{//-------------------------------------------------------------------------} {/* } {Copyright (C) 1990, 2009 - Apogee Software, Ltd. } { } {This file is part of Supernova. Supernova is free software; you can } {redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public } {License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 } {of the License, or (at your option) any later version. } { } {This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, } {but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of } {MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. } { } {See the GNU General Public License for more details. } { } {You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License } {along with this program; if not, see https://gnu.org/licenses or write to: } { Free Software Foundation, Inc. } { 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor } { Boston, MA 02110-1301 } { USA } { } {Original Source: 1990 Scott Miller } {Prepared for public release: 03/19/09 - Joe Siegler, Apogee Software, Ltd. } {*/ } {//-------------------------------------------------------------------------} (****************************************************************************) (* DEFAULT ROUTINES *) (* >> Contains the default routines used by Supernova << *) (* Programmer: Scott Miller *) (* << Began February 2, 1985 >> *) (* Copyright 1985 Scott Miller *) (****************************************************************************) procedure Default0; begin case Vb of { N, S, E, W, etc. } 1..8:case Prm of 14..19:RL(26); 21:RL(27); 42..50:RL(279) else if Prm>7 then writeln('There is not a path leading ',up(Dir[Vb]),'.') else writeln('There is not passage in that direction.') end; { LOOK } 30:begin Brief:=Brief-[Prm];Describe(Prm); if(Prm=56)and(T[17]>4)then begin RS(114);RS(115);Pause;end; end; { SAVE } 82:Save; { RESTORE } 87:Restore; end {main case} end; { Default0 } {----------} overlay procedure Default1; begin case Vb of { INVENTORY } 16:if not(Inv=[]) then begin writeln('You have in your possession...'); for o:=1 to MMax do begin if o in Inv then begin if o=6 then write(' some ',FN(o)) else write(' a ',FN(o)); if o in Wear then write(' (being worn)'); case o of 5:if SatchCon<>Null then write(' (contains something)'); 7:if HolstCon<>Null then write(' (contains something)'); 29:if MugCon<>Null then write(' (has something in it)'); end;if o in Inv then writeln; end; end; end else RL(28); { DROP } 18:if not(30 in NounSet)then for o:=1 to NMax do if o in NounSet then if o in Inv then begin write(FN(o),': '); if o in Wear then writeln('First you must remove the ',FN(o),'.') else begin writeln('Dropped.');Inv:=Inv-[o];r[o]:=Prm;end; end else writeln('You don''t have the ',FN(o),'.') else begin;end else begin Min(17); { DROP ALL } for o:=1 to MMax do if o in Inv then begin write(FN(o),': ');Add(17); if o in wear then writeln('First you must remove the ',FN(o),'.') else begin writeln('Dropped.');Inv:=Inv-[o];r[o]:=Prm;end; end; if not en(17)then RL(303) end; { DROP ALL BUT } 17:begin for o:=1 to MMax do if(o in Inv)and not(o in NounSet)then begin write(FN(o),': '); if o in Wear then writeln('First you must remove the ',FN(o),'.') else begin writeln('Dropped.');Inv:=Inv-[o];r[o]:=Prm;end; end; end; end; {main case} end; { Default1 } {----------} overlay procedure Default2; label JUMP; begin case Vb of { ROOM DESCRIPTION } 77:if not(en(1))then begin Add(1);RL(14)end else begin Min(1);RL(15)end; { QUIT } 79:begin Bor(1,0); writeln('In ',Tic,' moves you scored ',Sc, ' out of a possible 1000 points.'); writeln('If you want to continue this game at a later date you ', 'should first use the');writeln('SAVE command.'); write('Are you still sure you want to QUIT? '); Cur(2); read(kbd,CFlag); if upcase(CFlag)='Y' then begin RL(12);delay(2200); close(R1);close(R2);close(S1);close(L1);close(C1);close(T1);close(T2); window(1,1,80,25);nosound;clrscr;Cur(1);Bor(0,0);gotoxy(2,2); Col(31,16);Bak(4,7);writeln('Good-bye!');halt; end else RL(13);Bor(0,0); end; { SLEEP } 62:if(T[5]>32)and(T[8]<1)then if(N1 in[19,27,49,69,80,113])then begin T[2]:=6;Add(7); writeln('You lie down on the ',NStr, ' and fall asleep within a few minutes.'); end else RL(16) else if N1 in[69,80] then begin T[5]:=230;PStat:=PStat-[5];Bor(0,0);Add(7); case N1 of 69:if T[8]<1 then begin RS(41);Add(128) end else begin RS(42);Add(7);Add(10)end; 80:if T[8]<1 then if not en(18)then RS(218) else case random(2)of 0:RS(218);1:RS(219)end else begin RS(220);Add(128) end end; end else writeln('The ',FN(N1),' is not a suitable place to sleep.'); { SIT } 35:if(N1 in[16,32,35,49,54,69,71,80,83..86,98,110])then begin Add(7); case N1 of 69:if T[8]<1 then begin RS(41);Add(128) end else begin RS(42);T[5]:=160;PStat:=PStat-[5];Add(7);Add(10)end else writeln('You sit down on the ',NStr,'.') end end else RL(17); { STAND } 32:if(en(7))then begin Min(7);Min(2);Min(3);Min(19);T[6]:=Null;RL(18)end else RL(19); { UP and CLIMB } 9,51:if(N1 in[32,35,54,68,71,80,81,83..86,89,98,112,125])then begin Add(8); writeln('You manage to climb up the ',NStr,'.'); end else if(Vb=9)then writeln('There is not a path in that direction.') else RL(20); { DOWN } 10:if(en(8))then begin Min(8);RL(21)end else writeln('There is not a path in that direction.'); { IN and OUT } 11,13:writeln('Due to the multiple paths you will have to be more specific.'); { WAIT } 15:begin writeln('Time passes');y:=wherey;for x:=1 to 6 do begin gotoxy(11+x,y-1);write('.');sound(x*99);delay(30);end; nosound;writeln;if Region=4 then sound(20);if Region=5 then sound(60); end; end; {main case} end; { Default2 } {----------} overlay procedure Default3; begin SFlag:=false; case Vb of { EXAMINE } 28:begin case N1 of 1:if en(41) then RS(116) else begin RS(116);RS(132);Score(5,41)end; 2:RL(454); 3:RL(45); 4:RL(294); 5:begin RL(105);if SatchCon<>Null then if SatchCon=6 then writeln('The satchel contains ',FN(SatchCon),'.') else writeln('The satchel contains a ',FN(SatchCon),'.') end; 6:begin RL(54);case FoodCon of 1:RL(55);2:RL(56);3:RL(57);4:RL(58)end end; 7:begin RL(579);if HolstCon=Null then RL(580)else writeln('The gun strap contains a ',FN(HolstCon),'.')end; 8:RL(59); 9:RL(374); 10:RL(262); 11:RL(311); 12:RB2(6,13); 16:RL(151); 17:RL(263); 18:if en(34) then begin Score(5,116);RS(92)end else RL(267); 19:begin RB(12,11);Pause end; 20:RL(372); 22:begin RL(527);if 22 in Socket then RL(528)end; 23:begin RL(529);if 23 in Socket then RL(528)end; 24:begin RL(530);if 24 in Socket then RL(528)end; 25:begin RL(531);if 25 in Socket then RL(528)end; 26:RL(455); 28:if NStr='badge' then RL(406)else if Md=1 then RL(407)else RL(408); 29:begin write('The mug is quite small. '); if MugCon=Null then RL(60)else RL(61)end; 42:begin RS(195);RS(196)end; 54:if NStr='column' then begin RS(195);RS(196)end; 56:begin RL(92);if Prm in[81..88]then RL(423)end; 62:case Prm of 21,25:RS(15);22,24:RS(246)end; 99:RL(63); 103:case Prm of 24..34,59,60:RL(317)else RL(326)end; 113:RR(Prm); 123:RS(159); 124:RL(62) end; {case} if not SFlag then case random(20) of 0..6:writeln('You can''t find anything unusual about the ',FN(N1),'.'); 7..14:writeln('You see nothing special about the ',FN(N1),'.'); 15..17:writeln('It looks like any other ',NStr,' you''ve ever seen.'); 18..20:writeln('It looks like an ordinary ',NStr,'.') end end; { EAT } 47:if N1=6 then begin RL(68);FoodCon:=FoodCon-1;T[3]:=175;PStat:=PStat-[2];Bor(0,0); if FoodCon=0 then begin Van(6);RL(69)end end else writeln('The ',NStr,' would not do much for your digestive system.') end {main case} end; { Default3 } {----------} overlay procedure Default4; begin case VB of { GET } 39:begin Weight:=Null;Min(17); for o:=1 to MMax do if o in Inv then begin Weight:=Weight+1;if o=11 then Weight:=Weight+3 end; if not(30 in NounSet)then for o:=1 to NMax do if o in NounSet then if o in Mov then begin write(FN(o),': '); Weight:=Weight+1;if o=11 then Weight:=Weight+3; if Weight<9 then if not(o in Inv)then if(o in Socket)and not(26 in Wear)then RL(524) else begin if(o=PyraCon)and(o=9)then Walls(8); writeln('Taken.');Van(o);Inv:=Inv+[o]; end else writeln('You already have that.') else begin RL(587); if o=11 then Weight:=Weight-3; end end else begin write(FN(o),': '); if N1 in[32,35,80,83..86,90,121]then RL(502)else crazy;end else begin;end else begin { GET ALL } for o:=1 to MMax do if o in Mov then if r[o]=Prm then begin write(FN(o),': ');Add(17); Weight:=Weight+1;if o=11 then Weight:=Weight+3; if Weight<9 then if(o in Socket)and not(26 in Wear)then RL(524) else begin writeln('Taken.');Van(o);Inv:=Inv+[o]end else begin RL(587); if o=11 then Weight:=Weight-3; end end; if not en(17)then RL(29) end end; { GET ALL BUT } 37:begin Weight:=Null;Min(17); for o:=1 to MMax do if o in Inv then begin Weight:=Weight+1;if o=11 then Weight:=Weight+3 end; for o:=1 to MMax do if(o in Mov)and not(o in NounSet)then if r[o]=Prm then begin write(FN(o),': '); Weight:=Weight+1;if o=11 then Weight:=Weight+3; if Weight<9 then if(o in Socket)and not(26 in Wear)then RL(524) else begin writeln('Taken.');Van(o);Inv:=Inv+[o];Add(17)end else begin RL(587); if o=11 then Weight:=Weight-3; end end; if not en(17)then RL(29) end; end; {main case} end; { Default4 } {----------} overlay procedure Default5; label JUMP,JUMP1; begin case Vb of { PURCHASE } 64:if Prm=8 then if N1=100 then RS(10) else if(N1 in[29,99])or(Pr=11)then if Pr in[6,9] then if N2 in[8,111] then if Here(8) then begin Inv:=Inv+[29];Van(8);Score(15,21);RS(11);T[1]:=21;Add(9);Add(16) end else RL(39) else RL(40) else if Pr=11 then if(N1 in[29,99,111,124])and(N2 in[29,99,111,124])then begin if(N1=111)xor(N2=111)then RL(196)else if(N1=124)xor(N2=124)then RL(197) else crazy end else crazy else NoSense else if N2<>124 then RL(34) else RL(35) else if Prm=AlienRm then RL(35) else if Prm=FriendRm then RL(36) else RL(38); { DRINK } 46:if N1=Null then if Here(29) then if(Prm=8)and not(29 in Inv)then RL(67) else JUMP: if MugCon<>Null then case MugCon of 99:begin MugCon:=Null;T[4]:=130;Bor(0,0);PStat:=PStat-[6];RL(64)end; 79:begin MugCon:=Null;T[4]:=130;Bor(0,0);PStat:=PStat-[6];RL(66); Van(79)end; 92:JUMP1:begin MugCon:=Null; if T[12]<2 then RL(162)else if en(42) then begin RS(136);Van(92);T[12]:=Null;Bor(0,0); PStat:=PStat-[3];Score(20,124)end else RL(162) end; end else RL(65) else if Here(98) then { For the Sink } if SinkRm=Prm then begin T[4]:=130;Bor(0,0);PStat:=PStat-[6];RL(66)end else RL(67) else RL(67) else { If N1 = something } case N1 of 29,99:if 29 in Inv then goto JUMP else RL(87); 98:if SinkRm=Prm then begin T[4]:=130;Bor(0,0);PStat:=PStat-[6];RL(66)end else RL(67); 121,66:begin RS(12);Add(128);end; 92:goto JUMP1; 79:begin if(Here(29)and(MugCon=79))then begin T[4]:=130;Bor(0,0);MugCon:=Null;Van(79);PStat:=PStat-[6]; RL(66)end else if Here(79)then begin T[4]:=130;Bor(0,0);PStat:=PStat-[6]; RL(66)end else RL(67); end else writeln('The ',NStr,' would not quench your thirst.') end; end; {main case} end; { Default5 } {----------} overlay procedure Default6; function Word(W:Str29):boolean; begin if pos(' '+W+' ',input)>0 then Word:=true else Word:=false end; begin case Vb of { TALKING TO CHARACTERS} 66..69,71: begin Spaces(input); if Vb=66 then { Bartender } if Here(111)then if Word('follow')then RL(46)else if Word('go')or Word('east')or Word('south')then RL(567)else if Word('hi')or Word('hello')then RL(51)else if Word('infocom')then RL(498)else if Word('scott')or Word('miller')then RL(499)else if Word('what')or Word('why')or Word('where')or Word('who')or Word('how')or Word('which')or Word('when')then RL(463)else if(Word('ill')or Word('give')or Word('buy')or Word('get me')or Word('purchas'))and(Word('drink')or Word('glunk'))then RL(47)else if Word('ambross')or Word('pink')or Word('bloody')or Word('foeboz')or Word('ztulctw')then RL(565)else if Word('kill')or Word('fight')or Word('hit')then RL(566)else if Word('give')then RL(564)else if Word('help')or Word('tell me')then RL(479)else case random(3) of 0:RL(50); 1:RL(480); 2:RL(481)end else RL(52); if Vb=67 then { Two Aliens } if Here(124)then if Word('follow')then RL(48)else if Word('go')or Word('south')or Word('east')then RL(568)else if Word('crystal')then RL(484)else if Word('coordin')or Word('where')or Word('world')or Word('sagan')or Word('planet')or Word('locatio')then RL(485)else if Word('what')or Word('why')or Word('who')or Word('tell me')or Word('how')or Word('which')or Word('when')then RL(464)else case random(3) of 0:RL(49); 1:RL(482); 2:RL(483)end else RL(53); if Vb=68 then { Scientist } if here(123)then if Word('follow')then RL(440)else if Word('hi')or Word('hello')or Word('bye')then RL(441)else if Word('wristba')then RL(442)else if Word('card')or Word('green')then RL(459)else if Word('give')then RL(456)else if Word('go')or Word('east')or Word('west')then RL(457)else if Word('help')then RL(462)else if Word('ship')or Word('planets')then RL(497)else if Word('star')or Word('superno')then RL(486)else if(Word('crystal')or Word('clear'))and((T[24]>1)and(T[24]<6))and (1 in Inv)then begin T[24]:=Null;T[25]:=7;RS(181)end else if(Word('crystal')or Word('clear'))and((T[23]>1)or(T[24]>5))then RL(446)else if Word('crystal')or Word('clear')then RL(487)else if(Word('who')or Word('what'))and Word('you')then RL(461)else if Word('what')or Word('why')or Word('where')or Word('who')or Word('how')or Word('which')or Word('when')or Word('tell me')then RL(458)else case random(3) of 0:RL(443); 1:RL(477); 2:RL(478)end else RL(439); if Vb=69 then { Robot } if here(46)then RL(508) else RL(584); if Vb=71 then { Computer } if here(37) then RL(545) else RL(546) end; {characters} end; {main case} end; { Default6 } {----------} overlay procedure Default7; begin case Vb of { READ } 31:case N1 of 12:RB2(6,13); 19:begin RB(12,7);Pause end else writeln('There is nothing on the ',FN(N1),' to read.') end; { TOUCH } 75:if 26 in Wear then RL(571)else case N1 of 1,22..25:if N1 in Socket then RL(569)else RL(570); 79:RL(552); 120:RL(551); 34,103,115:writeln('You can''t reach the ',NStr,'.') else writeln('You feel nothing unusual about the ',NStr,'.') end; { TASTE } 84:case N1 of 6:RL(377); 29,92,99:if MugCon=99 then RL(70) else RL(71); 111:RL(466) else writeln('It tastes like a ',NStr,' should taste.') end; { SMELL } 83:case N1 of 6:RL(378); 29,99:if MugCon=99 then RL(72)else RL(599); 111:RL(466) else if Prm in[42..50]then RL(572) else writeln('It smells like an ordinary ',NStr,'.') end; { LISTEN } 65:case N1 of 42:RL(501); 62:if Region=4 then RL(573)else RL(574); 111:RL(73) else writeln('The ',NStr,' is not making any sound.') end; { HELLO } 80:if(word='hi')or(word='hello')then writeln('Hello to you.') else RL(74); { YES/NO/MAYBE } 81:RL(random(6)+75); { COMMANDS } 95:begin RB(4,11);Pause;RB(6,11);Pause;end; { ATTACK } 93:if Pr=6 then if(N2 in Mov)or(N2=60)then case N1 of 60:begin Cur(2);write('Are you sure? ');read(kbd,CFlag);Cur(3);writeln; if upcase(CFlag)='Y' then begin RL(488);Add(128);end else writeln('Whew!')end; 123:RL(465); 124:case random(6) of 0:RL(175); 1:begin RL(176);Add(7)end; 2:begin RL(177);Van(N2);R[N2]:=Prm;end; 3:begin RS(33);T[3]:=26;T[4]:=23;T[5]:=33;end; 4:begin RS(34);Van(N2);Prm:=13;Add(7)end; 5:begin RS(36);T[7]:=9;PStat:=PStat+[4];Add(7)end end else writeln('The ',FN(N1),' offers no resistance.') end else crazy else NoSense; end; {main case} end; { Default7 } {----------} overlay procedure Default8; label JUMP; begin case Vb of { TURN } 50:if Pr=Null then {eg. turn knob} case N1 of 48:JUMP:begin if Prm=SinkRm then begin SinkRm:=Null;L[Prm]:=L[Prm]-[79];RL(81)end else if Prm in[5,12] then begin SinkRm:=Prm;L[Prm]:=L[Prm]+[79];RL(82)end else RL(540) end else RL(83) end {case} else if input='' then {eg. turn sink on} case N1 of 2:begin RL(460);Score(5,123); case random(4)of 0:for i:=20 to random(99)+50 do play(20,i,1); 1:for i:=random(5000)+4500 downto 20 do begin sound(i); delay(1);sound(31)end; 2:begin i:=random(9999)+1;x:=0;repeat j:=random(9999);play(j,i,0); i:=random(9999)+1;play(i,j,0);x:=x+1;until x>9 end; 3:for x:=1 to 200 do begin i:=random(9999)+1;play(i,i,1);delay(16)end end;nosound;if Region=5 then sound(60); end; 37,38:RL(373); 48,79,98:goto JUMP; 46:RL(360); 127:if NStr<>'window' then RL(360); 131:RL(84) else crazy end else {eg. turn dial to 123} if Pr=1 then if N1=48 then case Prm of 79:begin;end; end else crazy else NoSense; { OPEN and UNLOCK } 41,88: if N1=5 then RL(289) else if N2=Null then case N1 of { if N1 only } 56:RL(409) else RL(100) end else if Pr=6 then if N1=56 then if Prm in[9,11] then if N2=3 then RL(101) else crazy else if Prm=10 then if N2=3 then begin RL(102);Add(11)end else crazy else RL(103) else if N1 in[32,38,45,55,62,68,69,78,89,90,119] then RL(103) else crazy else NoSense; end; {main case} end; { Default8 } {----------} overlay procedure Default9; label JUMP; begin case Vb of { LOOK INSIDE } 24:case N1 of 5:if SatchCon<>Null then writeln('The satchel contains ',FN(SatchCon),'.') else RL(110); 7:if HolstCon=Null then RL(580)else writeln('The gun strap contains a ',FN(HolstCon),'.'); 18:if en(34)then RL(270)else RL(271); 29:if MugCon<>Null then writeln('The mug contains ',FN(MugCon),'.') else RL(111); 35:if NStr='toilet' then RL(114)else RL(113); 7,10,26,28,32,62,64,69,98,113:writeln('The ',NStr,' is empty.'); 119:RL(112); 103..109,115,118:if Prm=63 then RL(113)else RL(115) else RL(113) end; { LOOK UNDER, LOOK BEHIND and REACH IN } 20,26,76: case N1 of 5:if SatchCon<>Null then writeln('The satchel contains ',FN(SatchCon),'.') else RL(110); 80:if not en(127) then begin RS(16);Add(127)end else RL(116); 103..109,115,118:if Prm=63 then RL(113)else RL(115) else RL(116) end; { LOOK ON TOP } 22:case N1 of 66:RL(117); 80:RL(118); 99:RL(119); 103..109,115,118:if Prm=63 then RL(113)else RL(115) else RL(120) end; { CLUE } 70:begin if Sc<25 then begin RL(302);goto JUMP;end; if not en(15) then begin Add(15);RS(30); Cur(2); write('Do you still wish to see the clue? ');read(kbd,CFlag);writeln; if upcase(CFlag)='N' then begin writeln('OK, no clue will be shown.');goto JUMP;end end; Cn('---Here is your clue---');Sc:=Sc-25; if(Prm<>StoreC)then begin StoreC:=Prm; seek(C1,Prm); read(C1,Text5) end; col(12,9);Cn(Text5);col(11,7); JUMP: end; { Read Clue } end; {main case} end; { Default9 } {----------} overlay procedure Default10; begin case Vb of { PUT } 33:begin SFlag:=False;if VStr='fill' then begin x:=N1;N1:=N2;N2:=x;end; if((N1 in Mov)and(N1 in Inv))or(N1 in[66,79])then case N2 of 64:case Prm of 34:if N1 in[3,8,9] then if Pr=5 then if PyraCon=Null then begin Van(N1);R[N1]:=34;PyraCon:=N1; if N1=9then begin RS(83);Walls(8);Add(30)end else RL(224) end else RL(223) else RL(222) else RL(221); end; 126:if en(31) then if N1 in[3,8,9] then if Pr in[1,5,7,10] then if HingeCon=Null then begin Van(N1);R[N1]:=34;HingeCon:=N1;RL(231)end else RL(230) else NoSense else RL(229) else RL(232); 35:if Prm=1 then if N1=16 then begin Van(16);Add(6);R[16]:=1;RL(144);Score(5,25)end else begin RL(143);Van(N1);R[N1]:=1;end; 120:begin RL(550);Van(N1)end; 62:if Prm in[22,24] then if en(23) then begin Van(N1);R[N1]:=2;RL(134)end else RL(99); 66:begin if random(2)=0 then RL(375)else RL(376);Van(N1)end; 42:RL(495); 29:if MugCon=Null then if N1 in[3,4,9,17,19,66,79,99] then begin writeln('The ',FN(N1),' is now in the mug.'); if N1 in Mov then Van(N1);L[Prm]:=L[Prm]+[N1];MugCon:=N1;end else if N1 in Mov then RL(137)else crazy else RL(136); 5 :if SatchCon=Null then if N1 in[3,4,6,8,9,12,17,19] then begin Van(N1);L[Prm]:=L[Prm]+[N1];SatchCon:=N1; writeln('The ',FN(N1),' is now in the brown satchel.')end else if N1 in Mov then RL(137)else crazy else RL(138); 7 :if HolstCon=Null then if N1 in[3,4,8,9,12,17,19] then begin Van(N1);L[Prm]:=L[Prm]+[N1];HolstCon:=N1; writeln('The ',FN(N1),' is now in the holster.')end else if N1 in Mov then RL(137)else crazy else RL(581); end {main N2 case} else writeln('First you must have the ',FN(N1),'.'); if not SFlag then case Pr of 1:if N2 in[32..37,49,71,80,83..87,90,93,98,113,112,126,132] then begin Van(N1);R[N1]:=Prm; writeln('The ',FN(N1),' is now on the ',FN(N2),'.')end else RL(139); 5:RL(139); 7:if N2 in[32,35,37,49,51,54,56,62,66..73,80..87,89,90,94..98,104,112, 113,116,120..122,125..128,132] then begin Van(N1);R[N1]:=Prm; writeln('The ',FN(N1),' is now beside the ',FN(N2),'.')end else RL(139); 10:if N2 in[80,81,83..86,98,104,112] then begin Van(N1);R[N1]:=Prm; writeln('The ',FN(N1),' is now under the ',FN(N2),'.')end else RL(139) else crazy end end end; {main case} end; { Default10 } {----------} overlay procedure Default11; begin case Vb of { PUSH and TURN ON } 44:if(VStr='turn on')or(VStr='activat')then case N1 of 2:begin RL(460);Score(5,117); case random(4)of 0:for i:=400 to random(250)+420 do play(400,i,1); 1:begin y:=random(35)+2;for x:=1 to 99 do begin i:=random(9000)+60;play(i,i,y);delay(y)end end; 2:for x:=1 to random(230)+21 do for y:=1 to random(230)+22 do sound(x*y); 3:for i:=1 to random(9999)+999 do sound(random(i)+i); end;nosound;if Region=5 then sound(60); end; 37,38:RL(373); 98,48:if Prm=SinkRm then say('water','flowing out') else begin SinkRm:=Prm;L[Prm]:=L[Prm]+[79];RL(82)end; 127:if NStr<>'window' then RL(360) else RL(164) end else case N1 of 116:if Prm in[42..50]then RL(282)else RL(281); 123:RL(472) else RL(103) end; { PULL and TURN OFF } 42:if(VStr='turn off')or(VStr='deactiv')then case N1 of 98,48,79:if Prm<>SinkRm then say('water','off') else begin SinkRm:=Null;L[Prm]:=L[Prm]-[79];RL(81)end; 127:if NStr<>'window' then RL(360)else RL(165) else RL(165) end else RL(103); { CLEAN } 94:case N1 of 18:if en(34) then RL(265) else begin if 18 in L[41] then R[18]:=41;Score(15,34); RS(91);n[18]:='glass ball\ball\glass\';;;end; 126:if NStr='bar' then RL(167); 80:RL(166); 98:RL(168) else writeln('The ',NStr,' doesn''t need to be cleaned.'); end; { RESTART } 86:begin Bor(1,0);Cur(2); write('Are you sure you want to restart your game? '); read(kbd,CFlag); if upcase(CFlag)<>'Y' then RL(169) else begin RL(170);delay(2000);window(1,1,80,25);clrscr;Bor(0,0);nosound; close(R1);close(R2);close(S1);close(L1);close(C1);close(T1);close(T2); assign(R1,'nova.com');execute(R1) end;Bor(0,0); end; { SHOOT } 89:RL(171); { TIE and UNTIE } 90:if VStr='tie' then RL(172)else if VStr='untie' then RL(173)else RL(437); { FIND } 73:if N1 in Inv then writeln('You are carrying the ',NStr,'.') else writeln('The ',NStr,' is close by, just look around.'); end; {main case} end; { Default11 } {----------} overlay procedure Default12; begin case Vb of { HIT and BREAK } 54:if N2<>Null then if(N2 in Mov)or(N2=60)then if N1<>N2 then if Pr in[3,6] then case N1 of 1:if(Prm=56)and(1 in L[56])then RL(300)else RL(83); 18:if N2 in[10,11,29] then begin RS(97);Van(18);R[4]:=Prm;end else RL(272); 123:RL(416) else RL(273) end {case} else NoSense else crazy else crazy else { N2=Null } case N1 of 18:RL(274) else if random(3)=0 then writeln('At the last moment you decide to spare the ',NStr,'''s life!') else writeln('Hitting the ',NStr,' doesn''t help.') end; { THROW } 48:if N2<>Null then if N1 in Inv then if N1 in Mov then if N1<>N2 then if Pr in[1..5] then begin if(N1=29)and(MugCon in[79,92,99])then begin MugCon:=Null;RL(585);SFlag:=false;end; if(N2=1)and(Prm=56)and(1 in L[56])then begin Van(N1);R[N1]:=56;RL(301)end; if(N2=49)and(Prm=56)and(N1 in[1,10,18,29])then begin RS(112);Add(128);end; if(N2=69)and(Prm=91)then begin RS(160);L[91]:=L[91]+[123]; L[91]:=L[91]-[44,129];T[23]:=15;Add(51);Van(N1);R[N1]:=91;end; if(N1 in[1,22..25])then begin Van(N1);RL(430)end; if(N2=46)and(Prm in[99,101])then begin RL(514);Blast; if Prm=99 then T[27]:=2000 else T[28]:=2000;Van(N1)end; case N2 of 1,22..25:begin Van(N2);RL(431)end; 42:begin Van(N1);RL(515)end; 66:begin RL(375);Van(N1)end; 111:begin RL(449);Van(N1)end; 120:begin RL(550);Van(N1)end; 123:begin RL(450);RL(451);Van(N1);R[N1]:=Prm;end; 124:begin RL(452);RL(453);Van(N1);R[N1]:=Prm;end; 127:if Prm=64 then if Md=3 then begin RL(537);Add(128);end else RL(538); end; if(N1=18)or(N2=18)then begin Van(N1);R[N1]:=Prm;Van(18);RS(97);R[4]:=Prm;end; if not SFlag then begin writeln('The ',FN(N1),' collides with the ', FN(N2),', but nothing interesting happens.');Van(N1);R[N1]:=Prm;end end else NoSense else crazy else crazy else writeln('First you must have the ',FN(N1),'.') else { N2=Null } begin Van(N1);R[N1]:=Prm;RL(275)end; end; {main case} end; { Default12 } {----------} overlay procedure Default13; begin case Vb of { CLOSE } 53:case N1 of 5:RL(289); 56:RL(92) else writeln('The ',NStr,' is not something that can be closed.') end; { SCORE } 78:begin col(11,7); write('In ');col(12,9);write(Tic);col(11,7); write(' moves you scored ');col(12,9);write(Sc);col(11,7); writeln(' out of a possible 1000 points.'); write('This score earns you the rank of ');col(12,9); case Sc of 0..9:writeln(Up('ABSOLUTE BEGINNER!')); 10..99:write('Rookie'); 100..179:write('Struggling'); 180..259:write('Novice'); 260..349:write('Competent'); 350..449:write('Fair'); 450..549:write('Good'); 550..649:write('Great'); 650..744:write('Brilliant'); 745..829:write('Genius'); 830..899:write('Elite'); 900..949:write('Champion'); 950..1000:write('Galaxy Class') end; if Sc>9 then writeln(' Adventurer.') end; { REPAIR } 74:RL(357); { FOLLOW } 91:if VStr='follow' then case N1 of 123:RL(358);124:RL(359) else writeln('Why, did the ',NStr,' leave?') end else RL(432+random(5)); { for Scott in VOCAB! } { WEAR } 72:if N1 in[7,20,26,28]then if N1 in Inv then if not(N1 in Wear)then begin Wear:=Wear+[N1];writeln('You are now wearing the ',FN(N1),'.'); if(Prm in[102..105])and(N1=20)then RL(503); end else writeln('You are already wearing the ',FN(N1),'.') else writeln('First you must have the ',FN(N1),'.') else crazy; { REMOVE } 19:if N1 in Wear then begin Wear:=Wear-[N1]; writeln('You are no longer wearing the ',FN(N1),'.'); if Prm in[102..105]then RL(492)end else writeln('You are not wearing the ',FN(N1),' to begin with.'); { TYPE } 56:if here(37)or here(52)then RL(273)else RL(361); end; {main case} end; { Default13 } {----------} overlay procedure Default14; begin case Vb of { SHOW / GIVE } 49:if N2 in[46,111,123,124]then if Pr=1 then case N2 of 46:RL(447); 111:if N1=8 then begin Inv:=Inv+[29];Van(8);Score(10,21);RS(11); T[1]:=21;Add(9);Add(16)end else RL(444); 124:RL(445); 123:RL(446) end else nosense else crazy; { JUMP } 59:if N1<>Null then if(VStr='jump over')or(VStr='leap over')or(VStr='jump across')then if N1 in[1..29,36,49,51,69,71,73,132]then writeln('You land on the other side of the ',NStr,'.') else crazy else if(VStr='jump off')and en(8)then begin RL(475);Min(8)end else if N1 in[34,56,60,62,68,72,82,92] then crazy else if(N1 in[1..29])and not(N1 in Inv)then writeln('You land on the ',NStr,'.') else if NStr='quicksa' then begin RL(582);Add(128)end else if NStr='swamp' then begin RL(583);Add(128)end else RL(476) else if(VStr='jump off')and en(8)then begin RL(475);Min(8)end else RL(539); { DIG } 92:case N1 of 49,116,122:RL(556); 120:RL(557) else crazy end; { TALK / GREET } 21:if VStr='greet' then case N1 of 111:RL(51); 124:RL(46); 123:RL(441) else crazy end else if N1 in[111,123,124] then begin writeln('To talk to the ',FN(N1),' enter:'); writeln(FN(N1),', < what you want to say goes here >') end else crazy; 25:RS(245); end; {main case} end; { Default14 } {----------} overlay procedure DeadMain; label JUMP; begin writeln; gotoxy(1,20);for x:=5 downto 1 do begin writeln;delay(99);sound(300+(x*50));Bor(x,7)end; repeat x:=random(14)+1 until not(x in [4,12]); gotoxy(1,15);col(x,15);bak(4,7); writeln('***************************************', '***************************************'); delay(99);sound(300);Bor(6,0); gotoxy(1,16);for x:=3 downto 1 do begin write('* ', ' *'); delay(99);sound(100+(x*50));Bor(x+8,15)end;gotoxy(1,19); write('***************************************', '***************************************'); delay(99);sound(100);Bor(14,0); gotoxy(30,17);col(16,31);write('YOU HAVE DIED!!!');delay(99);sound(50); gotoxy(1,20);bak(0,0);col(11,7);Bor(12,7);writeln;delay(99);nosound; delay(999);i:=random(3)+2; tune(i,3,830);tune(i,3,770);tune(i,3,200);tune(i,3,0);delay(800); tune(i,6,400);tune(i,5,400);tune(i,5,400); tune(i,3,400);tune(i,3,400);tune(i,2,400);tune(i,3,810); JUMP: Col(11,7);Cur(2); repeat write('Would you like to ');Col(14,15);write('S');Col(11,7); write('tart a new game, ');Col(14,15);write('R');Col(11,7); write('estore or ');Col(14,15);write('Q');Col(11,7);write('uit? '); read(kbd,CFlag);CFlag:=upcase(CFlag);Col(9,15);writeln(CFlag); play(500,500,40);Col(11,7); until CFlag in['S','R','Q'];Bor(0,0);Cur(3); case CFlag of 'S':begin RL(170);delay(1500);window(1,1,80,25);clrscr; close(R1);close(R2);close(S1);close(L1);close(C1);close(T1);close(T2); assign(R1,'nova.com');execute(R1) end; 'R':begin Min(126);Restore;if not en(126)then goto JUMP end; 'Q':begin window(1,1,80,25);clrscr;Col(3,7); close(R1);close(R2);close(S1);close(L1);close(C1);close(T1);close(T2); writeln('In ',Tic,' moves you scored ',Sc, ' out of a possible 1000 points.');writeln; Col(31,16);Bak(1,7);writeln('Good-bye!');writeln;Cur(1); HALT; end end {case} end; {DEAD} procedure DEAD; begin DEADMAIN end; procedure Call13; begin Default13 end; {************************* END OF DEFAULT ROUTINES **************************}