;"***************************************************************************** This file defines library update primitives for use with a network library. See PROTOCOLS.FORMAT for definition of server protocols. This file is spliced into LUP (vax version). LUP-NETWORK.MUD: EDIT HISTORY Machine Dependent (For use under UNIX) COMPILATION: Spliced in at compile time. JUN84 [Shane] - Created. 18OCT84 [Shane] - Commented, cleaned up. 27OCT84 [Shane] - New protocols. ****************************************************************************" ;"NET-FILE-COPY -- Effect: Copies FROM to remote server. CNTL is the control connection, used to send the file length and receive the acknowledgement. DATA is the data connection over which the file is transmitted. Modifies: FROM, DATA, CNTL Returns: T if transfer acknowledged, FALSE otherwise. Requires: DATA, CNTL are open to server awaiting file transaction." DATA: CNTL: "AUX" (U:UVECTOR >>)) >) AMOUNT:FIX) 0>> <==? <1 .U> ,ACK>>>) (T )>>> ;"REMOTE-UPDATE -- Effect: Add the module represented by RECORD and associated FILES to remote library LIBC. Modifies: LIBC Returns: T if update is successful, otherwise FALSE. Requires: LIBC is channel open to server processing file request. RECORD is properly formatted library record as defined in LIBRARY.FORMAT. The order of the file spec vectors (see SEARCH in ABSTR) in FILES is the same as the order of the file names in RECORD (i.e. MSUBR, MUD, ABSTR, DOC), with FALSE indicating omission." "TUPLE" FILES:) >) (OUTCHAN:CHANNEL .OUTCHAN) DATA: FALSE> FROM: FALSE>) ;"Request update, send data address, connect data channel." 1> >> > >> > REMOTE-UPDATE> >)> ;"Copy files." FALSE>) > "READ">>> .FROM REMOTE-UPDATE> >) (> >)>)>> .FILES> <==? <1 .U> ,ACK>>>>