;;LIFP module for input/output ;; ;;This file is a part of Lisp Interactive Fiction Project ;; ;;See license.txt for licensing information (in-package :cl-user) (defpackage :if-console (:use :common-lisp :ltk :com.gigamonkeys.pathnames) (:export :terminal-in :terminal-out :run-console :console-running-p :textwidth :offset :style :*text* :get-input :ltk-after :*repl-mode* :*hard-quit* :quit-lisp :close-console :load-module :print-message)) (in-package :if-console) (defparameter *repl-mode* nil) (defparameter *console-on* nil) (defparameter *text* nil) (defparameter *inp* nil) (defparameter *current-path* nil) (defparameter *hard-quit* nil) (defun quit-lisp () #+clisp (ext:quit) #+sbcl (quit)) (defclass terminal-out (gray:fundamental-character-output-stream) ((textwidth :initarg textwidth :initform 72 :accessor textwidth) (offset :initarg offset :initform 0 :accessor offset) (style :initarg style :initform 0 :accessor style))) (defclass terminal-in (gray:fundamental-character-input-stream) ((buffer :initform "" :accessor buffer))) (defmethod gray:stream-write-char ((s terminal-out) char) (unless (console-running-p) (error "No console is running")) (if *repl-mode* (princ char) (append-text (first *console-on*) (make-string 1 :initial-element char)))) (defmethod gray:stream-line-column ((s terminal-out)) (offset s)) (defmethod gray:stream-write-char-sequence ((s terminal-out) str &optional start end) (unless (console-running-p) (error "No console is running")) (let ((toprint (subseq str (if start start 0) (if end end nil)))) (if *repl-mode* (princ toprint) (progn (append-text (first *console-on*) toprint) (see (first *console-on*) "insert"))))) (defmethod gray:stream-read-char ((s terminal-in)) (if *repl-mode* (read-char *standard-input*) (let* ((l (length (buffer s))) (c (when (> l 0) (elt (buffer s) 0))) (rest (when (> l 0) (subseq (buffer s) 1)))) (if c (progn (setf (buffer s) rest) c) :eof)))) (defmethod gray:stream-unread-char ((s terminal-in) c) (let ((new (make-string (1+ (length (buffer s)))))) (setf (elt new 0) c) (setf (subseq new 1) (buffer s)) (setf (buffer s) new))) (defmethod gray:stream-read-line ((s terminal-in)) (if *repl-mode* (read-line *standard-input*) (let ((what (buffer s))) (setf (buffer s) "") what))) (defun center-text (text) (see text "insert")) ;(format-wish "~A yview 10 units" (widget-path text))) (defun console-running-p () (or *repl-mode* *console-on*)) (defun get-input (instream outstream) (unless *repl-mode* (center-text *text*) (let ((inp (make-instance 'entry)) (flag nil)) (insert-object *text* inp) (configure inp :background "light gray" :relief "flat" :width 100) (focus inp) (setf *inp* inp) (configure *text* :state "disabled") (bind inp "" (lambda (evt) (declare (ignore evt)) (setf (buffer instream) (text inp)) (setf flag t))) (loop do (process-events) until flag) (configure *text* :state "normal") (let ((command (text inp))) (destroy inp) (append-text *text* command) (terpri outstream) (setf (offset outstream) 0) command)))) (defun pick-file () (let* ((flag nil) (dialog (make-instance 'toplevel)) (ent (make-instance 'entry :master dialog :width 80)) (but-ok (make-instance 'button :master dialog :text "OK" :command (lambda () (setf flag t)))) (but-cancel (make-instance 'button :master dialog :text "Cancel" :command (lambda () (destroy dialog) (return-from pick-file (values nil nil)))))) (pack ent :expand t :fill :x) (pack but-ok :side :left :expand t :fill :x) (pack but-cancel :side :left :expand t :fill :x) (wm-title dialog "Choose a file to load") (on-close dialog (lambda () (destroy dialog) (return-from pick-file (values nil nil)))) (force-focus dialog) (focus ent) (loop do (process-events) until flag) (destroy dialog) (let* ((file (pathname (text ent))) (dir nil)) (unless (file-exists-p file) (append-text *text* "No such file! ") (return-from pick-file (values nil nil))) (setf dir (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory file) :name nil :type nil :defaults file)) (values file dir)))) (defun load-module (startup lib-loader) "Loads IF module into the interpreter" (multiple-value-bind (file dir) (pick-file) (unless file (append-text *text* "Failed to load module. ")) (funcall lib-loader file dir) (funcall startup))) (defun run-console (startup lib-loader &key (interactive nil)) (if *repl-mode* (progn (funcall startup) (return-from run-console t)) (with-ltk () (let* ((txt (make-instance 'text)) (menu (make-menubar)) (m-file (make-menu menu "File")) (m-file-load (make-menubutton m-file "Load Module" (lambda () (load-module startup lib-loader)))) (m-file-quit (make-menubutton m-file "Quit" (lambda () (destroy *tk*)))) ) (declare (ignore m-file-load m-file-quit)) (setf *text* txt) (wm-title *tk* "LIFP - Lisp Interactive Fiction Project") (pack txt :fill :both :expand :both) ;;(pack status :side :left :expand t :fill :x) (setf (text txt) "") (configure txt :font "courier") (setf *console-on* (list txt)) (force-focus *tk*) (unless interactive (funcall startup))))) (setf *console-on* nil)) (defun ltk-after (time fun) (if *repl-mode* (funcall fun) (ltk:after time fun))) (defun close-console () (unless *repl-mode* (center-text *text*) (let ((quit-button (make-instance 'button :text "Quit" :command (lambda () (destroy *tk*))))) (insert-object *text* quit-button) (focus quit-button)))) (defun print-message (string &rest args) (if *repl-mode* (progn (apply #'format t string args) (terpri *standard-output*)) (progn (configure *text* :state "normal") (append-text *text* (apply #'format nil string args)) (append-text *text* " "))))