====================================== Appendix A -- How to play an IF game ====================================== .. only:: html .. image:: /images/picP.png :align: left .. raw:: latex \dropcap{p} laying IF requires just a bit of instruction. All you have to do is read the descriptions and situations that appear on the screen and then tell the game what you'd like to happen next. Imagine that you're saying "I WANT TO ..."; you don't actually type those three words, but you *do* type what follows, instructing the game to do something on your behalf. Commands usually take the form of a simple imperative sentence, with a verb and a direct object (for example, typing EXAMINE THE KETTLE will display a description of the kettle, TAKE KETTLE will make it one of your belongings, and so on). If there's more than one kettle around, you can be specific (TAKE RED KETTLE); otherwise, the game will ask you something like "Which do you mean, the red kettle or the rusty kettle?" Answering RED is enough in a case like this. Some commands refer to two objects, like: PUT KETTLE ON TABLE. To make them stand out on the page, we're showing the words that you type in capital letters. You can actually use upper-case or lower-case letters -- it makes no difference -- and you can usually omit words like THE (though TAKE A BATH and TAKE THE BATH may have different effects, as will TAKE A COIN and TAKE THE COIN if there are several to choose from). To move around, use the verb GO and one of the cardinal points: GO NORTH will move you in the desired direction. Movement happens quite a lot, so you can shorten that to just NORTH, and you can even use the initial(s) of the direction in which you want to travel (easier and faster to type): N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE and SW. Also available are UP (U), DOWN (D) and, occasionally, IN and OUT. There is quite an impressive stock of standard actions which can generally be relied upon to do something, even if only to tell you that you're wasting your time: .. todo:: These columns aren't coming through in the PDF version. .. hlist:: :columns: 5 * ASK * BURN * BUY * CLEAN * CLIMB * CLOSE * CUT * DIG * DISROBE * DRINK * DROP * EAT * EMPTY * ENTER * EXAMINE * EXIT * FILL * GIVE * GO * INSERT * INVENTORY * JUMP * KILL * KISS * LISTEN * LOCK * LOOK * OFF * ON * OPEN * PRAY * PULL * PUSH * PUT * READ * SEARCH * SHOW * SING * SIT * SLEEP * SMELL * STAND * SWIM * SWITCH * SWITCH * TAKE * TASTE * TELL * THINK * THROW * TIE * TOUCH * TRANSFER * TURN * UNLOCK * WAIT * WAVE * WEAR You don't have to play IF with a list like this open in front of you; the idea is that a good game should understand whatever seems logical for you to try next. Sometimes that will be a standard action, sometimes a verb like SALUTE or PHOTOGRAPH which, although less common, makes perfect sense in context. You'll discover that usually many of these actions are fairly irrelevant. Try logical things first (if you have a torch, BURN may be promising, while EAT probably not). Of special interest are LOOK (or just L), to print a description of the current location; EXAMINE (or X) *object*, which gives you a detailed description of the object; INVENTORY (INV or I) lists the objects you are carrying. You may combine some of these verbs with prepositions to expand the possibilities: LOOK THROUGH, LOOK AT, LOOK IN, LOOK UNDER all perform different actions. Remember that we're mentioning only a selection of the possible verbs; if you feel that something else ought to work, try it and see. You can change the way the game offers descriptions of locations as you arrive in them. The default setting is usually BRIEF, which provides you with long descriptions only the first time you enter a new location. Some people like to change this to VERBOSE, which *always* gives you long location descriptions. Here are some other special commands and abbreviations you should know: | AGAIN (G) repeats the action you've just performed. | WAIT (Z) skips one turn of action while you loiter and see what happens. | QUIT ends the game. | SAVE saves your current position in the game. | RESTORE reloads a previously saved position. | RESTART starts again from the beginning. | SCORE tells you the current state of progress. | UNDO goes back one turn so that your most recent action never happened. Often, there will be characters that you'll have to interact with. Let's suppose you find your cousin Maria: you may ASK (or TELL) MARIA ABOUT something, GIVE (or SHOW) object TO MARIA or ASK MARIA FOR object. Characters may be willing to help you, when you can indicate your wishes with: MARIA, GO NORTH or MARIA, TAKE THE GUN. If you are really fond of Maria, you may want to KISS her and if she offends you beyond measure, you might like to ATTACK her. Once you've referred to an object or a character by name, you may use the pronouns IT, HIM or HER to simplify the typing process. These pronouns will remain set until you refer to any other object or character. If you wish to check the current pronoun assignments, type PRONOUNS. As a rule of the thumb, try to keep your actions simple. Most games will actually understand long commands like TAKE ALL FROM THE BAG EXCEPT THE GREEN PEARL THEN THROW CAMEMBERT CHEESE AT UGLY MATRON, but such things are hard to type without mistakes. Also, you'll find that other inputs don't work as well: GO BACK TO THE KITCHEN or GET NEAR THE SINGING PIRATE or READ NEWSPAPER OVER THE SHERIFF'S SHOULDER will all give you error messages of some kind. Understanding the conventions of command typing is fairly intuitive and you'll quickly master it after a little experimentation. .. note:: We're talking here about the core capabilities that most Inform games provide (though much of this is equally applicable to other IF systems). Often the designer will have extended these capabilities by defining additional commands appropriate to the nature of the game; either you'll be told about these, or they'll come naturally to mind during play. Less frequently, some designers like to tamper with the default behaviour of the parser, the interface, or with the way that commands work -- maybe even disabling some of the standard ones completely. When this happens, it's common and polite practice for the game to let you know.