NODE >> FIX [REST LIST ANY ANY LIST FIX SYMTAB FIX FIX ATOM ANY LIST LIST ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY FIX FIX]>> "Offsets into pass 1 structure entities and functions to create same." ; "Code specifying the node type." ; "Pointer to parent node." ; "Type expression for result returned by code generated by this node." ; "Usually name of SUBR associated with this node." ; "List of sub-nodes for this node." ; "Amount of stack needed by this node." ; "Predicate: any segments among kids?" ; "Points to transient type info for this node." ; "General info about side effects (format not yet firm.)" ; "Function only: final rsubr decls." ; "Partially compiled arg list." ; "Offset to 1st special." ; "Pointer to local symbol table." ; "Number of specials." ; "Number of unspecials." ; "Predicate: any named activation?" ; "Offset to unamed temps." ; "Variable slots allocated in advance." ; "Base of stack at entry." ; "Base of stack after bindings." ; "Predicate: any specials bound?" ; "Destination spec for value of node." ; "Current destination used." ; "Label for local againing." ; "Label for local Returning." ; "Node type assumptions." ; "Predicate: Again possible?" ; "Predicate: AC call possible? (if not false ac structure)" ; "Total number of args (including optional)." ; "Required arguemnts." ; "For COND clauses." ; "For many nodes, the SUBR (not its name)." ; "For cond clause nodes, the predicate." ; "Accumulated type from all returns etc." "Variables kept in acs thru loop." "States at agains" "States at repeats." "Vars handled in this prog/repeat." ;"Information used for merging states with prog-nodes" "How a variable is used in a loop." ATOM FIX LIST ANY ANY FIX LIST ANY ANY>> ; "Pointer to next symbol table entry." ; "Name of variable." ; "Predicate: special?" ; "Code specifying whether AUX, OPTIONAL etc." ; "If an argument, which one." ; "Predicate: unchanged in function?" ; "Decl for this variable." ; "Where do I live?" ; "Predicate: initial value? if so what." ; "ID of my frame." ; "Predicate: used only in AGAIN/RETURN?" ; "Predicate: used in ASSIGNED?" ; "Predicate: currently in some AC?" ; "Predicate: stored in slot?" ; "Next global symbol." > > ]>> > .ATM> ![FUNCTION-CODE QUOTE-CODE SEGMENT-CODE FORM-CODE PROG-CODE SUBR-CODE COND-CODE BRANCH-CODE RSUBR-CODE LVAL-CODE SET-CODE OR-CODE AND-CODE RETURN-CODE COPY-CODE GO-CODE AGAIN-CODE ARITH-CODE 0-TST-CODE NOT-CODE 1?-CODE TEST-CODE EQ-CODE TY?-CODE LNTH-CODE MT-CODE NTH-CODE REST-CODE PUT-CODE PUTR-CODE FLVAL-CODE FSET-CODE FGVAL-CODE FSETG-CODE MIN-MAX-CODE STACKFORM-CODE CHTYPE-CODE ABS-CODE FIX-CODE FLOAT-CODE MOD-CODE ID-CODE ASSIGNED?-CODE ISTRUC-CODE ISTRUC2-CODE BITS-CODE BITL-CODE GETBITS-CODE PUTBITS-CODE MAP-CODE MFCN-CODE ISUBR-CODE READ-EOF-CODE READ-EOF2-CODE EOF-CODE GET-CODE GET2-CODE IPUT-CODE IREMAS-CODE IRSUBR-CODE MARGS-CODE MPSBR-CODE MAPLEAVE-CODE MAPRET-STOP-CODE UNWIND-CODE GVAL-CODE SETG-CODE SEG-CODE LENGTH?-CODE TAG-CODE MFIRST-CODE PRINT-CODE MEMQ-CODE FORM-F-CODE INFO-CODE OBLIST?-CODE AS-NXT-CODE AS-IT-IND-VAL-CODE ALL-REST-CODE CASE-CODE SUBSTRUC-CODE BACK-CODE TOP-CODE COPY-LIST-CODE PUT-SAME-CODE ROT-CODE LSH-CODE BIT-TEST-CODE SPARE1-CODE SPARE2-CODE SPARE3-CODE SPARE4-CODE!]>> > > > ![,0-TST-CODE ,1?-CODE ,NOT-CODE , TEST-CODE ,EQ-CODE ,TY?-CODE ,MT-CODE ,OR-CODE ,AND-CODE ,ASSIGNED?-CODE , ISUBR-CODE ,NTH-CODE ,MEMQ-CODE ,LENGTH?-CODE ,OBLIST?-CODE ,AS-NXT-CODE!]> (ACO AC-A AC-B AC-C AC-D AC-E AC-F AC-G AC-H LAST-AC LAST-AC-1) AC> ,MANIFEST ,CODVEC> (RDOIT SDOIT) (BANALS) (ANALYZERS) VECTOR (BINDERS) UVECTOR (GENERATORS) VECTOR> > > [REST ]>]>> FALSE> FIX FIX >> > >>> > 0 .N <> .N+1 <> <> <>] AC>>> ![`A `B `C `D `E!] ![`A* `B* `C* `D* `E*!] ![1 2 3 4 5!] ![`B* `C* `D* `E* `PVP*!] ![AC-A AC-B AC-C AC-D AC-E!]>> > >)> > )]>>)> > >)> > >)> > >)> > >)> > >)> ]> (SNODES SNODES1) (CMSUBRS 0SUBRS) (SKIPS) ]>]> (0JMPS) ]>>