## Test throwing axe at non-dwarves. n seed 1838473132 in take lamp xyzzy on take rod e take cage w w w drop rod cage bird take rod w free bird wave rod take necklace drop rod cage bird take rod d d free bird drop rod drop cage take cage cage bird take rod w e s take jewelry n up s take gold n d n n plugh extinguish lamp drop coins drop jewelry drop necklace drop gold plugh on s take silver s sw take axe w throw axe take axe kill dragon y inven e e u # Go to vending machine and ogre from Hall of Mists w wave rod w w w w s sw se s throw axe kill machine s s throw axe take axe # Return to Hall of Mists w n n n # Vending machine nw d e e e e e # Hall of Mists n n take knife throw axe take axe d w d w # Bedquilt n feed dwarf throw axe take axe n n sw up # Troll bridge throw axe