouth opens, revealing a ',FN(HingeCon), ' inside.');Add(31);R[HingeCon]:=34;Score(25,79)end else begin RL(226);Add(31)end; 53:if N1=56 then RL(220) else if N1=126 then begin RL(227);if HingeCon<>Null then R[HingeCon]:=Null;Min(31)end; 1,11:if en(30) then begin Score(25,80);move(35)end else RL(219); 39:if(PyraCon in NounSet)or((30 in Nounset)and(PyraCon=9))then begin RL(225);Min(30);SFlag:=false;end else if HingeCon in NounSet then begin RL(228);SFlag:=false;end; 1..8:RL(200); 9,51:if N1=112 then RL(204); 92:if N1 in[Null,49,122] then begin RL(216);move(23) end; 31:if N1 in[81,89,119] then begin RB(8,7);Pause;end; 28,24:case N1 of 68:RS(87); 89:RS(88); 81,119:begin RB(8,7);Pause;end; 64:if PyraCon=Null then RL(241)else writeln('The small slot contains a ',FN(PyraCon),'.'); 56:if en(30) then RL(244)else RL(245); 126:if en(31)then if HingeCon=Null then RL(242)else writeln('The open mouth contains a ',FN(HingeCon),'.') else RL(243); end; end; end {main case} end; { Room7 } {----------} overlay procedure Room8; { Inside Pyramid (Top Level) } begin case Prm of 35:case Vb of { Vestibule } 2,13:move(34); 10,11,51:if N1 in[Null,71] then if en(32) then move(36) else begin RS(84);Add(32);move(36)end; 28:if N1=56 then if en(30) then RL(244)else RL(245); end; 36:case Vb of { Descending Stairs } 10,11,51:if N1 in[Null,71] then move(37); 9,13:move(35); end; 37:case Vb of { Halcyon Hall } 1:if T[16]>1 then begin RL(278);DEAD;end else move(39); 3:move(38); 10,51:if N1 in[Null,71] then move(42); 9,13:move(36); end; 38:case Vb of { Departure Room } 4,13:move(37); 28:case N1 of 73:if 10 in L[38] then begin RL(253);RL(252)end else RL(253); 10:if 10 in L[38] then RL(254); 30:if 17 in L[38] then begin SF;writeln('It''s a grey disk!')end end; 26:if(N1=10)and(10 in L[38])then RL(255); 42,44:if N1 in[10,73] then RL(256); 75:if N1=73 then RL(257); 47,83,84:RL(258); 39:if(10 in L[38])and(10 in NounSet)then begin L[38]:=L[38]+[17];RL(259);Score(15,81);SFlag:=false;end else if(30 in NounSet)and(17 in L[38])then R[17]:=38; end; end {main case} end; { Room8 } {----------} overlay procedure Room9; { Inside Pyramid (Top Level) } begin case Prm of 39:case Vb of { Holey Hall } 2,13:if T[15]>1 then begin RL(269);move(37);Score(5,82)end else move(37); 4,11:if T[15]>1 then begin RS(95);DEAD;end else move(40); end; 40:case Vb of { Pyramid Lobby } 1,11:if T[14]>1 then begin n[68]:='podium\alter\column\';WRITE('');move(41)end; 3,13:if(18 in Inv)or(4 in Inv)then begin Brief:=Brief-[39];move(39); T[15]:=3;T[16]:=9;col(10,7);RS(93); for i:=500 to 5500 do sound(random(i)+random(i)); for j:=1 to 7000 do sound(random(i)+random(i)); for j:=i downto 500 do sound(random(j)+random(j));nosound; end else move(39); 42,44,51,75,84,94: if N1=68 then if T[14]>1 then RL(246) else if en(33) then begin T[14]:=7;RL(261);Walls(8);end else begin T[14]:=7;Score(20,33);RS(89);Walls(8);end; 28:case N1 of 56:if T[14]>1 then RL(370)else RL(92);68:RL(247)end; end; 41:case Vb of { Treasure's Keeper } 2,13:if T[14]>1 then begin n[68]:='pyramid\podium\';WRITE('');move(40)end else RL(248); 28,22:case N1 of 56:if T[14]>1 then RL(370)else RL(92); 68:if PodumCon=Null then RL(264) else writeln('There is a ',FN(PodumCon),' on the podium.'); 18:if(18 in L[41])and not en(34)then RS(90); end; 33:if N2=68 then if Pr=1 then if N1 in Mov then if PodumCon=Null then begin Van(N1);R[N1]:=41;PodumCon:=N1;RL(266)end else RL(268) else crazy; 75:if N1=68 then RL(276); 50:if N1=68 then begin RL(277);Walls(8);T[14]:=7;end; 39:if(30 in NounSet)and(18 in L[41])then R[18]:=41; end; end {main case} end; { Room9 } {----------} overlay procedure Room10; { Pyramid Maze } begin case Prm of 42:case Vb of { Ladder Room } 1..13:if Maze then case Vb of 9,13:move(37);6:move(43);3,8:move(42)end else case Vb of 9,13:move(37)end; 41..44,50,55:if N1=116 then RL(325); 28:if N1=116 then RL(547); end; 43:case Vb of { Shifting Room NW } 1..8:if Maze then case Vb of 7:move(42)end else case Vb of 2:move(44);8:move(45)end; 41..44,50,55:if N1=116 then RL(325); 28:if N1=116 then RL(547); end; 44:case Vb of { Shifting Room W } 1..8:if Maze then case Vb of 7:move(47);2:move(45)end else case Vb of 1:move(43);5:move(44)end; 41..44,50,55:if N1=116 then RL(325); 28:if N1=116 then RL(547); end; 45:case Vb of { Shifting Room SW } 1..8:if Maze then case Vb of 1,3:move(45)end else case Vb of 1:move(45);6:move(43)end; 41..44,50,55:if N1=116 then RL(325); 28:if N1=116 then RL(547); end; 46:case Vb of { Shifting Room N } 1..8:if Maze then case Vb of 1:begin RS(98);DEAD;end; 7:begin Score(50,84);move(50)end end else case Vb of 1:begin RS(98);DEAD;end; 7:begin Score(50,84);move(50)end;3:move(48);8:move(45)end; 41..44,50,55:if N1=116 then RL(325); 28:if N1=116 then RL(547); end; 47:case Vb of { Shifting Room S } 1..8:if Maze then case Vb of 6:move(44)end else case Vb of 3:move(49);1:move(47);4:move(45)end; 41..44,50,55:if N1=116 then RL(325); 28:if N1=116 then RL(547); end; 48:case Vb of { Shifting Room NE } 1..8:if Maze then case Vb of 7:move(49);3,4:move(48)end else case Vb of 4:move(46);1,2:move(48)end; 41..44,50,55:if N1=116 then RL(325); 28:if N1=116 then RL(547); end; 49:case Vb of { Shifting Room SE } 1..8:if Maze then case Vb of 5:move(48)end else case Vb of 4:move(47);2:move(45)end; 41..44,50,55:if N1=116 then RL(325); 28:if N1=116 then RL(547); end; 50:case Vb of { Stairway Room E } 6:move(46); 4,10,13,51:move(51); 41..44,50,55:if N1=116 then RL(325); end; end {main case} end; { Room10 } {----------} overlay procedure Room11; { Inside Pyramid (Bottom Level) } begin case Prm of 51:case Vb of { Lower Stairway } 3,9,13,51:move(50); 1:move(52); end; 52:case Vb of { Misty Passage } 2:if T[19]>1 then begin RS(129);DEAD;end else move(51); 4:if en(35)then begin RL(305);DEAD;end else move(53); 33:if(N1=11)and(11 in Inv)then if Pr in[1,5,7,10] then if N2 in[34,49,64] then if T[19]>0 then begin Score(40,39);Van(11);L[52]:=L[52]+[11];T[19]:=0;RS(127)end else begin Van(N1);R[N1]:=52;RL(586)end; 39:if(11 in NounSet)and en(39)then RL(307); 28:case N1 of 11:RL(312); 64:RL(313) end; 42,44,55:case N1 of 11:RL(307); 34:RL(308); end; end; 53:case Vb of { Damp Passage } 2:begin move(54);if en(35)then begin RS(122);DEAD;end end; 3:if T[18]>1 then begin RL(305);DEAD;end else move(52); 59:if N1=66 then begin RS(125);Brief:=Brief-[52];move(52);T[18]:=0;T[19]:=3; col(10,7);RL(306);Walls(12);Score(20,85)end; end; 54:case Vb of { Dark Passage } 1:move(53); 2:move(55); end; 55:case Vb of { Circular Chamber } 1:begin Brief:=Brief-[54];move(54); if en(35)then if Crawl=true then begin col(10,7);RS(119);RS(120);Pause;L[53]:=L[53]+[66];Score(20,86); Brief:=Brief-[53];move(53);col(10,7);RS(121);Walls(12);T[18]:=4;end else begin col(10,7);RS(118);DEAD;end end; 2:if Md=1 then RS(230)else if random(2)=1 then begin Prm:=58;RL(563)end else begin RS(100);DEAD;end; 3:begin move(56);if 11 in Inv then begin RS(102);DEAD;end end; 4:if Md=1 then RS(231)else begin RS(99);DEAD;end; 39:if(11 in NounSet)then begin RS(101);SFlag:=false;end else if(30 in Nounset)and(11 in L[55])then R[11]:=55; end; end {main case} end; { Room11 } {----------} overlay procedure Room12; { Inside Pyramid (Bottom Level) } begin case Prm of 56:case Vb of { The Erusaert } 2,11:if en(36) then begin Score(5,88);move(57)end; 4,13:if T[17]>4 then begin RS(108);DEAD;end else move(55); 22,28:case N1 of 1:if not en(35) then RL(292); 34:if 1 in L[56]then RL(291) else if not en(35)then begin RS(103);L[56]:=L[56]+[1]end; 49:RS(105); 56:RL(370); 66:RL(295); 68:RS(104); 110:RL(293); end; 26:if N1 in[49,68] then RL(295); 39:if 1 in NounSet then begin if not en(35)then RL(300) else if T[17]>4 then begin RS(113);T[17]:=3;Van(1);Inv:=Inv+[1];Score(50,87)end end else if(30 in NounSet)then RL(578); 37:if not(1 in NounSet)and(not en(35))then RL(300); 35,51,62:if N1=68 then begin RS(106);DEAD;end; 59:begin RS(107);DEAD;end; 41,88:if N1 in[68,110] then if N2=4 then if not en(35)then if here(16)and en(37)then begin RS(117);T[17]:=6;L[56]:=L[56]+[1,56];Add(35);Min(37)end else begin RS(111);DEAD;end else RL(273) else RL(296); 33:if N1=16 then begin if Pr in[1,10] then if N2 in[49,1] then begin Van(16);Add(37);R[16]:=56; if not en(35)then if Pr=1 then RL(297)else RL(298) else RL(297) end else if(N2=34)and(Pr=10)then begin writeln('Done.');Van(16);SF;R[16]:=56;end else if N2=68 then RL(299) end else if N2 in[68,110] then if Pr=1 then RL(299) else if Pr=5 then if N1=4 then if not en(35)then if here(16)and en(37)then begin RS(117);T[17]:=6;L[56]:=L[56]+[1];Add(35);Min(37)end else begin RS(111);DEAD;end else RL(273) else RL(296); 54,75,76:case N1 of 1:if 1 in L[56] then RL(300); 34:RL(304); end; end; {Vb} end {main case} end; { Room12 } {----------} overlay procedure Room13; { Inside Pyramid (Bottom Level) } begin case Prm of 57:case Vb of { Solar Chamber } 1,13:move(56); 28:case N1 of 56:RL(370);72,82,116:RS(149);109:RS(150)end; 44,75:if N1=103 then begin Prm:=58;RS(233);Walls(5);Static end; end; {Vb} 58:case Vb of { Eternal Trap } 9,13,51:RL(554); 92:RL(555) end; 59:case Vb of { Overgrown Path } 5:begin RC:=RC-1;if RC<1 then begin RL(309);move(29)end else RL(310)end; 8:begin RC:=RC+1;if RC>7 then begin RL(309);move(60)end else RL(310)end; 1..8:RL(200); 9,51:if N1=112 then RL(204); end; 60:case Vb of { Antenna Building (Outside) } 4,11:begin Door(61,25); if not en(43)then begin RS(137);Score(10,43)end end; 5:move(59); 1..8:RL(200); 28:case N1 of 96:RL(323);115:RL(324)end; 41..44,54,75,88:if N1=56 then RL(315); 9,51:if N1=112 then RL(204)else RL(316); end; 61:case Vb of { Monitor Outpost } 3,13:Door(60,25); 2,11:move(62); 28,24,31:case N1 of 37,59:RS(133);38,44:RL(322);93:RL(319); 94:RS(134)end; 42,44,75:if N1 in[37,38,44] then RL(318); end; 62:case Vb of { Booth (Jungle Planet) } 1,13:move(61); 42,44,75: case N1 of 37,38:RL(318); 44:begin RS(138); for y:=60 downto 1 do for x:=800 downto 1 do sound(x*y); nosound;TFlag:=3;Brief:=Brief-[70];Score(10,89); for x:=1 to MMax do if R[x]=62 then R[x]:=70;move(70) end end; 28,24,31:case N1 of 37,59:RS(133);38:RL(322);93:RL(319); 94:RS(134);44:RL(320);end; end; {Vb} 63:case Vb of { Booth (Ringed Planet) } 1,13:RL(328); 42,44,75:case N1 of 37,38:RL(318); 44:begin RS(138); for y:=60 downto 1 do for x:=800 downto 1 do sound(x*y); nosound;TFlag:=3;Brief:=Brief-[70]; for x:=1 to MMax do if R[x]=63 then R[x]:=70;move(70) end end; 28,24,31:case N1 of 37,59:RS(133);38:RL(322);93:RL(319); 94:RS(134);44:RL(320);end; 39:if(30 in NounSet)and(20 in L[63])then R[20]:=63; end; {Vb} end {main case} end; { Room13 } {----------} overlay procedure Room14; { Inner Planet } begin case Prm of 64:case Vb of { Lobby } 1,13:begin DOpen(99);RS(139);DEAD;end; 2,11:move(65); 28:case N1 of 35:RL(330);49,122:RL(334);72,116:begin Score(5,90);RS(148)end; 81:RB(5,11);86:RL(333);127:RL(351)end; 31:if N1=81 then RB(5,11); 20,24:if N1=127 then RS(142); 54:if N1=127 then if Md=3 then begin RL(537);DEAD;end else RL(538); end; 65:case Vb of { North Corridor } 1:move(64); 2:move(66); 4:Door(68,20); 28:if N1=56 then RL(92); end; 66:case Vb of { Central Corridor } 1:move(65); 2:move(67); 3:if T[20]>1 then begin Score(15,91);move(73)end else RL(92); 4:move(72); 28:case N1 of 56:if T[20]>1 then RL(370)else RL(92);64:RL(335)end; 33:if N2=64 then if Pr=5 then if N1=12 then begin RL(336);T[20]:=3;DOpen(20);Score(5,92)end else RL(137); end; {Vb} 67:case Vb of { South Corridor } 1:move(66); 2,11:Door(75,5); 4:move(71); end; 71:case Vb of { Monitor Station } 3:move(67); 28:case N1 of 59:if CodeSet=4 then RL(353)else RL(355);116:RL(354)end; 31:if N1=59 then if CodeSet=4 then begin RB2(11,14);Pause;end else RL(355); end; 72:case Vb of { Reactor Control } 3:move(66); 28,24:case N1 of 128:RL(560); 37,38:RL(339);46:if Md<>Null then begin Score(5,93);RL(343)end else RS(145); 55:if en(46)then if RobotCon<>Null then writeln('The robot''s panel contains a ',FN(RobotCon),'.') else RL(346) else RL(344); end; 33:if N2=55 then if Pr=5 then if en(46)then if RobotCon=Null then if N1 in[3,4,8,12,17]then begin Van(N1);RL(347);R[N1]:=72;RobotCon:=N1;end else RL(137) else RL(348) else RL(344); 41:if N1 in[55,46] then if RobotCon=Null then RL(558)else begin R[RobotCon]:=72;Add(46);Score(25,94); writeln('The panel slides open, revealing a ',FN(RobotCon),' inside.') end; 53:if N1=55 then begin Van(RobotCon);Min(46);RL(344)end; 42,44:case N1 of 37,38,44:begin RL(340);Walls(9);gotoxy(43,wherey-1);col(28,31); writeln('BOOM!');Explode(32);DEAD;end; 46:if(VStr='turn on')or(VStr='activat')or (VStr='turn off')then RL(341) else if(not en(94))and(not en(93))then begin RL(342);RL(559)end else RL(342) end; end; {Vb} end {main case} end; { Room14 } {----------} overlay procedure Room15; { Inner Planet } begin case Prm of 68:case Vb of { Decontamination } 3,13:if en(45)then Door(65,20) else RL(331); 4,11:Door(69,20); 28,24:case N1 of 131:RL(329);end; 42,44,75:if N1=44 then begin RL(332);Add(45);play(20,99,7);play(99,99,600); play(99,20,7);Score(10,95)end; end; 69:case Vb of { Waiting Room } 2,11:Door(70,50); 3,13:Door(68,20); 28,24:case N1 of 35:RL(330);131:RL(329);end; end; 70:case Vb of { Transporter Booth } 1,13:Door(69,50); 28,24:case N1 of 44:RS(140);93:RL(319);94:RS(141);end; 42,44,75: if N1 in[40..43]then begin Brief:=Brief-[62,63,78];RS(138);Min(45); for y:=60 downto 1 do for x:=800 downto 1 do sound(x*y);nosound; case N1 of 40:begin for x:=1 to MMax do if R[x]=70 then R[x]:=78; TFlag:=4;move(78);Score(15,97)end; 41:begin for x:=1 to MMax do if R[x]=70 then R[x]:=62; TFlag:=2;move(62)end; 43:begin for x:=1 to MMax do if R[x]=70 then R[x]:=63; TFlag:=2;move(63);Score(10,96)end end; end; end; {Vb} { 71 and 72 are in Room14 } end {main case} end; { Room15 } {----------} overlay procedure Room16; { Inner Planet } begin case Prm of 73:case Vb of { Communications } 1:move(74); 4:Door(66,20); 28:case N1 of 48:begin RL(366);writeln('The dial is set at number ',CodeSet,'.')end; 115:RL(350);121:RL(367);127:RL(351) end; 50:if N1=48 then if Pr>Null then if(code>0)and(code<11)then begin RL(363);CodeSet:=Code;if Code=4 then Score(10,98)end else RL(362) else RL(365); end; {Vb} 74:case Vb of { Computer Station } 2:move(73); 28:case N1 of 37:RL(349);38:RL(322);52:RL(37); 59:begin RB2(7,10);col(26,23);RL(364);Score(5,47)end end; 31:if N1=59 then begin RB2(7,10);col(26,23);RL(364);Add(47)end; end; 75:case Vb of { Elevator 1st Floor } 1:Door(67,5); 42,44,75:begin RS(143);play(20,42,20);sound(42);delay(5500);RL(338); play(42,20,20);Prm:=76;for x:=1 to MMax do if R[x]=75 then R[x]:=76;end; end; 76:case Vb of { Elevator 2nd Floor } 1:begin Score(5,99);Door(77,5)end; 42,44,75:begin RS(144);play(20,42,20);sound(42);delay(5500);RL(338); play(42,20,20);Prm:=75;for x:=1 to MMax do if R[x]=76 then R[x]:=75;end; end; 77:case Vb of { Observatory } 2:Door(76,5); 28:case N1 of 34:RL(562);104:if Nstr='eyepiec' then RL(561)else RS(146)end; 24:if N1=104 then if 20 in Wear then begin Score(5,100);RS(147)end else begin RL(368);RL(369)end; end; end {main case} end; { Room16 } {----------} overlay procedure Room17; { Planetship } begin case Prm of 78:case Vb of { Icy Platform } 3,11:door(79,25); 28:case N1 of 54:RL(379);93:RL(380);96:RL(381);103:RL(500);115:RL(350);118:RL(382) end; 59:if N1=54 then begin RL(400);DEAD;end; end; 79:case Vb of { Confirmation Port } 4,13:door(78,25); 28:case N1 of 44:RL(383);64:RL(384);116:RL(600)end; 44,75:if N1=44 then begin RS(156);Score(10,50); play(20,99,7);play(99,99,600);play(99,20,7)end; 33:if N2=64 then if Pr=5 then if N1=17 then begin Explode(1);sound(50);RS(151); for i:=9000 downto 1 do for j:=1 to 4 do sound(random(i div 2 + 400)+i);nosound; Van(17);L[80]:=L[80]+[17];move(80);Add(7);T[22]:=3;T[26]:=91; delay(900);sound(70);RL(399);delay(999);nosound;Score(25,101); n[40]:='sockets\socket\'; n[82]:='laser beam\laser\beam\'; n[110]:='speaker\'; end else RL(137); end; 80:case Vb of { Inspection Lobby } 4,13:door(81,65); 9:RL(523); 28:case N1 of 55:RL(385);86:if 17 in L[80]then RL(395);72,116:RS(148)end; 41..44,88,53:if N1=55 then RL(405); end; end {main case} end; { Room17 } {----------} overlay procedure Room18; { Planetship } begin case Prm of 81:case Vb of { Circular Corridor } 2:move(82); 3,11:door(80,65); 6:move(88); 28:case N1 of 72:RL(386)end; end; 82:case Vb of { Circular Corridor } 1:move(81); 3:door(96,50); 4:door(93,5); 8:move(83); 28:case N1 of 72,103:RL(387)end; end; 83:case Vb of { Circular Corridor } 2,11:door(95,25); 4:move(84); 5:move(82); 28:case N1 of 72,115:RL(388)end; end; 93:case Vb of { Central Elevator } 3,11,13:case Floor of 1:door(82,5); 2..5,30..40,89..95,170..230,333..444,543..600,793..812:RL(413); 480:if en(64)then begin door(98,5);delay(999);RS(217);Score(20,102); for x:=1 to 7 do begin i:=random(7000)+1500;j:=random(600)+400; play(i,i,j)end; RL(516)end else RL(413) else begin door(97,5);Score(5,103)end end; 28:if N1 in[44,52] then RS(188); 56:begin val(input,i,testc); if testc=0 then if(i>0)and(i<837)then if i<>Floor then begin j:=i;i:=abs(floor-i);Floor:=j;RL(411);play(20,36,35); sound(37);for x:=1 to 200 do delay(i div 4); RL(412);play(36,20,35); end else RL(410) else RL(410) else crazy end end; 95:case Vb of { Transmission Room } 1,13:door(83,25); 28:if N1 in[38,121]then RS(191); 42,44,75:if N1=44 then begin Score(5,104);RL(404);play(1200,1200,99); if en(48)then Min(48)else Add(48)end; end; 96:case Vb of { Station Control } 4,13:door(82,50); 28:case N1 of 38:RS(192);59:begin Score(5,105);RB2(11,5);Pause;end end; 31:if N1=59 then begin Score(5,105);RB2(11,5);Pause;end; end; end {main case} end; { Room18 } {----------} overlay procedure Room19; { Planetship } begin case Prm of 84:case Vb of { Circular Corridor } 2,11:door(94,65); 3:move(83); 6:move(85); 28:case N1 of 72,46:RL(389)end; end; 85:case Vb of { Circular Corridor } 1:move(86); 4,11:door(92,65); 7:move(84); 28:case N1 of 72:RL(390)end; end; 86:case Vb of { Circular Corridor } 2:move(85); 4,11:if T[21]>1 then begin Score(15,107);move(91); if en(52)then T[23]:=2;end else RL(92); 5:move(87); 28:case N1 of 56:if T[21]>1 then RL(370);64:RL(335);72,69:RL(391)end; 33:if N2=64 then if Pr=5 then if N1=12 then begin RL(336);T[21]:=3;DOpen(15);Score(5,106)end else RL(137); end; 87:case Vb of { Circular Corridor } 1,11:door(89,65); 3:move(88); 8:move(86); 28:case N1 of 72:RL(392)end; end; 88:case Vb of { Circular Corridor } 1,11:door(90,65); 4:move(87); 7:move(81); 28:case N1 of 72:RL(392)end; end; 89:case Vb of { Reactors West } 2,13:door(87,65); 3:move(90); 28:case N1 of 38:RL(414);59:RL(401);128:RS(189)end; 31:if N1=59 then case ScrnSet of 1:RB2(8,6); { Orange Crystal } 2:RB2(10,10); { Green Crystal } 3:RB2(12,14); { Yellow Crystal } 4:begin RB2(14,9); { Blue Crystal (Cracked) } x:=wherex;y:=wherey;gotoxy(40,14);col(25,23);write('LACITIRC'); gotoxy(x,y);Score(20,108) end; end; 44,75:if N1=44 then begin RL(402);ScrnSet:=ScrnSet+1;if ScrnSet>4 then ScrnSet:=1; for x:=1 to 30 do begin i:=random(7000)+999;play(i,i,50);delay(random(15)+5)end end else if N1 in[38,128]then RL(403); 42,75:if N1 in[38,128]then RL(403); end; end {main case} end; { Room19 } {----------} overlay procedure Room20; { Planetship } begin case Prm of 90:case Vb of { Reactors East } 2,13:door(88,65); 4:move(89); 28:case N1 of 38:RL(393);59:RL(402);128:RS(190)end; 31:if N1=59 then begin Score(5,109);RB2(9,random(14)+1)end; 42,44,75:if N1 in[38,128]then RL(403); end; 91:case Vb of { Emergency Override } 3,13:begin if T[25]>2 then begin Col(10,7);RL(424);T[25]:=Null;T[24]:=Null;T[26]:=14;Add(52)end; door(86,15); if(T[24]>0)and not en(64)then begin T[24]:=Null;T[26]:=14;Add(52)end end; 4,11:RL(92); 28:case N1 of 37,38,51:RL(393);44:RL(469);59:RL(468);64:RL(335); 69:if en(51)then RL(426)else if Md=1 then RL(467)else RS(182); end; 31:if N1=59 then RL(468); 24:if N1=69 then if en(51)then crazy else RL(427); 75:if N1=69 then if en(51)then crazy else RL(428); 54:case N1 of 69:if en(51)then RL(426)else if N2 in[0,60]then RL(601)else if not(N2 in[10,18,29])then RL(602)else begin RS(160);L[91]:=L[91]+[123];L[91]:=L[91]-[44,129];T[23]:=15; Add(51)end; end; 42,44:if(N1=69)and not en(51)then RL(470)else if N1=44 then begin RL(471);play(20,440,1);play(440,440,500); play(440,20,1);end; 41,88:if N1=69 then if en(51)then crazy else RL(467); 39:if N1=95 then RL(442); 49:if N2=123 then if Pr=1 then if N1=1 then if(T[24]>1)and(T[24]<6)then begin T[24]:=Null;T[25]:=7;RS(181)end else RL(429) else RL(425); 33:if N2=64 then if Pr=5 then if N1=12 then RL(577); end; 92:case Vb of { Climate Control } 3,13:door(85,65); 28,31:case N1 of 59:RS(152);end; end; end {main case} end; { Room20 } {----------} overlay procedure Room21; { Planetship } begin case Prm of 94:case Vb of { Maintenance } 1,13:door(84,65); 28:case N1 of 51:RL(489); 87:begin RL(490);Score(15,110); if not en(49)then begin Score(10,49);RL(396);L[94]:=L[94]+[26];end else if 26 in L[94] then RL(397); end; end; {case} 39:begin if(30 in NounSet)then begin if 2 in L[94] then R[2]:=94;if 26 in L[94] then R[26]:=94;end; if(51 in NounSet)then begin RL(491);NounSet:=NounSet-[51]; if not(NounSet=[])then SFlag:=false end end; end; 97:case Vb of { Cryogenic Chamber } 4,11,13:door(93,5); 28:if N1=69 then RS(193); 18:begin RS(194);Van(N1)end; end; 98:case Vb of { Identity Booth } 2,11:begin door(99,0); if T[27]>1 then begin Col(10,7);RS(208);delay(999);Blast;DEAD end else begin T[27]:=2000;Col(10,7);RL(504);play(22,22,999);RS(210); delay(999);Blast;RL(505)end end; 4,13:door(93,5); 28,31:case N1 of 81,119:if NStr='message' then RL(517)else RB2(13,13); 59:RL(517)end; end; 99:case Vb of { Security Tunnel #1 } 1,13:door(98,0); 2,11:begin Score(15,111);door(100,0)end; 4:RL(506); 41,88:if N1=55 then RL(509); 28:case N1 of 46:RS(216);55:RL(510);88:RL(511)end; 42,44,75:if N1=46 then begin RL(513);T[27]:=2000;Add(7)end; 39:if 88 in NounSet then begin RL(513);T[27]:=2000;Add(7)end; end; 100:case Vb of { Security Tunnel #2 } 1,13:begin door(99,0);Col(10,7);RS(208);delay(999);Blast;DEAD end; 2,11:begin door(101,0); if T[28]>1 then begin Col(10,7);RS(209);delay(999);Blast;DEAD end else begin T[28]:=2000;Col(10,7);RL(504);play(22,22,999);RS(211); delay(999);Blast;RS(212);PStat:=PStat+[4];T[29]:=14;end; end; 41,88:if N1=55 then RL(512); end; end {main case} end; { Room21 } {----------} overlay procedure Room22; { Planetship (Lower Level) } begin case Prm of 101:case Vb of { Security Tunnel #3 } 1,13:door(100,0); 2,11:begin Region:=5;door(102,0);Score(20,112); if not(20 in Wear)then RL(492)end; 41,88:if N1=55 then RL(509); 28:case N1 of 46:RS(216);55:RL(510);88:RL(511)end; 42,44,75:if N1=46 then begin RL(513);T[28]:=2000;Add(7)end; 39:if 88 in NounSet then begin RL(513);T[28]:=2000;Add(7)end; end; 102:if(Vb in[1..14,16,20..31,33..44,48..64,73..76,83..85,88..94])and not(20 in Wear)then RL(491) else case Vb of { North Catwalk } 1,11,13:begin Region:=Null;Door(101,0);Col(10,7);RS(209);delay(999); Blast;DEAD end; 7:move(103); 8:move(105); 24,25,28:case N1 of 34,49:RL(493); 131:if NStr='catwalk' then RL(494)else begin RS(195);RS(196)end end; 75,76:if N1=42 then RL(495); 51,59:if N1 in[42,54,131]then begin RL(496);DEAD;end; end; 103:if(Vb in[1..14,16,20..31,33..44,48..64,73..76,83..85,88..94])and not(20 in Wear)then RL(491) else case Vb of { East Catwalk } 6:move(102); 8:move(104); 24,25,28:case N1 of 34,49:RL(493); 131:if NStr='catwalk' then RL(494)else begin RS(195);RS(196)end end; 75,76:if N1=42 then RL(495); 51,59:if N1 in[42,54,131]then begin RL(496);DEAD;end; end; 104:if(Vb in[1..14,16,20..31,33..44,48..64,73..76,83..85,88..94])and not(20 in Wear)then RL(491) else case Vb of { South Catwalk } 2,13:begin Region:=Null;Door(106,5);Score(20,113)end; 5:move(103); 6:move(105); 24,25,28:case N1 of 34,49:RL(493); 131:if NStr='catwalk' then RL(494)else begin RS(195);RS(196)end end; 75,76:if N1=42 then RL(495); 51,59:if N1 in[42,54,131]then begin RL(496);DEAD;end; end; 105:if(Vb in[1..14,16,20..31,33..44,48..64,73..76,83..85,88..94])and not(20 in Wear)then RL(491) else case Vb of { West Catwalk } 5:move(102); 7:move(104); 24,25,28:case N1 of 34,49:RL(493); 131:if NStr='catwalk' then RL(494)else begin RS(195);RS(196)end end; 75,76:if N1=42 then RL(495); 51,59:if N1 in[42,54,131]then begin RL(496);DEAD;end; end; end {main case} end; { Room22 } {----------} overlay procedure Room23; { Planetship (Lower Level) } label JUMP; begin case Prm of 106:case Vb of { Junction } 1:begin Region:=5;Door(104,5);if not(20 in Wear)then RL(492)end; 2:RL(328); 3:door(108,5); 4,11,13:door(107,20); 41..44,88:if N1=56 then RL(532); end; 107:case Vb of { Conference Room } 3,13:door(106,20); 39:if(30 in NounSet)and(19 in L[107])then R[19]:=107; end; 108:case Vb of { Reactor Regulators } 4,13:door(106,5); 41:if N1=55 then if not en(65)then begin Add(65);L[108]:=L[108]+[40];Score(5,114); for x:=22 to 25 do R[x]:=108;RL(519);RL(520); end else RL(521); 53:if en(65)then RL(522)else RL(523); 28,24:case N1 of 55:if en(65)then goto JUMP else RL(523); 40:JUMP: begin RL(525); for x:=1 to 25 do if x in Socket then if x=22 then writeln(' An ',FN(x),' is in one of the sockets.') else writeln(' A ',FN(x),' is in one of the sockets.') end; end; 33:if(N2 in[40,55])and en(65)then begin i:=0;for x:=1 to 25 do if x in Socket then i:=i+1; if i<4 then if N1 in Inv then if N1 in[1,22..25]then begin writeln('The ',FN(N1),' fits perfectly in an open socket.'); Van(N1);Socket:=Socket+[N1];R[N1]:=108; i:=0;for x:=1 to 25 do if x in Socket then i:=i+1; if(i>3)and(1 in Socket) and not(25 in Socket)then begin { #### You have won the game!!!!! #### } Col(10,7);delay(999);Static;Static;RS(221);Static;Static; delay(999);explode(1);sound(20);RS(222);delay(999);RS(223); Pause;Bor(0,0);writeln;Score(55,115); Add(66);Prm:=109;PStat:=[];PlayerInput(Line); Col(10,15);for x:=224 to 229 do RS(x); writeln;writeln;Pause;writeln; WON; { <<<----- END OF GAME !!! *************} end end else writeln('The ',FN(N1),' won''t fit in any of the sockets.') else writeln('First you must have the ',FN(N1),'.') else RL(526) end; end; end {main case} end; { Room23 } {----------} {**************************** END OF ROOM ROUTINES **************************} {$Ia:DEFAULT.pas <<<<<------ LOADS IN DEFAULT ROUTINES *******************} BEGIN { Main Program } Assign1;Assign2;Assign3;Assign4;Assign5; Names1;Names2;Names3; Title; Init1;Init2;Init3; Place1;Place2; Describe(Prm); repeat PlayerInput(LINE); if length(input)>0 then Parser_Syntax(input); if EFlag=Legal then begin MoreThanOne; if Present then if T[2]>1 then begin RL(11);Time1; case TFlag of 1:Time2A;2:Time2B;3:Time2C;4:Time2D;end end else begin SFlag:=false; if(Vb=71)and(Prm=55)and not en(35)then Vb:=1; case Prm of 1 :Room1; 2,3 :Room2; 4..7 :Room3; 8..12 :Room4; 13..22 :Room5; 23..29 :Room6; 30..34 :Room7; 35..38 :Room8; 39..41 :Room9; 42..50 :Room10; 51..55 :Room11; 56 :Room12; 57..63 :Room13; 64..67,71,72 :Room14; 68..70 :Room15; 73..77 :Room16; 78..80 :Room17; 81..83,93,95,96 :Room18; 84..89 :Room19; 90..92 :Room20; 94,97..100 :Room21; 101..105 :Room22; 106..108 :Room23; end; { Room Defaults } if not SFlag then case Vb of 1..8,30,82,87 :Default0; 16,17,18 :Default1; 9..15,32,35,51,77,79,62 :Default2; 28,47 :Default3; 37,39 :Default4; 46,64 :Default5; 66..69,71 :Default6; 31,65,75,80,81,83,84,93,95 :Default7; 41,50,88 :Default8; 20,22,24,26,70,76 :Default9; 33 :Default10; 42,44,73,86,89,90,94 :Default11; 48,54 :Default12; 19,53,56,72,74,78,91 :Default13; 21,25,49,59,92 :Default14 end; if en(128)then DEAD;Min(128); if not(Vb in[77..79,82,86,87,95])then begin Time1;case TFlag of 1:Time2A;2:Time2B;3:Time2C;4:Time2D;end end; end; end; until false; END. { ADGAME2 (Supernova) }