;;; Mudsync --- Live hackable MUD ;;; Copyright © 2016 Christopher Allan Webber ;;; ;;; This file is part of Mudsync. ;;; ;;; Mudsync is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Mudsync is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with Mudsync. If not, see . (use-modules (8sync systems actors) (8sync systems actors debug) (8sync agenda) (ice-9 format) (ice-9 match) (gdbm) (oop goops)) ;;; Networking ;;; ========== (define %default-server #f) (define %default-port 8889) (define-class () (server-socket #:accessor nm-server-socket) ;; mapping of client -> client-id (clients #:accessor nm-clients #:init-thunk make-hash-table) ;; send input to this actor (send-input-to #:getter nm-send-input-to #:init-keyword #:send-input-to) (message-handler #:init-value (make-action-dispatch ((start-listening actor message) (nm-install-socket actor (message-ref message 'server %default-server) (message-ref message 'port %default-port))) ((send-to-client actor message client data) (nm-send-to-client-id actor client data))))) (define-method (nm-close-everything (nm ) remove-from-agenda) "Shut it down!" ;; close all clients (hash-for-each (lambda (_ client) (close client) (if remove-from-agenda (8sync-port-remove client))) (nm-clients nm)) ;; reset the clients list (set! (nm-clients) (make-hash-table)) ;; close the server (close (nm-server-socket nm)) (if remove-from-agenda (8sync-port-remove (nm-server-socket nm)))) ;; Maximum number of backlogged connections when we listen (define %maximum-backlog-conns 128) ; same as SOMAXCONN on Linux 2.X, ; says the intarwebs (define (nm-install-socket nm server port) "Install socket on SERVER with PORT" (let ((s (socket PF_INET ; ipv4 SOCK_STREAM ; two-way connection-based byte stream 0)) (addr (if server (inet-pton AF_INET server) INADDR_LOOPBACK))) ;; Totally mimed from the Guile manual. Not sure if we need this, but: ;; http://www.unixguide.net/network/socketfaq/4.5.shtml (setsockopt s SOL_SOCKET SO_REUSEADDR 1) ; reuse port even if port is busy ;; Connecting to a non-specific address: ;; (bind s AF_INET INADDR_ANY port) ;; Should this be an option? Guess I don't know why we'd need it ;; @@: If we wanted to support listening on a particular hostname, ;; could see 8sync's irc.scm... (bind s AF_INET addr port) ;; Listen to connections (listen s %maximum-backlog-conns) ;; Throw a system-error rather than block on an (accept) ;; that has nothing to do (fcntl s F_SETFL (logior O_NONBLOCK (fcntl s F_GETFL))) ;; @@: This is used in Guile's http server under the commit: ;; * module/web/server/http.scm (http-open): Ignore SIGPIPE. Keeps the ;; server from dying in some circumstances. ;; (sigaction SIGPIPE SIG_IGN) ;; Will this break other things that use pipes for us though? (set! (nm-server-socket nm) s) (format #t "Listening for clients in pid: ~s\n" (getpid)) (8sync-port s #:read (lambda (s) (nm-new-client nm s))) ;; TODO: set up periodic close of idle connections? )) (define (nm-new-client nm s) "Handle new client coming in to socket S" (let* ((client-connection (accept s)) (client-details (cdr client-connection)) (client (car client-connection))) (format #t "New client: ~s\n" client-details) (format #t "Client address: ~s\n" (gethostbyaddr (sockaddr:addr client-details))) (let ((client-id (big-random-number))) (hash-set! (nm-clients nm) client-id client) ;; @@: Do we need an 8sync-port-wait here? ;; Is such a thing even possible? :\ (8sync-port client #:read (nm-make-client-receive nm client-id)) (<- nm (nm-send-input-to nm) 'new-client #:client client-id)))) (define (nm-make-client-receive nm client-id) "Make a method to receive client data" (let ((buffer '())) (define (reset-buffer) (set! buffer '())) (define (should-read-char client) (and (not (port-closed? client)) (char-ready? client) (not (eof-object? (peek-char client))))) (define (receive-handler client) (while (should-read-char client) (set! buffer (cons (read-char client) buffer)) (match buffer (;; @@: Do we need the "char?" (#\newline #\return (? char? line-chars) ...) (let ((ready-line (list->string (reverse line-chars)))) ;; reset buffer (set! buffer '()) ;; run it (nm-handle-line nm client client-id ready-line))) (_ #f))) ;; Shut things down on closed port or EOF object (cond ((port-closed? client) (nm-handle-port-closed nm client client-id)) ((and (char-ready? client) (eof-object? (peek-char client))) (nm-handle-port-eof nm client client-id)))) receive-handler)) (define (nm-handle-port-closed nm client client-id) "Handle a closed port" (format #t "DEBUG: handled closed port ~x\n" client-id) (8sync-port-remove client) (hash-remove! (nm-clients nm) client-id)) (define-method (nm-handle-port-eof nm client client-id) "Handle seeing an EOF on port" (format #t "DEBUG: handled eof-object on port ~x\n" client-id) (close client) (8sync-port-remove client) (hash-remove! (nm-clients nm) client-id)) (define-method (nm-handle-line nm client client-id line) "Handle an incoming line of input from a client" (<- nm (nm-send-input-to nm) 'client-input #:data line #:client client-id)) (define-method (nm-send-to-client-id nm client-id data) "Send DATA to TO-CLIENT id" (define client-obj (hash-ref (nm-clients nm) client-id)) (if (not client-obj) (throw 'no-such-client "Asked to send data to client but that client doesn't exist" #:client-id client-id #:data data)) (display data client-obj)) ; (ez-run-hive hive (list (bootstrap-message hive (actor-id nm) 'start-listening))) ;; (define-method (nm-close-port (nm ))) ;;; The game master! Runs the world. ;;; ================================= ;; @@: We could call this a "world builder" instead... ;; I kinda like calling it a GM though. (define-class () ;; Directory of "special" objects. (special-dir #:init-thunk make-hash-table #:getter gm-special-dir) ;; Room directory. Room symbols to locations. (room-dir #:init-thunk make-hash-table #:getter gm-room-dir) ;; A mapping of client ids to in-game actors ;; and a reverse ;p (client-dir #:init-thunk make-hash-table #:getter gm-client-dir) (reverse-client-dir #:init-thunk make-hash-table #:getter gm-reverse-client-dir) ;; Network manager (network-manager #:accessor gm-network-manager #:init-value #f) ;; How we get a new connection acclimated to the system (new-conn-handler #:accessor gm-new-conn-handler #:init-keyword #:new-conn-handler) (message-handler #:init-value (make-action-dispatch (init-world (wrap-apply gm-init-world)) (client-input (wrap-apply gm-handle-client-input)) (lookup-room (wrap-apply gm-lookup-room)) (new-client (wrap-apply gm-new-client)) (write-home (wrap-apply gm-write-home))))) ;;; .. begin world init stuff .. (define (gm-init-world gm message) ;; Load database ;; TODO ;; Init basic rooms / structure (gm-init-rooms gm (message-ref message 'room-spec)) ;; Restore database-based actors ;; TODO ;; Set up the network (gm-setup-network gm)) (define (gm-init-rooms gm rooms-spec) "Initialize the prebuilt rooms" ;; @@: Would it be nicer to just allow passing in ;; #:exits to the room spec itself? (define (exit-from-spec exit-spec) "Take room exits syntax from the spec, turn it into exits" (match exit-spec ((name to-symbol desc) (make #:name name #:to-symbol to-symbol #:desc desc)))) (define rooms (map (match-lambda ((room-symbol room-class room-args ... (room-exits ...)) ;; initialize the room (let ((room (apply create-actor* gm room-class "room" #:gm (actor-id gm) #:exits (map exit-from-spec room-exits) room-args))) ;; register the room (hash-set! (gm-room-dir gm) room-symbol room) ;; pass it back to the map room))) rooms-spec)) ;; now wire up all the exits (for-each (lambda (room) (format #t "Wiring up ~s...\n" (address->string room)) (<-wait gm room 'wire-exits!)) rooms)) (define (gm-setup-network gm) ;; Create a default network manager if none available (set! (gm-network-manager gm) (create-actor* gm "netman" #:send-input-to (actor-id gm))) ;; TODO: Add host and port options (<-wait gm (gm-network-manager gm) 'start-listening)) (define (gm-setup-database gm) 'TODO) ;;; .. end world init stuff ... (define-mhandler (gm-new-client actor message client) ;; @@: Maybe more indirection than needed for this ((gm-new-conn-handler actor) actor client)) (define (gm-handle-client-input actor message) "Handle input from a client." (define client-id (message-ref message 'client)) (define input (message-ref message 'data)) (format #t "From ~s: ~s\n" client-id input) (<- actor (gm-network-manager actor) 'send-to-client #:client client-id #:data "Thanks, we got it!\n")) (define-mhandler (gm-lookup-room actor message symbol) (define room-id (slot-ref (gm-room-dir actor) symbol)) (<-reply actor message room-id)) (define-mhandler (gm-write-home actor message text) (define client-id (hash-ref (gm-reverse-client-dir actor) (message-from message))) (<- actor (gm-network-manager actor) 'send-to-client #:client client-id #:data text)) ;;; GM utilities (define (gm-register-client! gm client-id player) (hash-set! (gm-client-dir gm) client-id player) (hash-set! (gm-reverse-client-dir gm) player client-id)) (define (gm-unregister-client! gm client-id) "Remove a connection/player combo and ask them to self destruct" (match (hash-remove! (gm-client-dir gm) client-id) ; Remove from our client dir ((_ . player-id) ;; Remove from reverse table too (hash-remove! (gm-reverse-client-dir gm) client-id) ;; Destroy player (<- gm player-id 'destroy-self)) (#f (throw 'no-client-to-unregister "Can't unregister a client that doesn't exist?" client-id)))) ;;; An easy default (define (make-default-room-conn-handler default-room) "Make a handler for a GM that dumps people in a default room with an anonymous persona" (let ((count 0)) (lambda (gm client-id) (define guest-name (string-append "Guest-" (number->string count))) (define room-id (hash-ref (gm-room-dir gm) default-room)) ;; create and register the player (define player (create-actor* gm "player" #:username guest-name #:gm (actor-id gm) #:client client-id)) ;; Register the player in our database of players -> connections (gm-register-client! gm client-id player) ;; Dump the player into the default room (<-wait gm player 'set-loc! #:id room-id) ;; Initialize the player (<- gm player 'init)))) ;;; Game actor ;;; ========== ;;; *all* game components that talk to players should somehow ;;; derive from this class. ;;; And all of them need a GM! (define-class () ;; location id (loc #:init-value #f #:accessor gameobj-loc) ;; game master id (gm #:init-keyword #:gm #:getter gameobj-gm) ;; a name to be known by (name #:init-keyword #:name #:accessor gameobj-name) ;; how to print our name (name-f #:init-keyword #:name-f #:getter gameobj-name-f #:init-value gameobj-simple-name-f) ;; Name aliases (aliases #:init-keyword #:aliases #:init-value '()) ;; Commands we can handle (commands #:init-value #f) ;; Commands we can handle by being something's container (contain-commands #:init-value #f)) (define (gameobj-simple-name-f gameobj) "Simplest version: return ourselves for our name." (gameobj-name gameobj)) ;;; Rooms ;;; ===== ;; @@: Maybe make this into a record type when this congeals a bit? ;; I dunno? (define-class () ;; Used for wiring (to-symbol #:accessor exit-to-symbol #:init-keyword #:to-symbol) ;; The actual address we use (to-address #:accessor exit-to-address #:init-keyword #:address) ;; Name of the room (@@: Should this be names?) (name #:accessor exit-name #:init-keyword #:name) (desc #:accessor exit-desc #:init-keyword #:desc) ;; *Note*: These two methods have an extra layer of indirection, but ;; it's for a good reason. (visible-check #:init-value (const #t) #:init-keyword #:visible-check) ;; By default all exits can be traversed (traverse-check #:init-value (const #t) #:init-keyword #:traverse-check)) (define* (exit-can-traverse? exit actor #:optional (target-actor (actor-id actor))) ((slot-ref exit 'traverse-check) exit actor target-actor)) (define* (exit-is-visible? exit actor #:optional (target-actor (actor-id actor))) ((slot-ref exit 'traverse-check) exit actor target-actor)) ;; Kind of a useful utility, maybe? (define (simple-slot-getter slot) (lambda (actor message) (reply-message actor message #:val (slot-ref actor slot)))) ;; TODO: Subclass from container? (define-class () (desc #:init-value "" #:init-keyword #:desc) ;; TODO: Switch this to be loc based ;; Uses a hash table like a set (values ignored) (occupants #:init-thunk make-hash-table) ;; A list of (exits #:init-value '() #:getter room-exits) ;; @@: Maybe eventually will inherit from some more general ;; game object class (contain-commands #:init-value %room-contain-commands) (message-handler #:allocation #:each-subclass #:init-value (make-action-dispatch ;; desc == description (get-desc (simple-slot-getter 'desc)) (get-name (simple-slot-getter 'name)) ((register-occupant! actor message who) "Register an actor as being a occupant of this room" (hash-set! (slot-ref actor 'occupants) who #t)) ((evict-occupant! actor message who) "De-register an occupant removed from the room" (hash-remove! (slot-ref actor 'occupants) who)) (wire-exits! (wrap-apply room-wire-exits!))))) (define always (const #t)) (define %room-contain-commands (list (command "look" cmatch-just-verb always 'look-room) (command "look" cmatch-direct-obj always 'look-member) (command "go" cmathc-just-verb always 'go-where) (command "go" cmatch-direct-obj always 'go-exit))) (define (room-wire-exits! room message) "Actually hook up the rooms' exit addresses to the rooms they claim to point to." (for-each (lambda (exit) (define new-exit (<-wait room (gameobj-gm room) 'lookup-room #:symbol (exit-to-symbol exit))) (set! (exit-to-address exit) new-exit)) (room-exits room))) ;;; Players ;;; ======= (define-class () (username #:init-keyword #:username #:accessor player-username) ;; Connection id (client #:accessor player-client) (self-commands #:init-value #f ; TODO: Set me to a reasonable default #:accessor player-self-commands) (message-handler #:init-value (make-action-dispatch (set-loc! (wrap-apply player-set-loc!)) (init (wrap-apply player-init!))))) ;;; player message handlers (define-mhandler (player-set-loc! player message id) (format #t "DEBUG: Location set to ~s for player ~s\n" id (actor-id-actor player)) (set! (gameobj-loc player) id)) (define-mhandler (player-init! player message) (player-look-around player)) ;;; player methods (define (player-look-around player) (define room-name (message-ref (<-wait player (gameobj-loc player) 'get-name) 'val)) (define room-desc (message-ref (<-wait player (gameobj-loc player) 'get-desc) 'val)) (define message-text (format #f "**~a**\n~a\n" room-name room-desc)) (<- player (gameobj-gm player) 'write-home #:text message-text)) ;;; Debugging stuff ;;; =============== (define %test-gm #f) (define (run-demo db-path room-spec default-room) (define hive (make-hive)) (define new-conn-handler (make-default-room-conn-handler default-room)) (define gm (hive-create-actor-gimmie* hive "gm" #:new-conn-handler new-conn-handler)) (set! %test-gm gm) ;; @@: Boy, wouldn't it be nice if the agenda could do things ;; on interrupt :P (ez-run-hive hive (list (bootstrap-message hive (actor-id gm) 'init-world #:room-spec room-spec))))