;;; -*- Mode:MIDAS -*- ;;; Copyright (c) 1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. IMPVRS==.IFNM2 ; Version of IMP code IFN NCPP,.FATAL IMP Code doesn't support NCP any more! IFE KSIMP,.FATAL Wrong IMP driver file included! OVHMTR IMP ;Charge all this stuff to the IMP $INSRT LHDH ; IMP 1822 PROTOCOL INFORMATION (EXTENDED-LEADER VERSION) ; The IMP leader is 96 bits long, usually organized as 3 words of 32 bits. ; For further details, these documents are available from the Network ; Information Center: ; IMP-HOST protocol: BBN Report No. 1822 ; NCP protocol: NIC 8246, Host-to-Host Protocol for the ARPANET ; IP, TCP: Internet Protocol Transition Workbook, and ; Internet Protocol Implementor's Guide ; ; Here is the leader format used by the IMP code. This format uses ; no IMP padding, assumes IP only, and expects all IMP<->HOST data ; transfers in 32-bit mode. ; ; Previous versions of this code which supported NCP used a much more ; complicated leader formatting scheme based on 36 bit transfers and ; IMP padding. That scheme is dead, see SYSTEM;IMPOLD WTHNCP for details. ; ; All data from the IMP interface ends up in the -10 as left-justified ; 32-bit words. Objects of less than 32 bits length, such as IP octets, ; are stored in PDP10 ILDB byte order. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;1: 4.9-4.6 not used (0) ; 4.5-4.2 all 1's for new format, else old msg type (4=old nop) ; 4.1-3.3 network number (0) ; 3.2-2.8 not used (0) ; 2.7 trace (ignored) ; 2.6-2.4 leader flags (2.6 is to be ignored, 2.5-2.4 are not used!) ; 2.3-1.5 message type ; ;2: 4.9-4.2 Handling type (7 for big buffers, 4 for small buffers, ; 0 for the control link) ; 4.1-3.3 Host number on IMP ; 3.2-1.5 IMP number ; ;3: 4.9-4.2 Link Number (High 8 bits of Message ID) ; 4.1-3.7 Low 4 bits of Message ID (0) ; 3.6-3.3 Sub-type ; 3.2-1.5 Message length ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;4: 4.9-1.5 First word of IP datagram ; .... ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ;In message types 2 and 6, the going-down status 16-bit word is ;in word 3 bits 4.9-3.3. ;3.6-3.3 of word 3 are the padding count for type 4 (nop) from host. ;This is currently 0 (none). Padding is only put on type-0 messages. IMPLDS==3 ;IMP local leader size ;Byte pointers to fields of input leader IMOTBP: 340400,,IMPILB+0 ;Message format type IMTBP: 041000,,IMPILB+0 ;Message type field IMSABP: 043000,,IMPILB+1 ;Source address field (host+IMP) IMSHBP: 241000,,IMPILB+1 ;Source host field IMSIBP: 042000,,IMPILB+1 ;Source IMP field IMLNBP: 341000,,IMPILB+2 ;Link number field IMSTBP: 240400,,IMPILB+2 ;Subtype field IMMLBP: 042000,,IMPILB+2 ;Message length field SUBTTL ARPANET VARIABLES AND TABLES EBLK %IMXLN==:<<8159.-96.>+31.>/32. ; Max # of 32-bit words in IMP regular msg, ; exclusive of leader and leader padding. = 252. %IMMTU==:251.*4 ; Used by IP/TCP. Driver currently rounds to PDP10 words, ; forcing this to be 1004 instead of 1007. ; ACTIVE HOST TABLE. Entries herein are allocated as needed, using garbage ; collection. Most "host number" fields are really indices into this table. ; LIMPHT== ; TCP conns plus a few extra IMPHTF: -1 ;Host table free list, threaded through IMPHTB, end with -1 IMPHTS: ;Start of table area IMPHTN: BLOCK LIMPHT ; Host number. 1.1-1.8 HOST, 2.1-3.7 IMP IMPHTB: BLOCK LIMPHT ;Bits: ;4.9 UNUSED ;4.8 GC MARK BIT ;4.7-4.3 UNUSED ;4.2-4.1 STATUS OF HOST 0 DOWN, 1 RST SENT, 2 UP ;3.9-3.1 UNUSED .SEE IMPHDS ;RH Last message from IMP about "host dead status" IMPHTC: BLOCK LIMPHT ; # active messages outstanding for host (8 max) IMPHTT: BLOCK LIMPHT ; Time of last RFNM received IMPHTE==.-1 ;Last location in table ;Status variables ; IMPUP: -1 ;0 => IMP up ;-1 => down ;-2 => coming up, PI still off ;1 => down for good, until next time IMP ready line changes IMPTCU: 0 ;0 IMP up/down status not changing ;>0 Trying to reinitialize, SYSJOB hasn't done so yet ;-1 Has been reinitialized, haven't exchanged NOPs yet IMPUCT: 0 ;IMP coming up timeout, if 4 NOPs don't go through promptly. IMPDWN: BLOCK 3 ;Last message from IMP that it is going down ;WD0: "Reason" claimed by IMP (see ch 3 of BBN report 1822) ;WD1: Time when expected down ;WD2: Time when expected up (SYS time=1/30 sec since up) IMERCN: -1 ;CONI into here when net goes down BBLK EBLK ;Input side variables ; IMPILB: BLOCK IMPLDS ;Input leader buffer IMPCSH: -1 ;Current source host (IMPHTB index). -1 when idle. IMPCLN: 0 ;Current link number IMIFLS: 0 ;Flushing output at interrupt handler IMPIEC: 0 ;Count of input errors while down. IMPIBC: 0 ;Count of words available in DMA input buffer IMPIBP: 0 ;Pointer into DMA input buffer ;Output side variables ; ;Output leader buffer IMOLDR: <17_10.>,,0 ;Regular new-format message IMOLAD: 0 ;Filled in with destination IMP address <233_10.>,,0 ;IP link field IMNOPC: 0 ;< 0 => Send NOPs IMPOAC: -1 ;>= 0 => Output active, don't restart IMPBZY: 0 ;-1 == Waiting for output interrupt IMPODP: 0 ;Pointer to IP datagram being output at PI level IMPOS: 0 ;Output state %ISODL==:0 ; Not expecting output done (i.e. between messages) %ISONP==:1 ; Sending NOP %ISOID==:2 ; Sending IP Datagram ;Meters ;IP meters IMNIPI: 0 ; # of IP datagrams input (rcvd) IMNIPF: 0 ; # of IP datagrams flushed (input threw away) IMNIPO: 0 ; # of IP datagrams output (sent) IMNIPR: 0 ; # of IP RFNMs received IMNIP7: 0 ; # of IP Type 7 (Dest Host Dead) messages received IMNIP8: 0 ; # of IP Type 8 (Error) msgs rcvd IMNIP9: 0 ; # of IP Type 9 (Incomplete Transmission) msgs rcvd IMNWIG: 0 ; # words ignored by "Ignore" state (%ISIGN) IMNWIF: 0 ; # words flushed by IMPRM5 ;IMP meters IMNSRF: 0 ;Number of spurious RFNMs on non-IP links IMNBLK: 0 ;Number of times blockage avoided (output held up by ITS) IMPMSR: BLOCK 20;Count of IMP messages rcvd IMPM1S: BLOCK 4 ; # Type 1 (Error in Leader) subtype msgs IMPM9S: BLOCK 2 ; # Type 9 (Incomplete Transmission) subtype msgs IMPMSS: BLOCK 1 ;Count of IMP msg sent (we only send regular msgs) IMCT1: 0 ;# Unvectored interrupts IMCT2: 0 ;# Valid input interrupts IMCT3: 0 ;# Valid output interrupts BBLK SUBTTL ARPANET MAIN-PROGRAM LEVEL ;IMPIBF, IMPOBF defined as low-memory buffer page in ITS IF2,IFN IMPIBF&777,.FATAL IMPIBF not on DEC page boundary ;(Re)Start IMP. Called from SYSJOB to start IMP, or on error or ; user requested cycle through LOCK ; IMPINI: SETOM IMPUP ;Not up yet, SETOM IMPTCU ; but thinking about it. MOVEI A,IMPIBF_-9. ;DEC page # of IMP buffer page TRO A,%UQ16B\%UQVAL ;Valid mapping, 16 bit device IOWRI A,UBAPAG+IUIMPG_1 ;Set up 1 DEC page of UBA mapping. Note that ; the second half of IUIMPG isn't mapped at all CONO PI,NETOFF ;Freeze things while IMP bashing occurs MOVEI A,%LHRST IOWRI A,%LHOCS ;Reset output side IOWRI A,%LHICS ;Reset Input side ;IMP now shut down. Reset variables SKIPE A,IMPODP ;Have an output datagram ? PUSHJ P,IPIODN ;Yep, release it. SETZM IMPODP ;No output datagram SETZM IMPOS ;Output idle SETOM IMPOAC ;Output interrupt level inactive SETZM IMPBZY ;No pending output interrupt SETZM IMPIBC ;No input available SETZM IMPIEC ;No input errors yet SETZM IMIFLS ;Not flushing input at interrupt level SETOM IMPCSH ;No current host table index SETOM IMPDWN+1 ;Time for IMP to go down, not known CONO PI,NETON ;Allow interrupts again ;Wait one sec for IMP to notice rdy line drop MOVE T,TIME ADDI T,30. CAMLE T,TIME PUSHJ P,UFLS MOVNI A,30. ;Allow 15 seconds to come up MOVEM A,IMPUCT MOVE T,TIME ;Note when we last started IMP MOVEM T,LNETIM PUSHJ P,IMPHRS ;Set host ready PUSHJ P,IMPIST ;Start input MOVE T,TIME ADDI T,15. ;Wait 1/2 sec before we try to output CAMLE T,TIME PUSHJ P,UFLS MOVNI A,4 MOVEM A,IMNOPC ;Send 4 NOPs to start ;Falls through to start output ;Start IMP output ; IMPOST: IMPIOS: CONO PI,PIOFF ;Freeze. AOSE IMPOAC ;Do nothing if output already active. JRST PIONJ SETOM IMPBZY ;Note we want an IMP interrupt CONO PI,NETRQ ;Force nonvectored IMP interrupt JRST PIONJ ;Check if IMP ready line is set ; Called from SYSJOB. ; Return +1 if IMP not ready, +2 if so ; IMPCKR: IORDI A,%LHICS ;Get input CSR TRNN A,%LHINR ;Skip if IMP not ready AOS (P) ;Return +2 if ready POPJ P, ;That's all ;Set HOST READY. From SYS job only, please, loops waiting. ; IMPHRS: IORDI T,%LHICS TRNN T,%LHRDY ;Can we mung? BUG IORI T,%LHHRC\%LHSE ;Turn on HR. SE prevents dropping messages IOWRI T,%LHICS MOVEI A,777777 ;I don't know why this takes so long. IMPHR1: IORDI T,%LHICS ;Get the bits back TRNE T,%LHHR ;LHDH thinks host ready is ready RET ;HR line set SOJG A,IMPHR1 ;Timed out yet? BUG CHECK,[IMP: Timed out setting Host Ready] RET SUBTTL HOST-TABLE MANAGEMENT ;IMPHTI - Initialize host table ; Performed whenever IMP announces that it has been reset ; IMPHTI: SETOM IMPHTF ;Force GC of IMPHTB on first reference SETZM IMPHTS ;Clear table of old information MOVE A,[IMPHTS,,IMPHTS+1] BLT A,IMPHTE POPJ P, ; FNDHST - Look up host-table index for a given IMP host address. ; Call with NETOFF or NETCHN PI in progress. ; T/ IMP host address (maybe someday other nets?) ; Returns .+1 if failed (no room in table) ; Returns .+2 ; H/ host-table index ; Smashes W. FNDHST: MOVEI H,LIMPHT-1 ;Search for an entry for this host CAME T,IMPHTN(H) SOJGE H,.-1 JUMPGE H,POPJ1 ;Found SKIPGE H,IMPHTF ;Not found, cons one off free list JRST FNDHS1 ;Oops, must garbage collect MOVE W,IMPHTB(H) CAIGE H,LIMPHT ;Make sure H is valid idx CAIL W,LIMPHT ;ditto W BUG HALT,[NET: FNDHST idx clobbered!!!] MOVEM W,IMPHTF MOVEM T,IMPHTN(H) SETZM IMPHTB(H) ;Nothing is known about this host SETZM IMPHTC(H) ;Assume no RFNMs outstanding SETZM IMPHTT(H) ;Clear out time of last RFNM. JRST POPJ1 ; Host-Table full, attempt to GC it and flush unused entries, by ; scanning all possible pointers into table. ; IMP pointers are IMPCSH and IMPHTC(H) ; TCP pointers are XBNADR(I) ; GC mark phase - mark entries in use FNDHS1: PUSH P,I MOVSI W,200000 ;Mark bit MOVEI H,LIMPHT-1 ;Clear all mark bits ANDCAM W,IMPHTB(H) SOJGE H,.-1 SKIPL H,IMPCSH ;Mark from IMPCSH IORM W,IMPHTB(H) IFN TCPP,[ MOVEI I,XBL-1 SKIPL H,XBNADR(I) ; See if TCP conn has a net addr specified IORM W,IMPHTB(H) ; Yes, set the mark bit. SOJGE I,.-2 ] ;IFN TCPP ; GC sweep phase - free all unmarked entries SETO I, ;Free pointer MOVEI H,LIMPHT-1 MOVSI W,601000 ;Protect if RFNM-WAIT, RST-WAIT, or marked FNDHS4: SKIPG IMPHTC(H) ;Also protect if any outstanding RFNMs TDNE W,IMPHTB(H) SOJGE H,FNDHS4 JUMPL H,FNDHS5 SETZM IMPHTN(H) ;Don't belong to any host MOVEM I,IMPHTB(H) ;Cons onto free list MOVE I,H SOJGE H,FNDHS4 FNDHS5: MOVEM I,IMPHTF ;Free list POP P,I SKIPGE IMPHTF POPJ P, ;GC-overflow JRST FNDHST ;Try again, should win ;See if IMP code is willing to handle a particular datagram right now. ; A/ IP DGM pointer ; C/ Immediate destination address ; Returns +1, can't send right now, +2, OK to send ; IMPCTS: MOVE T,C ;Set up for FNDHST AND T,[<377_16.>+377] ;Mask out all but host and IMP field CALL FNDHST ;Get host index in H POPJ P, ;No host entry, don't send JSP T,IMPBLI ;See if OK to send POPJ P, ;IMP wants to block, no send JRST POPJ1 ;Skip return if OK to send. ;;; IMP Blockage avoidance ; The current IMP software will not accept more than 8 active ; messages to a single host; attempting to send a 9th message will block ; ALL output to the interface, until the first message has been ack'd ; by means of one of the following message types: ; Type 5, RFNM - Message delivered OK ; Type 7, Host dead - transmit failed ("permanent") ; Type 8, Error in data - interface spazzed ; Type 9, Incomplete Transmission - temporary failure ; If for some reason the first message simply becomes lost, the IMP timeout ; (and blockage) can last for up to 30-45 seconds. ; More details in BBN Report 1822. ; ITS attempts to fix this by keeping a count of active un-ACKed ; messages for each host it is communicating with. A timeout is also ; associated with each host; if output to a given host is blocked by ITS ; because there are 8 active messages, trying to send a 9th message ; will check the last-RFNM-received time and if this was more than ; 30 or so seconds then the IMP is probably not giving us what it should ; and we should reset things for that host. %IMPMA==:8. ; # of maximum active IMP messages allowed ; IMPBLI, IMPBLD - routines to hack active-message counts, called via JSP T, ; IMPBLD decrements count. ; IMPBLI increments count and skips if successful (else failed, ; and must NOT output another message to this host!) ; Also clobbers Q. ; IMPBLI: AOS Q,IMPHTC(H) CAIGE Q,%IMPMA ;Trying to send max or more messages? JRST 1(T) ;No, can return safely. CAIG Q,%IMPMA ;Is this the maximum # allowed? JRST [ MOVE Q,TIME ;Yes, set up blockage timeout ADDI Q,60.*30. ; for one minute. MOVEM Q,IMPHTT(H) JRST 1(T)] ;And allow this one to be sent ; Trying to send too many messages, block it (check for timeout though) SOS IMPHTC(H) ;Restore original count AOS IMNBLK ;Increment # of times softwarily blocked. MOVE Q,IMPHTT(H) CAML Q,TIME ;See if timeout still in the future JRST (T) ;Yes, just take failure-return to block. BUG INFO,[IMP: RFNM-wait timeout! Hst=],OCT,IMPHTN(H) SETZM IMPHTC(H) ;This may be dangerous... oh well. SETZM IMPHTT(H) JRST (T) ;Block one last time, next try will win. ;Decrement block count on receipt of any kind of ACK ; IMPBLD: SOSL Q,IMPHTC(H) JRST IMPBL2 BUG INFO,[IMP: negative RFNM-wait cnt, Hst=],OCT,IMPHTN(H) SETZB Q,IMPHTC(H) IMPBL2: CAIL Q,%IMPMA-1 ;If we were blocking on this host, PUSHJ P,IMPIOS ;Ensure IMP output started up so blocked stuff JRST (T) ; gets sent promptly. SUBTTL ARPANET INPUT INTERRUPT LEVEL ;First level interrupt handling for input side. Here from UBA vector hardware. IFN NETCHN-UTCCHN,.ERR NETCHN assumed == UTCCHN at IMPIBK EBLK IMPIBK: 0 BBLK JSR UTCSAV ;Save AC's, get a stack AOS IMCT2 ;Count input interrupts IORDI TT,%LHICS ;Get CS register TRNE TT,%LHERR\%LHNXM JRST IMPRST ;Try resetting the IMP TRNE TT,%LHMRE ;Ready line flapped JRST IMPIER ;Go directly to error routine TRNN TT,%LHRDY ;Device ready for new operation? JRST IMPRST ;Try resetting. TRNN TT,%LHEOM ;Saw EOM from IMP? JRST IMPIB1 ;No, word count ran out before message SKIPGE IMIFLS ;Flushing output? JRST [ SETZM IMIFLS ;Not any more! JRST IMPIRT ] ;But flush last piece by queueing new request IORDI A,%LHIWC ;End of message. Get remaining UB word count SKIPE A ;This would be a surprise, really TDO A,[-1,,600000] ;36bit number of UBA words remaining in bfr IDIVI A,2 ;Number of PDP10 words (cleverly rounded) ADDI A,IMPBFS ;Number of PDP10 words of message MOVEM A,IMPIBC ;Set current count of available data words MOVEI A,IMPIBF MOVEM A,IMPIBP ;Set pointer to available data words JRST IMPLDD ;Go process input message ;Here when finished processing current message. IMPIRT: SETOM IMPCSH ;Note no current host PUSHJ P,IMPIST ;Restart input listener JRST IMPEX ;Message didn't fit in input buffer. Shouldn't ever get here, but ;might if messages concatenated due to ready line randomness ; IMPIB1: BUG INFO,[IMP: Huge message] SETOM IMIFLS ;Say we are flushing output JRST IMPIRT ;And go queue up another read ;Here if error during IMP message transfer ; Currently the only error handled is the IMP going non-ready IMPIER: SKIPE IMPUP ;Is the IMP supposed to be up? JRST IMPIE1 ;No, handle errors differently BUG INFO,[IMP: Input Ready Error] JRST IMPRST ;Ready line flapped while up, cycle interface IMPIE1: AOS T,IMPIEC CAIG T,10. ;Huge number of errors while down? JRST IMPIRT ;No, just ignore this input and start another SETZM IMPIEC ;Reset BUG INFO,[IMP: Excessive input errors while down] JRST IMPRST ;Cycle the interface IMPRST: IORDI T,%LHICS ;Record IMP status for sysjob HRLZM T,IMERCN IORDI T,%LHOCS HRRM T,IMERCN MOVEI A,%LHRST ;Avoid randomness by resetting HW now. IOWRI A,%LHOCS ;Reset output side IOWRI A,%LHICS ;Reset Input side SETOM IMPUP ;IMP is down MOVEI T,1 MOVEM T,IMPTCU ;But trying to come up (sysjob poked) MOVSI J,SCLNET ;Ask SYSJOB to cycle the IMP IORM J,SUPCOR JRST IMPEX SUBTTL IMP leader dispatch handling IMPLDD: SKIPG B,IMPIBC ;Get count of available data POPJ P, ;None, nothing to do. CAILE B,IMPLDS ;More than a leader worth? MOVEI B,IMPLDS ;Yep, only want leader now MOVS A,IMPIBP ;Copy and reformat leader to IMPILB HRRI A,IMPILB BLTUB A,IMPILB-1(B) ADDM B,IMPIBP ;Increment buffer pointer, MOVN C,B ADDM C,IMPIBC ; and decrement count LDB T,IMOTBP ;Examine new-format flag bits of leader CAIL B,IMPLDS ;Large enough to be a valid leader? CAIE T,17 ;Verify that leader is "new" 96-bit fmt. JRST IMPLDE ;Go process error in leader LDB T,IMLNBP ;Extract link number (high 8 bits of msg-id) MOVEM T,IMPCLN ;Save link message arrived on LDB T,IMSABP ;Get arpanet address (source host+imp) IFN 0,[ LDB T,IMSHBP ;Source host LDB A,IMSIBP ;Source imp DPB A,[112000,,T] ;Form host address ];IFN 0 PUSHJ P,FNDHST ;H gets host table index JRST IMPLHE ;Host table full MOVEM H,IMPCSH ;Save current host LDB A,IMTBP ;Get message type in A CAIL A,IMTDTS JRST IMPUN ;Unknown type? AOS IMPMSR(A) ;Count IMP msgs rcvd JRST @IMTDT(A) ;Dispatch IMTDT: IMPRM ; 0 Regular Message IMPBE1 ; 1 Error in Leader (no msg-id) IMPGD ; 2 IMP Going Down IMPUN ; 3 - IMPIN ; 4 NOP IMPRFN ; 5 RFNM - Ready For Next Message (transmit succeeded) IMPHDS ; 6 Host Dead Status (general info) IMPDHD ; 7 Destination Host Dead (transmit failed) IMPBE8 ; 8 Error in Data (has msg-id) IMPINC ; 9 Incomplete Transmission (transmit failed temporarily) IMPIRS ;10 Interface Reset - IMP dropped its ready line IMTDTS==.-IMTDT IMPLHE: BUG INFO,[IMP: Message discarded due to host table full],OCT,IMPILB,OCT,IMPILB+1,OCT,IMPILB+2 JRST IMPIRT ;Here if leader is too short or of wrong format. ; B/ Leader length IMPLDE: SKIPE IMPUP ;If IMP is not up, we'll take anything. JRST IMPIRT CAIGE B,IMPLDS ;Announce short leader if so. BUG INFO,[IMP: Short leader, ],DEC,B,[wds. WD1=],OCT,IMPILB,[WD2=],OCT,IMPILB+1 LDB A,IMOTBP ;Get message format type CAIN A,4 ;Old-type NOP? JRST IMPIRT ; Just ignore it. IFN 0,[ ;;For the moment this is a problem because the IMP is marked ;;up too soon, before all incoming NOPS are received. CAIN A,16 ;Is it 1822L format? BUG INFO,[IMP: 1822L leader],OCT,IMPILB CAIE A,17 ;Is it not the long-leader format? BUG INFO,[IMP: Old-type leader],OCT,IMPILB ] JRST IMPIRT ;Ignore rest of message, if any ;;; IMP->Host Type X (e.g. 3, 11-255) - bad type IMPUN: BUG INFO,[IMP: Unknown msg type ],OCT,A,[ leader ],OCT,IMPILB,OCT,IMPILB+1,OCT,IMPILB+2 JRST IMPIRT ;;; IMP->Host Type 1 - Error in leader (msg-id not given) ;;; IMP->Host Type 8 - Error in data (msg-id given) IMPBE1: LDB T,IMSTBP ;Get subtype (4 bits) ANDI T,3 ;Only 2 bits should be used AOS IMPM1S(T) ;Increment count of Type 1 subtype messages IMPBE8: SKIPN IMPUP ;Ignore error during initial syncronization BUG INFO,[IMP: Type ],DEC,A,[err msg, leader],OCT,IMPILB,OCT,IMPILB+1,OCT,IMPILB+2 MOVE B,IMPCLN ;Get link msg came in on CAIN B,233 ;Internet link? AOS IMNIP8 ;Yes, count IP meter CAIN A,8. ;Error identified with a particular message? JSP T,IMPBLD ;Decrement count of active messages JRST IMPIRT ;;; IMP->Host Type 2 - IMP going down IMPGD: LDB B,[420200,,IMPILB+2] ;Reason (see 1822) MOVEM B,IMPDWN LDB B,[360400,,IMPILB+2] ;How soon going down * 5 mins MOVE H,B IMULI B,5*60.*30. ;Ticks in 5 mins ADD B,TIME MOVEM B,IMPDWN+1 LDB C,[241200,,IMPILB+2] ;How long to be down * 5 minutes MOVE Q,C IMULI C,5*60.*30. ;Downtime in ticks ADD C,B ;Add to time down MOVEM C,IMPDWN+2 ;Store time when will be up IMULI H,5 ;Minutes IMULI Q,5 BUG INFO,[IMP: Going down in ],DEC,H,[mins for ],DEC,Q,[mins, reason],DEC,IMPDWN JRST IMPIRT ;;; IMP->Host Type 4 - NOP IMPIN: JRST IMPIRT ;One more NOP from IMP ;;; IMP->Host Type 5 - RFNM (Ready For Next Message) IMPRFN: JSP T,IMPBLD ;Decrement outstanding message count for host MOVE A,IMPCLN ;Get link # CAIE A,233 ;IP link number? JRST IMRFNX ;No, skip IP code AOS IMNIPR ;Bump count of IP RFNMs received JRST IMPIRT ; and do nothing else about it, ugh. IMRFNX: BUG INFO,[IMP: Spurious RFNM from ],OCT,IMPHTN(H),[link],OCT,IMPCLN AOS IMNSRF JRST IMPIRT ;;; IMP->Host Type 6 - Host Down Status ; H/ host index IMPHDS: LDB A,[301400,,IMPILB+2];Bits 65-76 of leader, 4.9-3.7 3rd word HRRM A,IMPHTB(H) ;Store, hope user read RFC 611 JRST IMPIRT ;;; IMP->Host Type 7 - Destination Host Dead IMPDHD: MOVEI E,%NCDED JRST IMPHNR ;;; IMP->Host Type 9 - Incomplete Transmission IMPINC: LDB T,IMSTBP ;Get subtype field (4 bit reason for failure) AOS IMPM9S(T) ;Bump count of subtypes MOVEI E,%NCINC ;This is an incomplete msg response IMPHNR: JSP T,IMPBLD ;Decrement active IMP msg count for this host MOVE A,IMPCLN ;Link for this message? CAIE A,233 ;IP Link? JRST IMPHN1 CAIN E,%NCINC ;Yes, count IP meters AOS IMNIP9 CAIN E,%NCDED AOS IMNIP7 JRST IMPIRT IMPHN1: BUG INFO,[IMP: DHD or IT msg rcvd on non-IP link] JRST IMPIRT ;;; IMP->Host Type 10 - Interface Reset IMPIRS: PUSHJ P,IMPHTI ;Initialize host table BUG INFO,[IMP: Interface reset] JRST IMPIRT ;;; IMP->Host Type 0 - Regular Host-Host message ; Unless the source host screwed up and sent a dataless message, ; there is at least one word waiting to be read in the buffer. ; IMPRM: SKIPG A,IMPIBC ;Get available input word count JRST IMPIRT ;None left, just ignore message MOVE B,IMPCLN ;Is link number the magic cookie for IP? CAIE B,233 JRST IMPIRT ;No, ignore it ;IP datagram. Copy into IP buffer and pass it up. ; AOS IMNIPI ;Bump count of IP datagrams received PUSHJ P,IPGIPT ;Ask IP for buffer of size (A) JRST [ AOS IMNIPF ;Punted, bump cnt of datagrams lost JRST IMPIRT ] ;Flush this message (err msg already printed) MOVE B,PK.BUF(A) ;Destination HRL B,IMPIBP ;Source MOVE C,IMPIBC ;Input words available ADDI C,-1(B) ;Last destination address BLTUB B,(C) ;Copy and reformat data to IP buffer MOVE B,IMPIBC ;Get word count back to B SETZB C,IMPIBC ;Say zero offset to IP header, and clear count. MOVE J,IMPCSH ;Set idx to host-table entry dgm received from. PUSHJ P,IPRDGM ;Hand off rcvd datagram to IP JRST IMPIRT ;Return from PI level, setting up for next msg ;Start listening for new input from IMP ; IMPIST: HRREI T,-IMPBFS*2 IOWRI T,%LHIWC ;Read up to a buffer full of data MOVEI T,+<4*> IOWRI T,%LHICA ;Read data to here MOVEI T,%LHIE\%LHHRC\%LHSE\%LHGO ;Interrupt, store data, go IOWRI T,%LHICS ;Start read RET SUBTTL ARPANET OUTPUT INTERRUPT LEVEL ;Here on unvectored interrupt caused by call to IMPIOS IMPINT: AOS IMCT1 ;Count unvectored interrupts JRST IMPOBZ ;Go try to start output ;Returns directly to interrupt dispatcher ;First-level interrupt handling, from hardware dispatch. ; Crash on severe interface errors ; Restart IMP on ready line flappage. ; Else, go look for more output to send. IFN NETCHN-UTCCHN,.ERR NETCHN assumed == UTCCHN at IMPOBK EBLK IMPOBK: 0 BBLK JSR UTCSAV ;Save AC's, get a stack AOS IMCT3 ;Count output interrupts IORDI TT,%LHOCS ;Get CS register TRNE TT,%LHERR\%LHNXM ;Interface lost? JRST IMPOEC ;Try cycling TRNE TT,%LHMRE ;Somebody bounce a ready line? JRST IMPOER IMPOBE: TRNN TT,%LHRDY ;Device ready for new operation? JRST IMPOEC ;Try cycling PUSHJ P,IMPOBZ ;No IMP error. Perform planned action. JRST IMPEX ;Dismiss interrupt. ;Error while outputting datagram. Currently, just means ready line flapped. ; If IMP was up, finish up IP output if necessary to free buffer, then ; cycle the interface. ; If trying to send NOPS to come up, just send a few more to resynch. ; IMPOER: SKIPE IMPUP ;IMP up? JRST IMPOE1 ;Not running normally, maybe OK. BUG INFO,[IMP: Output RDY error] IMPOEC: SKIPE A,IMPODP ;Have an output datagram ? PUSHJ P,IPIODN ;Yep, release it. SETZM IMPOS ;Doing nothing useful JRST IMPRST ;Go poke SYSJOB to cycle the IMP ;Here if interface wasn't fully up. IMPOE1: MOVE T,IMPOS CAIE T,%ISONP ;Were we sending a NOP? BUG CHECK,[IMP: Confusing output error] SOS IMNOPC ;Add another NOP to make up for this one SETZM IMPOS ;NOt doing anything anymore JRST IMPOBE ;Go continue processing. ;IMPOBZ - Toplevel output processing routing. ; Called from output done interrupt handler or from MP/CLOCK level with ; NETOFF to start output. IMPOBZ: SKIPL B,IMPOS CAIL B,IMPODL BUG HALT,[IMP: Bad output state] JRST @IMPODT(B) IMPODT: OFFSET -. %ISODL:: IMPOB0 ; 0 Idle, look for something to send %ISONP:: IMPOB1 ; 1 Finished NOP %ISOID:: IMPOB2 ; 2 Finished IP datagram messge IMPODL::OFFSET 0 ;Here when interrupt has finished processing a complete message. ; Attempt to find something else to do. ; IMORET: ;JRST IMPOB0 ;Fall through to try for more ; Idle - Look for output to send. First ensure we can send stuff, ; then try things in the order: ; (1) Send NOP if net coming up ; (2) Check IP datagram queue ; IMPOB0: HRRZ T,IMPUP ;Get current IMP state. CAIE T,-2 ;Don't say it's up when it's still going down CAIN T,1 ;or when it is broken JRST IMPOBN ; First check to see if NOP needs to be sent. AOSG IMNOPC ;Check to see if sending NOPs JRST IMONOP ;Output a NOP SETZM IMPUP ;Say IMP is up SETZM IMPTCU ;Say no longer trying to come up ; Now see if there is any real traffic to send PUSHJ P,IPGIOQ ;Check IP. Get IP IMP output queue entry if any JRST IMPOBN ;Nothing there, we're done. ; Returns A/ ptr to IP dgm struct ; B/ BLKO pointer to 32-bit words (unused) ; C/ Arpanet address ; ;Build an IMP-format datagram at IMPOBF. ; Set correct address in prototype leader. ; BLT and reformat leader to IMPOBF. ; BLT and reformat datagram to IMPOBF + leader size. MOVEM A,IMPODP ;Save ptr to datagram being output AOS IMNIPO ;# of IP datagrams sent ;Put together the IMP leader in IMOLDR. IFN 0,[ ;First and third word initialized at assembly time MOVE B,[17_10.,,0] ;Regular message MOVEM B,IMOLDR MOVSI B,233_10. ;IP link # in left 8 bits MOVEM B,IMOLDR+2 ;Set up third word ] AND C,[<377_16.>+377] ;Mask out all but host and IMP field LSH C,4. ;Move net address to correct field MOVEM C,IMOLAD ;set up second word of leader ;Copy leader and datagram to IMPOBF MOVE B,[IMOLDR,,IMPOBF] BLTBU B,IMPOBF+IMPLDS-1 ;Move IMP leader into place MOVS B,PK.BUF(A) ;SOURCE,,COUNT MOVEI A,IMPLDS(B) ;Size including leader to A HRRI B,IMPOBF+IMPLDS ;Put d'gram immediately after leader. BLTBU B,IMPOBF-1(A) PUSHJ P,IMPSOH ;Go start hardware MOVEI C,%ISOID ;Remember we are outputting IP leader MOVEM C,IMPOS POPJ P, ;Here if nothing to output. ; Flag output inactive and disable interface ; IMPOBN: SETOM IMPOAC ;No more output IORDI TT,%LHOCS TRZ TT,%LHIE\%LHGO ;Deactivate interface for a bit IOWRI TT,%LHOCS POPJ P, ;IMONOP - Send a NOP, here from IMPOBZ only. ; IMONOP: MOVEI A,IMPNOS ;Length of NOP message MOVE B,[IMPNOP,,IMPOBF] ;BLT (and reformat) NOP to output buffer BLTBU B,IMPOBF-1(A) PUSHJ P,IMPSOH ;Start output of (A) words from IMPOBF to IMP MOVEI C,%ISONP ;Set correct output FSM state MOVEM C,IMPOS POPJ P, ;Prefabricated NOP Host-IMP leader IMPNOP: 17_10.,,4_4 ;New format, type 4 = NOP 0 0 ;No padding required on regular messages IMPNOS==.-IMPNOP ;Finished sending NOP, from IMPOBZ ; IMPOB1: SETZM IMPOS ;Reset state JRST IMORET ;Go look for something else to do. ;Was sending IP datagram, from IMPOBZ ; IMPOB2: SETZB A,IMPOS ;Reset output state. EXCH A,IMPODP ;Get active datagram and reset pointer PUSHJ P,IPIODN ;Tell IP level that datagram was output JRST IMORET ;Go see if there is anything else to do. ;Start output hardware. ; A/ Count of PDP10 words to write to net. ; Data to output in IMPOBF. ; Must be NETOFF or at NETCHN interrupt level. Bashes A only. IMPSOH: ASH A,1 ;Convert PDP10 word count to... MOVNS A ; negative unibus word count. IOWRI A,%LHOWC ;Tell the interface MOVEI A,+<4*> IOWRI A,%LHOCA ;Unibus address of output buffer MOVEI A,%LHIE\%LHELB\%LHGO ;Enable interrupts, send EOM, GO IOWRI A,%LHOCS ;Start DMA transfer POPJ P, ;And forget it. SUBTTL ARPANET CLOCK LEVEL IMRSTO: RET ;Nothing to do any more? OVHMTR UUO ;NETHST (HOST INFO) ; ARG 1 - HOST => VAL 1 - STATUS, VAL 2 - HOST NUMBER ; ARG 1 - -1 => VAL 1 - (STATUS), VAL 2 - OUR HOST NUMBER ;NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED- ARG 1 - -1, ARG 2 - OUR GOING-DOWN REASON ; ANETHST:HRRE T,A ;Let immediate -1 win (777777 not a valid host) AOJE T,ANETH2 ;Jump if want local status and host number MOVE T,A JSP J,STDHST ;Standardize and error-check host number MOVE B,T ;Return new format TLO B,(NW%ARP) MOVEI H,LIMPHT-1 CONO PI,NETOFF ;Do we have status for this host? CAME T,IMPHTN(H) ;Scan table SOJGE H,.-1 JUMPGE H,ANETH1 ;Yes, return it CONO PI,NETON ;No, have to go get it MOVEM T,SRN3(U) POPJ P, ;Oh, too bad ;Here to return status of foreign ARPAnet host ANETH1: MOVE A,IMPHTB(H) ;Get status CONO PI,NETON EXCH A,B CALL CVH2NA ;Convert to HOSTS2 for compat EXCH A,B JRST LSWCJ1 ;Return IMSOC, NETLST if not done already ;Here to return our status, host ANETH2: REPEAT 0,[ CAIL W,2 ;(This is a crock) MOVEM B,NTHDSW ;If 2 args, set our reason for going down. ] SKIPE IMPUP ;Fake up our status TDZA A,A ;We're down MOVSI A,2000 ;We are up MOVEI B,IMPUS ;And our host umber JRST POPJ1 ;NETIMP (REASON,TIMEDOWN,TIMEUP) READ/SET ; ANETIM: JUMPLE W,ANETM1 ;No args, return current data CAIGE W,3 ;Must have 3 args if any JRST OPNL30 MOVEM A,IMPDWN ;Set data MOVEM B,IMPDWN+1 MOVEM C,IMPDWN+2 JRST POPJ1 ANETM1: MOVE A,IMPDWN ;Get data to return MOVE B,IMPDWN+1 MOVE C,IMPDWN+2 SKIPE IMPUP ;Note current condition of IMP, too TLO A,400000 JRST POPJ1