## Test many nonlethal failure conditions # See comments in this log n seed 1838473132 in take lamp xyzzy on take rod e take cage w w w drop rod take bird take rod w free bird wave rod take necklace drop rod take bird take rod d d free bird drop rod drop cage take cage take bird w take coins e s take jewelry n up s take gold n d n n plugh extinguish lamp drop coins drop jewelry drop necklace drop gold plugh on s take silver s sw take axe w kill dragon yes drink blood take rug e e up d n n off plugh inven drop rug drop silver out s w n take appendage free bird drop cage listen s s n in take water plugh on plover ne take pyramid s plover s s take rod up w wave rod drop rod west take diamonds w w w s sw se s kill machine s s kill ogre n take ruby s w n n n nw d e e e e e throw axe take axe n n n off plugh drop ruby drop diamonds drop pyramid plugh on s s u n n d bedquilt throw axe take axe slab s d water plant u w u reservoir H'CFL n n nw u u u u ne take ebony sw d d d d d take water s s s s d s d water plant u drop appendage e d get oil u w d climb w n oil door drop bottle n take trident w d se n w drop trident drop ebony drop axe drop lantern e take emerald w take lamp take axe take ebony take trident nw s take vase # Test vase breakage break vase break vase se throw axe take axe e w ne e n # Here we are at the Shell Room. Fail to carry out bivalves take clam s drop clam open clam take oyster s drop oyster s # OK, bivalve-carry test is done u e u n off plugh drop pillow drop trident drop emerald drop ebony take keys take food take coins plugh on s d w d n d d take pearl u u s w w w w d climb w get eggs n take bottle n w d sw u toss eggs ne ne # Bear-verb test. Try feeding without food before feeding with barren drop food in attack unlock chain feed bear out take food in feed bear carry bear unlock chain take chain attack bear feed bear take bear fork ne e take spices drop keys fork w w sw free bear take bear sw yes inven out take lamp light lamp in plugh s d bedquilt n sw up over feed bear attack bear # We'll need these when the game times out take coins take axe # Back to fissure to vanish the bridge and then test OVER sw d se se ne e up e up s up w take rod wave rod across # Next, buy batteries but don't take them. wave rod across w w w s s sw se s s drop coins look n z z z z # Battery warning happens here. s take batteries # We now have 2500 more turns of life. Into the maze... n # Show that trying to back up in the maze fails back n nw d # Out of maze. Drink where nothing is eligible. drink e e # PARALLEL1 coverage n # If we go to hall of mists we'll meet a killer dwarf with the drop on us #e #e w w n e d e u throw axe d n d # Coverage of LOC_SMALLPIT and LOC_SMALLPITBRINK e d listen u w # Coverage of LOC_THREEJUNCTION, LOC_WINDOW2, LOC_SECRET2, LOC_TOPSTALACTITE, # LOC_NECKBROKE. Only accessible via stalactite from big maze or by random # exit from Bedquilt. bedquilt n n n n n w n w s # LOC_TOPSTALACTITE s n s n n n jump y # Reincarnation, cover LOC_SEWER out take lamp in downstream plugh on lamp # Cover WINDOW1 w e # Retrieve axe s s e take axe listen # At Hall of Mists score inven # Timewarp forward to test exhaustion of replacement batteries waste 2446 z # MISSING_BATTERIES is uttered