## 219-point run to pirate appearance and theft # Based on walkthrough at http://www.ecsoftwareconsulting.com/node/56 n seed 1495951709 in take lamp on xyzzy take rod e take cage w w w drop rod take bird take rod w free bird wave rod take jade drop rod take bird take rod d w wave rod drop rod e n free bird take bird s take jewelry n sw w kill dragon yes drink blood take rug e e n take silver n plugh drop silver drop jewelry drop jade drop rug out s w n take appendage free bird listen s s n in take water plugh plover ne take axe take pyramid s plover s d u u throw axe take axe throw axe take axe throw axe take axe throw axe take axe s e w drop cage w w w w s sw se s kill machine s s kill ogre n take ruby s w n n n nw d e e e take diamonds e e s take gold n y2 d plugh drop diamonds drop pyramid drop ruby plugh plugh drop coins plugh s d bedquilt slab s d water plant u w u reservoir Q'IBJ n n nw u u u u ne take ebony sw d d d d se s s take water s s d s d water plant u e d take oil u w d climb w n oil door n take trident w d se n w drop trident drop axe drop ebony drop bottle drop appendage drop lamp e take emerald w take lamp take bottle take ebony take axe take trident nw s take vase e se e take pillow w ne e n open clam s u e u n plugh drop pillow drop vase drop trident drop ebony drop emerald take food take keys plugh s s w take coins e n d w d n d d take pearl up u s w throw axe take axe w throw axe take axe w d get oil u w d climb w get eggs drop coins get eggs n n d w d sw up toss eggs ne ne barren in feed bear unlock chain take bear w fork ne e drop keys take spices fork w w sw free bear sw sw d se se w d climb up w d climb w take coins fee fie foe foo take eggs