;;; Mudsync --- Live hackable MUD ;;; Copyright © 2016 Christopher Allan Webber ;;; ;;; This file is part of Mudsync. ;;; ;;; Mudsync is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Mudsync is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with Mudsync. If not, see . ;;; Game actor ;;; ========== (define-module (mudsync gameobj) #:use-module (mudsync command) #:use-module (8sync systems actors) #:use-module (8sync agenda) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (oop goops) #:export ( gameobj-simple-name-f gameobj-loc gameobj-gm gameobj-name gameobj-name-f gameobj-actions)) ;;; Gameobj ;;; ======= ;;; Actions supported by all gameobj (define gameobj-actions (build-actions (init (wrap-apply gameobj-init)) (get-commands (wrap-apply gameobj-get-commands)) (get-container-commands (wrap-apply gameobj-get-container-commands)) (get-occupants (wrap-apply gameobj-get-occupants)) (add-occupant! (wrap-apply gameobj-add-occupant!)) (remove-occupant! (wrap-apply gameobj-remove-occupant!)) (set-loc! (wrap-apply gameobj-set-loc!)) (get-name (wrap-apply gameobj-get-name)) (get-desc (wrap-apply gameobj-get-desc)) (goes-by (wrap-apply gameobj-act-goes-by)) (visible-name (wrap-apply gameobj-visible-name)))) ;;; *all* game components that talk to players should somehow ;;; derive from this class. ;;; And all of them need a GM! (define-class () ;; location id (loc #:init-value #f #:getter gameobj-loc) ;; Uses a hash table like a set (values ignored) (occupants #:init-thunk make-hash-table #:getter gameobj-occupants) ;; game master id (gm #:init-keyword #:gm #:getter gameobj-gm) ;; a name to be known by (name #:init-keyword #:name #:init-value #f) (goes-by #:init-keyword #:goes-by #:init-value #f) (desc #:init-value #f #:init-keyword #:desc) ;; how to print our name (name-f #:init-keyword #:name-f #:getter gameobj-name-f #:init-value (wrap gameobj-simple-name-f)) ;; Commands we can handle (commands #:init-value '()) ;; Commands we can handle by being something's container (container-commands #:init-value '()) (message-handler #:init-value (simple-dispatcher gameobj-actions)) ;; Most objects are generally visible by default (generally-visible #:init-value #t #:init-keyword #:generally-visible) ;; @@: Would be preferable to be using generic methods for this... ;; Hopefully we can port this to Guile 2.2 soon... (visible-to-player? #:init-value (wrap-apply gameobj-visible-to-player?))) ;;; gameobj message handlers ;;; ======================== ;; Kind of a useful utility, maybe? (define (simple-slot-getter slot) (lambda (actor message) (reply-message actor message #:val (slot-ref actor slot)))) ;; @@: This could be kind of a messy way of doing gameobj-init ;; stuff. If only we had generic methods :( (define-mhandler (gameobj-init actor message) "Your most basic game object init procedure. Does nothing." #f) (define (gameobj-goes-by gameobj) "Find the name we go by. Defaults to #:name if nothing else provided." (cond ((slot-ref gameobj 'goes-by) => identity) ((slot-ref gameobj 'name) => (lambda (name) (list name))) (else '()))) (define (gameobj-act-goes-by actor message) "Reply to a message requesting what we go by." (<-reply actor message #:goes-by (gameobj-goes-by actor))) (define (val-or-run val-or-proc) "Evaluate if a procedure, or just return otherwise" (if (procedure? val-or-proc) (val-or-proc) val-or-proc)) (define (filter-commands commands verb) (filter (lambda (cmd) (equal? (command-verbs cmd) verb)) commands)) (define-mhandler (gameobj-get-commands actor message verb) "Get commands a co-occupant of the room might execute for VERB" (define filtered-commands (filter-commands (val-or-run (slot-ref actor 'commands)) verb)) (<-reply actor message #:commands filtered-commands #:goes-by (gameobj-goes-by actor))) (define-mhandler (gameobj-get-container-commands actor message verb) "Get commands as the container / room of message's sender" (define filtered-commands (filter-commands (val-or-run (slot-ref actor 'container-commands)) verb)) (<-reply actor message #:commands filtered-commands)) (define-mhandler (gameobj-add-occupant! actor message who) "Add an actor to our list of present occupants" (hash-set! (slot-ref actor 'occupants) who #t)) (define-mhandler (gameobj-remove-occupant! actor message who) "Remove an occupant from the room." (hash-remove! (slot-ref actor 'occupants) who)) (define-mhandler (gameobj-get-occupants actor message) "Get all present occupants of the room." (define occupants (hash-map->list (lambda (key val) key) (gameobj-occupants actor))) (<-reply actor message #:occupants occupants)) ;; @@: Should it really be #:id ? Maybe #:loc-id or #:loc? (define-mhandler (gameobj-set-loc! actor message loc) "Set the location of this object." (define old-loc (gameobj-loc actor)) (format #t "DEBUG: Location set to ~s for ~s\n" loc (actor-id-actor actor)) (slot-set! actor 'loc loc) ;; Change registation of where we currently are (if loc (<-wait actor loc 'add-occupant! #:who (actor-id actor))) (if old-loc (<-wait actor old-loc 'remove-occupant! #:who (actor-id actor)))) (define gameobj-get-name (simple-slot-getter 'name)) (define gameobj-get-desc (simple-slot-getter 'desc)) (define (gameobj-simple-name-f gameobj) "Simplest version: return ourselves for our name." (gameobj-name gameobj)) (define (gameobj-visible-to-player? gameobj whos-looking) "Check to see whether we're visible to the player or not. By default, this is whether or not the generally-visible flag is set." (slot-ref gameobj 'generally-visible)) (define-mhandler (gameobj-visible-name actor message whos-looking) ;; Are we visible? (define we-are-visible ((slot-ref actor 'visible-to-player?) actor whos-looking)) (define name-to-return (if we-are-visible ;; Return our name (match (slot-ref actor 'name) ((? procedure? name-proc) (name-proc actor whos-looking)) ((? string? name) name) (#f #f)) #f)) (<-reply actor message #:text name-to-return))