;;; Mudsync --- Live hackable MUD ;;; Copyright © 2016 Christopher Allan Webber ;;; ;;; This file is part of Mudsync. ;;; ;;; Mudsync is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Mudsync is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with Mudsync. If not, see . (define-module (mudsync room) #:use-module (mudsync command) #:use-module (mudsync gameobj) #:use-module (mudsync utils) #:use-module (8sync actors) #:use-module (8sync agenda) #:use-module (oop goops) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (ice-9 control) #:export ( )) ;;; Exits ;;; ===== (define-class () (to #:init-keyword #:to) ;; Name of the room (@@: Should this be names?) (name #:getter exit-name #:init-keyword #:name) (desc #:init-keyword #:desc #:init-value #f) ;; *Note*: These two methods have an extra layer of indirection, but ;; it's for a good reason. (visible-check #:init-value (const #t) #:init-keyword #:visible-check) ;; By default all exits can be traversed (traverse-check #:init-value (const #t) #:init-keyword #:traverse-check)) (define* (exit-can-traverse? exit actor #:optional (target-actor (actor-id actor))) ((slot-ref exit 'traverse-check) exit actor target-actor)) (define* (exit-is-visible? exit actor #:optional (target-actor (actor-id actor))) ((slot-ref exit 'traverse-check) exit actor target-actor)) ;;; Rooms ;;; ===== ;; TODO: Subclass from container? (define-class () ;; A list of (exits #:init-value '() #:init-keyword #:exits #:getter room-exits) (container-dom-commands #:allocation #:each-subclass #:init-thunk (build-commands (("l" "look") ((empty-command cmd-look-room))) ("go" ((empty-command cmd-go-where) (loose-direct-command cmd-go))) (("say" "\"" "'") ((greedy-command cmd-say))) (("emote" "/me") ((greedy-command cmd-emote))))) (container-sub-commands #:allocation #:each-subclass #:init-thunk (build-commands (("l" "look") ((loose-direct-command cmd-look-at-from-room))))) (actions #:allocation #:each-subclass #:init-thunk (build-actions (cmd-go room-cmd-go) (cmd-go-where room-cmd-go-where) (announce-entrance room-announce-entrance) (look-room room-look-room) (tell-room room-act-tell-room) ;; in this case the command is the same version as the normal ;; look-room version (cmd-look-room room-look-room) (cmd-look-at-from-room room-look-dont-see-it) (cmd-say room-cmd-say) (cmd-emote room-cmd-emote)))) (define* (room-cmd-go room message #:key direct-obj) (define exit (find (lambda (exit) (equal? (exit-name exit) direct-obj)) (room-exits room))) (define to-address (if exit ;; Get the exit, but resolve it dynamically ;; in case it's a special (dyn-ref room (slot-ref exit 'to)) #f)) (define player-name (mbody-val (<-wait (message-from message) 'get-name))) (cond (exit ;; Set the player's new location (<-wait (message-from message) 'set-loc! #:loc to-address) ;; Tell everyone else the person walked away (room-tell-room room (format #f "~a wanders ~a.\n" player-name direct-obj)) (<- to-address 'announce-entrance #:who-entered (message-from message)) ;; Have the new room update the player to the new location (<- to-address 'look-room #:to-id (message-from message))) (else (<- (message-from message) 'tell #:text "You don't see any way to go there.\n")))) (define (room-cmd-go-where room message) (<- (message-from message) 'tell #:text "Go where?\n")) ;;; look commands (define (room-player-looks-around room player-id) "Handle looking around the room" ;; Get the room text (define room-text `((strong "=> " ,(slot-ref room 'name) " <=") (p ,(slot-ref room 'desc)))) ;; Get a list of other things the player would see in the room (define occupant-names-all (map (lambda (occupant) (call-with-message (<-wait occupant 'visible-name #:whos-looking player-id) (lambda* (_ #:key text) text))) (remove (lambda (x) (equal? x player-id)) (hash-map->list (lambda (x _) x) (slot-ref room 'occupants))))) ;; Strip out the #f responses (these aren't listed because they lack a name ;; or they aren't "obviously visible" to the player) (define occupant-names-filtered (filter identity occupant-names-all)) (define occupant-names-string (if (eq? occupant-names-filtered '()) #f (format #f "You see here: ~a.\n" (string-join occupant-names-filtered ", ")))) (define final-text (if occupant-names-string `(,@room-text (p (em ,occupant-names-string))) room-text)) (<- player-id 'tell #:text final-text)) (define* (room-look-room room message ;; Either send it to the #:to-id of the message, ;; or to the sender of the message #:key (to-id (message-from message))) "Command: Player asks to look around the room" (room-player-looks-around room to-id)) (define (room-find-thing-called room called-this) "Find something called CALLED-THIS in the room, if any." (call/ec (lambda (return) (for-each (lambda (occupant) (define goes-by (mbody-val (<-wait occupant 'goes-by))) (if (ci-member called-this goes-by) (return occupant))) (hash-map->list (lambda (key val) key) (slot-ref room 'occupants))) #f))) (define* (room-look-dont-see-it room message #:key direct-obj) "In general, if we get to this point, we didn't find something to look at." (<- (message-from message) 'tell #:text "You don't see that here, so you can't look at it.\n")) (define* (room-tell-room room text #:key exclude wait) (define who-to-tell (gameobj-occupants room #:exclude exclude)) (for-each (lambda (tell-me) ;; @@: Does anything really care? (define deliver-method (if wait <-wait <-)) (deliver-method tell-me 'tell #:text text)) who-to-tell)) (define* (room-act-tell-room room message #:key text exclude wait) "Tell the room some messages." (room-tell-room room text #:exclude exclude #:wait wait)) (define* (room-cmd-say room message #:key phrase) "Command: Say something to room participants." (define player-name (mbody-val (<-wait (message-from message) 'get-name))) (define message-to-send `((b "<" ,player-name ">") " " ,phrase)) (room-tell-room room message-to-send)) (define* (room-cmd-emote room message #:key phrase) "Command: Say something to room participants." (define player-name (mbody-val (<-wait (message-from message) 'get-name))) (define message-to-send `((b "* " ,player-name) " " ,phrase)) (room-tell-room room message-to-send)) (define* (room-announce-entrance room message #:key who-entered) (define player-name (mbody-val (<-wait who-entered 'get-name))) (define message-to-send (format #f "~a enters the room.\n" player-name)) (room-tell-room room message-to-send #:exclude who-entered))