; "Bits for argument descriptors" ; "0-->X, 1-->Y" ; "If 1, use arg rather than cur val" ; "Output BCD of arg, according to desc" ; "Output arg+1, according to desc" ; "Offsets for unix terminal descriptions" ; "Cursor right" ; "Cursor left" ; "Cursor up" ; "Cursor down" ; "Horizontal move" ; "Vertical move" ; "Move" ; "Home up" ; "Home down" ; "Clear screen" ; "Clear to EOS" ; "Clear to EOL" ; "Erase char" ; "Backspace and erase char" ; "Insert line[s]" ; "Delete line[s]" ; "Insert char[s]" ; "Delete char[s]" ; "Define scrolling region" ; "Scroll up" ; "Scroll down"