# robotfindskitten: A Zen Simulation **Release 7 / Serial number 130320 / Inform v6.33** [-] |\_/| http://www.robotfindskitten.org (+)=C |o o|__ Leonard Richardson (C) 1997, 2000 | | --*--__\ David Griffith (C) 2002-2013 (Inform Edition) OOO C_C(____) This Zen simulation is based on the C version v1600003.248b by Leonard Richardson (C) 1997, 2000. Written originally for the Nerth Pork robotfindskitten contest. Reimplemented in Inform by David Griffith (C) 2002. Lots more information on robotfindskitten is available at http://www.robotfindskitten.org. In this game, you are Robot (#). Your job is to find Kitten. This task is complicated by the existance of various things which are not kitten. Robot must touch items to determine if they are Kitten or not. Move Robot with the cursor keys, the numeric keypad, or using the vi/rogue movement keys. The game ends when robotfindskitten. Alternatively, you may end the game by hitting the Esc or Q keys. ## Build The NKI files need to be converted into a form that can be included in an Inform6 program. A Perl script, nki2inf.pl, is provided for this purpose. Invoke it like this: ````nki2inf.pl *.nki > nki.inf````. Now you can invoke Inform6 on kitten.inf ## Notes 1. More than half of the code is taken up by non kitten items (NKIs). When I compiled the code with just five messages and no debugging code, the resulting binary was less than 10k bytes. 2. If it wasn't already abundantly obvious, this program won't compile to Glulx because of copious use of Z-machine assembly instructions. 3. Compiling for V5 or higher is required due to "style" calls. Is there a reason why someone would want to compile this for V4 or previous? ## License The Inform6 edition of robotfindskitten is distributed under the Artistic License 2.0 (https://opensource.org/licenses/Artistic-2.0).