{//-------------------------------------------------------------------------} {/* } {Copyright (C) 1990, 2009 - Apogee Software, Ltd. } { } {This file is part of Supernova. Supernova is free software; you can } {redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public } {License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 } {of the License, or (at your option) any later version. } { } {This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, } {but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of } {MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. } { } {See the GNU General Public License for more details. } { } {You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License } {along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software } {Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.} { } {Original Source: 1990 Scott Miller } {Prepared for public release: 03/19/09 - Joe Siegler, Apogee Software, Ltd. } {*/ } {//-------------------------------------------------------------------------} {$c-} const Max = 77; type MaxLength = string[Max]; OneChar = string[1]; var C1 : file of MaxLength; Position,Counter, Start,Stop,x : integer; Text1 : MaxLength; Answer : char; Letter : OneChar; List : boolean; procedure Diskwrite(text1: MaxLength; pointer: integer); begin seek(C1,pointer); WRITE(C1,text1); writeln('Clue ',pointer, ' is written! Size = ',filesize(C1)); close(C1); end; {End of Diskwrite.} procedure Diskread(start,stop: integer); var counter : integer; text1 : MaxLength; begin assign(C1,'C1'); reset(C1); seek(C1,start); for counter:= start to stop do begin highvideo; READ(C1,text1); if list then writeln(lst,counter,':',text1) else begin writeln('Here is CLUE # ',counter); lowvideo; writeln(text1); highvideo; end; end; close(C1); write('The file contains ',filesize(C1),' CLUES.'); end; {End of Diskread.} procedure Beep; begin if(length(text1)=68)then begin sound(99);delay(50);nosound;end; end; BEGIN nosound; window(2,1,79,25); repeat {Main loop.} text1:=''; writeln; writeln('Do you want to R)ead, W)rite or Q)uit?'); read(kbd,answer); if upcase(answer) = 'Q' then begin writeln('FINISHED');halt;end; if upcase(answer) <> 'R' then {Write to 'Clues'.} begin writeln;writeln; assign(C1,'C1'); textcolor(9);writeln('Now RESETing CLUE files.');highvideo; RESET(C1); writeln; writeln('Input a string not more than ',Max,' characters.', ' ''\''-Ends string.'); x:=wherey;if(x>21)then x:=22;for stop:=1 to 3 do writeln;gotoxy(1,x); textcolor(11); repeat read(trm,letter); if letter = ^h then begin write(^h,' ',^h); delete(text1,length(text1),2); end; beep; if (letter <> '\') and (letter <> ^h) then text1:=text1+letter until (length(text1)=Max) or (letter='\'); if letter = '\' then begin writeln; highvideo; writeln('Total of ',length(text1),' characters.'); end; writeln; highvideo; writeln('Total description length = ',length(text1),' characters.'); writeln('Now WRITING string to disk.'); writeln(' At what position? (Next open is # ',filesize(C1),')'); textcolor(12);position:=position+1;readln(position);highvideo; Diskwrite(text1,position); end else {Read from 'Clues'.} begin writeln;writeln; writeln('To the S)creen or the P)rinter'); read(kbd,answer); if(upcase(answer)='P')then List:=True else List:=False; assign(C1,'C1'); reset(C1); writeln('Filesize = ',filesize(C1), ' (From 0 to ',filesize(C1)-1,')'); close(C1); writeln('Enter starting position:'); textcolor(12);readln(start);highvideo; if(start > filesize(C1)-5)then stop:=(filesize(C1)-1) else begin writeln('Enter final position:'); textcolor(12);readln(stop);highvideo; end; Diskread(start,stop); end; {End of else clause.} until false; {End of Main loop.} END.