carl9170 firmware: import 1.7.0 1.7.0
authorChristian Lamparter <>
Mon, 19 Jul 2010 23:16:34 +0000 (01:16 +0200)
committerChristian Lamparter <>
Mon, 19 Jul 2010 23:16:34 +0000 (01:16 +0200)
The carl9170 project aims to provide more than just a
working substitute firmware+driver for Atheros' AR9170
USB solutions.

Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
109 files changed:
.gitignore [new file with mode: 0644]
CMakeLists.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
COPYRIGHT [new file with mode: 0644]
GPL [new file with mode: 0644]
Kconfig [new file with mode: 0644]
README [new file with mode: 0644] [new file with mode: 0755]
carlfw/CMakeLists.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/Kconfig [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/ [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/cam.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/carl9170.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/cmd.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/config.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/dma.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/fwdsc.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/gpio.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/hostif.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/io.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/printf.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/rf.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/rom.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/timer.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/uart.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/usb.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/usb_fifo.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/include/wl.h [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/ashlsi3.S [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/cam.c [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/cmd.c [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/dma.c [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/fw.c [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/gpio.c [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/hostif.c [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/main.c [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/memcpy.S [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/memset.S [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/printf.c [new file with mode: 0755]
carlfw/src/reboot.S [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/rf.c [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/timer.c [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/uart.c [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/src/wlan.c [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/usb/Kconfig [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/usb/fifo.c [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/usb/main.c [new file with mode: 0644]
carlfw/usb/usb.c [new file with mode: 0644]
config/.gitignore [new file with mode: 0644]
config/Makefile [new file with mode: 0644]
config/conf.c [new file with mode: 0644]
config/confdata.c [new file with mode: 0644]
config/expr.c [new file with mode: 0644]
config/expr.h [new file with mode: 0644]
config/lkc.h [new file with mode: 0644]
config/lkc_proto.h [new file with mode: 0644]
config/menu.c [new file with mode: 0644]
config/symbol.c [new file with mode: 0644]
config/util.c [new file with mode: 0644]
config/zconf.gperf [new file with mode: 0644]
config/zconf.l [new file with mode: 0644]
config/zconf.y [new file with mode: 0644]
extra/FindUSB-1.0.cmake [new file with mode: 0644]
extra/GCCVersion.cmake [new file with mode: 0644]
extra/libusb-zeropacket.diff [new file with mode: 0644]
extra/sh-elf-linux.cmake [new file with mode: 0644] [new file with mode: 0755]
include/generated/defconfig [new file with mode: 0644]
include/linux/ch9.h [new file with mode: 0644]
include/linux/compiler.h [new file with mode: 0644]
include/linux/ieee80211.h [new file with mode: 0644]
include/linux/types.h [new file with mode: 0644]
include/shared/eeprom.h [new file with mode: 0644]
include/shared/fwcmd.h [new file with mode: 0644]
include/shared/fwdesc.h [new file with mode: 0644]
include/shared/hw.h [new file with mode: 0644]
include/shared/phy.h [new file with mode: 0644]
include/shared/version.h [new file with mode: 0644]
include/shared/wlan.h [new file with mode: 0644]
minifw/CMakeLists.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
minifw/Kconfig [new file with mode: 0644]
minifw/miniboot.S [new file with mode: 0644]
minifw/ [new file with mode: 0644]
toolchain/Makefile [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/.gitignore [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/CMakeLists.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/Kconfig [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/carlu/CMakeLists.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/carlu/src/carlu.h [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/carlu/src/cmd.c [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/carlu/src/debug.c [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/carlu/src/debug.h [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/carlu/src/fw.c [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/carlu/src/main.c [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/carlu/src/rx.c [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/carlu/src/test.c [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/carlu/src/test.h [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/carlu/src/tx.c [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/carlu/src/usb.c [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/carlu/src/usb.h [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/include/frame.h [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/include/list.h [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/lib/CMakeLists.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/lib/carlfw.c [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/lib/carlfw.h [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/src/CMakeLists.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/src/checksum.c [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/src/eeprom_fix.c [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/src/fwinfo.c [new file with mode: 0644]
tools/src/miniboot.c [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
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+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+#if you don't want the full compiler output, remove the following line
+       add_subdirectory(minifw)
+       add_subdirectory(tools)
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cd0a354
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Atheros ar9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+Copyright (c) 2000-2005  ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
diff --git a/GPL b/GPL
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d511905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GPL
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+                   GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+                      Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+                           Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+                   GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+                           NO WARRANTY
+                    END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+           How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/Kconfig b/Kconfig
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..03fd2cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+mainmenu "CARL9170 Firmware Configuration"
+source "carlfw/Kconfig"
+source "minifw/Kconfig"
+source "tools/Kconfig"
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..32e764d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Community AR9170 Linux firmware
+This is the firmware for the Atheros ar9170 802.11n devices.
+To build the firmware you will need an SH-2 toolchain.
+You can build your own toolchain:
+make -C toolchain
+but be aware that this will take some time and requires
+about 1.2 GiB disk space.
+The resulting firmware, carl9170.fw, can be used only
+with the carl9170 Linux driver.
+After getting a toolchain, simply build:
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..43dbce6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+       config)
+               echo "Configuring..."
+               make -C config
+               config/conf Kconfig
+               cmake .
+       ;;
+       compile)
+               echo "Compile time..."
+               make
+       ;;
+       install)
+               if [ ! -e .config ]; then
+                       exit 1
+               fi
+               . ./.config
+               if [ "$CONFIG_CARL9170FW_MAKE_RELEASE" = "y" ]; then
+                       echo "Installing firmware..."
+                       tmpfwfile=`mktemp`
+                       cat carlfw/carl9170.fw carlfw/carl9170.dsc > $tmpfwfile
+                       install $tmpfwfile /lib/firmware/carl9170-$CONFIG_CARL9170FW_RELEASE_VERSION.fw
+                       rm $tmpfwfile
+               fi
+       ;;
+       *)
+               $0 config
+               $0 compile
+       ;;
diff --git a/carlfw/CMakeLists.txt b/carlfw/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b705717
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+set(CARLFW_CFLAGS_WARNING "-W -Wall -Wextra -Wunreachable-code -Winline -Wlogical-op -Wno-packed-bitfield-compat -Winit-self -Wshadow -Wwrite-strings -Waggregate-return -Wstrict-prototypes -Wformat=2 -Wcast-align -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wmissing-prototypes -Wtype-limits -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-noreturn -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wdisabled-optimization -Wpointer-arith -Wvolatile-register-var -Waddress -Wbad-function-cast -Wunsafe-loop-optimizations")
+set(CARLFW_CFLAGS_EXTRA "-mbitops -std=gnu99 -ffunction-sections")
+       set(CARLFW_CFLAGS_AGGRESSIVE "-fomit-frame-pointer -fsee -frename-registers -ftree-vectorize")
+include_directories (../include/linux ../include/shared ../include include)
+set(carl9170_main_src src/main.c src/timer.c src/wlan.c src/fw.c src/gpio.c
+                     src/cmd.c src/uart.c src/dma.c src/hostif.c src/reboot.S
+                     src/printf.c src/rf.c src/cam.c)
+set(carl9170_lib_src src/ashlsi3.S src/memcpy.S src/memset.S)
+set(carl9170_usb_src usb/main.c usb/usb.c usb/fifo.c)
+set(carl9170_src ${carl9170_main_src} ${carl9170_lib_src} ${carl9170_usb_src})
+set_source_files_properties(src/ashlsi3.S PROPERTIES LANGUAGE C)
+set_source_files_properties(src/memcpy.S PROPERTIES LANGUAGE C)
+set_source_files_properties(src/memset.S PROPERTIES LANGUAGE C)
+set_source_files_properties(src/reboot.S PROPERTIES LANGUAGE C)
+add_executable(carl9170.elf ${carl9170_src})
+set_target_properties(carl9170.elf PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE C)
+set_target_properties(carl9170.elf PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS
+set_target_properties(carl9170.elf PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "")
+       carl9170.fw ALL
+       ${OBJCOPY} --strip-unneeded -O binary -R .sram -R .eeprom -R .fwdsc carl9170.elf carl9170.fw
+       DEPENDS carl9170.elf)
+       carl9170.dsc ALL
+       ${OBJCOPY} --strip-unneeded -O binary -j .fwdsc carl9170.elf carl9170.dsc
+       DEPENDS carl9170.elf)
diff --git a/carlfw/Kconfig b/carlfw/Kconfig
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c8f3cca
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+menu "General"
+       def_bool n
+       prompt "Update/Generate new release/revision files"
+       int
+       depends on CARL9170FW_MAKE_RELEASE
+       prompt "Major CARL9170 Firmware Revision"
+       default 1
+menu "Selectable Hardware Options"
+       prompt "Receiver Max. Frame Length"
+       default CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN_8192
+       config CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN_4096
+               bool "4096"
+       config CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN_8192
+               bool "8192"
+       config CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN_16384
+               bool "16384"
+       config CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN_32768
+               bool "32768"
+       int
+       default 4096 if CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN_4096
+       default 8192 if CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN_8192
+       default 16384 if CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN_16384
+       default 32768 if CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN_32768
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "Activate HW Watchdog"
+       ---help---
+        The watchdog will notify the application as soon as the firmware
+        has stalled.
+        Say Y.
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "GPIO Software Interrupt"
+       ---help---
+        When this option is enabled, the firmware will poll the GPIO
+        registers and reports to the driver whenever the GPIO state
+        has changed from a previous state.
+        Note: This feature is necessary to monitor the WPS button,
+              if you have one on your device, then say Y.
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "Support Hardware Crypto Engine"
+       ---help---
+        This options controls if the firmware will allow the driver
+        to program the security engine / CAM through a firmware
+        interface.
+        Say Y. Unless you want to do the en- and decryption for
+        CCMP(AES), TKIP/WEP(RC4) in the application anyway.
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "Enable Firmware-supported Radio/RF functions"
+       ---help---
+        Some PHY/RF functions (e.g.: AGC and Noise calibration) need
+        to be done in the firmware.
+        Say Y, unless you really don't need the Radio/RF for
+        your project.
+menu "802.11 Firmware Features"
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "Handle BlockACK Requests in Firmware"
+       ---help---
+        Enables a firmware mechanism to answer incoming BlockACK requests.
+        This feature is necessary to comply with 802.11n. So say Y,
+        if you have plans to support this operation mode.
+       default 4
+       int
+       prompt "Number of max. active BlockACK Request"
+       depends on CARL9170FW_HANDLE_BACK_REQ
+config CARL9170FW_CAB_QUEUE
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "Support software-based Content after Beacon Queue"
+       ---help---
+        This (software) queue is used to send any broad-/multi-cast buffered
+        frames after the next DTIM beacon.
+        This feature is required for Accesspoint mode operation.
+        Say Y.
+source "carlfw/usb/Kconfig"
+menu "Experimental, Unstable & Testing Extensions"
+config CARL9170FW_PRINTF
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "Advanced printf"
+       depends on CARL9170FW_DEBUG_UART || CARL9170FW_DEBUG_USB
+       ---help---
+        Advanced printf (very useful for debugging purposes)
+        The formats supported by this implementation are:
+               'd' 'u' 'c' 's' 'x' 'X' 'p'.
+        Note: If this option is disabled, the firmware will be only
+              capable of reported _preformated_ string.
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "Experimental Features"
+config CARL9170FW_PSM
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "Firmware Supported Power-saving Management"
+       ---help---
+        This options enables a interface for the application to
+        switch off the RF/PHY (in order to save power). And the
+        Firmware will automatically turn it on again, when the
+        PRETBTT event fires.
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "Delay and reorder TX"
+       depends on CARL9170FW_EXPERIMENTAL
+       ---help---
+        Delay incoming TX' from the application until wlan_complete
+        has finished.
+        This feature is necessary to keep A-MPDUs partially ordered.
+        Doesn't work 100% yet, but in most cases other HW designs can
+        deal with the fallout.
+       def_bool n
+       prompt "Broken Featurs"
+config CARL9170FW_DEBUG
+       def_bool n
+       depends on CARL9170FW_BROKEN_FEATURES && CARL9170FW_PRINTF
+       prompt "Enable verbose debugging messages"
+       def_bool n
+       prompt "LED Heartbeat"
+       depends on CARL9170FW_BROKEN_FEATURES
+       ---help---
+        This option conflicts with the application's LED code.
+        Also, it assumes that you have two LEDs, which is not
+        necessarily true.
+       def_bool n
+       prompt "Pass debug messages through Highspeed UART"
+       depends on CARL9170FW_BROKEN_FEATURES
+       ---help---
+        This option allows the firmware to send BUG/ERR/INFO/DBG and
+        hexdumps through the UART _as well_. However, first: you must
+        connect a working logger.
+       def_bool n
+       prompt "Trigger Watchdog by pressing the WPS button"
+config CARL9170FW_VIFS_NUM
+       default 0
+       int
+       prompt "Number of additional pseudo virtual interfaces"
+       depends on CARL9170FW_BROKEN_FEATURES
+       prompt "UART Clock"
+       depends on CARL9170FW_DEBUG_UART
+       default CARL9170FW_UART_CLOCK_40M
+config CARL9170FW_UART_CLOCK_25M
+       bool "25"
+config CARL9170FW_UART_CLOCK_40M
+       bool "40"
+       prompt "TX / RX Path"
+       default CARL9170FW_NORMAL_TX_RX
+       config CARL9170FW_NORMAL_TX_RX
+               bool
+               prompt "Normal WLAN TX/RX routines"
+       config CARL9170FW_LOOPBACK
+               bool
+               depends on CARL9170FW_BROKEN_FEATURES
+               prompt "TX->(tx feedback)->RX loopback"
+               ---help---
+                Useful carlu testcase.
+       config CARL9170FW_DISCARD
+               bool
+               depends on CARL9170FW_BROKEN_FEATURES
+               prompt "TX->(tx feedback)"
+               ---help---
+                Useful carlu testcase
+       def_bool y
+       depends on CARL9170FW_BROKEN || CARL9170FW_LOOPBACK
+       def_bool n
+       prompt "USB 1.1 / 2.0 switching support"
+       depends on CARL9170FW_BROKEN_FEATURES
+       ---help---
+        Mostly implemented, but untested and some serious
+        doubts remain.
+menu "Build Options"
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "Enable aggressive size optimization"
+       ---help---
+        This option adds several more optimization compiler flags,
+        which can greatly reduce the firmware size... at the expense
+        of machine-code readability.
+         Say Y. Else the firmware might not fit onto the device!
diff --git a/carlfw/ b/carlfw/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0c4ebd6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * The carl9170 firwmare gets copied into the device's
+ * Program RAM (pram), which has a size of 32K, but
+ * also has to accomodate the stack the device uses,
+ * which starts at the top of the 32k, so we pretend
+ * that we just have 16k of pram.
+ *
+ * This section documents some of the other areas
+ * mapped into the firmware processor's address space
+ * as well.
+ */
+    eeprom   : ORIGIN = 0x000000, LENGTH = 1024k
+    sram     : ORIGIN = 0x100000, LENGTH = 96k
+    uart     : ORIGIN = 0x1c0000, LENGTH = 4k
+    timer    : ORIGIN = 0x1c1000, LENGTH = 4k
+    vflash   : ORIGIN = 0x1c2000, LENGTH = 4k
+    wlan     : ORIGIN = 0x1c3000, LENGTH = 4k
+    pci2ahb  : ORIGIN = 0x1c4000, LENGTH = 4k
+    security : ORIGIN = 0x1c5000, LENGTH = 4k
+    gpio     : ORIGIN = 0x1d0000, LENGTH = 4k
+    memctl   : ORIGIN = 0x1d1000, LENGTH = 4k
+    irqctl   : ORIGIN = 0x1d2000, LENGTH = 4k
+    usb      : ORIGIN = 0x1e1000, LENGTH = 4k
+    pta      : ORIGIN = 0x1e2000, LENGTH = 4k
+    pram     : ORIGIN = 0x200000, LENGTH = 16k
+       /*
+        * The ar9170 boot code will execute the code
+        * at address 0x04 from the loaded firmware as
+        * such we must ensure our starting routine
+        * is kept at that address.
+        */
+       .padding : {
+               /* NOP NOP just in case */
+               LONG(0x00090009)
+       } > pram
+       .boot     : { *(.boot) } > pram
+       /* anything else can be anywhere */
+       .text   : { *(.text*) } > pram
+       .rodata : { *(.rodata*) } > pram
+       .bss    : { *(.bss) } > pram
+       .data   : { *(.data*) } > pram
+       .fwdsc  : { KEEP(*(.fwdsc)) } > pram
+       .sram   : { *(.sram*) } > sram
+       .eeprom : { *(.eeprom*) } > eeprom
diff --git a/carlfw/include/cam.h b/carlfw/include/cam.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ad34e44
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * CAM (Security Engine) definitions
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_CAM_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_CAM_H
+#include "config.h"
+#include "cmd.h"
+#define DEFAULT_ENCRY_TYPE     26
+#define KEY_START_ADDR         27
+#define STA_KEY_START_ADDR     155
+#define COUNTER_START_ADDR      163
+/* CAM */
+#define MIC_FINISH                     0x1
+void set_key(const struct carl9170_set_key_cmd *key);
+void disable_key(const struct carl9170_disable_key_cmd *key);
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_CAM_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/carl9170.h b/carlfw/include/carl9170.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6c19c32
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * Firmware context definition
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_CARL9170_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_CARL9170_H
+#include "generated/autoconf.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+#include "fwcmd.h"
+#include "hw.h"
+#include "dma.h"
+#include "usb.h"
+#include "cmd.h"
+struct carl9170_bar_ctx {
+       uint8_t ta[6];
+       uint8_t ra[6];
+       __le16 start_seq_num;
+       __le16 control;
+       __le32 phy;
+enum carl9170_cab_trigger {
+       CARL9170_CAB_TRIGGER_EMPTY      = 0,
+       CARL9170_CAB_TRIGGER_ARMED      = BIT(0),
+       CARL9170_CAB_TRIGGER_DEFER      = BIT(1),
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_CAB_QUEUE */
+enum carl9170_ep0_action {
+       CARL9170_EP0_NO_ACTION          = 0,
+       CARL9170_EP0_STALL              = BIT(0),
+       CARL9170_EP0_TRIGGER            = BIT(1),
+enum carl9170_mac_reset_state {
+       CARL9170_MAC_RESET_OFF          = 0,
+ * This platform - being an odd 32-bit architecture - prefers to
+ * have 32-Bit variables.
+ */
+struct firmware_context_struct {
+       /* timer / clocks */
+       unsigned int bogoclock;                 /* supposed to be CPU clock in KHz */
+       unsigned int counter;                   /* main() cycles */
+       /* misc */
+       unsigned int watchdog_enable;
+       struct {
+               /* Host Interface DMA queues */
+               struct dma_queue up_queue;      /* used to send frames to the host */
+               struct dma_queue down_queue;    /* stores incoming frames from the host */
+       } pta;
+       struct {
+               /* Hardware DMA queues */
+               struct dma_queue tx_queue[__AR9170_NUM_TX_QUEUES];      /* wlan tx queue */
+               struct dma_queue rx_queue;                              /* wlan rx queue */
+               struct dma_queue tx_delay[__AR9170_NUM_TX_QUEUES];
+               struct dma_queue tx_retry;
+               unsigned int tx_trigger;
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DELAYED_TX */
+               /* Hardware DMA queue unstuck/fix detection */
+               unsigned int last_tx_desc_num[__AR9170_NUM_TX_QUEUES];
+               struct dma_desc *last_tx_desc[__AR9170_NUM_TX_QUEUES];
+               unsigned int rx_total;
+               unsigned int rx_overruns;
+               unsigned int mac_reset;
+               /* CAB */
+               struct dma_queue cab_queue;
+               unsigned int cab_queue_len,
+                            cab_flush_time;
+               enum carl9170_cab_trigger cab_flush_trigger;
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_CAB_QUEUE */
+               /* tx status */
+               unsigned int tx_status_pending,
+                            tx_status_head_idx,
+                            tx_status_tail_idx;
+               struct carl9170_tx_status tx_status_cache[CARL9170_TX_STATUS_NUM];
+               /* BA(R) Request Handler */
+               struct dma_desc *ba_desc;
+               struct carl9170_bar_ctx ba_cache[CONFIG_CARL9170FW_BACK_REQS_NUM];
+               unsigned int ba_desc_available,
+                            ba_tail_idx,
+                            ba_head_idx;
+       } wlan;
+       struct {
+               unsigned int config,
+                            interface_setting,
+                            alternate_interface_setting;
+               enum carl9170_ep0_action ep0_action;
+               void *ep0_txrx_buffer;
+               unsigned int ep0_txrx_len,
+                            ep0_txrx_pos;
+               struct ar9170_usb_config *cfg_desc;
+               struct ar9170_usb_config *os_cfg_desc;
+               /*
+                * special buffers for command & response handling
+                *
+                * the firmware uses a sort of ring-buffer to communicate
+                * to the host.
+                */
+               unsigned int int_pending,
+                            int_desc_available,
+                            int_head_index,
+                            int_tail_index;
+               struct dma_desc *int_desc;
+               struct carl9170_rsp int_buf[CARL9170_INT_RQ_CACHES];
+               /* USB printf */
+               unsigned int put_index;
+               uint8_t put_buffer[CARL9170_MAX_CMD_PAYLOAD_LEN];
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG_USB */
+               struct carl9170_watchdog_cmd watchdog;
+       } usb;
+       struct {
+               /* (cached) ar9170_rf_init */
+               /* PHY/RF state */
+               unsigned int frequency;
+               unsigned int ht_settings;
+               struct carl9170_psm psm;
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_PSM */
+       } phy;
+       struct carl9170_gpio cached_gpio_state;
+ * global firmware context struct.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This struct will zeroed out in start()
+ */
+extern struct firmware_context_struct fw;
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_CARL9170_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/cmd.h b/carlfw/include/cmd.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..809a6c2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * Firmware command interface definition
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_CMD_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_CMD_H
+#include "config.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "fwcmd.h"
+static inline void __check(void)
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct carl9170_cmd) != CARL9170_MAX_CMD_LEN);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct carl9170_rsp) != CARL9170_MAX_CMD_LEN);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct carl9170_set_key_cmd) != CARL9170_SET_KEY_CMD_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct carl9170_disable_key_cmd) != CARL9170_DISABLE_KEY_CMD_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct carl9170_rf_init) != CARL9170_RF_INIT_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct carl9170_rf_init_result) != CARL9170_RF_INIT_RESULT_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct carl9170_watchdog_cmd) != CARL9170_WATCHDOG_CMD_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct carl9170_psm) != CARL9170_PSM_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct carl9170_tsf_rsp) != CARL9170_TSF_RSP_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct carl9170_cab_flush_cmd) != CARL9170_CAB_FLUSH_CMD_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct carl9170_tx_status) != CARL9170_TX_STATUS_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct _carl9170_tx_status) != CARL9170_TX_STATUS_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct carl9170_gpio) != CARL9170_GPIO_SIZE);
+void handle_cmd(struct carl9170_rsp *resp);
+void __attribute__((noreturn)) reboot(void);
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_CMD_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/config.h b/carlfw/include/config.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b947f59
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "generated/autoconf.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+#include "fwcmd.h"
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_CONFIG_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_CONFIG_H
+#define __CARL9170FW__
+#define GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 10000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__)
+#if GCC_VERSION < 40400
+# error "This firmware will not work if it is compiled with gcc versions < 4.4"
+# error "See: / Caveats No. 4"
+#if ((defined CONFIG_CARL9170FW_PRINTF) &&             \
+     (!defined CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG_USB) &&         \
+    (!defined CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG_UART))
+# warning "You have disabled all debug message transports."
+# warning "However CONFIG_CARL9170FW_PRINTF is still set..."
+# warning "Which is a waste of firmware space, if you ask me."
+#define CARL9170_TX_STATUS_NUM         (CARL9170_RSP_TX_STATUS_NUM)
+#define CARL9170_INT_RQ_CACHES         16
+#define AR9170_INT_MAGIC_HEADER_SIZE   12
+#define CARL9170_TBTT_DELTA            (CARL9170_PRETBTT_KUS + 1)
+#define CARL9170_GPIO_MASK             (AR9170_GPIO_PORT_WPS_BUTTON_PRESSED)
+#define CARL9170_INTF_NUM              (1 + CONFIG_CARL9170FW_VIFS_NUM)
+#define CARL9170_INTF_NUM              (1)
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_VIFS_NUM */
+#if ((defined CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG) ||      \
+     (defined CONFIG_CARL9170FW_LOOPBACK))
+#define CARL9170FW_UNUSABLE    y
+static inline void __config_check(void)
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(CARL9170_INTF_NUM < 1);
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_CONFIG_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/dma.h b/carlfw/include/dma.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..079b3b7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * This module contains DMA descriptor related definitions.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_DMA_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_DMA_H
+#include "config.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+#include "hw.h"
+#include "ieee80211.h"
+#include "wlan.h"
+struct dma_desc {
+       volatile uint16_t status;       /* Descriptor status */
+       volatile uint16_t ctrl;         /* Descriptor control */
+       volatile uint16_t dataSize;     /* Data size */
+       volatile uint16_t totalLen;     /* Total length */
+       struct dma_desc *lastAddr;      /* Last address of this chain */
+       union {
+               uint8_t *_dataAddr;     /* Data buffer address */
+               void *dataAddr;
+       } __packed;
+       struct dma_desc *nextAddr;      /* Next TD address */
+} __packed;
+/* (Up, Dn, 5x Tx, Rx), USB Int, (5x delayed Tx + retry), CAB, BA */
+#define AR9170_TERMINATOR_NUMBER_B     8
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DELAYED_TX */
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_CAB_QUEUE */
+#define AR9170_TERMINATOR_NUMBER_BA    1
+#define AR9170_TERMINATOR_NUMBER_BA    0
+                                 AR9170_TERMINATOR_NUMBER_INT + \
+                                 AR9170_TERMINATOR_NUMBER_DELAY + \
+                                 AR9170_TERMINATOR_NUMBER_CAB + \
+                                 AR9170_TERMINATOR_NUMBER_BA)
+#define AR9170_BLOCK_SIZE           (256 + 64)
+#define AR9170_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE      (sizeof(struct dma_desc))
+struct ar9170_tx_ba_frame {
+       struct ar9170_tx_hwdesc hdr;
+       struct ieee80211_ba ba;
+} __packed;
+struct carl9170_tx_ba_superframe {
+       struct carl9170_tx_superdesc s;
+       struct ar9170_tx_ba_frame f;
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170_BA_BUFFER_LEN (__roundup(sizeof(struct carl9170_tx_ba_superframe), 16))
+#define CARL9170_RSP_BUFFER_LEN        AR9170_BLOCK_SIZE
+struct carl9170_sram_reserved {
+       union {
+               uint32_t buf[CARL9170_BA_BUFFER_LEN / sizeof(uint32_t)];
+               struct carl9170_tx_ba_superframe ba;
+       } ba;
+       union {
+               uint32_t buf[CARL9170_MAX_CMD_LEN / sizeof(uint32_t)];
+               struct carl9170_cmd cmd;
+       } cmd;
+       union {
+               uint32_t buf[CARL9170_RSP_BUFFER_LEN / sizeof(uint32_t)];
+               struct carl9170_rsp rsp;
+       } rsp;
+       union {
+               uint32_t buf[CARL9170_INTF_NUM][AR9170_MAC_BCN_LENGTH_MAX / sizeof(uint32_t)];
+       } bcn;
+ * Memory layout in RAM:
+ *
+ * 0x100000                    +--
+ *                             | terminator descriptors (dma_desc)
+ *                             |  - Up (to USB host)
+ *                             |  - Down (from USB host)
+ *                             |  - TX (5x, to wifi)
+ *                             |  - RX (from wifi)
+ *                             |  - CAB Queue
+ *                             |  - FW cmd & req descriptor
+ *                             |  - BlockAck descriptor
+ *                             |  - Delayed TX (5x)
+ *                             | total: AR9170_TERMINATOR_NUMBER
+ *                             +--
+ *                             | block descriptors (dma_desc)
+ *                             | (AR9170_BLOCK_NUMBER)
+ * AR9170_BLOCK_BUFFER_BASE    +-- align to multiple of 64
+ *                             | block buffers (AR9170_BLOCK_SIZE each)
+ *                             | (AR9170_BLOCK_NUMBER)
+ * approx. 0x117c00            +--
+ *                             | BA buffer (128 bytes)
+ *                             +--
+ *                             | CMD buffer (128 bytes)
+ *                             +--
+ *                             | RSP buffer (320 bytes)
+ *                             +--
+ *                             | BEACON buffer (256 bytes)
+ *                             +--
+ *                             | unaccounted space / padding
+ *                             +--
+ * 0x18000
+ */
+#define AR9170_SRAM_SIZE               0x18000
+#define CARL9170_SRAM_RESERVED         (sizeof(struct carl9170_sram_reserved))
+#define BLOCK_ALIGNMENT                64
+                                (AR9170_BLOCK_SIZE + AR9170_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE))
+struct ar9170_data_block {
+       uint8_t data[AR9170_BLOCK_SIZE];
+struct ar9170_dma_memory {
+       struct dma_desc                 terminator[AR9170_TERMINATOR_NUMBER];
+       struct dma_desc                 block[AR9170_BLOCK_NUMBER];
+       struct ar9170_data_block        data[AR9170_BLOCK_NUMBER] __attribute__((aligned(BLOCK_ALIGNMENT)));
+       struct carl9170_sram_reserved   reserved __attribute__((aligned(BLOCK_ALIGNMENT)));
+extern struct ar9170_dma_memory dma_mem;
+#define AR9170_DOWN_BLOCK_RATIO     2
+#define AR9170_RX_BLOCK_RATIO       1
+/* Tx 16*2 = 32 packets => 32*(5*320) */
+                                  (AR9170_RX_BLOCK_RATIO + AR9170_DOWN_BLOCK_RATIO))
+/* Error code */
+#define AR9170_ERR_FS_BIT           1
+#define AR9170_ERR_LS_BIT           2
+#define AR9170_ERR_OWN_BITS         3
+#define AR9170_ERR_DATA_SIZE        4
+#define AR9170_ERR_TOTAL_LEN        5
+#define AR9170_ERR_DATA             6
+#define AR9170_ERR_SEQ              7
+#define AR9170_ERR_LEN              8
+/* Status bits definitions */
+/* Own bits definitions */
+#define AR9170_OWN_BITS_MASK        0x3
+#define AR9170_OWN_BITS_SW          0x0
+#define AR9170_OWN_BITS_HW          0x1
+#define AR9170_OWN_BITS_SE          0x2
+/* Control bits definitions */
+#define AR9170_CTRL_TXFAIL     1
+#define AR9170_CTRL_BAFAIL     2
+/* First segament bit */
+#define AR9170_CTRL_LS_BIT               0x100
+/* Last segament bit */
+#define AR9170_CTRL_FS_BIT               0x200
+struct dma_queue {
+       struct dma_desc *head;
+       struct dma_desc *terminator;
+#define DESC_PAYLOAD(a)                        ((void *)a->dataAddr)
+#define DESC_PAYLOAD_OFF(a, offset)    ((void *)((unsigned long)(a->_dataAddr) + offset))
+struct dma_desc *dma_unlink_head(struct dma_queue *queue);
+void dma_init_descriptors(void);
+void dma_reclaim(struct dma_queue *q, struct dma_desc *desc);
+void dma_put(struct dma_queue *q, struct dma_desc *desc);
+void dma_queue_reclaim(struct dma_queue *dst, struct dma_queue *src);
+void queue_dump(void);
+void wlan_txq_hangfix(const unsigned int queue);
+static inline __inline bool queue_empty(struct dma_queue *q)
+       return q->head == q->terminator;
+ * Get a completed packet with # descriptors. Return the first
+ * descriptor and pointer the head directly by lastAddr->nextAddr
+ */
+static inline __inline struct dma_desc *dma_dequeue_bits(struct dma_queue *q,
+                                               uint16_t bits)
+       struct dma_desc *desc = NULL;
+       if ((q->head->status & AR9170_OWN_BITS_MASK) == bits)
+               desc = dma_unlink_head(q);
+       return desc;
+static inline __inline struct dma_desc *dma_dequeue_not_bits(struct dma_queue *q,
+                                                   uint16_t bits)
+       struct dma_desc *desc = NULL;
+       /* AR9170_OWN_BITS_HW will be filtered out here too. */
+       if ((q->head->status & AR9170_OWN_BITS_MASK) != bits)
+               desc = dma_unlink_head(q);
+       return desc;
+#define for_each_desc_bits(desc, queue, bits)                          \
+       while ((desc = dma_dequeue_bits(queue, bits)))
+#define for_each_desc_not_bits(desc, queue, bits)                      \
+       while ((desc = dma_dequeue_not_bits(queue, bits)))
+#define for_each_desc(desc, queue)                                     \
+       while ((desc = dma_unlink_head(queue)))
+#define __for_each_desc_bits(desc, queue, bits)                                \
+       for (desc = (queue)->head;                                      \
+            (desc != (queue)->terminator &&                            \
+            (desc->status & AR9170_OWN_BITS_MASK) == bits);            \
+            desc = desc->lastAddr->nextAddr)
+#define __while_desc_bits(desc, queue, bits)                           \
+       for (desc = (queue)->head;                                      \
+            (!queue_empty(queue) &&                                    \
+            (desc->status & AR9170_OWN_BITS_MASK) == bits);            \
+            desc = (queue)->head)
+#define __for_each_desc(desc, queue)                                   \
+       for (desc = (queue)->head;                                      \
+            desc != (queue)->terminator;                               \
+            desc = (desc)->lastAddr->nextAddr)
+#define __for_each_desc_safe(desc, tmp, queue)                         \
+       for (desc = (queue)->head, tmp = desc->lastAddr->nextAddr;      \
+            desc != (queue)->terminator;                               \
+            desc = tmp, tmp = tmp->lastAddr->nextAddr)
+#define __while_subdesc(desc, queue)                                   \
+       for (desc = (queue)->head;                                      \
+            desc != (queue)->terminator;                               \
+            desc = (desc)->nextAddr)
+static inline __inline unsigned int queue_len(struct dma_queue *q)
+       struct dma_desc *desc;
+       unsigned int i = 0;
+       __while_subdesc(desc, q)
+               i++;
+       return i;
+ * rearm a completed packet, so it will be processed agian.
+ */
+static inline __inline void dma_rearm(struct dma_desc *desc)
+       /* Set OWN bit to HW */
+       desc->status = ((desc->status & (~AR9170_OWN_BITS_MASK)) |
+                       AR9170_OWN_BITS_HW);
+static inline void __check_desc(void)
+       struct ar9170_dma_memory mem;
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct ar9170_data_block) != AR9170_BLOCK_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct dma_desc) != 20);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(mem) > AR9170_SRAM_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct carl9170_sram_reserved, ba.buf) & (BLOCK_ALIGNMENT - 1));
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct carl9170_sram_reserved, cmd.buf) & (BLOCK_ALIGNMENT - 1));
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct carl9170_sram_reserved, rsp.buf) & (BLOCK_ALIGNMENT - 1));
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct carl9170_sram_reserved, bcn.buf) & (BLOCK_ALIGNMENT - 1));
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_DMA_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/fwdsc.h b/carlfw/include/fwdsc.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bebe970
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * Firmware definition
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_FWDSC_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_FWDSC_H
+#include "config.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "fwdesc.h"
+struct carl9170_firmware_descriptor {
+       struct carl9170fw_otus_desc otus;
+       struct carl9170fw_usb_desc  usb;
+       struct carl9170fw_motd_desc motd;
+       struct carl9170fw_dbg_desc  dbg;
+       struct carl9170fw_last_desc last;
+} __packed;
+extern const struct carl9170_firmware_descriptor carl9170fw_desc;
+static inline void __check_fw(void)
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(carl9170fw_desc) & 0x3);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(carl9170fw_desc) > CARL9170FW_DESC_MAX_LENGTH);
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_FWDSC_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/gpio.h b/carlfw/include/gpio.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1ed816c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * GPIO definitions
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_GPIO_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_GPIO_H
+#include "config.h"
+#include "hw.h"
+#include "io.h"
+static inline __inline void led_init(void)
+       set(AR9170_GPIO_REG_PORT_TYPE, 3);
+static inline __inline void led_set(const unsigned int ledstate)
+       set(AR9170_GPIO_REG_PORT_DATA, ledstate);
+void gpio_timer(void);
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_GPIO_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/hostif.h b/carlfw/include/hostif.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..11a0d76
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * HostIF definition
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_HOSTIF_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_HOSTIF_H
+#include "config.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "hw.h"
+#include "io.h"
+static inline __inline void down_trigger(void)
+       set(AR9170_PTA_REG_DN_DMA_TRIGGER, 1);
+static inline __inline void up_trigger(void)
+       set(AR9170_PTA_REG_UP_DMA_TRIGGER, 1);
+void handle_host_interface(void);
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_HOSTIF_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/io.h b/carlfw/include/io.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f594a3f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_IO_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_IO_H
+#include "config.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+static inline __inline uint8_t readb(const volatile void *addr)
+       return *(const volatile uint8_t *) addr;
+static inline __inline uint16_t readw(const volatile void *addr)
+       return *(const volatile uint16_t *) addr;
+static inline __inline void *readp(const volatile void *addr)
+       return *(void **) addr;
+static inline __inline uint32_t readl(const volatile void *addr)
+       return (uint32_t) (const unsigned int *) readp(addr);
+static inline __inline void writeb(volatile void *addr, const volatile uint8_t val)
+       *(volatile uint8_t *) addr = val;
+static inline __inline void writew(volatile void *addr, const volatile uint16_t val)
+       *(volatile uint16_t *) addr = val;
+static inline __inline void writel(volatile void *addr, const volatile uint32_t val)
+       *(volatile uint32_t *) addr = val;
+static inline __inline void __orl(volatile void *addr, const volatile uint32_t val)
+       *(volatile uint32_t *) addr |= val;
+static inline __inline void __andl(volatile void *addr, const volatile uint32_t val)
+       *(volatile uint32_t *) addr &= val;
+static inline __inline void __xorl(volatile void *addr, const volatile uint32_t val)
+       *(volatile uint32_t *) addr ^= val;
+static inline __inline void __incl(volatile void *addr)
+       (*(volatile uint32_t *)addr)++;
+static inline __inline uint32_t readl_async(const volatile void *addr)
+       uint32_t i = 0, read, tmp;
+       read = readl(addr);
+       while (i++ < 10) {
+               tmp = readl(addr);
+               if (tmp == read)
+                       break;
+               else
+                       read = tmp;
+       }
+       return read;
+static inline __inline void set(const volatile uint32_t addr, const volatile uint32_t val)
+       writel((volatile void *) addr, val);
+static inline __inline void orl(volatile uint32_t addr, const volatile uint32_t val)
+       __orl((volatile void *) addr, val);
+static inline __inline void xorl(const volatile uint32_t addr, const volatile uint32_t val)
+       __xorl((volatile void *) addr, val);
+static inline __inline void andl(const volatile uint32_t addr, const volatile uint32_t val)
+       __andl((volatile void *) addr, val);
+static inline __inline void incl(const volatile uint32_t addr)
+       __incl((volatile void *) addr);
+static inline __inline uint32_t get(const volatile uint32_t addr)
+       return readl((const volatile void *) addr);
+static inline __inline void *getp(const volatile uint32_t addr)
+       return readp((const volatile void *) addr);
+static inline __inline uint32_t get_async(const volatile uint32_t addr)
+       return readl_async((const volatile void *) addr);
+static inline __inline void setb(const volatile uint32_t addr, const volatile uint8_t val)
+       writeb((volatile void *) addr, val);
+static inline __inline uint8_t getb(const volatile uint32_t addr)
+       return readb((const volatile void *) addr);
+static inline __inline void andb(const volatile uint32_t addr, const volatile uint8_t val)
+       setb(addr, getb(addr) & val);
+static inline __inline void orb(const volatile uint32_t addr, const volatile uint32_t val)
+       setb(addr, getb(addr) | val);
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_IO_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/printf.h b/carlfw/include/printf.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f4fbcf1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * printf and his friends...
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_PRINTF_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_PRINTF_H
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "uart.h"
+#include "fwcmd.h"
+void __attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2))) tfp_printf(const char *fmt, ...);
+#define printf tfp_printf
+void __attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2))) min_printf(const char *fmt, ...);
+#define printf min_printf
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_PRINTF */
+#define PRINT(fmt, args...)                                            \
+       do {                                                            \
+               printf(fmt, ## args);                                   \
+       } while (0)
+#define INFO(fmt, args...)     PRINT(fmt, ## args)
+#define ERR(fmt, args...)      PRINT(CARL9170_ERR_MAGIC fmt, ## args)
+#define DBG(fmt, args...)      PRINT(fmt, ## args)
+#define DBG(...)               do { } while (0);
+ * NB: even though the MACRO is called "stall". It isn't supposed
+ * to stall since this will render the device unresponsive, until
+ * someone pulls the plug.
+ */
+#define STALL()
+#define BUG(fmt, args...)                                              \
+       do {                                                            \
+               PRINT(CARL9170_BUG_MAGIC" %s()@%d \"" fmt "\"" ,        \
+                     __func__, __LINE__, ## args);                     \
+               STALL()                                                 \
+       } while (0);
+#define BUG_ON(condition)                                              \
+       ({                                                              \
+               int __ret = !!(condition);                              \
+               if (unlikely(!!(__ret)))                                \
+                       BUG(#condition);                                \
+               (__ret);                                                \
+       })
+static inline __inline void putcharacter(const char c __unused)
+       usb_putc(c);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG_USB */
+       uart_putc(c);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG_UART */
+static inline __inline void print_hex_dump(const void *buf __unused, int len __unused)
+       usb_print_hex_dump(buf, len);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG_USB */
+       uart_print_hex_dump(buf, len);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG_UART */
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_PRINTF_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/rf.h b/carlfw/include/rf.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8252740
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * RF routine definitions
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_RF_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_RF_H
+#include "config.h"
+void rf_notify_set_channel(void);
+void rf_cmd(const struct carl9170_cmd *cmd, struct carl9170_rsp *resp);
+void rf_psm(void);
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_RF_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/rom.h b/carlfw/include/rom.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d97677c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * ROM layout
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005  ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_ROM_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_ROM_H
+#include "types.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+#include "usb.h"
+#include "eeprom.h"
+struct ar9170_hwtype {
+       /* 0x00001370 */
+       uint8_t data[4];
+       /* 0x00001374 */
+       struct ar9170_led_mode led_mode[AR9170_NUM_LEDS];
+       /* 0x00001378 */
+       uint8_t nulldata[2];
+       struct {
+               /* 0x0000137a */
+               struct usb_device_descriptor device_desc;
+               /* 0x0000138c */
+               uint8_t string0_desc[4];
+               /* 0x00001390 */
+               uint8_t string1_desc[32];
+               /* 0x000013b0 */
+               uint8_t string2_desc[48];
+               /* 0x000013e0 */
+               uint8_t string3_desc[32];
+       } usb;
+} __packed;
+struct ar9170_rom {
+       /* 0x00000000 */
+       uint8_t __nulldata[8];
+       /* 0x00000008 */
+       uint8_t bootcode[4968];
+       /* 0x00001370 */
+       struct ar9170_hwtype hw;
+       /* 0x00001400 */
+       uint8_t data[512];
+       /* eeprom */
+       struct ar9170_eeprom sys;
+} __packed;
+static const struct ar9170_rom rom __section(eeprom);
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_ROM_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/timer.h b/carlfw/include/timer.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8c3df1b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * Clock, Timer & Timing
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_TIMER_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_TIMER_H
+#include "config.h"
+enum cpu_clock_t {
+       AHB_40MHZ_OSC   = 0,
+       AHB_20_22MHZ    = 1,
+       AHB_40_44MHZ    = 2,
+       AHB_80_88MHZ    = 3
+#define AR9170_TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND   80
+void handle_timer(void);
+void timer_init(const unsigned int timer, const unsigned int interval);
+void clock_set(const bool on, const enum cpu_clock_t _clock);
+static inline __inline uint32_t get_clock_counter(void)
+       return (get(AR9170_TIMER_REG_CLOCK_HIGH) << 16) | get(AR9170_TIMER_REG_CLOCK_LOW);
+static inline __inline bool is_after_msecs(uint32_t t0, uint32_t msecs)
+       return (get_clock_counter() - t0) / (AR9170_TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND * 1000) > msecs;
+static inline __inline void delay(uint32_t msec)
+       uint32_t t1, t2, dt;
+       t1 = get_clock_counter();
+       while (1) {
+               t2 = get_clock_counter();
+               dt = (t2 - t1) / AR9170_TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND / 1000;
+               if (dt >= msec)
+                       break;
+       }
+static inline __inline void udelay(uint32_t usec)
+       uint32_t t1, t2, dt;
+       t1 = get_clock_counter();
+       while (1) {
+               t2 = get_clock_counter();
+               dt = (t2 - t1) / AR9170_TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND;
+               if (dt >= usec)
+                       break;
+       }
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_TIMER_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/uart.h b/carlfw/include/uart.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5f7ef67
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * UART functions definition
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_UART_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_UART_H
+#include "config.h"
+void uart_putc(const char c);
+void uart_print_hex_dump(const void *buf, const int len);
+void uart_init(void);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG_UART */
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_UART_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/usb.h b/carlfw/include/usb.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6501e19
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * USB definitions
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_USB_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_USB_H
+#include "config.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "io.h"
+#include "hw.h"
+#include "ch9.h"
+struct ar9170_usb_config {
+       struct usb_config_descriptor cfg;
+       struct usb_interface_descriptor intf;
+       struct usb_endpoint_descriptor ep[AR9170_USB_NUM_EXTRA_EP];
+} __packed;
+static inline __inline bool usb_detect_highspeed(void)
+       return !!(getb(AR9170_USB_REG_MAIN_CTRL) &
+                 AR9170_USB_MAIN_CTRL_HIGHSPEED);
+static inline __inline bool usb_configured(void)
+       return !!(getb(AR9170_USB_REG_DEVICE_ADDRESS) &
+                 AR9170_USB_DEVICE_ADDRESS_CONFIGURE);
+static inline __inline void usb_remote_wakeup(void)
+static inline __inline void usb_enable_global_int(void)
+static inline __inline void usb_trigger_out(void)
+       andb(AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_MASK_BYTE_4,
+               (uint8_t) ~AR9170_USB_INTR_DISABLE_OUT_INT);
+static inline __inline void usb_reset_out(void)
+static inline __inline void usb_trigger_in(void)
+static inline __inline void usb_reset_in(void)
+static inline __inline void usb_ep3_xfer_done(void)
+       orb(AR9170_USB_REG_EP3_BYTE_COUNT_HIGH, 0x08);
+static inline __inline void usb_suspend_ack(void)
+       /*
+        * uP must do-over everything it should handle
+        * and do before into the suspend mode
+        */
+       andb(AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_7, ~BIT(2));
+static inline __inline void usb_resume_ack(void)
+       /*
+        * uP must do-over everything it should handle
+        * and do before into the suspend mode
+        */
+       andb(AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_7, ~BIT(3));
+static inline __inline void usb_reset_ack(void)
+       andb(AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_7, ~BIT(1));
+static inline __inline void usb_data_out0Byte(void)
+       andb(AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_7, (uint8_t) ~BIT(7));
+static inline __inline void usb_data_in0Byte(void)
+       andb(AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_7, ~BIT(6));
+static inline __inline void usb_stop_down_queue(void)
+static inline __inline void usb_start_down_queue(void)
+static inline __inline void usb_clear_input_ep_toggle(unsigned int ep)
+       andl(AR9170_USB_REG_EP_IN_MAX_SIZE_HIGH + (ep << 1),
+            ~AR9170_USB_EP_IN_TOGGLE);
+static inline __inline void usb_set_input_ep_toggle(unsigned int ep)
+       orl(AR9170_USB_REG_EP_IN_MAX_SIZE_HIGH + (ep << 1),
+           AR9170_USB_EP_IN_TOGGLE);
+static inline __inline void usb_clear_output_ep_toggle(unsigned int ep)
+       andl(AR9170_USB_REG_EP_OUT_MAX_SIZE_HIGH + (ep << 1),
+            ~AR9170_USB_EP_OUT_TOGGLE);
+static inline __inline void usb_set_output_ep_toggle(unsigned int ep)
+       orl(AR9170_USB_REG_EP_OUT_MAX_SIZE_HIGH + (ep << 1),
+           AR9170_USB_EP_OUT_TOGGLE);
+static inline void usb_structure_check(void)
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct usb_config_descriptor) != USB_DT_CONFIG_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct usb_device_descriptor) != USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct usb_endpoint_descriptor) != USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct usb_interface_descriptor) != USB_DT_INTERFACE_SIZE);
+void __attribute__((noreturn)) jump_to_bootcode(void);
+void send_cmd_to_host(const uint8_t len, const uint8_t type,
+                     const uint8_t ext, const uint8_t *body);
+void usb_init(void);
+void usb_ep0rx(void);
+void usb_ep0tx(void);
+void usb_ep0setup(void);
+void handle_usb(void);
+void usb_timer(void);
+void usb_putc(const char c);
+void usb_print_hex_dump(const void *buf, int len);
+void usb_init_highspeed_fifo_cfg(void);
+void usb_init_fullspeed_fifo_cfg(void);
+void start(void);
+void usb_watchdog_timer(void);
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_USB_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/usb_fifo.h b/carlfw/include/usb_fifo.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1115168
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * USB definitions
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_USB_FIFO_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_USB_FIFO_H
+#include "config.h"
+#define MASK_F0             0xf0
+/* Block Size define */
+#define BLK512BYTE      1
+#define BLK1024BYTE     2
+#define BLK64BYTE       1
+#define BLK128BYTE      2
+/* Block toggle number define */
+#define SINGLE_BLK      1
+#define DOUBLE_BLK      2
+#define TRIBLE_BLK      3
+/* Endpoint transfer type */
+#define TF_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS     1
+#define TF_TYPE_BULK            2
+#define TF_TYPE_INTERRUPT       3
+/* Endpoint or FIFO direction define */
+#define DIRECTION_IN    0
+#define DIRECTION_OUT   1
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_MAX_PACKET              512
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_bInterval               0
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP_NUMBER                   0x04
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP_LENGTH                   (EP_LENGTH * HS_C1_I0_A0_EP_NUMBER)
+#define HS_C1_I0_ALT_LENGTH                     (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP_LENGTH)
+#define HS_C1_INTERFACE_LENGTH                  (HS_C1_I0_ALT_LENGTH)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_MAX_PACKET              64
+/* #define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_bInterval               HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_bInterval */
+#define HS_CONFIGURATION_NUMBER                 1
+#define FS_CONFIGURATION_NUMBER                 1
+#define fDOUBLE_BUF                             1
+#define fDOUBLE_BUF_IN                          0
+#define fFLASH_DISK                             0
+#define fENABLE_ISO                             0
+#define HS_C1_INTERFACE_NUMBER  0x01
+#define HS_C1                   0x01
+#define HS_C1_iConfiguration    0x00
+#define HS_C1_bmAttribute       0x80
+#define HS_C1_iMaxPower         0xFA
+/* Interface 0 */
+#define HS_C1_I0_ALT_NUMBER    0X01
+/* AlternateSetting 0 */
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_bInterfaceNumber   0x00
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_bAlternateSetting  0x00
+/* JWEI 2003/07/14 */
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP_NUMBER          0x04
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_bInterfaceClass    0xff
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_bInterfaceSubClass 0x00
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_bInterfaceProtocol 0x00
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_iInterface         0x00
+/* EP 1 */
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_BLKSIZE    512
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_BLKNO      DOUBLE_BLK
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_TYPE       TF_TYPE_BULK
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_MAX_PACKET 512
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_bInterval  0
+/* EP 2 */
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_BLKSIZE    512
+/* JWEI 2003/08/20 */
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_BLKNO      SINGLE_BLK
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_TYPE       TF_TYPE_BULK
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_MAX_PACKET 512
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_bInterval  0
+/* EP 3 */
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_BLKSIZE    64
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_BLKNO      SINGLE_BLK
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_TYPE       TF_TYPE_INTERRUPT
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_MAX_PACKET 0x0040
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_bInterval  01
+ * Note: HS Bulk type require max pkt size = 512
+ *       ==> must use Interrupt type for max pkt size = 64
+ */
+/* EP 4 */
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_BLKSIZE    64
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_BLKNO      SINGLE_BLK
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_TYPE       TF_TYPE_INTERRUPT
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_MAX_PACKET 0x0040
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_bInterval  01
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP_LENGTH           (EP_LENGTH * HS_C1_I0_A0_EP_NUMBER)
+/* EP 1 */
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START  0
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_NO     (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_BLKNO * HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_BLKSIZE)
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_CONFIG (uint8_t)(0x80 | ((HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_BLKSIZE - 1) << 4) | ((HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_BLKNO - 1) << 2) | HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_TYPE)
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_MAP    (((1 - HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_DIRECTION) << 4) | 1)
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_MAP         (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START |   (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START << 4)   | (MASK_F0 >> (4*HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_DIRECTION)))
+/* EP 2 */
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_START  (uint8_t)(HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START + HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_NO)
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_NO     (uint8_t)(HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_BLKNO * HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_BLKSIZE)
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_CONFIG (uint8_t)(0x80 | ((HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_BLKSIZE - 1) << 4) | ((HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_BLKNO - 1) << 2) | HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_TYPE)
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_MAP    (uint8_t)(((1 - HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_DIRECTION) << 4) | 2)
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_MAP         (uint8_t)(HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_START |   (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_START << 4)   | (MASK_F0 >> (4*HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_DIRECTION)))
+/* EP 3 */
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START  14
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_NO     (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_BLKNO * HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_BLKSIZE)
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_CONFIG (uint8_t)(0x80 | ((HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_BLKSIZE - 1) << 4) | ((HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_BLKNO - 1) << 2) | HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_TYPE)
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_MAP    (uint8_t)(((1 - HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_DIRECTION) << 4) | 3)
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_MAP         (uint8_t)(HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START |   (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START << 4)   | (MASK_F0 >> (4*HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_DIRECTION)))
+/* EP 4 */
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_START  (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START + HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_NO)
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_NO     (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_BLKNO * HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_BLKSIZE)
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_CONFIG (uint8_t)(0x80 | ((HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_BLKSIZE - 1) << 4) | ((HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_BLKNO - 1) << 2) | HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_TYPE)
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_MAP    (((1 - HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_DIRECTION) << 4) | 4)
+#define HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_MAP         (uint8_t)(HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_START |   (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_START << 4)   | (MASK_F0 >> (4*HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_DIRECTION)))
+/* Configuration 1 */
+#define FS_C1_INTERFACE_NUMBER         0x01
+#define FS_C1                          0x01
+#define FS_C1_iConfiguration           0x00
+#define FS_C1_bmAttribute              0x80
+#define FS_C1_iMaxPower                        0xfa
+/* Interface 0 */
+#define FS_C1_I0_ALT_NUMBER            0x01
+/* AlternateSetting 0x00 */
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_bInterfaceNumber   0x00
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_bAlternateSetting  0x00
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP_NUMBER          0x04
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_bInterfaceClass    0xff
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_bInterfaceSubClass 0x00
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_bInterfaceProtocol 0x00
+/* EP 1 */
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_BLKSIZE    512
+/* JWEI 2003/05/19 */
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_BLKNO      DOUBLE_BLK
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_TYPE       TF_TYPE_BULK
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_MAX_PACKET 64
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_bInterval  0
+/* EP 2 */
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_BLKSIZE    512
+/* JWEI 2003/08/20 */
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_BLKNO      SINGLE_BLK
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_TYPE       TF_TYPE_BULK
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_MAX_PACKET 64
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_bInterval  0
+/* EP 3 */
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_BLKSIZE    64
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_BLKNO      SINGLE_BLK
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_TYPE       TF_TYPE_INTERRUPT
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_MAX_PACKET 0x0040
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_bInterval  1
+/* EP 4 */
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_BLKSIZE    64
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_BLKNO      SINGLE_BLK
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_TYPE       TF_TYPE_BULK
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_MAX_PACKET 0x0040
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_bInterval  0
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP_LENGTH           (EP_LENGTH * FS_C1_I0_A0_EP_NUMBER)
+/* EP 1 */
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START  0
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_NO     (uint8_t)(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_BLKNO * FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_BLKSIZE)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_CONFIG (uint8_t)(0x80 | ((FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_BLKSIZE - 1) << 4) | ((FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_BLKNO - 1) << 2) | FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_TYPE)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_MAP    (uint8_t)(((1 - FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_DIRECTION) << 4) | 1)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_MAP         (uint8_t)(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START |   (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START << 4)   | (MASK_F0 >> (4*FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_DIRECTION)))
+/* EP 2 */
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_START  (uint8_t)(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START + FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_NO)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_NO     (uint8_t)(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_BLKNO * FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_BLKSIZE)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_CONFIG (uint8_t)(0x80 | ((FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_BLKSIZE - 1) << 4) | ((FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_BLKNO - 1) << 2) | FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_TYPE)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_MAP    (uint8_t)(((1 - FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_DIRECTION) << 4) | 2)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_MAP         (uint8_t)(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_START |   (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_START << 4)   | (MASK_F0 >> (4*FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_DIRECTION)))
+/* EP 3 */
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START  14
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_NO     (uint8_t)(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_BLKNO * FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_BLKSIZE)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_CONFIG (uint8_t)(0x80 | ((FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_BLKSIZE - 1) << 4) | ((FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_BLKNO - 1) << 2) | FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_TYPE)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_MAP    (uint8_t)(((1 - FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_DIRECTION) << 4) | 3)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_MAP         (uint8_t)(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START |   (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START << 4)   | (MASK_F0 >> (4*FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_DIRECTION)))
+/* EP 4 */
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_START  (uint8_t)(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START + FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_NO)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_NO     (uint8_t)(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_BLKNO * FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_BLKSIZE)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_CONFIG (uint8_t)(0x80 | ((FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_BLKSIZE - 1) << 4) | ((FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_BLKNO - 1) << 2) | FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_TYPE)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_MAP    (uint8_t)(((1 - FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_DIRECTION) << 4) | 4)
+#define FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_MAP         (uint8_t)(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_START |   (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_START << 4)   | (MASK_F0 >> (4*FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_DIRECTION)))
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_USB_FIFO_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/include/wl.h b/carlfw/include/wl.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..178679a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * WLAN
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170FW_WLAN_H
+#define __CARL9170FW_WLAN_H
+#include "config.h"
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "io.h"
+struct ieee80211_hdr;
+static inline __inline void set_wlan_txq_dma_addr(const unsigned int q, const uint32_t v)
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ_ADDR + (q << 3), v);
+static inline __inline void set_wlan_txq_dma_curr_addr(const unsigned int q, const uint32_t v)
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ_CURR_ADDR + (q << 3), v);
+static inline __inline struct dma_desc *get_wlan_txq_dma_addr(const unsigned int q)
+       return getp(AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ_ADDR + (q << 3));
+static inline __inline struct dma_desc *get_wlan_txq_addr(const unsigned int q)
+       return getp(AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ_CURR_ADDR + (q << 3));
+static inline __inline void _wlan_trigger(const uint32_t queue_bit)
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TRIGGER, queue_bit);
+static inline __inline void wlan_trigger(const uint32_t queue_bit)
+       fw.wlan.tx_trigger |= queue_bit;
+static inline __inline void wlan_trigger(const uint32_t queue_bit)
+       _wlan_trigger(queue_bit);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DELAYED_TX */
+static inline __inline uint8_t ar9170_get_rx_macstatus_status(struct dma_desc *desc)
+       return *((uint8_t *) DESC_PAYLOAD_OFF(desc->lastAddr,
+               (unsigned int) desc->lastAddr->dataSize - 1));
+static inline __inline uint8_t ar9170_get_rx_macstatus_error(struct dma_desc *desc)
+       unsigned int offset;
+       if (desc->lastAddr->dataSize == 1) {
+               while (desc->lastAddr != desc->nextAddr)
+                       desc = desc->nextAddr;
+               offset = (unsigned int) (desc->dataSize - 1);
+       } else {
+               desc = desc->lastAddr;
+               offset = desc->dataSize -
+                       (sizeof(struct ar9170_rx_macstatus) -
+                        offsetof(struct ar9170_rx_macstatus, error));
+       }
+       return *((uint8_t *) DESC_PAYLOAD_OFF(desc, offset));
+static inline __inline struct ieee80211_hdr *ar9170_get_rx_i3e(struct dma_desc *desc)
+       if (!((ar9170_get_rx_macstatus_status(desc) &
+               AR9170_RX_STATUS_MPDU_MASK) & AR9170_RX_STATUS_MPDU_LAST)) {
+               return (void *)(DESC_PAYLOAD_OFF(desc,
+                       offsetof(struct ar9170_rx_frame_head, i3e)));
+       } else {
+               return (void *)(DESC_PAYLOAD_OFF(desc,
+                       offsetof(struct ar9170_rx_frame_tail, i3e)));
+       }
+static inline __inline struct ar9170_rx_head *ar9170_get_rx_head(struct dma_desc *desc)
+       if (!((ar9170_get_rx_macstatus_status(desc) &
+               AR9170_RX_STATUS_MPDU_MASK) & AR9170_RX_STATUS_MPDU_LAST)) {
+               return (void *)((uint8_t *)DESC_PAYLOAD(desc) +
+                       offsetof(struct ar9170_rx_frame_head, phy_head));
+       } else {
+               return (void *) NULL;
+       }
+static inline __inline uint32_t ar9170_rx_to_phy(struct dma_desc *rx)
+       struct ar9170_tx_hw_phy_control phy;
+       struct ar9170_rx_head *head;
+       uint8_t mac_status;
+       phy.set = 0;
+       head = ar9170_get_rx_head(rx);
+       if (!head)
+               return le32_to_cpu(phy.set);
+       mac_status = ar9170_get_rx_macstatus_status(rx);
+       phy.modulation = mac_status & AR9170_RX_STATUS_MODULATION_MASK;
+       phy.chains = AR9170_TX_PHY_TXCHAIN_1;
+       switch (phy.modulation) {
+               if (mac_status & AR9170_RX_STATUS_SHORT_PREAMBLE)
+                       phy.preamble = 1;
+               switch (head->plcp[0]) {
+               case AR9170_RX_PHY_RATE_CCK_2M:
+                       phy.mcs = AR9170_TX_PHY_RATE_CCK_2M;
+                       break;
+               case AR9170_RX_PHY_RATE_CCK_5M:
+                       phy.mcs = AR9170_TX_PHY_RATE_CCK_5M;
+                       break;
+               case AR9170_RX_PHY_RATE_CCK_11M:
+                       phy.mcs = AR9170_TX_PHY_RATE_CCK_11M;
+                       break;
+               case AR9170_RX_PHY_RATE_CCK_1M:
+               default:
+                       phy.mcs = AR9170_TX_PHY_RATE_CCK_1M;
+                       break;
+               }
+               break;
+               phy.mcs = head->plcp[0] & 0xf;
+               break;
+       case AR9170_RX_STATUS_MODULATION_HT:
+               if (head->plcp[3] & 0x80)
+                       phy.bandwidth = 2;
+               if (head->plcp[6] & 0x80)
+                       phy.short_gi = 1;
+               /* TODO: Enable both chains for MCS > 7 */
+               phy.mcs = head->plcp[6] & 0x7;
+               break;
+       }
+       return le32_to_cpu(phy.set);
+static inline __inline unsigned int ar9170_get_rx_mpdu_len(struct dma_desc *desc)
+       /*
+        * WARNING: you have to check the error bits in macstatus first!
+        */
+       unsigned int mpdu_len = desc->totalLen;
+       mpdu_len -= sizeof(struct ar9170_rx_macstatus);
+       switch (ar9170_get_rx_macstatus_status(desc) & AR9170_RX_STATUS_MPDU_MASK) {
+       case AR9170_RX_STATUS_MPDU_LAST:
+               mpdu_len -= sizeof(struct ar9170_rx_phystatus);
+               break;
+       case AR9170_RX_STATUS_MPDU_SINGLE:
+               mpdu_len -= sizeof(struct ar9170_rx_phystatus);
+       case AR9170_RX_STATUS_MPDU_FIRST:
+               mpdu_len -= sizeof(struct ar9170_rx_head);
+               break;
+       case AR9170_RX_STATUS_MPDU_MIDDLE:
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       return mpdu_len;
+static inline __inline bool ar9170_tx_length_check(const uint16_t len)
+       return len > (sizeof(struct carl9170_tx_superframe) + 24 +
+                        FCS_LEN);
+static inline __inline struct carl9170_tx_superframe *get_super(struct dma_desc *desc)
+       return container_of(DESC_PAYLOAD(desc), struct carl9170_tx_superframe,
+                           f);
+static inline __inline void hide_super(struct dma_desc *desc)
+       desc->dataAddr = (uint8_t *)
+               (((unsigned long)(DESC_PAYLOAD(desc)) +
+               offsetof(struct carl9170_tx_superframe, f)));
+       desc->dataSize -= sizeof(struct carl9170_tx_superdesc);
+       desc->totalLen -= sizeof(struct carl9170_tx_superdesc);
+static inline __inline void unhide_super(struct dma_desc *desc)
+       desc->dataAddr = (uint8_t *) get_super(desc);
+       desc->dataSize += sizeof(struct carl9170_tx_superdesc);
+       desc->totalLen += sizeof(struct carl9170_tx_superdesc);
+static inline __inline __hot void read_tsf(uint32_t *tsf)
+       /*
+        * "According to the [hardware] documentation:
+        *  > when TSF_LOW is read, TSF_HI is automatically concurrently
+        *  > copied into a temporary register so that an immediate read
+        *  > of TSF_HI will get the value that was present when TSF_LOW
+        *  > was read. "
+        *
+        * (David H. Lynch Jr. - mail from 2010-05-22)
+        *
+        */
+       tsf[0] = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_TSF_L);
+       tsf[1] = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_TSF_H);
+void wlan_tx(struct dma_desc *desc);
+void wlan_timer(void);
+void handle_wlan(void);
+void wlan_tx_stuck(const struct carl9170_cmd *cmd, struct carl9170_rsp *rsp);
+static inline void __check_wlantx(void)
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct carl9170_tx_superdesc) != CARL9170_TX_SUPERDESC_LEN);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON((offsetof(struct carl9170_tx_superframe, f) & 3) != 0);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct ar9170_tx_hwdesc) != AR9170_TX_HWDESC_LEN);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct ar9170_rx_head) != 12);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct ar9170_rx_phystatus) != 20);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct ar9170_rx_macstatus) != 4);
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW_WLAN_H */
diff --git a/carlfw/src/ashlsi3.S b/carlfw/src/ashlsi3.S
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..593d902
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
+   2004, 2005, 2006
+   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+later version.
+In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, the
+Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited permission to link the
+compiled version of this file into combinations with other programs,
+and to distribute those combinations without any restriction coming
+from the use of this file.  (The General Public License restrictions
+do apply in other respects; for example, they cover modification of
+the file, and distribution when not linked into a combine
+This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
+!! libgcc routines for the Renesas / SuperH SH CPUs.
+!! Contributed by Steve Chamberlain.
+!! ashiftrt_r4_x, ___ashrsi3, ___ashlsi3, ___lshrsi3 routines
+!! recoded in assembly by Toshiyasu Morita
+/* SH2 optimizations for ___ashrsi3, ___ashlsi3, ___lshrsi3 and
+   ELF local label prefixes by J"orn Rennecke
+  */
+! __ashlsi3
+! Entry:
+! r4: Value to shift
+! r5: Shifts
+! Exit:
+! r0: Result
+! Destroys:
+! (none)
+       .global ___ashlsi3
+       .align  2
+       mov     #31,r0
+       and     r0,r5
+       mova    ashlsi3_table,r0
+       mov.b   @(r0,r5),r5
+#ifdef __sh1__
+       add     r5,r0
+       jmp     @r0
+       braf    r5
+       mov     r4,r0
+       .align  2
+       .byte           ashlsi3_0-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_1-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_2-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_3-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_4-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_5-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_6-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_7-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_8-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_9-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_10-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_11-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_12-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_13-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_14-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_15-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_16-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_17-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_18-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_19-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_20-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_21-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_22-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_23-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_24-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_25-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_26-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_27-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_28-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_29-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_30-ashlsi3_table
+       .byte           ashlsi3_31-ashlsi3_table
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       rts
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       rts
+       shll    r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       rts
+       shll8   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll8   r0
+       rts
+       shll    r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       rts
+       shll16  r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll16  r0
+       rts
+       shll    r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll16  r0
+       rts
+       shll8   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll2   r0
+       shll16  r0
+       shll8   r0
+       rts
+       shll    r0
+       rts
+       nop
diff --git a/carlfw/src/cam.c b/carlfw/src/cam.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2e0d996
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * Security Engine
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "cam.h"
+static void disable_cam_user(const uint16_t userId)
+       if (userId <= 31)
+               andl(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_ROLL_CALL_TBL_L, (~((uint32_t) 1 << userId)));
+       else if (userId <= 63)
+               andl(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_ROLL_CALL_TBL_H, (~((uint32_t) 1 << (userId - 32))));
+static void enable_cam_user(const uint16_t userId)
+       if (userId <= 31)
+               orl(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_ROLL_CALL_TBL_L, (((uint32_t) 1) << userId));
+       else if (userId <= 63)
+               orl(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_ROLL_CALL_TBL_H, (((uint32_t) 1) << (userId - 32)));
+static void wait_for_cam_read_ready(void)
+       while ((get(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_STATE) & AR9170_MAC_CAM_STATE_READ_PENDING) == 0) {
+               /*
+                * wait
+                */
+       }
+static void wait_for_cam_write_ready(void)
+       while ((get(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_STATE) & AR9170_MAC_CAM_STATE_WRITE_PENDING) == 0) {
+               /*
+                * wait some more
+                */
+       }
+static void HW_CAM_Avail(void)
+       uint32_t tmpValue;
+       do {
+               tmpValue = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_MODE);
+       } while (tmpValue & AR9170_MAC_CAM_HOST_PENDING);
+static void HW_CAM_Write128(const uint32_t address, const uint32_t *data)
+       HW_CAM_Avail();
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DATA0, data[0]);
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DATA1, data[1]);
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DATA2, data[2]);
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DATA3, data[3]);
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_ADDR, address | AR9170_MAC_CAM_ADDR_WRITE);
+       wait_for_cam_write_ready();
+static void HW_CAM_Read128(const uint32_t address, uint32_t *data)
+       HW_CAM_Avail();
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_ADDR, address);
+       wait_for_cam_read_ready();
+       HW_CAM_Avail();
+       data[0] = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DATA0);
+       data[1] = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DATA1);
+       data[2] = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DATA2);
+       data[3] = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DATA3);
+void set_key(const struct carl9170_set_key_cmd *key)
+       uint32_t data[4];
+       uint16_t row, wordId, nibbleId, i;
+       if (key->user > (AR9170_CAM_MAX_USER + 3))
+               return ;
+       if (key->keyId > 1)
+               return ;
+       /* Disable Key */
+       disable_cam_user(key->user);
+       /* Set encrypt type */
+       if (key->user >= AR9170_CAM_MAX_USER) {
+               /* default */
+               row = DEFAULT_ENCRY_TYPE;
+               wordId = 0;
+               nibbleId = (key->user - AR9170_CAM_MAX_USER) & 0x7;
+       } else {
+               row = ENCRY_TYPE_START_ADDR + (key->user >> 5);
+               wordId = (key->user >> 3) & 0x3;
+               nibbleId = key->user & 0x7;
+       }
+       HW_CAM_Read128(row, data);
+       data[wordId] &= (~(0xf << ((uint32_t) nibbleId * 4)));
+       data[wordId] |= (key->type << ((uint32_t) nibbleId * 4));
+       HW_CAM_Write128(row, data);
+       /* Set MAC address */
+       if (key->user < AR9170_CAM_MAX_USER) {
+               uint16_t byteId;
+               wordId = (key->user >> 2) & 0x3;
+               byteId = key->user & 0x3;
+               row = (key->user >> 4) * 6;
+               for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+                       HW_CAM_Read128(row + i, data);
+                       data[wordId] &= (~(0xff << ((uint32_t) byteId * 8)));
+                       data[wordId] |= (key->macAddr[i] << ((uint32_t) byteId * 8));
+                       HW_CAM_Write128(row + i, data);
+               }
+       }
+       /* Set key */
+       row = KEY_START_ADDR + (key->user * 2) + key->keyId;
+       HW_CAM_Write128(row, key->key);
+       /* Enable Key */
+       enable_cam_user(key->user);
+void disable_key(const struct carl9170_disable_key_cmd *key)
+       disable_cam_user(key->user);
diff --git a/carlfw/src/cmd.c b/carlfw/src/cmd.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f5bbad8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * Code to handle commands from the host driver.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "io.h"
+#include "cam.h"
+#include "rf.h"
+#include "printf.h"
+#include "timer.h"
+#include "wl.h"
+void handle_cmd(struct carl9170_rsp *resp)
+       struct carl9170_cmd *cmd = &dma_mem.reserved.cmd.cmd;
+       unsigned int i;
+       /* copies cmd, len and extra fields */
+       resp->hdr.hdr_data = cmd->hdr.hdr_data;
+       switch (cmd->hdr.cmd) {
+       case CARL9170_CMD_RREG:
+               for (i = 0; i < (cmd->hdr.len / 4); i++)
+                       resp->rreg_res.vals[i] = get(cmd->rreg.regs[i]);
+               break;
+       case CARL9170_CMD_WREG:
+               resp->hdr.len = 0;
+               for (i = 0; i < (cmd->hdr.len / 8); i++)
+                       set(cmd->wreg.regs[i].addr, cmd->wreg.regs[i].val);
+               break;
+       case CARL9170_CMD_ECHO:
+               memcpy(resp->echo.vals, cmd->echo.vals, cmd->hdr.len);
+               break;
+       case CARL9170_CMD_SWRST:
+               resp->hdr.len = 0;
+               fw.wlan.mac_reset = CARL9170_MAC_RESET_FORCE;
+               break;
+       case CARL9170_CMD_REBOOT:
+               /*
+                * reboot does not return and generates no response
+                * resp->len = 0;
+                */
+               reboot();
+               break;
+       case CARL9170_CMD_READ_TSF:
+               resp->hdr.len = 8;
+               read_tsf((uint32_t *)resp->tsf.tsf);
+               break;
+       case CARL9170_CMD_FLUSH_CAB:
+               resp->hdr.len = 0;
+               fw.wlan.cab_flush_trigger = CARL9170_CAB_TRIGGER_ARMED;
+               fw.wlan.cab_flush_time = get_clock_counter() +
+                                        CARL9170_TBTT_DELTA;
+               break;
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_CAB_QUEUE */
+       case CARL9170_CMD_EKEY:
+               resp->hdr.len = 1;
+               set_key(&cmd->setkey);
+               break;
+       case CARL9170_CMD_DKEY:
+               /* Disable Key */
+               resp->hdr.len = 1;
+               disable_key(&cmd->disablekey);
+               break;
+       case CARL9170_CMD_FREQUENCY:
+       case CARL9170_CMD_RF_INIT:
+               rf_cmd(cmd, resp);
+               break;
+       case CARL9170_CMD_FREQ_START:
+               resp->hdr.len = 0;
+               rf_notify_set_channel();
+               break;
+# ifdef CONFIG_CARL9170FW_PSM
+       case CARL9170_CMD_PSM:
+               resp->hdr.len = 0;
+               fw.phy.psm.state = le32_to_cpu(cmd->psm.state);
+               rf_psm();
+               break;
+# endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_PSM */
+       case CARL9170_CMD_USB_WD:
+               resp->hdr.len = 4;
+               fw.usb.watchdog.state = le32_to_cpu(cmd->watchdog.state);
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
diff --git a/carlfw/src/dma.c b/carlfw/src/dma.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3da9f8c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * DMA descriptor handling functions
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "wl.h"
+#include "printf.h"
+struct ar9170_dma_memory dma_mem __section(sram);
+static void copy_dma_desc(struct dma_desc *dst,
+                         struct dma_desc *src)
+       memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(struct dma_desc));
+static void clear_descriptor(struct dma_desc *d)
+       d->status = AR9170_OWN_BITS_SW;
+       d->ctrl = 0;
+       d->dataSize = 0;
+       d->totalLen = 0;
+       d->lastAddr = d;
+       d->dataAddr = NULL;
+       d->nextAddr = d;
+static void fill_descriptor(struct dma_desc *d, uint16_t size, uint8_t *data)
+       d->status = AR9170_OWN_BITS_SW;
+       d->ctrl = 0;
+       d->dataSize = size;
+       d->totalLen = 0;
+       d->lastAddr = d;
+       d->dataAddr = data;
+       d->nextAddr = NULL;
+ *  - Init up_queue, down_queue, tx_queue[5], rx_queue.
+ *  - Setup descriptors and data buffer address.
+ *  - Ring descriptors rx_queue and down_queue by dma_reclaim().
+ *
+ * NOTE: LastAddr tempary point (same) to nextAddr after initialize.
+ *      Because LastAddr is don't care in function dma_reclaim().
+ */
+void dma_init_descriptors(void)
+       unsigned int i, j;
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(dma_mem.terminator); i++)
+               clear_descriptor(&dma_mem.terminator[i]);
+       /* Assign terminators to DMA queues */
+       i = 0;
+       fw.pta.up_queue.head = fw.pta.up_queue.terminator = &dma_mem.terminator[i++];
+       fw.pta.down_queue.head = fw.pta.down_queue.terminator = &dma_mem.terminator[i++];
+       for (j = 0; j < __AR9170_NUM_TX_QUEUES; j++)
+               fw.wlan.tx_queue[j].head = fw.wlan.tx_queue[j].terminator = &dma_mem.terminator[i++];
+       fw.wlan.rx_queue.head = fw.wlan.rx_queue.terminator = &dma_mem.terminator[i++];
+       fw.usb.int_desc = &dma_mem.terminator[i++];
+       fw.wlan.cab_queue.head = fw.wlan.cab_queue.terminator = &dma_mem.terminator[i++];
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_CAB_QUEUE */
+       fw.wlan.ba_desc = &dma_mem.terminator[i++];
+       fw.wlan.tx_retry.head = fw.wlan.tx_retry.terminator = &dma_mem.terminator[i++];
+       for (j = 0; j < __AR9170_NUM_TX_QUEUES; j++)
+               fw.wlan.tx_delay[j].head = fw.wlan.tx_delay[j].terminator = &dma_mem.terminator[i++];
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DELAYED_TX */
+       DBG("Blocks:%d [tx:%d, rx:%d] Terminators:%d/%d\n",
+           AR9170_BLOCK_NUMBER, AR9170_TX_BLOCK_NUMBER,
+       /* Init descriptors and memory blocks */
+       for (i = 0; i < AR9170_BLOCK_NUMBER; i++) {
+               fill_descriptor(&dma_mem.block[i], AR9170_BLOCK_SIZE,[i].data);
+               if (i < AR9170_TX_BLOCK_NUMBER)
+                       dma_reclaim(&fw.pta.down_queue, &dma_mem.block[i]);
+               else
+                       dma_reclaim(&fw.wlan.rx_queue, &dma_mem.block[i]);
+       }
+       /* Set DMA address registers */
+       set(AR9170_PTA_REG_DN_DMA_ADDRH, (uint32_t) fw.pta.down_queue.head >> 16);
+       set(AR9170_PTA_REG_DN_DMA_ADDRL, (uint32_t) fw.pta.down_queue.head & 0xffff);
+       set(AR9170_PTA_REG_UP_DMA_ADDRH, (uint32_t) fw.pta.up_queue.head >> 16);
+       set(AR9170_PTA_REG_UP_DMA_ADDRL, (uint32_t) fw.pta.up_queue.head & 0xffff);
+       for (i = 0; i < __AR9170_NUM_TX_QUEUES; i++)
+               set_wlan_txq_dma_addr(i, (uint32_t) fw.wlan.tx_queue[i].head);
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_RXQ_ADDR, (uint32_t) fw.wlan.rx_queue.head);
+       fw.usb.int_desc->status = AR9170_OWN_BITS_SW;
+       fw.usb.int_desc->ctrl = (AR9170_CTRL_LS_BIT | AR9170_CTRL_FS_BIT);
+       fw.usb.int_desc->dataSize = AR9170_BLOCK_SIZE;
+       fw.usb.int_desc->totalLen = 0;
+       fw.usb.int_desc->lastAddr = fw.usb.int_desc;
+       fw.usb.int_desc->dataAddr = (void *) &dma_mem.reserved.rsp;
+       fw.usb.int_desc->nextAddr = (void *) 0;
+       memset(DESC_PAYLOAD(fw.usb.int_desc), 0xff,
+              AR9170_INT_MAGIC_HEADER_SIZE);
+       memset(DESC_PAYLOAD_OFF(fw.usb.int_desc, AR9170_INT_MAGIC_HEADER_SIZE),
+              0, AR9170_BLOCK_SIZE - AR9170_INT_MAGIC_HEADER_SIZE);
+       /* rsp is now available for use */
+       fw.usb.int_desc_available = 1;
+       fw.wlan.ba_desc->status = AR9170_OWN_BITS_SW;
+       fw.wlan.ba_desc->ctrl = (AR9170_CTRL_LS_BIT | AR9170_CTRL_FS_BIT);
+       fw.wlan.ba_desc->dataSize = fw.wlan.ba_desc->totalLen =
+               sizeof(struct carl9170_tx_superdesc) +
+               sizeof(struct ar9170_tx_hwdesc) +
+               sizeof(struct ieee80211_ba) + FCS_LEN;
+       fw.wlan.ba_desc->lastAddr = fw.wlan.ba_desc;
+       fw.wlan.ba_desc->nextAddr = fw.wlan.ba_desc;
+       fw.wlan.ba_desc->dataAddr = (void *) &;
+       memset(DESC_PAYLOAD(fw.wlan.ba_desc), 0, 128);
+       fw.wlan.ba_desc_available = 1;
+ * Free descriptor.
+ *
+ * Exchange the terminator and the first descriptor of the packet
+ * for hardware ascy...
+ */
+void dma_reclaim(struct dma_queue *q, struct dma_desc *desc)
+       struct dma_desc *tmpDesc;
+       struct dma_desc tdesc;
+       /* 1. Set OWN bit to HW for all TDs to be added, clear ctrl and size */
+       tmpDesc = desc;
+       while (1) {
+               tmpDesc->status = AR9170_OWN_BITS_HW;
+               tmpDesc->ctrl = 0;
+               tmpDesc->totalLen = 0;
+               tmpDesc->dataSize = AR9170_BLOCK_SIZE;
+               /* TODO : Exception handle */
+               if (desc->lastAddr == tmpDesc)
+                       break;
+               tmpDesc->lastAddr = desc->lastAddr;
+               tmpDesc = tmpDesc->nextAddr;
+       }
+       /* 2. Next address of Last TD to be added = first TD */
+       desc->lastAddr->nextAddr = desc;
+       /* 3. Copy first TD to be added to TTD */
+       copy_dma_desc(&tdesc, desc);
+       /* 4. set first TD OWN bit to SW */
+       desc->status = AR9170_OWN_BITS_SW;
+       /* 5. Copy TTD to last TD */
+       tdesc.status &= (~AR9170_OWN_BITS_MASK);
+       copy_dma_desc((void *)q->terminator, (void *)&tdesc);
+       q->terminator->status |= AR9170_OWN_BITS_HW;
+       /* Update terminator pointer */
+       q->terminator = desc;
+ * Put a complete packet into the tail of the Queue q.
+ * Exchange the terminator and the first descriptor of the packet
+ * for hardware ascy...
+ */
+void dma_put(struct dma_queue *q, struct dma_desc *desc)
+       struct dma_desc *tmpDesc;
+       struct dma_desc tdesc;
+       tmpDesc = desc;
+       /* force correct CTRL_BITS */
+       tmpDesc->ctrl = 0;
+       tmpDesc->ctrl |= AR9170_CTRL_FS_BIT;
+       while (1) {
+               /* update totalLen */
+               tmpDesc->totalLen = desc->totalLen;
+               /* 1. Set OWN bit to HW for all TDs to be added */
+               tmpDesc->status = AR9170_OWN_BITS_HW;
+               /* TODO : Exception handle */
+               tmpDesc->lastAddr = desc->lastAddr;
+               if (desc->lastAddr == tmpDesc)
+                       break;
+               tmpDesc = tmpDesc->nextAddr;
+               tmpDesc->ctrl = 0;
+       }
+       tmpDesc->ctrl |= AR9170_CTRL_LS_BIT;
+       /* 2. Next address of Last TD to be added = first TD */
+       desc->lastAddr->nextAddr = desc;
+       /* If there is only one descriptor, update pointer of last descriptor */
+       if (desc->lastAddr == desc)
+               desc->lastAddr = q->terminator;
+       /* 3. Copy first TD to be added to TTD */
+       copy_dma_desc(&tdesc, desc);
+       /* 4. set first TD OWN bit to SW */
+       desc->status = AR9170_OWN_BITS_SW;
+       desc->ctrl = 0;
+       desc->totalLen = 0;
+       desc->dataSize = 0;
+       desc->lastAddr = desc;
+       desc->nextAddr = desc;
+       desc->dataAddr = NULL;
+       /* 5. Copy TTD to last TD */
+       tdesc.status &= (~AR9170_OWN_BITS_MASK);
+       copy_dma_desc((void *)q->terminator, (void *)&tdesc);
+       q->terminator->status |= AR9170_OWN_BITS_HW;
+       /* Update terminator pointer */
+       q->terminator = desc;
+struct dma_desc *dma_unlink_head(struct dma_queue *queue)
+       struct dma_desc *desc;
+       if (queue_empty(queue))
+               return NULL;
+       desc = queue->head;
+       queue->head = desc->lastAddr->nextAddr;
+       /* poison nextAddr address */
+       desc->lastAddr->nextAddr = desc->lastAddr;
+       desc->lastAddr->lastAddr = desc->lastAddr;
+       return desc;
diff --git a/carlfw/src/fw.c b/carlfw/src/fw.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..00dd221
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * Firmware descriptor
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "fwdsc.h"
+#define FILL(small, big, more...)                                      \
+       .small = {                                                      \
+               CARL9170FW_FILL_DESC(big##_MAGIC,                       \
+                       sizeof(struct carl9170fw_## small##_desc),      \
+                       CARL9170FW_## big##_DESC_MIN_VER,               \
+                       CARL9170FW_## big##_DESC_CUR_VER),              \
+               more                                                    \
+       }
+const struct carl9170_firmware_descriptor __section(fwdsc) carl9170fw_desc = {
+       FILL(otus, OTUS,
+            .fw_feature_set = cpu_to_le32(BIT(CARL9170FW_DUMMY_FEATURE) |
+                                          BIT(CARL9170FW_COMMAND_PHY) |
+                                          BIT(CARL9170FW_COMMAND_CAM) |
+                                          BIT(CARL9170FW_WLANTX_CAB) |
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_CAB_QUEUE */
+                                          BIT(CARL9170FW_HANDLE_BACK_REQ) |
+                                          BIT(CARL9170FW_UNUSABLE) |
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_UNUSABLE */
+                                          BIT(CARL9170FW_GPIO_INTERRUPT) |
+                                          BIT(CARL9170FW_PSM) |
+                                          (0)),
+            .bcn_addr = (__le32) cpu_to_le32(&,
+            .bcn_len = (__le16) cpu_to_le16(sizeof(,
+            .vif_num = CARL9170_INTF_NUM,
+            .api_ver = CONFIG_CARL9170FW_RELEASE_VERSION,
+       ),
+       FILL(usb, USB,
+            .usb_feature_set = cpu_to_le32(BIT(CARL9170FW_USB_DUMMY_FEATURE) |
+                                           BIT(CARL9170FW_USB_RESP_EP2) |
+                                           BIT(CARL9170FW_USB_INIT_FIRMWARE) |
+                                           BIT(CARL9170FW_USB_UP_STREAM) |
+# endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_USB_UP_STREAM */
+                                           BIT(CARL9170FW_USB_DOWN_STREAM) |
+                                           BIT(CARL9170FW_USB_WATCHDOG) |
+                                           (0)),
+            .miniboot_size = cpu_to_le16(0),
+            .tx_descs = AR9170_TX_BLOCK_NUMBER,
+            .rx_max_frame_len = cpu_to_le16(CONFIG_CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN),
+            .tx_frag_len = cpu_to_le16(AR9170_BLOCK_SIZE),
+            .fw_address = cpu_to_le32(AR9170_PRAM_OFFSET),
+       ),
+       FILL(motd, MOTD,
+            .fw_year_month_day = cpu_to_le32(
+                       CARL9170FW_SET_DAY(CARL9170FW_VERSION_DAY) +
+                       CARL9170FW_SET_MONTH(CARL9170FW_VERSION_MONTH) +
+                       CARL9170FW_SET_YEAR(CARL9170FW_VERSION_YEAR)),
+            .desc = "Community AR9170 Linux",
+            .release = CARL9170FW_VERSION_GIT),
+       FILL(dbg, DBG,
+            .bogoclock_addr = cpu_to_le32(&fw.bogoclock),
+            .counter_addr = cpu_to_le32(&fw.counter),
+            .rx_total_addr = cpu_to_le32(&fw.wlan.rx_total),
+            .rx_overrun_addr = cpu_to_le32(&fw.wlan.rx_overruns),
+       ),
+       FILL(last, LAST),
+#undef FILL
+struct firmware_context_struct fw;
diff --git a/carlfw/src/gpio.c b/carlfw/src/gpio.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6c2699b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * GPIO interrupt service
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "gpio.h"
+void gpio_timer(void)
+       uint32_t cur;
+       cur = get(AR9170_GPIO_REG_PORT_DATA) & CARL9170_GPIO_MASK;
+       if (cur != fw.cached_gpio_state.gpio) {
+               fw.cached_gpio_state.gpio = cur;
+               send_cmd_to_host(sizeof(struct carl9170_gpio),
+                                CARL9170_RSP_GPIO, 0x00,
+                                (uint8_t *)&fw.cached_gpio_state);
+               for (;;) {
+                       /*
+                        * Loop forever... Until the watchdog triggers.
+                        */
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/carlfw/src/hostif.c b/carlfw/src/hostif.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e005147
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * Host interface routines
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "hostif.h"
+#include "printf.h"
+#include "wl.h"
+static bool length_check(struct dma_desc *desc)
+       volatile struct carl9170_tx_superframe *super = DESC_PAYLOAD(desc);
+       if (unlikely(desc->totalLen < sizeof(struct carl9170_tx_superdesc)))
+               return false;
+       /*
+        * check if the DMA is complete, or clipped.
+        *
+        * NB: The hardware aligns the descriptor length to
+        * a 4 byte boundary. This makes the direct comparison
+        * difficult, or unnecessary complex for a hot-path.
+        */
+       if (unlikely(super->s.len > desc->totalLen))
+               return false;
+       return true;
+static void handle_download(void)
+       struct dma_desc *desc;
+       /*
+        * Under normal conditions, all completed descs should have
+        * the AR9170_OWN_BITS_SE status flag set.
+        * However there seems to be a undocumented case where the flag
+        * is _SW...
+        */
+       for_each_desc_not_bits(desc, &fw.pta.down_queue, AR9170_OWN_BITS_HW) {
+               if (unlikely((length_check(desc) == false))) {
+                       /*
+                        * There is no easy way of telling what was lost.
+                        *
+                        * Therefore we just reclaim the data.
+                        * The driver has to have some sort frame
+                        * timeout mechanism.
+                        */
+                       dma_reclaim(&fw.pta.down_queue, desc);
+                       down_trigger();
+                       continue;
+               }
+               wlan_tx(desc);
+       }
+       xorl(AR9170_GPIO_REG_PORT_DATA, 2);
+static void handle_upload(void)
+       struct dma_desc *desc;
+       for_each_desc_not_bits(desc, &fw.pta.up_queue, AR9170_OWN_BITS_HW) {
+               /*
+                * BIG FAT NOTE:
+                *
+                * DO NOT compare the descriptor addresses.
+                */
+               if (DESC_PAYLOAD(desc) == (void *) &dma_mem.reserved.rsp) {
+                       fw.usb.int_desc = desc;
+                       fw.usb.int_desc_available = 1;
+               } else {
+                       dma_reclaim(&fw.pta.down_queue, desc);
+                       down_trigger();
+                       dma_reclaim(&fw.wlan.rx_queue, desc);
+                       _wlan_trigger(AR9170_DMA_TRIGGER_RXQ);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_LOOPBACK */
+               }
+       }
+       xorl(AR9170_GPIO_REG_PORT_DATA, 2);
+/* handle interrupts from DMA chip */
+void handle_host_interface(void)
+       uint32_t pta_int;
+       pta_int = get(AR9170_PTA_REG_INT_FLAG);
+#define HANDLER(intr, flag, func)                      \
+       do {                                            \
+               if ((intr & flag) != 0) {               \
+                       func();                         \
+               }                                       \
+       } while (0)
+       HANDLER(pta_int, AR9170_PTA_INT_FLAG_DN, handle_download);
+       HANDLER(pta_int, AR9170_PTA_INT_FLAG_UP, handle_upload);
+#undef HANDLER
diff --git a/carlfw/src/main.c b/carlfw/src/main.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bdb68ba
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * initialization and main() loop
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "timer.h"
+#include "hostif.h"
+#include "printf.h"
+#include "gpio.h"
+#include "wl.h"
+#define AR9170_WATCH_DOG_TIMER            0x100
+static void init(void)
+       led_init();
+       uart_init();
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG_UART */
+       /* 25/50/100ms timer (depends on cpu clock) */
+       timer_init(0, 50000);
+       /* turn off all leds */
+       led_set(0);
+       /* fill DMA rings */
+       dma_init_descriptors();
+       /* USB init */
+       usb_init();
+       /* clear all interrupt */
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_INT_CTRL, 0xffff);
+       orl(AR9170_MAC_REG_AFTER_PNP, 1);
+       /* Init watch dog control flag */
+       fw.watchdog_enable = 1;
+       fw.watchdog_enable = 0;
+       set(AR9170_TIMER_REG_WATCH_DOG, 0xffff);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_WATCHDOG */
+       fw.cached_gpio_state.gpio = get(AR9170_GPIO_REG_PORT_DATA) &
+                                   CARL9170_GPIO_MASK;
+       /* this will get the downqueue moving. */
+       down_trigger();
+static void __attribute__((noreturn)) main_loop(void)
+       clock_set(true, AHB_40MHZ_OSC);
+       /* main loop */
+       while (1) {
+               if (fw.watchdog_enable == 1)
+                       set(AR9170_TIMER_REG_WATCH_DOG, AR9170_WATCH_DOG_TIMER);
+               /*
+                * Due to frame order persevation, the wlan subroutines
+                * must be executed before handle_host_interface.
+                */
+               handle_wlan();
+               handle_host_interface();
+               handle_usb();
+               handle_timer();
+               fw.counter++;
+       }
+ * The bootcode will work with the device driver to load the firmware
+ * onto the device's Program SRAM. The Program SRAM has a size of 32 KB
+ * and also contains the stack, which grows down from 0x208000.
+ *
+ * The Program SRAM starts at address 0x200000 on the device.
+ * The firmware entry point (0x200004) is located in boot.S.
+ * we put _start() there with the linker script
+ */
+void __attribute__((noreturn)) start(void)
+       /* initialize firmware context and DMA memory */
+       memset(&fw, 0, sizeof(fw));
+       memset(&dma_mem, 0, sizeof(dma_mem));
+       /* watchdog magic pattern check */
+       if ((get(AR9170_PWR_REG_WATCH_DOG_MAGIC) & 0xffff0000) == 0x12340000) {
+               /* watch dog warm start */
+               incl(AR9170_PWR_REG_WATCH_DOG_MAGIC);
+               usb_trigger_out();
+       } else if ((get(AR9170_PWR_REG_WATCH_DOG_MAGIC) & 0xffff0000) == 0x98760000) {
+               /* suspend/resume */
+       }
+       /* write the magic pattern for watch dog */
+       andl(AR9170_PWR_REG_WATCH_DOG_MAGIC, 0xFFFF);
+       orl(AR9170_PWR_REG_WATCH_DOG_MAGIC, 0x12340000);
+       init();
+       BUG("TEST BUG");
+       BUG_ON(0x2b || !0x2b);
+       /* a set of unique characters to detect transfer data corruptions */
+       DBG("AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz"
+           " ~`!1@2#3$4%%5^6&7*8(9)0_-+={[}]|\\:;\"'<,>.?/");
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG */
+       main_loop();
diff --git a/carlfw/src/memcpy.S b/carlfw/src/memcpy.S
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9539a6b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+/* $Id: memcpy.S,v 1.3 2001/07/27 11:50:52 gniibe Exp $
+ *
+ * "memcpy" implementation of SuperH
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999  Niibe Yutaka
+ *
+ */
+ * void *memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n);
+ * No overlap between the memory of DST and of SRC are assumed.
+ */
+       .globl _memcpy
+       .align 2
+       _memcpy:
+       tst     r6,r6
+       bt/s    9f              ! if n=0, do nothing
+        mov    r4,r0
+       sub     r4,r5           ! From here, r5 has the distance to r0
+       add     r6,r0           ! From here, r0 points the end of copying point
+       mov     #12,r1
+       cmp/gt  r6,r1
+       bt/s    7f              ! if it's too small, copy a byte at once
+        add    #-1,r5
+       add     #1,r5
+       !                       From here, r6 is free
+       !
+       !      r4   -->  [ ...  ] DST             [ ...  ] SRC
+       !                [ ...  ]                 [ ...  ]
+       !                  :                        :
+       !      r0   -->  [ ...  ]       r0+r5 --> [ ...  ]
+       !
+       !
+       mov     r5,r1
+       mov     #3,r2
+       and     r2,r1
+       shll2   r1
+       mov     r0,r3           ! Save the value on R0 to R3
+       mova    jmptable,r0
+       add     r1,r0
+       mov.l   @r0,r1
+       jmp     @r1
+        mov    r3,r0           ! and back to R0
+       .balign 4
+       .long   case0
+       .long   case1
+       .long   case2
+       .long   case3
+       ! copy a byte at once
+7:     mov     r4,r2
+       add     #1,r2
+       cmp/hi  r2,r0
+       mov.b   @(r0,r5),r1
+       bt/s    8b                      ! while (r0>r2)
+        mov.b  r1,@-r0
+       rts
+        nop
+       !
+       !       GHIJ KLMN OPQR -->  GHIJ KLMN OPQR
+       !
+       ! First, align to long word boundary
+       mov     r0,r3
+       and     r2,r3
+       tst     r3,r3
+       bt/s    2f
+        add    #-4,r5
+       add     #3,r5
+1:     dt      r3
+       mov.b   @(r0,r5),r1
+       bf/s    1b
+        mov.b  r1,@-r0
+       !
+       add     #-3,r5
+2:     ! Second, copy a long word at once
+       mov     r4,r2
+       add     #7,r2
+3:     mov.l   @(r0,r5),r1
+       cmp/hi  r2,r0
+       bt/s    3b
+        mov.l  r1,@-r0
+       !
+       ! Third, copy a byte at once, if necessary
+       cmp/eq  r4,r0
+       bt/s    9b
+        add    #3,r5
+       bra     8b
+        add    #-6,r2
+       !
+       !       GHIJ KLMN OPQR -->  ...G HIJK LMNO PQR.
+       !
+       ! First, align to long word boundary
+       mov     r0,r3
+       and     r2,r3
+       tst     r3,r3
+       bt/s    2f
+        add    #-1,r5
+1:     dt      r3
+       mov.b   @(r0,r5),r1
+       bf/s    1b
+        mov.b  r1,@-r0
+       !
+2:     ! Second, read a long word and write a long word at once
+       mov.l   @(r0,r5),r1
+       add     #-4,r5
+       mov     r4,r2
+       add     #7,r2
+       !
+#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
+3:     mov     r1,r3           ! RQPO
+       shll16  r3
+       shll8   r3              ! Oxxx
+       mov.l   @(r0,r5),r1     ! NMLK
+       mov     r1,r6
+       shlr8   r6              ! xNML
+       or      r6,r3           ! ONML
+       cmp/hi  r2,r0
+       bt/s    3b
+        mov.l  r3,@-r0
+3:     mov     r1,r3           ! OPQR
+       shlr16  r3
+       shlr8   r3              ! xxxO
+       mov.l   @(r0,r5),r1     ! KLMN
+       mov     r1,r6
+       shll8   r6              ! LMNx
+       or      r6,r3           ! LMNO
+       cmp/hi  r2,r0
+       bt/s    3b
+        mov.l  r3,@-r0
+       !
+       ! Third, copy a byte at once, if necessary
+       cmp/eq  r4,r0
+       bt/s    9b
+        add    #4,r5
+       bra     8b
+        add    #-6,r2
+       !
+       !       GHIJ KLMN OPQR -->  ..GH IJKL MNOP QR..
+       !
+       ! First, align to word boundary
+       tst     #1,r0
+       bt/s    2f
+        add    #-1,r5
+       mov.b   @(r0,r5),r1
+       mov.b   r1,@-r0
+       !
+2:     ! Second, read a word and write a word at once
+       add     #-1,r5
+       mov     r4,r2
+       add     #3,r2
+       !
+3:     mov.w   @(r0,r5),r1
+       cmp/hi  r2,r0
+       bt/s    3b
+        mov.w  r1,@-r0
+       !
+       ! Third, copy a byte at once, if necessary
+       cmp/eq  r4,r0
+       bt/s    9b
+        add    #1,r5
+       mov.b   @(r0,r5),r1
+       rts
+        mov.b  r1,@-r0
+       !
+       !       GHIJ KLMN OPQR -->  .GHI JKLM NOPQ R...
+       !
+       ! First, align to long word boundary
+       mov     r0,r3
+       and     r2,r3
+       tst     r3,r3
+       bt/s    2f
+        add    #-1,r5
+1:     dt      r3
+       mov.b   @(r0,r5),r1
+       bf/s    1b
+        mov.b  r1,@-r0
+       !
+2:     ! Second, read a long word and write a long word at once
+       add     #-2,r5
+       mov.l   @(r0,r5),r1
+       add     #-4,r5
+       mov     r4,r2
+       add     #7,r2
+       !
+#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
+3:     mov     r1,r3           ! RQPO
+       shll8   r3              ! QPOx
+       mov.l   @(r0,r5),r1     ! NMLK
+       mov     r1,r6
+       shlr16  r6
+       shlr8   r6              ! xxxN
+       or      r6,r3           ! QPON
+       cmp/hi  r2,r0
+       bt/s    3b
+        mov.l  r3,@-r0
+3:     mov     r1,r3           ! OPQR
+       shlr8   r3              ! xOPQ
+       mov.l   @(r0,r5),r1     ! KLMN
+       mov     r1,r6
+       shll16  r6
+       shll8   r6              ! Nxxx
+       or      r6,r3           ! NOPQ
+       cmp/hi  r2,r0
+       bt/s    3b
+        mov.l  r3,@-r0
+       !
+       ! Third, copy a byte at once, if necessary
+       cmp/eq  r4,r0
+       bt/s    9b
+        add    #6,r5
+       bra     8b
+        add    #-6,r2
diff --git a/carlfw/src/memset.S b/carlfw/src/memset.S
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d39c8a6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/* $Id: memset.S,v 1.1 2000/04/14 16:49:01 mjd Exp $
+ *
+ * "memset" implementation of SuperH
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999  Niibe Yutaka
+ *
+ */
+ *            void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n);
+ */
+       .globl _memset
+       .align 2
+       _memset:
+       tst     r6,r6
+       bt/s    5f              ! if n=0, do nothing
+        add    r6,r4
+       mov     #12,r0
+       cmp/gt  r6,r0
+       bt/s    4f              ! if it's too small, set a byte at once
+        mov    r4,r0
+       and     #3,r0
+       cmp/eq  #0,r0
+       bt/s    2f              ! It's aligned
+        sub    r0,r6
+       dt      r0
+       bf/s    1b
+        mov.b  r5,@-r4
+2:                             ! make VVVV
+       extu.b  r5,r5
+       swap.b  r5,r0           !   V0
+       or      r0,r5           !   VV
+       swap.w  r5,r0           ! VV00
+       or      r0,r5           ! VVVV
+       !
+       mov     r6,r0
+       shlr2   r0
+       shlr    r0              ! r0 = r6 >> 3
+       dt      r0
+       mov.l   r5,@-r4         ! set 8-byte at once
+       bf/s    3b
+        mov.l  r5,@-r4
+       !
+       mov     #7,r0
+       and     r0,r6
+       tst     r6,r6
+       bt      5f
+       ! fill bytes
+       dt      r6
+       bf/s    4b
+        mov.b  r5,@-r4
+       rts
+        mov    r4,r0
diff --git a/carlfw/src/printf.c b/carlfw/src/printf.c
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..3ff05c4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2004,2008  Kustaa Nyholm
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "printf.h"
+static char *bf;
+static char buf[12];
+static unsigned int num;
+static char uc;
+static char zs;
+static void out(const char c)
+       *bf++ = c;
+static void outDgt(const char dgt)
+       out(dgt + (dgt < 10 ? '0' : (uc ? 'A' : 'a') - 10));
+       zs = 1;
+static void divOut(const unsigned int d)
+       unsigned char dgt = 0;
+       while (num >= d) {
+               num -= d;
+               dgt++;
+       }
+       if (zs || dgt > 0)
+               outDgt(dgt);
+void tfp_printf(const char *fmt, ...)
+       va_list va;
+       char *p;
+       unsigned int i;
+       char ch;
+       va_start(va, fmt);
+       while ((ch = *(fmt++))) {
+               if (ch != '%') {
+                       putcharacter(ch);
+               } else {
+                       char lz = 0;
+                       char w = 0;
+                       ch = *(fmt++);
+                       if (ch == '0') {
+                               ch = *(fmt++);
+                               lz = 1;
+                       }
+                       if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
+                               w = 0;
+                               while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
+                                       w = (((w << 2) + w) << 1) + ch - '0';
+                                       ch = *fmt++;
+                                       }
+                       }
+                       bf = buf;
+                       p = bf;
+                       zs = 0;
+                       switch (ch) {
+                       case 0:
+                               goto abort;
+                       case 'u':
+                       case 'd':
+                               num = va_arg(va, unsigned int);
+                               if (ch == 'd' && (int) num < 0) {
+                                       num = -(int)num;
+                                       out('-');
+                               }
+                               for (i = 100000000; i != 1; i /= 10)
+                                       divOut(i);
+                               outDgt(num);
+                               break;
+                       case 'p':
+                       case 'x':
+                       case 'X':
+                               uc = ch == 'X';
+                               num = va_arg(va, unsigned int);
+                               for (i = 0x10000000; i != 0x1; i >>= 4)
+                                       divOut(i);
+                               outDgt(num);
+                               break;
+                       case 'c':
+                               out((char)(va_arg(va, int)));
+                               break;
+                       case 's':
+                               p = va_arg(va, char*);
+                               break;
+                       case '%':
+                               out('%');
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               break;
+                               }
+                       *bf = 0;
+                       bf = p;
+                       while (*bf++ && w > 0)
+                               w--;
+                       while (w-- > 0)
+                               putcharacter(lz ? '0' : ' ');
+                       while ((ch = *p++))
+                               putcharacter(ch);
+               }
+       }
+       putcharacter('\0');
+       va_end(va);
+void min_printf(const char *fmt, ...)
+       char ch;
+       do {
+               ch = *(fmt++);
+               putcharacter(ch);
+       } while (ch);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_PRINTF */
diff --git a/carlfw/src/reboot.S b/carlfw/src/reboot.S
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a344ec3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+       .globl _jump_to_bootcode
+       .type  _jump_to_bootcode, @function
+       _jump_to_bootcode:
+               mov.l eeprom_start, r0
+               jmp @r0
+eeprom_start:  .long 0x00000008
+tmp:           .long
diff --git a/carlfw/src/rf.c b/carlfw/src/rf.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..be705a7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * PHY and RF functions
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "timer.h"
+#include "printf.h"
+#include "rf.h"
+#include "shared/phy.h"
+static void set_channel_start(void)
+       /* Manipulate CCA threshold to stop transmission */
+       set(AR9170_PHY_REG_CCA_THRESHOLD, 0x300);
+       /* Enable Virtual CCA */
+           AR9170_MAC_VIRTUAL_CCA_ALL);
+static void set_channel_end(void)
+       /* Manipulate CCA threshold to resume transmission */
+       set(AR9170_PHY_REG_CCA_THRESHOLD, 0x0);
+       /* Disable Virtual CCA */
+            ~AR9170_MAC_VIRTUAL_CCA_ALL);
+void rf_notify_set_channel(void)
+       set_channel_start();
+ * Update delta slope coeff man and exp
+ */
+static void hw_turn_off_dyn(const uint32_t delta_slope_coeff_exp,
+                           const uint32_t delta_slope_coeff_man,
+                           const uint32_t delta_slope_coeff_exp_shgi,
+                           const uint32_t delta_slope_coeff_man_shgi)
+       uint32_t tmp;
+       tmp = get_async(AR9170_PHY_REG_TIMING3) & 0x00001fff;
+       tmp |= (delta_slope_coeff_man << AR9170_PHY_TIMING3_DSC_MAN_S) &
+               AR9170_PHY_TIMING3_DSC_MAN;
+       tmp |= (delta_slope_coeff_exp << AR9170_PHY_TIMING3_DSC_EXP_S) &
+               AR9170_PHY_TIMING3_DSC_EXP;
+       set(AR9170_PHY_REG_TIMING3, tmp);
+       tmp = (delta_slope_coeff_man_shgi << AR9170_PHY_HALFGI_DSC_MAN_S) &
+               AR9170_PHY_HALFGI_DSC_MAN;
+       tmp |= (delta_slope_coeff_exp_shgi << AR9170_PHY_HALFGI_DSC_EXP_S) &
+               AR9170_PHY_HALFGI_DSC_EXP;
+       set(AR9170_PHY_REG_HALFGI, tmp);
+static void program_ADDAC(void)
+       /* ??? Select Internal ADDAC ??? (is external radio) */
+       delay(10);
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 7-0 */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 15-8 */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 23-16 */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 31- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 39- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 47- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 55- [48]:doubles the xtalosc bias current */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 63- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 71- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 79- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 87- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 95- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 103- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 111- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 119- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 127- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 135- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 143- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 151- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000030);      /*# 159- #[158:156]=xlnabufmode */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000004);      /*# 167-  [162]:disable clkp_driver to flow */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 175- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 183-176 */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 191-184 */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 199- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 207- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 215- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 223- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x00000000);      /*# 231- */
+       set(0x1c58c4, 0x00000000);      /*# 233-232 */
+       delay(10);
+       /* Select External Flow ???? (is internal addac??) */
+static uint32_t AGC_calibration(uint32_t loop)
+       uint32_t wrdata;
+       uint32_t ret;
+       wrdata = get_async(AR9170_PHY_REG_AGC_CONTROL) | AGC_CAL_NF;
+       set(AR9170_PHY_REG_AGC_CONTROL, wrdata);
+       ret = get_async(AR9170_PHY_REG_AGC_CONTROL) & AGC_CAL_NF;
+       /* sitesurvey : 100 ms / current connected 200 ms */
+       while (loop && ret != 0x0) {
+               ret = get_async(AR9170_PHY_REG_AGC_CONTROL) & AGC_CAL_NF;
+               if (ret == 0)
+                       break;
+               udelay(100);
+               loop--;
+       }
+       /* return the AGC/Noise calibration state to the driver */
+       return ret;
+static uint32_t rf_init(const uint32_t delta_slope_coeff_exp,
+                       const uint32_t delta_slope_coeff_man,
+                       const uint32_t delta_slope_coeff_exp_shgi,
+                       const uint32_t delta_slope_coeff_man_shgi,
+                       const uint32_t finiteLoopCount,
+                       const bool initialize)
+       uint32_t ret;
+       hw_turn_off_dyn(delta_slope_coeff_exp,
+                       delta_slope_coeff_man,
+                       delta_slope_coeff_exp_shgi,
+                       delta_slope_coeff_man_shgi);
+       if (initialize) {
+               /* Real Chip */
+               program_ADDAC();
+               /* inverse chain 0 <-> chain 2 */
+               set(AR9170_PHY_REG_ANALOG_SWAP, AR9170_PHY_ANALOG_SWAP_AB);
+               /* swap chain 0 and chain 2 */
+               set(AR9170_PHY_REG_ANALOG_SWAP, AR9170_PHY_ANALOG_SWAP_AB |
+                                               AR9170_PHY_ANALOG_SWAP_ALT_CHAIN);
+               /* configure mask */
+               set(AR9170_PHY_REG_RX_CHAINMASK, 0x5);  /* chain 0 + chain 2 */
+               set(AR9170_PHY_REG_CAL_CHAINMASK, 0x5); /* chain 0 + chain 2 */
+               /* Activate BB */
+               set(AR9170_PHY_REG_ACTIVE, AR9170_PHY_ACTIVE_EN);
+               delay(10);
+       }
+       ret = AGC_calibration(finiteLoopCount);
+       set_channel_end();
+       return ret;
+void rf_cmd(const struct carl9170_cmd *cmd, struct carl9170_rsp *resp)
+       uint32_t ret;
+       fw.phy.ht_settings = cmd->rf_init.ht_settings;
+       fw.phy.frequency = cmd->rf_init.freq;
+       if ((fw.phy.ht_settings & EIGHTY_FLAG) == EIGHTY_FLAG)
+               clock_set(true, AHB_80_88MHZ);
+       else
+               clock_set(true, AHB_40_44MHZ);
+       ret = rf_init(le32_to_cpu(cmd->rf_init.delta_slope_coeff_exp),
+                     le32_to_cpu(cmd->rf_init.delta_slope_coeff_man),
+                     le32_to_cpu(cmd->rf_init.delta_slope_coeff_exp_shgi),
+                     le32_to_cpu(cmd->rf_init.delta_slope_coeff_man_shgi),
+                     le32_to_cpu(cmd->rf_init.finiteLoopCount),
+                     cmd->hdr.cmd == CARL9170_CMD_RF_INIT);
+       resp->hdr.len = sizeof(struct carl9170_rf_init_result);
+       resp->rf_init_res.ret = cpu_to_le32(ret);
+       resp->rf_init_res.regs[0] = get(AR9170_PHY_REG_CCA);
+       resp->rf_init_res.regs[3] = get(AR9170_PHY_REG_EXT_CCA);
+       resp->rf_init_res.regs[1] = get(AR9170_PHY_REG_CH1_CCA);
+       resp->rf_init_res.regs[4] = get(AR9170_PHY_REG_CH1_EXT_CCA);
+       resp->rf_init_res.regs[2] = get(AR9170_PHY_REG_CH2_CCA);
+       resp->rf_init_res.regs[5] = get(AR9170_PHY_REG_CH2_EXT_CCA);
+void rf_psm(void)
+       u32 bank3;
+       /*
+        * FIXME: Does not work on 5GHz band!
+        */
+       if (fw.phy.psm.state == CARL9170_PSM_SOFTWARE) {
+               /* not enabled by the driver */
+               return;
+       }
+       if (fw.phy.psm.state & CARL9170_PSM_SLEEP) {
+               fw.phy.psm.state &= ~CARL9170_PSM_SLEEP;
+               /* disable all agc gain and offset updates to a2 */
+               set(AR9170_PHY_REG_TEST2, 0x8000000);
+               /* power down ADDAC */
+               set(AR9170_PHY_REG_ADC_CTL,
+                   AR9170_PHY_ADC_CTL_OFF_PWDDAC |
+                   AR9170_PHY_ADC_CTL_OFF_PWDADC |
+                   0xa0000000);
+               /* Synthesizer off + RX off */
+               bank3 = 0x00400018;
+               clock_set(true, AHB_20_22MHZ);
+       } else {
+               /* advance to the next PSM step */
+               fw.phy.psm.state--;
+               if (fw.phy.psm.state == CARL9170_PSM_WAKE) {
+                       /* wake up ADDAC */
+                       set(AR9170_PHY_REG_ADC_CTL,
+                           AR9170_PHY_ADC_CTL_OFF_PWDDAC |
+                           AR9170_PHY_ADC_CTL_OFF_PWDADC);
+                       /* enable all agc gain and offset updates to a2 */
+                       set(AR9170_PHY_REG_TEST2, 0x0);
+                       /* Synthesizer on + RX on */
+                       bank3 = 0x01420098;
+                       if ((fw.phy.ht_settings & EIGHTY_FLAG) == EIGHTY_FLAG)
+                               clock_set(true, AHB_80_88MHZ);
+                       else
+                               clock_set(true, AHB_40_44MHZ);
+               } else {
+                       return ;
+               }
+       }
+       if (fw.phy.frequency < 30000000)
+               bank3 |= 0x00800000;
+       set(0x1c58f0, bank3);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_PSM */
diff --git a/carlfw/src/timer.c b/carlfw/src/timer.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..354eaf9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * Clock, Timer & Timing functions
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "printf.h"
+#include "timer.h"
+#include "wl.h"
+#include "gpio.h"
+void timer_init(const unsigned int timer, const unsigned int interval)
+       /* Set timer to periodic mode */
+       orl(AR9170_TIMER_REG_CONTROL, BIT(timer));
+       /* Set time interval */
+       set(AR9170_TIMER_REG_TIMER0 + (timer << 2), interval - 1);
+       /* Clear timer interrupt flag */
+       orl(AR9170_TIMER_REG_INTERRUPT, BIT(timer));
+static void clock_calibrate(void)
+       uint32_t t0, loop = 13;
+       t0 = get_clock_counter();
+       /*
+        * TODO:
+        * Write this code in assembler, so the reading is accurate
+        * and can be used to correct the timer intervals.
+        */
+       while (((get_clock_counter() - t0) & (BIT(18)-1)) < 1000)
+               loop += 9;      /* really rough uOP estimation */
+       fw.bogoclock = loop;
+void clock_set(const bool on, const enum cpu_clock_t _clock)
+       /*
+        * Word of Warning!
+        * This setting does more than just mess with the CPU Clock.
+        * So watch out, if you need _stable_ timer interrupts.
+        */
+       set(AR9170_PWR_REG_CLOCK_SEL, (uint32_t) ((on ? 0x70 : 0x600) | _clock));
+       clock_calibrate();
+static void timer0_isr(void)
+       wlan_timer();
+       gpio_timer();
+       usb_watchdog_timer();
+       set(AR9170_GPIO_REG_PORT_DATA, get(AR9170_GPIO_REG_PORT_DATA) ^ 1);
+void handle_timer(void)
+       uint32_t intr;
+       intr = get(AR9170_TIMER_REG_INTERRUPT);
+       /* ACK timer interrupt */
+       set(AR9170_TIMER_REG_INTERRUPT, intr);
+#define HANDLER(intr, flag, func)                      \
+       do {                                            \
+               if ((intr & flag) != 0) {               \
+                       intr &= ~flag;                  \
+                       func();                         \
+               }                                       \
+       } while (0)
+       HANDLER(intr, BIT(0), timer0_isr);
+       if (intr)
+               DBG("Unhandled Timer Event %x", (unsigned int) intr);
+#undef HANDLER
diff --git a/carlfw/src/uart.c b/carlfw/src/uart.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cf6058e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * UART debug interface functions.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "uart.h"
+#include "io.h"
+void uart_putc(const char c)
+       set(AR9170_UART_REG_TX_HOLDING, c);
+       while (get(AR9170_UART_REG_LINE_STATUS) &
+               /*
+                * wait until the byte has made it
+                */
+       }
+void uart_print_hex_dump(const void *buf, const int len)
+       unsigned int offset = 0;
+       uart_putc('H');
+       uart_putc('D');
+       uart_putc(':');
+       while (len > 0) {
+               uart_putc(*((uint8_t *) buf + offset));
+               offset++;
+       }
+void uart_init(void)
+       unsigned int timeout = 0;
+       set(AR9170_UART_REG_DIVISOR_LSB, 0xc);
+       set(AR9170_UART_REG_DIVISOR_LSB, 0x14); /* 40 MHz */
+       set(AR9170_UART_REG_REMAINDER, 0xb38e);
+#error "Unsupported UART clock"
+#endif /* CARL9170FW_UART_CLOCK_25M */
+       while (get(AR9170_UART_REG_LINE_STATUS) &
+               if (timeout++ >= 10000)
+                       break;
+       }
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG_UART */
diff --git a/carlfw/src/wlan.c b/carlfw/src/wlan.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..aaff3ee
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1038 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * Interface to the WLAN part of the chip
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "shared/phy.h"
+#include "hostif.h"
+#include "timer.h"
+#include "wl.h"
+#include "printf.h"
+#include "rf.h"
+#include "linux/ieee80211.h"
+static void wlan_txunstuck(unsigned int queue)
+       set_wlan_txq_dma_addr(queue, ((uint32_t) fw.wlan.tx_queue[queue].head) | 1);
+       wlan_trigger(BIT(queue));
+static void wlan_txupdate(unsigned int queue)
+       set_wlan_txq_dma_addr(queue, ((uint32_t) fw.wlan.tx_queue[queue].head));
+       wlan_trigger(BIT(queue));
+static void wlan_dma_bump(unsigned int qidx)
+       unsigned int offset = qidx;
+       uint32_t status, trigger;
+       status = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_STATUS) >> 12;
+       trigger = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TRIGGER) >> 12;
+       while (offset != 0) {
+               status >>= 4;
+               trigger >>= 4;
+               offset--;
+       }
+       status &= 0xf;
+       trigger &= 0xf;
+       if ((trigger == 0xa) && (status == 0x8)) {
+               DBG("UNSTUCK");
+               wlan_txunstuck(qidx);
+       } else {
+               DBG("UPDATE");
+               wlan_txupdate(qidx);
+       }
+static void wlan_dump_queue(unsigned int qidx)
+       struct dma_desc *desc;
+       struct carl9170_tx_superframe *super;
+       int entries = 0;
+       __for_each_desc(desc, &fw.wlan.tx_queue[qidx]) {
+               super = get_super(desc);
+               DBG("%d: %p s:%x c:%x tl:%x ds:%x n:%p l:%p ", entries, desc,
+                   desc->status, desc->ctrl, desc->totalLen,
+                   desc->dataSize, desc->nextAddr, desc->lastAddr);
+               DBG("c:%x tr:%d ri:%d l:%x m:%x p:%x fc:%x",
+                   super->s.cookie, super->s.cnt, super->s.rix,
+                   super->f.hdr.length, super->f.hdr.mac.set,
+                   (unsigned int) le32_to_cpu(super->f.hdr.phy.set),
+                   super->;
+               entries++;
+       }
+       desc = get_wlan_txq_addr(qidx);
+       DBG("Queue: %d: te:%d td:%d h:%p c:%p t:%p",
+           qidx, entries, queue_len(&fw.wlan.tx_queue[qidx]),
+           fw.wlan.tx_queue[qidx].head,
+           desc, fw.wlan.tx_queue[qidx].terminator);
+       DBG("HW: t:%x s:%x ac:%x c:%x",
+           (unsigned int) get(AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TRIGGER),
+           (unsigned int) get(AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_STATUS),
+           (unsigned int) get(AR9170_MAC_REG_AMPDU_COUNT),
+           (unsigned int) get(AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQX_ADDR_CURR));
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG */
+static void wlan_send_buffered_tx_status(void)
+       unsigned int len;
+       while (fw.wlan.tx_status_pending) {
+               len = min((unsigned int)fw.wlan.tx_status_pending,
+                         CARL9170_RSP_TX_STATUS_NUM);
+               len = min(len, CARL9170_TX_STATUS_NUM - fw.wlan.tx_status_head_idx);
+               /*
+                * rather than memcpy each individual request into a large buffer,
+                * we _splice_ them all together.
+                *
+                * The only downside is however that we have to be careful around
+                * the edges of the tx_status_cache.
+                *
+                * Note:
+                * Each tx_status is about 2 bytes. However every command package
+                * must have a size which is a multiple of 4.
+                */
+               send_cmd_to_host((len * sizeof(struct carl9170_tx_status) + 3) & ~3,
+                                CARL9170_RSP_TXCOMP, len, (void *)
+                                &fw.wlan.tx_status_cache[fw.wlan.tx_status_head_idx]);
+               fw.wlan.tx_status_pending -= len;
+               fw.wlan.tx_status_head_idx += len;
+               fw.wlan.tx_status_head_idx %= CARL9170_TX_STATUS_NUM;
+       }
+static struct carl9170_tx_status *wlan_get_tx_status_buffer(void)
+       struct carl9170_tx_status *tmp;
+       tmp = &fw.wlan.tx_status_cache[fw.wlan.tx_status_tail_idx++];
+       fw.wlan.tx_status_tail_idx %= CARL9170_TX_STATUS_NUM;
+       if (fw.wlan.tx_status_pending == CARL9170_TX_STATUS_NUM)
+               wlan_send_buffered_tx_status();
+       fw.wlan.tx_status_pending++;
+       return tmp;
+/* generate _aggregated_ tx_status for the host */
+static void wlan_tx_complete(struct carl9170_tx_superframe *super,
+                            bool txs)
+       struct carl9170_tx_status *status;
+       status = wlan_get_tx_status_buffer();
+       /*
+        * The *unique* cookie and AC_ID is used by the driver for
+        * frame lookup.
+        */
+       status->cookie = super->s.cookie;
+       status->queue = super->s.queue;
+       /*
+        * This field holds the number of tries of the rate in
+        * the rate index field (rix).
+        */
+       status->rix = super->s.rix;
+       status->tries = super->s.cnt;
+       status->success = (txs) ? 1 : 0;
+static bool wlan_tx_consume_retry(struct carl9170_tx_superframe *super)
+       /* check if this was the last possible retry with this rate */
+       if (unlikely(super->s.cnt >= super->s.tries[super->s.rix])) {
+               /* end of the road - indicate tx failure */
+               if (unlikely(super->s.rix == CARL9170_TX_MAX_RETRY_RATES))
+                       return false;
+               /* check if there are alternative rates available */
+               if (!super->s.rr[super->s.rix].set)
+                       return false;
+               /* try next retry rate */
+               super->f.hdr.phy.set = super->s.rr[super->s.rix].set;
+               /* finally - mark the old rate as USED */
+               super->s.rix++;
+               /* reinitialize try counter */
+               super->s.cnt = 1;
+       } else {
+               /* just increase retry counter */
+               super->s.cnt++;
+       }
+       return true;
+/* for all tries */
+static void __wlan_tx(struct dma_desc *desc)
+       struct carl9170_tx_superframe *super = get_super(desc);
+       unsigned int queue = super->s.queue;
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_LOOPBACK */
+       if (unlikely(super->s.fill_in_tsf)) {
+               struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = (void *) &super->;
+               uint32_t *tsf = (uint32_t *) &mgmt->u.probe_resp.timestamp;
+               /*
+                * Truth be told: this is a hack.
+                *
+                * The *real* TSF is definitely going to be higher/older.
+                * But this hardware emulation code is head and shoulders
+                * above anything a driver can possibly do.
+                *
+                * (even, if it's got an accurate atomic clock source).
+                */
+               read_tsf(tsf);
+       }
+#if (defined CONFIG_CARL9170FW_LOOPBACK) || (defined CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DISCARD)
+       wlan_tx_complete(super, true);
+       unhide_super(desc);
+       dma_put(&fw.pta.up_queue, desc);
+       up_trigger();
+       dma_reclaim(&fw.pta.down_queue, desc);
+       down_trigger();
+# endif
+# if ((defined CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG) && (defined CONFIG_CARL9170FW_PSM))
+       BUG_ON(fw.phy.psm.state != CARL9170_PSM_WAKE);
+       /* insert desc into the right queue */
+       dma_put(&fw.wlan.tx_queue[queue], desc);
+       wlan_trigger(BIT(queue));
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_LOOPBACK */
+/* prepares frame for the first transmission */
+static void _wlan_tx(struct dma_desc *desc)
+       struct carl9170_tx_superframe *super = get_super(desc);
+       if (unlikely(super->s.ampdu_commit_density)) {
+               set(AR9170_MAC_REG_AMPDU_DENSITY,
+                   MOD_VAL(AR9170_MAC_AMPDU_DENSITY,
+                           get(AR9170_MAC_REG_AMPDU_DENSITY),
+                           super->s.ampdu_density));
+       }
+       if (unlikely(super->s.ampdu_commit_factor)) {
+               set(AR9170_MAC_REG_AMPDU_FACTOR,
+                   MOD_VAL(AR9170_MAC_AMPDU_FACTOR,
+                           get(AR9170_MAC_REG_AMPDU_FACTOR),
+                           8 << super->s.ampdu_factor));
+       }
+       __wlan_tx(desc);
+/* propagate transmission status back to the driver */
+static bool wlan_tx_status(struct dma_queue *queue,
+                          struct dma_desc *desc)
+       struct ar9170_tx_frame *frame = DESC_PAYLOAD(desc);
+       struct carl9170_tx_superframe *super = get_super(desc);
+       struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = &super->;
+       unsigned int qidx = super->s.queue;
+       bool txfail, success;
+       success = true;
+       if (!!(desc->ctrl & AR9170_CTRL_FAIL_MASK)) {
+               txfail = !!(desc->ctrl & AR9170_CTRL_TXFAIL);
+               /* reset retry indicator flags */
+               desc->ctrl &= ~(AR9170_CTRL_TXFAIL | AR9170_CTRL_BAFAIL);
+               if (wlan_tx_consume_retry(super)) {
+                       /*
+                        * retry for simple and aggregated 802.11 frames.
+                        *
+                        * Note: We must not mess up the original frame
+                        * order.
+                        */
+                       if (!frame->hdr.mac.ampdu) {
+                               /*
+                                * 802.11 -
+                                * set "Retry Field" for consecutive attempts
+                                *
+                                * Note: For AMPDU see:
+                                * 802.11n "Retransmit Procedures"
+                                */
+                               hdr->frame_control |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_RETRY);
+                       }
+                       if (txfail) {
+                               /* Normal TX Failure */
+                               /* demise descriptor ownership back to the hardware */
+                               dma_rearm(desc);
+                               /*
+                                * And this will get the queue going again.
+                                * To understand why: you have to get the HW
+                                * specs... But sadly I never saw them.
+                                */
+                               wlan_txunstuck(qidx);
+                               /* abort cycle - this is necessary due to HW design */
+                               return false;
+                       } else {
+                               /* (HT-) BlockACK failure */
+                               /*
+                                * Unlink the failed attempt and put it into
+                                * the retry queue. The caller routine must
+                                * be aware of this so the frames don't get lost.
+                                */
+                               dma_unlink_head(queue);
+                               dma_put(&fw.wlan.tx_retry, desc);
+                               __wlan_tx(desc);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DELAYED_TX */
+                               return true;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       /* out of frame attempts - discard frame */
+                       success = false;
+               }
+       }
+       dma_unlink_head(queue);
+       if (txfail) {
+               /*
+                * Issue the queue bump,
+                * We need to do this in case this was the frame's last
+                * possible retry attempt and it unfortunately: it failed.
+                */
+               wlan_txunstuck(qidx);
+       }
+       unhide_super(desc);
+       /* update hangcheck */
+       fw.wlan.last_tx_desc_num[qidx] = 0;
+       if (unlikely(super == (void *) & {
+               fw.wlan.ba_desc = desc;
+               fw.wlan.ba_desc_available = 1;
+               return true;
+       }
+       wlan_tx_complete(super, success);
+       if (unlikely(super->
+               fw.wlan.cab_queue_len--;
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_CAB_QUEUE */
+       /* recycle freed descriptors */
+       dma_reclaim(&fw.pta.down_queue, desc);
+       down_trigger();
+       return true;
+static void handle_tx_completion(void)
+       struct dma_desc *desc;
+       unsigned int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < __AR9170_NUM_TX_QUEUES; i++) {
+               __while_desc_bits(desc, &fw.wlan.tx_queue[i], AR9170_OWN_BITS_SW) {
+                       if (!wlan_tx_status(&fw.wlan.tx_queue[i], desc)) {
+                               /* termination requested. */
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               for_each_desc(desc, &fw.wlan.tx_retry)
+                       __wlan_tx(desc);
+               for_each_desc(desc, &fw.wlan.tx_delay[i])
+                       _wlan_tx(desc);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DELAYED_TX */
+       }
+void __hot wlan_tx(struct dma_desc *desc)
+       struct carl9170_tx_superframe *super = DESC_PAYLOAD(desc);
+       /* initialize rate control struct */
+       super->s.rix = 0;
+       super->s.cnt = 1;
+       hide_super(desc);
+       if (!queue_empty(&fw.wlan.tx_queue[super->s.queue])) {
+               dma_put(&fw.wlan.tx_delay[super->s.queue], desc);
+               return;
+       }
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DELAYED_TX */
+       if (unlikely(super-> {
+               fw.wlan.cab_queue_len++;
+               dma_put(&fw.wlan.cab_queue, desc);
+               return;
+       }
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_CAB_QUEUE */
+       _wlan_tx(desc);
+static void wlan_send_buffered_ba(void)
+       struct carl9170_tx_ba_superframe *baf = &;
+       struct ieee80211_ba *ba = (struct ieee80211_ba *) &baf->;
+       struct carl9170_bar_ctx *ctx;
+       if (likely(fw.wlan.ba_head_idx == fw.wlan.ba_tail_idx))
+               return;
+       /* there's no point to continue when the ba_desc is not available. */
+       if (!fw.wlan.ba_desc_available)
+               return;
+       ctx = &fw.wlan.ba_cache[fw.wlan.ba_head_idx % CONFIG_CARL9170FW_BACK_REQS_NUM];
+       fw.wlan.ba_head_idx++;
+       /* Format BlockAck */
+       fw.wlan.ba_desc->status = 0;
+       fw.wlan.ba_desc->ctrl = AR9170_CTRL_FS_BIT | AR9170_CTRL_LS_BIT;
+       fw.wlan.ba_desc_available = 0;
+       fw.wlan.ba_desc->nextAddr = fw.wlan.ba_desc->lastAddr =
+               fw.wlan.ba_desc;
+       baf->s.len = fw.wlan.ba_desc->totalLen = fw.wlan.ba_desc->dataSize =
+               sizeof(struct carl9170_tx_superdesc) +
+               sizeof(struct ar9170_tx_hwdesc) +
+               sizeof(struct ieee80211_ba);
+       baf->s.tries[0] = 3;
+       baf->s.queue = 0;
+       baf->f.hdr.length = sizeof(struct ieee80211_ba) + FCS_LEN;
+       /* HW Duration / Backoff */
+       baf->f.hdr.mac.backoff = 1;
+       baf->f.hdr.mac.hw_duration = 1;
+       /* take the TX rate from the RX'd BAR */
+       baf->f.hdr.phy.set = ctx->phy;
+       baf->f.hdr.phy.tx_power = 29; /* 14.5 dBm */
+       /* format outgoing BA */
+       ba->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL | IEEE80211_STYPE_BACK);
+       ba->duration = cpu_to_le16(0);
+       memcpy(ba->ta, ctx->ta, 6);
+       memcpy(ba->ra, ctx->ra, 6);
+       /*
+        * Unfortunately, we cannot look into the hardware's scoreboard.
+        * Therefore we have to proceed as described in 802.11n
+        * and send a null BlockAck.
+        */
+       memset(ba->bitmap, 0x0, sizeof(ba->bitmap));
+       /*
+        * NB:
+        * not entirely sure if this is 100% correct?!
+        */
+       ba->control = ctx->control | cpu_to_le16(1);
+       ba->start_seq_num = ctx->start_seq_num;
+       wlan_tx(fw.wlan.ba_desc);
+static struct carl9170_bar_ctx *wlan_get_bar_cache_buffer(void)
+       struct carl9170_bar_ctx *tmp;
+       /* expire oldest entry, if we ran out of ba_ctx' */
+       if (fw.wlan.ba_head_idx + CONFIG_CARL9170FW_BACK_REQS_NUM < fw.wlan.ba_tail_idx)
+               fw.wlan.ba_head_idx++;
+       tmp = &fw.wlan.ba_cache[fw.wlan.ba_tail_idx % CONFIG_CARL9170FW_BACK_REQS_NUM];
+       fw.wlan.ba_tail_idx++;
+       return tmp;
+static void handle_bar(struct dma_desc *desc)
+       struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr;
+       struct ieee80211_bar *bar;
+       struct carl9170_bar_ctx *ctx;
+       hdr = ar9170_get_rx_i3e(desc);
+       /* check if this is a BAR for us */
+       if (likely(!ieee80211_is_back_req(hdr->frame_control)))
+               return ;
+       if (unlikely(ar9170_get_rx_macstatus_error(desc))) {
+               /*
+                * This check does a number of things:
+                * 1. checks if the frame is in good nick
+                * 2. checks if the RA (MAC) matches
+                */
+               return ;
+       }
+       if (unlikely(ar9170_get_rx_mpdu_len(desc) <
+           sizeof(struct ieee80211_bar))) {
+               /*
+                * Sneaky, corrupted BARs... but not with us!
+                */
+               return ;
+       }
+       bar = (void *) hdr;
+       if ((bar->control & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_BAR_CTRL_MULTI_TID)) ||
+           !(bar->control & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_BAR_CTRL_CBMTID_COMPRESSED_BA))) {
+               /* not implemented yet */
+               return ;
+       }
+       ctx = wlan_get_bar_cache_buffer();
+       /* Brilliant! The BAR provides all necessary MACs! */
+       memcpy(ctx->ra, bar->ta, 6);
+       memcpy(ctx->ta, bar->ra, 6);
+       /*
+        * NB:
+        * not entirely sure if this is 100% correct to force the
+        * imm ack bit or not...
+        */
+       ctx->control = bar->control | cpu_to_le16(1);
+       ctx->start_seq_num = bar->start_seq_num;
+       ctx->phy = ar9170_rx_to_phy(desc);
+       if (unlikely(!ctx->phy)) {
+               /* provide a backup, in case ar9170_rx_to_phy fails */
+               ctx->phy = cpu_to_le32(0x2cc301);
+       }
+static void wlan_check_rx_overrun(void)
+       uint32_t overruns, total;
+       fw.wlan.rx_total += total = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_TOTAL);
+       fw.wlan.rx_overruns += overruns = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_OVERRUN);
+       if (unlikely(overruns)) {
+               if (overruns == total) {
+                       DBG("RX Overrun");
+                       fw.wlan.mac_reset++;
+               }
+       }
+static void handle_rx(void)
+       struct dma_desc *desc;
+       wlan_check_rx_overrun();
+       for_each_desc_not_bits(desc, &fw.wlan.rx_queue, AR9170_OWN_BITS_HW) {
+               if (unlikely(desc->totalLen < 26 ||
+                   desc->totalLen > CONFIG_CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN)) {
+                       /*
+                        * This frame is too damaged to do anything
+                        * useful with it.
+                        */
+                       dma_reclaim(&fw.wlan.rx_queue, desc);
+                       _wlan_trigger(AR9170_DMA_TRIGGER_RXQ);
+               } else {
+                       handle_bar(desc);
+                       dma_put(&fw.pta.up_queue, desc);
+                       up_trigger();
+               }
+       }
+static uint8_t *beacon_find_ie(uint8_t ie)
+       struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = getp(AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_ADDR);
+       uint8_t *pos, *end;
+       unsigned int len;
+       len = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_LENGTH);
+       if (len < FCS_LEN + sizeof(mgmt))
+               return NULL;
+       pos = mgmt->u.beacon.variable;
+       end = (uint8_t *) ((unsigned long)mgmt + (len - FCS_LEN));
+       while (pos < end) {
+               if (pos + 2 + pos[1] > end)
+                       return NULL;
+               if (pos[0] == ie)
+                       return pos;
+               pos += pos[1] + 2;
+       }
+       return NULL;
+static void wlan_cab_flush_queue(void)
+       struct dma_desc *desc;
+       uint8_t *_ie;
+       struct ieee80211_tim_ie *ie;
+       /*
+        * This prevents the code from sending new BC/MC frames
+        * which were queued after the previous buffered traffic
+        * has been sent out... They will have to wait until the
+        * next DTIM beacon comes along.
+        */
+       if (unlikely(fw.wlan.cab_flush_trigger == CARL9170_CAB_TRIGGER_DEFER))
+               return ;
+       _ie = beacon_find_ie(WLAN_EID_TIM);
+       if (unlikely(!_ie))
+               return ;
+       ie = (struct ieee80211_tim_ie *) &_ie[2];
+       /* Ideally, check here for == AR9170_CAB_TRIGGER_ARMED */
+       if (fw.wlan.cab_flush_trigger) {
+               /* move queued frames into the main tx queues */
+               for_each_desc(desc, &fw.wlan.cab_queue) {
+                       struct carl9170_tx_superframe *super = get_super(desc);
+                       if (!queue_empty(&fw.wlan.cab_queue)) {
+                               /*
+                                * Set MOREDATA flag for all,
+                                * but the last queued frame.
+                                * see: 802.11-2007 f)
+                                *
+                                * This is actually the reason to why
+                                * we need to prevent the reentry.
+                                */
+                               super-> |=
+                                       cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREDATA);
+                       } else {
+                               super-> &=
+                                       cpu_to_le16(~IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREDATA);
+                       }
+                       /* ready to roll! */
+                       _wlan_tx(desc);
+               }
+       }
+       /* Transfer finished - waiting for tx status */
+       fw.wlan.cab_flush_trigger = CARL9170_CAB_TRIGGER_DEFER;
+static void wlan_cab_modify_dtim_beacon(void)
+       uint8_t *_ie;
+       struct ieee80211_tim_ie *ie;
+       _ie = beacon_find_ie(WLAN_EID_TIM);
+       if (likely(_ie)) {
+               ie = (struct ieee80211_tim_ie *) &_ie[2];
+               if (!queue_empty(&fw.wlan.cab_queue) && (ie->dtim_count == 0)) {
+                       /* schedule DTIM transfer */
+                       fw.wlan.cab_flush_trigger = CARL9170_CAB_TRIGGER_ARMED;
+               } else if ((fw.wlan.cab_queue_len == 0) && (fw.wlan.cab_flush_trigger)) {
+                       /* undo all chances to the beacon structure */
+                       ie->bitmap_ctrl &= ~0x1;
+                       fw.wlan.cab_flush_trigger = CARL9170_CAB_TRIGGER_EMPTY;
+               }
+               if (fw.wlan.cab_flush_trigger) {
+                       /* Set the almighty Multicast Traffic Indication Bit. */
+                       ie->bitmap_ctrl |= 0x1;
+               }
+       }
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_CAB_QUEUE */
+static void handle_beacon_config(void)
+       uint32_t bcn_count;
+       /*
+        * The application has now updated the relevant beacon data.
+        * Now it should be the perfect time to apply the DTIM
+        * multicast information.
+        */
+       wlan_cab_modify_dtim_beacon();
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_CAB_QUEUE */
+       bcn_count = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_COUNT);
+       send_cmd_to_host(4, CARL9170_RSP_BEACON_CONFIG, 0x00,
+                        (uint8_t *) &bcn_count);
+static void handle_pretbtt(void)
+       fw.wlan.cab_flush_time = get_clock_counter();
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_CAB_QUEUE */
+       rf_psm();
+       send_cmd_to_host(4, CARL9170_RSP_PRETBTT, 0x00,
+                        (uint8_t *) &fw.phy.psm.state);
+       send_cmd_to_host(0, CARL9170_RSP_PRETBTT, 0x00, NULL);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_PSM */
+static void handle_atim(void)
+       send_cmd_to_host(0, CARL9170_RSP_ATIM, 0x00, NULL);
+static void handle_qos(void)
+       /*
+        * What is the QoS Bit used for?
+        * Is it only an indicator for TXOP & Burst, or
+        * should we do something here?
+        */
+static void handle_radar(void)
+       send_cmd_to_host(0, CARL9170_RSP_RADAR, 0x00, NULL);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG */
+static void wlan_janitor(void)
+       if (unlikely(fw.wlan.cab_flush_trigger)) {
+               /*
+                * This is hardcoded into carl9170usb driver.
+                *
+                * The driver must set the PRETBTT event to beacon_interval -
+                * CARL9170_PRETBTT_KUS (usually 6) Kus.
+                *
+                * But still, we can only do so much about 802.11-2007 &
+                * Let's hope the current solution is adequate enough.
+                */
+               if (is_after_msecs(fw.wlan.cab_flush_time,
+                   (CARL9170_TBTT_DELTA))) {
+                       wlan_cab_flush_queue();
+               }
+       }
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_CAB_QUEUE */
+       if (fw.wlan.tx_trigger) {
+               _wlan_trigger(fw.wlan.tx_trigger);
+               fw.wlan.tx_trigger = 0;
+       }
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DELAYED_TX */
+       wlan_send_buffered_tx_status();
+       wlan_send_buffered_ba();
+void handle_wlan(void)
+       uint32_t intr;
+       intr = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_INT_CTRL);
+       /* ACK Interrupt */
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_INT_CTRL, intr);
+#define HANDLER(intr, flag, func)                      \
+       do {                                            \
+               if ((intr & flag) != 0) {               \
+                       func();                         \
+               }                                       \
+       } while (0)
+       HANDLER(intr, AR9170_MAC_INT_PRETBTT, handle_pretbtt);
+       HANDLER(intr, AR9170_MAC_INT_ATIM, handle_atim);
+       HANDLER(intr, AR9170_MAC_INT_RXC, handle_rx);
+       HANDLER(intr, (AR9170_MAC_INT_TXC | AR9170_MAC_INT_RETRY_FAIL),
+               handle_tx_completion);
+       HANDLER(intr, AR9170_MAC_INT_QOS, handle_qos);
+       HANDLER(intr, AR9170_MAC_INT_RADAR, handle_radar);
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG */
+       HANDLER(intr, AR9170_MAC_INT_CFG_BCN, handle_beacon_config);
+       if (unlikely(intr))
+               DBG("Unhandled Interrupt %x\n", (unsigned int) intr);
+       wlan_janitor();
+#undef HANDLER
+static void wlan_check_hang(void)
+       struct dma_desc *desc;
+       unsigned int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < __AR9170_NUM_TX_QUEUES; i++) {
+               if (queue_empty(&fw.wlan.tx_queue[i])) {
+                       /* Nothing to do here... move along */
+                       continue;
+               }
+               /* fetch the current DMA queue position */
+               desc = get_wlan_txq_addr(i);
+               /* Stuck frame detection */
+               if (unlikely(desc == fw.wlan.last_tx_desc[i])) {
+                       fw.wlan.last_tx_desc_num[i]++;
+                       if (unlikely(fw.wlan.last_tx_desc_num[i] > 6)) {
+                               /*
+                                * schedule MAC reset (aka OFF/ON => dead)
+                                *
+                                * This will almost certainly kill
+                                * the device for good, but it's the
+                                * recommended thing to do...
+                                */
+                               fw.wlan.mac_reset++;
+                       }
+                       if (unlikely(fw.wlan.last_tx_desc_num[i] > 5)) {
+                               /*
+                                * Sigh, the queue is almost certainly
+                                * dead. Dump the queue content to the
+                                * user, maybe we find out why it got
+                                * so stuck.
+                                */
+                               wlan_dump_queue(i);
+                       }
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG */
+                       if (unlikely(fw.wlan.last_tx_desc_num[i] > 3)) {
+                               /*
+                                * Hrrm, bump the queue a bit.
+                                * maybe this will get it going again.
+                                */
+                               wlan_dma_bump(i);
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       /* Nothing stuck */
+                       fw.wlan.last_tx_desc[i] = desc;
+                       fw.wlan.last_tx_desc_num[i] = 0;
+               }
+       }
+ * NB: Resetting the MAC is a two-edged sword.
+ * On most occasions, it does what it is supposed to do.
+ * But there is a chance that this will make it
+ * even worse and the radio dies silently.
+ */
+static void wlan_mac_reset(void)
+       uint32_t val;
+       uint32_t agg_wait_counter;
+       uint32_t agg_density;
+       uint32_t bcn_start_addr;
+       uint32_t rctl, rcth;
+       uint32_t cam_mode;
+       uint32_t ack_power;
+       uint32_t rts_cts_tpc;
+       unsigned int i;
+       uint32_t rx_BB;
+       ERR("MAC RESET");
+       /* Save aggregation parameters */
+       agg_wait_counter = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_AMPDU_FACTOR);
+       agg_density = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_AMPDU_DENSITY);
+       bcn_start_addr = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_ADDR);
+       cam_mode = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_MODE);
+       rctl = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_ROLL_CALL_TBL_L);
+       rcth = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_ROLL_CALL_TBL_H);
+       ack_power = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_ACK_TPC);
+       rts_cts_tpc = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_RTS_CTS_TPC);
+       /* 0x1c8960 write only */
+       rx_BB = get(AR9170_PHY_REG_SWITCH_CHAIN_0);
+       /* TX/RX must be stopped by now */
+       val = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_POWER_STATE_CTRL);
+       val |= AR9170_MAC_POWER_STATE_CTRL_RESET;
+       /*
+        * Manipulate CCA threshold to stop transmission
+        *
+        * set(AR9170_PHY_REG_CCA_THRESHOLD, 0x300);
+        */
+       /*
+        * check Rx state in 0(idle) 9(disable)
+        *
+        * chState = (get(AR9170_MAC_REG_MISC_684) >> 16) & 0xf;
+        * while( (chState != 0) && (chState != 9)) {
+        *      chState = (get(AR9170_MAC_REG_MISC_684) >> 16) & 0xf;
+        * }
+        */
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_POWER_STATE_CTRL, val);
+       delay(2);
+       /* Restore aggregation parameters */
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_AMPDU_FACTOR, agg_wait_counter);
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_AMPDU_DENSITY, agg_density);
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_ADDR, bcn_start_addr);
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_MODE, cam_mode);
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_ROLL_CALL_TBL_L, rctl);
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_ROLL_CALL_TBL_H, rcth);
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_RTS_CTS_TPC, rts_cts_tpc);
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_ACK_TPC, ack_power);
+       set(AR9170_PHY_REG_SWITCH_CHAIN_2, rx_BB);
+       /*
+        * Manipulate CCA threshold to resume transmission
+        *
+        * set(AR9170_PHY_REG_CCA_THRESHOLD, 0x0);
+        */
+       for (i = 0; i < __AR9170_NUM_TX_QUEUES; i++) {
+               DBG("Q:%d l:%d h:%p t:%p\n", i, queue_len(&fw.wlan.tx_queue[i]),
+                    fw.wlan.tx_queue[i].head, fw.wlan.tx_queue[i].terminator);
+               set_wlan_txq_dma_addr(i, (uint32_t) fw.wlan.tx_queue[i].head);
+               if (!queue_empty(&fw.wlan.tx_queue[i]))
+                       wlan_trigger(BIT(i));
+       }
+       handle_rx();
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_RXQ_ADDR, (uint32_t) fw.wlan.rx_queue.head);
+       wlan_trigger(AR9170_DMA_TRIGGER_RXQ);
+void __cold wlan_timer(void)
+       unsigned int cached_mac_reset;
+       cached_mac_reset = fw.wlan.mac_reset;
+       /* TX Queue Hang check */
+       wlan_check_hang();
+       /* RX Overrun check */
+       wlan_check_rx_overrun();
+       if (unlikely(fw.wlan.mac_reset >= CARL9170_MAC_RESET_RESET)) {
+               wlan_mac_reset();
+               fw.wlan.mac_reset = CARL9170_MAC_RESET_OFF;
+       } else {
+               if (fw.wlan.mac_reset && cached_mac_reset == fw.wlan.mac_reset)
+                       fw.wlan.mac_reset--;
+       }
diff --git a/carlfw/usb/Kconfig b/carlfw/usb/Kconfig
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3d4709c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+menu "USB Firmware Configuration Settings"
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "Basic USB Interface"
+       ---help---
+        Allows the device to be queried about Standard USB 2.0 Device
+        Description Descriptors.
+        Say Y, unless you don't care if lsusb -v fails.
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "USB Interface Setup"
+       ---help---
+        Firmware should initialize the USB chip.
+        Just say Y.
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "USB Upload Stream"
+       ---help---
+        This features allows the USB silicon to combine small, single
+        frames into bigger transfers. This can help to reduce
+        some per-transfer overhead in the application.
+        Say Y, unless you have experienced strange rx corruptions.
+       def_bool n
+       prompt "USB Download Stream"
+       def_bool n
+       prompt "Trigger Watchdog if USB transport died"
+       depends on CARL9170FW_WATCHDOG
+       ---help---
+        The idea is that the firmware constantly monitors if the
+        application answers *firmware ping* requests. If it gets
+        no response the firmware stops.
+config CARL9170FW_DEBUG_USB
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "Pass debug messages through USB transport"
+       ---help---
+        Report all firmware messages through the USB transport.
+        But there is a catch: In case of a BUG, the USB transport
+        needs to be functional, otherwise the application won't
+        receive anything.
+        Say Y.
diff --git a/carlfw/usb/fifo.c b/carlfw/usb/fifo.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..24d2515
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005  ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright   2009    Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "printf.h"
+#include "rom.h"
+#include "usb_fifo.h"
+/* TODO / TOTEST */
+static inline void usb_ep_map(const uint8_t ep, const uint8_t map)
+       setb(AR9170_USB_REG_EP_MAP + (ep - 1), map);
+static inline void usb_fifo_map(const uint8_t fifo, const uint8_t map)
+       setb(AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO_MAP + (fifo - 1), map);
+static inline void usb_fifo_config(const uint8_t fifo, const uint8_t cfg)
+       setb(AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO_CONFIG + (fifo - 1), cfg);
+static inline void usb_ep_packet_size_hi(const uint8_t ep, const uint8_t dir,
+                            const uint16_t size)
+       setb(AR9170_USB_REG_EP_IN_MAX_SIZE_HIGH + (((dir * 0x20) + ep) << 1),
+            (size >> 8) & 0xf);
+static inline void usb_ep_packet_size_lo(const uint8_t ep, const uint8_t dir,
+                           const uint16_t size)
+       setb(AR9170_USB_REG_EP_IN_MAX_SIZE_LOW + (((dir * 0x20) + ep) << 1),
+            size & 0xff);
+static void usb_ep_in_highbandset(const uint8_t ep, const uint8_t dir,
+                               const uint16_t size)
+       andb(AR9170_USB_REG_EP_IN_MAX_SIZE_HIGH + (ep << 1), ~(BIT(6) | BIT(5)));
+       switch (dir) {
+       case DIRECTION_IN:
+               setb(AR9170_USB_REG_EP_IN_MAX_SIZE_HIGH + (ep << 1),
+                    ((size >> 11) + 1) << 5);
+               break;
+       case DIRECTION_OUT:
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+ *      vUsbFIFO_EPxCfg_HS(void)
+ *      Description:
+ *          1. Configure the FIFO and EPx map
+ *      input: none
+ *      output: none
+ */
+void usb_init_highspeed_fifo_cfg(void)
+       int i;
+       /* EP 1 */
+       usb_ep_map(1, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_map(HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_config(HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_CONFIG);
+       for (i = HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START + 1;
+            i < HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START + HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_NO; i++) {
+               usb_fifo_config(i, (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_CONFIG & (~BIT(7))));
+       }
+       usb_ep_packet_size_hi(1, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_DIRECTION, (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_packet_size_lo(1, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_DIRECTION, (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_in_highbandset(1, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_DIRECTION, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_MAX_PACKET);
+       /* EP 2 */
+       usb_ep_map(2, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_map(HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_START, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_config(HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_START, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_CONFIG);
+       for (i = HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_START + 1;
+            i < HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_START + HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_NO; i++) {
+               usb_fifo_config(i, (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_CONFIG & (~BIT(7))));
+       }
+       usb_ep_packet_size_hi(2, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_DIRECTION, (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_packet_size_lo(2, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_DIRECTION, (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_in_highbandset(2, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_DIRECTION, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_MAX_PACKET);
+       /* EP 3 */
+       usb_ep_map(3, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_map(HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_config(HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_CONFIG);
+       for (i = HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START + 1;
+            i < HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START + HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_NO; i++) {
+               usb_fifo_config(i, (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_CONFIG & (~BIT(7))));
+       }
+       usb_ep_packet_size_hi(3, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_DIRECTION, (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_packet_size_lo(3, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_DIRECTION, (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_in_highbandset(3, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_DIRECTION, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_MAX_PACKET);
+       /* EP 4 */
+       usb_ep_map(4, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_map(HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_START, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_config(HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_START, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_CONFIG);
+       for (i = HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_START + 1;
+            i < HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_START + HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_NO; i++) {
+               usb_fifo_config(i, (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_CONFIG & (~BIT(7))));
+       }
+       usb_ep_packet_size_hi(4, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_DIRECTION, (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_packet_size_lo(4, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_DIRECTION, (HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_in_highbandset(4, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_DIRECTION, HS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_MAX_PACKET);
+void usb_init_fullspeed_fifo_cfg(void)
+       int i;
+       /* EP 1 */
+       usb_ep_map(1, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_map(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_config(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_CONFIG);
+       for (i = FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START + 1;
+            i < FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_START + FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_NO; i++) {
+               usb_fifo_config(i, (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_FIFO_CONFIG & (~BIT(7))));
+       }
+       usb_ep_packet_size_hi(1, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_DIRECTION, (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_packet_size_lo(1, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_DIRECTION, (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       /* ``.JWEI 2003/04/29 */
+       usb_ep_in_highbandset(1, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_DIRECTION, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP1_MAX_PACKET);
+       /* EP 2 */
+       usb_ep_map(2, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_map(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_START, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_config(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_START, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_CONFIG);
+       for (i = FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_START + 1;
+            i < FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_START + FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_NO; i++) {
+               usb_fifo_config(i, (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_FIFO_CONFIG & (~BIT(7))));
+       }
+       usb_ep_packet_size_hi(2, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_DIRECTION, (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_packet_size_lo(2, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_DIRECTION, (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_in_highbandset(2, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_DIRECTION, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP2_MAX_PACKET);
+       /* EP 3 */
+       usb_ep_map(3, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_map(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_config(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_CONFIG);
+       for (i = FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START + 1;
+            i < FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_START + FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_NO; i++) {
+               usb_fifo_config(i, (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_FIFO_CONFIG & (~BIT(7))));
+       }
+       usb_ep_packet_size_hi(3, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_DIRECTION, (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_packet_size_lo(3, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_DIRECTION, (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_in_highbandset(3, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_DIRECTION, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP3_MAX_PACKET);
+       /* EP 4 */
+       usb_ep_map(4, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_map(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_START, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_MAP);
+       usb_fifo_config(FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_START, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_CONFIG);
+       for (i = FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_START + 1;
+            i < FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_START + FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_NO; i++) {
+               usb_fifo_config(i, (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_FIFO_CONFIG & (~BIT(7))));
+       }
+       usb_ep_packet_size_hi(4, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_DIRECTION, (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_packet_size_lo(4, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_DIRECTION, (FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_MAX_PACKET & 0x7ff));
+       usb_ep_in_highbandset(4, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_DIRECTION, FS_C1_I0_A0_EP4_MAX_PACKET);
diff --git a/carlfw/usb/main.c b/carlfw/usb/main.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f32efc2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright   2009    Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "hostif.h"
+#include "printf.h"
+#include "timer.h"
+#include "rom.h"
+#include "gpio.h"
+#include "shared/phy.h"
+void usb_putc(const char c)
+       fw.usb.put_buffer[fw.usb.put_index++] = (uint8_t) c;
+       if (fw.usb.put_index == CARL9170_MAX_CMD_PAYLOAD_LEN || c == '\0') {
+               fw.usb.put_buffer[fw.usb.put_index] = 0;
+               send_cmd_to_host(__roundup(fw.usb.put_index, 4),
+                                CARL9170_RSP_TEXT, fw.usb.put_index,
+                                fw.usb.put_buffer);
+               fw.usb.put_index = 0;
+       }
+void usb_print_hex_dump(const void *buf, int len)
+       unsigned int offset = 0, block = 0;
+       while (len > 0) {
+               block = min(__roundup(len, 4), CARL9170_MAX_CMD_PAYLOAD_LEN);
+               send_cmd_to_host(block, CARL9170_RSP_HEXDUMP, len,
+                                (const uint8_t *) buf + offset);
+               offset += block;
+               len -= block;
+       }
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG_USB */
+/* grab a buffer from the interrupt in queue ring-buffer */
+static struct carl9170_rsp *get_int_buf(void)
+       struct carl9170_rsp *tmp;
+       tmp = &fw.usb.int_buf[fw.usb.int_tail_index++];
+       fw.usb.int_tail_index %= CARL9170_INT_RQ_CACHES;
+       if (fw.usb.int_pending != CARL9170_INT_RQ_CACHES)
+               fw.usb.int_pending++;
+       return tmp;
+/* Pop up data from Interrupt IN Queue to USB Response buffer */
+static struct carl9170_rsp *dequeue_int_buf(unsigned int space)
+       struct carl9170_rsp *tmp = NULL;
+       if (fw.usb.int_pending > 0) {
+               tmp = &fw.usb.int_buf[fw.usb.int_head_index];
+               if ((unsigned int)(tmp->hdr.len + 8) > space)
+                       return NULL;
+               fw.usb.int_head_index++;
+               fw.usb.int_head_index %= CARL9170_INT_RQ_CACHES;
+               fw.usb.int_pending--;
+       }
+       return tmp;
+static void usb_data_in(void)
+static void usb_reg_out(void)
+       uint32_t *regaddr = (uint32_t *) &dma_mem.reserved.cmd;
+       uint16_t usbfifolen, i;
+       usb_reset_out();
+       usbfifolen = getb(AR9170_USB_REG_EP4_BYTE_COUNT_LOW) |
+                    getb(AR9170_USB_REG_EP4_BYTE_COUNT_HIGH) << 8;
+       if (usbfifolen & 0x3)
+               usbfifolen = (usbfifolen >> 2) + 1;
+       else
+               usbfifolen = usbfifolen >> 2;
+       for (i = 0; i < usbfifolen; i++)
+               *regaddr++ = get(AR9170_USB_REG_EP4_DATA);
+       handle_cmd(get_int_buf());
+       usb_trigger_in();
+static void usb_status_in(void)
+       struct carl9170_rsp *rsp;
+       unsigned int rem, tlen, elen;
+       if (!fw.usb.int_desc_available)
+               return ;
+       fw.usb.int_desc_available = 0;
+       rem = AR9170_BLOCK_SIZE - AR9170_INT_MAGIC_HEADER_SIZE;
+       tlen = AR9170_INT_MAGIC_HEADER_SIZE;
+       usb_reset_in();
+       while (fw.usb.int_pending) {
+               rsp = dequeue_int_buf(rem);
+               if (!rsp)
+                       break;
+               elen = rsp->hdr.len + 4;
+               memcpy(DESC_PAYLOAD_OFF(fw.usb.int_desc, tlen), rsp, elen);
+               rem -= elen;
+               tlen += elen;
+       }
+       if (tlen == AR9170_INT_MAGIC_HEADER_SIZE) {
+               DBG("attempted to send an empty int response!\n");
+               goto reclaim;
+       }
+       fw.usb.int_desc->totalLen = tlen;
+       fw.usb.int_desc->dataSize = tlen;
+       /* Put to UpQ */
+       dma_put(&fw.pta.up_queue, fw.usb.int_desc);
+       /* Trigger PTA UP DMA */
+       set(AR9170_PTA_REG_UP_DMA_TRIGGER, 1);
+       usb_trigger_out();
+       return ;
+       /* TODO: not sure what to do here */
+       fw.usb.int_desc_available = 1;
+void send_cmd_to_host(const uint8_t len, const uint8_t type,
+                     const uint8_t ext, const uint8_t *body)
+       struct carl9170_cmd *resp;
+       if (unlikely(len > sizeof(resp->data))) {
+               DBG("CMD too long:%x %d\n", type, len);
+               return ;
+       }
+       /* Element length must be a multiple of 4. */
+       if (unlikely(len & 0x3)) {
+               DBG("CMD length not mult. of 4:%x %d\n", type, len);
+               return ;
+       }
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARL9170FW_DEBUG */
+       resp = (struct carl9170_cmd *) get_int_buf();
+       if (unlikely(resp == NULL)) {
+               /* not very helpful for NON UART users */
+               DBG("out of msg buffers\n");
+               return ;
+       }
+       resp->hdr.len = len;
+       resp->hdr.cmd = type;
+       resp->hdr.ext = ext;
+       memcpy(resp->data, body, len);
+       usb_trigger_in();
+/* Reset all the USB FIFO used for WLAN */
+static void usb_reset_FIFO(void)
+       uint32_t val;
+       /*
+        * of course,
+        * simpley ORing AR9170_MAC_POWER_STATE_CTRL_RESET
+        * would be... I dunno, maybe: just to simple?
+        */
+       val = get(AR9170_MAC_REG_POWER_STATE_CTRL);
+       val |= AR9170_MAC_POWER_STATE_CTRL_RESET;
+       set(AR9170_MAC_REG_POWER_STATE_CTRL, val);
+       /* Reset USB FIFO */
+       set(AR9170_PWR_REG_ADDA_BB, 0x0);
+/* Turn off ADDA/RF power, PLL */
+static void turn_power_off(void)
+       set(AR9170_PHY_REG_ACTIVE, AR9170_PHY_ACTIVE_DIS);
+       set(AR9170_PHY_REG_ADC_CTL, 0xa0000000 |
+       set(AR9170_GPIO_REG_PORT_DATA, 0);
+       set(AR9170_GPIO_REG_PORT_TYPE, 0xf);
+       set(AR9170_PWR_REG_BASE, 0x40021);
+       set(AR9170_PWR_REG_ADDA_BB, 0);
+       clock_set(false, AHB_20_22MHZ);
+       set(AR9170_PWR_REG_PLL_ADDAC, 0x5163);  /* 0x502b; */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 7-0 */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 15-8 */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 23-16 */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 31- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 39- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 47- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 55- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0xf8);    /* 63- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x27);    /* 0x24;        71-     modified */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0xf9);    /* 79- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x90);    /* 87- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x04);    /* 95- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x48);    /* 103- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x19);    /* 0;           111-    modified */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 119- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 127- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 135- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 143- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 151- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x70);    /* 159- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0x0c);    /* 167- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 175- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 183-176 */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 191-184 */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 199- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 207- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 215- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 223- */
+       set(0x1c589c, 0);       /* 231- */
+       set(0x1c58c4, 0);       /* 233- 232 */
+void __attribute__((noreturn)) reboot(void)
+       /* turn off leds */
+       led_set(0);
+       /* write watchdog magic pattern for suspend  */
+       andl(AR9170_PWR_REG_WATCH_DOG_MAGIC, 0xffff);
+       orl(AR9170_PWR_REG_WATCH_DOG_MAGIC, 0x98760000);
+       /* Disable watchdog */
+       orl(AR9170_TIMER_REG_WATCH_DOG, 0xffff);
+       /* Reset USB FIFO */
+       usb_reset_FIFO();
+       /* Turn off power */
+       turn_power_off();
+       /* add by ygwei for work around USB PHY chirp sequence problem */
+       set(0x10f100, 0x12345678);
+       /* Jump to boot code */
+       jump_to_bootcode();
+/* service USB events and re-enable USB interrupt */
+static void usb_handler(uint8_t usb_interrupt_level1)
+       uint8_t usb_interrupt_level2;
+       if (usb_interrupt_level1 & BIT(5))
+               usb_data_in();
+       if (usb_interrupt_level1 & BIT(4))
+               usb_reg_out();
+       if (usb_interrupt_level1 & BIT(6))
+               usb_status_in();
+       if (usb_interrupt_level1 & BIT(0)) {
+               usb_interrupt_level2 = getb(AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_0);
+               if (usb_interrupt_level2 & BIT(0))
+                       usb_ep0setup();
+               if (usb_interrupt_level2 & BIT(1))
+                       usb_ep0tx();
+               if (usb_interrupt_level2 & BIT(2))
+                       usb_ep0rx();
+               if (usb_interrupt_level2 & BIT(7)) {
+                       /* Clear the command abort interrupt */
+                       andb(AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_0, 0x7f);
+               }
+               if (usb_interrupt_level2 & BIT(3) ||
+                   fw.usb.ep0_action & CARL9170_EP0_STALL) {
+                       /*
+                        * transmission failure.
+                        * stall ep 0
+                        */
+                       setb(AR9170_USB_REG_CX_CONFIG_STATUS, BIT(2));
+                       fw.usb.ep0_action &= ~CARL9170_EP0_STALL;
+               }
+               if (usb_interrupt_level2 & BIT(4) ||
+                   fw.usb.ep0_action & CARL9170_EP0_TRIGGER) {
+                       /*
+                        * transmission done.
+                        * set DONE bit.
+                        */
+                       setb(AR9170_USB_REG_CX_CONFIG_STATUS, BIT(0));
+                       fw.usb.ep0_action &= ~CARL9170_EP0_TRIGGER;
+               }
+       }
+       if (usb_interrupt_level1 & BIT(7)) {
+               usb_interrupt_level2 = getb(AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_7);
+               if (usb_interrupt_level2 & BIT(7))
+                       usb_data_out0Byte();
+               if (usb_interrupt_level2 & BIT(6))
+                       usb_data_in0Byte();
+               if (usb_interrupt_level2 & BIT(1)) {
+                       usb_reset_ack();
+                       reboot();
+               }
+               if (usb_interrupt_level2 & BIT(2)) {
+                       /* ACK USB suspend interrupt */
+                       usb_suspend_ack();
+                       /* Set GO_TO_SUSPEND bit to USB main control register */
+                       setb(AR9170_USB_REG_MAIN_CTRL, BIT(3));
+                       /* add by ygwei for work around USB PHY chirp sequence problem */
+                       set(0x10f100, 0x12345678);
+                       reboot();
+               }
+               if (usb_interrupt_level2 & BIT(3))
+                       usb_resume_ack();
+       }
+void handle_usb(void)
+       uint8_t usb_interrupt_level1;
+       usb_interrupt_level1 = getb(AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_GROUP);
+       if (usb_interrupt_level1)
+               usb_handler(usb_interrupt_level1);
+       if (fw.usb.int_pending > 0)
+               usb_trigger_in();
+void usb_watchdog_timer(void)
+       if (fw.usb.watchdog.state == cpu_to_le32(CARL9170_USB_WATCHDOG_INACTIVE))
+               return;
+       fw.usb.watchdog.state++;
+       if (le32_to_cpu(fw.usb.watchdog.state) >= CARL9170_USB_WATCHDOG_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD) {
+               for (;;) {
+                       /*
+                        * Simply wait until the HW watchdog
+                        * timer has elapsed.
+                        */
+               }
+       }
+       send_cmd_to_host(sizeof(fw.usb.watchdog), CARL9170_RSP_USB_WD,
+                        0x80, (uint8_t *) &fw.usb.watchdog);
diff --git a/carlfw/usb/usb.c b/carlfw/usb/usb.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..49852fb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+ * carl9170 firmware - used by the ar9170 wireless device
+ *
+ * USB Controller
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005  ZyDAS Technology Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ * Copyright   2009    Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright   2009    Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "carl9170.h"
+#include "usb.h"
+#include "printf.h"
+#include "rom.h"
+ * NB: The firmware has to write into these structures
+ * so don't try to make them "const".
+ */
+static struct ar9170_usb_config usb_config_highspeed = {
+       .cfg = {
+               .bLength = USB_DT_CONFIG_SIZE,
+               .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_CONFIG,
+               .wTotalLength = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(usb_config_highspeed)),
+               .bNumInterfaces = 1,
+               .bConfigurationValue = 1,
+               .iConfiguration = 0,
+               .bmAttributes = USB_CONFIG_ATT_ONE,
+               .bMaxPower = 0xfa, /* 500 mA */
+       },
+       .intf = {
+               .bLength = USB_DT_INTERFACE_SIZE,
+               .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTERFACE,
+               .bInterfaceNumber = 0,
+               .bAlternateSetting = 0,
+               .bNumEndpoints = AR9170_USB_NUM_EXTRA_EP,
+               .bInterfaceClass = USB_CLASS_VENDOR_SPEC,
+               .bInterfaceSubClass = USB_SUBCLASS_VENDOR_SPEC,
+               .bInterfaceProtocol = 0,
+               .iInterface = 0,
+       },
+       .ep = {
+               {       /* EP 1 */
+                       .bLength = USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE,
+                       .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT,
+                       .bEndpointAddress = USB_DIR_OUT | AR9170_USB_EP_TX,
+                       .bmAttributes = USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK,
+                       .wMaxPacketSize = cpu_to_le16(512),
+                       .bInterval = 0,
+               },
+               {       /* EP 2 */
+                       .bLength = USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE,
+                       .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT,
+                       .bEndpointAddress = USB_DIR_IN | AR9170_USB_EP_RX,
+                       .bmAttributes = USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK,
+                       .wMaxPacketSize = cpu_to_le16(512),
+                       .bInterval = 0,
+               },
+               {       /* EP 3 */
+                       .bLength = USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE,
+                       .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT,
+                       .bEndpointAddress = USB_DIR_IN | AR9170_USB_EP_IRQ,
+                       .bmAttributes = USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT,
+                       .wMaxPacketSize = cpu_to_le16(64),
+                       .bInterval = 1,
+               },
+               {       /* EP 4 */
+                       .bLength = USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE,
+                       .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT,
+                       .bEndpointAddress = USB_DIR_OUT | AR9170_USB_EP_CMD,
+                       .bmAttributes = USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT,
+                       .wMaxPacketSize = cpu_to_le16(64),
+                       .bInterval = 1,
+               },
+       },
+static struct ar9170_usb_config usb_config_fullspeed = {
+       .cfg = {
+               .bLength = USB_DT_CONFIG_SIZE,
+               .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_CONFIG,
+               .wTotalLength = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(usb_config_fullspeed)),
+               .bNumInterfaces = 1,
+               .bConfigurationValue = 1,
+               .iConfiguration = 0,
+               .bmAttributes = USB_CONFIG_ATT_ONE,
+               .bMaxPower = 0xfa, /* 500 mA */
+       },
+       .intf = {
+               .bLength = USB_DT_INTERFACE_SIZE,
+               .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTERFACE,
+               .bInterfaceNumber = 0,
+               .bAlternateSetting = 0,
+               .bNumEndpoints = AR9170_USB_NUM_EXTRA_EP,
+               .bInterfaceClass = USB_CLASS_VENDOR_SPEC,
+               .bInterfaceSubClass = USB_SUBCLASS_VENDOR_SPEC,
+               .bInterfaceProtocol = 0,
+               .iInterface = 0,
+       },
+       .ep = {
+               {       /* EP 1 */
+                       .bLength = USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE,
+                       .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT,
+                       .bEndpointAddress = USB_DIR_OUT | AR9170_USB_EP_TX,
+                       .bmAttributes = USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK,
+                       .wMaxPacketSize = cpu_to_le16(64),
+                       .bInterval = 0,
+               },
+               {       /* EP 2 */
+                       .bLength = USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE,
+                       .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT,
+                       .bEndpointAddress = USB_DIR_IN | AR9170_USB_EP_RX,
+                       .bmAttributes = USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK,
+                       .wMaxPacketSize = cpu_to_le16(64),
+                       .bInterval = 0,
+               },
+               {       /* EP 3 */
+                       .bLength = USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE,
+                       .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT,
+                       .bEndpointAddress = USB_DIR_IN | AR9170_USB_EP_IRQ,
+                       .bmAttributes = USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT,
+                       .wMaxPacketSize = cpu_to_le16(64),
+                       .bInterval = 1,
+               },
+               {       /* EP 4 */
+                       .bLength = USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE,
+                       .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT,
+                       .bEndpointAddress = USB_DIR_OUT | AR9170_USB_EP_CMD,
+                       .bmAttributes = USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT,
+                       .wMaxPacketSize = cpu_to_le16(64),
+                       .bInterval = 1,
+               },
+       },
+static void usb_reset_eps(void)
+       unsigned int i;
+       /* clear all EPs' toggle bit */
+       for (i = 1; i < __AR9170_USB_NUM_MAX_EP; i++) {
+               usb_set_input_ep_toggle(i);
+               usb_clear_input_ep_toggle(i);
+       }
+       /*
+        * NB: I've no idea why this cannot be integrated into the
+        * previous loop?
+        */
+       for (i = 1; i < __AR9170_USB_NUM_MAX_EP; i++) {
+               usb_set_output_ep_toggle(i);
+               usb_clear_output_ep_toggle(i);
+       }
+static void usb_pta_init(void)
+       /* Set PTA mode to USB */
+       andl(AR9170_PTA_REG_DMA_MODE_CTRL,
+               ~AR9170_PTA_DMA_MODE_CTRL_DISABLE_USB);
+       /* Do a software reset to PTA component */
+       if (usb_detect_highspeed()) {
+               fw.usb.os_cfg_desc = &usb_config_fullspeed;
+               fw.usb.cfg_desc = &usb_config_highspeed;
+               /* 512 Byte DMA transfers */
+               orl(AR9170_USB_REG_DMA_CTL, AR9170_DMA_CTL_HIGH_SPEED);
+       } else {
+               fw.usb.cfg_desc = &usb_config_fullspeed;
+               fw.usb.os_cfg_desc = &usb_config_highspeed;
+       }
+       /* Enable upload stream mode */
+       andl(AR9170_USB_REG_DMA_CTL, ~AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_PACKET_MODE);
+       /* reset maximum transfer size */
+       andl(AR9170_USB_REG_DMA_CTL, ~(AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_MASK));
+# if (CONFIG_CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN == 4096)
+       orl(AR9170_USB_REG_DMA_CTL, AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_4K);
+# elif (CONFIG_CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN == 8192)
+       orl(AR9170_USB_REG_DMA_CTL, AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_8K);
+# elif (CONFIG_CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN == 16384)
+       orl(AR9170_USB_REG_DMA_CTL, AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_16K);
+# elif (CONFIG_CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN == 32768)
+       orl(AR9170_USB_REG_DMA_CTL, AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_32K);
+# else
+#      error "Invalid AR9170_RX_FRAME_LEN setting"
+# endif
+       /* Enable down stream mode */
+       orl(AR9170_USB_REG_DMA_CTL, AR9170_DMA_CTL_DOWN_STREAM);
+       /* Enable up stream and down stream */
+       /* Set the up stream mode maximum aggregate number */
+       set(AR9170_USB_REG_MAX_AGG_UPLOAD, 4);
+       /*
+        * Set the up stream mode timeout value.
+        * NB: The vendor driver (otus) set 0x80?
+        */
+       set(AR9170_USB_REG_UPLOAD_TIME_CTL, 0x80);
+void usb_init(void)
+       usb_pta_init();
+       fw.usb.config = 1;
+       /*
+        * The fw structure is always initialized with "0"
+        * during boot(); No need to waste precious bytes here.
+        *
+        * fw.usb.interface_setting = 0;
+        * fw.usb.alternate_interface_setting = 0;
+        */
+#define GET_ARRAY(a, o)        ((uint32_t *) (((unsigned long) data) + offset))
+static void usb_ep0rx_data(const void *data, const unsigned int len)
+       unsigned int offset;
+       uint32_t value;
+       BUG_ON(len > AR9170_USB_EP_CTRL_MAX);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(len > AR9170_USB_EP_CTRL_MAX);
+       for (offset = 0; offset < ((len + 3) & ~3); offset += 4) {
+               value = get(AR9170_USB_REG_EP0_DATA);
+               memcpy(GET_ARRAY(data, offset), &value,
+                      min(len - offset, (unsigned int)4));
+       }
+static int usb_ep0tx_data(const void *data, const unsigned int len)
+       unsigned int offset = 0, block, last_block = 0;
+       uint32_t value;
+       BUG_ON(len > AR9170_USB_EP_CTRL_MAX);
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(len > AR9170_USB_EP_CTRL_MAX);
+       block = min(len, (unsigned int) 4);
+       offset = 0;
+       while (offset < len) {
+               if (last_block != block || block < 4)
+                       setb(AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO_SIZE, (1 << block) - 1);
+               memcpy(&value, GET_ARRAY(data, offset), block);
+               set(AR9170_USB_REG_EP0_DATA, value);
+               offset += block;
+               last_block = block = min(len - offset, (unsigned int) 4);
+       }
+       setb(AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO_SIZE, 0xf);
+       /* this will push the data to the host */
+       return 1;
+#undef GET_ARRAY
+static int usb_get_status(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl)
+       __le16 status = cpu_to_le16(0);
+       if ((ctrl->bRequestType & USB_DIR_MASK) != USB_DIR_IN)
+               return -1;
+       switch (ctrl->bRequestType & USB_RECIP_MASK) {
+       case USB_RECIP_DEVICE:
+               status &= cpu_to_le16(~USB_DEVICE_SELF_POWERED);
+               status &= cpu_to_le16(~USB_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP);
+               break;
+               /* USB spec: This is reserved for future use. */
+               status = cpu_to_le16(0);
+               break;
+       case USB_RECIP_ENDPOINT:
+       case USB_RECIP_OTHER:
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       return usb_ep0tx_data((const void *) &status, sizeof(status));
+static int usb_get_string_desc(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl)
+       const struct usb_string_descriptor *string_desc = NULL;
+       switch (le16_to_cpu(ctrl->wValue) & 0xff) {
+       case 0x00:
+               string_desc = (const struct usb_string_descriptor *)
+                       rom.hw.usb.string0_desc;
+               break;
+       case 0x10:
+               string_desc = (const struct usb_string_descriptor *)
+                       rom.hw.usb.string1_desc;
+               break;
+       case 0x20:
+               string_desc = (const struct usb_string_descriptor *)
+                       rom.hw.usb.string2_desc;
+               break;
+       case 0x30:
+               string_desc = (const struct usb_string_descriptor *)
+                       rom.hw.usb.string3_desc;
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       if (string_desc)
+               return usb_ep0tx_data(string_desc, string_desc->bLength);
+       return -1;
+static int usb_get_device_desc(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl __unused)
+       return usb_ep0tx_data(&rom.hw.usb.device_desc,
+                             rom.hw.usb.device_desc.bLength);
+static int usb_get_config_desc(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl __unused)
+       fw.usb.cfg_desc->cfg.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_CONFIG;
+       return usb_ep0tx_data(fw.usb.cfg_desc,
+               le16_to_cpu(fw.usb.cfg_desc->cfg.wTotalLength));
+static int usb_get_otherspeed_desc(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl __unused)
+       fw.usb.os_cfg_desc->cfg.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_OTHER_SPEED_CONFIG;
+       return usb_ep0tx_data(fw.usb.os_cfg_desc,
+               le16_to_cpu(fw.usb.os_cfg_desc->cfg.wTotalLength));
+static int usb_get_qualifier_desc(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl __unused)
+       struct usb_qualifier_descriptor qual;
+       /*
+        * The qualifier descriptor shares some structural details
+        * with the main device descriptor.
+        */
+       memcpy(&qual, &rom.hw.usb.device_desc, sizeof(qual));
+       /* (Re)-Initialize fields */
+       qual.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_DEVICE_QUALIFIER;
+       qual.bLength = sizeof(qual);
+       qual.bNumConfigurations = rom.hw.usb.device_desc.bNumConfigurations;
+       qual.bRESERVED = 0;
+       return usb_ep0tx_data(&qual, qual.bLength);
+#define USB_CHECK_REQTYPE(ctrl, recip, dir)                    \
+       (((ctrl->bRequestType & USB_RECIP_MASK) != recip) ||    \
+        ((ctrl->bRequestType & USB_DIR_MASK) != dir))
+static int usb_get_descriptor(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl)
+       int status = -1;
+               return status;
+       switch (le16_to_cpu(ctrl->wValue) >> 8) {
+       case USB_DT_DEVICE:
+               status = usb_get_device_desc(ctrl);
+               break;
+       case USB_DT_CONFIG:
+               status = usb_get_config_desc(ctrl);
+               break;
+       case USB_DT_STRING:
+               status = usb_get_string_desc(ctrl);
+               break;
+       case USB_DT_INTERFACE:
+               break;
+       case USB_DT_ENDPOINT:
+               break;
+               status = usb_get_qualifier_desc(ctrl);
+               break;
+               status = usb_get_otherspeed_desc(ctrl);
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       return status;
+static int usb_get_configuration(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl)
+               return -1;
+       return usb_ep0tx_data(&fw.usb.config, 1);
+static int usb_set_configuration(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl)
+       unsigned int config;
+               return -1;
+       config = le16_to_cpu(ctrl->wValue);
+       switch (config) {
+       case 0:
+               /* Disable Device */
+               andb(AR9170_USB_REG_DEVICE_ADDRESS,
+                     (uint8_t) ~(AR9170_USB_DEVICE_ADDRESS_CONFIGURE));
+       case 1:
+               fw.usb.config = config;
+               if (usb_detect_highspeed()) {
+                       /* High Speed Configuration */
+                       usb_init_highspeed_fifo_cfg();
+               } else {
+                       /* Full Speed Configuration */
+                       usb_init_fullspeed_fifo_cfg();
+               }
+               break;
+       default:
+               return -1;
+       }
+       /* usb_pta_init() ? */
+       usb_reset_eps();
+       orb(AR9170_USB_REG_DEVICE_ADDRESS,
+       usb_enable_global_int();
+       usb_trigger_out();
+       return 1;
+       default:
+               return -1;
+       }
+static int usb_set_address(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl)
+       unsigned int address;
+               return -1;
+       address = le16_to_cpu(ctrl->wValue);
+       /*
+        * The original firmware used 0x100 (which is, of course,
+        * too big to fit into uint8_t).
+        * However based on the available information (hw.h), BIT(7)
+        * is used as some sort of flag and should not be
+        * part of the device address.
+        */
+       if (address >= BIT(7))
+               return -1;
+       setb(AR9170_USB_REG_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t) address);
+       return 1;
+static int usb_get_interface(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl)
+               return -1;
+       if (usb_configured() == false)
+               return -1;
+       switch (fw.usb.config) {
+       case 1:
+               break;
+       default:
+               return -1;
+       }
+       return usb_ep0tx_data(&fw.usb.alternate_interface_setting, 1);
+static int usb_set_interface(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl)
+       unsigned int intf, alt_intf;
+               return -1;
+       if (usb_configured() == false)
+               return -1;
+       intf = le16_to_cpu(ctrl->wIndex);
+       alt_intf = le16_to_cpu(ctrl->wValue);
+       switch (intf) {
+       case 0:
+               if (alt_intf != fw.usb.cfg_desc->intf.bAlternateSetting)
+                       return -1;
+               fw.usb.interface_setting = (uint8_t) intf;
+               fw.usb.alternate_interface_setting = (uint8_t) alt_intf;
+               if (usb_detect_highspeed())
+                       usb_init_highspeed_fifo_cfg();
+               else
+                       usb_init_fullspeed_fifo_cfg();
+               usb_reset_eps();
+               usb_enable_global_int();
+               usb_trigger_out();
+               return 1;
+       default:
+               return -1;
+       }
+static int usb_standard_command(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl __unused)
+       int status = -1;
+       switch (ctrl->bRequest) {
+       case USB_REQ_GET_STATUS:
+               status = usb_get_status(ctrl);
+               break;
+               break;
+       case USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE:
+               break;
+       case USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS:
+               status = usb_set_address(ctrl);
+               break;
+               status = usb_get_descriptor(ctrl);
+               break;
+               break;
+               status = usb_get_configuration(ctrl);
+               break;
+               status = usb_set_configuration(ctrl);
+               break;
+               status = usb_get_interface(ctrl);
+               break;
+               status = usb_set_interface(ctrl);
+               break;
+       case USB_REQ_SYNCH_FRAME:
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       return status;
+static int usb_class_command(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl __unused)
+       return -1;
+static int usb_vendor_command(const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl __unused)
+       /*
+        * Note: Firmware upload/boot is not implemented.
+        * It's impossible to replace the current image
+        * in place.
+        */
+       return -1;
+void usb_ep0setup(void)
+       struct usb_ctrlrequest ctrl;
+       int status = -1;
+       usb_ep0rx_data(&ctrl, sizeof(ctrl));
+       switch (ctrl.bRequestType & USB_TYPE_MASK) {
+       case USB_TYPE_STANDARD:
+               status = usb_standard_command(&ctrl);
+               break;
+       case USB_TYPE_CLASS:
+               status = usb_class_command(&ctrl);
+               break;
+       case USB_TYPE_VENDOR:
+               status = usb_vendor_command(&ctrl);
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       if (status < 0)
+               fw.usb.ep0_action |= CARL9170_EP0_STALL;
+       if (status > 0)
+               fw.usb.ep0_action |= CARL9170_EP0_TRIGGER;
+void usb_ep0rx(void)
+       if (BUG_ON(!fw.usb.ep0_txrx_buffer || !fw.usb.ep0_txrx_len))
+               return ;
+       usb_ep0rx_data(fw.usb.ep0_txrx_buffer, fw.usb.ep0_txrx_len);
+       fw.usb.ep0_txrx_pos = fw.usb.ep0_txrx_len;
+void usb_ep0tx(void)
+       if (BUG_ON(!fw.usb.ep0_txrx_buffer || !fw.usb.ep0_txrx_len))
+               return ;
+       usb_ep0tx_data(fw.usb.ep0_txrx_buffer, fw.usb.ep0_txrx_len);
+       fw.usb.ep0_txrx_pos = fw.usb.ep0_txrx_len;
diff --git a/config/.gitignore b/config/.gitignore
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a7ecde7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/config/Makefile b/config/Makefile
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c76a975
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# ===========================================================================
+# carl9170 configuration targets
+# These targets are used from top-level makefile
+PHONY += config
+config: conf
+# ===========================================================================
+# Shared Makefile for the various kconfig executables:
+       @rm -f *.o lex.zconf.c zconf.hash.c lex.backup conf
+# generated files seem to need this to find local include files
+ lex.zconf.c zconf.hash.c
+ zconf.y
+lex.zconf.c: zconf.l
+zconf.hash.c: zconf.gperf
+ %.y
+       bison -l -b $* -p $(notdir $*) $<
+lex.%.c: %.l
+       flex -L -P$(notdir $*) -o$@ $<
+%.hash.c: %.gperf
+       gperf < $< > $@
+%.o: %.c
+       gcc $(CFLAGS) -I./ -c $< -o $@
+conf: conf.o
diff --git a/config/conf.c b/config/conf.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..38a610b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Roman Zippel <>
+ * Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
+ */
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include "lkc.h"
+static void conf(struct menu *menu);
+static void check_conf(struct menu *menu);
+enum {
+       ask_all,
+       ask_new,
+       ask_silent,
+       set_default,
+       set_yes,
+       set_mod,
+       set_no,
+       set_random
+} input_mode = ask_all;
+char *defconfig_file;
+static int indent = 1;
+static int valid_stdin = 1;
+static int conf_cnt;
+static char line[128];
+static struct menu *rootEntry;
+static void print_help(struct menu *menu)
+       struct gstr help = str_new();
+       menu_get_ext_help(menu, &help);
+       printf("\n%s\n", str_get(&help));
+       str_free(&help);
+static void strip(char *str)
+       char *p = str;
+       int l;
+       while ((isspace(*p)))
+               p++;
+       l = strlen(p);
+       if (p != str)
+               memmove(str, p, l + 1);
+       if (!l)
+               return;
+       p = str + l - 1;
+       while ((isspace(*p)))
+               *p-- = 0;
+static void check_stdin(void)
+       if (!valid_stdin) {
+               printf(_("aborted!\n\n"));
+               printf(_("Console input/output is redirected. "));
+               printf(_("Run 'make config' to update configuration.\n\n"));
+               exit(1);
+       }
+static int conf_askvalue(struct symbol *sym, const char *def)
+       enum symbol_type type = sym_get_type(sym);
+       if (!sym_has_value(sym))
+               printf(_("(NEW) "));
+       line[0] = '\n';
+       line[1] = 0;
+       if (!sym_is_changable(sym)) {
+               printf("%s\n", def);
+               line[0] = '\n';
+               line[1] = 0;
+               return 0;
+       }
+       switch (input_mode) {
+       case ask_new:
+       case ask_silent:
+               if (sym_has_value(sym)) {
+                       printf("%s\n", def);
+                       return 0;
+               }
+               check_stdin();
+       case ask_all:
+               fflush(stdout);
+               fgets(line, 128, stdin);
+               return 1;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       switch (type) {
+       case S_INT:
+       case S_HEX:
+       case S_STRING:
+               printf("%s\n", def);
+               return 1;
+       default:
+               ;
+       }
+       printf("%s", line);
+       return 1;
+static int conf_string(struct menu *menu)
+       struct symbol *sym = menu->sym;
+       const char *def;
+       while (1) {
+               printf("%*s%s ", indent - 1, "", _(menu->prompt->text));
+               printf("(%s) ", sym->name);
+               def = sym_get_string_value(sym);
+               if (sym_get_string_value(sym))
+                       printf("[%s] ", def);
+               if (!conf_askvalue(sym, def))
+                       return 0;
+               switch (line[0]) {
+               case '\n':
+                       break;
+               case '?':
+                       /* print help */
+                       if (line[1] == '\n') {
+                               print_help(menu);
+                               def = NULL;
+                               break;
+                       }
+               default:
+                       line[strlen(line)-1] = 0;
+                       def = line;
+               }
+               if (def && sym_set_string_value(sym, def))
+                       return 0;
+       }
+static int conf_sym(struct menu *menu)
+       struct symbol *sym = menu->sym;
+       int type;
+       tristate oldval, newval;
+       while (1) {
+               printf("%*s%s ", indent - 1, "", _(menu->prompt->text));
+               if (sym->name)
+                       printf("(%s) ", sym->name);
+               type = sym_get_type(sym);
+               putchar('[');
+               oldval = sym_get_tristate_value(sym);
+               switch (oldval) {
+               case no:
+                       putchar('N');
+                       break;
+               case mod:
+                       putchar('M');
+                       break;
+               case yes:
+                       putchar('Y');
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (oldval != no && sym_tristate_within_range(sym, no))
+                       printf("/n");
+               if (oldval != mod && sym_tristate_within_range(sym, mod))
+                       printf("/m");
+               if (oldval != yes && sym_tristate_within_range(sym, yes))
+                       printf("/y");
+               if (menu_has_help(menu))
+                       printf("/?");
+               printf("] ");
+               if (!conf_askvalue(sym, sym_get_string_value(sym)))
+                       return 0;
+               strip(line);
+               switch (line[0]) {
+               case 'n':
+               case 'N':
+                       newval = no;
+                       if (!line[1] || !strcmp(&line[1], "o"))
+                               break;
+                       continue;
+               case 'm':
+               case 'M':
+                       newval = mod;
+                       if (!line[1])
+                               break;
+                       continue;
+               case 'y':
+               case 'Y':
+                       newval = yes;
+                       if (!line[1] || !strcmp(&line[1], "es"))
+                               break;
+                       continue;
+               case 0:
+                       newval = oldval;
+                       break;
+               case '?':
+                       goto help;
+               default:
+                       continue;
+               }
+               if (sym_set_tristate_value(sym, newval))
+                       return 0;
+               print_help(menu);
+       }
+static int conf_choice(struct menu *menu)
+       struct symbol *sym, *def_sym;
+       struct menu *child;
+       int type;
+       bool is_new;
+       sym = menu->sym;
+       type = sym_get_type(sym);
+       is_new = !sym_has_value(sym);
+       if (sym_is_changable(sym)) {
+               conf_sym(menu);
+               sym_calc_value(sym);
+               switch (sym_get_tristate_value(sym)) {
+               case no:
+                       return 1;
+               case mod:
+                       return 0;
+               case yes:
+                       break;
+               }
+       } else {
+               switch (sym_get_tristate_value(sym)) {
+               case no:
+                       return 1;
+               case mod:
+                       printf("%*s%s\n", indent - 1, "", _(menu_get_prompt(menu)));
+                       return 0;
+               case yes:
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       while (1) {
+               int cnt, def;
+               printf("%*s%s\n", indent - 1, "", _(menu_get_prompt(menu)));
+               def_sym = sym_get_choice_value(sym);
+               cnt = def = 0;
+               line[0] = 0;
+               for (child = menu->list; child; child = child->next) {
+                       if (!menu_is_visible(child))
+                               continue;
+                       if (!child->sym) {
+                               printf("%*c %s\n", indent, '*', _(menu_get_prompt(child)));
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       cnt++;
+                       if (child->sym == def_sym) {
+                               def = cnt;
+                               printf("%*c", indent, '>');
+                       } else
+                               printf("%*c", indent, ' ');
+                       printf(" %d. %s", cnt, _(menu_get_prompt(child)));
+                       if (child->sym->name)
+                               printf(" (%s)", child->sym->name);
+                       if (!sym_has_value(child->sym))
+                               printf(_(" (NEW)"));
+                       printf("\n");
+               }
+               printf(_("%*schoice"), indent - 1, "");
+               if (cnt == 1) {
+                       printf("[1]: 1\n");
+                       goto conf_childs;
+               }
+               printf("[1-%d", cnt);
+               if (menu_has_help(menu))
+                       printf("?");
+               printf("]: ");
+               switch (input_mode) {
+               case ask_new:
+               case ask_silent:
+                       if (!is_new) {
+                               cnt = def;
+                               printf("%d\n", cnt);
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       check_stdin();
+               case ask_all:
+                       fflush(stdout);
+                       fgets(line, 128, stdin);
+                       strip(line);
+                       if (line[0] == '?') {
+                               print_help(menu);
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if (!line[0])
+                               cnt = def;
+                       else if (isdigit(line[0]))
+                               cnt = atoi(line);
+                       else
+                               continue;
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       break;
+               }
+               for (child = menu->list; child; child = child->next) {
+                       if (!child->sym || !menu_is_visible(child))
+                               continue;
+                       if (!--cnt)
+                               break;
+               }
+               if (!child)
+                       continue;
+               if (line[strlen(line) - 1] == '?') {
+                       print_help(child);
+                       continue;
+               }
+               sym_set_choice_value(sym, child->sym);
+               for (child = child->list; child; child = child->next) {
+                       indent += 2;
+                       conf(child);
+                       indent -= 2;
+               }
+               return 1;
+       }
+static void conf(struct menu *menu)
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       struct property *prop;
+       struct menu *child;
+       if (!menu_is_visible(menu))
+               return;
+       sym = menu->sym;
+       prop = menu->prompt;
+       if (prop) {
+               const char *prompt;
+               switch (prop->type) {
+               case P_MENU:
+                       if (input_mode == ask_silent && rootEntry != menu) {
+                               check_conf(menu);
+                               return;
+                       }
+               case P_COMMENT:
+                       prompt = menu_get_prompt(menu);
+                       if (prompt)
+                               printf("%*c\n%*c %s\n%*c\n",
+                                       indent, '*',
+                                       indent, '*', _(prompt),
+                                       indent, '*');
+               default:
+                       ;
+               }
+       }
+       if (!sym)
+               goto conf_childs;
+       if (sym_is_choice(sym)) {
+               conf_choice(menu);
+               if (sym->curr.tri != mod)
+                       return;
+               goto conf_childs;
+       }
+       switch (sym->type) {
+       case S_INT:
+       case S_HEX:
+       case S_STRING:
+               conf_string(menu);
+               break;
+       default:
+               conf_sym(menu);
+               break;
+       }
+       if (sym)
+               indent += 2;
+       for (child = menu->list; child; child = child->next)
+               conf(child);
+       if (sym)
+               indent -= 2;
+static void check_conf(struct menu *menu)
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       struct menu *child;
+       if (!menu_is_visible(menu))
+               return;
+       sym = menu->sym;
+       if (sym && !sym_has_value(sym)) {
+               if (sym_is_changable(sym) ||
+                   (sym_is_choice(sym) && sym_get_tristate_value(sym) == yes)) {
+                       if (!conf_cnt++)
+                               printf(_("*\n* Restart config...\n*\n"));
+                       rootEntry = menu_get_parent_menu(menu);
+                       conf(rootEntry);
+               }
+       }
+       for (child = menu->list; child; child = child->next)
+               check_conf(child);
+int main(int ac, char **av)
+       int opt;
+       const char *name;
+       struct stat tmpstat;
+       setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
+       bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
+       textdomain(PACKAGE);
+       while ((opt = getopt(ac, av, "sdD:nmyrh")) != -1) {
+               switch (opt) {
+               case 's':
+                       input_mode = ask_silent;
+                       break;
+               case 'd':
+                       input_mode = set_default;
+                       break;
+               case 'D':
+                       input_mode = set_default;
+                       defconfig_file = optarg;
+                       break;
+               case 'n':
+                       input_mode = set_no;
+                       break;
+               case 'm':
+                       input_mode = set_mod;
+                       break;
+               case 'y':
+                       input_mode = set_yes;
+                       break;
+               case 'r':
+               {
+                       struct timeval now;
+                       unsigned int seed;
+                       /*
+                        * Use microseconds derived seed,
+                        * compensate for systems where it may be zero
+                        */
+                       gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
+                       seed = (unsigned int)((now.tv_sec + 1) * (now.tv_usec + 1));
+                       srand(seed);
+                       input_mode = set_random;
+                       break;
+               }
+               case 'h':
+                       printf(_("Usage: %s [sdD] [nmyrh] Kconfig-file\n"), av[0]);
+                       exit(0);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       fprintf(stderr, _("Usage: %s [sdD] [nmyrh] Kconfig-file\n"), av[0]);
+                       exit(1);
+               }
+       }
+       if (ac == optind) {
+               printf(_("%s: Kconfig file missing\n"), av[0]);
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       name = av[optind];
+       conf_parse(name);
+       switch (input_mode) {
+       case set_default:
+               if (!defconfig_file)
+                       defconfig_file = conf_get_default_confname();
+               if (conf_read(defconfig_file)) {
+                       printf(_("***\n"
+                               "*** Can't find default configuration \"%s\"!\n"
+                               "***\n"), defconfig_file);
+                       exit(1);
+               }
+               break;
+       case ask_silent:
+       case ask_all:
+       case ask_new:
+               conf_read(NULL);
+               break;
+       case set_no:
+       case set_mod:
+       case set_yes:
+       case set_random:
+               name = getenv("KCONFIG_ALLCONFIG");
+               if (name && !stat(name, &tmpstat)) {
+                       conf_read_simple(name, S_DEF_USER);
+                       break;
+               }
+               switch (input_mode) {
+               case set_no:
+                       name = "allno.config";
+                       break;
+               case set_mod:
+                       name = "allmod.config";
+                       break;
+               case set_yes:
+                       name = "allyes.config";
+                       break;
+               case set_random:
+                       name = "allrandom.config";
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (!stat(name, &tmpstat))
+                       conf_read_simple(name, S_DEF_USER);
+               else if (!stat("all.config", &tmpstat))
+                       conf_read_simple("all.config", S_DEF_USER);
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       if (conf_get_changed()) {
+               name = getenv("KCONFIG_NOSILENTUPDATE");
+               if (name && *name) {
+                       fprintf(stderr,
+                               _("\n*** firmware configuration requires explicit update.\n\n"));
+                       return 1;
+               }
+       }
+       valid_stdin = isatty(0) && isatty(1) && isatty(2);
+       switch (input_mode) {
+       case set_no:
+               conf_set_all_new_symbols(def_no);
+               break;
+       case set_yes:
+               conf_set_all_new_symbols(def_yes);
+               break;
+       case set_mod:
+               conf_set_all_new_symbols(def_mod);
+               break;
+       case set_random:
+               conf_set_all_new_symbols(def_random);
+               break;
+       case set_default:
+               conf_set_all_new_symbols(def_default);
+               break;
+       case ask_new:
+       case ask_all:
+               rootEntry = &rootmenu;
+               conf(&rootmenu);
+               input_mode = ask_silent;
+               /* fall through */
+       case ask_silent:
+               /* Update until a loop caused no more changes */
+               do {
+                       conf_cnt = 0;
+                       check_conf(&rootmenu);
+               } while (conf_cnt);
+               break;
+       }
+       if (conf_get_changed() && conf_write(NULL)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, _("\n*** Error during writing of the firmware configuration.\n\n"));
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       if (conf_write_autoconf()) {
+               fprintf(stderr, _("\n*** Error during update of the firmware configuration.\n\n"));
+               return 1;
+       }
+       return 0;
diff --git a/config/confdata.c b/config/confdata.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8c64399
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,942 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Roman Zippel <>
+ * Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
+ */
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "lkc.h"
+static void conf_warning(const char *fmt, ...)
+       __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
+static const char *conf_filename;
+static int conf_lineno, conf_warnings, conf_unsaved;
+const char conf_defname[] = "include/generated/defconfig";
+static void conf_warning(const char *fmt, ...)
+       va_list ap;
+       va_start(ap, fmt);
+       fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:warning: ", conf_filename, conf_lineno);
+       vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+       va_end(ap);
+       conf_warnings++;
+const char *conf_get_configname(void)
+       char *name = getenv("KCONFIG_CONFIG");
+       return name ? name : ".config";
+const char *conf_get_autoconfig_name(void)
+       char *name = getenv("KCONFIG_AUTOCONFIG");
+       return name ? name : "include/generated/auto.conf";
+static char *conf_expand_value(const char *in)
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       const char *src;
+       static char res_value[SYMBOL_MAXLENGTH];
+       char *dst, name[SYMBOL_MAXLENGTH];
+       res_value[0] = 0;
+       dst = name;
+       while ((src = strchr(in, '$'))) {
+               strncat(res_value, in, src - in);
+               src++;
+               dst = name;
+               while (isalnum(*src) || *src == '_')
+                       *dst++ = *src++;
+               *dst = 0;
+               sym = sym_lookup(name, 0);
+               sym_calc_value(sym);
+               strcat(res_value, sym_get_string_value(sym));
+               in = src;
+       }
+       strcat(res_value, in);
+       return res_value;
+char *conf_get_default_confname(void)
+       struct stat buf;
+       static char fullname[PATH_MAX+1];
+       char *env, *name;
+       name = conf_expand_value(conf_defname);
+       env = getenv(SRCTREE);
+       if (env) {
+               sprintf(fullname, "%s/%s", env, name);
+               if (!stat(fullname, &buf))
+                       return fullname;
+       }
+       return name;
+static int conf_set_sym_val(struct symbol *sym, int def, int def_flags, char *p)
+       char *p2;
+       switch (sym->type) {
+       case S_TRISTATE:
+               if (p[0] == 'm') {
+                       sym->def[def].tri = mod;
+                       sym->flags |= def_flags;
+                       break;
+               }
+       case S_BOOLEAN:
+               if (p[0] == 'y') {
+                       sym->def[def].tri = yes;
+                       sym->flags |= def_flags;
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (p[0] == 'n') {
+                       sym->def[def].tri = no;
+                       sym->flags |= def_flags;
+                       break;
+               }
+               conf_warning("symbol value '%s' invalid for %s", p, sym->name);
+               break;
+       case S_OTHER:
+               if (*p != '"') {
+                       for (p2 = p; *p2 && !isspace(*p2); p2++)
+                               ;
+                       sym->type = S_STRING;
+                       goto done;
+               }
+       case S_STRING:
+               if (*p++ != '"')
+                       break;
+               for (p2 = p; (p2 = strpbrk(p2, "\"\\")); p2++) {
+                       if (*p2 == '"') {
+                               *p2 = 0;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       memmove(p2, p2 + 1, strlen(p2));
+               }
+               if (!p2) {
+                       conf_warning("invalid string found");
+                       return 1;
+               }
+       case S_INT:
+       case S_HEX:
+               if (sym_string_valid(sym, p)) {
+                       sym->def[def].val = strdup(p);
+                       sym->flags |= def_flags;
+               } else {
+                       conf_warning("symbol value '%s' invalid for %s", p, sym->name);
+                       return 1;
+               }
+               break;
+       default:
+               ;
+       }
+       return 0;
+int conf_read_simple(const char *name, int def)
+       FILE *in = NULL;
+       char line[1024];
+       char *p, *p2;
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       int i, def_flags;
+       if (name) {
+               in = zconf_fopen(name);
+       } else {
+               struct property *prop;
+               name = conf_get_configname();
+               in = zconf_fopen(name);
+               if (in)
+                       goto load;
+               sym_add_change_count(1);
+               if (!sym_defconfig_list)
+                       return 1;
+               for_all_defaults(sym_defconfig_list, prop) {
+                       if (expr_calc_value(prop->visible.expr) == no ||
+                           prop->expr->type != E_SYMBOL)
+                               continue;
+                       name = conf_expand_value(prop->expr->left.sym->name);
+                       in = zconf_fopen(name);
+                       if (in) {
+                               printf(_("#\n"
+                                        "# using defaults found in %s\n"
+                                        "#\n"), name);
+                               goto load;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       if (!in)
+               return 1;
+       conf_filename = name;
+       conf_lineno = 0;
+       conf_warnings = 0;
+       conf_unsaved = 0;
+       def_flags = SYMBOL_DEF << def;
+       for_all_symbols(i, sym) {
+               sym->flags |= SYMBOL_CHANGED;
+               sym->flags &= ~(def_flags|SYMBOL_VALID);
+               if (sym_is_choice(sym))
+                       sym->flags |= def_flags;
+               switch (sym->type) {
+               case S_INT:
+               case S_HEX:
+               case S_STRING:
+                       if (sym->def[def].val)
+                               free(sym->def[def].val);
+               default:
+                       sym->def[def].val = NULL;
+                       sym->def[def].tri = no;
+               }
+       }
+       while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), in)) {
+               conf_lineno++;
+               sym = NULL;
+               switch (line[0]) {
+               case '#':
+                       if (memcmp(line + 2, "CONFIG_", 7))
+                               continue;
+                       p = strchr(line + 9, ' ');
+                       if (!p)
+                               continue;
+                       *p++ = 0;
+                       if (strncmp(p, "is not set", 10))
+                               continue;
+                       if (def == S_DEF_USER) {
+                               sym = sym_find(line + 9);
+                               if (!sym) {
+                                       sym_add_change_count(1);
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                       } else {
+                               sym = sym_lookup(line + 9, 0);
+                               if (sym->type == S_UNKNOWN)
+                                       sym->type = S_BOOLEAN;
+                       }
+                       if (sym->flags & def_flags)
+                               conf_warning("override: reassigning to symbol %s", sym->name);
+                       switch (sym->type) {
+                       case S_BOOLEAN:
+                       case S_TRISTATE:
+                               sym->def[def].tri = no;
+                               sym->flags |= def_flags;
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               ;
+                       }
+                       break;
+               case 'C':
+                       if (memcmp(line, "CONFIG_", 7)) {
+                               conf_warning("unexpected data");
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       p = strchr(line + 7, '=');
+                       if (!p)
+                               continue;
+                       *p++ = 0;
+                       p2 = strchr(p, '\n');
+                       if (p2) {
+                               *p2-- = 0;
+                               if (*p2 == '\r')
+                                       *p2 = 0;
+                       }
+                       if (def == S_DEF_USER) {
+                               sym = sym_find(line + 7);
+                               if (!sym) {
+                                       sym_add_change_count(1);
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                       } else {
+                               sym = sym_lookup(line + 7, 0);
+                               if (sym->type == S_UNKNOWN)
+                                       sym->type = S_OTHER;
+                       }
+                       if (sym->flags & def_flags)
+                               conf_warning("override: reassigning to symbol %s", sym->name);
+                       if (conf_set_sym_val(sym, def, def_flags, p))
+                               continue;
+                       break;
+               case '\r':
+               case '\n':
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       conf_warning("unexpected data");
+                       continue;
+               }
+               if (sym && sym_is_choice_value(sym)) {
+                       struct symbol *cs = prop_get_symbol(sym_get_choice_prop(sym));
+                       switch (sym->def[def].tri) {
+                       case no:
+                               break;
+                       case mod:
+                               if (cs->def[def].tri == yes) {
+                                       conf_warning("%s creates inconsistent choice state", sym->name);
+                                       cs->flags &= ~def_flags;
+                               }
+                               break;
+                       case yes:
+                               if (cs->def[def].tri != no)
+                                       conf_warning("override: %s changes choice state", sym->name);
+                               cs->def[def].val = sym;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       cs->def[def].tri = EXPR_OR(cs->def[def].tri, sym->def[def].tri);
+               }
+       }
+       fclose(in);
+       if (modules_sym)
+               sym_calc_value(modules_sym);
+       return 0;
+int conf_read(const char *name)
+       struct symbol *sym, *choice_sym;
+       struct property *prop;
+       struct expr *e;
+       int i, flags;
+       sym_set_change_count(0);
+       if (conf_read_simple(name, S_DEF_USER))
+               return 1;
+       for_all_symbols(i, sym) {
+               sym_calc_value(sym);
+               if (sym_is_choice(sym) || (sym->flags & SYMBOL_AUTO))
+                       goto sym_ok;
+               if (sym_has_value(sym) && (sym->flags & SYMBOL_WRITE)) {
+                       /* check that calculated value agrees with saved value */
+                       switch (sym->type) {
+                       case S_BOOLEAN:
+                       case S_TRISTATE:
+                               if (sym->def[S_DEF_USER].tri != sym_get_tristate_value(sym))
+                                       break;
+                               if (!sym_is_choice(sym))
+                                       goto sym_ok;
+                       default:
+                               if (!strcmp(sym->curr.val, sym->def[S_DEF_USER].val))
+                                       goto sym_ok;
+                               break;
+                       }
+               } else if (!sym_has_value(sym) && !(sym->flags & SYMBOL_WRITE))
+                       /* no previous value and not saved */
+                       goto sym_ok;
+               conf_unsaved++;
+               /* maybe print value in verbose mode... */
+               if (!sym_is_choice(sym))
+                       continue;
+               /* The choice symbol only has a set value (and thus is not new)
+                * if all its visible childs have values.
+                */
+               prop = sym_get_choice_prop(sym);
+               flags = sym->flags;
+               expr_list_for_each_sym(prop->expr, e, choice_sym)
+                       if (choice_sym->visible != no)
+                               flags &= choice_sym->flags;
+               sym->flags &= flags | ~SYMBOL_DEF_USER;
+       }
+       for_all_symbols(i, sym) {
+               if (sym_has_value(sym) && !sym_is_choice_value(sym)) {
+                       /* Reset values of generates values, so they'll appear
+                        * as new, if they should become visible, but that
+                        * doesn't quite work if the Kconfig and the saved
+                        * configuration disagree.
+                        */
+                       if (sym->visible == no && !conf_unsaved)
+                               sym->flags &= ~SYMBOL_DEF_USER;
+                       switch (sym->type) {
+                       case S_STRING:
+                       case S_INT:
+                       case S_HEX:
+                               /* Reset a string value if it's out of range */
+                               if (sym_string_within_range(sym, sym->def[S_DEF_USER].val))
+                                       break;
+                               sym->flags &= ~(SYMBOL_VALID|SYMBOL_DEF_USER);
+                               conf_unsaved++;
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       sym_add_change_count(conf_warnings || conf_unsaved);
+       return 0;
+int conf_write(const char *name)
+       FILE *out;
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       struct menu *menu;
+       const char *basename;
+       char dirname[128], tmpname[128], newname[128];
+       int type, l;
+       const char *str;
+       time_t now;
+       int use_timestamp = 1;
+       char *env;
+       dirname[0] = 0;
+       if (name && name[0]) {
+               struct stat st;
+               char *slash;
+               if (!stat(name, &st) && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+                       strcpy(dirname, name);
+                       strcat(dirname, "/");
+                       basename = conf_get_configname();
+               } else if ((slash == strrchr(name, '/'))) {
+                       int size = slash - name + 1;
+                       memcpy(dirname, name, size);
+                       dirname[size] = 0;
+                       if (slash[1])
+                               basename = slash + 1;
+                       else
+                               basename = conf_get_configname();
+               } else
+                       basename = name;
+       } else
+               basename = conf_get_configname();
+       sprintf(newname, "%s%s", dirname, basename);
+       env = getenv("KCONFIG_OVERWRITECONFIG");
+       if (!env || !*env) {
+               sprintf(tmpname, "%s.tmpconfig.%d", dirname, (int)getpid());
+               out = fopen(tmpname, "w");
+       } else {
+               *tmpname = 0;
+               out = fopen(newname, "w");
+       }
+       if (!out)
+               return 1;
+       sym = sym_lookup("KERNELVERSION", 0);
+       sym_calc_value(sym);
+       time(&now);
+       fprintf(out, _("#\n"
+                      "# Automatically generated make config: don't edit\n"
+                      "# CARL9170 Firmware\n"
+                      "# %s"
+                      "#\n"),
+                    ctime(&now));
+       if (!conf_get_changed())
+               sym_clear_all_valid();
+       menu = rootmenu.list;
+       while (menu) {
+               sym = menu->sym;
+               if (!sym) {
+                       if (!menu_is_visible(menu))
+                               goto next;
+                       str = menu_get_prompt(menu);
+                       fprintf(out, "\n"
+                                    "#\n"
+                                    "# %s\n"
+                                    "#\n", str);
+               } else if (!(sym->flags & SYMBOL_CHOICE)) {
+                       sym_calc_value(sym);
+                       if (!(sym->flags & SYMBOL_WRITE))
+                               goto next;
+                       sym->flags &= ~SYMBOL_WRITE;
+                       type = sym->type;
+                       if (type == S_TRISTATE) {
+                               sym_calc_value(modules_sym);
+                               if (modules_sym->curr.tri == no)
+                                       type = S_BOOLEAN;
+                       }
+                       switch (type) {
+                       case S_BOOLEAN:
+                       case S_TRISTATE:
+                               switch (sym_get_tristate_value(sym)) {
+                               case no:
+                                       fprintf(out, "# CONFIG_%s is not set\n", sym->name);
+                                       break;
+                               case mod:
+                                       fprintf(out, "CONFIG_%s=m\n", sym->name);
+                                       break;
+                               case yes:
+                                       fprintf(out, "CONFIG_%s=y\n", sym->name);
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                               break;
+                       case S_STRING:
+                               str = sym_get_string_value(sym);
+                               fprintf(out, "CONFIG_%s=\"", sym->name);
+                               while (1) {
+                                       l = strcspn(str, "\"\\");
+                                       if (l) {
+                                               fwrite(str, l, 1, out);
+                                               str += l;
+                                       }
+                                       if (!*str)
+                                               break;
+                                       fprintf(out, "\\%c", *str++);
+                               }
+                               fputs("\"\n", out);
+                               break;
+                       case S_HEX:
+                               str = sym_get_string_value(sym);
+                               if (str[0] != '0' || (str[1] != 'x' && str[1] != 'X')) {
+                                       fprintf(out, "CONFIG_%s=%s\n", sym->name, str);
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                       case S_INT:
+                               str = sym_get_string_value(sym);
+                               fprintf(out, "CONFIG_%s=%s\n", sym->name, str);
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (menu->list) {
+                       menu = menu->list;
+                       continue;
+               }
+               if (menu->next)
+                       menu = menu->next;
+               else {
+                       while ((menu = menu->parent)) {
+                               if (menu->next) {
+                                       menu = menu->next;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       fclose(out);
+       if (*tmpname) {
+               strcat(dirname, basename);
+               strcat(dirname, ".old");
+               rename(newname, dirname);
+               if (rename(tmpname, newname))
+                       return 1;
+       }
+       printf(_("#\n"
+                "# configuration written to %s\n"
+                "#\n"), newname);
+       sym_set_change_count(0);
+       return 0;
+static int conf_split_config(void)
+       const char *name;
+       char path[128];
+       char *s, *d, c;
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       struct stat sb;
+       int res, i, fd;
+       name = conf_get_autoconfig_name();
+       conf_read_simple(name, S_DEF_AUTO);
+       if (chdir("include/generated"))
+               return 1;
+       res = 0;
+       for_all_symbols(i, sym) {
+               sym_calc_value(sym);
+               if ((sym->flags & SYMBOL_AUTO) || !sym->name)
+                       continue;
+               if (sym->flags & SYMBOL_WRITE) {
+                       if (sym->flags & SYMBOL_DEF_AUTO) {
+                               /*
+                                * symbol has old and new value,
+                                * so compare them...
+                                */
+                               switch (sym->type) {
+                               case S_BOOLEAN:
+                               case S_TRISTATE:
+                                       if (sym_get_tristate_value(sym) ==
+                                           sym->def[S_DEF_AUTO].tri)
+                                               continue;
+                                       break;
+                               case S_STRING:
+                               case S_HEX:
+                               case S_INT:
+                                       if (!strcmp(sym_get_string_value(sym),
+                                                   sym->def[S_DEF_AUTO].val))
+                                               continue;
+                                       break;
+                               default:
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                       } else {
+                               /*
+                                * If there is no old value, only 'no' (unset)
+                                * is allowed as new value.
+                                */
+                               switch (sym->type) {
+                               case S_BOOLEAN:
+                               case S_TRISTATE:
+                                       if (sym_get_tristate_value(sym) == no)
+                                               continue;
+                                       break;
+                               default:
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                       }
+               } else if (!(sym->flags & SYMBOL_DEF_AUTO))
+                       /* There is neither an old nor a new value. */
+                       continue;
+               /* else
+                *      There is an old value, but no new value ('no' (unset)
+                *      isn't saved in auto.conf, so the old value is always
+                *      different from 'no').
+                */
+               /* Replace all '_' and append ".h" */
+               s = sym->name;
+               d = path;
+               while ((c = *s++)) {
+                       c = tolower(c);
+                       *d++ = (c == '_') ? '/' : c;
+               }
+               strcpy(d, ".h");
+               /* Assume directory path already exists. */
+               fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
+               if (fd == -1) {
+                       if (errno != ENOENT) {
+                               res = 1;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       /*
+                        * Create directory components,
+                        * unless they exist already.
+                        */
+                       d = path;
+                       while ((d = strchr(d, '/'))) {
+                               *d = 0;
+                               if (stat(path, &sb) && mkdir(path, 0755)) {
+                                       res = 1;
+                                       goto out;
+                               }
+                               *d++ = '/';
+                       }
+                       /* Try it again. */
+                       fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
+                       if (fd == -1) {
+                               res = 1;
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               close(fd);
+       }
+       if (chdir("../../"))
+               return 1;
+       return res;
+int conf_write_autoconf(void)
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       const char *str;
+       const char *name;
+       FILE *out, *tristate, *out_h, *out_c;
+       time_t now;
+       int i, l;
+       sym_clear_all_valid();
+       out = fopen(".tmpconfig", "w");
+       if (!out)
+               return 1;
+       tristate = fopen(".tmpconfig_tristate", "w");
+       if (!tristate) {
+               fclose(out);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       out_h = fopen(".tmpconfig.h", "w");
+       if (!out_h) {
+               fclose(out);
+               fclose(tristate);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       out_c = fopen(".tmpconfig.cmake", "w");
+       if (!out_c) {
+               fclose(out);
+               fclose(out_h);
+               fclose(tristate);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       sym = sym_lookup("KERNELVERSION", 0);
+       sym_calc_value(sym);
+       time(&now);
+       fprintf(out, "#\n"
+                    "# Automatically generated make config: don't edit\n"
+                    "# %s\n"
+                    "#\n",
+                    ctime(&now));
+       fprintf(tristate, "#\n"
+                         "# Automatically generated - do not edit\n"
+                         "\n");
+       fprintf(out_h, "/*\n"
+                      " * Automatically generated C config: don't edit\n"
+                      " * %s\n"
+                      " */\n"
+                      "#define AUTOCONF_INCLUDED\n",
+                      ctime(&now));
+       fprintf(out_c, "#\n"
+                    "# Automatically generated make config: don't edit\n"
+                    "# %s\n"
+                    "#\n",
+                    ctime(&now));
+       for_all_symbols(i, sym) {
+               sym_calc_value(sym);
+               if (!(sym->flags & SYMBOL_WRITE) || !sym->name)
+                       continue;
+               switch (sym->type) {
+               case S_BOOLEAN:
+               case S_TRISTATE:
+                       switch (sym_get_tristate_value(sym)) {
+                       case no:
+                               break;
+                       case mod:
+                               fprintf(out, "CONFIG_%s=m\n", sym->name);
+                               fprintf(tristate, "CONFIG_%s=M\n", sym->name);
+                               fprintf(out_h, "#define CONFIG_%s_MODULE 1\n", sym->name);
+                               break;
+                       case yes:
+                               fprintf(out, "CONFIG_%s=y\n", sym->name);
+                               if (sym->type == S_TRISTATE)
+                                       fprintf(tristate, "CONFIG_%s=Y\n",
+                                                       sym->name);
+                               fprintf(out_h, "#define CONFIG_%s 1\n", sym->name);
+                               fprintf(out_c, "set(CONFIG_%s true)\n", sym->name);
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       break;
+               case S_STRING:
+                       str = sym_get_string_value(sym);
+                       fprintf(out, "CONFIG_%s=\"", sym->name);
+                       fprintf(out_h, "#define CONFIG_%s \"", sym->name);
+                       fprintf(out_c, "set(CONFIG_%s \"", sym->name);
+                       while (1) {
+                               l = strcspn(str, "\"\\");
+                               if (l) {
+                                       fwrite(str, l, 1, out);
+                                       fwrite(str, l, 1, out_h);
+                                       str += l;
+                               }
+                               if (!*str)
+                                       break;
+                               fprintf(out, "\\%c", *str);
+                               fprintf(out_h, "\\%c", *str);
+                               fprintf(out_c, "\\%c", *str);
+                               str++;
+                       }
+                       fputs("\"\n", out);
+                       fputs("\"\n", out_h);
+                       fputs("\")\n", out_c);
+                       break;
+               case S_HEX:
+                       str = sym_get_string_value(sym);
+                       if (str[0] != '0' || (str[1] != 'x' && str[1] != 'X')) {
+                               fprintf(out, "CONFIG_%s=%s\n", sym->name, str);
+                               fprintf(out_h, "#define CONFIG_%s 0x%s\n", sym->name, str);
+                               fprintf(out_c, "set(CONFIG_%s 0x%s)\n", sym->name, str);
+                               break;
+                       }
+               case S_INT:
+                       str = sym_get_string_value(sym);
+                       fprintf(out, "CONFIG_%s=%s\n", sym->name, str);
+                       fprintf(out_h, "#define CONFIG_%s %s\n", sym->name, str);
+                       fprintf(out_c, "set(CONFIG_%s %s)\n", sym->name, str);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       fclose(out);
+       fclose(tristate);
+       fclose(out_h);
+       fclose(out_c);
+       name = getenv("KCONFIG_AUTOHEADER");
+       if (!name)
+               name = "include/generated/autoconf.h";
+       if (rename(".tmpconfig.h", name))
+               return 1;
+       name = getenv("KCONFIG_TRISTATE");
+       if (!name)
+               name = "include/generated/tristate.conf";
+       if (rename(".tmpconfig_tristate", name))
+               return 1;
+       name = getenv("KCONFIG_CMAKE");
+       if (!name)
+               name = "config.cmake";
+       if (rename(".tmpconfig.cmake", name))
+               return 1;
+       name = conf_get_autoconfig_name();
+       /*
+        * This must be the last step, kbuild has a dependency on auto.conf
+        * and this marks the successful completion of the previous steps.
+        */
+       if (rename(".tmpconfig", name))
+               return 1;
+       return 0;
+static int sym_change_count;
+static void (*conf_changed_callback)(void);
+void sym_set_change_count(int count)
+       int _sym_change_count = sym_change_count;
+       sym_change_count = count;
+       if (conf_changed_callback &&
+           (bool)_sym_change_count != (bool)count)
+               conf_changed_callback();
+void sym_add_change_count(int count)
+       sym_set_change_count(count + sym_change_count);
+bool conf_get_changed(void)
+       return sym_change_count;
+void conf_set_changed_callback(void (*fn)(void))
+       conf_changed_callback = fn;
+void conf_set_all_new_symbols(enum conf_def_mode mode)
+       struct symbol *sym, *csym;
+       struct property *prop;
+       struct expr *e;
+       int i, cnt, def;
+       for_all_symbols(i, sym) {
+               if (sym_has_value(sym))
+                       continue;
+               switch (sym_get_type(sym)) {
+               case S_BOOLEAN:
+               case S_TRISTATE:
+                       switch (mode) {
+                       case def_yes:
+                               sym->def[S_DEF_USER].tri = yes;
+                               break;
+                       case def_mod:
+                               sym->def[S_DEF_USER].tri = mod;
+                               break;
+                       case def_no:
+                               sym->def[S_DEF_USER].tri = no;
+                               break;
+                       case def_random:
+                               sym->def[S_DEF_USER].tri = (tristate)(rand() % 3);
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if (!(sym_is_choice(sym) && mode == def_random))
+                               sym->flags |= SYMBOL_DEF_USER;
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       sym_clear_all_valid();
+       if (mode != def_random)
+               return;
+       /*
+        * We have different type of choice blocks.
+        * If curr.tri equal to mod then we can select several
+        * choice symbols in one block.
+        * In this case we do nothing.
+        * If curr.tri equal yes then only one symbol can be
+        * selected in a choice block and we set it to yes,
+        * and the rest to no.
+        */
+       for_all_symbols(i, csym) {
+               if (sym_has_value(csym) || !sym_is_choice(csym))
+                       continue;
+               sym_calc_value(csym);
+               if (csym->curr.tri != yes)
+                       continue;
+               prop = sym_get_choice_prop(csym);
+               /* count entries in choice block */
+               cnt = 0;
+               expr_list_for_each_sym(prop->expr, e, sym)
+                       cnt++;
+               /*
+                * find a random value and set it to yes,
+                * set the rest to no so we have only one set
+                */
+               def = (rand() % cnt);
+               cnt = 0;
+               expr_list_for_each_sym(prop->expr, e, sym) {
+                       if (def == cnt++) {
+                               sym->def[S_DEF_USER].tri = yes;
+                               csym->def[S_DEF_USER].val = sym;
+                       } else {
+                               sym->def[S_DEF_USER].tri = no;
+                       }
+               }
+               csym->flags |= SYMBOL_DEF_USER;
+               /* clear VALID to get value calculated */
+               csym->flags &= ~(SYMBOL_VALID);
+       }
diff --git a/config/expr.c b/config/expr.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2b85ddf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1120 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Roman Zippel <>
+ * Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "lkc.h"
+#define DEBUG_EXPR     0
+struct expr *expr_alloc_symbol(struct symbol *sym)
+       struct expr *e = malloc(sizeof(*e));
+       memset(e, 0, sizeof(*e));
+       e->type = E_SYMBOL;
+       e->left.sym = sym;
+       return e;
+struct expr *expr_alloc_one(enum expr_type type, struct expr *ce)
+       struct expr *e = malloc(sizeof(*e));
+       memset(e, 0, sizeof(*e));
+       e->type = type;
+       e->left.expr = ce;
+       return e;
+struct expr *expr_alloc_two(enum expr_type type, struct expr *e1, struct expr *e2)
+       struct expr *e = malloc(sizeof(*e));
+       memset(e, 0, sizeof(*e));
+       e->type = type;
+       e->left.expr = e1;
+       e->right.expr = e2;
+       return e;
+struct expr *expr_alloc_comp(enum expr_type type, struct symbol *s1, struct symbol *s2)
+       struct expr *e = malloc(sizeof(*e));
+       memset(e, 0, sizeof(*e));
+       e->type = type;
+       e->left.sym = s1;
+       e->right.sym = s2;
+       return e;
+struct expr *expr_alloc_and(struct expr *e1, struct expr *e2)
+       if (!e1)
+               return e2;
+       return e2 ? expr_alloc_two(E_AND, e1, e2) : e1;
+struct expr *expr_alloc_or(struct expr *e1, struct expr *e2)
+       if (!e1)
+               return e2;
+       return e2 ? expr_alloc_two(E_OR, e1, e2) : e1;
+struct expr *expr_copy(struct expr *org)
+       struct expr *e;
+       if (!org)
+               return NULL;
+       e = malloc(sizeof(*org));
+       memcpy(e, org, sizeof(*org));
+       switch (org->type) {
+       case E_SYMBOL:
+               e->left = org->left;
+               break;
+       case E_NOT:
+               e->left.expr = expr_copy(org->left.expr);
+               break;
+       case E_EQUAL:
+       case E_UNEQUAL:
+               e->left.sym = org->left.sym;
+               e->right.sym = org->right.sym;
+               break;
+       case E_AND:
+       case E_OR:
+       case E_LIST:
+               e->left.expr = expr_copy(org->left.expr);
+               e->right.expr = expr_copy(org->right.expr);
+               break;
+       default:
+               printf("can't copy type %d\n", e->type);
+               free(e);
+               e = NULL;
+               break;
+       }
+       return e;
+void expr_free(struct expr *e)
+       if (!e)
+               return;
+       switch (e->type) {
+       case E_SYMBOL:
+               break;
+       case E_NOT:
+               expr_free(e->left.expr);
+               return;
+       case E_EQUAL:
+       case E_UNEQUAL:
+               break;
+       case E_OR:
+       case E_AND:
+               expr_free(e->left.expr);
+               expr_free(e->right.expr);
+               break;
+       default:
+               printf("how to free type %d?\n", e->type);
+               break;
+       }
+       free(e);
+static int trans_count;
+#define e1 (*ep1)
+#define e2 (*ep2)
+static void __expr_eliminate_eq(enum expr_type type, struct expr **ep1, struct expr **ep2)
+       if (e1->type == type) {
+               __expr_eliminate_eq(type, &e1->left.expr, &e2);
+               __expr_eliminate_eq(type, &e1->right.expr, &e2);
+               return;
+       }
+       if (e2->type == type) {
+               __expr_eliminate_eq(type, &e1, &e2->left.expr);
+               __expr_eliminate_eq(type, &e1, &e2->right.expr);
+               return;
+       }
+       if (e1->type == E_SYMBOL && e2->type == E_SYMBOL &&
+           e1->left.sym == e2->left.sym &&
+           (e1->left.sym == &symbol_yes || e1->left.sym == &symbol_no))
+               return;
+       if (!expr_eq(e1, e2))
+               return;
+       trans_count++;
+       expr_free(e1); expr_free(e2);
+       switch (type) {
+       case E_OR:
+               e1 = expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_no);
+               e2 = expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_no);
+               break;
+       case E_AND:
+               e1 = expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_yes);
+               e2 = expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_yes);
+               break;
+       default:
+               ;
+       }
+void expr_eliminate_eq(struct expr **ep1, struct expr **ep2)
+       if (!e1 || !e2)
+               return;
+       switch (e1->type) {
+       case E_OR:
+       case E_AND:
+               __expr_eliminate_eq(e1->type, ep1, ep2);
+       default:
+               ;
+       }
+       if (e1->type != e2->type) {
+               switch (e2->type) {
+               case E_OR:
+               case E_AND:
+                       __expr_eliminate_eq(e2->type, ep1, ep2);
+               default:
+                       ;
+               }
+       }
+       e1 = expr_eliminate_yn(e1);
+       e2 = expr_eliminate_yn(e2);
+#undef e1
+#undef e2
+int expr_eq(struct expr *e1, struct expr *e2)
+       int res, old_count;
+       if (e1->type != e2->type)
+               return 0;
+       switch (e1->type) {
+       case E_EQUAL:
+       case E_UNEQUAL:
+               return e1->left.sym == e2->left.sym && e1->right.sym == e2->right.sym;
+       case E_SYMBOL:
+               return e1->left.sym == e2->left.sym;
+       case E_NOT:
+               return expr_eq(e1->left.expr, e2->left.expr);
+       case E_AND:
+       case E_OR:
+               e1 = expr_copy(e1);
+               e2 = expr_copy(e2);
+               old_count = trans_count;
+               expr_eliminate_eq(&e1, &e2);
+               res = (e1->type == E_SYMBOL && e2->type == E_SYMBOL &&
+                      e1->left.sym == e2->left.sym);
+               expr_free(e1);
+               expr_free(e2);
+               trans_count = old_count;
+               return res;
+       case E_LIST:
+       case E_RANGE:
+       case E_NONE:
+               /* panic */;
+       }
+       if (DEBUG_EXPR) {
+               expr_fprint(e1, stdout);
+               printf(" = ");
+               expr_fprint(e2, stdout);
+               printf(" ?\n");
+       }
+       return 0;
+struct expr *expr_eliminate_yn(struct expr *e)
+       struct expr *tmp;
+       if (!e)
+               return NULL;
+       switch (e->type) {
+       case E_AND:
+               e->left.expr = expr_eliminate_yn(e->left.expr);
+               e->right.expr = expr_eliminate_yn(e->right.expr);
+               if (e->left.expr->type == E_SYMBOL) {
+                       if (e->left.expr->left.sym == &symbol_no) {
+                               expr_free(e->left.expr);
+                               expr_free(e->right.expr);
+                               e->type = E_SYMBOL;
+                               e->left.sym = &symbol_no;
+                               e->right.expr = NULL;
+                               return e;
+                       } else if (e->left.expr->left.sym == &symbol_yes) {
+                               free(e->left.expr);
+                               tmp = e->right.expr;
+                               *e = *(e->right.expr);
+                               free(tmp);
+                               return e;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (e->right.expr->type == E_SYMBOL) {
+                       if (e->right.expr->left.sym == &symbol_no) {
+                               expr_free(e->left.expr);
+                               expr_free(e->right.expr);
+                               e->type = E_SYMBOL;
+                               e->left.sym = &symbol_no;
+                               e->right.expr = NULL;
+                               return e;
+                       } else if (e->right.expr->left.sym == &symbol_yes) {
+                               free(e->right.expr);
+                               tmp = e->left.expr;
+                               *e = *(e->left.expr);
+                               free(tmp);
+                               return e;
+                       }
+               }
+               break;
+       case E_OR:
+               e->left.expr = expr_eliminate_yn(e->left.expr);
+               e->right.expr = expr_eliminate_yn(e->right.expr);
+               if (e->left.expr->type == E_SYMBOL) {
+                       if (e->left.expr->left.sym == &symbol_no) {
+                               free(e->left.expr);
+                               tmp = e->right.expr;
+                               *e = *(e->right.expr);
+                               free(tmp);
+                               return e;
+                       } else if (e->left.expr->left.sym == &symbol_yes) {
+                               expr_free(e->left.expr);
+                               expr_free(e->right.expr);
+                               e->type = E_SYMBOL;
+                               e->left.sym = &symbol_yes;
+                               e->right.expr = NULL;
+                               return e;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (e->right.expr->type == E_SYMBOL) {
+                       if (e->right.expr->left.sym == &symbol_no) {
+                               free(e->right.expr);
+                               tmp = e->left.expr;
+                               *e = *(e->left.expr);
+                               free(tmp);
+                               return e;
+                       } else if (e->right.expr->left.sym == &symbol_yes) {
+                               expr_free(e->left.expr);
+                               expr_free(e->right.expr);
+                               e->type = E_SYMBOL;
+                               e->left.sym = &symbol_yes;
+                               e->right.expr = NULL;
+                               return e;
+                       }
+               }
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       return e;
+ * bool FOO!=n => FOO
+ */
+struct expr *expr_trans_bool(struct expr *e)
+       if (!e)
+               return NULL;
+       switch (e->type) {
+       case E_AND:
+       case E_OR:
+       case E_NOT:
+               e->left.expr = expr_trans_bool(e->left.expr);
+               e->right.expr = expr_trans_bool(e->right.expr);
+               break;
+       case E_UNEQUAL:
+               /* FOO!=n -> FOO */
+               if (e->left.sym->type == S_TRISTATE) {
+                       if (e->right.sym == &symbol_no) {
+                               e->type = E_SYMBOL;
+                               e->right.sym = NULL;
+                       }
+               }
+               break;
+       default:
+               ;
+       }
+       return e;
+ * e1 || e2 -> ?
+ */
+static struct expr *expr_join_or(struct expr *e1, struct expr *e2)
+       struct expr *tmp;
+       struct symbol *sym1, *sym2;
+       if (expr_eq(e1, e2))
+               return expr_copy(e1);
+       if (e1->type != E_EQUAL && e1->type != E_UNEQUAL && e1->type != E_SYMBOL && e1->type != E_NOT)
+               return NULL;
+       if (e2->type != E_EQUAL && e2->type != E_UNEQUAL && e2->type != E_SYMBOL && e2->type != E_NOT)
+               return NULL;
+       if (e1->type == E_NOT) {
+               tmp = e1->left.expr;
+               if (tmp->type != E_EQUAL && tmp->type != E_UNEQUAL && tmp->type != E_SYMBOL)
+                       return NULL;
+               sym1 = tmp->left.sym;
+       } else
+               sym1 = e1->left.sym;
+       if (e2->type == E_NOT) {
+               if (e2->left.expr->type != E_SYMBOL)
+                       return NULL;
+               sym2 = e2->left.expr->left.sym;
+       } else
+               sym2 = e2->left.sym;
+       if (sym1 != sym2)
+               return NULL;
+       if (sym1->type != S_BOOLEAN && sym1->type != S_TRISTATE)
+               return NULL;
+       if (sym1->type == S_TRISTATE) {
+               if (e1->type == E_EQUAL && e2->type == E_EQUAL &&
+                   ((e1->right.sym == &symbol_yes && e2->right.sym == &symbol_mod) ||
+                    (e1->right.sym == &symbol_mod && e2->right.sym == &symbol_yes))) {
+                       /* (a='y') || (a='m') -> (a!='n') */
+                       return expr_alloc_comp(E_UNEQUAL, sym1, &symbol_no);
+               }
+               if (e1->type == E_EQUAL && e2->type == E_EQUAL &&
+                   ((e1->right.sym == &symbol_yes && e2->right.sym == &symbol_no) ||
+                    (e1->right.sym == &symbol_no && e2->right.sym == &symbol_yes))) {
+                       /* (a='y') || (a='n') -> (a!='m') */
+                       return expr_alloc_comp(E_UNEQUAL, sym1, &symbol_mod);
+               }
+               if (e1->type == E_EQUAL && e2->type == E_EQUAL &&
+                   ((e1->right.sym == &symbol_mod && e2->right.sym == &symbol_no) ||
+                    (e1->right.sym == &symbol_no && e2->right.sym == &symbol_mod))) {
+                       /* (a='m') || (a='n') -> (a!='y') */
+                       return expr_alloc_comp(E_UNEQUAL, sym1, &symbol_yes);
+               }
+       }
+       if (sym1->type == S_BOOLEAN && sym1 == sym2) {
+               if ((e1->type == E_NOT && e1->left.expr->type == E_SYMBOL && e2->type == E_SYMBOL) ||
+                   (e2->type == E_NOT && e2->left.expr->type == E_SYMBOL && e1->type == E_SYMBOL))
+                       return expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_yes);
+       }
+       if (DEBUG_EXPR) {
+               printf("optimize (");
+               expr_fprint(e1, stdout);
+               printf(") || (");
+               expr_fprint(e2, stdout);
+               printf(")?\n");
+       }
+       return NULL;
+static struct expr *expr_join_and(struct expr *e1, struct expr *e2)
+       struct expr *tmp;
+       struct symbol *sym1, *sym2;
+       if (expr_eq(e1, e2))
+               return expr_copy(e1);
+       if (e1->type != E_EQUAL && e1->type != E_UNEQUAL && e1->type != E_SYMBOL && e1->type != E_NOT)
+               return NULL;
+       if (e2->type != E_EQUAL && e2->type != E_UNEQUAL && e2->type != E_SYMBOL && e2->type != E_NOT)
+               return NULL;
+       if (e1->type == E_NOT) {
+               tmp = e1->left.expr;
+               if (tmp->type != E_EQUAL && tmp->type != E_UNEQUAL && tmp->type != E_SYMBOL)
+                       return NULL;
+               sym1 = tmp->left.sym;
+       } else
+               sym1 = e1->left.sym;
+       if (e2->type == E_NOT) {
+               if (e2->left.expr->type != E_SYMBOL)
+                       return NULL;
+               sym2 = e2->left.expr->left.sym;
+       } else
+               sym2 = e2->left.sym;
+       if (sym1 != sym2)
+               return NULL;
+       if (sym1->type != S_BOOLEAN && sym1->type != S_TRISTATE)
+               return NULL;
+       if ((e1->type == E_SYMBOL && e2->type == E_EQUAL && e2->right.sym == &symbol_yes) ||
+           (e2->type == E_SYMBOL && e1->type == E_EQUAL && e1->right.sym == &symbol_yes))
+               /* (a) && (a='y') -> (a='y') */
+               return expr_alloc_comp(E_EQUAL, sym1, &symbol_yes);
+       if ((e1->type == E_SYMBOL && e2->type == E_UNEQUAL && e2->right.sym == &symbol_no) ||
+           (e2->type == E_SYMBOL && e1->type == E_UNEQUAL && e1->right.sym == &symbol_no))
+               /* (a) && (a!='n') -> (a) */
+               return expr_alloc_symbol(sym1);
+       if ((e1->type == E_SYMBOL && e2->type == E_UNEQUAL && e2->right.sym == &symbol_mod) ||
+           (e2->type == E_SYMBOL && e1->type == E_UNEQUAL && e1->right.sym == &symbol_mod))
+               /* (a) && (a!='m') -> (a='y') */
+               return expr_alloc_comp(E_EQUAL, sym1, &symbol_yes);
+       if (sym1->type == S_TRISTATE) {
+               if (e1->type == E_EQUAL && e2->type == E_UNEQUAL) {
+                       /* (a='b') && (a!='c') -> 'b'='c' ? 'n' : a='b' */
+                       sym2 = e1->right.sym;
+                       if ((e2->right.sym->flags & SYMBOL_CONST) && (sym2->flags & SYMBOL_CONST))
+                               return sym2 != e2->right.sym ? expr_alloc_comp(E_EQUAL, sym1, sym2)
+                                                            : expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_no);
+               }
+               if (e1->type == E_UNEQUAL && e2->type == E_EQUAL) {
+                       /* (a='b') && (a!='c') -> 'b'='c' ? 'n' : a='b' */
+                       sym2 = e2->right.sym;
+                       if ((e1->right.sym->flags & SYMBOL_CONST) && (sym2->flags & SYMBOL_CONST))
+                               return sym2 != e1->right.sym ? expr_alloc_comp(E_EQUAL, sym1, sym2)
+                                                            : expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_no);
+               }
+               if (e1->type == E_UNEQUAL && e2->type == E_UNEQUAL &&
+                          ((e1->right.sym == &symbol_yes && e2->right.sym == &symbol_no) ||
+                           (e1->right.sym == &symbol_no && e2->right.sym == &symbol_yes)))
+                       /* (a!='y') && (a!='n') -> (a='m') */
+                       return expr_alloc_comp(E_EQUAL, sym1, &symbol_mod);
+               if (e1->type == E_UNEQUAL && e2->type == E_UNEQUAL &&
+                          ((e1->right.sym == &symbol_yes && e2->right.sym == &symbol_mod) ||
+                           (e1->right.sym == &symbol_mod && e2->right.sym == &symbol_yes)))
+                       /* (a!='y') && (a!='m') -> (a='n') */
+                       return expr_alloc_comp(E_EQUAL, sym1, &symbol_no);
+               if (e1->type == E_UNEQUAL && e2->type == E_UNEQUAL &&
+                          ((e1->right.sym == &symbol_mod && e2->right.sym == &symbol_no) ||
+                           (e1->right.sym == &symbol_no && e2->right.sym == &symbol_mod)))
+                       /* (a!='m') && (a!='n') -> (a='m') */
+                       return expr_alloc_comp(E_EQUAL, sym1, &symbol_yes);
+               if ((e1->type == E_SYMBOL && e2->type == E_EQUAL && e2->right.sym == &symbol_mod) ||
+                   (e2->type == E_SYMBOL && e1->type == E_EQUAL && e1->right.sym == &symbol_mod) ||
+                   (e1->type == E_SYMBOL && e2->type == E_UNEQUAL && e2->right.sym == &symbol_yes) ||
+                   (e2->type == E_SYMBOL && e1->type == E_UNEQUAL && e1->right.sym == &symbol_yes))
+                       return NULL;
+       }
+       if (DEBUG_EXPR) {
+               printf("optimize (");
+               expr_fprint(e1, stdout);
+               printf(") && (");
+               expr_fprint(e2, stdout);
+               printf(")?\n");
+       }
+       return NULL;
+static void expr_eliminate_dups1(enum expr_type type, struct expr **ep1, struct expr **ep2)
+#define e1 (*ep1)
+#define e2 (*ep2)
+       struct expr *tmp;
+       if (e1->type == type) {
+               expr_eliminate_dups1(type, &e1->left.expr, &e2);
+               expr_eliminate_dups1(type, &e1->right.expr, &e2);
+               return;
+       }
+       if (e2->type == type) {
+               expr_eliminate_dups1(type, &e1, &e2->left.expr);
+               expr_eliminate_dups1(type, &e1, &e2->right.expr);
+               return;
+       }
+       if (e1 == e2)
+               return;
+       switch (e1->type) {
+       case E_OR: case E_AND:
+               expr_eliminate_dups1(e1->type, &e1, &e1);
+       default:
+               ;
+       }
+       switch (type) {
+       case E_OR:
+               tmp = expr_join_or(e1, e2);
+               if (tmp) {
+                       expr_free(e1); expr_free(e2);
+                       e1 = expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_no);
+                       e2 = tmp;
+                       trans_count++;
+               }
+               break;
+       case E_AND:
+               tmp = expr_join_and(e1, e2);
+               if (tmp) {
+                       expr_free(e1); expr_free(e2);
+                       e1 = expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_yes);
+                       e2 = tmp;
+                       trans_count++;
+               }
+               break;
+       default:
+               ;
+       }
+#undef e1
+#undef e2
+static void expr_eliminate_dups2(enum expr_type type, struct expr **ep1, struct expr **ep2)
+#define e1 (*ep1)
+#define e2 (*ep2)
+       struct expr *tmp, *tmp1, *tmp2;
+       if (e1->type == type) {
+               expr_eliminate_dups2(type, &e1->left.expr, &e2);
+               expr_eliminate_dups2(type, &e1->right.expr, &e2);
+               return;
+       }
+       if (e2->type == type) {
+               expr_eliminate_dups2(type, &e1, &e2->left.expr);
+               expr_eliminate_dups2(type, &e1, &e2->right.expr);
+       }
+       if (e1 == e2)
+               return;
+       switch (e1->type) {
+       case E_OR:
+               expr_eliminate_dups2(e1->type, &e1, &e1);
+               /* (FOO || BAR) && (!FOO && !BAR) -> n */
+               tmp1 = expr_transform(expr_alloc_one(E_NOT, expr_copy(e1)));
+               tmp2 = expr_copy(e2);
+               tmp = expr_extract_eq_and(&tmp1, &tmp2);
+               if (expr_is_yes(tmp1)) {
+                       expr_free(e1);
+                       e1 = expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_no);
+                       trans_count++;
+               }
+               expr_free(tmp2);
+               expr_free(tmp1);
+               expr_free(tmp);
+               break;
+       case E_AND:
+               expr_eliminate_dups2(e1->type, &e1, &e1);
+               /* (FOO && BAR) || (!FOO || !BAR) -> y */
+               tmp1 = expr_transform(expr_alloc_one(E_NOT, expr_copy(e1)));
+               tmp2 = expr_copy(e2);
+               tmp = expr_extract_eq_or(&tmp1, &tmp2);
+               if (expr_is_no(tmp1)) {
+                       expr_free(e1);
+                       e1 = expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_yes);
+                       trans_count++;
+               }
+               expr_free(tmp2);
+               expr_free(tmp1);
+               expr_free(tmp);
+               break;
+       default:
+               ;
+       }
+#undef e1
+#undef e2
+struct expr *expr_eliminate_dups(struct expr *e)
+       int oldcount;
+       if (!e)
+               return e;
+       oldcount = trans_count;
+       while (1) {
+               trans_count = 0;
+               switch (e->type) {
+               case E_OR: case E_AND:
+                       expr_eliminate_dups1(e->type, &e, &e);
+                       expr_eliminate_dups2(e->type, &e, &e);
+               default:
+                       ;
+               }
+               if (!trans_count)
+                       break;
+               e = expr_eliminate_yn(e);
+       }
+       trans_count = oldcount;
+       return e;
+struct expr *expr_transform(struct expr *e)
+       struct expr *tmp;
+       if (!e)
+               return NULL;
+       switch (e->type) {
+       case E_EQUAL:
+       case E_UNEQUAL:
+       case E_SYMBOL:
+       case E_LIST:
+               break;
+       default:
+               e->left.expr = expr_transform(e->left.expr);
+               e->right.expr = expr_transform(e->right.expr);
+       }
+       switch (e->type) {
+       case E_EQUAL:
+               if (e->left.sym->type != S_BOOLEAN)
+                       break;
+               if (e->right.sym == &symbol_no) {
+                       e->type = E_NOT;
+                       e->left.expr = expr_alloc_symbol(e->left.sym);
+                       e->right.sym = NULL;
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (e->right.sym == &symbol_mod) {
+                       printf("boolean symbol %s tested for 'm'? test forced to 'n'\n", e->left.sym->name);
+                       e->type = E_SYMBOL;
+                       e->left.sym = &symbol_no;
+                       e->right.sym = NULL;
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (e->right.sym == &symbol_yes) {
+                       e->type = E_SYMBOL;
+                       e->right.sym = NULL;
+                       break;
+               }
+               break;
+       case E_UNEQUAL:
+               if (e->left.sym->type != S_BOOLEAN)
+                       break;
+               if (e->right.sym == &symbol_no) {
+                       e->type = E_SYMBOL;
+                       e->right.sym = NULL;
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (e->right.sym == &symbol_mod) {
+                       printf("boolean symbol %s tested for 'm'? test forced to 'y'\n", e->left.sym->name);
+                       e->type = E_SYMBOL;
+                       e->left.sym = &symbol_yes;
+                       e->right.sym = NULL;
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (e->right.sym == &symbol_yes) {
+                       e->type = E_NOT;
+                       e->left.expr = expr_alloc_symbol(e->left.sym);
+                       e->right.sym = NULL;
+                       break;
+               }
+               break;
+       case E_NOT:
+               switch (e->left.expr->type) {
+               case E_NOT:
+                       /* !!a -> a */
+                       tmp = e->left.expr->left.expr;
+                       free(e->left.expr);
+                       free(e);
+                       e = tmp;
+                       e = expr_transform(e);
+                       break;
+               case E_EQUAL:
+               case E_UNEQUAL:
+                       /* !a='x' -> a!='x' */
+                       tmp = e->left.expr;
+                       free(e);
+                       e = tmp;
+                       e->type = e->type == E_EQUAL ? E_UNEQUAL : E_EQUAL;
+                       break;
+               case E_OR:
+                       /* !(a || b) -> !a && !b */
+                       tmp = e->left.expr;
+                       e->type = E_AND;
+                       e->right.expr = expr_alloc_one(E_NOT, tmp->right.expr);
+                       tmp->type = E_NOT;
+                       tmp->right.expr = NULL;
+                       e = expr_transform(e);
+                       break;
+               case E_AND:
+                       /* !(a && b) -> !a || !b */
+                       tmp = e->left.expr;
+                       e->type = E_OR;
+                       e->right.expr = expr_alloc_one(E_NOT, tmp->right.expr);
+                       tmp->type = E_NOT;
+                       tmp->right.expr = NULL;
+                       e = expr_transform(e);
+                       break;
+               case E_SYMBOL:
+                       if (e->left.expr->left.sym == &symbol_yes) {
+                               /* !'y' -> 'n' */
+                               tmp = e->left.expr;
+                               free(e);
+                               e = tmp;
+                               e->type = E_SYMBOL;
+                               e->left.sym = &symbol_no;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       if (e->left.expr->left.sym == &symbol_mod) {
+                               /* !'m' -> 'm' */
+                               tmp = e->left.expr;
+                               free(e);
+                               e = tmp;
+                               e->type = E_SYMBOL;
+                               e->left.sym = &symbol_mod;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       if (e->left.expr->left.sym == &symbol_no) {
+                               /* !'n' -> 'y' */
+                               tmp = e->left.expr;
+                               free(e);
+                               e = tmp;
+                               e->type = E_SYMBOL;
+                               e->left.sym = &symbol_yes;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       ;
+               }
+               break;
+       default:
+               ;
+       }
+       return e;
+int expr_contains_symbol(struct expr *dep, struct symbol *sym)
+       if (!dep)
+               return 0;
+       switch (dep->type) {
+       case E_AND:
+       case E_OR:
+               return expr_contains_symbol(dep->left.expr, sym) ||
+                      expr_contains_symbol(dep->right.expr, sym);
+       case E_SYMBOL:
+               return dep->left.sym == sym;
+       case E_EQUAL:
+       case E_UNEQUAL:
+               return dep->left.sym == sym ||
+                      dep->right.sym == sym;
+       case E_NOT:
+               return expr_contains_symbol(dep->left.expr, sym);
+       default:
+               ;
+       }
+       return 0;
+bool expr_depends_symbol(struct expr *dep, struct symbol *sym)
+       if (!dep)
+               return false;
+       switch (dep->type) {
+       case E_AND:
+               return expr_depends_symbol(dep->left.expr, sym) ||
+                      expr_depends_symbol(dep->right.expr, sym);
+       case E_SYMBOL:
+               return dep->left.sym == sym;
+       case E_EQUAL:
+               if (dep->left.sym == sym) {
+                       if (dep->right.sym == &symbol_yes || dep->right.sym == &symbol_mod)
+                               return true;
+               }
+               break;
+       case E_UNEQUAL:
+               if (dep->left.sym == sym) {
+                       if (dep->right.sym == &symbol_no)
+                               return true;
+               }
+               break;
+       default:
+               ;
+       }
+       return false;
+struct expr *expr_extract_eq_and(struct expr **ep1, struct expr **ep2)
+       struct expr *tmp = NULL;
+       expr_extract_eq(E_AND, &tmp, ep1, ep2);
+       if (tmp) {
+               *ep1 = expr_eliminate_yn(*ep1);
+               *ep2 = expr_eliminate_yn(*ep2);
+       }
+       return tmp;
+struct expr *expr_extract_eq_or(struct expr **ep1, struct expr **ep2)
+       struct expr *tmp = NULL;
+       expr_extract_eq(E_OR, &tmp, ep1, ep2);
+       if (tmp) {
+               *ep1 = expr_eliminate_yn(*ep1);
+               *ep2 = expr_eliminate_yn(*ep2);
+       }
+       return tmp;
+void expr_extract_eq(enum expr_type type, struct expr **ep, struct expr **ep1, struct expr **ep2)
+#define e1 (*ep1)
+#define e2 (*ep2)
+       if (e1->type == type) {
+               expr_extract_eq(type, ep, &e1->left.expr, &e2);
+               expr_extract_eq(type, ep, &e1->right.expr, &e2);
+               return;
+       }
+       if (e2->type == type) {
+               expr_extract_eq(type, ep, ep1, &e2->left.expr);
+               expr_extract_eq(type, ep, ep1, &e2->right.expr);
+               return;
+       }
+       if (expr_eq(e1, e2)) {
+               *ep = *ep ? expr_alloc_two(type, *ep, e1) : e1;
+               expr_free(e2);
+               if (type == E_AND) {
+                       e1 = expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_yes);
+                       e2 = expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_yes);
+               } else if (type == E_OR) {
+                       e1 = expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_no);
+                       e2 = expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_no);
+               }
+       }
+#undef e1
+#undef e2
+struct expr *expr_trans_compare(struct expr *e, enum expr_type type, struct symbol *sym)
+       struct expr *e1, *e2;
+       if (!e) {
+               e = expr_alloc_symbol(sym);
+               if (type == E_UNEQUAL)
+                       e = expr_alloc_one(E_NOT, e);
+               return e;
+       }
+       switch (e->type) {
+       case E_AND:
+               e1 = expr_trans_compare(e->left.expr, E_EQUAL, sym);
+               e2 = expr_trans_compare(e->right.expr, E_EQUAL, sym);
+               if (sym == &symbol_yes)
+                       e = expr_alloc_two(E_AND, e1, e2);
+               if (sym == &symbol_no)
+                       e = expr_alloc_two(E_OR, e1, e2);
+               if (type == E_UNEQUAL)
+                       e = expr_alloc_one(E_NOT, e);
+               return e;
+       case E_OR:
+               e1 = expr_trans_compare(e->left.expr, E_EQUAL, sym);
+               e2 = expr_trans_compare(e->right.expr, E_EQUAL, sym);
+               if (sym == &symbol_yes)
+                       e = expr_alloc_two(E_OR, e1, e2);
+               if (sym == &symbol_no)
+                       e = expr_alloc_two(E_AND, e1, e2);
+               if (type == E_UNEQUAL)
+                       e = expr_alloc_one(E_NOT, e);
+               return e;
+       case E_NOT:
+               return expr_trans_compare(e->left.expr, type == E_EQUAL ? E_UNEQUAL : E_EQUAL, sym);
+       case E_UNEQUAL:
+       case E_EQUAL:
+               if (type == E_EQUAL) {
+                       if (sym == &symbol_yes)
+                               return expr_copy(e);
+                       if (sym == &symbol_mod)
+                               return expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_no);
+                       if (sym == &symbol_no)
+                               return expr_alloc_one(E_NOT, expr_copy(e));
+               } else {
+                       if (sym == &symbol_yes)
+                               return expr_alloc_one(E_NOT, expr_copy(e));
+                       if (sym == &symbol_mod)
+                               return expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_yes);
+                       if (sym == &symbol_no)
+                               return expr_copy(e);
+               }
+               break;
+       case E_SYMBOL:
+               return expr_alloc_comp(type, e->left.sym, sym);
+       case E_LIST:
+       case E_RANGE:
+       case E_NONE:
+               /* panic */;
+       }
+       return NULL;
+tristate expr_calc_value(struct expr *e)
+       tristate val1, val2;
+       const char *str1, *str2;
+       if (!e)
+               return yes;
+       switch (e->type) {
+       case E_SYMBOL:
+               sym_calc_value(e->left.sym);
+               return e->left.sym->curr.tri;
+       case E_AND:
+               val1 = expr_calc_value(e->left.expr);
+               val2 = expr_calc_value(e->right.expr);
+               return EXPR_AND(val1, val2);
+       case E_OR:
+               val1 = expr_calc_value(e->left.expr);
+               val2 = expr_calc_value(e->right.expr);
+               return EXPR_OR(val1, val2);
+       case E_NOT:
+               val1 = expr_calc_value(e->left.expr);
+               return EXPR_NOT(val1);
+       case E_EQUAL:
+               sym_calc_value(e->left.sym);
+               sym_calc_value(e->right.sym);
+               str1 = sym_get_string_value(e->left.sym);
+               str2 = sym_get_string_value(e->right.sym);
+               return !strcmp(str1, str2) ? yes : no;
+       case E_UNEQUAL:
+               sym_calc_value(e->left.sym);
+               sym_calc_value(e->right.sym);
+               str1 = sym_get_string_value(e->left.sym);
+               str2 = sym_get_string_value(e->right.sym);
+               return !strcmp(str1, str2) ? no : yes;
+       default:
+               printf("expr_calc_value: %d?\n", e->type);
+               return no;
+       }
+int expr_compare_type(enum expr_type t1, enum expr_type t2)
+#if 0
+       return 1;
+       if (t1 == t2)
+               return 0;
+       switch (t1) {
+       case E_EQUAL:
+       case E_UNEQUAL:
+               if (t2 == E_NOT)
+                       return 1;
+       case E_NOT:
+               if (t2 == E_AND)
+                       return 1;
+       case E_AND:
+               if (t2 == E_OR)
+                       return 1;
+       case E_OR:
+               if (t2 == E_LIST)
+                       return 1;
+       case E_LIST:
+               if (t2 == 0)
+                       return 1;
+       default:
+               return -1;
+       }
+       printf("[%dgt%d?]", t1, t2);
+       return 0;
+void expr_print(struct expr *e, void (*fn)(void *, struct symbol *, const char *), void *data, int prevtoken)
+       if (!e) {
+               fn(data, NULL, "y");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (expr_compare_type(prevtoken, e->type) > 0)
+               fn(data, NULL, "(");
+       switch (e->type) {
+       case E_SYMBOL:
+               if (e->left.sym->name)
+                       fn(data, e->left.sym, e->left.sym->name);
+               else
+                       fn(data, NULL, "<choice>");
+               break;
+       case E_NOT:
+               fn(data, NULL, "!");
+               expr_print(e->left.expr, fn, data, E_NOT);
+               break;
+       case E_EQUAL:
+               if (e->left.sym->name)
+                       fn(data, e->left.sym, e->left.sym->name);
+               else
+                       fn(data, NULL, "<choice>");
+               fn(data, NULL, "=");
+               fn(data, e->right.sym, e->right.sym->name);
+               break;
+       case E_UNEQUAL:
+               if (e->left.sym->name)
+                       fn(data, e->left.sym, e->left.sym->name);
+               else
+                       fn(data, NULL, "<choice>");
+               fn(data, NULL, "!=");
+               fn(data, e->right.sym, e->right.sym->name);
+               break;
+       case E_OR:
+               expr_print(e->left.expr, fn, data, E_OR);
+               fn(data, NULL, " || ");
+               expr_print(e->right.expr, fn, data, E_OR);
+               break;
+       case E_AND:
+               expr_print(e->left.expr, fn, data, E_AND);
+               fn(data, NULL, " && ");
+               expr_print(e->right.expr, fn, data, E_AND);
+               break;
+       case E_LIST:
+               fn(data, e->right.sym, e->right.sym->name);
+               if (e->left.expr) {
+                       fn(data, NULL, " ^ ");
+                       expr_print(e->left.expr, fn, data, E_LIST);
+               }
+               break;
+       case E_RANGE:
+               fn(data, NULL, "[");
+               fn(data, e->left.sym, e->left.sym->name);
+               fn(data, NULL, " ");
+               fn(data, e->right.sym, e->right.sym->name);
+               fn(data, NULL, "]");
+               break;
+       default:
+         {
+               char buf[32];
+               sprintf(buf, "<unknown type %d>", e->type);
+               fn(data, NULL, buf);
+               break;
+         }
+       }
+       if (expr_compare_type(prevtoken, e->type) > 0)
+               fn(data, NULL, ")");
+static void expr_print_file_helper(void *data, struct symbol *sym, const char *str)
+       fwrite(str, strlen(str), 1, data);
+void expr_fprint(struct expr *e, FILE *out)
+       expr_print(e, expr_print_file_helper, out, E_NONE);
+static void expr_print_gstr_helper(void *data, struct symbol *sym, const char *str)
+       str_append((struct gstr *)data, str);
+       if (sym)
+               str_printf((struct gstr *)data, " [=%s]", sym_get_string_value(sym));
+void expr_gstr_print(struct expr *e, struct gstr *gs)
+       expr_print(e, expr_print_gstr_helper, gs, E_NONE);
diff --git a/config/expr.h b/config/expr.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a72597f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Roman Zippel <>
+ * Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
+ */
+#ifndef EXPR_H
+#define EXPR_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+#include <stdbool.h>
+struct file {
+       struct file *next;
+       struct file *parent;
+       char *name;
+       int lineno;
+       int flags;
+#define FILE_BUSY              0x0001
+#define FILE_SCANNED           0x0002
+typedef enum tristate {
+       no, mod, yes
+} tristate;
+enum expr_type {
+union expr_data {
+       struct expr *expr;
+       struct symbol *sym;
+struct expr {
+       enum expr_type type;
+       union expr_data left, right;
+#define EXPR_OR(dep1, dep2)    (((dep1) > (dep2)) ? (dep1) : (dep2))
+#define EXPR_AND(dep1, dep2)   (((dep1) < (dep2)) ? (dep1) : (dep2))
+#define EXPR_NOT(dep)          (2-(dep))
+#define expr_list_for_each_sym(l, e, s) \
+       for (e = (l); e && (s = e->right.sym); e = e->left.expr)
+struct expr_value {
+       struct expr *expr;
+       tristate tri;
+struct symbol_value {
+       void *val;
+       tristate tri;
+enum symbol_type {
+/* enum values are used as index to symbol.def[] */
+enum {
+       S_DEF_USER,             /* main user value */
+       S_DEF_AUTO,             /* values read from auto.conf */
+       S_DEF_DEF3,             /* Reserved for UI usage */
+       S_DEF_DEF4,             /* Reserved for UI usage */
+       S_DEF_COUNT
+struct symbol {
+       struct symbol *next;
+       char *name;
+       enum symbol_type type;
+       struct symbol_value curr;
+       struct symbol_value def[S_DEF_COUNT];
+       tristate visible;
+       int flags;
+       struct property *prop;
+       struct expr_value rev_dep;
+#define for_all_symbols(i, sym) for (i = 0; i < 257; i++) for (sym = symbol_hash[i]; sym; sym = sym->next) if (sym->type != S_OTHER)
+#define SYMBOL_CONST      0x0001  /* symbol is const */
+#define SYMBOL_CHECK      0x0008  /* used during dependency checking */
+#define SYMBOL_CHOICE     0x0010  /* start of a choice block (null name) */
+#define SYMBOL_CHOICEVAL  0x0020  /* used as a value in a choice block */
+#define SYMBOL_VALID      0x0080  /* set when symbol.curr is calculated */
+#define SYMBOL_OPTIONAL   0x0100  /* choice is optional - values can be 'n' */
+#define SYMBOL_WRITE      0x0200  /* ? */
+#define SYMBOL_CHANGED    0x0400  /* ? */
+#define SYMBOL_AUTO       0x1000  /* value from environment variable */
+#define SYMBOL_CHECKED    0x2000  /* used during dependency checking */
+#define SYMBOL_WARNED     0x8000  /* warning has been issued */
+/* Set when symbol.def[] is used */
+#define SYMBOL_DEF        0x10000  /* First bit of SYMBOL_DEF */
+#define SYMBOL_DEF_USER   0x10000  /* symbol.def[S_DEF_USER] is valid */
+#define SYMBOL_DEF_AUTO   0x20000  /* symbol.def[S_DEF_AUTO] is valid */
+#define SYMBOL_DEF3       0x40000  /* symbol.def[S_DEF_3] is valid */
+#define SYMBOL_DEF4       0x80000  /* symbol.def[S_DEF_4] is valid */
+#define SYMBOL_MAXLENGTH       256
+#define SYMBOL_HASHSIZE                257
+#define SYMBOL_HASHMASK                0xff
+/* A property represent the config options that can be associated
+ * with a config "symbol".
+ * Sample:
+ * config FOO
+ *         default y
+ *         prompt "foo prompt"
+ *         select BAR
+ * config BAZ
+ *         int "BAZ Value"
+ *         range 1..255
+ */
+enum prop_type {
+       P_UNKNOWN,
+       P_PROMPT,   /* prompt "foo prompt" or "BAZ Value" */
+       P_COMMENT,  /* text associated with a comment */
+       P_MENU,     /* prompt associated with a menuconfig option */
+       P_DEFAULT,  /* default y */
+       P_CHOICE,   /* choice value */
+       P_SELECT,   /* select BAR */
+       P_RANGE,    /* range 7..100 (for a symbol) */
+       P_ENV,      /* value from environment variable */
+struct property {
+       struct property *next;     /* next property - null if last */
+       struct symbol *sym;        /* the symbol for which the property is associated */
+       enum prop_type type;       /* type of property */
+       const char *text;          /* the prompt value - P_PROMPT, P_MENU, P_COMMENT */
+       struct expr_value visible;
+       struct expr *expr;         /* the optional conditional part of the property */
+       struct menu *menu;         /* the menu the property are associated with
+                                   * valid for: P_SELECT, P_RANGE, P_CHOICE,
+                                   * P_PROMPT, P_DEFAULT, P_MENU, P_COMMENT */
+       struct file *file;         /* what file was this property defined */
+       int lineno;                /* what lineno was this property defined */
+#define for_all_properties(sym, st, tok) \
+       for (st = sym->prop; st; st = st->next) \
+               if (st->type == (tok))
+#define for_all_defaults(sym, st) for_all_properties(sym, st, P_DEFAULT)
+#define for_all_choices(sym, st) for_all_properties(sym, st, P_CHOICE)
+#define for_all_prompts(sym, st) \
+       for (st = sym->prop; st; st = st->next) \
+               if (st->text)
+struct menu {
+       struct menu *next;
+       struct menu *parent;
+       struct menu *list;
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       struct property *prompt;
+       struct expr *dep;
+       unsigned int flags;
+       char *help;
+       struct file *file;
+       int lineno;
+       void *data;
+#define MENU_CHANGED           0x0001
+#define MENU_ROOT              0x0002
+#ifndef SWIG
+extern struct file *file_list;
+extern struct file *current_file;
+struct file *lookup_file(const char *name);
+extern struct symbol symbol_yes, symbol_no, symbol_mod;
+extern struct symbol *modules_sym;
+extern struct symbol *sym_defconfig_list;
+extern int cdebug;
+struct expr *expr_alloc_symbol(struct symbol *sym);
+struct expr *expr_alloc_one(enum expr_type type, struct expr *ce);
+struct expr *expr_alloc_two(enum expr_type type, struct expr *e1, struct expr *e2);
+struct expr *expr_alloc_comp(enum expr_type type, struct symbol *s1, struct symbol *s2);
+struct expr *expr_alloc_and(struct expr *e1, struct expr *e2);
+struct expr *expr_alloc_or(struct expr *e1, struct expr *e2);
+struct expr *expr_copy(struct expr *org);
+void expr_free(struct expr *e);
+int expr_eq(struct expr *e1, struct expr *e2);
+void expr_eliminate_eq(struct expr **ep1, struct expr **ep2);
+tristate expr_calc_value(struct expr *e);
+struct expr *expr_eliminate_yn(struct expr *e);
+struct expr *expr_trans_bool(struct expr *e);
+struct expr *expr_eliminate_dups(struct expr *e);
+struct expr *expr_transform(struct expr *e);
+int expr_contains_symbol(struct expr *dep, struct symbol *sym);
+bool expr_depends_symbol(struct expr *dep, struct symbol *sym);
+struct expr *expr_extract_eq_and(struct expr **ep1, struct expr **ep2);
+struct expr *expr_extract_eq_or(struct expr **ep1, struct expr **ep2);
+void expr_extract_eq(enum expr_type type, struct expr **ep, struct expr **ep1, struct expr **ep2);
+struct expr *expr_trans_compare(struct expr *e, enum expr_type type, struct symbol *sym);
+void expr_fprint(struct expr *e, FILE *out);
+struct gstr; /* forward */
+void expr_gstr_print(struct expr *e, struct gstr *gs);
+static inline int expr_is_yes(struct expr *e)
+       return !e || (e->type == E_SYMBOL && e->left.sym == &symbol_yes);
+static inline int expr_is_no(struct expr *e)
+       return e && (e->type == E_SYMBOL && e->left.sym == &symbol_no);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* EXPR_H */
diff --git a/config/lkc.h b/config/lkc.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7b0fd77
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Roman Zippel <>
+ * Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
+ */
+#ifndef LKC_H
+#define LKC_H
+#include "expr.h"
+#ifndef KBUILD_NO_NLS
+# include <libintl.h>
+static inline const char *gettext(const char *txt) { return txt; }
+static inline void textdomain(const char *domainname) {}
+static inline void bindtextdomain(const char *name, const char *dir) {}
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define P(name, type, arg)     extern type name arg
+#include "lkc_defs.h"
+#define P(name, type, arg)     extern type (*name ## _p) arg
+#include "lkc_proto.h"
+#undef P
+#define SRCTREE "srctree"
+#define PACKAGE "linux"
+#define LOCALEDIR "/usr/share/locale"
+#define _(text) gettext(text)
+#define N_(text) (text)
+#define TF_COMMAND     0x0001
+#define TF_PARAM       0x0002
+#define TF_OPTION      0x0004
+enum conf_def_mode {
+       def_default,
+       def_yes,
+       def_mod,
+       def_no,
+       def_random
+#define T_OPT_MODULES          1
+#define T_OPT_ENV              3
+struct kconf_id {
+       int name;
+       int token;
+       unsigned int flags;
+       enum symbol_type stype;
+int zconfparse(void);
+void zconfdump(FILE *out);
+extern int zconfdebug;
+void zconf_starthelp(void);
+FILE *zconf_fopen(const char *name);
+void zconf_initscan(const char *name);
+void zconf_nextfile(const char *name);
+int zconf_lineno(void);
+char *zconf_curname(void);
+/* confdata.c */
+const char *conf_get_configname(void);
+const char *conf_get_autoconfig_name(void);
+char *conf_get_default_confname(void);
+void sym_set_change_count(int count);
+void sym_add_change_count(int count);
+void conf_set_all_new_symbols(enum conf_def_mode mode);
+/* kconfig_load.c */
+void kconfig_load(void);
+/* menu.c */
+void menu_init(void);
+void menu_warn(struct menu *menu, const char *fmt, ...);
+struct menu *menu_add_menu(void);
+void menu_end_menu(void);
+void menu_add_entry(struct symbol *sym);
+void menu_end_entry(void);
+void menu_add_dep(struct expr *dep);
+struct property *menu_add_prop(enum prop_type type, char *prompt, struct expr *expr, struct expr *dep);
+struct property *menu_add_prompt(enum prop_type type, char *prompt, struct expr *dep);
+void menu_add_expr(enum prop_type type, struct expr *expr, struct expr *dep);
+void menu_add_symbol(enum prop_type type, struct symbol *sym, struct expr *dep);
+void menu_add_option(int token, char *arg);
+void menu_finalize(struct menu *parent);
+void menu_set_type(int type);
+/* util.c */
+struct file *file_lookup(const char *name);
+struct gstr {
+       size_t len;
+       char  *s;
+struct gstr str_new(void);
+struct gstr str_assign(const char *s);
+void str_free(struct gstr *gs);
+void str_append(struct gstr *gs, const char *s);
+void str_printf(struct gstr *gs, const char *fmt, ...);
+const char *str_get(struct gstr *gs);
+/* symbol.c */
+extern struct expr *sym_env_list;
+void sym_init(void);
+void sym_clear_all_valid(void);
+void sym_set_all_changed(void);
+void sym_set_changed(struct symbol *sym);
+struct symbol *sym_check_deps(struct symbol *sym);
+struct property *prop_alloc(enum prop_type type, struct symbol *sym);
+struct symbol *prop_get_symbol(struct property *prop);
+struct property *sym_get_env_prop(struct symbol *sym);
+static inline tristate sym_get_tristate_value(struct symbol *sym)
+       return sym->curr.tri;
+static inline struct symbol *sym_get_choice_value(struct symbol *sym)
+       return (struct symbol *)sym->curr.val;
+static inline bool sym_set_choice_value(struct symbol *ch, struct symbol *chval)
+       return sym_set_tristate_value(chval, yes);
+static inline bool sym_is_choice(struct symbol *sym)
+       return sym->flags & SYMBOL_CHOICE ? true : false;
+static inline bool sym_is_choice_value(struct symbol *sym)
+       return sym->flags & SYMBOL_CHOICEVAL ? true : false;
+static inline bool sym_is_optional(struct symbol *sym)
+       return sym->flags & SYMBOL_OPTIONAL ? true : false;
+static inline bool sym_has_value(struct symbol *sym)
+       return sym->flags & SYMBOL_DEF_USER ? true : false;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* LKC_H */
diff --git a/config/lkc_proto.h b/config/lkc_proto.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..aa326cd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* confdata.c */
+P(conf_parse, void, (const char *name));
+P(conf_read, int, (const char *name));
+P(conf_read_simple, int, (const char *name, int));
+P(conf_write, int, (const char *name));
+P(conf_write_autoconf, int, (void));
+P(conf_get_changed, bool, (void));
+P(conf_set_changed_callback, void, (void (*fn)(void)));
+/* menu.c */
+P(rootmenu, struct menu,);
+P(menu_is_visible, bool, (struct menu *menu));
+P(menu_get_prompt, const char *, (struct menu *menu));
+P(menu_get_root_menu, struct menu *, (struct menu *menu));
+P(menu_get_parent_menu, struct menu *, (struct menu *menu));
+P(menu_has_help, bool, (struct menu *menu));
+P(menu_get_help, const char *, (struct menu *menu));
+P(get_symbol_str, void, (struct gstr *r, struct symbol *sym));
+P(menu_get_ext_help, void, (struct menu *menu, struct gstr *help));
+/* symbol.c */
+P(symbol_hash, struct symbol *, [SYMBOL_HASHSIZE]);
+P(sym_lookup, struct symbol *, (const char *name, int flags));
+P(sym_find, struct symbol *, (const char *name));
+P(sym_re_search, struct symbol **, (const char *pattern));
+P(sym_type_name, const char *, (enum symbol_type type));
+P(sym_calc_value, void, (struct symbol *sym));
+P(sym_get_type, enum symbol_type, (struct symbol *sym));
+P(sym_tristate_within_range, bool, (struct symbol *sym, tristate tri));
+P(sym_set_tristate_value, bool, (struct symbol *sym, tristate tri));
+P(sym_toggle_tristate_value, tristate, (struct symbol *sym));
+P(sym_string_valid, bool, (struct symbol *sym, const char *newval));
+P(sym_string_within_range, bool, (struct symbol *sym, const char *str));
+P(sym_set_string_value, bool, (struct symbol *sym, const char *newval));
+P(sym_is_changable, bool, (struct symbol *sym));
+P(sym_get_choice_prop, struct property *, (struct symbol *sym));
+P(sym_get_default_prop, struct property *, (struct symbol *sym));
+P(sym_get_string_value, const char *, (struct symbol *sym));
+P(prop_get_type_name, const char *, (enum prop_type type));
+/* expr.c */
+P(expr_compare_type, int, (enum expr_type t1, enum expr_type t2));
+P(expr_print, void, (struct expr *e, void (*fn)(void *, struct symbol *, const char *), void *data, int prevtoken));
diff --git a/config/menu.c b/config/menu.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9da3533
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Roman Zippel <>
+ * Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "lkc.h"
+static const char nohelp_text[] = N_(
+       "There is no help available for this firmware option.\n");
+struct menu rootmenu;
+static struct menu **last_entry_ptr;
+struct file *file_list;
+struct file *current_file;
+void menu_warn(struct menu *menu, const char *fmt, ...)
+       va_list ap;
+       va_start(ap, fmt);
+       fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:warning: ", menu->file->name, menu->lineno);
+       vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+       va_end(ap);
+static void prop_warn(struct property *prop, const char *fmt, ...)
+       va_list ap;
+       va_start(ap, fmt);
+       fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:warning: ", prop->file->name, prop->lineno);
+       vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+       va_end(ap);
+void menu_init(void)
+       current_entry = current_menu = &rootmenu;
+       last_entry_ptr = &rootmenu.list;
+void menu_add_entry(struct symbol *sym)
+       struct menu *menu;
+       menu = malloc(sizeof(*menu));
+       memset(menu, 0, sizeof(*menu));
+       menu->sym = sym;
+       menu->parent = current_menu;
+       menu->file = current_file;
+       menu->lineno = zconf_lineno();
+       *last_entry_ptr = menu;
+       last_entry_ptr = &menu->next;
+       current_entry = menu;
+void menu_end_entry(void)
+struct menu *menu_add_menu(void)
+       menu_end_entry();
+       last_entry_ptr = &current_entry->list;
+       return current_menu = current_entry;
+void menu_end_menu(void)
+       last_entry_ptr = &current_menu->next;
+       current_menu = current_menu->parent;
+static struct expr *menu_check_dep(struct expr *e)
+       if (!e)
+               return e;
+       switch (e->type) {
+       case E_NOT:
+               e->left.expr = menu_check_dep(e->left.expr);
+               break;
+       case E_OR:
+       case E_AND:
+               e->left.expr = menu_check_dep(e->left.expr);
+               e->right.expr = menu_check_dep(e->right.expr);
+               break;
+       case E_SYMBOL:
+               /* change 'm' into 'm' && MODULES */
+               if (e->left.sym == &symbol_mod)
+                       return expr_alloc_and(e, expr_alloc_symbol(modules_sym));
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       return e;
+void menu_add_dep(struct expr *dep)
+       current_entry->dep = expr_alloc_and(current_entry->dep, menu_check_dep(dep));
+void menu_set_type(int type)
+       struct symbol *sym = current_entry->sym;
+       if (sym->type == type)
+               return;
+       if (sym->type == S_UNKNOWN) {
+               sym->type = type;
+               return;
+       }
+       menu_warn(current_entry, "type of '%s' redefined from '%s' to '%s'",
+           sym->name ? sym->name : "<choice>",
+           sym_type_name(sym->type), sym_type_name(type));
+struct property *menu_add_prop(enum prop_type type, char *prompt, struct expr *expr, struct expr *dep)
+       struct property *prop = prop_alloc(type, current_entry->sym);
+       prop->menu = current_entry;
+       prop->expr = expr;
+       prop->visible.expr = menu_check_dep(dep);
+       if (prompt) {
+               if (isspace(*prompt)) {
+                       prop_warn(prop, "leading whitespace ignored");
+                       while (isspace(*prompt))
+                               prompt++;
+               }
+               if (current_entry->prompt)
+                       prop_warn(prop, "prompt redefined");
+               current_entry->prompt = prop;
+       }
+       prop->text = prompt;
+       return prop;
+struct property *menu_add_prompt(enum prop_type type, char *prompt, struct expr *dep)
+       return menu_add_prop(type, prompt, NULL, dep);
+void menu_add_expr(enum prop_type type, struct expr *expr, struct expr *dep)
+       menu_add_prop(type, NULL, expr, dep);
+void menu_add_symbol(enum prop_type type, struct symbol *sym, struct expr *dep)
+       menu_add_prop(type, NULL, expr_alloc_symbol(sym), dep);
+void menu_add_option(int token, char *arg)
+       struct property *prop;
+       switch (token) {
+       case T_OPT_MODULES:
+               prop = prop_alloc(P_DEFAULT, modules_sym);
+               prop->expr = expr_alloc_symbol(current_entry->sym);
+               break;
+       case T_OPT_DEFCONFIG_LIST:
+               if (!sym_defconfig_list)
+                       sym_defconfig_list = current_entry->sym;
+               else if (sym_defconfig_list != current_entry->sym)
+                       zconf_error("trying to redefine defconfig symbol");
+               break;
+       case T_OPT_ENV:
+               prop_add_env(arg);
+               break;
+       }
+static int menu_range_valid_sym(struct symbol *sym, struct symbol *sym2)
+       return sym2->type == S_INT || sym2->type == S_HEX ||
+              (sym2->type == S_UNKNOWN && sym_string_valid(sym, sym2->name));
+static void sym_check_prop(struct symbol *sym)
+       struct property *prop;
+       struct symbol *sym2;
+       for (prop = sym->prop; prop; prop = prop->next) {
+               switch (prop->type) {
+               case P_DEFAULT:
+                       if ((sym->type == S_STRING || sym->type == S_INT || sym->type == S_HEX) &&
+                           prop->expr->type != E_SYMBOL)
+                               prop_warn(prop,
+                                   "default for config symbol '%'"
+                                   " must be a single symbol", sym->name);
+                       break;
+               case P_SELECT:
+                       sym2 = prop_get_symbol(prop);
+                       if (sym->type != S_BOOLEAN && sym->type != S_TRISTATE)
+                               prop_warn(prop,
+                                   "config symbol '%s' uses select, but is "
+                                   "not boolean or tristate", sym->name);
+                       else if (sym2->type != S_UNKNOWN &&
+                                sym2->type != S_BOOLEAN &&
+                                sym2->type != S_TRISTATE)
+                               prop_warn(prop,
+                                   "'%s' has wrong type. 'select' only "
+                                   "accept arguments of boolean and "
+                                   "tristate type", sym2->name);
+                       break;
+               case P_RANGE:
+                       if (sym->type != S_INT && sym->type != S_HEX)
+                               prop_warn(prop, "range is only allowed "
+                                         "for int or hex symbols");
+                       if (!menu_range_valid_sym(sym, prop->expr->left.sym) ||
+                           !menu_range_valid_sym(sym, prop->expr->right.sym))
+                               prop_warn(prop, "range is invalid");
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       ;
+               }
+       }
+void menu_finalize(struct menu *parent)
+       struct menu *menu, *last_menu;
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       struct property *prop;
+       struct expr *parentdep, *basedep, *dep, *dep2, **ep;
+       sym = parent->sym;
+       if (parent->list) {
+               if (sym && sym_is_choice(sym)) {
+                       if (sym->type == S_UNKNOWN) {
+                               /* find the first choice value to find out choice type */
+                               current_entry = parent;
+                               for (menu = parent->list; menu; menu = menu->next) {
+                                       if (menu->sym && menu->sym->type != S_UNKNOWN) {
+                                               menu_set_type(menu->sym->type);
+                                               break;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+                       /* set the type of the remaining choice values */
+                       for (menu = parent->list; menu; menu = menu->next) {
+                               current_entry = menu;
+                               if (menu->sym && menu->sym->type == S_UNKNOWN)
+                                       menu_set_type(sym->type);
+                       }
+                       parentdep = expr_alloc_symbol(sym);
+               } else if (parent->prompt)
+                       parentdep = parent->prompt->visible.expr;
+               else
+                       parentdep = parent->dep;
+               for (menu = parent->list; menu; menu = menu->next) {
+                       basedep = expr_transform(menu->dep);
+                       basedep = expr_alloc_and(expr_copy(parentdep), basedep);
+                       basedep = expr_eliminate_dups(basedep);
+                       menu->dep = basedep;
+                       if (menu->sym)
+                               prop = menu->sym->prop;
+                       else
+                               prop = menu->prompt;
+                       for (; prop; prop = prop->next) {
+                               if (prop->menu != menu)
+                                       continue;
+                               dep = expr_transform(prop->visible.expr);
+                               dep = expr_alloc_and(expr_copy(basedep), dep);
+                               dep = expr_eliminate_dups(dep);
+                               if (menu->sym && menu->sym->type != S_TRISTATE)
+                                       dep = expr_trans_bool(dep);
+                               prop->visible.expr = dep;
+                               if (prop->type == P_SELECT) {
+                                       struct symbol *es = prop_get_symbol(prop);
+                                       es->rev_dep.expr = expr_alloc_or(es->rev_dep.expr,
+                                                       expr_alloc_and(expr_alloc_symbol(menu->sym), expr_copy(dep)));
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               for (menu = parent->list; menu; menu = menu->next)
+                       menu_finalize(menu);
+       } else if (sym) {
+               basedep = parent->prompt ? parent->prompt->visible.expr : NULL;
+               basedep = expr_trans_compare(basedep, E_UNEQUAL, &symbol_no);
+               basedep = expr_eliminate_dups(expr_transform(basedep));
+               last_menu = NULL;
+               for (menu = parent->next; menu; menu = menu->next) {
+                       dep = menu->prompt ? menu->prompt->visible.expr : menu->dep;
+                       if (!expr_contains_symbol(dep, sym))
+                               break;
+                       if (expr_depends_symbol(dep, sym))
+                               goto next;
+                       dep = expr_trans_compare(dep, E_UNEQUAL, &symbol_no);
+                       dep = expr_eliminate_dups(expr_transform(dep));
+                       dep2 = expr_copy(basedep);
+                       expr_eliminate_eq(&dep, &dep2);
+                       expr_free(dep);
+                       if (!expr_is_yes(dep2)) {
+                               expr_free(dep2);
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       expr_free(dep2);
+                       menu_finalize(menu);
+                       menu->parent = parent;
+                       last_menu = menu;
+               }
+               if (last_menu) {
+                       parent->list = parent->next;
+                       parent->next = last_menu->next;
+                       last_menu->next = NULL;
+               }
+       }
+       for (menu = parent->list; menu; menu = menu->next) {
+               if (sym && sym_is_choice(sym) &&
+                   menu->sym && !sym_is_choice_value(menu->sym)) {
+                       current_entry = menu;
+                       menu->sym->flags |= SYMBOL_CHOICEVAL;
+                       if (!menu->prompt)
+                               menu_warn(menu, "choice value must have a prompt");
+                       for (prop = menu->sym->prop; prop; prop = prop->next) {
+                               if (prop->type == P_DEFAULT)
+                                       prop_warn(prop, "defaults for choice "
+                                                 "values not supported");
+                               if (prop->menu == menu)
+                                       continue;
+                               if (prop->type == P_PROMPT &&
+                                   prop->menu->parent->sym != sym)
+                                       prop_warn(prop, "choice value used outside its choice group");
+                       }
+                       /* Non-tristate choice values of tristate choices must
+                        * depend on the choice being set to Y. The choice
+                        * values' dependencies were propagated to their
+                        * properties above, so the change here must be re-
+                        * propagated.
+                        */
+                       if (sym->type == S_TRISTATE && menu->sym->type != S_TRISTATE) {
+                               basedep = expr_alloc_comp(E_EQUAL, sym, &symbol_yes);
+                               menu->dep = expr_alloc_and(basedep, menu->dep);
+                               for (prop = menu->sym->prop; prop; prop = prop->next) {
+                                       if (prop->menu != menu)
+                                               continue;
+                                       prop->visible.expr = expr_alloc_and(expr_copy(basedep),
+                                                                           prop->visible.expr);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       menu_add_symbol(P_CHOICE, sym, NULL);
+                       prop = sym_get_choice_prop(sym);
+                       for (ep = &prop->expr; *ep; ep = &(*ep)->left.expr)
+                               ;
+                       *ep = expr_alloc_one(E_LIST, NULL);
+                       (*ep)->right.sym = menu->sym;
+               }
+               if (menu->list && (!menu->prompt || !menu->prompt->text)) {
+                       for (last_menu = menu->list; ; last_menu = last_menu->next) {
+                               last_menu->parent = parent;
+                               if (!last_menu->next)
+                                       break;
+                       }
+                       last_menu->next = menu->next;
+                       menu->next = menu->list;
+                       menu->list = NULL;
+               }
+       }
+       if (sym && !(sym->flags & SYMBOL_WARNED)) {
+               if (sym->type == S_UNKNOWN)
+                       menu_warn(parent, "config symbol defined without type");
+               if (sym_is_choice(sym) && !parent->prompt)
+                       menu_warn(parent, "choice must have a prompt");
+               /* Check properties connected to this symbol */
+               sym_check_prop(sym);
+               sym->flags |= SYMBOL_WARNED;
+       }
+       if (sym && !sym_is_optional(sym) && parent->prompt) {
+               sym->rev_dep.expr = expr_alloc_or(sym->rev_dep.expr,
+                               expr_alloc_and(parent->prompt->visible.expr,
+                                       expr_alloc_symbol(&symbol_mod)));
+       }
+bool menu_is_visible(struct menu *menu)
+       struct menu *child;
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       tristate visible;
+       if (!menu->prompt)
+               return false;
+       sym = menu->sym;
+       if (sym) {
+               sym_calc_value(sym);
+               visible = menu->prompt->visible.tri;
+       } else
+               visible = menu->prompt->visible.tri = expr_calc_value(menu->prompt->visible.expr);
+       if (visible != no)
+               return true;
+       if (!sym || sym_get_tristate_value(menu->sym) == no)
+               return false;
+       for (child = menu->list; child; child = child->next)
+               if (menu_is_visible(child))
+                       return true;
+       return false;
+const char *menu_get_prompt(struct menu *menu)
+       if (menu->prompt)
+               return menu->prompt->text;
+       else if (menu->sym)
+               return menu->sym->name;
+       return NULL;
+struct menu *menu_get_root_menu(struct menu *menu)
+       return &rootmenu;
+struct menu *menu_get_parent_menu(struct menu *menu)
+       enum prop_type type;
+       for (; menu != &rootmenu; menu = menu->parent) {
+               type = menu->prompt ? menu->prompt->type : 0;
+               if (type == P_MENU)
+                       break;
+       }
+       return menu;
+bool menu_has_help(struct menu *menu)
+       return menu->help != NULL;
+const char *menu_get_help(struct menu *menu)
+       if (menu->help)
+               return menu->help;
+       else
+               return "";
+static void get_prompt_str(struct gstr *r, struct property *prop)
+       int i, j;
+       struct menu *submenu[8], *menu;
+       str_printf(r, _("Prompt: %s\n"), _(prop->text));
+       str_printf(r, _("  Defined at %s:%d\n"), prop->menu->file->name,
+               prop->menu->lineno);
+       if (!expr_is_yes(prop->visible.expr)) {
+               str_append(r, _("  Depends on: "));
+               expr_gstr_print(prop->visible.expr, r);
+               str_append(r, "\n");
+       }
+       menu = prop->menu->parent;
+       for (i = 0; menu != &rootmenu && i < 8; menu = menu->parent)
+               submenu[i++] = menu;
+       if (i > 0) {
+               str_printf(r, _("  Location:\n"));
+               for (j = 4; --i >= 0; j += 2) {
+                       menu = submenu[i];
+                       str_printf(r, "%*c-> %s", j, ' ', _(menu_get_prompt(menu)));
+                       if (menu->sym) {
+                               str_printf(r, " (%s [=%s])", menu->sym->name ?
+                                       menu->sym->name : _("<choice>"),
+                                       sym_get_string_value(menu->sym));
+                       }
+                       str_append(r, "\n");
+               }
+       }
+void get_symbol_str(struct gstr *r, struct symbol *sym)
+       bool hit;
+       struct property *prop;
+       if (sym && sym->name)
+               str_printf(r, "Symbol: %s [=%s]\n", sym->name,
+                          sym_get_string_value(sym));
+       for_all_prompts(sym, prop)
+               get_prompt_str(r, prop);
+       hit = false;
+       for_all_properties(sym, prop, P_SELECT) {
+               if (!hit) {
+                       str_append(r, "  Selects: ");
+                       hit = true;
+               } else
+                       str_printf(r, " && ");
+               expr_gstr_print(prop->expr, r);
+       }
+       if (hit)
+               str_append(r, "\n");
+       if (sym->rev_dep.expr) {
+               str_append(r, _("  Selected by: "));
+               expr_gstr_print(sym->rev_dep.expr, r);
+               str_append(r, "\n");
+       }
+       str_append(r, "\n\n");
+void menu_get_ext_help(struct menu *menu, struct gstr *help)
+       struct symbol *sym = menu->sym;
+       if (menu_has_help(menu)) {
+               if (sym->name) {
+                       str_printf(help, "CONFIG_%s:\n\n", sym->name);
+                       str_append(help, _(menu_get_help(menu)));
+                       str_append(help, "\n");
+               }
+       } else {
+               str_append(help, nohelp_text);
+       }
+       if (sym)
+               get_symbol_str(help, sym);
diff --git a/config/symbol.c b/config/symbol.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..556aeda
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,973 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Roman Zippel <>
+ * Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
+ */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <regex.h>
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
+#include "lkc.h"
+struct symbol symbol_yes = {
+       .name = "y",
+       .curr = { "y", yes },
+}, symbol_mod = {
+       .name = "m",
+       .curr = { "m", mod },
+}, symbol_no = {
+       .name = "n",
+       .curr = { "n", no },
+}, symbol_empty = {
+       .name = "",
+       .curr = { "", no },
+       .flags = SYMBOL_VALID,
+struct symbol *sym_defconfig_list;
+struct symbol *modules_sym;
+tristate modules_val;
+struct expr *sym_env_list;
+static void sym_add_default(struct symbol *sym, const char *def)
+       struct property *prop = prop_alloc(P_DEFAULT, sym);
+       prop->expr = expr_alloc_symbol(sym_lookup(def, SYMBOL_CONST));
+void sym_init(void)
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       struct utsname uts;
+       static bool inited;
+       if (inited)
+               return;
+       inited = true;
+       uname(&uts);
+       sym = sym_lookup("UNAME_RELEASE", 0);
+       sym->type = S_STRING;
+       sym->flags |= SYMBOL_AUTO;
+       sym_add_default(sym, uts.release);
+enum symbol_type sym_get_type(struct symbol *sym)
+       enum symbol_type type = sym->type;
+       if (type == S_TRISTATE) {
+               if (sym_is_choice_value(sym) && sym->visible == yes)
+                       type = S_BOOLEAN;
+               else if (modules_val == no)
+                       type = S_BOOLEAN;
+       }
+       return type;
+const char *sym_type_name(enum symbol_type type)
+       switch (type) {
+       case S_BOOLEAN:
+               return "boolean";
+       case S_TRISTATE:
+               return "tristate";
+       case S_INT:
+               return "integer";
+       case S_HEX:
+               return "hex";
+       case S_STRING:
+               return "string";
+       case S_UNKNOWN:
+               return "unknown";
+       case S_OTHER:
+               break;
+       }
+       return "???";
+struct property *sym_get_choice_prop(struct symbol *sym)
+       struct property *prop;
+       for_all_choices(sym, prop)
+               return prop;
+       return NULL;
+struct property *sym_get_env_prop(struct symbol *sym)
+       struct property *prop;
+       for_all_properties(sym, prop, P_ENV)
+               return prop;
+       return NULL;
+struct property *sym_get_default_prop(struct symbol *sym)
+       struct property *prop;
+       for_all_defaults(sym, prop) {
+               prop->visible.tri = expr_calc_value(prop->visible.expr);
+               if (prop->visible.tri != no)
+                       return prop;
+       }
+       return NULL;
+static struct property *sym_get_range_prop(struct symbol *sym)
+       struct property *prop;
+       for_all_properties(sym, prop, P_RANGE) {
+               prop->visible.tri = expr_calc_value(prop->visible.expr);
+               if (prop->visible.tri != no)
+                       return prop;
+       }
+       return NULL;
+static int sym_get_range_val(struct symbol *sym, int base)
+       sym_calc_value(sym);
+       switch (sym->type) {
+       case S_INT:
+               base = 10;
+               break;
+       case S_HEX:
+               base = 16;
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       return strtol(sym->curr.val, NULL, base);
+static void sym_validate_range(struct symbol *sym)
+       struct property *prop;
+       int base, val, val2;
+       char str[64];
+       switch (sym->type) {
+       case S_INT:
+               base = 10;
+               break;
+       case S_HEX:
+               base = 16;
+               break;
+       default:
+               return;
+       }
+       prop = sym_get_range_prop(sym);
+       if (!prop)
+               return;
+       val = strtol(sym->curr.val, NULL, base);
+       val2 = sym_get_range_val(prop->expr->left.sym, base);
+       if (val >= val2) {
+               val2 = sym_get_range_val(prop->expr->right.sym, base);
+               if (val <= val2)
+                       return;
+       }
+       if (sym->type == S_INT)
+               sprintf(str, "%d", val2);
+       else
+               sprintf(str, "0x%x", val2);
+       sym->curr.val = strdup(str);
+static void sym_calc_visibility(struct symbol *sym)
+       struct property *prop;
+       tristate tri;
+       /* any prompt visible? */
+       tri = no;
+       for_all_prompts(sym, prop) {
+               prop->visible.tri = expr_calc_value(prop->visible.expr);
+               tri = EXPR_OR(tri, prop->visible.tri);
+       }
+       if (tri == mod && (sym->type != S_TRISTATE || modules_val == no))
+               tri = yes;
+       if (sym->visible != tri) {
+               sym->visible = tri;
+               sym_set_changed(sym);
+       }
+       if (sym_is_choice_value(sym))
+               return;
+       tri = no;
+       if (sym->rev_dep.expr)
+               tri = expr_calc_value(sym->rev_dep.expr);
+       if (tri == mod && sym_get_type(sym) == S_BOOLEAN)
+               tri = yes;
+       if (sym->rev_dep.tri != tri) {
+               sym->rev_dep.tri = tri;
+               sym_set_changed(sym);
+       }
+static struct symbol *sym_calc_choice(struct symbol *sym)
+       struct symbol *def_sym;
+       struct property *prop;
+       struct expr *e;
+       /* is the user choice visible? */
+       def_sym = sym->def[S_DEF_USER].val;
+       if (def_sym) {
+               sym_calc_visibility(def_sym);
+               if (def_sym->visible != no)
+                       return def_sym;
+       }
+       /* any of the defaults visible? */
+       for_all_defaults(sym, prop) {
+               prop->visible.tri = expr_calc_value(prop->visible.expr);
+               if (prop->visible.tri == no)
+                       continue;
+               def_sym = prop_get_symbol(prop);
+               sym_calc_visibility(def_sym);
+               if (def_sym->visible != no)
+                       return def_sym;
+       }
+       /* just get the first visible value */
+       prop = sym_get_choice_prop(sym);
+       expr_list_for_each_sym(prop->expr, e, def_sym) {
+               sym_calc_visibility(def_sym);
+               if (def_sym->visible != no)
+                       return def_sym;
+       }
+       /* no choice? reset tristate value */
+       sym->curr.tri = no;
+       return NULL;
+void sym_calc_value(struct symbol *sym)
+       struct symbol_value newval, oldval;
+       struct property *prop;
+       struct expr *e;
+       if (!sym)
+               return;
+       if (sym->flags & SYMBOL_VALID)
+               return;
+       sym->flags |= SYMBOL_VALID;
+       oldval = sym->curr;
+       switch (sym->type) {
+       case S_INT:
+       case S_HEX:
+       case S_STRING:
+               newval = symbol_empty.curr;
+               break;
+       case S_BOOLEAN:
+       case S_TRISTATE:
+               newval = symbol_no.curr;
+               break;
+       default:
+               sym->curr.val = sym->name;
+               sym->curr.tri = no;
+               return;
+       }
+       if (!sym_is_choice_value(sym))
+               sym->flags &= ~SYMBOL_WRITE;
+       sym_calc_visibility(sym);
+       /* set default if recursively called */
+       sym->curr = newval;
+       switch (sym_get_type(sym)) {
+       case S_BOOLEAN:
+       case S_TRISTATE:
+               if (sym_is_choice_value(sym) && sym->visible == yes) {
+                       prop = sym_get_choice_prop(sym);
+                       newval.tri = (prop_get_symbol(prop)->curr.val == sym) ? yes : no;
+               } else {
+                       if (sym->visible != no) {
+                               /* if the symbol is visible use the user value
+                                * if available, otherwise try the default value
+                                */
+                               sym->flags |= SYMBOL_WRITE;
+                               if (sym_has_value(sym)) {
+                                       newval.tri = EXPR_AND(sym->def[S_DEF_USER].tri,
+                                                             sym->visible);
+                                       goto calc_newval;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if (sym->rev_dep.tri != no)
+                               sym->flags |= SYMBOL_WRITE;
+                       if (!sym_is_choice(sym)) {
+                               prop = sym_get_default_prop(sym);
+                               if (prop) {
+                                       sym->flags |= SYMBOL_WRITE;
+                                       newval.tri = EXPR_AND(expr_calc_value(prop->expr),
+                                                             prop->visible.tri);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       newval.tri = EXPR_OR(newval.tri, sym->rev_dep.tri);
+               }
+               if (newval.tri == mod && sym_get_type(sym) == S_BOOLEAN)
+                       newval.tri = yes;
+               break;
+       case S_STRING:
+       case S_HEX:
+       case S_INT:
+               if (sym->visible != no) {
+                       sym->flags |= SYMBOL_WRITE;
+                       if (sym_has_value(sym)) {
+                               newval.val = sym->def[S_DEF_USER].val;
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               prop = sym_get_default_prop(sym);
+               if (prop) {
+                       struct symbol *ds = prop_get_symbol(prop);
+                       if (ds) {
+                               sym->flags |= SYMBOL_WRITE;
+                               sym_calc_value(ds);
+                               newval.val = ds->curr.val;
+                       }
+               }
+               break;
+       default:
+               ;
+       }
+       sym->curr = newval;
+       if (sym_is_choice(sym) && newval.tri == yes)
+               sym->curr.val = sym_calc_choice(sym);
+       sym_validate_range(sym);
+       if (memcmp(&oldval, &sym->curr, sizeof(oldval))) {
+               sym_set_changed(sym);
+               if (modules_sym == sym) {
+                       sym_set_all_changed();
+                       modules_val = modules_sym->curr.tri;
+               }
+       }
+       if (sym_is_choice(sym)) {
+               struct symbol *choice_sym;
+               int flags = sym->flags & (SYMBOL_CHANGED | SYMBOL_WRITE);
+               prop = sym_get_choice_prop(sym);
+               expr_list_for_each_sym(prop->expr, e, choice_sym) {
+                       choice_sym->flags |= flags;
+                       if (flags & SYMBOL_CHANGED)
+                               sym_set_changed(choice_sym);
+               }
+       }
+       if (sym->flags & SYMBOL_AUTO)
+               sym->flags &= ~SYMBOL_WRITE;
+void sym_clear_all_valid(void)
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       int i;
+       for_all_symbols(i, sym)
+               sym->flags &= ~SYMBOL_VALID;
+       sym_add_change_count(1);
+       if (modules_sym)
+               sym_calc_value(modules_sym);
+void sym_set_changed(struct symbol *sym)
+       struct property *prop;
+       sym->flags |= SYMBOL_CHANGED;
+       for (prop = sym->prop; prop; prop = prop->next) {
+               if (prop->menu)
+                       prop->menu->flags |= MENU_CHANGED;
+       }
+void sym_set_all_changed(void)
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       int i;
+       for_all_symbols(i, sym)
+               sym_set_changed(sym);
+bool sym_tristate_within_range(struct symbol *sym, tristate val)
+       int type = sym_get_type(sym);
+       if (sym->visible == no)
+               return false;
+       if (type != S_BOOLEAN && type != S_TRISTATE)
+               return false;
+       if (type == S_BOOLEAN && val == mod)
+               return false;
+       if (sym->visible <= sym->rev_dep.tri)
+               return false;
+       if (sym_is_choice_value(sym) && sym->visible == yes)
+               return val == yes;
+       return val >= sym->rev_dep.tri && val <= sym->visible;
+bool sym_set_tristate_value(struct symbol *sym, tristate val)
+       tristate oldval = sym_get_tristate_value(sym);
+       if (oldval != val && !sym_tristate_within_range(sym, val))
+               return false;
+       if (!(sym->flags & SYMBOL_DEF_USER)) {
+               sym->flags |= SYMBOL_DEF_USER;
+               sym_set_changed(sym);
+       }
+       /*
+        * setting a choice value also resets the new flag of the choice
+        * symbol and all other choice values.
+        */
+       if (sym_is_choice_value(sym) && val == yes) {
+               struct symbol *cs = prop_get_symbol(sym_get_choice_prop(sym));
+               struct property *prop;
+               struct expr *e;
+               cs->def[S_DEF_USER].val = sym;
+               cs->flags |= SYMBOL_DEF_USER;
+               prop = sym_get_choice_prop(cs);
+               for (e = prop->expr; e; e = e->left.expr) {
+                       if (e->right.sym->visible != no)
+                               e->right.sym->flags |= SYMBOL_DEF_USER;
+               }
+       }
+       sym->def[S_DEF_USER].tri = val;
+       if (oldval != val)
+               sym_clear_all_valid();
+       return true;
+tristate sym_toggle_tristate_value(struct symbol *sym)
+       tristate oldval, newval;
+       oldval = newval = sym_get_tristate_value(sym);
+       do {
+               switch (newval) {
+               case no:
+                       newval = mod;
+                       break;
+               case mod:
+                       newval = yes;
+                       break;
+               case yes:
+                       newval = no;
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (sym_set_tristate_value(sym, newval))
+                       break;
+       } while (oldval != newval);
+       return newval;
+bool sym_string_valid(struct symbol *sym, const char *str)
+       signed char ch;
+       switch (sym->type) {
+       case S_STRING:
+               return true;
+       case S_INT:
+               ch = *str++;
+               if (ch == '-')
+                       ch = *str++;
+               if (!isdigit(ch))
+                       return false;
+               if (ch == '0' && *str != 0)
+                       return false;
+               while ((ch = *str++)) {
+                       if (!isdigit(ch))
+                               return false;
+               }
+               return true;
+       case S_HEX:
+               if (str[0] == '0' && (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X'))
+                       str += 2;
+               ch = *str++;
+               do {
+                       if (!isxdigit(ch))
+                               return false;
+               } while ((ch = *str++));
+               return true;
+       case S_BOOLEAN:
+       case S_TRISTATE:
+               switch (str[0]) {
+               case 'y': case 'Y':
+               case 'm': case 'M':
+               case 'n': case 'N':
+                       return true;
+               }
+               return false;
+       default:
+               return false;
+       }
+bool sym_string_within_range(struct symbol *sym, const char *str)
+       struct property *prop;
+       int val;
+       switch (sym->type) {
+       case S_STRING:
+               return sym_string_valid(sym, str);
+       case S_INT:
+               if (!sym_string_valid(sym, str))
+                       return false;
+               prop = sym_get_range_prop(sym);
+               if (!prop)
+                       return true;
+               val = strtol(str, NULL, 10);
+               return val >= sym_get_range_val(prop->expr->left.sym, 10) &&
+                      val <= sym_get_range_val(prop->expr->right.sym, 10);
+       case S_HEX:
+               if (!sym_string_valid(sym, str))
+                       return false;
+               prop = sym_get_range_prop(sym);
+               if (!prop)
+                       return true;
+               val = strtol(str, NULL, 16);
+               return val >= sym_get_range_val(prop->expr->left.sym, 16) &&
+                      val <= sym_get_range_val(prop->expr->right.sym, 16);
+       case S_BOOLEAN:
+       case S_TRISTATE:
+               switch (str[0]) {
+               case 'y': case 'Y':
+                       return sym_tristate_within_range(sym, yes);
+               case 'm': case 'M':
+                       return sym_tristate_within_range(sym, mod);
+               case 'n': case 'N':
+                       return sym_tristate_within_range(sym, no);
+               }
+               return false;
+       default:
+               return false;
+       }
+bool sym_set_string_value(struct symbol *sym, const char *newval)
+       const char *oldval;
+       char *val;
+       int size;
+       switch (sym->type) {
+       case S_BOOLEAN:
+       case S_TRISTATE:
+               switch (newval[0]) {
+               case 'y': case 'Y':
+                       return sym_set_tristate_value(sym, yes);
+               case 'm': case 'M':
+                       return sym_set_tristate_value(sym, mod);
+               case 'n': case 'N':
+                       return sym_set_tristate_value(sym, no);
+               }
+               return false;
+       default:
+               ;
+       }
+       if (!sym_string_within_range(sym, newval))
+               return false;
+       if (!(sym->flags & SYMBOL_DEF_USER)) {
+               sym->flags |= SYMBOL_DEF_USER;
+               sym_set_changed(sym);
+       }
+       oldval = sym->def[S_DEF_USER].val;
+       size = strlen(newval) + 1;
+       if (sym->type == S_HEX && (newval[0] != '0' || (newval[1] != 'x' && newval[1] != 'X'))) {
+               size += 2;
+               sym->def[S_DEF_USER].val = val = malloc(size);
+               *val++ = '0';
+               *val++ = 'x';
+       } else if (!oldval || strcmp(oldval, newval))
+               sym->def[S_DEF_USER].val = val = malloc(size);
+       else
+               return true;
+       strcpy(val, newval);
+       free((void *)oldval);
+       sym_clear_all_valid();
+       return true;
+const char *sym_get_string_value(struct symbol *sym)
+       tristate val;
+       switch (sym->type) {
+       case S_BOOLEAN:
+       case S_TRISTATE:
+               val = sym_get_tristate_value(sym);
+               switch (val) {
+               case no:
+                       return "n";
+               case mod:
+                       return "m";
+               case yes:
+                       return "y";
+               }
+               break;
+       default:
+               ;
+       }
+       return (const char *)sym->curr.val;
+bool sym_is_changable(struct symbol *sym)
+       return sym->visible > sym->rev_dep.tri;
+struct symbol *sym_lookup(const char *name, int flags)
+       struct symbol *symbol;
+       const char *ptr;
+       char *new_name;
+       int hash = 0;
+       if (name) {
+               if (name[0] && !name[1]) {
+                       switch (name[0]) {
+                       case 'y': return &symbol_yes;
+                       case 'm': return &symbol_mod;
+                       case 'n': return &symbol_no;
+                       }
+               }
+               for (ptr = name; *ptr; ptr++)
+                       hash += *ptr;
+               hash &= 0xff;
+               for (symbol = symbol_hash[hash]; symbol; symbol = symbol->next) {
+                       if (!strcmp(symbol->name, name) &&
+                           (flags ? symbol->flags & flags
+                                  : !(symbol->flags & (SYMBOL_CONST|SYMBOL_CHOICE))))
+                               return symbol;
+               }
+               new_name = strdup(name);
+       } else {
+               new_name = NULL;
+               hash = 256;
+       }
+       symbol = malloc(sizeof(*symbol));
+       memset(symbol, 0, sizeof(*symbol));
+       symbol->name = new_name;
+       symbol->type = S_UNKNOWN;
+       symbol->flags |= flags;
+       symbol->next = symbol_hash[hash];
+       symbol_hash[hash] = symbol;
+       return symbol;
+struct symbol *sym_find(const char *name)
+       struct symbol *symbol = NULL;
+       const char *ptr;
+       int hash = 0;
+       if (!name)
+               return NULL;
+       if (name[0] && !name[1]) {
+               switch (name[0]) {
+               case 'y': return &symbol_yes;
+               case 'm': return &symbol_mod;
+               case 'n': return &symbol_no;
+               }
+       }
+       for (ptr = name; *ptr; ptr++)
+               hash += *ptr;
+       hash &= 0xff;
+       for (symbol = symbol_hash[hash]; symbol; symbol = symbol->next) {
+               if (!strcmp(symbol->name, name) &&
+                   !(symbol->flags & SYMBOL_CONST))
+                               break;
+       }
+       return symbol;
+struct symbol **sym_re_search(const char *pattern)
+       struct symbol *sym, **sym_arr = NULL;
+       int i, cnt, size;
+       regex_t re;
+       cnt = size = 0;
+       /* Skip if empty */
+       if (strlen(pattern) == 0)
+               return NULL;
+       if (regcomp(&re, pattern, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB|REG_ICASE))
+               return NULL;
+       for_all_symbols(i, sym) {
+               if (sym->flags & SYMBOL_CONST || !sym->name)
+                       continue;
+               if (regexec(&re, sym->name, 0, NULL, 0))
+                       continue;
+               if (cnt + 1 >= size) {
+                       void *tmp = sym_arr;
+                       size += 16;
+                       sym_arr = realloc(sym_arr, size * sizeof(struct symbol *));
+                       if (!sym_arr) {
+                               free(tmp);
+                               return NULL;
+                       }
+               }
+               sym_arr[cnt++] = sym;
+       }
+       if (sym_arr)
+               sym_arr[cnt] = NULL;
+       regfree(&re);
+       return sym_arr;
+static struct symbol *sym_check_expr_deps(struct expr *e)
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       if (!e)
+               return NULL;
+       switch (e->type) {
+       case E_OR:
+       case E_AND:
+               sym = sym_check_expr_deps(e->left.expr);
+               if (sym)
+                       return sym;
+               return sym_check_expr_deps(e->right.expr);
+       case E_NOT:
+               return sym_check_expr_deps(e->left.expr);
+       case E_EQUAL:
+       case E_UNEQUAL:
+               sym = sym_check_deps(e->left.sym);
+               if (sym)
+                       return sym;
+               return sym_check_deps(e->right.sym);
+       case E_SYMBOL:
+               return sym_check_deps(e->left.sym);
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       printf("Oops! How to check %d?\n", e->type);
+       return NULL;
+/* return NULL when dependencies are OK */
+static struct symbol *sym_check_sym_deps(struct symbol *sym)
+       struct symbol *sym2;
+       struct property *prop;
+       sym2 = sym_check_expr_deps(sym->rev_dep.expr);
+       if (sym2)
+               return sym2;
+       for (prop = sym->prop; prop; prop = prop->next) {
+               if (prop->type == P_CHOICE || prop->type == P_SELECT)
+                       continue;
+               sym2 = sym_check_expr_deps(prop->visible.expr);
+               if (sym2)
+                       break;
+               if (prop->type != P_DEFAULT || sym_is_choice(sym))
+                       continue;
+               sym2 = sym_check_expr_deps(prop->expr);
+               if (sym2)
+                       break;
+       }
+       return sym2;
+static struct symbol *sym_check_choice_deps(struct symbol *choice)
+       struct symbol *sym, *sym2;
+       struct property *prop;
+       struct expr *e;
+       prop = sym_get_choice_prop(choice);
+       expr_list_for_each_sym(prop->expr, e, sym)
+               sym->flags |= (SYMBOL_CHECK | SYMBOL_CHECKED);
+       choice->flags |= (SYMBOL_CHECK | SYMBOL_CHECKED);
+       sym2 = sym_check_sym_deps(choice);
+       choice->flags &= ~SYMBOL_CHECK;
+       if (sym2)
+               goto out;
+       expr_list_for_each_sym(prop->expr, e, sym) {
+               sym2 = sym_check_sym_deps(sym);
+               if (sym2) {
+                       fprintf(stderr, " -> %s", sym->name);
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       expr_list_for_each_sym(prop->expr, e, sym)
+               sym->flags &= ~SYMBOL_CHECK;
+       if (sym2 && sym_is_choice_value(sym2) &&
+           prop_get_symbol(sym_get_choice_prop(sym2)) == choice)
+               sym2 = choice;
+       return sym2;
+struct symbol *sym_check_deps(struct symbol *sym)
+       struct symbol *sym2;
+       struct property *prop;
+       if (sym->flags & SYMBOL_CHECK) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:error: found recursive dependency: %s",
+                       sym->prop->file->name, sym->prop->lineno,
+                       sym->name ? sym->name : "<choice>");
+               return sym;
+       }
+       if (sym->flags & SYMBOL_CHECKED)
+               return NULL;
+       if (sym_is_choice_value(sym)) {
+               /* for choice groups start the check with main choice symbol */
+               prop = sym_get_choice_prop(sym);
+               sym2 = sym_check_deps(prop_get_symbol(prop));
+       } else if (sym_is_choice(sym)) {
+               sym2 = sym_check_choice_deps(sym);
+       } else {
+               sym->flags |= (SYMBOL_CHECK | SYMBOL_CHECKED);
+               sym2 = sym_check_sym_deps(sym);
+               sym->flags &= ~SYMBOL_CHECK;
+       }
+       if (sym2) {
+               fprintf(stderr, " -> %s", sym->name ? sym->name : "<choice>");
+               if (sym2 == sym) {
+                       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+                       zconfnerrs++;
+                       sym2 = NULL;
+               }
+       }
+       return sym2;
+struct property *prop_alloc(enum prop_type type, struct symbol *sym)
+       struct property *prop;
+       struct property **propp;
+       prop = malloc(sizeof(*prop));
+       memset(prop, 0, sizeof(*prop));
+       prop->type = type;
+       prop->sym = sym;
+       prop->file = current_file;
+       prop->lineno = zconf_lineno();
+       /* append property to the prop list of symbol */
+       if (sym) {
+               for (propp = &sym->prop; *propp; propp = &(*propp)->next)
+                       ;
+               *propp = prop;
+       }
+       return prop;
+struct symbol *prop_get_symbol(struct property *prop)
+       if (prop->expr && (prop->expr->type == E_SYMBOL ||
+                          prop->expr->type == E_LIST))
+               return prop->expr->left.sym;
+       return NULL;
+const char *prop_get_type_name(enum prop_type type)
+       switch (type) {
+       case P_PROMPT:
+               return "prompt";
+       case P_ENV:
+               return "env";
+       case P_COMMENT:
+               return "comment";
+       case P_MENU:
+               return "menu";
+       case P_DEFAULT:
+               return "default";
+       case P_CHOICE:
+               return "choice";
+       case P_SELECT:
+               return "select";
+       case P_RANGE:
+               return "range";
+       case P_UNKNOWN:
+               break;
+       }
+       return "unknown";
+static void prop_add_env(const char *env)
+       struct symbol *sym, *sym2;
+       struct property *prop;
+       char *p;
+       sym = current_entry->sym;
+       sym->flags |= SYMBOL_AUTO;
+       for_all_properties(sym, prop, P_ENV) {
+               sym2 = prop_get_symbol(prop);
+               if (strcmp(sym2->name, env))
+                       menu_warn(current_entry, "redefining environment symbol from %s",
+                                 sym2->name);
+               return;
+       }
+       prop = prop_alloc(P_ENV, sym);
+       prop->expr = expr_alloc_symbol(sym_lookup(env, SYMBOL_CONST));
+       sym_env_list = expr_alloc_one(E_LIST, sym_env_list);
+       sym_env_list->right.sym = sym;
+       p = getenv(env);
+       if (p)
+               sym_add_default(sym, p);
+       else
+               menu_warn(current_entry, "environment variable %s undefined", env);
diff --git a/config/util.c b/config/util.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..eef006c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roman Zippel <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Sam Ravnborg <>
+ *
+ * Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include "lkc.h"
+/* file already present in list? If not add it */
+struct file *file_lookup(const char *name)
+       struct file *file;
+       for (file = file_list; file; file = file->next) {
+               if (!strcmp(name, file->name))
+                       return file;
+       }
+       file = malloc(sizeof(*file));
+       memset(file, 0, sizeof(*file));
+       file->name = strdup(name);
+       file->next = file_list;
+       file_list = file;
+       return file;
+/* Allocate initial growable sting */
+struct gstr str_new(void)
+       struct gstr gs;
+       gs.s = malloc(sizeof(char) * 64);
+       gs.len = 64;
+       strcpy(gs.s, "\0");
+       return gs;
+/* Allocate and assign growable string */
+struct gstr str_assign(const char *s)
+       struct gstr gs;
+       gs.s = strdup(s);
+       gs.len = strlen(s) + 1;
+       return gs;
+/* Free storage for growable string */
+void str_free(struct gstr *gs)
+       if (gs->s)
+               free(gs->s);
+       gs->s = NULL;
+       gs->len = 0;
+/* Append to growable string */
+void str_append(struct gstr *gs, const char *s)
+       size_t l;
+       if (s) {
+               l = strlen(gs->s) + strlen(s) + 1;
+               if (l > gs->len) {
+                       gs->s   = realloc(gs->s, l);
+                       gs->len = l;
+               }
+               strcat(gs->s, s);
+       }
+/* Append printf formatted string to growable string */
+void str_printf(struct gstr *gs, const char *fmt, ...)
+       va_list ap;
+       char s[10000]; /* big enough... */
+       va_start(ap, fmt);
+       vsnprintf(s, sizeof(s), fmt, ap);
+       str_append(gs, s);
+       va_end(ap);
+/* Retrieve value of growable string */
+const char *str_get(struct gstr *gs)
+       return gs->s;
diff --git a/config/zconf.gperf b/config/zconf.gperf
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d8bc742
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+%define hash-function-name kconf_id_hash
+%define lookup-function-name kconf_id_lookup
+%define string-pool-name kconf_id_strings
+struct kconf_id;
+static struct kconf_id *kconf_id_lookup(register const char *str, register unsigned int len);
+mainmenu,      T_MAINMENU,     TF_COMMAND
+menu,          T_MENU,         TF_COMMAND
+endmenu,       T_ENDMENU,      TF_COMMAND
+source,                T_SOURCE,       TF_COMMAND
+choice,                T_CHOICE,       TF_COMMAND
+endchoice,     T_ENDCHOICE,    TF_COMMAND
+comment,       T_COMMENT,      TF_COMMAND
+config,                T_CONFIG,       TF_COMMAND
+menuconfig,    T_MENUCONFIG,   TF_COMMAND
+help,          T_HELP,         TF_COMMAND
+if,            T_IF,           TF_COMMAND|TF_PARAM
+endif,         T_ENDIF,        TF_COMMAND
+depends,       T_DEPENDS,      TF_COMMAND
+optional,      T_OPTIONAL,     TF_COMMAND
+default,       T_DEFAULT,      TF_COMMAND, S_UNKNOWN
+prompt,                T_PROMPT,       TF_COMMAND
+tristate,      T_TYPE,         TF_COMMAND, S_TRISTATE
+def_tristate,  T_DEFAULT,      TF_COMMAND, S_TRISTATE
+bool,          T_TYPE,         TF_COMMAND, S_BOOLEAN
+boolean,       T_TYPE,         TF_COMMAND, S_BOOLEAN
+def_bool,      T_DEFAULT,      TF_COMMAND, S_BOOLEAN
+int,           T_TYPE,         TF_COMMAND, S_INT
+hex,           T_TYPE,         TF_COMMAND, S_HEX
+string,                T_TYPE,         TF_COMMAND, S_STRING
+select,                T_SELECT,       TF_COMMAND
+range,         T_RANGE,        TF_COMMAND
+option,                T_OPTION,       TF_COMMAND
+on,            T_ON,           TF_PARAM
+modules,       T_OPT_MODULES,  TF_OPTION
+defconfig_list,        T_OPT_DEFCONFIG_LIST,TF_OPTION
+env,           T_OPT_ENV,      TF_OPTION
diff --git a/config/zconf.l b/config/zconf.l
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..85c98fc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+%option backup nostdinit noyywrap never-interactive full ecs
+%option 8bit backup nodefault perf-report perf-report
+%option noinput
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Roman Zippel <>
+ * Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
+ */
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "lkc.h"
+#define START_STRSIZE  16
+static struct {
+       struct file *file;
+       int lineno;
+} current_pos;
+static char *text;
+static int text_size, text_asize;
+struct buffer {
+        struct buffer *parent;
+        YY_BUFFER_STATE state;
+struct buffer *current_buf;
+static int last_ts, first_ts;
+static void zconf_endhelp(void);
+static void zconf_endfile(void);
+static void new_string(void)
+       text = malloc(START_STRSIZE);
+       text_asize = START_STRSIZE;
+       text_size = 0;
+       *text = 0;
+static void append_string(const char *str, int size)
+       int new_size = text_size + size + 1;
+       if (new_size > text_asize) {
+               new_size += START_STRSIZE - 1;
+               new_size &= -START_STRSIZE;
+               text = realloc(text, new_size);
+               text_asize = new_size;
+       }
+       memcpy(text + text_size, str, size);
+       text_size += size;
+       text[text_size] = 0;
+static void alloc_string(const char *str, int size)
+       text = malloc(size + 1);
+       memcpy(text, str, size);
+       text[size] = 0;
+ws     [ \n\t]
+n      [A-Za-z0-9_]
+       int str = 0;
+       int ts, i;
+[ \t]*#.*\n    |
+[ \t]*\n       {
+       current_file->lineno++;
+       return T_EOL;
+[ \t]*#.*
+[ \t]+ {
+.      {
+       unput(yytext[0]);
+       {n}+    {
+               struct kconf_id *id = kconf_id_lookup(yytext, yyleng);
+               BEGIN(PARAM);
+               current_pos.file = current_file;
+               current_pos.lineno = current_file->lineno;
+               if (id && id->flags & TF_COMMAND) {
+              = id;
+                       return id->token;
+               }
+               alloc_string(yytext, yyleng);
+               zconflval.string = text;
+               return T_WORD;
+       }
+       .
+       \n      {
+               BEGIN(INITIAL);
+               current_file->lineno++;
+               return T_EOL;
+       }
+       "&&"    return T_AND;
+       "||"    return T_OR;
+       "("     return T_OPEN_PAREN;
+       ")"     return T_CLOSE_PAREN;
+       "!"     return T_NOT;
+       "="     return T_EQUAL;
+       "!="    return T_UNEQUAL;
+       \"|\'   {
+               str = yytext[0];
+               new_string();
+               BEGIN(STRING);
+       }
+       \n      BEGIN(INITIAL); current_file->lineno++; return T_EOL;
+       ---     /* ignore */
+       ({n}|[-/.])+    {
+               struct kconf_id *id = kconf_id_lookup(yytext, yyleng);
+               if (id && id->flags & TF_PARAM) {
+              = id;
+                       return id->token;
+               }
+               alloc_string(yytext, yyleng);
+               zconflval.string = text;
+               return T_WORD;
+       }
+       #.*     /* comment */
+       \\\n    current_file->lineno++;
+       .
+       <<EOF>> {
+               BEGIN(INITIAL);
+       }
+       [^'"\\\n]+/\n   {
+               append_string(yytext, yyleng);
+               zconflval.string = text;
+               return T_WORD_QUOTE;
+       }
+       [^'"\\\n]+      {
+               append_string(yytext, yyleng);
+       }
+       \\.?/\n {
+               append_string(yytext + 1, yyleng - 1);
+               zconflval.string = text;
+               return T_WORD_QUOTE;
+       }
+       \\.?    {
+               append_string(yytext + 1, yyleng - 1);
+       }
+       \'|\"   {
+               if (str == yytext[0]) {
+                       BEGIN(PARAM);
+                       zconflval.string = text;
+                       return T_WORD_QUOTE;
+               } else
+                       append_string(yytext, 1);
+       }
+       \n      {
+               printf("%s:%d:warning: multi-line strings not supported\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+               current_file->lineno++;
+               BEGIN(INITIAL);
+               return T_EOL;
+       }
+       <<EOF>> {
+               BEGIN(INITIAL);
+       }
+       [ \t]+  {
+               ts = 0;
+               for (i = 0; i < yyleng; i++) {
+                       if (yytext[i] == '\t')
+                               ts = (ts & ~7) + 8;
+                       else
+                               ts++;
+               }
+               last_ts = ts;
+               if (first_ts) {
+                       if (ts < first_ts) {
+                               zconf_endhelp();
+                               return T_HELPTEXT;
+                       }
+                       ts -= first_ts;
+                       while (ts > 8) {
+                               append_string("        ", 8);
+                               ts -= 8;
+                       }
+                       append_string("        ", ts);
+               }
+       }
+       [ \t]*\n/[^ \t\n] {
+               current_file->lineno++;
+               zconf_endhelp();
+               return T_HELPTEXT;
+       }
+       [ \t]*\n        {
+               current_file->lineno++;
+               append_string("\n", 1);
+       }
+       [^ \t\n].* {
+               while (yyleng) {
+                       if ((yytext[yyleng-1] != ' ') && (yytext[yyleng-1] != '\t'))
+                               break;
+                       yyleng--;
+               }
+               append_string(yytext, yyleng);
+               if (!first_ts)
+                       first_ts = last_ts;
+       }
+       <<EOF>> {
+               zconf_endhelp();
+               return T_HELPTEXT;
+       }
+<<EOF>>        {
+       if (current_file) {
+               zconf_endfile();
+               return T_EOL;
+       }
+       fclose(yyin);
+       yyterminate();
+void zconf_starthelp(void)
+       new_string();
+       last_ts = first_ts = 0;
+       BEGIN(HELP);
+static void zconf_endhelp(void)
+       zconflval.string = text;
+ * Try to open specified file with following names:
+ * ./name
+ * $(srctree)/name
+ * The latter is used when srctree is separate from objtree
+ * when compiling the firmware.
+ * Return NULL if file is not found.
+ */
+FILE *zconf_fopen(const char *name)
+       char *env, fullname[PATH_MAX+1];
+       FILE *f;
+       f = fopen(name, "r");
+       if (!f && name != NULL && name[0] != '/') {
+               env = getenv(SRCTREE);
+               if (env) {
+                       sprintf(fullname, "%s/%s", env, name);
+                       f = fopen(fullname, "r");
+               }
+       }
+       return f;
+void zconf_initscan(const char *name)
+       yyin = zconf_fopen(name);
+       if (!yyin) {
+               printf("can't find file %s\n", name);
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       current_buf = malloc(sizeof(*current_buf));
+       memset(current_buf, 0, sizeof(*current_buf));
+       current_file = file_lookup(name);
+       current_file->lineno = 1;
+       current_file->flags = FILE_BUSY;
+void zconf_nextfile(const char *name)
+       struct file *file = file_lookup(name);
+       struct buffer *buf = malloc(sizeof(*buf));
+       memset(buf, 0, sizeof(*buf));
+       current_buf->state = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
+       yyin = zconf_fopen(name);
+       if (!yyin) {
+               printf("%s:%d: can't open file \"%s\"\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno(), name);
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(yyin, YY_BUF_SIZE));
+       buf->parent = current_buf;
+       current_buf = buf;
+       if (file->flags & FILE_BUSY) {
+               printf("%s:%d: do not source '%s' from itself\n",
+                      zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno(), name);
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       if (file->flags & FILE_SCANNED) {
+               printf("%s:%d: file '%s' is already sourced from '%s'\n",
+                      zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno(), name,
+                      file->parent->name);
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       file->flags |= FILE_BUSY;
+       file->lineno = 1;
+       file->parent = current_file;
+       current_file = file;
+static void zconf_endfile(void)
+       struct buffer *parent;
+       current_file->flags |= FILE_SCANNED;
+       current_file->flags &= ~FILE_BUSY;
+       current_file = current_file->parent;
+       parent = current_buf->parent;
+       if (parent) {
+               fclose(yyin);
+               yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER);
+               yy_switch_to_buffer(parent->state);
+       }
+       free(current_buf);
+       current_buf = parent;
+int zconf_lineno(void)
+       return current_pos.lineno;
+char *zconf_curname(void)
+       return current_pos.file ? current_pos.file->name : "<none>";
diff --git a/config/zconf.y b/config/zconf.y
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..daedad0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Roman Zippel <>
+ * Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
+ */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "lkc.h"
+#define printd(mask, fmt...) if (cdebug & (mask)) printf(fmt)
+#define PRINTD         0x0001
+#define DEBUG_PARSE    0x0002
+int cdebug = PRINTD;
+extern int zconflex(void);
+static void zconfprint(const char *err, ...);
+static void zconf_error(const char *err, ...);
+static void zconferror(const char *err);
+static bool zconf_endtoken(struct kconf_id *id, int starttoken, int endtoken);
+struct symbol *symbol_hash[257];
+static struct menu *current_menu, *current_entry;
+#define YYDEBUG 0
+%expect 26
+       char *string;
+       struct file *file;
+       struct symbol *symbol;
+       struct expr *expr;
+       struct menu *menu;
+       struct kconf_id *id;
+%token <id>T_MAINMENU
+%token <id>T_MENU
+%token <id>T_ENDMENU
+%token <id>T_SOURCE
+%token <id>T_CHOICE
+%token <id>T_ENDCHOICE
+%token <id>T_COMMENT
+%token <id>T_CONFIG
+%token <id>T_MENUCONFIG
+%token <id>T_HELP
+%token <string> T_HELPTEXT
+%token <id>T_IF
+%token <id>T_ENDIF
+%token <id>T_DEPENDS
+%token <id>T_OPTIONAL
+%token <id>T_PROMPT
+%token <id>T_TYPE
+%token <id>T_DEFAULT
+%token <id>T_SELECT
+%token <id>T_RANGE
+%token <id>T_OPTION
+%token <id>T_ON
+%token <string> T_WORD
+%token <string> T_WORD_QUOTE
+%token T_UNEQUAL
+%token T_OPEN_PAREN
+%token T_EOL
+%left T_OR
+%left T_AND
+%nonassoc T_NOT
+%type <string> prompt
+%type <symbol> symbol
+%type <expr> expr
+%type <expr> if_expr
+%type <id> end
+%type <id> option_name
+%type <menu> if_entry menu_entry choice_entry
+%type <string> symbol_option_arg word_opt
+%destructor {
+       fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: missing end statement for this entry\n",
+               $$->file->name, $$->lineno);
+       if (current_menu == $$)
+               menu_end_menu();
+} if_entry menu_entry choice_entry
+/* Include zconf.hash.c here so it can see the token constants. */
+#include "zconf.hash.c"
+input: stmt_list;
+         /* empty */
+       | stmt_list common_stmt
+       | stmt_list choice_stmt
+       | stmt_list menu_stmt
+       | stmt_list T_MAINMENU prompt nl
+       | stmt_list end                 { zconf_error("unexpected end statement"); }
+       | stmt_list T_WORD error T_EOL  { zconf_error("unknown statement \"%s\"", $2); }
+       | stmt_list option_name error T_EOL
+       zconf_error("unexpected option \"%s\"", kconf_id_strings + $2->name);
+       | stmt_list error T_EOL         { zconf_error("invalid statement"); }
+         T_EOL
+       | if_stmt
+       | comment_stmt
+       | config_stmt
+       | menuconfig_stmt
+       | source_stmt
+         T_WORD error T_EOL            { zconf_error("unknown option \"%s\"", $1); }
+       | error T_EOL                   { zconf_error("invalid option"); }
+/* config/menuconfig entry */
+config_entry_start: T_CONFIG T_WORD T_EOL
+       struct symbol *sym = sym_lookup($2, 0);
+       sym->flags |= SYMBOL_OPTIONAL;
+       menu_add_entry(sym);
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:config %s\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno(), $2);
+config_stmt: config_entry_start config_option_list
+       menu_end_entry();
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:endconfig\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+menuconfig_entry_start: T_MENUCONFIG T_WORD T_EOL
+       struct symbol *sym = sym_lookup($2, 0);
+       sym->flags |= SYMBOL_OPTIONAL;
+       menu_add_entry(sym);
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:menuconfig %s\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno(), $2);
+menuconfig_stmt: menuconfig_entry_start config_option_list
+       if (current_entry->prompt)
+               current_entry->prompt->type = P_MENU;
+       else
+               zconfprint("warning: menuconfig statement without prompt");
+       menu_end_entry();
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:endconfig\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+         /* empty */
+       | config_option_list config_option
+       | config_option_list symbol_option
+       | config_option_list depends
+       | config_option_list help
+       | config_option_list option_error
+       | config_option_list T_EOL
+config_option: T_TYPE prompt_stmt_opt T_EOL
+       menu_set_type($1->stype);
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:type(%u)\n",
+               zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno(),
+               $1->stype);
+config_option: T_PROMPT prompt if_expr T_EOL
+       menu_add_prompt(P_PROMPT, $2, $3);
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:prompt\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+config_option: T_DEFAULT expr if_expr T_EOL
+       menu_add_expr(P_DEFAULT, $2, $3);
+       if ($1->stype != S_UNKNOWN)
+               menu_set_type($1->stype);
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:default(%u)\n",
+               zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno(),
+               $1->stype);
+config_option: T_SELECT T_WORD if_expr T_EOL
+       menu_add_symbol(P_SELECT, sym_lookup($2, 0), $3);
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:select\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+config_option: T_RANGE symbol symbol if_expr T_EOL
+       menu_add_expr(P_RANGE, expr_alloc_comp(E_RANGE,$2, $3), $4);
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:range\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+symbol_option: T_OPTION symbol_option_list T_EOL
+         /* empty */
+       | symbol_option_list T_WORD symbol_option_arg
+       struct kconf_id *id = kconf_id_lookup($2, strlen($2));
+       if (id && id->flags & TF_OPTION)
+               menu_add_option(id->token, $3);
+       else
+               zconfprint("warning: ignoring unknown option %s", $2);
+       free($2);
+         /* empty */           { $$ = NULL; }
+       | T_EQUAL prompt        { $$ = $2; }
+/* choice entry */
+choice: T_CHOICE word_opt T_EOL
+       struct symbol *sym = sym_lookup($2, SYMBOL_CHOICE);
+       sym->flags |= SYMBOL_AUTO;
+       menu_add_entry(sym);
+       menu_add_expr(P_CHOICE, NULL, NULL);
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:choice\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+choice_entry: choice choice_option_list
+       $$ = menu_add_menu();
+choice_end: end
+       if (zconf_endtoken($1, T_CHOICE, T_ENDCHOICE)) {
+               menu_end_menu();
+               printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:endchoice\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+       }
+choice_stmt: choice_entry choice_block choice_end
+         /* empty */
+       | choice_option_list choice_option
+       | choice_option_list depends
+       | choice_option_list help
+       | choice_option_list T_EOL
+       | choice_option_list option_error
+choice_option: T_PROMPT prompt if_expr T_EOL
+       menu_add_prompt(P_PROMPT, $2, $3);
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:prompt\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+choice_option: T_TYPE prompt_stmt_opt T_EOL
+       if ($1->stype == S_BOOLEAN || $1->stype == S_TRISTATE) {
+               menu_set_type($1->stype);
+               printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:type(%u)\n",
+                       zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno(),
+                       $1->stype);
+       } else
+               YYERROR;
+choice_option: T_OPTIONAL T_EOL
+       current_entry->sym->flags |= SYMBOL_OPTIONAL;
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:optional\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+choice_option: T_DEFAULT T_WORD if_expr T_EOL
+       if ($1->stype == S_UNKNOWN) {
+               menu_add_symbol(P_DEFAULT, sym_lookup($2, 0), $3);
+               printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:default\n",
+                       zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+       } else
+               YYERROR;
+         /* empty */
+       | choice_block common_stmt
+/* if entry */
+if_entry: T_IF expr nl
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:if\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+       menu_add_entry(NULL);
+       menu_add_dep($2);
+       $$ = menu_add_menu();
+if_end: end
+       if (zconf_endtoken($1, T_IF, T_ENDIF)) {
+               menu_end_menu();
+               printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:endif\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+       }
+if_stmt: if_entry if_block if_end
+         /* empty */
+       | if_block common_stmt
+       | if_block menu_stmt
+       | if_block choice_stmt
+/* menu entry */
+menu: T_MENU prompt T_EOL
+       menu_add_entry(NULL);
+       menu_add_prompt(P_MENU, $2, NULL);
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:menu\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+menu_entry: menu depends_list
+       $$ = menu_add_menu();
+menu_end: end
+       if (zconf_endtoken($1, T_MENU, T_ENDMENU)) {
+               menu_end_menu();
+               printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:endmenu\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+       }
+menu_stmt: menu_entry menu_block menu_end
+         /* empty */
+       | menu_block common_stmt
+       | menu_block menu_stmt
+       | menu_block choice_stmt
+source_stmt: T_SOURCE prompt T_EOL
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:source %s\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno(), $2);
+       zconf_nextfile($2);
+/* comment entry */
+comment: T_COMMENT prompt T_EOL
+       menu_add_entry(NULL);
+       menu_add_prompt(P_COMMENT, $2, NULL);
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:comment\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+comment_stmt: comment depends_list
+       menu_end_entry();
+/* help option */
+help_start: T_HELP T_EOL
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:help\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+       zconf_starthelp();
+help: help_start T_HELPTEXT
+       current_entry->help = $2;
+/* depends option */
+         /* empty */
+       | depends_list depends
+       | depends_list T_EOL
+       | depends_list option_error
+depends: T_DEPENDS T_ON expr T_EOL
+       menu_add_dep($3);
+       printd(DEBUG_PARSE, "%s:%d:depends on\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+/* prompt statement */
+         /* empty */
+       | prompt if_expr
+       menu_add_prompt(P_PROMPT, $1, $2);
+prompt:          T_WORD
+       | T_WORD_QUOTE
+end:     T_ENDMENU T_EOL       { $$ = $1; }
+       | T_ENDCHOICE T_EOL     { $$ = $1; }
+       | T_ENDIF T_EOL         { $$ = $1; }
+         T_EOL
+       | nl T_EOL
+if_expr:  /* empty */                  { $$ = NULL; }
+       | T_IF expr                     { $$ = $2; }
+expr:    symbol                                { $$ = expr_alloc_symbol($1); }
+       | symbol T_EQUAL symbol                 { $$ = expr_alloc_comp(E_EQUAL, $1, $3); }
+       | symbol T_UNEQUAL symbol               { $$ = expr_alloc_comp(E_UNEQUAL, $1, $3); }
+       | T_OPEN_PAREN expr T_CLOSE_PAREN       { $$ = $2; }
+       | T_NOT expr                            { $$ = expr_alloc_one(E_NOT, $2); }
+       | expr T_OR expr                        { $$ = expr_alloc_two(E_OR, $1, $3); }
+       | expr T_AND expr                       { $$ = expr_alloc_two(E_AND, $1, $3); }
+symbol:          T_WORD        { $$ = sym_lookup($1, 0); free($1); }
+       | T_WORD_QUOTE  { $$ = sym_lookup($1, SYMBOL_CONST); free($1); }
+word_opt: /* empty */                  { $$ = NULL; }
+       | T_WORD
+void conf_parse(const char *name)
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       int i;
+       zconf_initscan(name);
+       sym_init();
+       menu_init();
+       modules_sym = sym_lookup(NULL, 0);
+       modules_sym->type = S_BOOLEAN;
+       modules_sym->flags |= SYMBOL_AUTO;
+       rootmenu.prompt = menu_add_prompt(P_MENU, "CARL9170 Firmware Configuration", NULL);
+       if (getenv("ZCONF_DEBUG"))
+               zconfdebug = 1;
+       zconfparse();
+       if (zconfnerrs)
+               exit(1);
+       if (!modules_sym->prop) {
+               struct property *prop;
+               prop = prop_alloc(P_DEFAULT, modules_sym);
+               prop->expr = expr_alloc_symbol(sym_lookup("MODULES", 0));
+       }
+       menu_finalize(&rootmenu);
+       for_all_symbols(i, sym) {
+               if (sym_check_deps(sym))
+                       zconfnerrs++;
+        }
+       if (zconfnerrs)
+               exit(1);
+       sym_set_change_count(1);
+static const char *zconf_tokenname(int token)
+       switch (token) {
+       case T_MENU:            return "menu";
+       case T_ENDMENU:         return "endmenu";
+       case T_CHOICE:          return "choice";
+       case T_ENDCHOICE:       return "endchoice";
+       case T_IF:              return "if";
+       case T_ENDIF:           return "endif";
+       case T_DEPENDS:         return "depends";
+       }
+       return "<token>";
+static bool zconf_endtoken(struct kconf_id *id, int starttoken, int endtoken)
+       if (id->token != endtoken) {
+               zconf_error("unexpected '%s' within %s block",
+                       kconf_id_strings + id->name, zconf_tokenname(starttoken));
+               zconfnerrs++;
+               return false;
+       }
+       if (current_menu->file != current_file) {
+               zconf_error("'%s' in different file than '%s'",
+                       kconf_id_strings + id->name, zconf_tokenname(starttoken));
+               fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: location of the '%s'\n",
+                       current_menu->file->name, current_menu->lineno,
+                       zconf_tokenname(starttoken));
+               zconfnerrs++;
+               return false;
+       }
+       return true;
+static void zconfprint(const char *err, ...)
+       va_list ap;
+       fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+       va_start(ap, err);
+       vfprintf(stderr, err, ap);
+       va_end(ap);
+       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+static void zconf_error(const char *err, ...)
+       va_list ap;
+       zconfnerrs++;
+       fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno());
+       va_start(ap, err);
+       vfprintf(stderr, err, ap);
+       va_end(ap);
+       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+static void zconferror(const char *err)
+       fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s\n", zconf_curname(), zconf_lineno() + 1, err);
+static void print_quoted_string(FILE *out, const char *str)
+       const char *p;
+       int len;
+       putc('"', out);
+       while ((p = strchr(str, '"'))) {
+               len = p - str;
+               if (len)
+                       fprintf(out, "%.*s", len, str);
+               fputs("\\\"", out);
+               str = p + 1;
+       }
+       fputs(str, out);
+       putc('"', out);
+static void print_symbol(FILE *out, struct menu *menu)
+       struct symbol *sym = menu->sym;
+       struct property *prop;
+       if (sym_is_choice(sym))
+               fprintf(out, "choice\n");
+       else
+               fprintf(out, "config %s\n", sym->name);
+       switch (sym->type) {
+       case S_BOOLEAN:
+               fputs("  boolean\n", out);
+               break;
+       case S_TRISTATE:
+               fputs("  tristate\n", out);
+               break;
+       case S_STRING:
+               fputs("  string\n", out);
+               break;
+       case S_INT:
+               fputs("  integer\n", out);
+               break;
+       case S_HEX:
+               fputs("  hex\n", out);
+               break;
+       default:
+               fputs("  ???\n", out);
+               break;
+       }
+       for (prop = sym->prop; prop; prop = prop->next) {
+               if (prop->menu != menu)
+                       continue;
+               switch (prop->type) {
+               case P_PROMPT:
+                       fputs("  prompt ", out);
+                       print_quoted_string(out, prop->text);
+                       if (!expr_is_yes(prop->visible.expr)) {
+                               fputs(" if ", out);
+                               expr_fprint(prop->visible.expr, out);
+                       }
+                       fputc('\n', out);
+                       break;
+               case P_DEFAULT:
+                       fputs( "  default ", out);
+                       expr_fprint(prop->expr, out);
+                       if (!expr_is_yes(prop->visible.expr)) {
+                               fputs(" if ", out);
+                               expr_fprint(prop->visible.expr, out);
+                       }
+                       fputc('\n', out);
+                       break;
+               case P_CHOICE:
+                       fputs("  #choice value\n", out);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       fprintf(out, "  unknown prop %d!\n", prop->type);
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       if (menu->help) {
+               int len = strlen(menu->help);
+               while (menu->help[--len] == '\n')
+                       menu->help[len] = 0;
+               fprintf(out, "  help\n%s\n", menu->help);
+       }
+       fputc('\n', out);
+void zconfdump(FILE *out)
+       struct property *prop;
+       struct symbol *sym;
+       struct menu *menu;
+       menu = rootmenu.list;
+       while (menu) {
+               if ((sym = menu->sym))
+                       print_symbol(out, menu);
+               else if ((prop = menu->prompt)) {
+                       switch (prop->type) {
+                       case P_COMMENT:
+                               fputs("\ncomment ", out);
+                               print_quoted_string(out, prop->text);
+                               fputs("\n", out);
+                               break;
+                       case P_MENU:
+                               fputs("\nmenu ", out);
+                               print_quoted_string(out, prop->text);
+                               fputs("\n", out);
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               ;
+                       }
+                       if (!expr_is_yes(prop->visible.expr)) {
+                               fputs("  depends ", out);
+                               expr_fprint(prop->visible.expr, out);
+                               fputc('\n', out);
+                       }
+                       fputs("\n", out);
+               }
+               if (menu->list)
+                       menu = menu->list;
+               else if (menu->next)
+                       menu = menu->next;
+               else while ((menu = menu->parent)) {
+                       if (menu->prompt && menu->prompt->type == P_MENU)
+                               fputs("\nendmenu\n", out);
+                       if (menu->next) {
+                               menu = menu->next;
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+#include "lex.zconf.c"
+#include "util.c"
+#include "confdata.c"
+#include "expr.c"
+#include "symbol.c"
+#include "menu.c"
diff --git a/extra/FindUSB-1.0.cmake b/extra/FindUSB-1.0.cmake
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..00ed2f2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# - Try to find USB-1.0
+# Once done this will define
+#  USB-1.0_FOUND - system has USB-1.0
+#  USB-1.0_INCLUDE_DIRS - the USB-1.0 include directory
+#  USB-1.0_LIBRARIES - Link these to use USB-1.0
+#  USB-1.0_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using USB-1.0
+#  Copyright (c) 2009 Andreas Schneider <>
+#  Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the New
+#  BSD license.
+#  For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file.
+  # in cache already
+  set(USB-1.0_FOUND TRUE)
+  # use pkg-config to get the directories and then use these values
+  # in the FIND_PATH() and FIND_LIBRARY() calls
+    include(UsePkgConfig)
+    pkgconfig(libusb-1.0 _USB-1.0_INCLUDEDIR _USB-1.0_LIBDIR _USB-1.0_LDFLAGS _USB-1.0_CFLAGS)
+    find_package(PkgConfig)
+      pkg_check_modules(_USB-1.0 libusb-1.0)
+    endif (PKG_CONFIG_FOUND)
+  find_path(USB-1.0_INCLUDE_DIR
+    NAMES
+      libusb.h
+    PATHS
+      ${_USB-1.0_INCLUDEDIR}
+      /usr/include
+      /usr/local/include
+      /opt/local/include
+      /sw/include
+      libusb-1.0
+  )
+  mark_as_advanced(USB-1.0_INCLUDE_DIR)
+  find_library(USB-1.0_LIBRARY
+    NAMES
+      usb-1.0
+    PATHS
+      ${_USB-1.0_LIBDIR}
+      /usr/lib
+      /usr/local/lib
+      /opt/local/lib
+      /sw/lib
+  )
+  mark_as_advanced(USB-1.0_LIBRARY)
+  if (USB-1.0_LIBRARY)
+    set(USB-1.0_FOUND TRUE)
+    mark_as_advanced(USB-1.0_FOUND)
+  endif (USB-1.0_LIBRARY)
+    ${USB-1.0_INCLUDE_DIR}
+  )
+  if (USB-1.0_FOUND)
+    set(USB-1.0_LIBRARIES
+      ${USB-1.0_LIBRARIES}
+      ${USB-1.0_LIBRARY}
+    )
+  endif (USB-1.0_FOUND)
+     set(USB-1.0_FOUND TRUE)
+  if (USB-1.0_FOUND)
+    if (NOT USB-1.0_FIND_QUIETLY)
+      message(STATUS "Found USB-1.0: ${USB-1.0_LIBRARIES}")
+    endif (NOT USB-1.0_FIND_QUIETLY)
+  else (USB-1.0_FOUND)
+    if (USB-1.0_FIND_REQUIRED)
+      message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find USB-1.0")
+    endif (USB-1.0_FIND_REQUIRED)
+  endif (USB-1.0_FOUND)
+  # show the USB-1.0_INCLUDE_DIRS and USB-1.0_LIBRARIES variables only in the advanced view
+  mark_as_advanced(USB-1.0_INCLUDE_DIRS USB-1.0_LIBRARIES)
diff --git a/extra/GCCVersion.cmake b/extra/GCCVersion.cmake
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d394f17
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright 2006-2009 Kitware, Inc.
+# Copyright 2006-2008 Andreas Schneider <>
+# Copyright 2007      Wengo
+# Copyright 2007      Mike Jackson
+# Copyright 2008      Andreas Pakulat <>
+# Copyright 2008-2009 Philip Lowman <>
+# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
+# see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
+# This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+# See the License for more information.
+# (To distributed this file outside of CMake, substitute the full
+#  License text for the above reference.)
+# Runs compiler with "-dumpversion" and parses major/minor
+# version with a regex.
+    ARGS ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ARG1} -dumpversion
+  )
+  STRING(REGEX REPLACE "([0-9])\\.([0-9])(\\.[0-9])?" "\\1\\2"
+# End functions/macros
diff --git a/extra/libusb-zeropacket.diff b/extra/libusb-zeropacket.diff
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9aa73de
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+diff -Nurp libusb-1.0-1.0.2/libusb/libusb.h libusb-1.0-1.0.2-orig/libusb/libusb.h
+--- libusb-1.0-1.0.2/libusb/libusb.h   2009-06-07 23:18:19.000000000 +0200
++++ libusb-1.0-1.0.2-orig/libusb/libusb.h      2009-08-10 22:07:41.000000000 +0200
+@@ -673,6 +673,9 @@ enum libusb_transfer_flags {
+        * from your transfer callback, as this will result in a double-free
+        * when this flag is acted upon. */
++      /** Send an extra termination packet, when needed */
+ };
+ /** \ingroup asyncio
+diff -Nurp libusb-1.0-1.0.2/libusb/os/linux_usbfs.c libusb-1.0-1.0.2-orig/libusb/os/linux_usbfs.c
+--- libusb-1.0-1.0.2/libusb/os/linux_usbfs.c   2009-06-10 22:41:26.000000000 +0200
++++ libusb-1.0-1.0.2-orig/libusb/os/linux_usbfs.c      2009-08-10 22:10:14.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1298,6 +1298,8 @@ static int submit_bulk_transfer(struct u
+               urb->type = urb_type;
+               urb->endpoint = transfer->endpoint;
+               urb->buffer = transfer->buffer + (i * MAX_BULK_BUFFER_LENGTH);
++              if (transfer->flags & LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ZERO_PACKET)
++                      urb->flags = USBFS_URB_ZERO_PACKET;
+               if (i == num_urbs - 1 && last_urb_partial)
+                       urb->buffer_length = transfer->length % MAX_BULK_BUFFER_LENGTH;
+               else
+diff -Nurp libusb-1.0-1.0.2/libusb/os/linux_usbfs.h libusb-1.0-1.0.2-orig/libusb/os/linux_usbfs.h
+--- libusb-1.0-1.0.2/libusb/os/linux_usbfs.h   2008-07-16 16:17:57.000000000 +0200
++++ libusb-1.0-1.0.2-orig/libusb/os/linux_usbfs.h      2009-08-10 22:13:15.000000000 +0200
+@@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ struct usbfs_getdriver {
+ #define USBFS_URB_ISO_ASAP    2
+ #define USBFS_URB_QUEUE_BULK  0x10
++#define USBFS_URB_NO_FSBR     0x20
++#define USBFS_URB_ZERO_PACKET 0x40
++#define USBFS_URB_NO_INTERRUPT        0x80
+ enum usbfs_urb_type {
+       USBFS_URB_TYPE_ISO = 0,
diff --git a/extra/sh-elf-linux.cmake b/extra/sh-elf-linux.cmake
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8be6d36
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME "Generic")
+set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/toolchain/inst/)
+set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-m2 -ml -Os -ffreestanding -nostartfiles")
+set(CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "-static -EL -x --gc-sections")
+set(OBJCOPY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/toolchain/inst/bin/sh-elf-objcopy)
+set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/toolchain/inst/bin/sh-elf-gcc")
+set(CMAKE_AR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/toolchain/inst/bin/sh-elf-ar)
+set(CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/toolchain/inst/bin/sh-elf-as)
+set(CMAKE_ASM-ATT_COMPILER ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/toolchain/inst/bin/sh-elf-as)
+set(CMAKE_LINKER ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/toolchain/inst/bin/sh-elf-ld)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..8912cc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+cat <<EOF > include/shared/version.h
+#ifndef __CARL9170_SHARED_VERSION_H
+#define __CARL9170_SHARED_VERSION_H
+#define CARL9170FW_VERSION_YEAR $((100`date +%Y`%100))
+#define CARL9170FW_VERSION_MONTH $((100`date +%m`%100))
+#define CARL9170FW_VERSION_DAY $((100`date +%d`%100))
+#define CARL9170FW_VERSION_GIT "`git describe 2>/dev/null`"
+#endif /* __CARL9170_SHARED_VERSION_H */
diff --git a/include/generated/defconfig b/include/generated/defconfig
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..efb3c2d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Automatically generated make config: don't edit
+# CARL9170 Firmware
+# Sun May 23 02:34:08 2010
+# General
+# Selectable Hardware Options
+# CONFIG_CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN_4096 is not set
+# CONFIG_CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN_16384 is not set
+# CONFIG_CARL9170FW_RX_FRAME_LEN_32768 is not set
+# 802.11 Firmware Features
+# USB Firmware Configuration Settings
+# Experimental, Unstable & Testing Extensions
+# CONFIG_CARL9170FW_LOOPBACK is not set
+# Build Options
+# Firmware Tools
diff --git a/include/linux/ch9.h b/include/linux/ch9.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..94e01bb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
+ * This file holds USB constants and structures that are needed for
+ * USB device APIs.  These are used by the USB device model, which is
+ * defined in chapter 9 of the USB 2.0 specification and in the
+ * Wireless USB 1.0 (spread around).  Linux has several APIs in C that
+ * need these:
+ *
+ * - the master/host side Linux-USB kernel driver API;
+ * - the "usbfs" user space API; and
+ * - the Linux "gadget" slave/device/peripheral side driver API.
+ *
+ * USB 2.0 adds an additional "On The Go" (OTG) mode, which lets systems
+ * act either as a USB master/host or as a USB slave/device.  That means
+ * the master and slave side APIs benefit from working well together.
+ *
+ * There's also "Wireless USB", using low power short range radios for
+ * peripheral interconnection but otherwise building on the USB framework.
+ *
+ * Note all descriptors are declared '__attribute__((packed))' so that:
+ *
+ * [a] they never get padded, either internally (USB spec writers
+ *     probably handled that) or externally;
+ *
+ * [b] so that accessing bigger-than-a-bytes fields will never
+ *     generate bus errors on any platform, even when the location of
+ *     its descriptor inside a bundle isn't "naturally aligned", and
+ *
+ * [c] for consistency, removing all doubt even when it appears to
+ *     someone that the two other points are non-issues for that
+ *     particular descriptor type.
+ */
+#ifndef __LINUX_USB_CH9_H
+#define __LINUX_USB_CH9_H
+#include <linux/types.h>       /* __u8 etc */
+ * USB directions
+ *
+ * This bit flag is used in endpoint descriptors' bEndpointAddress field.
+ * It's also one of three fields in control requests bRequestType.
+ */
+#define USB_DIR_MASK                   0x80
+#define USB_DIR_OUT                    0               /* to device */
+#define USB_DIR_IN                     0x80            /* to host */
+ * USB types, the second of three bRequestType fields
+ */
+#define USB_TYPE_MASK                  (0x03 << 5)
+#define USB_TYPE_STANDARD              (0x00 << 5)
+#define USB_TYPE_CLASS                 (0x01 << 5)
+#define USB_TYPE_VENDOR                        (0x02 << 5)
+#define USB_TYPE_RESERVED              (0x03 << 5)
+ * USB recipients, the third of three bRequestType fields
+ */
+#define USB_RECIP_MASK                 0x1f
+#define USB_RECIP_DEVICE               0x00
+#define USB_RECIP_INTERFACE            0x01
+#define USB_RECIP_ENDPOINT             0x02
+#define USB_RECIP_OTHER                        0x03
+/* From Wireless USB 1.0 */
+#define USB_RECIP_PORT                 0x04
+#define USB_RECIP_RPIPE                0x05
+ * Standard requests, for the bRequest field of a SETUP packet.
+ *
+ * These are qualified by the bRequestType field, so that for example
+ * TYPE_CLASS or TYPE_VENDOR specific feature flags could be retrieved
+ * by a GET_STATUS request.
+ */
+#define USB_REQ_GET_STATUS             0x00
+#define USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE          0x01
+#define USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE            0x03
+#define USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS            0x05
+#define USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR         0x06
+#define USB_REQ_SET_DESCRIPTOR         0x07
+#define USB_REQ_GET_CONFIGURATION      0x08
+#define USB_REQ_SET_CONFIGURATION      0x09
+#define USB_REQ_GET_INTERFACE          0x0A
+#define USB_REQ_SET_INTERFACE          0x0B
+#define USB_REQ_SYNCH_FRAME            0x0C
+#define USB_REQ_SET_ENCRYPTION         0x0D    /* Wireless USB */
+#define USB_REQ_GET_ENCRYPTION         0x0E
+#define USB_REQ_RPIPE_ABORT            0x0E
+#define USB_REQ_SET_HANDSHAKE          0x0F
+#define USB_REQ_RPIPE_RESET            0x0F
+#define USB_REQ_GET_HANDSHAKE          0x10
+#define USB_REQ_SET_CONNECTION         0x11
+#define USB_REQ_SET_SECURITY_DATA      0x12
+#define USB_REQ_GET_SECURITY_DATA      0x13
+#define USB_REQ_SET_WUSB_DATA          0x14
+#define USB_REQ_LOOPBACK_DATA_READ     0x16
+#define USB_REQ_SET_INTERFACE_DS       0x17
+/* The Link Power Management (LPM) ECN defines USB_REQ_TEST_AND_SET command,
+ * used by hubs to put ports into a new L1 suspend state, except that it
+ * forgot to define its number ...
+ */
+ * USB feature flags are written using USB_REQ_{CLEAR,SET}_FEATURE, and
+ * are read as a bit array returned by USB_REQ_GET_STATUS.  (So there
+ * are at most sixteen features of each type.)  Hubs may also support a
+ * new USB_REQ_TEST_AND_SET_FEATURE to put ports into L1 suspend.
+ */
+#define USB_DEVICE_SELF_POWERED                0       /* (read only) */
+#define USB_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP       1       /* dev may initiate wakeup */
+#define USB_DEVICE_TEST_MODE           2       /* (wired high speed only) */
+#define USB_DEVICE_BATTERY             2       /* (wireless) */
+#define USB_DEVICE_B_HNP_ENABLE                3       /* (otg) dev may initiate HNP */
+#define USB_DEVICE_WUSB_DEVICE         3       /* (wireless)*/
+#define USB_DEVICE_A_HNP_SUPPORT       4       /* (otg) RH port supports HNP */
+#define USB_DEVICE_A_ALT_HNP_SUPPORT   5       /* (otg) other RH port does */
+#define USB_DEVICE_DEBUG_MODE          6       /* (special devices only) */
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_HALT              0       /* IN/OUT will STALL */
+ * struct usb_ctrlrequest - SETUP data for a USB device control request
+ * @bRequestType: matches the USB bmRequestType field
+ * @bRequest: matches the USB bRequest field
+ * @wValue: matches the USB wValue field (le16 byte order)
+ * @wIndex: matches the USB wIndex field (le16 byte order)
+ * @wLength: matches the USB wLength field (le16 byte order)
+ *
+ * This structure is used to send control requests to a USB device.  It matches
+ * the different fields of the USB 2.0 Spec section 9.3, table 9-2.  See the
+ * USB spec for a fuller description of the different fields, and what they are
+ * used for.
+ *
+ * Note that the driver for any interface can issue control requests.
+ * For most devices, interfaces don't coordinate with each other, so
+ * such requests may be made at any time.
+ */
+struct usb_ctrlrequest {
+       __u8 bRequestType;
+       __u8 bRequest;
+       __le16 wValue;
+       __le16 wIndex;
+       __le16 wLength;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+ * (rarely) accepted by SET_DESCRIPTOR.
+ *
+ * Note that all multi-byte values here are encoded in little endian
+ * byte order "on the wire".  Within the kernel and when exposed
+ * through the Linux-USB APIs, they are not converted to cpu byte
+ * order; it is the responsibility of the client code to do this.
+ * The single exception is when device and configuration descriptors (but
+ * not other descriptors) are read from usbfs (i.e. /proc/bus/usb/BBB/DDD);
+ * in this case the fields are converted to host endianness by the kernel.
+ */
+ * Descriptor types ... USB 2.0 spec table 9.5
+ */
+#define USB_DT_DEVICE                  0x01
+#define USB_DT_CONFIG                  0x02
+#define USB_DT_STRING                  0x03
+#define USB_DT_INTERFACE               0x04
+#define USB_DT_ENDPOINT                        0x05
+#define USB_DT_DEVICE_QUALIFIER                0x06
+#define USB_DT_OTHER_SPEED_CONFIG      0x07
+#define USB_DT_INTERFACE_POWER         0x08
+/* these are from a minor usb 2.0 revision (ECN) */
+#define USB_DT_OTG                     0x09
+#define USB_DT_DEBUG                   0x0a
+/* these are from the Wireless USB spec */
+#define USB_DT_SECURITY                        0x0c
+#define USB_DT_KEY                     0x0d
+#define USB_DT_ENCRYPTION_TYPE         0x0e
+#define USB_DT_BOS                     0x0f
+#define USB_DT_DEVICE_CAPABILITY       0x10
+#define USB_DT_WIRE_ADAPTER            0x21
+#define USB_DT_RPIPE                   0x22
+#define USB_DT_CS_RADIO_CONTROL                0x23
+/* From the USB 3.0 spec */
+#define        USB_DT_SS_ENDPOINT_COMP         0x30
+/* Conventional codes for class-specific descriptors.  The convention is
+ * defined in the USB "Common Class" Spec (3.11).  Individual class specs
+ * are authoritative for their usage, not the "common class" writeup.
+ */
+#define USB_DT_CS_DEVICE               (USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_DT_DEVICE)
+#define USB_DT_CS_CONFIG               (USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_DT_CONFIG)
+#define USB_DT_CS_STRING               (USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_DT_STRING)
+/* All standard descriptors have these 2 fields at the beginning */
+struct usb_descriptor_header {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* USB_DT_DEVICE: Device descriptor */
+struct usb_device_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __le16 bcdUSB;
+       __u8  bDeviceClass;
+       __u8  bDeviceSubClass;
+       __u8  bDeviceProtocol;
+       __u8  bMaxPacketSize0;
+       __le16 idVendor;
+       __le16 idProduct;
+       __le16 bcdDevice;
+       __u8  iManufacturer;
+       __u8  iProduct;
+       __u8  iSerialNumber;
+       __u8  bNumConfigurations;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+#define USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE             18
+ * Device and/or Interface Class codes
+ * as found in bDeviceClass or bInterfaceClass
+ * and defined by documents
+ */
+#define USB_CLASS_PER_INTERFACE                0       /* for DeviceClass */
+#define USB_CLASS_AUDIO                        1
+#define USB_CLASS_COMM                 2
+#define USB_CLASS_HID                  3
+#define USB_CLASS_PHYSICAL             5
+#define USB_CLASS_STILL_IMAGE          6
+#define USB_CLASS_PRINTER              7
+#define USB_CLASS_MASS_STORAGE         8
+#define USB_CLASS_HUB                  9
+#define USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA             0x0a
+#define USB_CLASS_CSCID                        0x0b    /* chip+ smart card */
+#define USB_CLASS_CONTENT_SEC          0x0d    /* content security */
+#define USB_CLASS_VIDEO                        0x0e
+#define USB_CLASS_MISC                 0xef
+#define USB_CLASS_APP_SPEC             0xfe
+#define USB_CLASS_VENDOR_SPEC          0xff
+#define USB_SUBCLASS_VENDOR_SPEC       0xff
+/* USB_DT_CONFIG: Configuration descriptor information.
+ *
+ * USB_DT_OTHER_SPEED_CONFIG is the same descriptor, except that the
+ * descriptor type is different.  Highspeed-capable devices can look
+ * different depending on what speed they're currently running.  Only
+ * descriptors.
+ */
+struct usb_config_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __le16 wTotalLength;
+       __u8  bNumInterfaces;
+       __u8  bConfigurationValue;
+       __u8  iConfiguration;
+       __u8  bmAttributes;
+       __u8  bMaxPower;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+#define USB_DT_CONFIG_SIZE             9
+/* from config descriptor bmAttributes */
+#define USB_CONFIG_ATT_ONE             (1 << 7)        /* must be set */
+#define USB_CONFIG_ATT_SELFPOWER       (1 << 6)        /* self powered */
+#define USB_CONFIG_ATT_WAKEUP          (1 << 5)        /* can wakeup */
+#define USB_CONFIG_ATT_BATTERY         (1 << 4)        /* battery powered */
+/* USB_DT_STRING: String descriptor */
+struct usb_string_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __le16 wData[1];                /* UTF-16LE encoded */
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* note that "string" zero is special, it holds language codes that
+ * the device supports, not Unicode characters.
+ */
+/* USB_DT_INTERFACE: Interface descriptor */
+struct usb_interface_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __u8  bInterfaceNumber;
+       __u8  bAlternateSetting;
+       __u8  bNumEndpoints;
+       __u8  bInterfaceClass;
+       __u8  bInterfaceSubClass;
+       __u8  bInterfaceProtocol;
+       __u8  iInterface;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+#define USB_DT_INTERFACE_SIZE          9
+/* USB_DT_ENDPOINT: Endpoint descriptor */
+struct usb_endpoint_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __u8  bEndpointAddress;
+       __u8  bmAttributes;
+       __le16 wMaxPacketSize;
+       __u8  bInterval;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+#define USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE           7
+#define USB_DT_ENDPOINT_AUDIO_SIZE     9       /* Audio extension */
+ * Endpoints
+ */
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_NUMBER_MASK       0x0f    /* in bEndpointAddress */
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK          0x80
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_SYNCTYPE          0x0c
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_SYNC_NONE         (0 << 2)
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_SYNC_ASYNC                (1 << 2)
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_SYNC_ADAPTIVE     (2 << 2)
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_SYNC_SYNC         (3 << 2)
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_XFERTYPE_MASK     0x03    /* in bmAttributes */
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_ISOC         1
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK         2
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT          3
+ * usb_endpoint_num - get the endpoint's number
+ * @epd: endpoint to be checked
+ *
+ * Returns @epd's number: 0 to 15.
+ */
+static inline int usb_endpoint_num(const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *epd)
+       return epd->bEndpointAddress & USB_ENDPOINT_NUMBER_MASK;
+ * usb_endpoint_type - get the endpoint's transfer type
+ * @epd: endpoint to be checked
+ *
+ * Returns one of USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_{CONTROL, ISOC, BULK, INT} according
+ * to @epd's transfer type.
+ */
+static inline int usb_endpoint_type(const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *epd)
+       return epd->bmAttributes & USB_ENDPOINT_XFERTYPE_MASK;
+ * usb_endpoint_dir_in - check if the endpoint has IN direction
+ * @epd: endpoint to be checked
+ *
+ * Returns true if the endpoint is of type IN, otherwise it returns false.
+ */
+static inline int usb_endpoint_dir_in(const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *epd)
+       return ((epd->bEndpointAddress & USB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK) == USB_DIR_IN);
+ * usb_endpoint_dir_out - check if the endpoint has OUT direction
+ * @epd: endpoint to be checked
+ *
+ * Returns true if the endpoint is of type OUT, otherwise it returns false.
+ */
+static inline int usb_endpoint_dir_out(
+                               const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *epd)
+       return ((epd->bEndpointAddress & USB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK) == USB_DIR_OUT);
+ * usb_endpoint_xfer_bulk - check if the endpoint has bulk transfer type
+ * @epd: endpoint to be checked
+ *
+ * Returns true if the endpoint is of type bulk, otherwise it returns false.
+ */
+static inline int usb_endpoint_xfer_bulk(
+                               const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *epd)
+       return ((epd->bmAttributes & USB_ENDPOINT_XFERTYPE_MASK) ==
+               USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK);
+ * usb_endpoint_xfer_control - check if the endpoint has control transfer type
+ * @epd: endpoint to be checked
+ *
+ * Returns true if the endpoint is of type control, otherwise it returns false.
+ */
+static inline int usb_endpoint_xfer_control(
+                               const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *epd)
+       return ((epd->bmAttributes & USB_ENDPOINT_XFERTYPE_MASK) ==
+ * usb_endpoint_xfer_int - check if the endpoint has interrupt transfer type
+ * @epd: endpoint to be checked
+ *
+ * Returns true if the endpoint is of type interrupt, otherwise it returns
+ * false.
+ */
+static inline int usb_endpoint_xfer_int(
+                               const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *epd)
+       return ((epd->bmAttributes & USB_ENDPOINT_XFERTYPE_MASK) ==
+               USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT);
+ * usb_endpoint_xfer_isoc - check if the endpoint has isochronous transfer type
+ * @epd: endpoint to be checked
+ *
+ * Returns true if the endpoint is of type isochronous, otherwise it returns
+ * false.
+ */
+static inline int usb_endpoint_xfer_isoc(
+                               const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *epd)
+       return (epd->bmAttributes & USB_ENDPOINT_XFERTYPE_MASK) ==
+               USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_ISOC;
+ * usb_endpoint_is_bulk_in - check if the endpoint is bulk IN
+ * @epd: endpoint to be checked
+ *
+ * Returns true if the endpoint has bulk transfer type and IN direction,
+ * otherwise it returns false.
+ */
+static inline int usb_endpoint_is_bulk_in(
+                               const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *epd)
+       return usb_endpoint_xfer_bulk(epd) && usb_endpoint_dir_in(epd);
+ * usb_endpoint_is_bulk_out - check if the endpoint is bulk OUT
+ * @epd: endpoint to be checked
+ *
+ * Returns true if the endpoint has bulk transfer type and OUT direction,
+ * otherwise it returns false.
+ */
+static inline int usb_endpoint_is_bulk_out(
+                               const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *epd)
+       return usb_endpoint_xfer_bulk(epd) && usb_endpoint_dir_out(epd);
+ * usb_endpoint_is_int_in - check if the endpoint is interrupt IN
+ * @epd: endpoint to be checked
+ *
+ * Returns true if the endpoint has interrupt transfer type and IN direction,
+ * otherwise it returns false.
+ */
+static inline int usb_endpoint_is_int_in(
+                               const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *epd)
+       return usb_endpoint_xfer_int(epd) && usb_endpoint_dir_in(epd);
+ * usb_endpoint_is_int_out - check if the endpoint is interrupt OUT
+ * @epd: endpoint to be checked
+ *
+ * Returns true if the endpoint has interrupt transfer type and OUT direction,
+ * otherwise it returns false.
+ */
+static inline int usb_endpoint_is_int_out(
+                               const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *epd)
+       return usb_endpoint_xfer_int(epd) && usb_endpoint_dir_out(epd);
+ * usb_endpoint_is_isoc_in - check if the endpoint is isochronous IN
+ * @epd: endpoint to be checked
+ *
+ * Returns true if the endpoint has isochronous transfer type and IN direction,
+ * otherwise it returns false.
+ */
+static inline int usb_endpoint_is_isoc_in(
+                               const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *epd)
+       return usb_endpoint_xfer_isoc(epd) && usb_endpoint_dir_in(epd);
+ * usb_endpoint_is_isoc_out - check if the endpoint is isochronous OUT
+ * @epd: endpoint to be checked
+ *
+ * Returns true if the endpoint has isochronous transfer type and OUT direction,
+ * otherwise it returns false.
+ */
+static inline int usb_endpoint_is_isoc_out(
+                               const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *epd)
+       return usb_endpoint_xfer_isoc(epd) && usb_endpoint_dir_out(epd);
+/* USB_DT_SS_ENDPOINT_COMP: SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion descriptor */
+struct usb_ss_ep_comp_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __u8  bMaxBurst;
+       __u8  bmAttributes;
+       __le16 wBytesPerInterval;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+#define USB_DT_SS_EP_COMP_SIZE         6
+/* USB_DT_DEVICE_QUALIFIER: Device Qualifier descriptor */
+struct usb_qualifier_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __le16 bcdUSB;
+       __u8  bDeviceClass;
+       __u8  bDeviceSubClass;
+       __u8  bDeviceProtocol;
+       __u8  bMaxPacketSize0;
+       __u8  bNumConfigurations;
+       __u8  bRESERVED;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* USB_DT_OTG (from OTG 1.0a supplement) */
+struct usb_otg_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __u8  bmAttributes;     /* support for HNP, SRP, etc */
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* from usb_otg_descriptor.bmAttributes */
+#define USB_OTG_SRP            (1 << 0)
+#define USB_OTG_HNP            (1 << 1)        /* swap host/device roles */
+/* USB_DT_DEBUG:  for special highspeed devices, replacing serial console */
+struct usb_debug_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       /* bulk endpoints with 8 byte maxpacket */
+       __u8  bDebugInEndpoint;
+       __u8  bDebugOutEndpoint;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* USB_DT_INTERFACE_ASSOCIATION: groups interfaces */
+struct usb_interface_assoc_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __u8  bFirstInterface;
+       __u8  bInterfaceCount;
+       __u8  bFunctionClass;
+       __u8  bFunctionSubClass;
+       __u8  bFunctionProtocol;
+       __u8  iFunction;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* USB_DT_SECURITY:  group of wireless security descriptors, including
+ * encryption types available for setting up a CC/association.
+ */
+struct usb_security_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __le16 wTotalLength;
+       __u8  bNumEncryptionTypes;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* USB_DT_KEY:  used with {GET,SET}_SECURITY_DATA; only public keys
+ * may be retrieved.
+ */
+struct usb_key_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __u8  tTKID[3];
+       __u8  bReserved;
+       __u8  bKeyData[0];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* USB_DT_ENCRYPTION_TYPE:  bundled in DT_SECURITY groups */
+struct usb_encryption_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __u8  bEncryptionType;
+#define        USB_ENC_TYPE_UNSECURE           0
+#define        USB_ENC_TYPE_WIRED              1       /* non-wireless mode */
+#define        USB_ENC_TYPE_CCM_1              2       /* aes128/cbc session */
+#define        USB_ENC_TYPE_RSA_1              3       /* rsa3072/sha1 auth */
+       __u8  bEncryptionValue;         /* use in SET_ENCRYPTION */
+       __u8  bAuthKeyIndex;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* USB_DT_BOS:  group of device-level capabilities */
+struct usb_bos_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __le16 wTotalLength;
+       __u8  bNumDeviceCaps;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* USB_DT_DEVICE_CAPABILITY:  grouped with BOS */
+struct usb_dev_cap_header {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __u8  bDevCapabilityType;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+#define        USB_CAP_TYPE_WIRELESS_USB       1
+struct usb_wireless_cap_descriptor {   /* Ultra Wide Band */
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __u8  bDevCapabilityType;
+       __u8  bmAttributes;
+#define        USB_WIRELESS_P2P_DRD            (1 << 1)
+#define        USB_WIRELESS_BEACON_MASK        (3 << 2)
+#define        USB_WIRELESS_BEACON_SELF        (1 << 2)
+#define        USB_WIRELESS_BEACON_DIRECTED    (2 << 2)
+#define        USB_WIRELESS_BEACON_NONE        (3 << 2)
+       __le16 wPHYRates;       /* bit rates, Mbps */
+#define        USB_WIRELESS_PHY_53             (1 << 0)        /* always set */
+#define        USB_WIRELESS_PHY_80             (1 << 1)
+#define        USB_WIRELESS_PHY_107            (1 << 2)        /* always set */
+#define        USB_WIRELESS_PHY_160            (1 << 3)
+#define        USB_WIRELESS_PHY_200            (1 << 4)        /* always set */
+#define        USB_WIRELESS_PHY_320            (1 << 5)
+#define        USB_WIRELESS_PHY_400            (1 << 6)
+#define        USB_WIRELESS_PHY_480            (1 << 7)
+       __u8  bmTFITXPowerInfo; /* TFI power levels */
+       __u8  bmFFITXPowerInfo; /* FFI power levels */
+       __le16 bmBandGroup;
+       __u8  bReserved;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+#define        USB_CAP_TYPE_EXT                2
+struct usb_ext_cap_descriptor {                /* Link Power Management */
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __u8  bDevCapabilityType;
+       __u8  bmAttributes;
+#define USB_LPM_SUPPORT                        (1 << 1)        /* supports LPM */
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* USB_DT_WIRELESS_ENDPOINT_COMP:  companion descriptor associated with
+ * each endpoint descriptor for a wireless device
+ */
+struct usb_wireless_ep_comp_descriptor {
+       __u8  bLength;
+       __u8  bDescriptorType;
+       __u8  bMaxBurst;
+       __u8  bMaxSequence;
+       __le16 wMaxStreamDelay;
+       __le16 wOverTheAirPacketSize;
+       __u8  bOverTheAirInterval;
+       __u8  bmCompAttributes;
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_SWITCH_MASK       0x03    /* in bmCompAttributes */
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_SWITCH_NO         0
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* USB_REQ_SET_HANDSHAKE is a four-way handshake used between a wireless
+ * host and a device for connection set up, mutual authentication, and
+ * exchanging short lived session keys.  The handshake depends on a CC.
+ */
+struct usb_handshake {
+       __u8 bMessageNumber;
+       __u8 bStatus;
+       __u8 tTKID[3];
+       __u8 bReserved;
+       __u8 CDID[16];
+       __u8 nonce[16];
+       __u8 MIC[8];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* USB_REQ_SET_CONNECTION modifies or revokes a connection context (CC).
+ * A CC may also be set up using non-wireless secure channels (including
+ * wired USB!), and some devices may support CCs with multiple hosts.
+ */
+struct usb_connection_context {
+       __u8 CHID[16];          /* persistent host id */
+       __u8 CDID[16];          /* device id (unique w/in host context) */
+       __u8 CK[16];            /* connection key */
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* USB 2.0 defines three speeds, here's how Linux identifies them */
+enum usb_device_speed {
+       USB_SPEED_UNKNOWN = 0,                  /* enumerating */
+       USB_SPEED_LOW, USB_SPEED_FULL,          /* usb 1.1 */
+       USB_SPEED_HIGH,                         /* usb 2.0 */
+       USB_SPEED_WIRELESS,                     /* wireless (usb 2.5) */
+       USB_SPEED_SUPER,                        /* usb 3.0 */
+enum usb_device_state {
+       /* NOTATTACHED isn't in the USB spec, and this state acts
+        * the same as ATTACHED ... but it's clearer this way.
+        */
+       /* chapter 9 and authentication (wireless) device states */
+       USB_STATE_POWERED,                      /* wired */
+       USB_STATE_RECONNECTING,                 /* auth */
+       USB_STATE_UNAUTHENTICATED,              /* auth */
+       USB_STATE_DEFAULT,                      /* limited function */
+       USB_STATE_CONFIGURED,                   /* most functions */
+       /* NOTE:  there are actually four different SUSPENDED
+        * states, returning to POWERED, DEFAULT, ADDRESS, or
+        * CONFIGURED respectively when SOF tokens flow again.
+        * At this level there's no difference between L1 and L2
+        * suspend states.  (L2 being original USB 1.1 suspend.)
+        */
+#endif /* __LINUX_USB_CH9_H */
diff --git a/include/linux/compiler.h b/include/linux/compiler.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fe04cc6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#define __noinline     __attribute__((noinline))
+#define __inline       __attribute__((always_inline))
+#define __hot          __attribute__((hot))
+#define __cold         __attribute__((cold))
+#define __unused       __attribute__((unused))
+#define __force                __attribute__((force))
+#define __section(s)   __attribute__((section("." # s)))
+#define __packed       __attribute__((packed))
+#define BUILD_BUG_ON(condition)        ((void)sizeof(char[1 - 2*!!(condition)]))
+#define BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO(e) (sizeof(char[1 - 2 * !!(e)]) - 1)
+#define ALIGN(x, a)            __ALIGN_MASK(x, (typeof(x))(a) - 1)
+#define __ALIGN_MASK(x, mask)  (((x) + (mask)) & ~(mask))
+#define __roundup(x, y) ((((x) + ((y) - 1)) / (y)) * (y))
+#define __must_be_array(a) \
+  BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO(__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(a), typeof(&a[0])))
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof((arr)) / sizeof((arr)[0]) + __must_be_array(arr))
+#define BIT(b)                 (1 << (b))
+#define MASK(w)                        (BIT(w) - 1)
+#undef offsetof
+#ifdef __compiler_offsetof
+# define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) __compiler_offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER)
+# define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
+#define likely(x)      __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
+#define unlikely(x)    __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
+#define min(x, y) ({                           \
+       typeof(x) _min1 = (x);                  \
+       typeof(y) _min2 = (y);                  \
+       (void) (&_min1 == &_min2);              \
+       _min1 < _min2 ? _min1 : _min2; })
+#define max(x, y) ({                           \
+       typeof(x) _max1 = (x);                  \
+       typeof(y) _max2 = (y);                  \
+       (void) (&_max1 == &_max2);              \
+       _max1 > _max2 ? _max1 : _max2; })
+#define min_t(type, x, y) ({                   \
+       type __min1 = (x);                      \
+       type __min2 = (y);                      \
+       __min1 < __min2 ? __min1 : __min2; })
+#define max_t(type, x, y) ({                   \
+       type __max1 = (x);                      \
+       type __max2 = (y);                      \
+       __max1 > __max2 ? __max1 : __max2; })
+#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({                     \
+       const typeof(((type *)0)->member) * __mptr = (ptr);     \
+       (type *)((char *)__mptr - offsetof(type, member)); })
+#define MAX_ERRNO      4095
+#define IS_ERR_VALUE(x) unlikely((x) >= (unsigned long)-MAX_ERRNO)
+static inline void *ERR_PTR(long errornr)
+       return (void *) errornr;
+static inline long PTR_ERR(const void *ptr)
+       return (long) ptr;
+static inline long IS_ERR(const void *ptr)
+       return IS_ERR_VALUE((unsigned long)ptr);
+static inline long IS_ERR_OR_NULL(const void *ptr)
+       return !ptr || IS_ERR_VALUE((unsigned long)ptr);
+#endif /* __SHARED_COMPILER_H */
diff --git a/include/linux/ieee80211.h b/include/linux/ieee80211.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c0cde48
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1613 @@
+ * IEEE 802.11 defines
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2002, SSH Communications Security Corp and Jouni Malinen
+ * <>
+ * Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Jouni Malinen <>
+ * Copyright (c) 2005, Devicescape Software, Inc.
+ * Copyright (c) 2006, Michael Wu <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#ifndef __LINUX_IEEE80211_H
+#define __LINUX_IEEE80211_H
+ * DS bit usage
+ *
+ * TA = transmitter address
+ * RA = receiver address
+ * DA = destination address
+ * SA = source address
+ *
+ * ToDS    FromDS  A1(RA)  A2(TA)  A3      A4      Use
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  0       0       DA      SA      BSSID   -       IBSS/DLS
+ *  0       1       DA      BSSID   SA      -       AP -> STA
+ *  1       0       BSSID   SA      DA      -       AP <- STA
+ *  1       1       RA      TA      DA      SA      unspecified (WDS)
+ */
+#define FCS_LEN 4
+#define IEEE80211_FCTL_VERS            0x0003
+#define IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE           0x000c
+#define IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE           0x00f0
+#define IEEE80211_FCTL_TODS            0x0100
+#define IEEE80211_FCTL_FROMDS          0x0200
+#define IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREFRAGS       0x0400
+#define IEEE80211_FCTL_RETRY           0x0800
+#define IEEE80211_FCTL_PM              0x1000
+#define IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREDATA                0x2000
+#define IEEE80211_FCTL_PROTECTED       0x4000
+#define IEEE80211_FCTL_ORDER           0x8000
+#define IEEE80211_SCTL_FRAG            0x000F
+#define IEEE80211_SCTL_SEQ             0xFFF0
+#define IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT           0x0000
+#define IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL            0x0004
+#define IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA           0x0008
+/* management */
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_REQ      0x0000
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_RESP     0x0010
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_REQ    0x0020
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_RESP   0x0030
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_REQ      0x0040
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_RESP     0x0050
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_BEACON         0x0080
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_ATIM           0x0090
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_DISASSOC       0x00A0
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_AUTH           0x00B0
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH         0x00C0
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION         0x00D0
+/* control */
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_BACK_REQ       0x0080
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_BACK           0x0090
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_PSPOLL         0x00A0
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_RTS            0x00B0
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_CTS            0x00C0
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_ACK            0x00D0
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_CFEND          0x00E0
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_CFENDACK       0x00F0
+/* data */
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_DATA                   0x0000
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_DATA_CFACK             0x0010
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_DATA_CFPOLL            0x0020
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_DATA_CFACKPOLL         0x0030
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_NULLFUNC               0x0040
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_CFACK                  0x0050
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_CFPOLL                 0x0060
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_CFACKPOLL              0x0070
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_DATA               0x0080
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_DATA_CFACK         0x0090
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_DATA_CFPOLL                0x00A0
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_DATA_CFACKPOLL     0x00B0
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_NULLFUNC           0x00C0
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_CFACK              0x00D0
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_CFPOLL             0x00E0
+#define IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_CFACKPOLL          0x00F0
+/* miscellaneous IEEE 802.11 constants */
+#define IEEE80211_MAX_FRAG_THRESHOLD   2352
+#define IEEE80211_MAX_RTS_THRESHOLD    2353
+#define IEEE80211_MAX_AID              2007
+#define IEEE80211_MAX_TIM_LEN          251
+/* Maximum size for the MA-UNITDATA primitive, 802.11 standard section
+   802.11e clarifies the figure in section 7.1.2. The frame body is
+   up to 2304 octets long (maximum MSDU size) plus any crypt overhead. */
+#define IEEE80211_MAX_DATA_LEN         2304
+/* 30 byte 4 addr hdr, 2 byte QoS, 2304 byte MSDU, 12 byte crypt, 4 byte FCS */
+#define IEEE80211_MAX_FRAME_LEN                2352
+#define IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN         32
+#define IEEE80211_MAX_MESH_ID_LEN      32
+#define IEEE80211_QOS_CTL_LEN          2
+#define IEEE80211_QOS_CTL_TID_MASK     0x000F
+#define IEEE80211_QOS_CTL_TAG1D_MASK   0x0007
+/* U-APSD queue for WMM IEs sent by AP */
+#define IEEE80211_WMM_IE_AP_QOSINFO_UAPSD      (1<<7)
+/* U-APSD queues for WMM IEs sent by STA */
+#define IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_AC_VO     (1<<0)
+#define IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_AC_VI     (1<<1)
+#define IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_AC_BK     (1<<2)
+#define IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_AC_BE     (1<<3)
+#define IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_AC_MASK   0x0f
+/* U-APSD max SP length for WMM IEs sent by STA */
+#define IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_SP_ALL    0x00
+#define IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_SP_2      0x01
+#define IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_SP_4      0x02
+#define IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_SP_6      0x03
+#define IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_SP_MASK   0x03
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CTL_LEN           4
+struct ieee80211_hdr {
+       __le16 frame_control;
+       __le16 duration_id;
+       u8 addr1[6];
+       u8 addr2[6];
+       u8 addr3[6];
+       __le16 seq_ctrl;
+       u8 addr4[6];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr {
+       __le16 frame_control;
+       __le16 duration_id;
+       u8 addr1[6];
+       u8 addr2[6];
+       u8 addr3[6];
+       __le16 seq_ctrl;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct ieee80211_qos_hdr {
+       __le16 frame_control;
+       __le16 duration_id;
+       u8 addr1[6];
+       u8 addr2[6];
+       u8 addr3[6];
+       __le16 seq_ctrl;
+       __le16 qos_ctrl;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+ * ieee80211_has_tods - check if IEEE80211_FCTL_TODS is set
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_has_tods(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_TODS)) != 0;
+ * ieee80211_has_fromds - check if IEEE80211_FCTL_FROMDS is set
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_has_fromds(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FROMDS)) != 0;
+ * ieee80211_has_a4 - check if IEEE80211_FCTL_TODS and IEEE80211_FCTL_FROMDS are set
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_has_a4(__le16 fc)
+       __le16 tmp = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_TODS | IEEE80211_FCTL_FROMDS);
+       return (fc & tmp) == tmp;
+ * ieee80211_has_morefrags - check if IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREFRAGS is set
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_has_morefrags(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREFRAGS)) != 0;
+ * ieee80211_has_retry - check if IEEE80211_FCTL_RETRY is set
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_has_retry(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_RETRY)) != 0;
+ * ieee80211_has_pm - check if IEEE80211_FCTL_PM is set
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_has_pm(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_PM)) != 0;
+ * ieee80211_has_moredata - check if IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREDATA is set
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_has_moredata(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREDATA)) != 0;
+ * ieee80211_has_protected - check if IEEE80211_FCTL_PROTECTED is set
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_has_protected(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_PROTECTED)) != 0;
+ * ieee80211_has_order - check if IEEE80211_FCTL_ORDER is set
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_has_order(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_ORDER)) != 0;
+ * ieee80211_is_mgmt - check if type is IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_mgmt(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT);
+ * ieee80211_is_ctl - check if type is IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_ctl(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL);
+ * ieee80211_is_data - check if type is IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_data(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA);
+ * ieee80211_is_data_qos - check if type is IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA and IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_DATA is set
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_data_qos(__le16 fc)
+       /*
+        * mask with QOS_DATA rather than IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE as we just need
+        * to check the one bit
+        */
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_DATA)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA | IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_DATA);
+ * ieee80211_is_data_present - check if type is IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA and has data
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_data_present(__le16 fc)
+       /*
+        * mask with 0x40 and test that that bit is clear to only return true
+        * for the data-containing substypes.
+        */
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | 0x40)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA);
+ * ieee80211_is_assoc_req - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT && IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_REQ
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_assoc_req(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_REQ);
+ * ieee80211_is_assoc_resp - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT && IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_RESP
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_assoc_resp(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_RESP);
+ * ieee80211_is_reassoc_req - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT && IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_REQ
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_reassoc_req(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_REQ);
+ * ieee80211_is_reassoc_resp - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT && IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_RESP
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_reassoc_resp(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_RESP);
+ * ieee80211_is_probe_req - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT && IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_REQ
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_probe_req(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_REQ);
+ * ieee80211_is_probe_resp - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT && IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_RESP
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_probe_resp(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_RESP);
+ * ieee80211_is_beacon - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT && IEEE80211_STYPE_BEACON
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_beacon(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | IEEE80211_STYPE_BEACON);
+ * ieee80211_is_atim - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT && IEEE80211_STYPE_ATIM
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_atim(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | IEEE80211_STYPE_ATIM);
+ * ieee80211_is_disassoc - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT && IEEE80211_STYPE_DISASSOC
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_disassoc(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | IEEE80211_STYPE_DISASSOC);
+ * ieee80211_is_auth - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT && IEEE80211_STYPE_AUTH
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_auth(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | IEEE80211_STYPE_AUTH);
+ * ieee80211_is_deauth - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT && IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_deauth(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH);
+ * ieee80211_is_action - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT && IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_action(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION);
+ * ieee80211_is_back_req - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL && IEEE80211_STYPE_BACK_REQ
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_back_req(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL | IEEE80211_STYPE_BACK_REQ);
+ * ieee80211_is_back - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL && IEEE80211_STYPE_BACK
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_back(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL | IEEE80211_STYPE_BACK);
+ * ieee80211_is_pspoll - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL && IEEE80211_STYPE_PSPOLL
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_pspoll(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL | IEEE80211_STYPE_PSPOLL);
+ * ieee80211_is_rts - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL && IEEE80211_STYPE_RTS
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_rts(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL | IEEE80211_STYPE_RTS);
+ * ieee80211_is_cts - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL && IEEE80211_STYPE_CTS
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_cts(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL | IEEE80211_STYPE_CTS);
+ * ieee80211_is_ack - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL && IEEE80211_STYPE_ACK
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_ack(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL | IEEE80211_STYPE_ACK);
+ * ieee80211_is_cfend - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL && IEEE80211_STYPE_CFEND
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_cfend(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL | IEEE80211_STYPE_CFEND);
+ * ieee80211_is_cfendack - check if IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL && IEEE80211_STYPE_CFENDACK
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_cfendack(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL | IEEE80211_STYPE_CFENDACK);
+ * ieee80211_is_nullfunc - check if frame is a regular (non-QoS) nullfunc frame
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_nullfunc(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA | IEEE80211_STYPE_NULLFUNC);
+ * ieee80211_is_qos_nullfunc - check if frame is a QoS nullfunc frame
+ * @fc: frame control bytes in little-endian byteorder
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_is_qos_nullfunc(__le16 fc)
+       return (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE | IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) ==
+              cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA | IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_NULLFUNC);
+struct ieee80211s_hdr {
+       u8 flags;
+       u8 ttl;
+       __le32 seqnum;
+       u8 eaddr1[6];
+       u8 eaddr2[6];
+       u8 eaddr3[6];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* Mesh flags */
+#define MESH_FLAGS_AE_A4       0x1
+#define MESH_FLAGS_AE_A5_A6    0x2
+#define MESH_FLAGS_AE          0x3
+#define MESH_FLAGS_PS_DEEP     0x4
+ * struct ieee80211_quiet_ie
+ *
+ * This structure refers to "Quiet information element"
+ */
+struct ieee80211_quiet_ie {
+       u8 count;
+       u8 period;
+       __le16 duration;
+       __le16 offset;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+ * struct ieee80211_msrment_ie
+ *
+ * This structure refers to "Measurement Request/Report information element"
+ */
+struct ieee80211_msrment_ie {
+       u8 token;
+       u8 mode;
+       u8 type;
+       u8 request[0];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+ * struct ieee80211_channel_sw_ie
+ *
+ * This structure refers to "Channel Switch Announcement information element"
+ */
+struct ieee80211_channel_sw_ie {
+       u8 mode;
+       u8 new_ch_num;
+       u8 count;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+ * struct ieee80211_tim
+ *
+ * This structure refers to "Traffic Indication Map information element"
+ */
+struct ieee80211_tim_ie {
+       u8 dtim_count;
+       u8 dtim_period;
+       u8 bitmap_ctrl;
+       /* variable size: 1 - 251 bytes */
+       u8 virtual_map[1];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+ * struct ieee80211_meshconf_ie
+ *
+ * This structure refers to "Mesh Configuration information element"
+ */
+struct ieee80211_meshconf_ie {
+       u8 meshconf_psel;
+       u8 meshconf_pmetric;
+       u8 meshconf_congest;
+       u8 meshconf_synch;
+       u8 meshconf_auth;
+       u8 meshconf_form;
+       u8 meshconf_cap;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+ * struct ieee80211_rann_ie
+ *
+ * This structure refers to "Root Announcement information element"
+ */
+struct ieee80211_rann_ie {
+       u8 rann_flags;
+       u8 rann_hopcount;
+       u8 rann_ttl;
+       u8 rann_addr[6];
+       u32 rann_seq;
+       u32 rann_metric;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct ieee80211_mgmt {
+       __le16 frame_control;
+       __le16 duration;
+       u8 da[6];
+       u8 sa[6];
+       u8 bssid[6];
+       __le16 seq_ctrl;
+       union {
+               struct {
+                       __le16 auth_alg;
+                       __le16 auth_transaction;
+                       __le16 status_code;
+                       /* possibly followed by Challenge text */
+                       u8 variable[0];
+               } __attribute__ ((packed)) auth;
+               struct {
+                       __le16 reason_code;
+               } __attribute__ ((packed)) deauth;
+               struct {
+                       __le16 capab_info;
+                       __le16 listen_interval;
+                       /* followed by SSID and Supported rates */
+                       u8 variable[0];
+               } __attribute__ ((packed)) assoc_req;
+               struct {
+                       __le16 capab_info;
+                       __le16 status_code;
+                       __le16 aid;
+                       /* followed by Supported rates */
+                       u8 variable[0];
+               } __attribute__ ((packed)) assoc_resp, reassoc_resp;
+               struct {
+                       __le16 capab_info;
+                       __le16 listen_interval;
+                       u8 current_ap[6];
+                       /* followed by SSID and Supported rates */
+                       u8 variable[0];
+               } __attribute__ ((packed)) reassoc_req;
+               struct {
+                       __le16 reason_code;
+               } __attribute__ ((packed)) disassoc;
+               struct {
+                       __le64 timestamp;
+                       __le16 beacon_int;
+                       __le16 capab_info;
+                       /* followed by some of SSID, Supported rates,
+                        * FH Params, DS Params, CF Params, IBSS Params, TIM */
+                       u8 variable[0];
+               } __attribute__ ((packed)) beacon;
+               struct {
+                       /* only variable items: SSID, Supported rates */
+                       u8 variable[0];
+               } __attribute__ ((packed)) probe_req;
+               struct {
+                       __le64 timestamp;
+                       __le16 beacon_int;
+                       __le16 capab_info;
+                       /* followed by some of SSID, Supported rates,
+                        * FH Params, DS Params, CF Params, IBSS Params */
+                       u8 variable[0];
+               } __attribute__ ((packed)) probe_resp;
+               struct {
+                       u8 category;
+                       union {
+                               struct {
+                                       u8 action_code;
+                                       u8 dialog_token;
+                                       u8 status_code;
+                                       u8 variable[0];
+                               } __attribute__ ((packed)) wme_action;
+                               struct{
+                                       u8 action_code;
+                                       u8 element_id;
+                                       u8 length;
+                                       struct ieee80211_channel_sw_ie sw_elem;
+                               } __attribute__((packed)) chan_switch;
+                               struct{
+                                       u8 action_code;
+                                       u8 dialog_token;
+                                       u8 element_id;
+                                       u8 length;
+                                       struct ieee80211_msrment_ie msr_elem;
+                               } __attribute__((packed)) measurement;
+                               struct{
+                                       u8 action_code;
+                                       u8 dialog_token;
+                                       __le16 capab;
+                                       __le16 timeout;
+                                       __le16 start_seq_num;
+                               } __attribute__((packed)) addba_req;
+                               struct{
+                                       u8 action_code;
+                                       u8 dialog_token;
+                                       __le16 status;
+                                       __le16 capab;
+                                       __le16 timeout;
+                               } __attribute__((packed)) addba_resp;
+                               struct{
+                                       u8 action_code;
+                                       __le16 params;
+                                       __le16 reason_code;
+                               } __attribute__((packed)) delba;
+                               struct{
+                                       u8 action_code;
+                                       /* capab_info for open and confirm,
+                                        * reason for close
+                                        */
+                                       __le16 aux;
+                                       /* Followed in plink_confirm by status
+                                        * code, AID and supported rates,
+                                        * and directly by supported rates in
+                                        * plink_open and plink_close
+                                        */
+                                       u8 variable[0];
+                               } __attribute__((packed)) plink_action;
+                               struct{
+                                       u8 action_code;
+                                       u8 variable[0];
+                               } __attribute__((packed)) mesh_action;
+                               struct {
+                                       u8 action;
+                                       u8 trans_id[WLAN_SA_QUERY_TR_ID_LEN];
+                               } __attribute__ ((packed)) sa_query;
+                               struct {
+                                       u8 action;
+                                       u8 smps_control;
+                               } __attribute__ ((packed)) ht_smps;
+                       } u;
+               } __attribute__ ((packed)) action;
+       } u;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* mgmt header + 1 byte category code */
+#define IEEE80211_MIN_ACTION_SIZE offsetof(struct ieee80211_mgmt, u.action.u)
+/* Management MIC information element (IEEE 802.11w) */
+struct ieee80211_mmie {
+       u8 element_id;
+       u8 length;
+       __le16 key_id;
+       u8 sequence_number[6];
+       u8 mic[8];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* Control frames */
+struct ieee80211_rts {
+       __le16 frame_control;
+       __le16 duration;
+       u8 ra[6];
+       u8 ta[6];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct ieee80211_cts {
+       __le16 frame_control;
+       __le16 duration;
+       u8 ra[6];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct ieee80211_pspoll {
+       __le16 frame_control;
+       __le16 aid;
+       u8 bssid[6];
+       u8 ta[6];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+ * struct ieee80211_bar - HT Block Ack Request
+ *
+ * This structure refers to "HT BlockAckReq" as
+ * described in 802.11n draft section
+ */
+struct ieee80211_bar {
+       __le16 frame_control;
+       __le16 duration;
+       __u8 ra[6];
+       __u8 ta[6];
+       __le16 control;
+       __le16 start_seq_num;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* 802.11 BA(R) control masks */
+#define IEEE80211_BAR_CTRL_ACK_POLICY_NORMAL     0x0000
+#define IEEE80211_BAR_CTRL_MULTI_TID            0x0002
+ * struct ieee80211_ba - HT Block Ack
+ *
+ * This structure refers to "HT BlockAck" as
+ * described in 802.11n draft section
+ */
+struct ieee80211_ba {
+       __le16 frame_control;
+       __le16 duration;
+       u8 ra[6];
+       u8 ta[6];
+       __le16 control;
+       __le16 start_seq_num;
+       u8 bitmap[8];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+#define IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN              10
+ * struct ieee80211_mcs_info - MCS information
+ * @rx_mask: RX mask
+ * @rx_highest: highest supported RX rate. If set represents
+ *     the highest supported RX data rate in units of 1 Mbps.
+ *     If this field is 0 this value should not be used to
+ *     consider the highest RX data rate supported.
+ * @tx_params: TX parameters
+ */
+struct ieee80211_mcs_info {
+       u8 rx_mask[IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN];
+       __le16 rx_highest;
+       u8 tx_params;
+       u8 reserved[3];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* 802.11n HT capability MSC set */
+#define IEEE80211_HT_MCS_RX_HIGHEST_MASK       0x3ff
+#define IEEE80211_HT_MCS_TX_DEFINED            0x01
+#define IEEE80211_HT_MCS_TX_RX_DIFF            0x02
+/* value 0 == 1 stream etc */
+#define IEEE80211_HT_MCS_TX_MAX_STREAMS_MASK   0x0C
+#define                IEEE80211_HT_MCS_TX_MAX_STREAMS 4
+ * 802.11n D5.0 20.3.5 / 20.6 says:
+ * - indices 0 to 7 and 32 are single spatial stream
+ * - 8 to 31 are multiple spatial streams using equal modulation
+ *   [8..15 for two streams, 16..23 for three and 24..31 for four]
+ * - remainder are multiple spatial streams using unequal modulation
+ */
+ * struct ieee80211_ht_cap - HT capabilities
+ *
+ * This structure is the "HT capabilities element" as
+ * described in 802.11n D5.0
+ */
+struct ieee80211_ht_cap {
+       __le16 cap_info;
+       u8 ampdu_params_info;
+       /* 16 bytes MCS information */
+       struct ieee80211_mcs_info mcs;
+       __le16 extended_ht_cap_info;
+       __le32 tx_BF_cap_info;
+       u8 antenna_selection_info;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* 802.11n HT capabilities masks (for cap_info) */
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_LDPC_CODING           0x0001
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40       0x0002
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SM_PS                 0x000C
+#define                IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SM_PS_SHIFT    2
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_GRN_FLD               0x0010
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_20                        0x0020
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_40                        0x0040
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_TX_STBC               0x0080
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_RX_STBC               0x0300
+#define                IEEE80211_HT_CAP_RX_STBC_SHIFT  8
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_DELAY_BA              0x0400
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_MAX_AMSDU             0x0800
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_DSSSCCK40             0x1000
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_RESERVED              0x2000
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_40MHZ_INTOLERANT      0x4000
+#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_LSIG_TXOP_PROT                0x8000
+/* 802.11n HT capability AMPDU settings (for ampdu_params_info) */
+#define IEEE80211_HT_AMPDU_PARM_FACTOR         0x03
+#define IEEE80211_HT_AMPDU_PARM_DENSITY                0x1C
+#define                IEEE80211_HT_AMPDU_PARM_DENSITY_SHIFT   2
+ * Maximum length of AMPDU that the STA can receive.
+ * Length = 2 ^ (13 + max_ampdu_length_exp) - 1 (octets)
+ */
+enum ieee80211_max_ampdu_length_exp {
+       IEEE80211_HT_MAX_AMPDU_8K = 0,
+       IEEE80211_HT_MAX_AMPDU_16K = 1,
+       IEEE80211_HT_MAX_AMPDU_32K = 2,
+       IEEE80211_HT_MAX_AMPDU_64K = 3
+#define IEEE80211_HT_MAX_AMPDU_FACTOR 13
+/* Minimum MPDU start spacing */
+enum ieee80211_min_mpdu_spacing {
+       IEEE80211_HT_MPDU_DENSITY_NONE = 0,     /* No restriction */
+       IEEE80211_HT_MPDU_DENSITY_0_25 = 1,     /* 1/4 usec */
+       IEEE80211_HT_MPDU_DENSITY_0_5 = 2,      /* 1/2 usec */
+       IEEE80211_HT_MPDU_DENSITY_1 = 3,        /* 1 usec */
+       IEEE80211_HT_MPDU_DENSITY_2 = 4,        /* 2 usec */
+       IEEE80211_HT_MPDU_DENSITY_4 = 5,        /* 4 usec */
+       IEEE80211_HT_MPDU_DENSITY_8 = 6,        /* 8 usec */
+       IEEE80211_HT_MPDU_DENSITY_16 = 7        /* 16 usec */
+ * struct ieee80211_ht_info - HT information
+ *
+ * This structure is the "HT information element" as
+ * described in 802.11n D5.0
+ */
+struct ieee80211_ht_info {
+       u8 control_chan;
+       u8 ht_param;
+       __le16 operation_mode;
+       __le16 stbc_param;
+       u8 basic_set[16];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* for ht_param */
+#define IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_OFFSET              0x03
+#define                IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_NONE         0x00
+#define                IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_ABOVE        0x01
+#define                IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_BELOW        0x03
+#define IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHAN_WIDTH_ANY              0x04
+#define IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_RIFS_MODE                   0x08
+#define IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_SPSMP_SUPPORT               0x10
+#define IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_SERV_INTERVAL_GRAN          0xE0
+/* for operation_mode */
+#define IEEE80211_HT_OP_MODE_PROTECTION                        0x0003
+#define                IEEE80211_HT_OP_MODE_PROTECTION_NONE            0
+#define                IEEE80211_HT_OP_MODE_PROTECTION_NONMEMBER       1
+#define                IEEE80211_HT_OP_MODE_PROTECTION_20MHZ           2
+#define                IEEE80211_HT_OP_MODE_PROTECTION_NONHT_MIXED     3
+#define IEEE80211_HT_OP_MODE_NON_GF_STA_PRSNT          0x0004
+#define IEEE80211_HT_OP_MODE_NON_HT_STA_PRSNT          0x0010
+/* for stbc_param */
+#define IEEE80211_HT_STBC_PARAM_DUAL_BEACON            0x0040
+#define IEEE80211_HT_STBC_PARAM_DUAL_CTS_PROT          0x0080
+#define IEEE80211_HT_STBC_PARAM_STBC_BEACON            0x0100
+#define IEEE80211_HT_STBC_PARAM_LSIG_TXOP_FULLPROT     0x0200
+#define IEEE80211_HT_STBC_PARAM_PCO_ACTIVE             0x0400
+#define IEEE80211_HT_STBC_PARAM_PCO_PHASE              0x0800
+/* block-ack parameters */
+#define IEEE80211_ADDBA_PARAM_POLICY_MASK 0x0002
+#define IEEE80211_ADDBA_PARAM_TID_MASK 0x003C
+#define IEEE80211_DELBA_PARAM_TID_MASK 0xF000
+ * A-PMDU buffer sizes
+ * According to IEEE802.11n spec size varies from 8K to 64K (in powers of 2)
+ */
+#define IEEE80211_MIN_AMPDU_BUF 0x8
+#define IEEE80211_MAX_AMPDU_BUF 0x40
+/* Spatial Multiplexing Power Save Modes (for capability) */
+#define WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_STATIC       0
+#define WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_DYNAMIC      1
+#define WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_INVALID      2
+/* for SM power control field lower two bits */
+/* Authentication algorithms */
+#define WLAN_AUTH_OPEN 0
+#define WLAN_AUTH_FT 2
+#define WLAN_AUTH_LEAP 128
+#define WLAN_CAPABILITY_ESS            (1<<0)
+#define WLAN_CAPABILITY_IBSS           (1<<1)
+#define WLAN_CAPABILITY_CF_POLL_REQUEST        (1<<3)
+#define WLAN_CAPABILITY_PRIVACY                (1<<4)
+#define WLAN_CAPABILITY_PBCC           (1<<6)
+/* 802.11h */
+#define WLAN_CAPABILITY_QOS            (1<<9)
+#define WLAN_CAPABILITY_SHORT_SLOT_TIME        (1<<10)
+#define WLAN_CAPABILITY_DSSS_OFDM      (1<<13)
+/* measurement */
+#define IEEE80211_SPCT_MSR_RPRT_MODE_LATE      (1<<0)
+#define IEEE80211_SPCT_MSR_RPRT_MODE_REFUSED   (1<<2)
+#define IEEE80211_SPCT_MSR_RPRT_TYPE_BASIC     0
+#define IEEE80211_SPCT_MSR_RPRT_TYPE_CCA       1
+#define IEEE80211_SPCT_MSR_RPRT_TYPE_RPI       2
+/* 802.11g ERP information element */
+#define WLAN_ERP_NON_ERP_PRESENT (1<<0)
+enum {
+/* Status codes */
+enum ieee80211_statuscode {
+       /* 802.11b */
+       /* 802.11h */
+       /* 802.11g */
+       /* 802.11w */
+       /* 802.11i */
+       /* 802.11e */
+/* Reason codes */
+enum ieee80211_reasoncode {
+       /* 802.11h */
+       /* 802.11i */
+       WLAN_REASON_IEEE8021X_FAILED = 23,
+       /* 802.11e */
+/* Information Element IDs */
+enum ieee80211_eid {
+       WLAN_EID_SSID = 0,
+       WLAN_EID_SUPP_RATES = 1,
+       WLAN_EID_FH_PARAMS = 2,
+       WLAN_EID_DS_PARAMS = 3,
+       WLAN_EID_CF_PARAMS = 4,
+       WLAN_EID_TIM = 5,
+       WLAN_EID_CHALLENGE = 16,
+       WLAN_EID_COUNTRY = 7,
+       WLAN_EID_HP_PARAMS = 8,
+       WLAN_EID_HP_TABLE = 9,
+       WLAN_EID_REQUEST = 10,
+       WLAN_EID_QBSS_LOAD = 11,
+       WLAN_EID_TSPEC = 13,
+       WLAN_EID_TCLAS = 14,
+       WLAN_EID_SCHEDULE = 15,
+       WLAN_EID_TS_DELAY = 43,
+       WLAN_EID_QOS_CAPA = 46,
+       /* 802.11s
+        *
+        * All mesh EID numbers are pending IEEE 802.11 ANA approval.
+        * The numbers have been incremented from those suggested in
+        * 802.11s/D2.0 so that MESH_CONFIG does not conflict with
+        * EXT_SUPP_RATES.
+        */
+       WLAN_EID_MESH_CONFIG = 51,
+       WLAN_EID_MESH_ID = 52,
+       WLAN_EID_PEER_LINK = 55,
+       WLAN_EID_PREQ = 68,
+       WLAN_EID_PREP = 69,
+       WLAN_EID_PERR = 70,
+       WLAN_EID_RANN = 49,     /* compatible with FreeBSD */
+       WLAN_EID_TPC_REQUEST = 34,
+       WLAN_EID_TPC_REPORT = 35,
+       WLAN_EID_QUIET = 40,
+       WLAN_EID_IBSS_DFS = 41,
+       WLAN_EID_ERP_INFO = 42,
+       WLAN_EID_RSN = 48,
+       WLAN_EID_MMIE = 76,
+       WLAN_EID_WPA = 221,
+       WLAN_EID_GENERIC = 221,
+       WLAN_EID_RCPI = 53,
+       WLAN_EID_RSNI = 65,
+       WLAN_EID_RIC_DATA = 57,
+/* Action category code */
+enum ieee80211_category {
+       WLAN_CATEGORY_QOS = 1,
+       WLAN_CATEGORY_DLS = 2,
+       WLAN_CATEGORY_HT = 7,
+       WLAN_CATEGORY_WMM = 17,
+       WLAN_CATEGORY_MESH_PLINK = 30,          /* Pending ANA approval */
+       WLAN_CATEGORY_MESH_PATH_SEL = 32,       /* Pending ANA approval */
+/* SPECTRUM_MGMT action code */
+enum ieee80211_spectrum_mgmt_actioncode {
+/* HT action codes */
+enum ieee80211_ht_actioncode {
+       WLAN_HT_ACTION_SMPS = 1,
+       WLAN_HT_ACTION_PSMP = 2,
+       WLAN_HT_ACTION_CSI = 4,
+/* Security key length */
+enum ieee80211_key_len {
+       WLAN_KEY_LEN_WEP40 = 5,
+       WLAN_KEY_LEN_WEP104 = 13,
+       WLAN_KEY_LEN_CCMP = 16,
+       WLAN_KEY_LEN_TKIP = 32,
+       WLAN_KEY_LEN_AES_CMAC = 16,
+ * IEEE 802.11-2007 Country information element
+ *
+ * Minimum length is 8 octets, ie len must be evenly
+ * divisible by 2
+ */
+/* Although the spec says 8 I'm seeing 6 in practice */
+#define IEEE80211_COUNTRY_IE_MIN_LEN   6
+ * For regulatory extension stuff see IEEE 802.11-2007
+ * Annex I (page 1141) and Annex J (page 1147). Also
+ * review
+ *
+ * When dot11RegulatoryClassesRequired is true and the
+ * first_channel/reg_extension_id is >= 201 then the IE
+ * compromises of the 'ext' struct represented below:
+ *
+ *  - Regulatory extension ID - when generating IE this just needs
+ *    to be monotonically increasing for each triplet passed in
+ *    the IE
+ *  - Regulatory class - index into set of rules
+ *  - Coverage class - index into air propagation time (Table 7-27),
+ *    in microseconds, you can compute the air propagation time from
+ *    the index by multiplying by 3, so index 10 yields a propagation
+ *    of 10 us. Valid values are 0-31, values 32-255 are not defined
+ *    yet. A value of 0 inicates air propagation of <= 1 us.
+ *
+ *  See also Table I.2 for Emission limit sets and table
+ *  I.3 for Behavior limit sets. Table J.1 indicates how to map
+ *  a reg_class to an emission limit set and behavior limit set.
+ */
+ *  Channels numbers in the IE must be monotonically increasing
+ *  if dot11RegulatoryClassesRequired is not true.
+ *
+ *  If dot11RegulatoryClassesRequired is true consecutive
+ *  subband triplets following a regulatory triplet shall
+ *  have monotonically increasing first_channel number fields.
+ *
+ *  Channel numbers shall not overlap.
+ *
+ *  Note that max_power is signed.
+ */
+struct ieee80211_country_ie_triplet {
+       union {
+               struct {
+                       u8 first_channel;
+                       u8 num_channels;
+                       s8 max_power;
+               } __attribute__ ((packed)) chans;
+               struct {
+                       u8 reg_extension_id;
+                       u8 reg_class;
+                       u8 coverage_class;
+               } __attribute__ ((packed)) ext;
+       };
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+enum ieee80211_timeout_interval_type {
+       WLAN_TIMEOUT_REASSOC_DEADLINE = 1 /* 802.11r */,
+       WLAN_TIMEOUT_KEY_LIFETIME = 2 /* 802.11r */,
+       WLAN_TIMEOUT_ASSOC_COMEBACK = 3 /* 802.11w */,
+/* BACK action code */
+enum ieee80211_back_actioncode {
+       WLAN_ACTION_DELBA = 2,
+/* BACK (block-ack) parties */
+enum ieee80211_back_parties {
+/* SA Query action */
+enum ieee80211_sa_query_action {
+/* A-MSDU 802.11n */
+#define IEEE80211_QOS_CONTROL_A_MSDU_PRESENT 0x0080
+/* cipher suite selectors */
+#define WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40                0x000FAC01
+#define WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP         0x000FAC02
+/* reserved:                           0x000FAC03 */
+#define WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP         0x000FAC04
+#define WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104       0x000FAC05
+#define WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_AES_CMAC     0x000FAC06
+/* AKM suite selectors */
+#define WLAN_AKM_SUITE_8021X           0x000FAC01
+#define WLAN_AKM_SUITE_PSK             0x000FAC02
+#define WLAN_MAX_KEY_LEN               32
+#define WLAN_PMKID_LEN                 16
+ * ieee80211_get_qos_ctl - get pointer to qos control bytes
+ * @hdr: the frame
+ *
+ * The qos ctrl bytes come after the frame_control, duration, seq_num
+ * and 3 or 4 addresses of length ETH_ALEN.
+ * 3 addr: 2 + 2 + 2 + 3*6 = 24
+ * 4 addr: 2 + 2 + 2 + 4*6 = 30
+ */
+static inline u8 *ieee80211_get_qos_ctl(struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr)
+       if (ieee80211_has_a4(hdr->frame_control))
+               return (u8 *)hdr + 30;
+       else
+               return (u8 *)hdr + 24;
+ * ieee80211_get_SA - get pointer to SA
+ * @hdr: the frame
+ *
+ * Given an 802.11 frame, this function returns the offset
+ * to the source address (SA). It does not verify that the
+ * header is long enough to contain the address, and the
+ * header must be long enough to contain the frame control
+ * field.
+ */
+static inline u8 *ieee80211_get_SA(struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr)
+       if (ieee80211_has_a4(hdr->frame_control))
+               return hdr->addr4;
+       if (ieee80211_has_fromds(hdr->frame_control))
+               return hdr->addr3;
+       return hdr->addr2;
+ * ieee80211_get_DA - get pointer to DA
+ * @hdr: the frame
+ *
+ * Given an 802.11 frame, this function returns the offset
+ * to the destination address (DA). It does not verify that
+ * the header is long enough to contain the address, and the
+ * header must be long enough to contain the frame control
+ * field.
+ */
+static inline u8 *ieee80211_get_DA(struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr)
+       if (ieee80211_has_tods(hdr->frame_control))
+               return hdr->addr3;
+       else
+               return hdr->addr1;
+ * ieee80211_is_robust_mgmt_frame - check if frame is a robust management frame
+ * @hdr: the frame (buffer must include at least the first octet of payload)
+ */
+static inline bool ieee80211_is_robust_mgmt_frame(struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr)
+       if (ieee80211_is_disassoc(hdr->frame_control) ||
+           ieee80211_is_deauth(hdr->frame_control))
+               return true;
+       if (ieee80211_is_action(hdr->frame_control)) {
+               u8 *category;
+               /*
+                * Action frames, excluding Public Action frames, are Robust
+                * Management Frames. However, if we are looking at a Protected
+                * frame, skip the check since the data may be encrypted and
+                * the frame has already been found to be a Robust Management
+                * Frame (by the other end).
+                */
+               if (ieee80211_has_protected(hdr->frame_control))
+                       return true;
+               category = ((u8 *) hdr) + 24;
+               return *category != WLAN_CATEGORY_PUBLIC &&
+                       *category != WLAN_CATEGORY_HT &&
+                       *category != WLAN_CATEGORY_VENDOR_SPECIFIC;
+       }
+       return false;
+ * ieee80211_fhss_chan_to_freq - get channel frequency
+ * @channel: the FHSS channel
+ *
+ * Convert IEEE802.11 FHSS channel to frequency (MHz)
+ * Ref IEEE 802.11-2007 section 14.6
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_fhss_chan_to_freq(int channel)
+       if ((channel > 1) && (channel < 96))
+               return channel + 2400;
+       else
+               return -1;
+ * ieee80211_freq_to_fhss_chan - get channel
+ * @freq: the channels frequency
+ *
+ * Convert frequency (MHz) to IEEE802.11 FHSS channel
+ * Ref IEEE 802.11-2007 section 14.6
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_freq_to_fhss_chan(int freq)
+       if ((freq > 2401) && (freq < 2496))
+               return freq - 2400;
+       else
+               return -1;
+ * ieee80211_dsss_chan_to_freq - get channel center frequency
+ * @channel: the DSSS channel
+ *
+ * Convert IEEE802.11 DSSS channel to the center frequency (MHz).
+ * Ref IEEE 802.11-2007 section 15.6
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_dsss_chan_to_freq(int channel)
+       if ((channel > 0) && (channel < 14))
+               return 2407 + (channel * 5);
+       else if (channel == 14)
+               return 2484;
+       else
+               return -1;
+ * ieee80211_freq_to_dsss_chan - get channel
+ * @freq: the frequency
+ *
+ * Convert frequency (MHz) to IEEE802.11 DSSS channel
+ * Ref IEEE 802.11-2007 section 15.6
+ *
+ * This routine selects the channel with the closest center frequency.
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_freq_to_dsss_chan(int freq)
+       if ((freq >= 2410) && (freq < 2475))
+               return (freq - 2405) / 5;
+       else if ((freq >= 2482) && (freq < 2487))
+               return 14;
+       else
+               return -1;
+/* Convert IEEE802.11 HR DSSS channel to frequency (MHz) and back
+ * Ref IEEE 802.11-2007 section
+ *
+ * The channels and frequencies are the same as those defined for DSSS
+ */
+#define ieee80211_hr_chan_to_freq(chan) ieee80211_dsss_chan_to_freq(chan)
+#define ieee80211_freq_to_hr_chan(freq) ieee80211_freq_to_dsss_chan(freq)
+/* Convert IEEE802.11 ERP channel to frequency (MHz) and back
+ * Ref IEEE 802.11-2007 section 19.4.2
+ */
+#define ieee80211_erp_chan_to_freq(chan) ieee80211_hr_chan_to_freq(chan)
+#define ieee80211_freq_to_erp_chan(freq) ieee80211_freq_to_hr_chan(freq)
+ * ieee80211_ofdm_chan_to_freq - get channel center frequency
+ * @s_freq: starting frequency == (dotChannelStartingFactor/2) MHz
+ * @channel: the OFDM channel
+ *
+ * Convert IEEE802.11 OFDM channel to center frequency (MHz)
+ * Ref IEEE 802.11-2007 section
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_ofdm_chan_to_freq(int s_freq, int channel)
+       if ((channel > 0) && (channel <= 200) &&
+           (s_freq >= 4000))
+               return s_freq + (channel * 5);
+       else
+               return -1;
+ * ieee80211_freq_to_ofdm_channel - get channel
+ * @s_freq: starting frequency == (dotChannelStartingFactor/2) MHz
+ * @freq: the frequency
+ *
+ * Convert frequency (MHz) to IEEE802.11 OFDM channel
+ * Ref IEEE 802.11-2007 section
+ *
+ * This routine selects the channel with the closest center frequency.
+ */
+static inline int ieee80211_freq_to_ofdm_chan(int s_freq, int freq)
+       if ((freq > (s_freq + 2)) && (freq <= (s_freq + 1202)) &&
+           (s_freq >= 4000))
+               return (freq + 2 - s_freq) / 5;
+       else
+               return -1;
+ * ieee80211_tu_to_usec - convert time units (TU) to microseconds
+ * @tu: the TUs
+ */
+static inline unsigned long ieee80211_tu_to_usec(unsigned long tu)
+       return 1024 * tu;
+ * ieee80211_check_tim - check if AID bit is set in TIM
+ * @tim: the TIM IE
+ * @tim_len: length of the TIM IE
+ * @aid: the AID to look for
+ */
+static inline bool ieee80211_check_tim(struct ieee80211_tim_ie *tim,
+                                      u8 tim_len, u16 aid)
+       u8 mask;
+       u8 indexn0, indexn1, indexn2;
+       if (unlikely(!tim || tim_len < sizeof(*tim)))
+               return false;
+       aid &= 0x3fff;
+       indexn0 = aid / 8;
+       mask  = 1 << (aid & 7);
+       indexn1 = tim->bitmap_ctrl & 0xfe;
+       indexn2 = tim_len + indexn1 - 4;
+       if (indexn0 < indexn1 || indexn0 > indexn2)
+               return false;
+       indexn0 -= indexn1;
+       return !!(tim->virtual_map[indexn0] & mask);
+#endif /* __LINUX_IEEE80211_H */
diff --git a/include/linux/types.h b/include/linux/types.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..206ef0c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __LINUX_TYPES_H
+#define __LINUX_TYPES_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#error "big endian is not supported by target"
+typedef uint16_t       __le16;
+typedef uint32_t       __le32;
+typedef uint64_t       __le64;
+typedef uint8_t                u8;
+typedef uint8_t                __u8;
+typedef uint16_t       u16;
+typedef uint16_t       __u16;
+typedef uint32_t       u32;
+typedef uint32_t       __u32;
+typedef uint64_t       u64;
+typedef uint64_t       __u64;
+typedef int8_t         s8;
+typedef int8_t         __s8;
+typedef int16_t                s16;
+typedef int16_t                __s16;
+typedef int32_t                s32;
+typedef int32_t                __s32;
+typedef int64_t                s64;
+typedef int64_t                __s64;
+#define cpu_to_le16(x) ((__le16)(uint16_t)(x))
+#define le16_to_cpu(x) ((uint16_t)(__le16)(x))
+#define cpu_to_le32(x) ((__le32)(uint32_t)(x))
+#define le32_to_cpu(x) ((uint32_t)(__le32)(x))
+#define cpu_to_le64(x) ((__le64)(uint64_t)(x))
+#define le64_to_cpu(x) ((uint64_t)(__le64)(x))
+#endif /* __LINUX_TYPES_H */
diff --git a/include/shared/eeprom.h b/include/shared/eeprom.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ae5a9ae
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+ * Atheros AR9170 driver
+ *
+ * EEPROM layout
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008, Johannes Berg <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+ *
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and
+ * permission notice:
+ *    Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ *
+ *    Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ *    purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ *    copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170_SHARED_EEPROM_H
+#define __CARL9170_SHARED_EEPROM_H
+#define AR9170_EEPROM_START            0x1600
+#define AR5416_MAX_CHAINS              2
+#define AR5416_MODAL_SPURS             5
+struct ar9170_eeprom_modal {
+       __le32  antCtrlChain[AR5416_MAX_CHAINS];
+       __le32  antCtrlCommon;
+       s8      antennaGainCh[AR5416_MAX_CHAINS];
+       u8      switchSettling;
+       u8      txRxAttenCh[AR5416_MAX_CHAINS];
+       u8      rxTxMarginCh[AR5416_MAX_CHAINS];
+       s8      adcDesiredSize;
+       s8      pgaDesiredSize;
+       u8      xlnaGainCh[AR5416_MAX_CHAINS];
+       u8      txEndToXpaOff;
+       u8      txEndToRxOn;
+       u8      txFrameToXpaOn;
+       u8      thresh62;
+       s8      noiseFloorThreshCh[AR5416_MAX_CHAINS];
+       u8      xpdGain;
+       u8      xpd;
+       s8      iqCalICh[AR5416_MAX_CHAINS];
+       s8      iqCalQCh[AR5416_MAX_CHAINS];
+       u8      pdGainOverlap;
+       u8      ob;
+       u8      db;
+       u8      xpaBiasLvl;
+       u8      pwrDecreaseFor2Chain;
+       u8      pwrDecreaseFor3Chain;
+       u8      txFrameToDataStart;
+       u8      txFrameToPaOn;
+       u8      ht40PowerIncForPdadc;
+       u8      bswAtten[AR5416_MAX_CHAINS];
+       u8      bswMargin[AR5416_MAX_CHAINS];
+       u8      swSettleHt40;
+       u8      reserved[22];
+       struct spur_channel {
+               __le16 spurChan;
+               u8      spurRangeLow;
+               u8      spurRangeHigh;
+       } __packed spur_channels[AR5416_MODAL_SPURS];
+} __packed;
+#define AR5416_NUM_PD_GAINS            4
+#define AR5416_PD_GAIN_ICEPTS          5
+struct ar9170_calibration_data_per_freq {
+       u8      pwr_pdg[AR5416_NUM_PD_GAINS][AR5416_PD_GAIN_ICEPTS];
+       u8      vpd_pdg[AR5416_NUM_PD_GAINS][AR5416_PD_GAIN_ICEPTS];
+} __packed;
+#define AR5416_NUM_5G_CAL_PIERS                8
+#define AR5416_NUM_2G_CAL_PIERS                4
+#define AR5416_NUM_5G_TARGET_PWRS      8
+#define AR5416_NUM_2G_CCK_TARGET_PWRS  3
+#define AR5416_NUM_2G_OFDM_TARGET_PWRS 4
+#define AR5416_MAX_NUM_TGT_PWRS                8
+struct ar9170_calibration_target_power_legacy {
+       u8      freq;
+       u8      power[4];
+} __packed;
+struct ar9170_calibration_target_power_ht {
+       u8      freq;
+       u8      power[8];
+} __packed;
+#define AR5416_NUM_CTLS                        24
+struct ar9170_calctl_edges {
+       u8      channel;
+#define AR9170_CALCTL_EDGE_FLAGS       0xC0
+       u8      power_flags;
+} __packed;
+#define AR5416_NUM_BAND_EDGES          8
+struct ar9170_calctl_data {
+       struct ar9170_calctl_edges
+               control_edges[AR5416_MAX_CHAINS][AR5416_NUM_BAND_EDGES];
+} __packed;
+struct ar9170_eeprom {
+       __le16  length;
+       __le16  checksum;
+       __le16  version;
+       u8      operating_flags;
+#define AR9170_OPFLAG_5GHZ             1
+#define AR9170_OPFLAG_2GHZ             2
+       u8      misc;
+       __le16  reg_domain[2];
+       u8      mac_address[6];
+       u8      rx_mask;
+       u8      tx_mask;
+       __le16  rf_silent;
+       __le16  bluetooth_options;
+       __le16  device_capabilities;
+       __le32  build_number;
+       u8      deviceType;
+       u8      reserved[33];
+       u8      customer_data[64];
+       struct ar9170_eeprom_modal
+               modal_header[2];
+       u8      cal_freq_pier_5G[AR5416_NUM_5G_CAL_PIERS];
+       u8      cal_freq_pier_2G[AR5416_NUM_2G_CAL_PIERS];
+       struct ar9170_calibration_data_per_freq
+               cal_pier_data_5G[AR5416_MAX_CHAINS][AR5416_NUM_5G_CAL_PIERS],
+               cal_pier_data_2G[AR5416_MAX_CHAINS][AR5416_NUM_2G_CAL_PIERS];
+       /* power calibration data */
+       struct ar9170_calibration_target_power_legacy
+               cal_tgt_pwr_5G[AR5416_NUM_5G_TARGET_PWRS];
+       struct ar9170_calibration_target_power_ht
+               cal_tgt_pwr_5G_ht20[AR5416_NUM_5G_TARGET_PWRS],
+               cal_tgt_pwr_5G_ht40[AR5416_NUM_5G_TARGET_PWRS];
+       struct ar9170_calibration_target_power_legacy
+               cal_tgt_pwr_2G_cck[AR5416_NUM_2G_CCK_TARGET_PWRS],
+               cal_tgt_pwr_2G_ofdm[AR5416_NUM_2G_OFDM_TARGET_PWRS];
+       struct ar9170_calibration_target_power_ht
+               cal_tgt_pwr_2G_ht20[AR5416_NUM_2G_OFDM_TARGET_PWRS],
+               cal_tgt_pwr_2G_ht40[AR5416_NUM_2G_OFDM_TARGET_PWRS];
+       /* conformance testing limits */
+       u8      ctl_index[AR5416_NUM_CTLS];
+       struct ar9170_calctl_data
+               ctl_data[AR5416_NUM_CTLS];
+       u8      pad;
+       __le16  subsystem_id;
+} __packed;
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_POWER_ON               0x0001
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_RESERVED               0x0002
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_DISABLE_STATE          0x0004
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_OFF_IN_PSM             0x0008
+/* AR9170_LED_MODE BIT is set */
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_FREQUENCY_S            4
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_FREQUENCY              0x0030
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_FREQUENCY_1HZ          0x0000
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_FREQUENCY_0_5HZ                0x0010
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_FREQUENCY_0_25HZ       0x0020
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_FREQUENCY_0_125HZ      0x0030
+/* AR9170_LED_MODE BIT is not set */
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_CONN_STATE_S           4
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_CONN_STATE             0x0030
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_CONN_STATE_FORCE_OFF   0x0000
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_CONN_STATE_FORCE_ON    0x0010
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_CONN_STATE_IOFF_AON    0x0020  /* Idle off / Active on */
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_CONN_STATE_ION_AOFF    0x0010  /* Idle on / Active off */
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_MODE                   0x0040
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_RESERVED2              0x0080
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_TON_SCAN_S             8
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_TON_SCAN               0x0f00
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_TOFF_SCAN_S            12
+#define AR9170_LED_MODE_TOFF_SCAN              0xf000
+struct ar9170_led_mode {
+       __le16 led;
+#endif /* __CARL9170_SHARED_EEPROM_H */
diff --git a/include/shared/fwcmd.h b/include/shared/fwcmd.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..49fdb2f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ * Atheros AR9170 driver
+ *
+ * firmware command interface definitions
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008, Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010, Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+ *
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and
+ * permission notice:
+ *    Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ *
+ *    Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ *    purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ *    copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170_SHARED_FWCMD_H
+#define __CARL9170_SHARED_FWCMD_H
+#define        CARL9170_MAX_CMD_LEN            64
+#define        CARL9170_MAX_CMD_PAYLOAD_LEN    60
+#define CARL9170FW_API_MIN_VER         1
+#define CARL9170FW_API_MAX_VER         1
+enum carl9170_cmd_oids {
+       CARL9170_CMD_RREG               = 0x00,
+       CARL9170_CMD_WREG               = 0x01,
+       CARL9170_CMD_ECHO               = 0x02,
+       CARL9170_CMD_SWRST              = 0x03,
+       CARL9170_CMD_REBOOT             = 0x04,
+       CARL9170_CMD_FLUSH_CAB          = 0x05,
+       CARL9170_CMD_READ_TSF           = 0x06,
+       CARL9170_CMD_USB_WD             = 0x07,
+       /* CAM */
+       CARL9170_CMD_EKEY               = 0x10,
+       CARL9170_CMD_DKEY               = 0x11,
+       /* RF / PHY */
+       CARL9170_CMD_FREQUENCY          = 0x20,
+       CARL9170_CMD_RF_INIT            = 0x21,
+       CARL9170_CMD_SYNTH              = 0x22,
+       CARL9170_CMD_FREQ_START         = 0x23,
+       CARL9170_CMD_PSM                = 0x24,
+       /* responses and traps */
+       CARL9170_RSP_PRETBTT            = 0xc0,
+       CARL9170_RSP_TXCOMP             = 0xc1,
+       CARL9170_RSP_BEACON_CONFIG      = 0xc2,
+       CARL9170_RSP_ATIM               = 0xc3,
+       CARL9170_RSP_WATCHDOG           = 0xc6,
+       CARL9170_RSP_TEXT               = 0xca,
+       CARL9170_RSP_HEXDUMP            = 0xcc,
+       CARL9170_RSP_RADAR              = 0xcd,
+       CARL9170_RSP_GPIO               = 0xce,
+       CARL9170_RSP_USB_WD             = 0xcf
+struct carl9170_set_key_cmd {
+       __le16          user;
+       __le16          keyId;
+       __le16          type;
+       u8              macAddr[6];
+       u32             key[4];
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170_SET_KEY_CMD_SIZE              28
+struct carl9170_disable_key_cmd {
+       __le16          user;
+       __le16          padding;
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170_DISABLE_KEY_CMD_SIZE          4
+struct carl9170_u32_list {
+       u32     vals[0];
+} __packed;
+struct carl9170_reg_list {
+       __le32          regs[0];
+} __packed;
+struct carl9170_write_reg {
+       struct {
+               __le32          addr;
+               __le32          val;
+       } regs[0] __packed;
+} __packed;
+#define        CARL9170FW_PHY_HT_ENABLE                0x4
+#define        CARL9170FW_PHY_HT_DYN2040               0x8
+#define        CARL9170FW_PHY_HT_EXT_CHAN_OFF          0x3
+#define        CARL9170FW_PHY_HT_EXT_CHAN_OFF_S        2
+struct carl9170_rf_init {
+       __le32          freq;
+       u8              ht_settings;
+       u8              padding2[3];
+       __le32          delta_slope_coeff_exp;
+       __le32          delta_slope_coeff_man;
+       __le32          delta_slope_coeff_exp_shgi;
+       __le32          delta_slope_coeff_man_shgi;
+       __le32          finiteLoopCount;
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170_RF_INIT_SIZE          28
+struct carl9170_rf_init_result {
+       __le32          ret;            /* AR9170_PHY_REG_AGC_CONTROL */
+       __le32          regs[6];
+} __packed;
+#define        CARL9170_RF_INIT_RESULT_SIZE    28
+#define        CARL9170_USB_WATCHDOG_INACTIVE  0
+#define        CARL9170_USB_WATCHDOG_ON_DUTY   1
+struct carl9170_watchdog_cmd {
+       __le32          state;
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170_WATCHDOG_CMD_SIZE     4
+#define        CARL9170_PSM_SLEEP              0x1000
+#define        CARL9170_PSM_SOFTWARE           0
+#define        CARL9170_PSM_WAKE               0 /* internally used. */
+#define        CARL9170_PSM_COUNTER            0xfff
+#define        CARL9170_PSM_COUNTER_S          0
+struct carl9170_psm {
+       __le32          state;
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170_PSM_SIZE              4
+struct carl9170_cab_flush_cmd {
+       __le32          vif_id;         /* currently unused */
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170_CAB_FLUSH_CMD_SIZE    4
+struct carl9170_cmd_head {
+       union {
+               struct {
+                       u8      len;
+                       u8      cmd;
+                       u8      seq;
+                       u8      ext;
+               } __packed;
+               u32 hdr_data;
+       } __packed;
+} __packed;
+struct carl9170_cmd {
+       struct carl9170_cmd_head hdr;
+       union {
+               struct carl9170_set_key_cmd     setkey;
+               struct carl9170_disable_key_cmd disablekey;
+               struct carl9170_u32_list        echo;
+               struct carl9170_watchdog_cmd    watchdog;
+               struct carl9170_reg_list        rreg;
+               struct carl9170_write_reg       wreg;
+               struct carl9170_rf_init         rf_init;
+               struct carl9170_psm             psm;
+               struct carl9170_cab_flush_cmd   cab_flush;
+               u8 data[CARL9170_MAX_CMD_PAYLOAD_LEN];
+       } __packed;
+} __packed;
+#define        CARL9170_TX_STATUS_QUEUE_MASK   3
+#define        CARL9170_TX_STATUS_RIX_SHIFT    2
+#define        CARL9170_TX_STATUS_RIX_MASK     (3 << CARL9170_TX_STATUS_RIX_SHIFT)
+#define        CARL9170_TX_STATUS_TRIES_SHIFT  4
+#define        CARL9170_TX_STATUS_SUCCESS      0x80
+ * NOTE:
+ * Both structs [carl9170_tx_status and _carl9170_tx_status]
+ * need to be "bit for bit" in sync.
+ */
+struct carl9170_tx_status {
+       /*
+        * Beware of compiler bugs in all gcc pre 4.4!
+        */
+       u8 cookie;
+       u8 queue:2;
+       u8 rix:2;
+       u8 tries:3;
+       u8 success:1;
+} __packed;
+struct _carl9170_tx_status {
+       /*
+        * This version should be immune to all alignment bugs.
+        */
+       u8 cookie;
+       u8 info;
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170_TX_STATUS_SIZE                2
+#define        CARL9170_RSP_TX_STATUS_NUM      (CARL9170_MAX_CMD_PAYLOAD_LEN / \
+                                        sizeof(struct _carl9170_tx_status))
+#define        CARL9170_TX_MAX_RATE_TRIES      7
+#define        CARL9170_TX_MAX_RATES           4
+#define        CARL9170_TX_MAX_RETRY_RATES     (CARL9170_TX_MAX_RATES - 1)
+#define        CARL9170_ERR_MAGIC              "ERR:"
+#define        CARL9170_BUG_MAGIC              "BUG:"
+struct carl9170_gpio {
+       __le32 gpio;
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170_GPIO_SIZE             4
+struct carl9170_tsf_rsp {
+       union {
+               __le32 tsf[2];
+               __le64 tsf_64;
+       } __packed;
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170_TSF_RSP_SIZE          8
+struct carl9170_rsp {
+       struct carl9170_cmd_head hdr;
+       union {
+               struct carl9170_rf_init_result  rf_init_res;
+               struct carl9170_u32_list        rreg_res;
+               struct carl9170_u32_list        echo;
+               struct carl9170_watchdog_cmd    watchdog;
+               struct carl9170_tx_status       tx_status[0];
+               struct _carl9170_tx_status      _tx_status[0];
+               struct carl9170_gpio            gpio;
+               struct carl9170_tsf_rsp         tsf;
+               struct carl9170_psm             psm;
+               u8 data[CARL9170_MAX_CMD_PAYLOAD_LEN];
+       } __packed;
+} __packed;
+#endif /* __CARL9170_SHARED_FWCMD_H */
diff --git a/include/shared/fwdesc.h b/include/shared/fwdesc.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c079b33
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ * Firmware Descriptor definitions
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010, Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170_SHARED_FWDESC_H
+#define __CARL9170_SHARED_FWDESC_H
+/* NOTE: Don't mess with the order of the flags! */
+enum carl9170fw_feature_list {
+       /* Always set */
+       /* unusable - reserved to flag non-functional debug firmwares */
+       CARL9170FW_UNUSABLE,
+       /* AR9170_CMD_EKEY, AR9170_CMD_DKEY */
+       /* Firmware has a software Content After Beacon Queueing mechanism */
+       CARL9170FW_WLANTX_CAB,
+       /* The firmware is capable of responding to incoming BAR frames */
+       /* GPIO Interrupt | CARL9170_RSP_GPIO */
+       /* Firmware PSM support | CARL9170_CMD_PSM */
+       CARL9170FW_PSM,
+       /* KEEP LAST */
+       __CARL9170FW_FEATURE_NUM
+enum carl9170fw_usb_feature_list {
+       /* Always set */
+       /*
+        * Indicates that this image has special boot block which prevents
+        * legacy drivers to drive the firmware.
+        */
+       /* usb registers are initialized by the firmware */
+       /* command traps & notifications are send through EP2 */
+       CARL9170FW_USB_RESP_EP2,
+       /* usb download (app -> fw) stream */
+       /* usb upload (fw -> app) stream */
+       /* USB Watchdog */
+       /* KEEP LAST */
+#define OTUS_MAGIC     "OTAR"
+#define USB_MAGIC      "USB\0"
+#define MOTD_MAGIC     "MOTD"
+#define FIX_MAGIC      "FIX\0"
+#define DBG_MAGIC      "DBG\0"
+#define CHK_MAGIC      "CHK\0"
+#define LAST_MAGIC     "LAST"
+#define CARL9170FW_SET_DAY(d) (((d) - 1) % 31)
+#define CARL9170FW_SET_MONTH(m) ((((m) - 1) % 12) * 31)
+#define CARL9170FW_SET_YEAR(y) (((y) - 10) * 372)
+#define CARL9170FW_GET_DAY(d) (((d) % 31) + 1)
+#define CARL9170FW_GET_MONTH(m) ((((m) / 31) % 12) + 1)
+#define CARL9170FW_GET_YEAR(y) ((y) / 372 + 10)
+struct carl9170fw_desc_head {
+       u8      magic[4];
+       __le16 length;
+       u8 min_ver;
+       u8 cur_ver;
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170FW_DESC_HEAD_SIZE                      \
+       (sizeof(struct carl9170fw_desc_head))
+#define CARL9170FW_OTUS_DESC_MIN_VER           2
+#define CARL9170FW_OTUS_DESC_CUR_VER           2
+struct carl9170fw_otus_desc {
+       struct carl9170fw_desc_head head;
+       __le32 fw_feature_set;
+       __le32 bcn_addr;
+       __le16 bcn_len;
+       u8 api_ver;
+       u8 vif_num;
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170FW_OTUS_DESC_SIZE                      \
+       (sizeof(struct carl9170fw_otus_desc))
+#define CARL9170FW_USB_DESC_MIN_VER            2
+#define CARL9170FW_USB_DESC_CUR_VER            2
+struct carl9170fw_usb_desc {
+       struct carl9170fw_desc_head head;
+       __le32 usb_feature_set;
+       __le32 fw_address;
+       __le16 tx_frag_len;
+       __le16 rx_max_frame_len;
+       __le16 miniboot_size;
+       u8 tx_descs;
+       u8 free;
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170FW_USB_DESC_SIZE                       \
+       (sizeof(struct carl9170fw_usb_desc))
+#define CARL9170FW_MOTD_STRING_LEN                     24
+#define CARL9170FW_MOTD_RELEASE_LEN                    20
+#define CARL9170FW_MOTD_DESC_MIN_VER                   1
+#define CARL9170FW_MOTD_DESC_CUR_VER                   2
+struct carl9170fw_motd_desc {
+       struct carl9170fw_desc_head head;
+       __le32 fw_year_month_day;
+       char desc[CARL9170FW_MOTD_STRING_LEN];
+       char release[CARL9170FW_MOTD_RELEASE_LEN];
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170FW_MOTD_DESC_SIZE                      \
+       (sizeof(struct carl9170fw_motd_desc))
+#define CARL9170FW_FIX_DESC_MIN_VER                    1
+#define CARL9170FW_FIX_DESC_CUR_VER                    2
+struct carl9170fw_fix_entry {
+       __le32 address;
+       __le32 mask;
+       __le32 value;
+} __packed;
+struct carl9170fw_fix_desc {
+       struct carl9170fw_desc_head head;
+       struct carl9170fw_fix_entry data[0];
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170FW_FIX_DESC_SIZE                       \
+       (sizeof(struct carl9170fw_fix_desc))
+#define CARL9170FW_DBG_DESC_MIN_VER                    1
+#define CARL9170FW_DBG_DESC_CUR_VER                    2
+struct carl9170fw_dbg_desc {
+       struct carl9170fw_desc_head head;
+       __le32 bogoclock_addr;
+       __le32 counter_addr;
+       __le32 rx_total_addr;
+       __le32 rx_overrun_addr;
+       /* Put your debugging definitions here */
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170FW_DBG_DESC_SIZE                       \
+       (sizeof(struct carl9170fw_dbg_desc))
+#define CARL9170FW_CHK_DESC_MIN_VER                    1
+#define CARL9170FW_CHK_DESC_CUR_VER                    2
+struct carl9170fw_chk_desc {
+       struct carl9170fw_desc_head head;
+       __le32 fw_crc32;
+       __le32 hdr_crc32;
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170FW_CHK_DESC_SIZE                       \
+       (sizeof(struct carl9170fw_chk_desc))
+#define CARL9170FW_LAST_DESC_MIN_VER                   1
+#define CARL9170FW_LAST_DESC_CUR_VER                   2
+struct carl9170fw_last_desc {
+       struct carl9170fw_desc_head head;
+} __packed;
+#define CARL9170FW_LAST_DESC_SIZE                      \
+       (sizeof(struct carl9170fw_fix_desc))
+#define CARL9170FW_DESC_MAX_LENGTH                     8192
+#define CARL9170FW_FILL_DESC(_magic, _length, _min_ver, _cur_ver)      \
+       .head = {                                                       \
+               .magic = _magic,                                        \
+               .length = cpu_to_le16(_length),                         \
+               .min_ver = _min_ver,                                    \
+               .cur_ver = _cur_ver,                                    \
+       }
+static inline void carl9170fw_fill_desc(struct carl9170fw_desc_head *head,
+                                        u8 magic[4], __le16 length,
+                                        u8 min_ver, u8 cur_ver)
+       head->magic[0] = magic[0];
+       head->magic[1] = magic[1];
+       head->magic[2] = magic[2];
+       head->magic[3] = magic[3];
+       head->length = length;
+       head->min_ver = min_ver;
+       head->cur_ver = cur_ver;
+#define carl9170fw_for_each_hdr(desc, fw_desc)                         \
+       for (desc = fw_desc;                                            \
+            memcmp(desc->magic, LAST_MAGIC, 4) &&                      \
+            le16_to_cpu(desc->length) >= CARL9170FW_DESC_HEAD_SIZE &&  \
+            le16_to_cpu(desc->length) < CARL9170FW_DESC_MAX_LENGTH;    \
+            desc = (void *)((unsigned long)desc + le16_to_cpu(desc->length)))
+#define CHECK_HDR_VERSION(head, _min_ver)                              \
+       (((head)->cur_ver < _min_ver) || ((head)->min_ver > _min_ver))  \
+static inline bool carl9170fw_supports(__le32 list, u8 feature)
+       return le32_to_cpu(list) & BIT(feature);
+static inline bool carl9170fw_desc_cmp(const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *head,
+                                      const u8 descid[4], u16 min_len,
+                                      u8 compatible_revision)
+       if (descid[0] == head->magic[0] && descid[1] == head->magic[1] &&
+           descid[2] == head->magic[2] && descid[3] == head->magic[3] &&
+           !CHECK_HDR_VERSION(head, compatible_revision) &&
+           (le16_to_cpu(head->length) >= min_len))
+               return true;
+       return false;
+#define CARL9170FW_MIN_SIZE    32
+#define CARL9170FW_MAX_SIZE    16384
+static inline bool carl9170fw_size_check(unsigned int len)
+       return (len <= CARL9170FW_MAX_SIZE && len >= CARL9170FW_MIN_SIZE);
+#endif /* __CARL9170_SHARED_FWDESC_H */
diff --git a/include/shared/hw.h b/include/shared/hw.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..442a14e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+ * Atheros AR9170 driver
+ *
+ * Hardware-specific definitions
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008, Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010, Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+ *
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and
+ * permission notice:
+ *    Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ *
+ *    Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ *    purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ *    copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170_SHARED_HW_H
+#define __CARL9170_SHARED_HW_H
+/* High Speed UART */
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_BASE                            0x1c0000
+/* Definitions of interrupt registers */
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_RX_BUFFER                       (AR9170_UART_REG_BASE + 0x000)
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_TX_HOLDING                      (AR9170_UART_REG_BASE + 0x004)
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_FIFO_CONTROL                    (AR9170_UART_REG_BASE + 0x010)
+#define                AR9170_UART_FIFO_CTRL_RESET_RX_FIFO             0x02
+#define                AR9170_UART_FIFO_CTRL_RESET_TX_FIFO             0x04
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_LINE_CONTROL                    (AR9170_UART_REG_BASE + 0x014)
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_MODEM_CONTROL                   (AR9170_UART_REG_BASE + 0x018)
+#define                AR9170_UART_MODEM_CTRL_DTR_BIT                  0x01
+#define                AR9170_UART_MODEM_CTRL_RTS_BIT                  0x02
+#define                AR9170_UART_MODEM_CTRL_INTERNAL_LOOP_BACK       0x10
+#define                AR9170_UART_MODEM_CTRL_AUTO_RTS                 0x20
+#define                AR9170_UART_MODEM_CTRL_AUTO_CTR                 0x40
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_LINE_STATUS                     (AR9170_UART_REG_BASE + 0x01c)
+#define                AR9170_UART_LINE_STS_RX_DATA_READY              0x01
+#define                AR9170_UART_LINE_STS_RX_BUFFER_OVERRUN          0x02
+#define                AR9170_UART_LINE_STS_RX_BREAK_INDICATION        0x10
+#define                AR9170_UART_LINE_STS_TX_FIFO_ALMOST_EMPTY       0x20
+#define                AR9170_UART_LINE_STS_TRANSMITTER_EMPTY          0x40
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_MODEM_STATUS                    (AR9170_UART_REG_BASE + 0x020)
+#define                AR9170_UART_MODEM_STS_CTS_CHANGE                0x01
+#define                AR9170_UART_MODEM_STS_DSR_CHANGE                0x02
+#define                AR9170_UART_MODEM_STS_DCD_CHANGE                0x08
+#define                AR9170_UART_MODEM_STS_CTS_COMPL                 0x10
+#define                AR9170_UART_MODEM_STS_DSR_COMPL                 0x20
+#define                AR9170_UART_MODEM_STS_DCD_COMPL                 0x80
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_SCRATCH                         (AR9170_UART_REG_BASE + 0x024)
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_DIVISOR_LSB                     (AR9170_UART_REG_BASE + 0x028)
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_DIVISOR_MSB                     (AR9170_UART_REG_BASE + 0x02c)
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_WORD_RX_BUFFER                  (AR9170_UART_REG_BASE + 0x034)
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_WORD_TX_HOLDING                 (AR9170_UART_REG_BASE + 0x038)
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_FIFO_COUNT                      (AR9170_UART_REG_BASE + 0x03c)
+#define        AR9170_UART_REG_REMAINDER                       (AR9170_UART_REG_BASE + 0x04c)
+/* Timer */
+#define        AR9170_TIMER_REG_BASE                           0x1c1000
+#define        AR9170_TIMER_REG_WATCH_DOG                      (AR9170_TIMER_REG_BASE + 0x000)
+#define        AR9170_TIMER_REG_TIMER0                         (AR9170_TIMER_REG_BASE + 0x010)
+#define        AR9170_TIMER_REG_TIMER1                         (AR9170_TIMER_REG_BASE + 0x014)
+#define        AR9170_TIMER_REG_TIMER2                         (AR9170_TIMER_REG_BASE + 0x018)
+#define        AR9170_TIMER_REG_TIMER3                         (AR9170_TIMER_REG_BASE + 0x01c)
+#define        AR9170_TIMER_REG_TIMER4                         (AR9170_TIMER_REG_BASE + 0x020)
+#define        AR9170_TIMER_REG_CONTROL                        (AR9170_TIMER_REG_BASE + 0x024)
+#define                AR9170_TIMER_CTRL_DISABLE_CLOCK                 0x100
+#define        AR9170_TIMER_REG_INTERRUPT                      (AR9170_TIMER_REG_BASE + 0x028)
+#define                AR9170_TIMER_INT_TIMER0                         0x001
+#define                AR9170_TIMER_INT_TIMER1                         0x002
+#define                AR9170_TIMER_INT_TIMER2                         0x004
+#define                AR9170_TIMER_INT_TIMER3                         0x008
+#define                AR9170_TIMER_INT_TIMER4                         0x010
+#define                AR9170_TIMER_INT_TICK_TIMER                     0x100
+#define        AR9170_TIMER_REG_TICK_TIMER                     (AR9170_TIMER_REG_BASE + 0x030)
+#define        AR9170_TIMER_REG_CLOCK_LOW                      (AR9170_TIMER_REG_BASE + 0x040)
+#define        AR9170_TIMER_REG_CLOCK_HIGH                     (AR9170_TIMER_REG_BASE + 0x044)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE                             0x1c3000
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_POWER_STATE_CTRL                 (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x500)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_POWER_STATE_CTRL_RESET               0x20
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_MAC_POWER_STATE_CTRL             (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x50c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_INT_CTRL                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x510)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_TXC                              BIT(0)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_RXC                              BIT(1)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_RETRY_FAIL                       BIT(2)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_WAKEUP                           BIT(3)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_ATIM                             BIT(4)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_DTIM                             BIT(5)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_CFG_BCN                          BIT(6)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_ABORT                            BIT(7)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_QOS                              BIT(8)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_MIMO_PS                          BIT(9)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_KEY_GEN                          BIT(10)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_DECRY_NOUSER                     BIT(11)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_RADAR                            BIT(12)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_QUIET_FRAME                      BIT(13)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_INT_PRETBTT                          BIT(14)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_TSF_L                            (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x514)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_TSF_H                            (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x518)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_ATIM_WINDOW                      (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x51c)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_ATIM_PERIOD_S                        0
+#define                AR9170_MAC_ATIM_PERIOD                          0x0000ffff
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_PERIOD                       (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x520)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_BCN_PERIOD_S                         0
+#define                AR9170_MAC_BCN_PERIOD                           0x0000ffff
+#define                AR9170_MAC_BCN_DTIM_S                           16
+#define                AR9170_MAC_BCN_DTIM                             0x00ff0000
+#define                AR9170_MAC_BCN_AP_MODE                          BIT(24)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_BCN_IBSS_MODE                        BIT(25)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_BCN_PWR_MGT                          BIT(26)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_BCN_STA_PS                           BIT(27)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_PRETBTT                          (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x524)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_PRETBTT_S                            0
+#define                AR9170_MAC_PRETBTT                              0x0000ffff
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_MAC_ADDR_L                       (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x610)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_MAC_ADDR_H                       (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x614)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_BSSID_L                          (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x618)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_BSSID_H                          (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x61c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_GROUP_HASH_TBL_L                 (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x624)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_GROUP_HASH_TBL_H                 (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x628)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_TIMEOUT                       (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x62c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_BASIC_RATE                       (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x630)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_MANDATORY_RATE                   (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x634)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RTS_CTS_RATE                     (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x638)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_BACKOFF_PROTECT                  (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x63c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_THRESHOLD                     (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x640)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_AFTER_PNP                        (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x648)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_PE_DELAY                      (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x64c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DYNAMIC_SIFS_ACK                 (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x658)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_SNIFFER                          (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x674)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_SNIFFER_ENABLE_PROMISC               BIT(0)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_SNIFFER_DEFAULTS                     0x02000000
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_ENCRYPTION                       (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x678)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_ENCRYPTION_RX_SOFTWARE               BIT(3)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_ENCRYPTION_DEFAULTS                  0x70
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_MISC_680                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x680)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_MISC_684                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x684)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_TX_UNDERRUN                      (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x688)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_FRAMETYPE_FILTER                 (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x68c)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_ASSOC_REQ                        BIT(0)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_ASSOC_RESP                       BIT(1)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_REASSOC_REQ                      BIT(2)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_REASSOC_RESP                     BIT(3)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_PRB_REQ                          BIT(4)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_PRB_RESP                         BIT(5)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_BIT6                             BIT(6)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_BIT7                             BIT(7)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_BEACON                           BIT(8)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_ATIM                             BIT(9)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_DEASSOC                          BIT(10)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_AUTH                             BIT(11)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_DEAUTH                           BIT(12)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_BIT13                            BIT(13)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_BIT14                            BIT(14)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_BIT15                            BIT(15)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_BAR                              BIT(24)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_BA                               BIT(25)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_PSPOLL                           BIT(26)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_RTS                              BIT(27)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_CTS                              BIT(28)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_ACK                              BIT(29)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_CFE                              BIT(30)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_CFE_ACK                          BIT(31)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_DEFAULTS                         0x0500ffff
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FTF_MONITOR                          0xff00ffff
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_ACK_EXTENSION                    (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x690)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_ACK_TPC                          (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x694)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_EIFS_AND_SIFS                    (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x698)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_TIMEOUT_COUNT                 (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x69c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_TOTAL                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6a0)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_CRC32                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6a4)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_CRC16                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6a8)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_ERR_DECRYPTION_UNI            (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6ac)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_OVERRUN                       (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6b0)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_ERR_DECRYPTION_MUL            (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6bc)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_TX_BLOCKACKS                    (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6c0)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_NAV_COUNT                       (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6c4)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_BACKOFF_STATUS                  (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6c8)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_TX_RETRY                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6cc)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_TX_COMPLETE                     (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6d4)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CHANNEL_BUSY                     (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6e8)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_EXT_BUSY                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6ec)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_SLOT_TIME                        (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6f0)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_TX_TOTAL                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6f4)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_ACK_FC                          (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x6f8)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_MODE                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x700)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_CAM_IBSS                             0xe0
+#define                AR9170_MAC_CAM_AP                               0xa1
+#define                AR9170_MAC_CAM_STA                              0x2
+#define                AR9170_MAC_CAM_AP_WDS                           0x3
+#define                AR9170_MAC_CAM_DEFAULTS                         (0xf << 24)
+/* BEACON specification bits */
+#define                AR9170_MAC_CAM_AP_MODE                          0x01000000
+#define                AR9170_MAC_CAM_IBSS_MODE                        0x02000000
+#define                AR9170_MAC_CAM_POWER_MNT                        0x04000000
+#define                AR9170_MAC_CAM_STA_PS                           0x08000000
+#define                AR9170_MAC_CAM_HOST_PENDING                     0x80000000
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_ROLL_CALL_TBL_L              (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x704)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_ROLL_CALL_TBL_H              (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x708)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_ADDR                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x70c)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_CAM_ADDR_WRITE                       0x80000000
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DATA0                        (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x720)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DATA1                        (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x724)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DATA2                        (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x728)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DATA3                        (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x72c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DBG0                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x730)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DBG1                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x734)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_DBG2                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x738)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_STATE                        (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x73c)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_CAM_STATE_READ_PENDING               0x40000000
+#define                AR9170_MAC_CAM_STATE_WRITE_PENDING              0x80000000
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_TXKEY                        (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x740)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_RXKEY                        (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x750)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_TX_ENC_TYPE                  (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x760)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_RX_ENC_TYPE                  (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x770)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_TX_SERACH_HIT                (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x780)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_CAM_RX_SERACH_HIT                (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0x790)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_AC0_CW                           (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb00)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_AC1_CW                           (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb04)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_AC2_CW                           (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb08)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_AC3_CW                           (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb0c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_AC4_CW                           (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb10)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_AC2_AC1_AC0_AIFS                 (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb14)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_AC4_AC3_AC2_AIFS                 (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb18)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_TXOP_ACK_EXTENSION              (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb1c)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_TXOP_ACK_INTERVAL               (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb20)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_CONTENTION_POINT                        (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb24)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RETRY_MAX                        (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb28)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_TID_CFACK_CFEND_RATE            (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb2c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_TXOP_NOT_ENOUGH_IND              (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb30)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_TKIP_TSC                                (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb34)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_TXOP_DURATION                   (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb38)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_TX_QOS_THRESHOLD                        (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb3c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_QOS_PRIORITY_VIRTUAL_CCA         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb40)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_VIRTUAL_CCA_Q0                       BIT(15)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_VIRTUAL_CCA_Q1                       BIT(16)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_VIRTUAL_CCA_Q2                       BIT(17)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_VIRTUAL_CCA_Q3                       BIT(18)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_VIRTUAL_CCA_Q4                       BIT(19)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_VIRTUAL_CCA_ALL                      (0xf8000)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_AC1_AC0_TXOP                     (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb44)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_AC3_AC2_TXOP                     (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb48)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_AMPDU_COUNT                      (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb88)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_MPDU_COUNT                       (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb8c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_AMPDU_FACTOR                     (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xb9c)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_AMPDU_FACTOR                         0x7f0000
+#define                AR9170_MAC_AMPDU_FACTOR_S                       16
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_AMPDU_DENSITY                    (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xba0)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_AMPDU_DENSITY                        0x7
+#define                AR9170_MAC_AMPDU_DENSITY_S                      0
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_FCS_SELECT                       (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xbb0)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FCS_SWFCS                            0x1
+#define                AR9170_MAC_FCS_FIFO_PROT                        0x4
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RTS_CTS_TPC                      (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xbb4)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_CFEND_QOSNULL_TPC               (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xbb8)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_ACK_TABLE                        (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xc00)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_CONTROL                      (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xc40)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_RX_CTRL_DEAGG                        0x1
+#define                AR9170_MAC_RX_CTRL_SHORT_FILTER                 0x2
+#define                AR9170_MAC_RX_CTRL_SA_DA_SEARCH                 0x20
+#define                AR9170_MAC_RX_CTRL_PASS_TO_HOST                 BIT(28)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_RX_CTRL_ACK_IN_SNIFFER               BIT(30)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_CONTROL_1                    (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xc44)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_AMPDU_RX_THRESH                  (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xc50)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_MPDU                          (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xca0)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_DROPPED_MPDU                  (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xca4)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_DEL_MPDU                      (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xca8)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_PHY_MISC_ERROR                (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xcac)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_PHY_XR_ERROR                  (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xcb0)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_PHY_OFDM_ERROR                (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xcb4)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_PHY_CCK_ERROR                 (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xcb8)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_PHY_HT_ERROR                  (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xcbc)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_RX_PHY_TOTAL                     (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xcc0)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ_ADDR                     (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd00)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ_CURR_ADDR                (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd04)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ0_ADDR                    (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd00)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ0_CURR_ADDR               (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd04)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ1_ADDR                    (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd08)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ1_CURR_ADDR               (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd0c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ2_ADDR                    (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd10)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ2_CURR_ADDR               (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd14)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ3_ADDR                    (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd18)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ3_CURR_ADDR               (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd1c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ4_ADDR                    (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd20)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQ4_CURR_ADDR               (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd24)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_RXQ_ADDR                     (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd28)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_RXQ_CURR_ADDR                (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd2c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TRIGGER                      (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd30)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_TRIGGER_TXQ0                         BIT(0)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_TRIGGER_TXQ1                         BIT(1)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_TRIGGER_TXQ2                         BIT(2)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_TRIGGER_TXQ3                         BIT(3)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_TRIGGER_TXQ4                         BIT(4)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_TRIGGER_RXQ                          BIT(8)
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_WLAN_STATUS                 (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd38)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_STATUS                       (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd3c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_TXRX_MPI                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd7c)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_TXRX_MPI_TX_MPI_MASK                 0x0000000f
+#define                AR9170_MAC_TXRX_MPI_TX_TO_MASK                  0x0000fff0
+#define                AR9170_MAC_TXRX_MPI_RX_MPI_MASK                 0x000f0000
+#define                AR9170_MAC_TXRX_MPI_RX_TO_MASK                  0xfff00000
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_ADDR                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd84)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_LENGTH                       (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd88)
+#define                AR9170_MAC_BCN_LENGTH_MAX                               256
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_STATUS                      (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd8c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_PLCP                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd90)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_CTRL                         (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd94)
+#define                AR9170_BCN_READY                                0x01
+#define                AR9170_BCN_LOCK                                 0x02
+#define AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_CURR_ADDR                   (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd98)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_COUNT                        (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xd9c)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_HT1                          (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xda0)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_HT2                          (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xda4)
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_DMA_TXQX_ADDR_CURR               (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xdc0)
+#define        AR9170_PWR_REG_BASE                             0x1d4000
+#define AR9170_PWR_REG_POWER_STATE                     (AR9170_PWR_REG_BASE + 0x000)
+#define        AR9170_PWR_REG_ADDA_BB                          (AR9170_PWR_REG_BASE + 0x004)
+#define                AR9170_PWR_ADDA_BB_USB_FIFO_RESET               0x00000005
+#define                AR9170_PWR_ADDA_BB_COLD_RESET                   0x00000800
+#define                AR9170_PWR_ADDA_BB_WARM_RESET                   0x00000400
+#define        AR9170_PWR_REG_CLOCK_SEL                        (AR9170_PWR_REG_BASE + 0x008)
+#define                AR9170_PWR_CLK_AHB_40MHZ                        0
+#define                AR9170_PWR_CLK_AHB_20_22MHZ                     1
+#define                AR9170_PWR_CLK_AHB_40_44MHZ                     2
+#define                AR9170_PWR_CLK_AHB_80_88MHZ                     3
+#define                AR9170_PWR_CLK_DAC_160_INV_DLY                  0x70
+#define        AR9170_PWR_REG_CHIP_REVISION                    (AR9170_PWR_REG_BASE + 0x010)
+#define AR9170_PWR_REG_PLL_ADDAC                       (AR9170_PWR_REG_BASE + 0x014)
+#define        AR9170_PWR_REG_WATCH_DOG_MAGIC                  (AR9170_PWR_REG_BASE + 0x020)
+/* Random number generator */
+#define        AR9170_RAND_REG_BASE                            0x1d0000
+#define        AR9170_RAND_REG_NUM                             (AR9170_RAND_REG_BASE + 0x000)
+#define        AR9170_RAND_REG_MODE                            (AR9170_RAND_REG_BASE + 0x004)
+#define                AR9170_RAND_MODE_MANUAL                         0x000
+#define                AR9170_RAND_MODE_FREE                           0x001
+/* GPIO */
+#define        AR9170_GPIO_REG_BASE                            0x1d0100
+#define        AR9170_GPIO_REG_PORT_TYPE                       (AR9170_GPIO_REG_BASE + 0x000)
+#define        AR9170_GPIO_REG_PORT_DATA                       (AR9170_GPIO_REG_BASE + 0x004)
+#define                AR9170_GPIO_PORT_LED_0                          1
+#define                AR9170_GPIO_PORT_LED_1                          2
+/* WPS Button GPIO for TP-Link TL-WN821N */
+#define                AR9170_GPIO_PORT_WPS_BUTTON_PRESSED             4
+/* Memory Controller */
+#define        AR9170_MC_REG_BASE                              0x1d1000
+#define        AR9170_MC_REG_FLASH_WAIT_STATE                  (AR9170_MC_REG_BASE + 0x000)
+#define        AR9170_MC_REG_SEEPROM_WP0                       (AR9170_MC_REG_BASE + 0x400)
+#define        AR9170_MC_REG_SEEPROM_WP1                       (AR9170_MC_REG_BASE + 0x404)
+#define        AR9170_MC_REG_SEEPROM_WP2                       (AR9170_MC_REG_BASE + 0x408)
+/* Interrupt Controller */
+#define        AR9170_MAX_INT_SRC                     9
+#define        AR9170_INT_REG_BASE                             0x1d2000
+#define        AR9170_INT_REG_FLAG                             (AR9170_INT_REG_BASE + 0x000)
+#define        AR9170_INT_REG_FIQ_MASK                         (AR9170_INT_REG_BASE + 0x004)
+#define        AR9170_INT_REG_IRQ_MASK                         (AR9170_INT_REG_BASE + 0x008)
+#define                AR9170_INT_FLAG_WLAN                            0x001
+#define                AR9170_INT_FLAG_PTAB_BIT                        0x002
+#define                AR9170_INT_FLAG_SE_BIT                          0x004
+#define                AR9170_INT_FLAG_UART_BIT                        0x008
+#define                AR9170_INT_FLAG_TIMER_BIT                       0x010
+#define                AR9170_INT_FLAG_EXT_BIT                         0x020
+#define                AR9170_INT_FLAG_SW_BIT                          0x040
+#define                AR9170_INT_FLAG_USB_BIT                         0x080
+#define                AR9170_INT_FLAG_ETHERNET_BIT                    0x100
+#define        AR9170_INT_REG_PRIORITY1                        (AR9170_INT_REG_BASE + 0x00c)
+#define        AR9170_INT_REG_PRIORITY2                        (AR9170_INT_REG_BASE + 0x010)
+#define        AR9170_INT_REG_PRIORITY3                        (AR9170_INT_REG_BASE + 0x014)
+#define        AR9170_INT_REG_EXT_INT_CONTROL                  (AR9170_INT_REG_BASE + 0x018)
+#define        AR9170_INT_REG_SW_INT_CONTROL                   (AR9170_INT_REG_BASE + 0x01c)
+#define                AR9170_INT_SW_INT_ENABLE                        0x1
+#define        AR9170_INT_REG_FIQ_ENCODE                       (AR9170_INT_REG_BASE + 0x020)
+#define        AR9170_INT_INT_IRQ_ENCODE                       (AR9170_INT_REG_BASE + 0x024)
+/* Faraday USB Controller */
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_BASE                             0x1e1000
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_MAIN_CTRL                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x000)
+#define                AR9170_USB_MAIN_CTRL_REMOTE_WAKEUP              BIT(0)
+#define                AR9170_USB_MAIN_CTRL_ENABLE_GLOBAL_INT          BIT(2)
+#define                AR9170_USB_MAIN_CTRL_HIGHSPEED                  BIT(6)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_DEVICE_ADDRESS                   (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x001)
+#define                AR9170_USB_DEVICE_ADDRESS_CONFIGURE             BIT(7)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_TEST                             (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x002)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_PHY_TEST_SELECT                  (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x008)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_CX_CONFIG_STATUS                 (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x00b)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP0_DATA                         (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x00c)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP0_DATA1                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x00c)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP0_DATA2                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x00d)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_MASK_BYTE_0                 (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x011)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_MASK_BYTE_1                 (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x012)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_MASK_BYTE_2                 (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x013)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_MASK_BYTE_3                 (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x014)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_MASK_BYTE_4                 (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x015)
+#define                AR9170_USB_INTR_DISABLE_OUT_INT                 (BIT(7) | BIT(6))
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_MASK_BYTE_5                 (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x016)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_MASK_BYTE_6                 (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x017)
+#define                AR9170_USB_INTR_DISABLE_IN_INT                  BIT(6)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_MASK_BYTE_7                 (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x018)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_GROUP                       (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x020)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_0                    (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x021)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_1                    (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x022)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_2                    (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x023)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_3                    (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x024)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_4                    (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x025)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_5                    (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x026)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_6                    (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x027)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_INTR_SOURCE_7                    (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x028)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP_MAP                           (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x030)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP1_MAP                          (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x030)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP2_MAP                          (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x031)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP3_MAP                          (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x032)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP4_MAP                          (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x033)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP5_MAP                          (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x034)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP6_MAP                          (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x035)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP7_MAP                          (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x036)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP8_MAP                          (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x037)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP9_MAP                          (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x038)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP10_MAP                         (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x039)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP_IN_MAX_SIZE_HIGH              (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x03f)
+#define                AR9170_USB_EP_IN_TOGGLE                         0x10
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP_IN_MAX_SIZE_LOW               (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x03e)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP_OUT_MAX_SIZE_HIGH             (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x05f)
+#define                AR9170_USB_EP_OUT_TOGGLE                        0x10
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP_OUT_MAX_SIZE_LOW              (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x05e)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP3_BYTE_COUNT_HIGH              (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x0ae)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP3_BYTE_COUNT_LOW               (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x0be)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP4_BYTE_COUNT_HIGH              (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x0af)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP4_BYTE_COUNT_LOW               (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x0bf)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO_MAP                         (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x080)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO0_MAP                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x080)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO1_MAP                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x081)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO2_MAP                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x082)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO3_MAP                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x083)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO4_MAP                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x084)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO5_MAP                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x085)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO6_MAP                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x086)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO7_MAP                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x087)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO8_MAP                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x088)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO9_MAP                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x089)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO_CONFIG                      (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x090)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO0_CONFIG                     (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x090)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO1_CONFIG                     (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x091)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO2_CONFIG                     (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x092)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO3_CONFIG                     (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x093)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO4_CONFIG                     (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x094)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO5_CONFIG                     (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x095)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO6_CONFIG                     (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x096)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO7_CONFIG                     (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x097)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO8_CONFIG                     (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x098)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO9_CONFIG                     (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x099)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP3_DATA                         (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x0f8)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_EP4_DATA                         (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x0fc)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_FIFO_SIZE                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x100)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_DMA_CTL                          (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x108)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_CTL_ENABLE_TO_DEVICE                 BIT(0)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_CTL_ENABLE_FROM_DEVICE               BIT(1)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_CTL_HIGH_SPEED                       BIT(2)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_PACKET_MODE                   BIT(3)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_SHIFT                  4
+#define                AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_MASK                   (3 << AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_SHIFT)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_4K                     (0 << AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_SHIFT)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_8K                     (1 << AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_SHIFT)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_16K                    (2 << AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_SHIFT)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_32K                    (3 << AR9170_DMA_CTL_UP_STREAM_SHIFT)
+#define                AR9170_DMA_CTL_DOWN_STREAM                      BIT(6)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_MAX_AGG_UPLOAD                   (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x110)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_UPLOAD_TIME_CTL                  (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x114)
+#define        AR9170_USB_REG_CBUS_CTRL                        (AR9170_USB_REG_BASE + 0x1f0)
+#define                AR9170_USB_CBUS_CTRL_BUFFER_END                 (BIT(1))
+/* PCI/USB to AHB Bridge */
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE                             0x1e2000
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_CMD                              (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x000)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_PARAM1                           (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x004)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_PARAM2                           (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x008)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_PARAM3                           (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x00c)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_RSP                              (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x010)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_STATUS1                          (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x014)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_STATUS2                          (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x018)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_STATUS3                          (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x01c)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_AHB_INT_FLAG                     (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x020)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_AHB_INT_MASK                     (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x024)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_AHB_INT_ACK                      (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x028)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_AHB_SCRATCH1                     (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x030)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_AHB_SCRATCH2                     (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x034)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_AHB_SCRATCH3                     (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x038)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_AHB_SCRATCH4                     (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x03c)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_SHARE_MEM_CTRL                   (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x124)
+ * PCI to AHB Bridge
+ */
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_INT_FLAG                         (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x100)
+#define                AR9170_PTA_INT_FLAG_DN                          0x01
+#define                AR9170_PTA_INT_FLAG_UP                          0x02
+#define                AR9170_PTA_INT_FLAG_CMD                         0x04
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_INT_MASK                         (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x104)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_DN_DMA_ADDRL                     (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x108)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_DN_DMA_ADDRH                     (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x10c)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_UP_DMA_ADDRL                     (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x110)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_UP_DMA_ADDRH                     (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x114)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_DN_PEND_TIME                     (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x118)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_UP_PEND_TIME                     (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x11c)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_CONTROL                          (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x120)
+#define                AR9170_PTA_CTRL_4_BEAT_BURST                    0x00
+#define                AR9170_PTA_CTRL_8_BEAT_BURST                    0x01
+#define                AR9170_PTA_CTRL_16_BEAT_BURST                   0x02
+#define                AR9170_PTA_CTRL_LOOPBACK_MODE                   0x10
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_MEM_CTRL                         (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x124)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_MEM_ADDR                         (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x128)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_DN_DMA_TRIGGER                   (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x12c)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_UP_DMA_TRIGGER                   (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x130)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_DMA_STATUS                       (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x134)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_DN_CURR_ADDRL                    (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x138)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_DN_CURR_ADDRH                    (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x13c)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_UP_CURR_ADDRL                    (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x140)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_UP_CURR_ADDRH                    (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x144)
+#define        AR9170_PTA_REG_DMA_MODE_CTRL                    (AR9170_PTA_REG_BASE + 0x148)
+#define                AR9170_PTA_DMA_MODE_CTRL_RESET                  BIT(0)
+#define                AR9170_PTA_DMA_MODE_CTRL_DISABLE_USB            BIT(1)
+/* Protocol Controller Module */
+#define        AR9170_MAC_REG_PC_REG_BASE                      (AR9170_MAC_REG_BASE + 0xe00)
+#define        AR9170_NUM_LEDS                         2
+/* CAM */
+#define        AR9170_CAM_MAX_USER                     64
+#define        AR9170_CAM_MAX_KEY_LENGTH               16
+#define AR9170_PRAM_OFFSET                     0x200000
+enum cpu_clock {
+       AHB_STATIC_40MHZ = 0,
+       AHB_GMODE_22MHZ = 1,
+       AHB_AMODE_20MHZ = 1,
+       AHB_GMODE_44MHZ = 2,
+       AHB_AMODE_40MHZ = 2,
+       AHB_GMODE_88MHZ = 3,
+       AHB_AMODE_80MHZ = 3
+/* USB endpoints */
+enum ar9170_usb_ep {
+       /*
+        * Control EP is always EP 0 (USB SPEC)
+        *
+        * The weird thing is: the original firmware has a few
+        * comments that suggest that the actual EP numbers
+        * are in the 1 to 10 range?!
+        */
+       AR9170_USB_EP_CTRL              = 0,
+       AR9170_USB_EP_TX,
+       AR9170_USB_EP_RX,
+       AR9170_USB_EP_IRQ,
+       AR9170_USB_EP_CMD,
+       AR9170_USB_NUM_EXTRA_EP         = 4,
+       __AR9170_USB_NUM_EP,
+       __AR9170_USB_NUM_MAX_EP         = 10
+enum ar9170_usb_fifo {
+       __AR9170_USB_NUM_MAX_FIFO       = 10
+enum ar9170_tx_queues {
+       AR9170_TXQ0     = 0,
+       AR9170_TXQ1,
+       AR9170_TXQ2,
+       AR9170_TXQ3,
+       AR9170_TXQ_SPECIAL,
+       /* keep last */
+       __AR9170_NUM_TX_QUEUES = 5
+#define        AR9170_TX_STREAM_TAG            0x697e
+#define        AR9170_RX_STREAM_TAG            0x4e00
+#define        AR9170_RX_STREAM_MAX_SIZE       0xffff
+struct ar9170_stream {
+       __le16 length;
+       __le16 tag;
+       u8 payload[0];
+#define AR9170_MAX_ACKTABLE_ENTRIES                    8
+#define AR9170_MAX_VIRTUAL_MAC                         7
+#define        AR9170_USB_EP_CTRL_MAX                          64
+#define        AR9170_USB_EP_TX_MAX                            512
+#define        AR9170_USB_EP_RX_MAX                            512
+#define        AR9170_USB_EP_IRQ_MAX                           64
+#define        AR9170_USB_EP_CMD_MAX                           64
+/* Trigger PRETBTT interrupt 6 Kus earlier */
+#define CARL9170_PRETBTT_KUS                           6
+#define        AR5416_MAX_RATE_POWER                           63
+#define SET_VAL(reg, value, newvalue)                                  \
+       (value = ((value) & ~reg) | (((newvalue) << reg##_S) & reg))
+#define MOD_VAL(reg, value, newvalue)                                  \
+       (((value) & ~reg) | (((newvalue) << reg##_S) & reg))
+#endif /* __CARL9170_SHARED_HW_H */
diff --git a/include/shared/phy.h b/include/shared/phy.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cb8033d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Atheros Communications Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170_SHARED_PHY_H
+#define __CARL9170_SHARED_PHY_H
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE                     (0x1bc000 + 0x9800)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG(_n)                      (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + ((_n)<<2))
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TEST                     (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0000)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TEST_AGC_CLR                 0x10000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TEST_RFSILENT_BB             0x00002000
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TURBO                    (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0004)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TURBO_FC_TURBO_MODE          0x00000001
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TURBO_FC_TURBO_SHORT         0x00000002
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TURBO_FC_DYN2040_EN          0x00000004
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TURBO_FC_DYN2040_PRI_ONLY    0x00000008
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TURBO_FC_DYN2040_PRI_CH      0x00000010
+/* For 25 MHz channel spacing -- not used but supported by hw */
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TURBO_FC_DYN2040_EXT_CH      0x00000020
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TURBO_FC_HT_EN               0x00000040
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TURBO_FC_SHORT_GI_40         0x00000080
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TURBO_FC_WALSH               0x00000100
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TURBO_FC_SINGLE_HT_LTF1      0x00000200
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TURBO_FC_ENABLE_DAC_FIFO     0x00000800
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TEST2                    (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0008)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TIMING2                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0010)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING2_USE_FORCE            0x00001000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING2_FORCE                0x00000fff
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING2_FORCE_S                       0
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TIMING3                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0014)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING3_DSC_EXP              0x0001e000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING3_DSC_EXP_S            13
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING3_DSC_MAN              0xfffe0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING3_DSC_MAN_S            17
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CHIP_ID                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0018)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CHIP_ID_REV_0                0x80
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CHIP_ID_REV_1                0x81
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CHIP_ID_9160_REV_0           0xb0
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_ACTIVE                   (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x001c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_ACTIVE_EN                    0x00000001
+#define                AR9170_PHY_ACTIVE_DIS                   0x00000000
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_RF_CTL2                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0024)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RF_CTL2_TX_END_DATA_START    0x000000ff
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RF_CTL2_TX_END_DATA_START_S  0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RF_CTL2_TX_END_PA_ON         0x0000ff00
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RF_CTL2_TX_END_PA_ON_S       8
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_RF_CTL3                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0028)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RF_CTL3_TX_END_TO_A2_RX_ON   0x00ff0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RF_CTL3_TX_END_TO_A2_RX_ON_S 16
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_ADC_CTL                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x002c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_ADC_CTL_OFF_INBUFGAIN        0x00000003
+#define                AR9170_PHY_ADC_CTL_OFF_INBUFGAIN_S      0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_ADC_CTL_OFF_PWDDAC           0x00002000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_ADC_CTL_OFF_PWDBANDGAP       0x00004000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_ADC_CTL_OFF_PWDADC           0x00008000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_ADC_CTL_ON_INBUFGAIN         0x00030000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_ADC_CTL_ON_INBUFGAIN_S       16
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_ADC_SERIAL_CTL           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0030)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_ADC_SCTL_SEL_INTERNAL_ADDAC  0x00000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_ADC_SCTL_SEL_EXTERNAL_RADIO  0x00000001
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_RF_CTL4                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0034)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RF_CTL4_TX_END_XPAB_OFF      0xff000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RF_CTL4_TX_END_XPAB_OFF_S    24
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RF_CTL4_TX_END_XPAA_OFF      0x00ff0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RF_CTL4_TX_END_XPAA_OFF_S    16
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RF_CTL4_FRAME_XPAB_ON        0x0000ff00
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RF_CTL4_FRAME_XPAB_ON_S      8
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RF_CTL4_FRAME_XPAA_ON        0x000000ff
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RF_CTL4_FRAME_XPAA_ON_S      0
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TSTDAC_CONST             (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x003c)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SETTLING                 (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0044)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SETTLING_SWITCH              0x00003f80
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SETTLING_SWITCH_S            7
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_RXGAIN                   (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0048)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_RXGAIN_CHAIN_2           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x2048)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RXGAIN_TXRX_ATTEN            0x0003f000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RXGAIN_TXRX_ATTEN_S          12
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RXGAIN_TXRX_RF_MAX           0x007c0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RXGAIN_TXRX_RF_MAX_S         18
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_DESIRED_SZ               (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0050)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_DESIRED_SZ_ADC               0x000000ff
+#define                AR9170_PHY_DESIRED_SZ_ADC_S             0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_DESIRED_SZ_PGA               0x0000ff00
+#define                AR9170_PHY_DESIRED_SZ_PGA_S             8
+#define                AR9170_PHY_DESIRED_SZ_TOT_DES           0x0ff00000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_DESIRED_SZ_TOT_DES_S         20
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_FIND_SIG                 (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0058)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_FIND_SIG_FIRSTEP             0x0003f000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_FIND_SIG_FIRSTEP_S           12
+#define                AR9170_PHY_FIND_SIG_FIRPWR              0x03fc0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_FIND_SIG_FIRPWR_S            18
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_AGC_CTL1                 (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x005c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_AGC_CTL1_COARSE_LOW          0x00007f80
+#define                AR9170_PHY_AGC_CTL1_COARSE_LOW_S        7
+#define                AR9170_PHY_AGC_CTL1_COARSE_HIGH         0x003f8000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_AGC_CTL1_COARSE_HIGH_S       15
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_AGC_CONTROL              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0060)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_AGC_CONTROL_CAL              0x00000001
+#define                AR9170_PHY_AGC_CONTROL_NF               0x00000002
+#define                AR9170_PHY_AGC_CONTROL_ENABLE_NF        0x00008000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_AGC_CONTROL_FLTR_CAL         0x00010000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_AGC_CONTROL_NO_UPDATE_NF     0x00020000
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CCA                      (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0064)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCA_MINCCA_PWR               0x0ff80000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCA_MINCCA_PWR_S             19
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCA_THRESH62                 0x0007f000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCA_THRESH62_S               12
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SFCORR                   (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0068)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_M2COUNT_THR           0x0000001f
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_M2COUNT_THR_S         0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_M1_THRESH             0x00fe0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_M1_THRESH_S           17
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_M2_THRESH             0x7f000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_M2_THRESH_S           24
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SFCORR_LOW               (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x006c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_LOW_USE_SELF_CORR_LOW 0x00000001
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_LOW_M2COUNT_THR_LOW   0x00003f00
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_LOW_M2COUNT_THR_LOW_S 8
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_LOW_M1_THRESH_LOW     0x001fc000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_LOW_M1_THRESH_LOW_S   14
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_LOW_M2_THRESH_LOW     0x0fe00000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_LOW_M2_THRESH_LOW_S   21
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SLEEP_CTR_CONTROL        (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0070)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SLEEP_CTR_LIMIT          (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0074)
+/* ??? same address ??? */
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SYNTH_CONTROL            (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0074)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SLEEP_SCAL               (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0078)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_PLL_CTL                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x007c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_PLL_CTL_40                   0xaa
+#define                AR9170_PHY_PLL_CTL_40_5413              0x04
+#define                AR9170_PHY_PLL_CTL_44                   0xab
+#define                AR9170_PHY_PLL_CTL_44_2133              0xeb
+#define                AR9170_PHY_PLL_CTL_40_2133              0xea
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_BIN_MASK_1               (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0100)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_BIN_MASK_2               (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0104)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_BIN_MASK_3               (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0108)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_MASK_CTL                 (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x010c)
+/* analogue power on time (100ns) */
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_RX_DELAY                 (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0114)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SEARCH_START_DELAY       (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0118)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RX_DELAY_DELAY               0x00003fff
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TIMING_CTRL4(_i)         (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + (0x0120 + ((_i) << 12)))
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING_CTRL4_IQCORR_Q_Q_COFF         0x01f
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING_CTRL4_IQCORR_Q_Q_COFF_S       0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING_CTRL4_IQCORR_Q_I_COFF         0x7e0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING_CTRL4_IQCORR_Q_I_COFF_S       5
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING_CTRL4_IQCORR_ENABLE           0x800
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING_CTRL4_IQCAL_LOG_COUNT_MAX     0xf000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING_CTRL4_IQCAL_LOG_COUNT_MAX_S   12
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING_CTRL4_DO_IQCAL                0x10000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING_CTRL4_ENABLE_SPUR_RSSI        0x80000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING_CTRL4_ENABLE_SPUR_FILTER      0x40000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING_CTRL4_ENABLE_CHAN_MASK        0x20000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING_CTRL4_ENABLE_PILOT_MASK       0x10000000
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TIMING5                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0124)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING5_CYCPWR_THR1          0x000000fe
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING5_CYCPWR_THR1_S        1
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_POWER_TX_RATE1           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0134)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_POWER_TX_RATE2           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0138)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_POWER_TX_RATE_MAX        (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x013c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_POWER_TX_RATE_MAX_TPC_ENABLE 0x00000040
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_FRAME_CTL                (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0144)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_FRAME_CTL_TX_CLIP            0x00000038
+#define                AR9170_PHY_FRAME_CTL_TX_CLIP_S          3
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TXPWRADJ                 (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x014c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TXPWRADJ_CCK_GAIN_DELTA      0x00000fc0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TXPWRADJ_CCK_GAIN_DELTA_S    6
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TXPWRADJ_CCK_PCDAC_INDEX     0x00fc0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TXPWRADJ_CCK_PCDAC_INDEX_S   18
+/* ??? same address ??? */
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SPUR_REG                 (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x014c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SPUR_REG_MASK_RATE_CNTL      (0xff << 18)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SPUR_REG_MASK_RATE_CNTL_S    18
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SPUR_REG_ENABLE_MASK_PPM     0x20000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SPUR_REG_MASK_RATE_SELECT    (0xff << 9)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SPUR_REG_MASK_RATE_SELECT_S  9
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SPUR_REG_ENABLE_VIT_SPUR_RSSI        0x100
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SPUR_REG_SPUR_RSSI_THRESH    0x7f
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SPUR_REG_SPUR_RSSI_THRESH_S  0
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_RADAR_EXT                (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0140)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_EXT_ENA                0x00004000
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_RADAR_0                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0154)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_0_ENA                  0x00000001
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_0_FFT_ENA              0x80000000
+/* inband pulse threshold */
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_0_INBAND               0x0000003e
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_0_INBAND_S             1
+/* pulse RSSI threshold */
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_0_PRSSI                0x00000fc0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_0_PRSSI_S              6
+/* pulse height threshold */
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_0_HEIGHT               0x0003f000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_0_HEIGHT_S             12
+/* radar RSSI threshold */
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_0_RRSSI                0x00fc0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_0_RRSSI_S              18
+/* radar firepower threshold */
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_0_FIRPWR               0x7f000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_0_FIRPWR_S             24
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_RADAR_1                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0158)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_1_RELPWR_ENA           0x00800000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_1_USE_FIR128           0x00400000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_1_RELPWR_THRESH        0x003f0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_1_RELPWR_THRESH_S      16
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_1_BLOCK_CHECK          0x00008000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_1_MAX_RRSSI            0x00004000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_1_RELSTEP_CHECK        0x00002000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_1_RELSTEP_THRESH       0x00001f00
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_1_RELSTEP_THRESH_S     8
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_1_MAXLEN               0x000000ff
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RADAR_1_MAXLEN_S             0
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SWITCH_CHAIN_0           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0160)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SWITCH_CHAIN_2           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x2160)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SWITCH_COM               (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0164)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CCA_THRESHOLD            (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0168)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SIGMA_DELTA              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x016c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SIGMA_DELTA_ADC_SEL          0x00000003
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SIGMA_DELTA_ADC_SEL_S        0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SIGMA_DELTA_FILT2            0x000000f8
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SIGMA_DELTA_FILT2_S          3
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SIGMA_DELTA_FILT1            0x00001f00
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SIGMA_DELTA_FILT1_S          8
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SIGMA_DELTA_ADC_CLIP         0x01ffe000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SIGMA_DELTA_ADC_CLIP_S       13
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_RESTART                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0170)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RESTART_DIV_GC               0x001c0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RESTART_DIV_GC_S             18
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_RFBUS_REQ                (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x017c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RFBUS_REQ_EN                 0x00000001
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TIMING7                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0180)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TIMING8                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0184)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING8_PILOT_MASK_2         0x000fffff
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING8_PILOT_MASK_2_S       0
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_BIN_MASK2_1              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0188)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_BIN_MASK2_2              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x018c)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_BIN_MASK2_3              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0190)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_BIN_MASK2_4              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0194)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_BIN_MASK2_4_MASK_4           0x00003fff
+#define                AR9170_PHY_BIN_MASK2_4_MASK_4_S         0
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TIMING9                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0198)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TIMING10                 (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x019c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING10_PILOT_MASK_2        0x000fffff
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING10_PILOT_MASK_2_S      0
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TIMING11                 (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01a0)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING11_SPUR_DELTA_PHASE    0x000fffff
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING11_SPUR_DELTA_PHASE_S  0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING11_SPUR_FREQ_SD        0x3ff00000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING11_SPUR_FREQ_SD_S      20
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING11_USE_SPUR_IN_AGC     0x40000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TIMING11_USE_SPUR_IN_SELFCOR 0x80000000
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_RX_CHAINMASK             (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01a4)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_NEW_ADC_DC_GAIN_CORR(_i) (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01b4 + ((_i) << 12))
+#define                AR9170_PHY_NEW_ADC_GAIN_CORR_ENABLE             0x40000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_NEW_ADC_DC_OFFSET_CORR_ENABLE        0x80000000
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_MULTICHAIN_GAIN_CTL      (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01ac)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_CTL_ALL         0x7f000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_CTL             0x01000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_CTL_S           24
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_ALT_LNACONF     0x06000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_ALT_LNACONF_S   25
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_MAIN_LNACONF    0x18000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_MAIN_LNACONF_S  27
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_ALT_GAINTB      0x20000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_ALT_GAINTB_S    29
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_MAIN_GAINTB     0x40000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_MAIN_GAINTB_S   30
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_LNA1            2
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_LNA2            1
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_LNA1_PLUS_LNA2  3
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_LNA1_MINUS_LNA2 0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_GAINTB_0        0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_9285_ANT_DIV_GAINTB_1        1
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_EXT_CCA0                 (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01b8)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_REG_EXT_CCA0_THRESH62        0x000000ff
+#define                AR9170_PHY_REG_EXT_CCA0_THRESH62_S      0
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_EXT_CCA                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01bc)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_EXT_CCA_CYCPWR_THR1          0x0000fe00
+#define                AR9170_PHY_EXT_CCA_CYCPWR_THR1_S        9
+#define                AR9170_PHY_EXT_CCA_THRESH62             0x007f0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_EXT_CCA_THRESH62_S           16
+#define                AR9170_PHY_EXT_MINCCA_PWR               0xff800000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_EXT_MINCCA_PWR_S             23
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SFCORR_EXT               (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01c0)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_EXT_M1_THRESH         0x0000007f
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_EXT_M1_THRESH_S       0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_EXT_M2_THRESH         0x00003f80
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_EXT_M2_THRESH_S       7
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_EXT_M1_THRESH_LOW     0x001fc000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_EXT_M1_THRESH_LOW_S   14
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_EXT_M2_THRESH_LOW     0x0fe00000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_EXT_M2_THRESH_LOW_S   21
+#define                AR9170_PHY_SFCORR_SPUR_SUBCHNL_SD_S     28
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_HALFGI                   (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01d0)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_HALFGI_DSC_MAN               0x0007fff0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_HALFGI_DSC_MAN_S             4
+#define                AR9170_PHY_HALFGI_DSC_EXP               0x0000000f
+#define                AR9170_PHY_HALFGI_DSC_EXP_S             0
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CHANNEL_MASK_01_30       (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01d4)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CHANNEL_MASK_31_60       (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01d8)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CHAN_INFO_MEMORY         (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01dc)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CHAN_INFO_MEMORY_CAPTURE_MASK        0x0001
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_HEAVY_CLIP_ENABLE        (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01e0)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_HEAVY_CLIP_FACTOR_RIFS   (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01ec)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RIFS_INIT_DELAY              0x03ff0000
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CALMODE                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01f0)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CALMODE_IQ                   0x00000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CALMODE_ADC_GAIN             0x00000001
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CALMODE_ADC_DC_PER           0x00000002
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CALMODE_ADC_DC_INIT          0x00000003
+/* ??? same register ??? */
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_M_SLEEP                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01f0)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_REFCLKDLY                (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01f4)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_REFCLKPD                 (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x01f8)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CAL_MEAS_0(_i)           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0410 + ((_i) << 12))
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CAL_MEAS_1(_i)           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0414 + ((_i) << 12))
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CAL_MEAS_2(_i)           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0418 + ((_i) << 12))
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CAL_MEAS_3(_i)           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x041c + ((_i) << 12))
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CURRENT_RSSI             (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x041c)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_RFBUS_GRANT              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0420)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_RFBUS_GRANT_EN               0x00000001
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CHAN_INFO_GAIN_DIFF      (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x04f4)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CHAN_INFO_GAIN_DIFF_UPPER_LIMIT      320
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CHAN_INFO_GAIN           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x04fc)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_MODE                     (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a00)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_MODE_ASYNCFIFO               0x80
+#define                AR9170_PHY_MODE_AR2133                  0x08
+#define                AR9170_PHY_MODE_AR5111                  0x00
+#define                AR9170_PHY_MODE_AR5112                  0x08
+#define                AR9170_PHY_MODE_DYNAMIC                 0x04
+#define                AR9170_PHY_MODE_RF2GHZ                  0x02
+#define                AR9170_PHY_MODE_RF5GHZ                  0x00
+#define                AR9170_PHY_MODE_CCK                     0x01
+#define                AR9170_PHY_MODE_OFDM                    0x00
+#define                AR9170_PHY_MODE_DYN_CCK_DISABLE         0x100
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CCK_TX_CTRL              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a04)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCK_TX_CTRL_JAPAN                    0x00000010
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCK_TX_CTRL_TX_DAC_SCALE_CCK         0x0000000c
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCK_TX_CTRL_TX_DAC_SCALE_CCK_S       2
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CCK_DETECT               (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a08)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCK_DETECT_WEAK_SIG_THR_CCK          0x0000003f
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCK_DETECT_WEAK_SIG_THR_CCK_S        0
+/* [12:6] settling time for antenna switch */
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCK_DETECT_ANT_SWITCH_TIME           0x00001fc0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCK_DETECT_ANT_SWITCH_TIME_S         6
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCK_DETECT_BB_ENABLE_ANT_FAST_DIV    0x2000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCK_DETECT_BB_ENABLE_ANT_FAST_DIV_S  13
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_GAIN_2GHZ_CHAIN_2        (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x2a0c)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_GAIN_2GHZ                (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a0c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_GAIN_2GHZ_RXTX_MARGIN        0x00fc0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_GAIN_2GHZ_RXTX_MARGIN_S      18
+#define                AR9170_PHY_GAIN_2GHZ_BSW_MARGIN         0x00003c00
+#define                AR9170_PHY_GAIN_2GHZ_BSW_MARGIN_S       10
+#define                AR9170_PHY_GAIN_2GHZ_BSW_ATTEN          0x0000001f
+#define                AR9170_PHY_GAIN_2GHZ_BSW_ATTEN_S        0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_GAIN_2GHZ_XATTEN2_MARGIN     0x003e0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_GAIN_2GHZ_XATTEN2_MARGIN_S   17
+#define                AR9170_PHY_GAIN_2GHZ_XATTEN1_MARGIN     0x0001f000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_GAIN_2GHZ_XATTEN1_MARGIN_S   12
+#define                AR9170_PHY_GAIN_2GHZ_XATTEN2_DB         0x00000fc0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_GAIN_2GHZ_XATTEN2_DB_S       6
+#define                AR9170_PHY_GAIN_2GHZ_XATTEN1_DB         0x0000003f
+#define                AR9170_PHY_GAIN_2GHZ_XATTEN1_DB_S       0
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CCK_RXCTRL4              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a1c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCK_RXCTRL4_FREQ_EST_SHORT   0x01f80000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CCK_RXCTRL4_FREQ_EST_SHORT_S 19
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_DAG_CTRLCCK              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a28)
+#define                AR9170_REG_DAG_CTRLCCK_EN_RSSI_THR      0x00000200
+#define                AR9170_REG_DAG_CTRLCCK_RSSI_THR         0x0001fc00
+#define                AR9170_REG_DAG_CTRLCCK_RSSI_THR_S       10
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_FORCE_CLKEN_CCK          (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a2c)
+#define                AR9170_FORCE_CLKEN_CCK_MRC_MUX          0x00000040
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_POWER_TX_RATE3           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a34)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_POWER_TX_RATE4           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a38)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_SCRM_SEQ_XR              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a3c)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_HEADER_DETECT_XR         (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a40)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CHIRP_DETECTED_XR        (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a44)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_BLUETOOTH                (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a54)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TPCRG1                   (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a58)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG1_NUM_PD_GAIN           0x0000c000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG1_NUM_PD_GAIN_S         14
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG1_PD_GAIN_1             0x00030000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG1_PD_GAIN_1_S           16
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG1_PD_GAIN_2             0x000c0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG1_PD_GAIN_2_S           18
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG1_PD_GAIN_3             0x00300000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG1_PD_GAIN_3_S           20
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG1_PD_CAL_ENABLE         0x00400000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG1_PD_CAL_ENABLE_S       22
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TX_PWRCTRL4              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a64)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_PWRCTRL_PD_AVG_VALID      0x00000001
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_PWRCTRL_PD_AVG_VALID_S    0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_PWRCTRL_PD_AVG_OUT        0x000001fe
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_PWRCTRL_PD_AVG_OUT_S      1
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_ANALOG_SWAP              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a68)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_ANALOG_SWAP_AB               0x0001
+#define                AR9170_PHY_ANALOG_SWAP_ALT_CHAIN        0x00000040
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TPCRG5                   (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a6c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG5_PD_GAIN_OVERLAP       0x0000000f
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG5_PD_GAIN_OVERLAP_S     0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG5_PD_GAIN_BOUNDARY_1    0x000003f0
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG5_PD_GAIN_BOUNDARY_1_S  4
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG5_PD_GAIN_BOUNDARY_2    0x0000fc00
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG5_PD_GAIN_BOUNDARY_2_S  10
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG5_PD_GAIN_BOUNDARY_3    0x003f0000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG5_PD_GAIN_BOUNDARY_3_S  16
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG5_PD_GAIN_BOUNDARY_4    0x0fc00000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TPCRG5_PD_GAIN_BOUNDARY_4_S  22
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TX_PWRCTRL6_0            (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a70)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TX_PWRCTRL6_1            (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x1a70)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_PWRCTRL_ERR_EST_MODE      0x03000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_PWRCTRL_ERR_EST_MODE_S    24
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TX_PWRCTRL7              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a74)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_PWRCTRL_INIT_TX_GAIN      0x01f80000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_PWRCTRL_INIT_TX_GAIN_S    19
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TX_PWRCTRL9              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0a7c)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_DESIRED_SCALE_CCK         0x00007c00
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_DESIRED_SCALE_CCK_S       10
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_PWRCTRL9_RES_DC_REMOVAL   0x80000000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_PWRCTRL9_RES_DC_REMOVAL_S 31
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_TX_GAIN_TBL1             (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0b00)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_GAIN                      0x0007f000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_GAIN_S                    12
+/* Carrier leak calibration control, do it after AGC calibration */
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CL_CAL_CTL               (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0b58)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CL_CAL_ENABLE                0x00000002
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CL_CAL_PARALLEL_CAL_ENABLE   0x00000001
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_POWER_TX_RATE5           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0b8c)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_POWER_TX_RATE6           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0b90)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CH0_TX_PWRCTRL11         (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0b98)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CH1_TX_PWRCTRL11         (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x1b98)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_CHX_PWRCTRL_OLPC_TEMP_COMP        0x0000fc00
+#define                AR9170_PHY_TX_CHX_PWRCTRL_OLPC_TEMP_COMP_S      10
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CAL_CHAINMASK            (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0b9c)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_VIT_MASK2_M_46_61        (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0ba0)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_MASK2_M_31_45            (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0ba4)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_MASK2_M_16_30            (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0ba8)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_MASK2_M_00_15            (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0bac)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_PILOT_MASK_01_30         (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0bb0)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_PILOT_MASK_31_60         (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0bb4)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_MASK2_P_15_01            (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0bb8)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_MASK2_P_30_16            (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0bbc)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_MASK2_P_45_31            (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0bc0)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_MASK2_P_61_45            (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0bc4)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_POWER_TX_SUB             (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0bc8)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_POWER_TX_RATE7           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0bcc)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_POWER_TX_RATE8           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0bd0)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_POWER_TX_RATE9           (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0bd4)
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_XPA_CFG                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x0bd8)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_FORCE_XPA_CFG                0x000000001
+#define                AR9170_PHY_FORCE_XPA_CFG_S              0
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CH1_CCA                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x1064)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CH1_MINCCA_PWR               0x0ff80000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CH1_MINCCA_PWR_S             19
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CH2_CCA                  (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x2064)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CH2_MINCCA_PWR               0x0ff80000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CH2_MINCCA_PWR_S             19
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CH1_EXT_CCA              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x11bc)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CH1_EXT_MINCCA_PWR           0xff800000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CH1_EXT_MINCCA_PWR_S         23
+#define        AR9170_PHY_REG_CH2_EXT_CCA              (AR9170_PHY_REG_BASE + 0x21bc)
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CH2_EXT_MINCCA_PWR           0xff800000
+#define                AR9170_PHY_CH2_EXT_MINCCA_PWR_S         23
+#define        REDUCE_CHAIN_0 0x00000050
+#define        REDUCE_CHAIN_1 0x00000051
+#endif /* __CARL9170_SHARED_PHY_H */
diff --git a/include/shared/version.h b/include/shared/version.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7678860
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#ifndef __CARL9170_SHARED_VERSION_H
+#define __CARL9170_SHARED_VERSION_H
+#define CARL9170FW_VERSION_YEAR 10
+#define CARL9170FW_VERSION_DAY 19
+#define CARL9170FW_VERSION_GIT "1.7.0"
+#endif /* __CARL9170_SHARED_VERSION_H */
diff --git a/include/shared/wlan.h b/include/shared/wlan.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c882ede
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+ * Atheros AR9170 driver
+ *
+ * Hardware-specific definitions
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008, Johannes Berg <>
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010, Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+ *
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and
+ * permission notice:
+ *    Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ *
+ *    Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ *    purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ *    copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170_SHARED_WLAN_H
+#define __CARL9170_SHARED_WLAN_H
+#include "fwcmd.h"
+#define        AR9170_RX_PHY_RATE_CCK_1M               0x0a
+#define        AR9170_RX_PHY_RATE_CCK_2M               0x14
+#define        AR9170_RX_PHY_RATE_CCK_5M               0x37
+#define        AR9170_RX_PHY_RATE_CCK_11M              0x6e
+#define        AR9170_ENC_ALG_NONE                     0x0
+#define        AR9170_ENC_ALG_WEP64                    0x1
+#define        AR9170_ENC_ALG_TKIP                     0x2
+#define        AR9170_ENC_ALG_AESCCMP                  0x4
+#define        AR9170_ENC_ALG_WEP128                   0x5
+#define        AR9170_ENC_ALG_WEP256                   0x6
+#define        AR9170_ENC_ALG_CENC                     0x7
+#define        AR9170_RX_ENC_SOFTWARE                  0x8
+#define        AR9170_RX_STATUS_MODULATION_MASK        0x03
+#define        AR9170_RX_STATUS_MODULATION_CCK         0x00
+#define        AR9170_RX_STATUS_MODULATION_OFDM        0x01
+#define        AR9170_RX_STATUS_MODULATION_HT          0x02
+#define        AR9170_RX_STATUS_MODULATION_DUPOFDM     0x03
+/* depends on modulation */
+#define        AR9170_RX_STATUS_SHORT_PREAMBLE         0x08
+#define        AR9170_RX_STATUS_GREENFIELD             0x08
+#define        AR9170_RX_STATUS_MPDU_MASK              0x30
+#define        AR9170_RX_STATUS_MPDU_SINGLE            0x00
+#define        AR9170_RX_STATUS_MPDU_FIRST             0x20
+#define        AR9170_RX_STATUS_MPDU_MIDDLE            0x30
+#define        AR9170_RX_STATUS_MPDU_LAST              0x10
+#define        AR9170_RX_ERROR_RXTO                    0x01
+#define        AR9170_RX_ERROR_OVERRUN                 0x02
+#define        AR9170_RX_ERROR_DECRYPT                 0x04
+#define        AR9170_RX_ERROR_FCS                     0x08
+#define        AR9170_RX_ERROR_WRONG_RA                0x10
+#define        AR9170_RX_ERROR_PLCP                    0x20
+#define        AR9170_RX_ERROR_MMIC                    0x40
+#define        AR9170_RX_ERROR_FATAL                   0x80
+/* these are either-or */
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_PROT_RTS                  0x0001
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_PROT_CTS                  0x0002
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_PROT_MASK                 0x0003
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_NO_ACK                    0x0004
+/* if unset, MAC will only do SIFS space before frame */
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_BACKOFF                   0x0008
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_BURST                     0x0010
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_AGGR                      0x0020
+/* encryption is a two-bit field */
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_ENCR_NONE                 0x0000
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_ENCR_RC4                  0x0040
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_ENCR_CENC                 0x0080
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_ENCR_AES                  0x00c0
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_MMIC                      0x0100
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_HW_DURATION               0x0200
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_QOS_S                     10
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_QOS                       0x0c00
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_DISABLE_TXOP              0x1000
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_TXOP_RIFS                 0x2000
+#define        AR9170_TX_MAC_IMM_BA                    0x4000
+/* either-or */
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_MOD_CCK                   0x00000000
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_MOD_OFDM                  0x00000001
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_MOD_HT                    0x00000002
+/* depends on modulation */
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_SHORT_PREAMBLE            0x00000004
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_GREENFIELD                0x00000004
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_BW_SHIFT                  3
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_BW_MASK                   (3 << AR9170_TX_PHY_BW_SHIFT)
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_BW_20MHZ                  0
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_BW_40MHZ                  2
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_BW_40MHZ_DUP              3
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_TX_HEAVY_CLIP_SHIFT       6
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_TX_HEAVY_CLIP_MASK        (7 << AR9170_TX_PHY_TX_HEAVY_CLIP_SHIFT)
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_TX_PWR_SHIFT              9
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_TX_PWR_MASK               (0x3f << AR9170_TX_PHY_TX_PWR_SHIFT)
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_TXCHAIN_SHIFT             15
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_TXCHAIN_MASK              (7 << AR9170_TX_PHY_TXCHAIN_SHIFT)
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_TXCHAIN_1                 1
+/* use for cck, ofdm 6/9/12/18/24 and HT if capable */
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_TXCHAIN_2                 5
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_MCS_SHIFT                 18
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_MCS_MASK                  (0x7f << AR9170_TX_PHY_MCS_SHIFT)
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_RATE_CCK_1M               0x0
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_RATE_CCK_2M               0x1
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_RATE_CCK_5M               0x2
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_RATE_CCK_11M              0x3
+/* same as AR9170_RX_PHY_RATE */
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_OFDM_6M            0xb
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_OFDM_9M            0xf
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_OFDM_12M           0xa
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_OFDM_18M           0xe
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_OFDM_24M           0x9
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_OFDM_36M           0xd
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_OFDM_48M           0x8
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_OFDM_54M           0xc
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS0            0x0
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS1            0x1
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS2            0x2
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS3            0x3
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS4            0x4
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS5            0x5
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS6            0x6
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS7            0x7
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS8            0x8
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS9            0x9
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS10           0xa
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS11           0xb
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS12           0xc
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS13           0xd
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS14           0xe
+#define        AR9170_TXRX_PHY_RATE_HT_MCS15           0xf
+#define        AR9170_TX_PHY_SHORT_GI                  0x80000000
+#ifdef __CARL9170FW__
+struct ar9170_tx_hw_mac_control {
+       union {
+               struct {
+                       /*
+                        * Beware of compiler bugs in all gcc pre 4.4!
+                        */
+                       u8 erp_prot:2;
+                       u8 no_ack:1;
+                       u8 backoff:1;
+                       u8 burst:1;
+                       u8 ampdu:1;
+                       u8 enc_mode:2;
+                       u8 hw_mmic:1;
+                       u8 hw_duration:1;
+                       u8 qos_queue:2;
+                       u8 disable_txop:1;
+                       u8 txop_rifs:1;
+                       u8 ba_end:1;
+                       u8 probe:1;
+               } __packed;
+               __le16 set;
+       } __packed;
+} __packed;
+struct ar9170_tx_hw_phy_control {
+       union {
+               struct {
+                       /*
+                        * Beware of compiler bugs in all gcc pre 4.4!
+                        */
+                       u8 modulation:2;
+                       u8 preamble:1;
+                       u8 bandwidth:2;
+                       u8:1;
+                       u8 heavy_clip:3;
+                       u8 tx_power:6;
+                       u8 chains:3;
+                       u8 mcs:7;
+                       u8:6;
+                       u8 short_gi:1;
+               } __packed;
+               __le32 set;
+       } __packed;
+} __packed;
+struct carl9170_tx_superdesc {
+       __le16 len;
+       u8 rix;
+       u8 cnt;
+       u8 cookie;
+       u8 ampdu_density:3;
+       u8 ampdu_factor:2;
+       u8 ampdu_commit_density:1;
+       u8 ampdu_commit_factor:1;
+       u8 ampdu_unused_bit:1;
+       u8 queue:3;
+       u8 vif_id:3;
+       u8 fill_in_tsf:1;
+       u8 cab:1;
+       u8 padding2;
+       u8 tries[CARL9170_TX_MAX_RATES];
+       struct ar9170_tx_hw_phy_control rr[CARL9170_TX_MAX_RETRY_RATES];
+} __packed;
+struct ar9170_tx_hwdesc {
+       __le16 length;
+       struct ar9170_tx_hw_mac_control mac;
+       struct ar9170_tx_hw_phy_control phy;
+} __packed;
+struct ar9170_tx_frame {
+       struct ar9170_tx_hwdesc hdr;
+       union {
+               struct ieee80211_hdr i3e;
+               u8 payload[0];
+       } data;
+} __packed;
+struct carl9170_tx_superframe {
+       struct carl9170_tx_superdesc s;
+       struct ar9170_tx_frame f;
+} __packed;
+#endif /* __CARL9170FW__ */
+struct _ar9170_tx_hwdesc {
+       __le16 length;
+       __le16 mac_control;
+       __le32 phy_control;
+} __packed;
+#define        CARL9170_TX_SUPER_AMPDU_DENSITY_S               0
+#define        CARL9170_TX_SUPER_AMPDU_DENSITY                 0x7
+#define        CARL9170_TX_SUPER_AMPDU_FACTOR                  0x18
+#define        CARL9170_TX_SUPER_AMPDU_FACTOR_S                3
+#define        CARL9170_TX_SUPER_AMPDU_COMMIT_DENSITY          0x20
+#define        CARL9170_TX_SUPER_AMPDU_COMMIT_DENSITY_S        5
+#define        CARL9170_TX_SUPER_AMPDU_COMMIT_FACTOR           0x40
+#define        CARL9170_TX_SUPER_AMPDU_COMMIT_FACTOR_S         6
+#define CARL9170_TX_SUPER_MISC_QUEUE                   0x7
+#define CARL9170_TX_SUPER_MISC_QUEUE_S                 0
+#define        CARL9170_TX_SUPER_MISC_VIF_ID                   0x38
+#define        CARL9170_TX_SUPER_MISC_VIF_ID_S                 3
+#define        CARL9170_TX_SUPER_MISC_FILL_IN_TSF              0x40
+#define        CARL9170_TX_SUPER_MISC_CAB                      0x80
+struct _carl9170_tx_superdesc {
+       __le16 len;
+       u8 rix;
+       u8 cnt;
+       u8 cookie;
+       u8 ampdu_settings;
+       u8 misc;
+       u8 padding;
+       u8 tries[CARL9170_TX_MAX_RATES];
+       __le32 rr[CARL9170_TX_MAX_RETRY_RATES];
+} __packed;
+struct _carl9170_tx_superframe {
+       struct _carl9170_tx_superdesc s;
+       struct _ar9170_tx_hwdesc f;
+       u8 frame_data[0];
+} __packed;
+#define        CARL9170_TX_SUPERDESC_LEN               24
+#define        AR9170_TX_HWDESC_LEN                    8
+#define        AR9170_TX_SUPERFRAME_LEN                (CARL9170_TX_HWDESC_LEN + \
+                                                AR9170_TX_SUPERDESC_LEN)
+struct ar9170_rx_head {
+       u8 plcp[12];
+} __packed;
+struct ar9170_rx_phystatus {
+       union {
+               struct {
+                       u8 rssi_ant0, rssi_ant1, rssi_ant2,
+                               rssi_ant0x, rssi_ant1x, rssi_ant2x,
+                               rssi_combined;
+               } __packed;
+               u8 rssi[7];
+       } __packed;
+       u8 evm_stream0[6], evm_stream1[6];
+       u8 phy_err;
+} __packed;
+struct ar9170_rx_macstatus {
+       u8 SAidx, DAidx;
+       u8 error;
+       u8 status;
+} __packed;
+struct ar9170_rx_frame_single {
+       struct ar9170_rx_head phy_head;
+       struct ieee80211_hdr i3e;
+       struct ar9170_rx_phystatus phy_tail;
+       struct ar9170_rx_macstatus macstatus;
+} __packed;
+struct ar9170_rx_frame_head {
+       struct ar9170_rx_head phy_head;
+       struct ieee80211_hdr i3e;
+       struct ar9170_rx_macstatus macstatus;
+} __packed;
+struct ar9170_rx_frame_middle {
+       struct ieee80211_hdr i3e;
+       struct ar9170_rx_macstatus macstatus;
+} __packed;
+struct ar9170_rx_frame_tail {
+       struct ieee80211_hdr i3e;
+       struct ar9170_rx_phystatus phy_tail;
+       struct ar9170_rx_macstatus macstatus;
+} __packed;
+struct ar9170_rx_frame {
+       union {
+               struct ar9170_rx_frame_single single;
+               struct ar9170_rx_frame_head head;
+               struct ar9170_rx_frame_middle middle;
+               struct ar9170_rx_frame_tail tail;
+       } __packed;
+} __packed;
+static inline u8 ar9170_get_decrypt_type(struct ar9170_rx_macstatus *t)
+       return (t->SAidx & 0xc0) >> 4 |
+              (t->DAidx & 0xc0) >> 6;
+enum ar9170_txq {
+       AR9170_TXQ_BE,
+       AR9170_TXQ_VI,
+       AR9170_TXQ_VO,
+       AR9170_TXQ_BK,
+       __AR9170_NUM_TXQ,
+       AR9170_TXQ_MGMT = 4,
+static const u8 ar9170_qmap[__AR9170_NUM_TXQ] = { 2, 1, 0, 3 };
+#define        AR9170_TXQ_DEPTH                        32
+#endif /* __CARL9170_SHARED_WLAN_H */
diff --git a/minifw/CMakeLists.txt b/minifw/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..adf5e08
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+set(miniboot_src miniboot.S)
+set_source_files_properties(miniboot.S PROPERTIES LANGUAGE C)
+add_executable(miniboot.elf miniboot.S)
+set_target_properties(miniboot.elf PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE C)
+set_target_properties(miniboot.elf PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "")
+       miniboot.fw ALL
+       ${OBJCOPY} --strip-unneeded -O binary -R .sram -R .eeprom -R .fwdsc miniboot.elf miniboot.fw
+       DEPENDS miniboot.elf)
diff --git a/minifw/Kconfig b/minifw/Kconfig
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f429bd2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "Build MiniBoot Firmware Header"
diff --git a/minifw/miniboot.S b/minifw/miniboot.S
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e5d598e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+       .globl _start
+       .type  _start, @function
+       .section ".boot", "ax"
+       _start:
+               mov.l startcode, r0
+               jmp @r0
+startcode:     .long 0x00000008
diff --git a/minifw/ b/minifw/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..51e5ac4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+    pram     : ORIGIN = 0x200000, LENGTH = 16k
+       .padding : {
+               /* NOP NOP just in case */
+               LONG(0x00090009)
+       } > pram
+       .boot   : { *(.boot) } > pram
+       .text   : { *(.text*) } > pram
+       .rodata : { *(.rodata*) } > pram
+       .bss    : { *(.bss) } > pram
+       .data   : { *(.data*) } > pram
diff --git a/toolchain/Makefile b/toolchain/Makefile
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..449d0c2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+BASEDIR=$(shell pwd)
+all: gcc
+       wget -P src $(BINUTILS_URL)
+       wget -P src $(NEWLIB_URL)
+       wget -P src $(GCC_URL)
+src/binutils-$(BINUTILS_VER): src/$(BINUTILS_TAR)
+       tar -C src -xjf $<
+src/newlib-$(NEWLIB_VER): src/$(NEWLIB_TAR)
+       tar -C src -xzf $<
+src/gcc-$(GCC_VER): src/$(GCC_TAR) src/newlib-$(NEWLIB_VER)
+       tar -C src -xjf $<
+       ln -s $(BASEDIR)/src/newlib-$(NEWLIB_VER)/newlib $@
+       ln -s $(BASEDIR)/src/newlib-$(NEWLIB_VER)/libgloss $@
+binutils: src/binutils-$(BINUTILS_VER)
+       mkdir -p build/binutils
+       cd build/binutils; \
+       $(BASEDIR)/$</configure --target=sh-elf --prefix=$(BASEDIR)/inst; \
+       $(MAKE); \
+       $(MAKE) install
+gcc: src/gcc-$(GCC_VER) binutils
+       mkdir -p build/gcc
+       cd build/gcc; \
+       $(BASEDIR)/$</configure --target=sh-elf --prefix=$(BASEDIR)/inst -enable-languages=c --without-pkgversion --with-newlib; \
+       $(MAKE); \
+       $(MAKE) install
+       rm -rf build inst
+distclean: clean
+       rm -rf src
diff --git a/tools/.gitignore b/tools/.gitignore
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..36dc5b9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/tools/CMakeLists.txt b/tools/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..51d71fa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+       set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release)
+       include_directories (../include/linux ../include/shared ../include lib include)
+       add_subdirectory(lib)
+       add_subdirectory(src)
+               find_package(SDL QUIET)
+               find_package(USB-1.0 QUIET)
+               if ("${USB-1.0_FOUND}" AND "${SDL_FOUND}")
+                       add_subdirectory(carlu)
+               else()
+                       if ("${USB-1.0_FOUND}")
+                               MESSAGE(ERROR "LibUSB not found\n")
+                       endif ("${USB-1.0_FOUND}")
+                       if ("${SDL_FOUND}")
+                               MESSAGE(ERROR "SDL not found\n")
+                       endif ("${SDL_FOUND}")
+               endif ()
+endif ()
diff --git a/tools/Kconfig b/tools/Kconfig
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5e4eba2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+menu "Firmware Tools"
+       def_bool y
+       prompt "Build Firmware Tools"
+       def_bool n
+       prompt "Build CARLU testbench"
+       depends on CARL9170FW_BUILD_TOOLS
diff --git a/tools/carlu/CMakeLists.txt b/tools/carlu/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2bd2739
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+find_package(SDL REQUIRED)
+find_package(USB-1.0 REQUIRED)
+set(carlu_src src/debug.c src/cmd.c src/usb.c src/rx.c src/tx.c src/fw.c
+             src/test.c src/main.c)
+add_definitions(-D_GNU_SOURCE ${USB-1.0_DEFINITIONS})
+include_directories(${SDL_INCLUDE_DIR} ${USB-1.0_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+add_executable(carlu ${carlu_src})
+target_link_libraries (carlu ${SDL_LIBRARY} ${USB-1.0_LIBRARIES} SDLmain carlfw)
diff --git a/tools/carlu/src/carlu.h b/tools/carlu/src/carlu.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7101cc8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * carl9170user - userspace testing utility for ar9170 devices
+ *
+ * common API declaration
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170USER_H
+#define __CARL9170USER_H
+#include "SDL.h"
+#include "SDL_thread.h"
+#include "carlfw.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "hw.h"
+#include "fwcmd.h"
+#include "frame.h"
+#include "eeprom.h"
+#include "ieee80211.h"
+#include "wlan.h"
+struct carlu {
+       SDL_cond *resp_pend;
+       SDL_mutex *resp_lock;
+       uint8_t *resp_buf;
+       size_t resp_len;
+       int tx_pending;
+       uint8_t cookie;
+       void (*tx_cb)(struct carlu *, struct frame *);
+       void (*tx_fb_cb)(struct carlu *, struct frame *);
+       void (*rx_cb)(struct carlu *, void *, unsigned int);
+       int (*cmd_cb)(struct carlu *, struct carl9170_rsp *,
+                     void *, unsigned int);
+       struct carlfw *fw;
+       struct ar9170_eeprom eeprom;
+       struct frame_queue tx_sent_queue[__AR9170_NUM_TXQ];
+       SDL_mutex *mem_lock;
+       unsigned int dma_chunks;
+       unsigned int dma_chunk_size;
+       unsigned int used_dma_chunks;
+       unsigned int extra_headroom;
+       bool tx_stream;
+       bool rx_stream;
+       /* statistics */
+       unsigned int rxed;
+       unsigned int txed;
+       unsigned long tx_octets;
+       unsigned long rx_octets;
+struct carlu_rate {
+       int8_t rix;
+       int8_t cnt;
+       uint8_t flags;
+struct carlu_tx_info_tx {
+       unsigned int key;
+struct carlu_tx_info {
+       uint32_t flags;
+       struct carlu_rate rates[CARL9170_TX_MAX_RATES];
+       union {
+               struct carlu_tx_info_tx tx;
+       };
+static inline struct carlu_tx_info *get_tx_info(struct frame *frame)
+       return (void *) frame->cb;
+void *carlu_alloc_driver(size_t size);
+void carlu_free_driver(struct carlu *ar);
+int carlu_fw_check(struct carlu *ar);
+void carlu_fw_info(struct carlu *ar);
+void carlu_rx(struct carlu *ar, struct frame *frame);
+int carlu_tx(struct carlu *ar, struct frame *frame);
+void carlu_tx_feedback(struct carlu *ar,
+                         struct carl9170_rsp *cmd);
+void carlu_handle_command(struct carlu *ar, void *buf, size_t len);
+struct frame *carlu_alloc_frame(struct carlu *ar, unsigned int size);
+void carlu_free_frame(struct carlu *ar, struct frame *frame);
+int carlu_cmd_echo(struct carlu *ar, const uint32_t message);
+int carlu_cmd_reboot(struct carlu *ar);
+int carlu_cmd_read_eeprom(struct carlu *ar);
+int carlu_cmd_mem_dump(struct carlu *ar, const uint32_t start,
+                       const unsigned int len, void *_buf);
+int carlu_cmd_write_mem(struct carlu *ar, const uint32_t addr,
+                       const uint32_t val);
+#endif /* __CARL9170USER_H */
diff --git a/tools/carlu/src/cmd.c b/tools/carlu/src/cmd.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a6c9020
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * carl9170user - userspace testing utility for ar9170 devices
+ *
+ * Abstraction Layer for FW/HW command interface
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "libusb.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "carlu.h"
+#include "usb.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "fwcmd.h"
+#include "eeprom.h"
+int carlu_cmd_echo(struct carlu *ar, const uint32_t message)
+       uint32_t _message;
+       int ret;
+       ret = carlusb_cmd(ar, CARL9170_CMD_ECHO,
+                            (uint8_t *)&message, sizeof(message),
+                            (uint8_t *)&_message, sizeof(_message));
+       if (ret == 0)
+               ret = (message == _message) ? 0 : -EIO;
+       return ret;
+int carlu_cmd_reboot(struct carlu *ar)
+       int err;
+       err = carlusb_cmd(ar, CARL9170_CMD_REBOOT,
+                         NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
+       if (err == -ETIMEDOUT)
+               return 0;
+       return err ? err : -1;
+int carlu_cmd_mem_dump(struct carlu *ar, const uint32_t start,
+                       const unsigned int len, void *_buf)
+#define RW     8       /* number of words to read at once */
+#define RB     (sizeof(uint32_t) * RW)
+       uint8_t *buf = _buf;
+       unsigned int i, j, block;
+       int err;
+       __le32 offsets[RW];
+       for (i = 0; i < (len + RB - 1) / RB; i++) {
+               block = min_t(unsigned int, (len - RB * i) / sizeof(uint32_t), RW);
+               for (j = 0; j < block; j++)
+                       offsets[j] = cpu_to_le32(start + RB * i + 4 * j);
+               err = carlusb_cmd(ar, CARL9170_CMD_RREG,
+                                   (void *) &offsets, block * sizeof(uint32_t),
+                                   (void *) buf + RB * i, RB);
+               if (err)
+                       return err;
+       }
+#undef RW
+#undef RB
+       return 0;
+int carlu_cmd_write_mem(struct carlu *ar, const uint32_t addr,
+                       const uint32_t val)
+       int err;
+       __le32 msg, block[2] = { addr, val };
+       err = carlusb_cmd(ar, CARL9170_CMD_WREG,
+                         (void *) &block, sizeof(block),
+                         (void *) &msg, sizeof(msg));
+       return err;
+int carlu_cmd_read_eeprom(struct carlu *ar)
+       int err;
+       err = carlu_cmd_mem_dump(ar, AR9170_EEPROM_START, sizeof(ar->eeprom),
+                                 &ar->eeprom);
+#ifndef __CHECKER__
+       /* don't want to handle trailing remains */
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(ar->eeprom) % 8);
+       if (ar->eeprom.length == cpu_to_le16(0xffff))
+               return -ENODATA;
+       return 0;
diff --git a/tools/carlu/src/debug.c b/tools/carlu/src/debug.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5721008
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * carl9170user - userspace testing utility for ar9170 devices
+ *
+ * Random assortment of debug stuff
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "debug.h"
+bool print_message_debug_level;
+enum debug_level_t debug_level;
+FILE *_stdout;
+FILE *_stddbg;
+FILE *_stderr;
+void init_debug()
+       debug_level = VERBOSE;
+       debug_level = INFO;
+       print_message_debug_level = false;
+       _stdout = stdout;
+       _stddbg = stdout;
+       _stderr = stderr;
+FILE *dbg_lvl_to_fh(const enum debug_level_t lvl)
+       switch (lvl) {
+       case ERROR:
+       case WARNING:
+               return _stderr;
+       case INFO:
+               return _stdout;
+       case VERBOSE:
+               return _stddbg;
+       default:
+               BUG_ON(1);
+       }
+void print_hex_dump_bytes(const enum debug_level_t lvl, const char *pre,
+                         const void *buf, size_t len)
+       char line[58];
+       char str[17] = { 0 };
+       const unsigned char *tmp = (void *) buf;
+       char *pbuf = line;
+       size_t i;
+       for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+               if (i % 16 == 0) {
+                       if (pbuf != line) {
+                               __fprintf(lvl, "%s%s: %s\n", pre, line, str);
+                               pbuf = line;
+                       }
+                       pbuf += sprintf(pbuf, "0x%04lx: ", (unsigned long)i);
+               }
+               pbuf += sprintf(pbuf, "%.2x ", tmp[i]);
+               str[i % 16] = (isprint(tmp[i]) && isascii(tmp[i])) ? tmp[i] : '.';
+       }
+       if (pbuf != line) {
+               if ((i % 16)) {
+                       str[i % 16] = '\0';
+                       for (i = 0; i < (16 - (i % 16)); i++)
+                               pbuf += sprintf(pbuf, "   ");
+               }
+               __fprintf(lvl, "%s%s: %s\n", pre, line, str);
+       }
diff --git a/tools/carlu/src/debug.h b/tools/carlu/src/debug.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fcecab1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * carl9170user - userspace testing utility for ar9170 devices
+ *
+ * Debug API definition
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170USER_DEBUG_H
+#define __CARL9170USER_DEBUG_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "compiler.h"
+enum debug_level_t {
+       SILENT,
+       ERROR,
+       WARNING,
+       INFO,
+       VERBOSE,
+       /* KEEP LAST */
+       ALL,
+extern bool print_message_debug_level;
+extern enum debug_level_t debug_level;
+#define __fprintf(lvl, fmt, args...)           do {                                            \
+               if (lvl <= debug_level) {                                                       \
+                       if (print_message_debug_level)                                          \
+                               fprintf(dbg_lvl_to_fh(lvl), "<%d>:" fmt, lvl, ##args);          \
+                       else                                                                    \
+                               fprintf(dbg_lvl_to_fh(lvl), fmt, ##args);                       \
+               }                                                                               \
+       } while (0);
+#define dbg(fmt, args...) __fprintf(VERBOSE, fmt, ##args)
+#define info(fmt, args...) __fprintf(INFO, fmt, ##args)
+#define warn(fmt, args...) __fprintf(WARNING, fmt, ##args)
+#define err(fmt, args...) __fprintf(ERROR, fmt, ##args)
+#define BUG_ON(a)                                                                              \
+       do {                                                                                    \
+               if (a) {                                                                        \
+                       __fprintf(ERROR, "!!!=>BUG IN function \"%s\" at line %d<=!!! %s\n",    \
+                                __func__, __LINE__, #a);                                       \
+                       fflush(stderr);                                                         \
+                       abort();                                                                \
+               }                                                                               \
+       } while (0)
+FILE *dbg_lvl_to_fh(const enum debug_level_t lvl);
+void init_debug(void);
+void print_hex_dump_bytes(const enum debug_level_t lvl, const char *prefix,
+                         const void *buf, size_t len);
+#endif /* __CARL9170USER_DEBUG_H */
diff --git a/tools/carlu/src/fw.c b/tools/carlu/src/fw.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3c23e6c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * carl9170user - userspace testing utility for ar9170 devices
+ *
+ * Firmware parsers
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "libusb.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "carlu.h"
+#include "usb.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+int carlu_fw_check(struct carlu *ar)
+       struct carl9170fw_otus_desc *otus_desc;
+       otus_desc = carlfw_find_desc(ar->fw, (uint8_t *) OTUS_MAGIC,
+                                    sizeof(*otus_desc),
+                                    CARL9170FW_OTUS_DESC_CUR_VER);
+       if (!otus_desc) {
+               err("No valid OTUS descriptor found.\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (!carl9170fw_supports(otus_desc->fw_feature_set, CARL9170FW_DUMMY_FEATURE)) {
+               err("Invalid Firmware Descriptor.\n");
+               return -EIO;
+       }
+       if (carl9170fw_supports(otus_desc->fw_feature_set, CARL9170FW_UNUSABLE))
+               dbg("Firmware is marked as unuseable.\n");
+       info("Firmware Version: %d.\n", otus_desc->api_ver);
+       return 0;
+int carlusb_fw_check(struct carlusb *ar)
+       struct carl9170fw_usb_desc *usb_desc;
+       usb_desc = carlfw_find_desc(ar->common.fw, (uint8_t *) USB_MAGIC,
+                                   sizeof(*usb_desc),
+                                   CARL9170FW_USB_DESC_CUR_VER);
+       if (!usb_desc) {
+               err("No valid USB descriptor found.\n");
+               return -ENODATA;
+       }
+       if (!carl9170fw_supports(usb_desc->usb_feature_set, CARL9170FW_USB_DUMMY_FEATURE)) {
+               err("Invalid Firmware Descriptor.\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (!carl9170fw_supports(usb_desc->usb_feature_set, CARL9170FW_USB_INIT_FIRMWARE)) {
+               err("Firmware does not know how to initialize USB core.\n");
+               return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+       }
+       if (carl9170fw_supports(usb_desc->usb_feature_set, CARL9170FW_USB_DOWN_STREAM)) {
+               dbg("Enabled tx stream mode.\n");
+               ar->common.tx_stream = true;
+               ar->common.extra_headroom = sizeof(struct ar9170_stream);
+       }
+       if (carl9170fw_supports(usb_desc->usb_feature_set, CARL9170FW_USB_UP_STREAM)) {
+               dbg("Enabled rx stream mode.\n");
+               ar->common.rx_stream = true;
+       }
+       if (carl9170fw_supports(usb_desc->usb_feature_set, CARL9170FW_USB_RESP_EP2))
+               dbg("Firmware sends traps over EP2.\n");
+       ar->common.dma_chunk_size = le16_to_cpu(usb_desc->tx_frag_len);
+       ar->common.dma_chunks = usb_desc->tx_descs;
+       ar->rx_max = le16_to_cpu(usb_desc->rx_max_frame_len);
+       if (carl9170fw_supports(usb_desc->usb_feature_set, CARL9170FW_USB_MINIBOOT))
+               ar->miniboot_size = le16_to_cpu(usb_desc->miniboot_size);
+       return 0;
+void carlu_fw_info(struct carlu *ar)
+       struct carl9170fw_motd_desc *motd_desc;
+       unsigned int fw_date;
+       motd_desc = carlfw_find_desc(ar->fw, (uint8_t *) MOTD_MAGIC,
+                                    sizeof(*motd_desc),
+                                    CARL9170FW_MOTD_DESC_CUR_VER);
+       if (motd_desc) {
+               fw_date = le32_to_cpu(motd_desc->fw_year_month_day);
+               info("Firmware Date: 2%.3d-%.2d-%.2d\n",
+                    CARL9170FW_GET_YEAR(fw_date), CARL9170FW_GET_MONTH(fw_date),
+                    CARL9170FW_GET_DAY(fw_date));
+       }
diff --git a/tools/carlu/src/main.c b/tools/carlu/src/main.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4f20583
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ * carl9170user - userspace testing utility for ar9170 devices
+ *
+ * main program routine
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "SDL.h"
+#include <SDL_version.h>
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "carlu.h"
+#include "usb.h"
+#include "frame.h"
+#include "test.h"
+void *carlu_alloc_driver(size_t size)
+       unsigned int i;
+       struct carlu *ar;
+       if (size < sizeof(*ar)) {
+               err("bogus driver context request.");
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       ar = malloc(size);
+       if (ar == NULL) {
+               err("failed to alloc driver context.");
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       memset(ar, 0, size);
+       for (i = 0; i < __AR9170_NUM_TXQ; i++)
+               frame_queue_init(&ar->tx_sent_queue[i]);
+       ar->resp_lock = SDL_CreateMutex();
+       ar->mem_lock = SDL_CreateMutex();
+       ar->resp_pend = SDL_CreateCond();
+       ar->tx_pending = 0;
+       return ar;
+void carlu_free_driver(struct carlu *ar)
+       unsigned int i;
+       dbg("destroy driver struct.\n");
+       SDL_DestroyMutex(ar->resp_lock);
+       SDL_DestroyMutex(ar->mem_lock);
+       SDL_DestroyCond(ar->resp_pend);
+       for (i = 0; i < __AR9170_NUM_TXQ; i++)
+               frame_queue_kill(&ar->tx_sent_queue[i]);
+       free(ar);
+static int carlu_init()
+       struct SDL_version compiled;
+       int ret;
+       SDL_VERSION(&compiled);
+       dbg("=== SDL %d.%d.%d ===\n", compiled.major, compiled.minor, compiled.patch);
+       ret = SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_TIMER);
+       if (ret != 0) {
+               err("Unable to initialize SDL: (%s)\n", SDL_GetError());
+               return EXIT_FAILURE;
+       }
+       return usb_init();
+static void carlu_exit()
+       SDL_Quit();
+       usb_exit();
+static int carlu_dump_eeprom(void)
+       struct carlu *carl = NULL;
+       uint8_t data[8192] = { 0 };
+       int err;
+       err = carlu_init();
+       if (err)
+               goto out;
+       carl = carlusb_probe();
+       if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(carl)) {
+               err = PTR_ERR(carl);
+               goto out;
+       }
+       err = carlu_cmd_mem_dump(carl, 0, sizeof(data), &data);
+       if (err)
+               goto out_close;
+       print_hex_dump_bytes(INFO, "EEPROM:", data, sizeof(data));
+       carlusb_close(carl);
+       carlu_exit();
+       return err ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
+static int carlu_run_loop_test(void)
+       struct carlu *carl;
+       int err;
+       err = carlu_init();
+       if (err)
+               return EXIT_FAILURE;
+       carl = carlusb_probe();
+       if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(carl)) {
+               err = PTR_ERR(carl);
+               goto out;
+       }
+       carlu_cmd_write_mem(carl, AR9170_MAC_REG_BCN_PERIOD, 0xFFFFFFFF);
+       carlu_cmd_write_mem(carl, AR9170_MAC_REG_PRETBTT, 0xFFFFFFFF);
+       /* different payload test */
+       carlu_loopback_test(carl, 9000, 1000, 1566, 1566);
+       carlusb_close(carl);
+       return err ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
+static int carlu_probe_all(void)
+       struct carlu *carl[32] = { 0 };
+       unsigned int devs;
+       int ret;
+       ret = carlu_init();
+       if (ret)
+               return EXIT_FAILURE;
+       for (devs = 0; devs < ARRAY_SIZE(carl); devs++) {
+               carl[devs] = carlusb_probe();
+               if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(carl[devs]))
+                       break;
+       }
+       info("Found %d devices\n", devs);
+       for (; devs > 0; devs--)
+               carlusb_close(carl[devs - 1]);
+       carlu_exit();
+       return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+struct menu_struct {
+       char option;
+       unsigned int parameters;
+       int (*function)(void);
+       char help_text[80];
+#define MENU_ITEM(op, func, helpme)    \
+       {                               \
+               .option = op,           \
+               .parameters = 0,        \
+               .function = func,       \
+               .help_text = helpme,    \
+       }
+static int show_help(void);
+static const struct menu_struct menu[] = {
+       [0] = MENU_ITEM('h', show_help, "shows this useless help message text."),       /* keep this entry at 0! */
+             MENU_ITEM('e', carlu_dump_eeprom, "hexdumps eeprom content to stdout."),
+             MENU_ITEM('l', carlusb_print_known_devices, "list of all known ar9170 usb devices."),
+             MENU_ITEM('p', carlu_probe_all, "probe all possible devices."),
+             MENU_ITEM('t', carlu_run_loop_test, "run tx/rx test."),
+static int show_help(void)
+       unsigned int i;
+       char parameters[ARRAY_SIZE(menu) + 1];
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(menu); i++)
+               parameters[i] = menu[i].option;
+       parameters[ARRAY_SIZE(menu)] = '\0';
+       info("usage: ar9170user -[%s]\n", parameters);
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(menu); i++)
+               info("\t-%c\t%s\n", menu[i].option, menu[i].help_text);
+       return EXIT_FAILURE;
+static int select_menu_item(const char arg)
+       unsigned int i;
+       for (i = ARRAY_SIZE(menu) - 1; i != 0; i--) {
+               if (arg == menu[i].option)
+                       break;
+       }
+       return menu[i].function();
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+       init_debug();
+       if (argc != 2 || strlen(argv[1]) != 2 || argv[1][0] != '-')
+               return show_help();
+       return select_menu_item(argv[1][1]);
diff --git a/tools/carlu/src/rx.c b/tools/carlu/src/rx.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4a8f24e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ * carl9170user - userspace testing utility for ar9170 devices
+ *
+ * RX data processing
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "libusb.h"
+#include "carlu.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "frame.h"
+#include "ieee80211.h"
+#include "wlan.h"
+static void carlu_handle_data(struct carlu *ar, void *buf,
+                              unsigned int len)
+       if (ar->rx_cb) {
+               ar->rx_cb(ar, buf, len);
+       } else {
+               dbg("unhandled data:\n");
+               print_hex_dump_bytes(VERBOSE, "DATA:", buf, len);
+       }
+void carlu_handle_command(struct carlu *ar, void *buf,
+                         unsigned int len)
+       struct carl9170_rsp *cmd;
+       int ret = 0;
+       cmd = (void *) buf;
+       if ((cmd->hdr.cmd & 0xc0) != 0xc0) {
+               SDL_mutexP(ar->resp_lock);
+               if (ar->resp_buf && ar->resp_len && ar->resp_len >= (len - 4)) {
+                       memcpy(ar->resp_buf, buf + 4, len - 4);
+                       ar->resp_buf = NULL;
+               } else {
+                       warn("spurious command response (%d / %d)\n",
+                            (int) len - 4, (int) ar->resp_len);
+                       print_hex_dump_bytes(WARNING, "RSP:", buf, len);
+               }
+               SDL_mutexV(ar->resp_lock);
+               SDL_CondSignal(ar->resp_pend);
+               return;
+       }
+       if (ar->cmd_cb)
+               ret = ar->cmd_cb(ar, cmd, buf, len);
+       if (ret) {
+               switch (cmd->hdr.cmd) {
+               case CARL9170_RSP_TXCOMP:
+                       carlu_tx_feedback(ar, cmd);
+                       break;
+               case CARL9170_RSP_TEXT:
+                       info("carl9170 FW: %.*s\n", (int)len - 4, (char *)buf + 4);
+                       break;
+               case CARL9170_RSP_HEXDUMP:
+                       info("carl9170 FW: hexdump\n");
+                       print_hex_dump_bytes(INFO, "HEX:", (char *)buf + 4, len - 4);
+                       break;
+               case CARL9170_RSP_WATCHDOG:
+                       err("Woof Woof! Watchdog notification.\n");
+                       break;
+               case CARL9170_RSP_GPIO:
+                       info("GPIO Interrupt => GPIO state %.8x\n",
+                           le32_to_cpu(cmd->gpio.gpio));
+                       break;
+               case CARL9170_RSP_RADAR:
+                       info("RADAR Interrupt");
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       warn("received unhandled event 0x%x\n", cmd->hdr.cmd);
+                       print_hex_dump_bytes(WARNING, "RSP:", (char *)buf + 4, len - 4);
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+static void __carlu_rx(struct carlu *ar, uint8_t *buf, unsigned int len)
+       unsigned int i;
+       i = 0;
+       /* weird thing, but this is the same in the original driver */
+       while (len > 2 && i < 12 && buf[0] == 0xff && buf[1] == 0xff) {
+               i += 2;
+               len -= 2;
+               buf += 2;
+       }
+       if (i == 12) {
+               struct carl9170_rsp *cmd;
+               i = 0;
+               while (i < len) {
+                       cmd = (void *) &buf[i];
+                       carlu_handle_command(ar, cmd, cmd->hdr.len + 4);
+                       i += cmd->hdr.len + 4;
+               }
+       } else {
+               carlu_handle_data(ar, buf, len);
+       }
+static void carlu_rx_stream(struct carlu *ar, struct frame *frame)
+       void *buf = frame->data;
+       unsigned int len = frame->len;
+       while (len >= 4) {
+               struct ar9170_stream *rx_stream;
+               unsigned int resplen, elen;
+               rx_stream = (void *) buf;
+               resplen = le16_to_cpu(rx_stream->length);
+               elen = roundup(resplen + 4, 4);
+               if (rx_stream->tag != cpu_to_le16(0x4e00)) {
+                       warn("frame has no tag %p %u %x.\n",
+                             buf, (int) len, rx_stream->tag);
+                       print_hex_dump_bytes(WARNING, "FRAME:", frame->data, frame->len);
+                       __carlu_rx(ar, buf, len);
+                       return;
+               }
+               __carlu_rx(ar, rx_stream->payload, resplen);
+               len -= elen;
+               buf += elen;
+       }
+void carlu_rx(struct carlu *ar, struct frame *frame)
+       if (ar->rx_stream)
+               carlu_rx_stream(ar, frame);
+       else
+               __carlu_rx(ar, frame->data, frame->len);
diff --git a/tools/carlu/src/test.c b/tools/carlu/src/test.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..30b3fb3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ * carl9170user - userspace testing utility for ar9170 devices
+ *
+ * Various tests
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "libusb.h"
+#include "SDL.h"
+#include "carlu.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "frame.h"
+#include "usb.h"
+void debug_test(void)
+       err("This is an error.\n");
+       warn("This is a warnig.\n");
+       info("This is an informative message.\n");
+       dbg("This is just utter useless babble.\n");
+void carlu_frame_test(struct carlu *ar)
+       struct frame *frame;
+       frame = carlu_alloc_frame(ar, 0x40);
+       frame_reserve(frame, 0x10);
+       memset(frame_put(frame, 0x10), 0x11, 0x10);
+       memset(frame_put(frame, 0x10), 0x22, 0x10);
+       memset(frame_push(frame, 0x10), 0x33, 0x10);
+       memset(frame_put(frame, 0x10), 0x44, 0x10);
+       print_hex_dump_bytes(INFO, "DATA:", frame->data, frame->len);
+       print_hex_dump_bytes(INFO, "PAYLOAD:", frame->payload, frame->alloced);
+       frame_free(frame);
+static void carlu_loopback_tx_cb(struct carlu *ar __unused,
+                                   struct frame *frame __unused)
+static int carlu_loopback_cmd(struct carlu *ar __unused,
+                             struct carl9170_rsp *cmd, void *buf __unused,
+                             unsigned int len __unused)
+       unsigned int i, n;
+       switch (cmd->hdr.cmd) {
+       case CARL9170_RSP_TXCOMP:
+               n = cmd->hdr.ext;
+               dbg("received tx feedback (%d).\n", n);
+               for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+                       dbg("cookie:%x success:%d rix:%d tries:%d queue:%d\n",
+                               cmd->tx_status[i].cookie,
+                               cmd->tx_status[i].success,
+                               cmd->tx_status[i].rix,
+                               cmd->tx_status[i].tries,
+                               cmd->tx_status[i].queue);
+               }
+               return -1;
+       default:
+               return -1;
+       }
+static void carlu_loopback_rx(struct carlu *ar,
+                               void *buf __unused, unsigned int len)
+       ar->rxed++;
+       ar->rx_octets += len;
+static void carlu_loopback_mark_tx_frames(struct frame *frame)
+       unsigned int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < frame->len; i++)
+               frame->data[i] = (uint8_t) i;
+void carlu_loopback_test(struct carlu *ar, const unsigned int total_runs,
+                         const unsigned int interval, const unsigned int min_len, const unsigned int max_len)
+       struct frame *frame;
+       uint32_t start_time, total_time = 0;
+       float moctets, dtime;
+       unsigned int runs = 0, i = 0, j = 0, len;
+       int ret;
+       if (min_len > max_len) {
+               err("stresstest: invalid parameters => min_len:%d > max_len:%d",
+                   min_len, max_len);
+               return;
+       }
+       if (min_len < 4) {
+               err("stresstest: invalid parameters => min_len is smaller than 4");
+               return;
+       }
+       len = min_len;
+       frame = carlu_alloc_frame(ar, len);
+       frame_put(frame, len);
+       carlu_loopback_mark_tx_frames(frame);
+       ar->rx_cb = carlu_loopback_rx;
+       ar->cmd_cb = carlu_loopback_cmd;
+       ar->tx_cb = carlu_loopback_tx_cb;
+       start_time = SDL_GetTicks();
+       while (runs <= total_runs) {
+               if (frame && carlu_tx(ar, frame) == 0) {
+                       len = min_len;
+                       i++;
+               } else {
+                       frame_free(frame);
+               }
+               frame = NULL;
+               frame = carlu_alloc_frame(ar, len);
+               frame_put(frame, len);
+               carlu_loopback_mark_tx_frames(frame);
+               j++;
+               total_time = SDL_GetTicks() - start_time;
+               if (total_time >= interval) {
+                       moctets = ((float)ar->tx_octets) / (1024.0f * 1024.0f);
+                       dtime = ((float)total_time) / 1000;
+                       info("%d: tx %d of %d => %.2f MiB in %.2f secs => %.4f MBits/s\n",
+                               runs, i, j, moctets, dtime, (moctets * 8.0f) / dtime);
+                       moctets = ((float)ar->rx_octets) / (1024.0f * 1024.0f);
+                       info("%d: rx %d of %d => %.2f MiB in %.2f secs => %.4f MBits/s\n",
+                               runs, ar->rxed, i, moctets, dtime, (moctets * 8.0f) / dtime);
+                       if ((ar->rxed == 0 && i) || !i) {
+                               ret = carlu_cmd_echo(ar, 0xdeadbeef);
+                               if (ret)
+                                       warn("firmware crashed... echo_cmd: (%d)\n", ret);
+                       }
+                       total_time = 0;
+                       i = 0;
+                       j = 0;
+                       ar->rxed = 0;
+                       ar->txed = 0;
+                       ar->rx_octets = 0;
+                       ar->tx_octets = 0;
+                       runs++;
+                       start_time = SDL_GetTicks();
+               }
+       }
+       ar->rx_cb = NULL;
+       ar->cmd_cb = NULL;
+       ar->tx_cb = NULL;
diff --git a/tools/carlu/src/test.h b/tools/carlu/src/test.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5b6b495
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * carl9170user - userspace testing utility for ar9170 devices
+ *
+ * test.c header
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170USER_TEST_H
+#define __CARL9170USER_TEST_H
+#include "carlu.h"
+void carlu_loopback_test(struct carlu *ar, const unsigned int total_runs,
+                        const unsigned int interval, const unsigned int min_len,
+                        const unsigned int max_len);
+#endif /* __CARL9170USER_TEST_H */
diff --git a/tools/carlu/src/tx.c b/tools/carlu/src/tx.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bfeb7e6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ * carl9170user - userspace testing utility for ar9170 devices
+ *
+ * xmit - related functions
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "libusb.h"
+#include "carlu.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "frame.h"
+#include "usb.h"
+#include "ieee80211.h"
+#include "wlan.h"
+struct frame *carlu_alloc_frame(struct carlu *ar, unsigned int size)
+       struct frame *tmp;
+       unsigned int total_len;
+       total_len = ar->extra_headroom + sizeof(struct _carl9170_tx_superframe) + size;
+       tmp = frame_alloc(total_len);
+       if (!tmp)
+               return NULL;
+       frame_reserve(tmp, sizeof(struct _carl9170_tx_superframe) + ar->extra_headroom);
+       tmp->queue = 2;
+       return tmp;
+static int carlu_alloc_dev_mem(struct carlu *ar,
+                               struct frame *frame)
+       struct _carl9170_tx_superframe *txp = (void *)frame->data;
+       unsigned int len, chunks;
+       len = roundup(frame->len, ar->dma_chunk_size);
+       chunks = len / ar->dma_chunk_size;
+       SDL_mutexP(ar->mem_lock);
+       if (ar->tx_pending >= ar->dma_chunks ||
+           ar->used_dma_chunks + chunks >= ar->dma_chunks) {
+               SDL_mutexV(ar->mem_lock);
+               return -ENOSPC;
+       }
+       ar->used_dma_chunks += chunks;
+       ar->tx_pending++;
+       txp->s.cookie = ar->cookie++;
+       SDL_mutexV(ar->mem_lock);
+       return 0;
+static void carlu_free_dev_mem(struct carlu *ar,
+                                struct frame *frame)
+       struct _carl9170_tx_superframe *txp = (void *)frame->data;
+       unsigned int len, chunks;
+       len = roundup(frame->len, ar->dma_chunk_size);
+       chunks = len / ar->dma_chunk_size;
+       SDL_mutexP(ar->mem_lock);
+       ar->used_dma_chunks -= chunks;
+       ar->tx_pending--;
+       SDL_mutexV(ar->mem_lock);
+void carlu_free_frame(struct carlu *ar __unused,
+                        struct frame *frame)
+       frame_free(frame);
+static struct frame *carlu_find_frame(struct carlu *ar,
+                                        unsigned int queue, uint8_t cookie)
+       struct frame *frame = NULL;
+       BUG_ON(queue >= __AR9170_NUM_TXQ);
+       BUG_ON(SDL_mutexP(ar->tx_sent_queue[queue].lock) != 0);
+       FRAME_WALK(frame, &ar->tx_sent_queue[queue]) {
+               struct _carl9170_tx_superframe *super;
+               super = (void *) frame->data;
+               if (super->s.cookie == cookie) {
+                       __frame_unlink(&ar->tx_sent_queue[queue], frame);
+                       SDL_mutexV(ar->tx_sent_queue[queue].lock);
+                       return frame;
+               }
+       }
+       SDL_mutexV(ar->tx_sent_queue[queue].lock);
+       return NULL;
+static void carlu_tx_fb_cb(struct carlu *ar,
+                             struct frame *frame)
+       if (ar->tx_fb_cb)
+               ar->tx_fb_cb(ar, frame);
+       else
+               carlu_free_frame(ar, frame);
+void carlu_tx_feedback(struct carlu *ar,
+                      struct carl9170_rsp *cmd)
+       unsigned int i, n, k;
+       struct frame *frame;
+       struct carlu_tx_info *tx_info;
+       n = cmd->hdr.ext;
+       for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+               frame = carlu_find_frame(ar, cmd->tx_status[i].queue,
+                                           cmd->tx_status[i].cookie);
+               if (frame) {
+                       carlu_free_dev_mem(ar, frame);
+                       tx_info = get_tx_info(frame);
+                       k = cmd->tx_status[i].rix;
+                       tx_info->rates[k].cnt = cmd->tx_status[i].tries;
+                       for (k++; k < CARL9170_TX_MAX_RATES; k++) {
+                               tx_info->rates[k].rix = -1;
+                               tx_info->rates[k].cnt = -1;
+                       }
+                       carlu_tx_fb_cb(ar, frame);
+               } else {
+                       err("Found no frame for cookie %d.\n",
+                           cmd->tx_status[i].cookie);
+               }
+       }
+int carlu_tx(struct carlu *ar, struct frame *frame)
+       struct _carl9170_tx_superframe *txp;
+       unsigned int len, queue;
+       int cookie, err;
+       len = frame->len;
+       txp = (void *) frame_push(frame, sizeof(struct _carl9170_tx_superframe));
+       if (txp->s.rix)
+               goto err_out;
+       err = carlu_alloc_dev_mem(ar, frame);
+       if (err)
+               goto err_out;
+       txp->s.len = cpu_to_le16(frame->len);
+       queue = ar9170_qmap[frame->queue % ARRAY_SIZE(ar9170_qmap)];
+       SET_VAL(CARL9170_TX_SUPER_MISC_QUEUE, txp->s.misc, queue);
+       txp->f.length = len + FCS_LEN; /* + I(C)V_LEN */
+       txp->f.mac_control = cpu_to_le16(AR9170_TX_MAC_HW_DURATION |
+                                        AR9170_TX_MAC_BACKOFF);
+       txp->f.mac_control |= cpu_to_le16(queue << AR9170_TX_MAC_QOS_S);
+       txp->f.phy_control = cpu_to_le32(AR9170_TX_PHY_MOD_CCK | AR9170_TX_PHY_BW_20MHZ |
+               ((17 * 2) << AR9170_TX_PHY_TX_PWR_SHIFT) |
+               (AR9170_TX_PHY_TXCHAIN_1 << AR9170_TX_PHY_TXCHAIN_SHIFT) |
+               (11 << AR9170_TX_PHY_MCS_SHIFT));
+       frame_queue_tail(&ar->tx_sent_queue[queue], frame);
+       carlusb_tx(ar, frame);
+       return 0;
+       frame_pull(frame, sizeof(struct _carl9170_tx_superframe));
+       return err;
diff --git a/tools/carlu/src/usb.c b/tools/carlu/src/usb.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a6d7cb8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+ * carl9170user - userspace testing utility for ar9170 devices
+ *
+ * USB back-end driver
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "libusb.h"
+#include "carlu.h"
+#include "usb.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#define ADD_DEV(_vid, _pid, _vs, _ps)  {               \
+       .idVendor = _vid,                               \
+       .idProduct = _pid,                              \
+       .vendor_name = _vs,                             \
+       .product_name = _ps                             \
+static const struct {
+       uint16_t idVendor;
+       uint16_t idProduct;
+       char *vendor_name;
+       char *product_name;
+} dev_list[] = {
+       ADD_DEV(0x0cf3, 0x9170, "Atheros", "9170"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x0cf3, 0x1001, "Atheros", "TG121N"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x0cf3, 0x1002, "TP-Link", "TL-WN821N v2"),
+       ADD_DEV(0xcace, 0x0300, "Cace", "Airpcap NX"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x07d1, 0x3c10, "D-Link", "DWA 160 A1"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x07d1, 0x3a09, "D-Link", "DWA 160 A2"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x0846, 0x9010, "Netgear", "WNDA3100"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x0846, 0x9001, "Netgear", "WN111 v2"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x0ace, 0x1221, "Zydas", "ZD1221"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x0586, 0x3417, "ZyXEL", "NWD271N"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x0cde, 0x0023, "Z-Com", "UB81 BG"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x0cde, 0x0026, "Z-Com", "UB82 ABG"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x0cde, 0x0027, "Sphairon", "Homelink 1202"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x083a, 0xf522, "Arcadyan", "WN7512"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x2019, 0x5304, "Planex", "GWUS300"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x04bb, 0x093f, "IO-Data", "WNGDNUS2"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x057C, 0x8401, "AVM", "FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick N"),
+       ADD_DEV(0x057C, 0x8402, "AVM", "FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick N 2.4"),
+static libusb_context *usb_ctx;
+static LIST_HEAD(active_dev_list);
+static int carlusb_event_thread(void *_ar)
+       struct carlusb *ar = (void *)_ar;
+       dbg("event thread active and polling.\n");
+       while (!ar->stop_event_polling)
+               libusb_handle_events(ar->ctx);
+       dbg("==> event thread desixed.\n");
+       return 0;
+static int carlusb_is_ar9170(struct libusb_device_descriptor *desc)
+       unsigned int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(dev_list); i++) {
+               if ((desc->idVendor == dev_list[i].idVendor) &&
+                   (desc->idProduct == dev_list[i].idProduct)) {
+                       dbg("== found device \"%s %s\" [0x%04x:0x%04x]\n",
+                               dev_list[i].vendor_name, dev_list[i].product_name,
+                               desc->idVendor, desc->idProduct);
+                       return i;
+               }
+       }
+       return -1;
+static bool carlusb_is_dev(struct carlusb *iter,
+                              struct libusb_device *dev)
+       libusb_device *list_dev;
+       if (!iter->dev)
+               return false;
+       list_dev = libusb_get_device(iter->dev);
+       if (libusb_get_bus_number(list_dev) == libusb_get_bus_number(dev) &&
+           libusb_get_device_address(list_dev) == libusb_get_device_address(dev))
+               return true;
+       return false;
+int carlusb_show_devinfo(struct carlusb *ar)
+       struct libusb_device_descriptor desc;
+       libusb_device *dev;
+       int err;
+       dev = libusb_get_device(ar->dev);
+       err = libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &desc);
+       if (err)
+               return err;
+       info("USB Device Information:\n");
+       info("\tUSB VendorID:%.4x(%s), ProductID:%.4x(%s)\n",
+            dev_list[ar->idx].idVendor, dev_list[ar->idx].vendor_name,
+            dev_list[ar->idx].idProduct, dev_list[ar->idx].product_name);
+       info("\tBus:%d Address:%d\n", libusb_get_bus_number(dev),
+            libusb_get_device_address(dev));
+       return 0;
+static int carlusb_get_dev(struct carlusb *ar, bool reset)
+       struct carlusb *iter;
+       libusb_device_handle *dev;
+       libusb_device **list;
+       int ret, err, i, idx = -1;
+       ret = libusb_get_device_list(usb_ctx, &list);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               err("usb device enum failed (%d)\n", ret);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
+               struct libusb_device_descriptor desc;
+               memset(&desc, 0, sizeof(desc));
+               err = libusb_get_device_descriptor(list[i], &desc);
+               if (err != 0)
+                       continue;
+               idx = carlusb_is_ar9170(&desc);
+               if (idx < 0)
+                       continue;
+               list_for_each_entry(iter, &active_dev_list, dev_list) {
+                       if (carlusb_is_dev(iter, list[i])) {
+                               err = -EALREADY;
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (err)
+                       continue;
+               err = libusb_open(list[i], &dev);
+               if (err != 0) {
+                       err("failed to open device (%d)\n", err);
+                       continue;
+               }
+               err = libusb_kernel_driver_active(dev, 0);
+               switch (err) {
+               case 0:
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       err("failed to aquire exculusive access (%d).\n", err);
+                       goto skip;
+               }
+               if (reset) {
+                       err = libusb_reset_device(dev);
+                       if (err != 0) {
+                               err("failed to reset device (%d)\n", err);
+                               goto skip;
+                       }
+               }
+               err = libusb_claim_interface(dev, 0);
+               if (err == 0) {
+                       dbg(">device is now under our control.\n");
+                       break;
+               } else {
+                       err("failed to claim device (%d)\n", err);
+                       goto skip;
+               }
+               libusb_close(dev);
+       }
+       if (i != ret) {
+               ar->idx = idx;
+               ar->ctx = usb_ctx;
+               ar->dev = dev;
+               list_add_tail(&ar->dev_list, &active_dev_list);
+               ret = 0;
+       } else {
+               ret = -ENODEV;
+       }
+       libusb_free_device_list(list, 1);
+       return ret;
+static void carlusb_tx_cb(struct carlusb *ar,
+                             struct frame *frame)
+       if (ar->common.tx_cb)
+               ar->common.tx_cb(&ar->common, frame);
+       ar->common.tx_octets += frame->len;
+       carlu_free_frame(&ar->common, frame);
+static void carlusb_zap_queues(struct carlusb *ar)
+       struct frame *frame;
+       BUG_ON(SDL_mutexP(ar->tx_queue_lock) != 0);
+       while (!list_empty(&ar->tx_queue)) {
+               frame = list_first_entry(&ar->tx_queue, struct frame, dcb.list);
+               list_del(&frame->dcb.list);
+               carlusb_tx_cb(ar, frame);
+       }
+       SDL_mutexV(ar->tx_queue_lock);
+static void carlusb_free_driver(struct carlusb *ar)
+       if (ar) {
+               if (ar->event_pipe[0] > -1)
+                       close(ar->event_pipe[0]);
+               if (ar->event_pipe[1] > -1)
+                       close(ar->event_pipe[1]);
+               carlusb_zap_queues(ar);
+               carlfw_release(ar->common.fw);
+               ar->common.fw = NULL;
+               if (ar->dev) {
+                       libusb_release_interface(ar->dev, 0);
+                       libusb_close(ar->dev);
+                       ar->dev = NULL;
+               }
+               carlu_free_driver(&ar->common);
+       }
+static int carlusb_init(struct carlusb *ar)
+       init_list_head(&ar->tx_queue);
+       ar->tx_queue_lock = SDL_CreateMutex();
+       ar->event_pipe[0] = ar->event_pipe[1] = -1;
+       return 0;
+static struct carlusb *carlusb_open(void)
+       struct carlusb *tmp;
+       int err;
+       tmp = carlu_alloc_driver(sizeof(*tmp));
+       if (tmp == NULL)
+               return NULL;
+       err = carlusb_init(tmp);
+       if (err < 0)
+               goto err_out;
+       err = carlusb_get_dev(tmp, true);
+       if (err < 0)
+               goto err_out;
+       return tmp;
+       carlusb_free_driver(tmp);
+       return NULL;
+static void carlusb_cancel_rings(struct carlusb *ar)
+       unsigned int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ar->rx_ring); i++)
+               libusb_cancel_transfer(ar->rx_ring[i]);
+       libusb_cancel_transfer(ar->rx_interrupt);
+static void carlusb_free_rings(struct carlusb *ar)
+       unsigned int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ar->rx_ring); i++)
+               libusb_free_transfer(ar->rx_ring[i]);
+       libusb_free_transfer(ar->rx_interrupt);
+static void carlusb_destroy(struct carlusb *ar)
+       int event_thread_status;
+       dbg("==>release device.\n");
+       ar->stop_event_polling = true;
+       carlusb_cancel_rings(ar);
+       SDL_WaitThread(ar->event_thread, &event_thread_status);
+       carlusb_free_rings(ar);
+       list_del(&ar->dev_list);
+static void carlusb_tx_bulk_cb(struct libusb_transfer *transfer);
+static void carlusb_tx_pending(struct carlusb *ar)
+       struct frame *frame;
+       struct libusb_transfer *urb;
+       int err;
+       BUG_ON(SDL_mutexP(ar->tx_queue_lock) != 0);
+       if (ar->tx_queue_len >= (AR9170_TX_MAX_ACTIVE_URBS) ||
+           list_empty(&ar->tx_queue))
+               goto out;
+       ar->tx_queue_len++;
+       urb = libusb_alloc_transfer(0);
+       if (urb == NULL)
+               goto out;
+       frame = list_first_entry(&ar->tx_queue, struct frame, dcb.list);
+       list_del(&frame->dcb.list);
+       if (ar->common.tx_stream) {
+               struct ar9170_stream *tx_stream;
+               tx_stream = frame_push(frame, sizeof(*tx_stream));
+               tx_stream->length = cpu_to_le16(frame->len);
+               tx_stream->tag = cpu_to_le16(0x697e);
+       }
+       libusb_fill_bulk_transfer(urb, ar->dev, AR9170_EP_TX, (unsigned char *)
+               frame->data, frame->len, carlusb_tx_bulk_cb, (void *)frame, 0);
+       /* FIXME: ZERO_PACKET support! */
+       urb->flags |= LIBUSB_TRANSFER_FREE_TRANSFER;
+/*     urb->flags |= LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ZERO_PACKET; */
+       frame->dev = (void *) ar;
+       frame_get(frame);
+       err = libusb_submit_transfer(urb);
+       if (err != 0) {
+               err("->usb bulk tx submit failed (%d).\n", err);
+               libusb_free_transfer(urb);
+       }
+       SDL_mutexV(ar->tx_queue_lock);
+       return;
+void carlusb_tx(struct carlu *_ar, struct frame *frame)
+       struct carlusb *ar = (void *)_ar;
+       BUG_ON(SDL_mutexP(ar->tx_queue_lock) != 0);
+       list_add_tail(&frame->dcb.list, &ar->tx_queue);
+       SDL_mutexV(ar->tx_queue_lock);
+       carlusb_tx_pending(ar);
+static void carlusb_tx_bulk_cb(struct libusb_transfer *transfer)
+       struct frame *frame = (void *) transfer->user_data;
+       struct carlusb *ar = (void *) frame->dev;
+       BUG_ON(SDL_mutexP(ar->tx_queue_lock) != 0);
+       ar->tx_queue_len--;
+       SDL_mutexV(ar->tx_queue_lock);
+       if (ar->common.tx_stream)
+               frame_pull(frame, 4);
+       carlusb_tx_cb(ar, frame);
+       carlusb_tx_pending(ar);
+static void carlusb_rx_interrupt_cb(struct libusb_transfer *transfer)
+       struct carlusb *ar = (void *) transfer->user_data;
+       int err;
+       switch (transfer->status) {
+               carlu_handle_command(&ar->common, transfer->buffer, transfer->actual_length);
+               break;
+               return;
+       default:
+               err("==>rx_irq urb died (%d)\n", transfer->status);
+               break;
+       }
+       err = libusb_submit_transfer(transfer);
+       if (err != 0)
+               err("==>rx_irq urb resubmit failed (%d)\n", err);
+static void carlusb_rx_bulk_cb(struct libusb_transfer *transfer)
+       struct frame *frame = (void *) transfer->user_data;
+       struct carlusb *ar = (void *) frame->dev;
+       int err;
+       switch (transfer->status) {
+               frame_put(frame, transfer->actual_length);
+               carlu_rx(&ar->common, frame);
+               frame_trim(frame, 0);
+               break;
+               return;
+       default:
+               err("==>rx_bulk urb died (%d)\n", transfer->status);
+               break;
+       }
+       err = libusb_submit_transfer(transfer);
+       if (err != 0)
+               err("->rx_bulk urb resubmit failed (%d)\n", err);
+static int carlusb_initialize_rxirq(struct carlusb *ar)
+       int err;
+       ar->rx_interrupt = libusb_alloc_transfer(0);
+       if (ar->rx_interrupt == NULL) {
+               err("==>cannot alloc rx interrupt urb\n");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       libusb_fill_interrupt_transfer(ar->rx_interrupt, ar->dev, AR9170_EP_IRQ,
+                                      (unsigned char *)&ar->irq_buf, sizeof(ar->irq_buf),
+                                      carlusb_rx_interrupt_cb, (void *) ar, 0);
+       err = libusb_submit_transfer(ar->rx_interrupt);
+       if (err != 0) {
+               err("==>failed to submit rx interrupt (%d)\n", err);
+               return err;
+       }
+       dbg("rx interrupt is now operational.\n");
+       return 0;
+static int carlusb_initialize_rxrings(struct carlusb *ar)
+       struct frame *tmp;
+       unsigned int i;
+       int err;
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ar->rx_ring); i++) {
+               tmp = frame_alloc(ar->rx_max);
+               if (tmp == NULL)
+                       return -ENOMEM;
+               tmp->dev = (void *) ar;
+               ar->rx_ring[i] = libusb_alloc_transfer(0);
+               if (ar->rx_ring[i] == NULL) {
+                       frame_free(tmp);
+                       return -ENOMEM;
+               }
+               libusb_fill_bulk_transfer(ar->rx_ring[i], ar->dev,
+                       AR9170_EP_RX, (unsigned char *)tmp->data,
+                       ar->rx_max, carlusb_rx_bulk_cb, (void *)tmp, 0);
+               err = libusb_submit_transfer(ar->rx_ring[i]);
+               if (err != 0) {
+                       err("==>failed to submit rx buld urb (%d)\n", err);
+                       return EXIT_FAILURE;
+               }
+       }
+       dbg("rx ring is now ready to receive.\n");
+       return 0;
+static int carlusb_load_firmware(struct carlusb *ar)
+       int ret = 0;
+       dbg("loading firmware...\n");
+       ar->common.fw = carlfw_load(CARL9170_FIRMWARE_FILE);
+       if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ar->common.fw))
+               return PTR_ERR(ar->common.fw);
+       ret = carlu_fw_check(&ar->common);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       ret = carlusb_fw_check(ar);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       return 0;
+static int carlusb_upload_firmware(struct carlusb *ar, bool boot)
+       uint32_t addr = 0x200000;
+       size_t len;
+       void *buf;
+       int ret = 0;
+       dbg("initiating firmware image upload procedure.\n");
+       buf = carlfw_get_fw(ar->common.fw, &len);
+       if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(buf))
+               return PTR_ERR(buf);
+       ret = carlu_fw_check(&ar->common);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       ret = carlusb_fw_check(ar);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       if (ar->miniboot_size) {
+               dbg("Miniboot firmware size:%d\n", ar->miniboot_size);
+               len -= ar->miniboot_size;
+               buf += ar->miniboot_size;
+       }
+       while (len) {
+               int blocklen = len > 4096 ? 4096 : len;
+               ret = libusb_control_transfer(ar->dev, 0x40, 0x30, addr >> 8, 0, buf, blocklen, 1000);
+               if (ret != blocklen && ret != LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT) {
+                       err("==>firmware upload failed (%d)\n", ret);
+                       return -EXIT_FAILURE;
+               }
+               dbg("uploaded %d bytes to start address 0x%04x.\n", blocklen, addr);
+               buf += blocklen;
+               addr += blocklen;
+               len -= blocklen;
+       }
+       if (boot) {
+               ret = libusb_control_transfer(ar->dev, 0x40, 0x31, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 5000);
+               if (ret < 0) {
+                       err("unable to boot firmware (%d)\n", ret);
+                       return -EXIT_FAILURE;
+               }
+               /* give the firmware some time to reset & reboot */
+               SDL_Delay(100);
+               /*
+                * since the device did a full usb reset,
+                * we have to get a new "dev".
+                */
+               libusb_release_interface(ar->dev, 0);
+               libusb_close(ar->dev);
+               ar->dev = NULL;
+               list_del(&ar->dev_list);
+               ret = carlusb_get_dev(ar, false);
+       }
+       return 0;
+int carlusb_cmd(struct carlu *_ar, uint8_t oid,
+                     uint8_t *cmd, size_t clen,
+                     uint8_t *rsp, size_t rlen)
+       struct carlusb *ar = (void *)_ar;
+       int ret, send;
+       if (clen > (CARL9170_MAX_CMD_LEN - 4)) {
+               err("|-> OID:0x%.2x has too much payload (%d octs)\n", oid, (int)clen);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       ret = SDL_mutexP(ar->common.resp_lock);
+       if (ret != 0) {
+               err("failed to acquire resp_lock.\n");
+               print_hex_dump_bytes(ERROR, "CMD:", ar->cmd_buf, clen);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       ar->cmd_buf[0] = clen;
+       ar->cmd_buf[1] = oid;
+       /* buf[2] & buf[3] are padding */
+       if (clen && cmd != (uint8_t *)(&ar->cmd_buf[4]))
+               memcpy(&ar->cmd_buf[4], cmd, clen);
+       ar->common.resp_buf = (uint8_t *)rsp;
+       ar->common.resp_len = rlen;
+       ret = libusb_interrupt_transfer(ar->dev, AR9170_EP_CMD, ar->cmd_buf, clen + 4, &send, 32);
+       if (ret != 0) {
+               err("OID:0x%.2x failed due to (%d) (%d).\n", oid, ret, send);
+               print_hex_dump_bytes(ERROR, "CMD:", ar->cmd_buf, clen);
+               SDL_mutexV(ar->common.resp_lock);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       ret = SDL_CondWaitTimeout(ar->common.resp_pend, ar->common.resp_lock, 100);
+       if (ret != 0) {
+               err("|-> OID:0x%.2x timed out %d.\n", oid, ret);
+               ar->common.resp_buf = NULL;
+               ar->common.resp_len = 0;
+               ret = -ETIMEDOUT;
+       }
+       SDL_mutexV(ar->common.resp_lock);
+       return ret;
+struct carlu *carlusb_probe(void)
+       struct carlusb *ar;
+       int ret = -ENOMEM;
+       ar = carlusb_open();
+       if (ar == NULL)
+               goto err_out;
+       ret = carlusb_show_devinfo(ar);
+       if (ret)
+               goto err_out;
+       ret = carlusb_load_firmware(ar);
+       if (ret)
+               goto err_out;
+       ret = pipe(ar->event_pipe);
+       if (ret)
+               goto err_out;
+       ar->stop_event_polling = false;
+       ar->event_thread = SDL_CreateThread(carlusb_event_thread, ar);
+       ret = carlusb_load_firmware(ar);
+       if (ret)
+               goto err_out;
+       ret = carlusb_upload_firmware(ar, true);
+       if (ret)
+               goto err_kill;
+       ret = carlusb_initialize_rxirq(ar);
+       if (ret)
+               goto err_kill;
+       ret = carlusb_initialize_rxrings(ar);
+       if (ret)
+               goto err_kill;
+       ret = carlu_cmd_echo(&ar->common, 0x44110dee);
+       if (ret) {
+               err("echo test failed...\n");
+               goto err_kill;
+       }
+       info("firmware is active and running.\n");
+       carlu_fw_info(&ar->common);
+       return &ar->common;
+       carlusb_destroy(ar);
+       carlusb_free_driver(ar);
+       err("usb device rendezvous failed (%d).\n", ret);
+       return NULL;
+void carlusb_close(struct carlu *_ar)
+       struct carlusb *ar = (void *) _ar;
+       carlu_cmd_reboot(_ar);
+       carlusb_destroy(ar);
+       carlusb_free_driver(ar);
+int carlusb_print_known_devices(void)
+       unsigned int i;
+       debug_level = INFO;
+       info("==> dumping known device list <==\n");
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(dev_list); i++) {
+               info("Vendor:\"%-9s\" Product:\"%-26s\" => USBID:[0x%04x:0x%04x]\n",
+                    dev_list[i].vendor_name, dev_list[i].product_name,
+                    dev_list[i].idVendor, dev_list[i].idProduct);
+       }
+       info("==> end of device list <==\n");
+       return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+int usb_init(void)
+       int ret;
+       ret = libusb_init(&usb_ctx);
+       if (ret != 0) {
+               err("failed to initialize usb subsystem (%d)\n", ret);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       /* like a silent chatterbox! */
+       libusb_set_debug(usb_ctx, 2);
+       return 0;
+void usb_exit(void)
+       libusb_exit(usb_ctx);
diff --git a/tools/carlu/src/usb.h b/tools/carlu/src/usb.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..298e82d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * carl9170user - userspace testing utility for ar9170 devices
+ *
+ * USB back-end API declaration
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, 2010 Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __CARL9170USER_USB_H
+#define __CARL9170USER_USB_H
+#include "SDL.h"
+#include "SDL_thread.h"
+#include "libusb.h"
+#include "frame.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "fwcmd.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#define AR9170_RX_BULK_BUFS            16
+#define AR9170_RX_BULK_BUF_SIZE                8192
+#define AR9170_RX_BULK_IRQ_SIZE                64
+/* endpoints */
+#define AR9170_EP_TX                           (LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT | AR9170_USB_EP_TX)
+#define AR9170_EP_RX                           (LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN  | AR9170_USB_EP_RX)
+#define AR9170_EP_IRQ                          (LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN  | AR9170_USB_EP_IRQ)
+#define AR9170_EP_CMD                          (LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT | AR9170_USB_EP_CMD)
+#define AR9170_TX_MAX_ACTIVE_URBS              8
+#define CARL9170_FIRMWARE_FILE "/lib/firmware/carl9170-1"
+void carlusb_reset_txep(struct carlu *ar);
+struct carlusb {
+       struct carlu common;
+       libusb_device_handle *dev;
+       libusb_context *ctx;
+       SDL_Thread *event_thread;
+       bool stop_event_polling;
+       struct libusb_transfer *rx_ring[AR9170_RX_BULK_BUFS];
+       struct libusb_transfer *rx_interrupt;
+       unsigned char irq_buf[AR9170_RX_BULK_IRQ_SIZE];
+       unsigned char cmd_buf[CARL9170_MAX_CMD_LEN];
+       struct list_head tx_queue;
+       SDL_mutex *tx_queue_lock;
+       unsigned int tx_queue_len;
+       struct list_head dev_list;
+       unsigned int idx;
+       unsigned int miniboot_size;
+       unsigned int rx_max;
+       int event_pipe[2];
+int usb_init(void);
+void usb_exit(void);
+struct carlu *carlusb_probe(void);
+void carlusb_close(struct carlu *ar);
+void carlusb_tx(struct carlu *ar, struct frame *frame);
+int carlusb_fw_check(struct carlusb *ar);
+int carlusb_cmd(struct carlu *_ar, uint8_t oid, uint8_t *cmd, size_t clen,
+               uint8_t *rsp, size_t rlen);
+int carlusb_print_known_devices(void);
+#endif /* __CARL9170USER_USB_H */
diff --git a/tools/include/frame.h b/tools/include/frame.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f753fe3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Most ideas and some code are copied from the linux' kernels
+ *     include/linux/skbuff.h
+ */
+#ifndef __TOOLS_FRAME_H
+#define __TOOLS_FRAME_H
+#include "SDL.h"
+#include "list.h"
+ * struct frame_queue - sk_buff_head like frame queue
+ *
+ * @list: pointer to head and tail
+ * @lock: mutex lock for serialize access
+ * @len: exact number of queued frames
+ */
+struct frame_queue {
+       struct list_head list;
+       SDL_mutex *lock;
+       size_t len;
+ * struct frame - frame data structure (like sk_buff)
+ *
+ * @list: storage for double-linked &struct frame_queue list
+ * @dev: pointer to private device/driver structure
+ * @timestamp: space for the current timestamp
+ * @cb: private driver data
+ * @dcb: more reserved space for low-level / backend driver
+ * @queue: selected frame queue / priority
+ * @ref: reference counter
+ * @alloced: maximum available space
+ * @total_len: currently consumed and reserved memory
+ * @len: current frame length
+ * @head: points to the buffer head
+ * @data: current frame data pointer
+ * @tail: frame data tail pointer
+ * @payload: frame data storage container
+ */
+struct frame {
+       struct list_head list;
+       void *dev;
+       unsigned long timestamp;
+       uint8_t cb[64];
+       union {
+               struct list_head list;
+               uint8_t raw_data[32];
+       } dcb;
+       unsigned int queue;
+       unsigned int ref;
+       unsigned int alloced;
+       unsigned int total_len;
+       unsigned int len;
+       uint8_t *head;
+       uint8_t *data;
+       uint8_t *tail;
+       /* payload must be the last entry */
+       uint8_t payload[0];
+ * frame_put - append more data to &struct frame
+ *
+ * Allocate @size bytes from &struct frame tail and
+ * returns a pointer to the requested location.
+ *
+ * @frame: frame to alter
+ * @size: extra size
+ */
+static inline void *frame_put(struct frame *frame, unsigned int size)
+       void *tmp;
+       BUG_ON(frame->total_len + size > frame->alloced);
+       frame->len += size;
+       frame->total_len += size;
+       tmp = (void *) frame->tail;
+       frame->tail += size;
+       BUG_ON(frame->tail > (frame->payload + frame->alloced));
+       return tmp;
+ * frame_push - allocate head
+ *
+ * returns a pointer to a newly allocate area at &struct frame head.
+ *
+ * @frame: frame to modify
+ * @size: requested extra size
+ */
+static inline void *frame_push(struct frame *frame, unsigned int size)
+       frame->len += size;
+       frame->data -= size;
+       BUG_ON(frame->data < frame->payload);
+       return frame->data;
+ * frame_get - reference frame buffer
+ *
+ * grab a reference from the frame buffer, in order to
+ * prevent it from being freed prematurely by a different user.
+ *
+ * @frame: frame pointer
+ */
+static inline struct frame *frame_get(struct frame *frame)
+       frame->ref++;
+       return frame;
+ * frame_pull - remove space from &struct frame head
+ *
+ * Does the opposite of frame_push() and removes freed-up
+ * space at the frames's head.
+ *
+ * @frame: pointer to frame structure
+ * @size: bytes to remove from head
+ */
+static inline void *frame_pull(struct frame *frame, unsigned int size)
+       BUG_ON(frame->len < size);
+       frame->len -= size;
+       frame->total_len -= size;
+       frame->data += size;
+       return frame->data;
+ * frame_reserve - reserve frame headroom
+ *
+ * Reserve a certain amount of space to allow headroom manipulations
+ * in the future.
+ *
+ * @frame: frame to adjust
+ * @size: bytes to reserve
+ */
+static inline void frame_reserve(struct frame *frame, unsigned int size)
+       BUG_ON(frame->total_len + size > frame->alloced);
+       BUG_ON(frame->len != 0);
+       frame->total_len += size;
+       frame->data += size;
+       frame->tail += size;
+ * frame_trim - set frame length
+ *
+ * cut the frame to @size length.
+ *
+ * @frame: frame to be trimmed
+ * @size: new length
+ */
+static inline void frame_trim(struct frame *frame, unsigned int size)
+       BUG_ON(size > frame->total_len);
+       frame->len = size;
+       frame->total_len = size;
+       frame->data = frame->head;
+       frame->tail = frame->head + size;
+ * frame_alloc - alloc and initialize new frame
+ *
+ * returns a newly created &struct frame object.
+ *
+ * @size: maximum frame size of the new frame
+ */
+static inline struct frame *frame_alloc(unsigned int size)
+       struct frame *tmp;
+       tmp = malloc(size + sizeof(*tmp));
+       if (tmp != NULL) {
+               memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(*tmp));
+               init_list_head(&tmp->list);
+               init_list_head(&tmp->dcb.list);
+               tmp->len = 0;
+               tmp->total_len = 0;
+               tmp->alloced = size;
+               tmp->head = tmp->payload;
+               tmp->data = tmp->payload;
+               tmp->tail = tmp->payload;
+               tmp->ref = 1;
+       }
+       return tmp;
+ * frame_free - unref and free frame
+ *
+ * Unreference frame and free it up, if all users are gone.
+ *
+ * @frame: frame to be freed
+ */
+static inline void frame_free(struct frame *frame)
+       if (!--frame->ref)
+               free(frame);
+ * FRAME_WALK - MACRO walker
+ *
+ * Walks over all queued elements in &struct frame_queue
+ *
+ * NOTE: This function is vulnerable in concurrent access
+ *      scenarios without proper locking.
+ *
+ * @pos: current position inside the queue
+ * @head: &struct frame_queue head
+ */
+#define FRAME_WALK(pos, head)                                  \
+       list_for_each_entry((pos), &(head)->list, list)
+static inline void __frame_queue_init(struct frame_queue *queue)
+       queue->len = 0;
+       init_list_head(&queue->list);
+ * frame_queue_init - initialize frame_queue
+ *
+ * Initialize the given &struct frame_queue object.
+ *
+ * @queue: frame_queue to be initialized
+ */
+static inline void frame_queue_init(struct frame_queue *queue)
+       queue->lock = SDL_CreateMutex();
+       __frame_queue_init(queue);
+ * frame_queue_len - returns number of queue elements
+ *
+ * @queue: frame_queue object
+ */
+static inline unsigned int frame_queue_len(struct frame_queue *queue)
+       return queue->len;
+ * frame_queue_empty - returns %TRUE whenever queue is empty
+ *
+ * @queue: frame_queue object
+ */
+static inline bool frame_queue_empty(struct frame_queue *queue)
+       return list_empty(&queue->list);
+static inline void __frame_queue_head(struct frame_queue *queue, struct frame *frame)
+       list_add_head(&frame->list, &queue->list);
+       queue->len++;
+ * frame_queue_head - queue a frame at the queues head
+ * @queue: queue to use
+ */
+static inline void frame_queue_head(struct frame_queue *queue, struct frame *frame)
+       BUG_ON((SDL_mutexP(queue->lock) != 0));
+       __frame_queue_head(queue, frame);
+       SDL_mutexV(queue->lock);
+static inline void __frame_queue_tail(struct frame_queue *queue, struct frame *frame)
+       list_add_tail(&frame->list, &queue->list);
+       queue->len++;
+ * frame_queue_head - queue a frame at the queues tail
+ * @queue: queue to use
+ */
+static inline void frame_queue_tail(struct frame_queue *queue, struct frame *frame)
+       BUG_ON((SDL_mutexP(queue->lock) != 0));
+       __frame_queue_tail(queue, frame);
+       SDL_mutexV(queue->lock);
+static inline void __frame_unlink(struct frame_queue *queue, struct frame *frame)
+       list_del(&frame->list);
+       queue->len--;
+ * frame_queue_unlink - remove a frame from the queue
+ * @queue: queue to use
+ * @frame: frame to remove
+ */
+static inline void frame_unlink(struct frame_queue *queue, struct frame *frame)
+       BUG_ON((SDL_mutexP(queue->lock) != 0));
+       __frame_unlink(queue, frame);
+       SDL_mutexV(queue->lock);
+static inline struct frame *__frame_dequeue(struct frame_queue *queue)
+       struct frame *tmp = NULL;
+       if (!frame_queue_empty(queue)) {
+               tmp = list_entry(queue->, struct frame, list);
+               __frame_unlink(queue, tmp);
+       }
+       return tmp;
+ * frame_dequeue - remove frame from the head of the queue
+ *
+ * @queue: queue to dequeue from
+ */
+static inline struct frame *frame_dequeue(struct frame_queue *queue)
+       struct frame *tmp;
+       BUG_ON((SDL_mutexP(queue->lock) != 0));
+       tmp = __frame_dequeue(queue);
+       SDL_mutexV(queue->lock);
+       return tmp;
+static inline void __frame_queue_purge(struct frame_queue *queue)
+       while (list_empty(&queue->list) == false)
+               frame_free(__frame_dequeue(queue));
+ * frame_queue_purge - frees all queued &struct frame objects
+ *
+ * @queue: queue to be freed
+ */
+static inline void frame_queue_purge(struct frame_queue *queue)
+       BUG_ON((SDL_mutexP(queue->lock) != 0));
+       __frame_queue_purge(queue);
+       SDL_mutexV(queue->lock);
+ * frame_queue_kill - destroys frame_queue object
+ *
+ * Destroy object and frees up all remaining elements
+ *
+ * @queue: frame_queue victim
+ */
+static inline void frame_queue_kill(struct frame_queue *queue)
+       SDL_DestroyMutex(queue->lock);
+       __frame_queue_purge(queue);
+#endif /* __TOOLS_FRAME_H */
diff --git a/tools/include/list.h b/tools/include/list.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1991d97
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * list.h List Utilities
+ *
+ *     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ *     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ *     License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1
+ *     of the License.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Thomas Graf <>
+ */
+#ifndef __LIST_H
+#define __LIST_H
+struct list_head {
+       struct list_head *next;
+       struct list_head *prev;
+static inline void list_add(struct list_head *obj,
+                           struct list_head *prev,
+                           struct list_head *next)
+       prev->next = obj;
+       obj->prev = prev;
+       next->prev = obj;
+       obj->next = next;
+static inline void list_add_tail(struct list_head *obj,
+                                struct list_head *head)
+       list_add(obj, head->prev, head);
+static inline void list_add_head(struct list_head *obj,
+                                struct list_head *head)
+       list_add(obj, head, head->next);
+static inline void list_del(struct list_head *obj)
+       obj->prev->next = obj->next;
+       obj->next->prev = obj->prev;
+       obj->next = obj->prev = obj;
+static inline void list_replace(struct list_head *old,
+                               struct list_head *obj)
+       obj->next = old->next;
+       obj->next->prev = obj;
+       obj->prev = old->prev;
+       obj->prev->next = obj;
+static inline int list_empty(struct list_head *head)
+       return head->next == head;
+#define list_entry(ptr, type, member) \
+       container_of(ptr, type, member)
+#define list_first_entry(ptr, type, member) \
+       container_of((ptr)->next, type, member)
+#define list_at_tail(pos, head, member) \
+       ((pos)-> == (head))
+#define list_at_head(pos, head, member) \
+       ((pos)->member.prev == (head))
+#define LIST_HEAD(name) \
+       struct list_head name = { &(name), &(name) }
+#define list_for_each_entry(pos, head, member)                         \
+       for (pos = list_entry((head)->next, typeof(*pos), member);      \
+            &(pos)->member != (head);                                  \
+            (pos) = list_entry((pos)->, typeof(*(pos)), member))
+#define list_for_each_entry_safe(pos, n, head, member)                 \
+       for (pos = list_entry((head)->next, typeof(*pos), member),      \
+            n = list_entry(pos->, typeof(*pos), member);    \
+            &(pos)->member != (head);                                  \
+            pos = n, n = list_entry(n->, typeof(*n), member))
+#define init_list_head(head) \
+       do { (head)->next = (head); (head)->prev = (head); } while (0)
+#endif /* __LIST_H */
diff --git a/tools/lib/CMakeLists.txt b/tools/lib/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2d139e6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+set(carlfw_src carlfw.c)
+add_library( carlfw STATIC ${carlfw_src})
diff --git a/tools/lib/carlfw.c b/tools/lib/carlfw.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..de94221
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+ * Copyright 2010, Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <error.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "carlfw.h"
+struct carlfw_file {
+       char *name;
+       size_t len;
+       char *data;
+struct carlfw {
+       struct carlfw_file fw;
+       struct carlfw_file hdr;
+       struct list_head desc_list;
+       unsigned int desc_list_entries,
+                    desc_list_len;
+#define carlfw_walk_descs(iter, fw)                                    \
+       list_for_each_entry(iter, &fw->desc_list, h.list)
+struct carlfw_list_entry_head {
+       struct list_head list;
+struct carlfw_list_entry {
+       struct carlfw_list_entry_head h;
+       union {
+               struct carl9170fw_desc_head head;
+               uint32_t data[0];
+               char text[0];
+       };
+static inline struct carlfw_list_entry *carlfw_desc_to_entry(struct carl9170fw_desc_head *head)
+       return container_of(head, struct carlfw_list_entry, head);
+static inline struct carl9170fw_desc_head *carlfw_entry_to_desc(struct carlfw_list_entry *entry)
+       return &entry->head;
+static void carlfw_entry_unlink(struct carlfw *fw,
+       struct carlfw_list_entry *entry)
+       fw->desc_list_entries--;
+       fw->desc_list_len -= le16_to_cpu(entry->head.length);
+       list_del(&entry->h.list);
+static void carlfw_entry_del(struct carlfw *fw,
+       struct carlfw_list_entry *entry)
+       carlfw_entry_unlink(fw, entry);
+       free(entry);
+static struct carlfw_list_entry *carlfw_find_entry(struct carlfw *fw,
+                                                  const uint8_t descid[4],
+                                                  unsigned int len,
+                                                  uint8_t compatible_revision)
+       struct carlfw_list_entry *iter;
+       carlfw_walk_descs(iter, fw) {
+               if (carl9170fw_desc_cmp(&iter->head, descid, len,
+                                        compatible_revision))
+                       return (void *)iter;
+       }
+       return NULL;
+static struct carlfw_list_entry *__carlfw_entry_add_prepare(struct carlfw *fw,
+       const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *desc)
+       struct carlfw_list_entry *tmp;
+       unsigned int len;
+       len = le16_to_cpu(desc->length);
+       if (len < sizeof(struct carl9170fw_desc_head))
+               return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
+       tmp = malloc(sizeof(*tmp) + len);
+       if (!tmp)
+               return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+       fw->desc_list_entries++;
+       fw->desc_list_len += len;
+       memcpy(tmp->data, desc, len);
+       return tmp;
+static void __carlfw_release(struct carlfw_file *f)
+       f->len = 0;
+       if (f->name)
+               free(f->name);
+       f->name = NULL;
+       if (f->data)
+               free(f->data);
+       f->data = NULL;
+void carlfw_release(struct carlfw *fw)
+       struct carlfw_list_entry *entry;
+       if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(fw)) {
+               while (!list_empty(&fw->desc_list)) {
+                       entry = list_entry(fw->,
+                                          struct carlfw_list_entry, h.list);
+                       carlfw_entry_del(fw, entry);
+               }
+               __carlfw_release(&fw->fw);
+               __carlfw_release(&fw->hdr);
+               free(fw);
+       }
+static int __carlfw_load(struct carlfw_file *file, const char *name, const char *mode)
+       struct stat file_stat;
+       FILE *fh;
+       int err;
+       fh = fopen(name, mode);
+       if (fh == NULL)
+               return errno ? -errno : -1;
+       err = fstat(fileno(fh), &file_stat);
+       if (err)
+               return errno ? -errno : -1;
+       file->len = file_stat.st_size;
+       file->data = malloc(file->len);
+       if (file->data == NULL)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       err = fread(file->data, file->len, 1, fh);
+       if (err != 1)
+               return ferror(fh);
+       file->name = strdup(name);
+       fclose(fh);
+       if (!file->name)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       return 0;
+static void *__carlfw_find_desc(struct carlfw_file *file,
+                               uint8_t descid[4],
+                               unsigned int len,
+                               uint8_t compatible_revision)
+       int scan = file->len, found = 0;
+       struct carl9170fw_desc_head *tmp = NULL;
+       while (scan >= 0) {
+               if (file->data[scan] == descid[sizeof(descid) - found - 1])
+                       found++;
+               else
+                       found = 0;
+               if (found == sizeof(descid))
+                       break;
+               scan--;
+       }
+       if (found == sizeof(descid)) {
+               tmp = (void *) &file->data[scan];
+               if (!CHECK_HDR_VERSION(tmp, compatible_revision) &&
+                   (le16_to_cpu(tmp->length) >= len))
+                       return tmp;
+       }
+       return NULL;
+void *carlfw_find_desc(struct carlfw *fw,
+                      const uint8_t descid[4],
+                      const unsigned int len,
+                      const uint8_t compatible_revision)
+       struct carlfw_list_entry *tmp;
+       tmp = carlfw_find_entry(fw, descid, len, compatible_revision);
+       return tmp ? carlfw_entry_to_desc(tmp) : NULL;
+int carlfw_desc_add_tail(struct carlfw *fw,
+       const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *desc)
+       struct carlfw_list_entry *tmp;
+       tmp = __carlfw_entry_add_prepare(fw, desc);
+       if (IS_ERR(tmp))
+               return PTR_ERR(tmp);
+       list_add_tail(&tmp->h.list, &fw->desc_list);
+       return 0;
+int carlfw_desc_add(struct carlfw *fw,
+                   const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *desc,
+                   struct carl9170fw_desc_head *prev,
+                   struct carl9170fw_desc_head *next)
+       struct carlfw_list_entry *tmp;
+       tmp = __carlfw_entry_add_prepare(fw, desc);
+       if (IS_ERR(tmp))
+               return PTR_ERR(tmp);
+       list_add(&tmp->h.list, &((carlfw_desc_to_entry(prev))->h.list),
+                &((carlfw_desc_to_entry(next))->h.list));
+       return 0;
+int carlfw_desc_add_before(struct carlfw *fw,
+                          const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *desc,
+                          struct carl9170fw_desc_head *pos)
+       struct carl9170fw_desc_head *prev;
+       struct carlfw_list_entry *prev_entry;
+       prev_entry = carlfw_desc_to_entry(pos);
+       prev = carlfw_entry_to_desc((struct carlfw_list_entry *) prev_entry->h.list.prev);
+       return carlfw_desc_add(fw, desc, prev, pos);
+void carlfw_desc_unlink(struct carlfw *fw,
+       struct carl9170fw_desc_head *desc)
+       carlfw_entry_unlink(fw, carlfw_desc_to_entry(desc));
+void carlfw_desc_del(struct carlfw *fw,
+       struct carl9170fw_desc_head *desc)
+       carlfw_entry_del(fw, carlfw_desc_to_entry(desc));
+void *carlfw_desc_mod_len(struct carlfw *fw __unused,
+       struct carl9170fw_desc_head *desc, int len)
+       struct carlfw_list_entry *obj, tmp;
+       int new_len = le16_to_cpu(desc->length) + len;
+       if (new_len < (int)sizeof(*desc))
+               return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
+       if (new_len > CARL9170FW_DESC_MAX_LENGTH)
+               return ERR_PTR(-E2BIG);
+       obj = carlfw_desc_to_entry(desc);
+       memcpy(&tmp, obj, sizeof(tmp));
+       obj = realloc(obj, new_len + sizeof(struct carlfw_list_entry_head));
+       if (obj == NULL)
+               return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+       list_replace(&tmp.h.list, &obj->h.list);
+       desc = carlfw_entry_to_desc(obj);
+       desc->length = le16_to_cpu(new_len);
+       fw->desc_list_len += len;
+       return desc;
+void *carlfw_desc_next(struct carlfw *fw,
+                      struct carl9170fw_desc_head *pos)
+       struct carlfw_list_entry *entry;
+       if (!pos)
+               entry = (struct carlfw_list_entry *) &fw->desc_list;
+       else
+               entry = carlfw_desc_to_entry(pos);
+       if (list_at_tail(entry, &fw->desc_list, h.list))
+               return NULL;
+       entry = (struct carlfw_list_entry *) entry->;
+       return carlfw_entry_to_desc(entry);
+static int carlfw_parse_descs(struct carlfw *fw,
+                             struct carl9170fw_otus_desc *otus_desc)
+       const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *iter = NULL;
+       int err;
+       carl9170fw_for_each_hdr(iter, &otus_desc->head) {
+               err = carlfw_desc_add_tail(fw, iter);
+               if (err)
+                       return err;
+       }
+       /* LAST is added automatically by carlfw_store */
+       return err;
+#define CRCPOLY_LE 0xedb88320
+/* copied from the linux kernel  */
+static uint32_t crc32_le(uint32_t crc, unsigned char const *p, size_t len)
+       int i;
+       while (len--) {
+               crc ^= *p++;
+               for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+                       crc = (crc >> 1) ^ ((crc & 1) ? CRCPOLY_LE : 0);
+       }
+       return crc;
+#error "this tool does not work with a big endian host yet!"
+static int carlfw_check_crc32s(struct carlfw *fw)
+       struct carl9170fw_chk_desc *chk_desc;
+       struct carlfw_list_entry *iter;
+       unsigned int elen;
+       uint32_t crc32;
+       chk_desc = carlfw_find_desc(fw, (uint8_t *) CHK_MAGIC,
+                                   sizeof(*chk_desc),
+                                   CARL9170FW_CHK_DESC_CUR_VER);
+       if (!chk_desc)
+               return -ENODATA;
+       crc32 = crc32_le(~0, (void *) fw->, fw->fw.len);
+       if (crc32 != le32_to_cpu(chk_desc->fw_crc32))
+               return -EINVAL;
+       carlfw_walk_descs(iter, fw) {
+               elen = le16_to_cpu(iter->head.length);
+               if (carl9170fw_desc_cmp(&iter->head, (uint8_t *) CHK_MAGIC,
+                                       sizeof(*chk_desc),
+                                       CARL9170FW_CHK_DESC_CUR_VER))
+                       continue;
+               crc32 = crc32_le(crc32, (void *) &iter->head, elen);
+       }
+       if (crc32 != le32_to_cpu(chk_desc->hdr_crc32))
+               return -EINVAL;
+       return 0;
+struct carlfw *carlfw_load(const char *basename)
+       char filename[256];
+       struct carlfw *fw;
+       struct carl9170fw_otus_desc *otus_desc;
+       struct carl9170fw_last_desc *last_desc;
+       struct carlfw_file *hdr_file;
+       unsigned long fin, diff, off, rem;
+       int err;
+       fw = calloc(1, sizeof(*fw));
+       if (!fw)
+               return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+       init_list_head(&fw->desc_list);
+       snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s.dsc", basename);
+       err = __carlfw_load(&fw->hdr, filename, "r");
+       snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s.fw", basename);
+       err = __carlfw_load(&fw->fw, filename, "r");
+       if (!err)
+               goto found;
+       err = __carlfw_load(&fw->fw, basename, "r");
+       if (err)
+               goto err_out;
+       if (fw->
+               hdr_file = &fw->hdr;
+       else
+               hdr_file = &fw->fw;
+       otus_desc = __carlfw_find_desc(hdr_file, (uint8_t *) OTUS_MAGIC,
+                                      sizeof(*otus_desc),
+                                      CARL9170FW_OTUS_DESC_CUR_VER);
+       last_desc = __carlfw_find_desc(hdr_file, (uint8_t *) LAST_MAGIC,
+                                      sizeof(*last_desc),
+                                      CARL9170FW_LAST_DESC_CUR_VER);
+       if (!otus_desc || !last_desc ||
+           (unsigned long) otus_desc > (unsigned long) last_desc) {
+               err = -ENODATA;
+               goto err_out;
+       }
+       err = carlfw_parse_descs(fw, otus_desc);
+       if (err)
+               goto err_out;
+       fin = (unsigned long)last_desc + sizeof(*last_desc);
+       diff = fin - (unsigned long)otus_desc;
+       rem = hdr_file->len - (fin - (unsigned long) hdr_file->data);
+       if (rem) {
+               off = (unsigned long)otus_desc - (unsigned long)hdr_file->data;
+               memmove(&hdr_file->data[off],
+                       ((uint8_t *)last_desc) + sizeof(*last_desc), rem);
+       }
+       hdr_file->len -= diff;
+       hdr_file->data = realloc(hdr_file->data, hdr_file->len);
+       if (!hdr_file->data && hdr_file->len) {
+               err = -ENOMEM;
+               goto err_out;
+       }
+       err = carlfw_check_crc32s(fw);
+       if (err && err != -ENODATA)
+               goto err_out;
+       return fw;
+       carlfw_release(fw);
+       return ERR_PTR(err);
+static int carlfw_apply_checksums(struct carlfw *fw)
+       struct carlfw_list_entry *iter;
+       struct carl9170fw_chk_desc tmp = {
+               CARL9170FW_FILL_DESC(CHK_MAGIC, sizeof(tmp),
+                                     CARL9170FW_CHK_DESC_MIN_VER,
+                                     CARL9170FW_CHK_DESC_CUR_VER) };
+       struct carl9170fw_chk_desc *chk_desc = NULL;
+       int err = 0;
+       unsigned int len = 0, elen, max_len;
+       uint32_t crc32;
+       chk_desc = carlfw_find_desc(fw, (uint8_t *) CHK_MAGIC,
+                                   sizeof(*chk_desc),
+                                   CARL9170FW_CHK_DESC_CUR_VER);
+       if (chk_desc) {
+               carlfw_desc_del(fw, &chk_desc->head);
+               chk_desc = NULL;
+       }
+       max_len = fw->desc_list_len;
+       crc32 = crc32_le(~0, (void *) fw->, fw->fw.len);
+       tmp.fw_crc32 = cpu_to_le32(crc32);
+       /*
+        * NOTE:
+        *
+        * The descriptor checksum is seeded with the firmware's crc32.
+        * This neat trick ensures that the driver can check whenever
+        * descriptor actually belongs to the firmware, or not.
+        */
+       carlfw_walk_descs(iter, fw) {
+               elen = le16_to_cpu(iter->head.length);
+               if (max_len < len + elen)
+                       return -EMSGSIZE;
+               crc32 = crc32_le(crc32, (void *) &iter->head, elen);
+               len += elen;
+       }
+       tmp.hdr_crc32 = cpu_to_le32(crc32);
+       err = carlfw_desc_add_tail(fw, &tmp.head);
+       return err;
+int carlfw_store(struct carlfw *fw)
+       struct carl9170fw_last_desc last_desc = {
+               CARL9170FW_FILL_DESC(LAST_MAGIC, sizeof(last_desc),
+                       CARL9170FW_LAST_DESC_MIN_VER,
+                       CARL9170FW_LAST_DESC_CUR_VER) };
+       struct carlfw_list_entry *iter;
+       FILE *fh;
+       int err, elen;
+       err = carlfw_apply_checksums(fw);
+       if (err)
+               return err;
+       fh = fopen(fw->, "w");
+       if (!fh)
+               return -errno;
+       err = fwrite(fw->, fw->fw.len, 1, fh);
+       if (err != 1) {
+               err = -errno;
+               goto close_out;
+       }
+       if (fw-> {
+               fclose(fh);
+               fh = fopen(fw->, "w");
+       }
+       carlfw_walk_descs(iter, fw) {
+               elen = le16_to_cpu(iter->head.length);
+               if (elen > CARL9170FW_DESC_MAX_LENGTH) {
+                       err = -E2BIG;
+                       goto close_out;
+               }
+               err = fwrite(iter->data, elen, 1, fh);
+               if (err != 1) {
+                       err = ferror(fh);
+                       goto close_out;
+               }
+       }
+       err = fwrite(&last_desc, sizeof(last_desc), 1, fh);
+       if (err != 1) {
+               err = ferror(fh);
+               goto close_out;
+       }
+       err = 0;
+       fclose(fh);
+       return err;
+void *carlfw_mod_tailroom(struct carlfw *fw, ssize_t len)
+       size_t new_len;
+       void *buf;
+       new_len = fw->fw.len + len;
+       if (!carl9170fw_size_check(new_len))
+               return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
+       buf = realloc(fw->, new_len);
+       if (buf == NULL)
+               return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+       fw->fw.len = new_len;
+       fw-> = buf;
+       return &fw->[new_len - len];
+void *carlfw_mod_headroom(struct carlfw *fw, ssize_t len)
+       size_t new_len;
+       void *ptr;
+       new_len = fw->fw.len + len;
+       if (!carl9170fw_size_check(new_len))
+               return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
+       if (len < 0)
+               memmove(fw->, &fw->[len], new_len);
+       ptr = carlfw_mod_tailroom(fw, len);
+       if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ptr))
+               return ptr;
+       if (len > 0)
+               memmove(&fw->[len], &fw->[0], new_len - len);
+       return fw->;
+void *carlfw_get_fw(struct carlfw *fw, size_t *len)
+       *len = fw->fw.len;
+       return fw->;
+unsigned int carlfw_get_descs_num(struct carlfw *fw)
+       return fw->desc_list_entries;
+unsigned int carlfw_get_descs_size(struct carlfw *fw)
+       return fw->desc_list_len;
diff --git a/tools/lib/carlfw.h b/tools/lib/carlfw.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..85b76b0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#ifndef __CARLFW_H
+#define __CARLFW_H
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include "compiler.h"
+#include "fwdesc.h"
+#include "list.h"
+struct carlfw;
+void carlfw_release(struct carlfw *fw);
+struct carlfw *carlfw_load(const char *basename);
+int carlfw_store(struct carlfw *fw);
+void *carlfw_find_desc(struct carlfw *fw,
+       const uint8_t descid[4], const unsigned int len,
+       const uint8_t compatible_revision);
+int carlfw_desc_add_tail(struct carlfw *fw,
+                        const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *desc);
+int carlfw_desc_add(struct carlfw *fw,
+                   const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *desc,
+                   struct carl9170fw_desc_head *prev,
+                   struct carl9170fw_desc_head *next);
+void *carlfw_desc_mod_len(struct carlfw *fw,
+                         struct carl9170fw_desc_head *desc,
+                         int len);
+int carlfw_desc_add_before(struct carlfw *fw,
+                          const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *desc,
+                          struct carl9170fw_desc_head *pos);
+void carlfw_desc_unlink(struct carlfw *fw,
+                       struct carl9170fw_desc_head *desc);
+void carlfw_desc_del(struct carlfw *fw,
+                    struct carl9170fw_desc_head *entry);
+void *carlfw_desc_next(struct carlfw *fw,
+                      struct carl9170fw_desc_head *pos);
+void *carlfw_mod_tailroom(struct carlfw *fw, ssize_t len);
+void *carlfw_mod_headroom(struct carlfw *fw, ssize_t len);
+void *carlfw_get_fw(struct carlfw *fw, size_t *len);
+unsigned int carlfw_get_descs_num(struct carlfw *fw);
+unsigned int carlfw_get_descs_size(struct carlfw *fw);
+#endif /* __CARLFW_H */
diff --git a/tools/src/CMakeLists.txt b/tools/src/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..34edfcf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+set(tools fwinfo miniboot checksum eeprom_fix)
+foreach(tool ${tools})
+       add_executable( ${tool} ${tool}.c )
+       add_definitions("-std=gnu99 -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow")
+       target_link_libraries( ${tool} carlfw )
diff --git a/tools/src/checksum.c b/tools/src/checksum.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7d1ae35
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * Copyright 2010, Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <error.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "carlfw.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+static void checksum_help(void)
+       fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\tchecksum FW-FILE\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\nDescription:\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\tThis simple utility adds/updates various "
+                       "checksums.\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\nParameteres:\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t 'FW-FILE'   = firmware name\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+int main(int argc, char *args[])
+       struct carlfw *fw = NULL;
+       int err = 0;
+       if (argc != 2) {
+               err = -EINVAL;
+               goto out;
+       }
+       fw = carlfw_load(args[1]);
+       if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(fw)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file \"%s\" (%d).\n",
+                       args[1], (int) PTR_ERR(fw));
+               goto out;
+       }
+       /*
+        * No magic here, The checksum descriptor is added/update
+        * automatically in a subroutine of carlfw_store().
+        *
+        * This tools serves as a skeleton/example.
+        */
+       err = carlfw_store(fw);
+       if (err) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Failed to apply checksum (%d).\n", err);
+               goto out;
+       }
+       switch (err) {
+       case 0:
+               fprintf(stdout, "checksum applied.\n");
+               break;
+       case -EINVAL:
+               checksum_help();
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       carlfw_release(fw);
+       return err ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/tools/src/eeprom_fix.c b/tools/src/eeprom_fix.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7f28179
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ * Copyright 2010, Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <error.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "carlfw.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+static int get_val(char *str, unsigned int *val)
+       int err;
+       err = sscanf(str, "%8x", val);
+       if (err != 1)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       return 0;
+static int get_addr(char *str, unsigned int *val)
+       int err;
+       err = get_val(str, val);
+       if (*val & 3) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Address 0x%.8x is not a multiple of 4.\n",
+                       *val);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int
+new_fix_entry(struct carlfw *fw, struct carl9170fw_fix_entry *fix_entry)
+       struct carl9170fw_fix_desc *fix;
+       unsigned int len;
+       len = sizeof(*fix) + sizeof(*fix_entry);
+       fix = malloc(len);
+       if (!fix)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       carl9170fw_fill_desc(&fix->head, (uint8_t *) FIX_MAGIC,
+                             cpu_to_le16(len),
+                             CARL9170FW_FIX_DESC_MIN_VER,
+                             CARL9170FW_FIX_DESC_CUR_VER);
+       memcpy(&fix->data[0], fix_entry, sizeof(*fix_entry));
+       return carlfw_desc_add_tail(fw, &fix->head);
+static struct carl9170fw_fix_entry *
+scan_for_similar_fix(struct carl9170fw_fix_desc *fix, __le32 address)
+       unsigned int i, entries;
+       entries = (le16_to_cpu(fix->head.length) - sizeof(*fix)) /
+                  sizeof(struct carl9170fw_fix_entry);
+       for (i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
+               if (address == fix->data[i].address)
+                       return &fix->data[i];
+       }
+       return NULL;
+static int
+add_another_fix_entry(struct carlfw *fw, struct carl9170fw_fix_desc *fix,
+                struct carl9170fw_fix_entry *fix_entry)
+       unsigned int entry;
+       fix = carlfw_desc_mod_len(fw, &fix->head, sizeof(*fix_entry));
+       if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(fix))
+               return (int) PTR_ERR(fix);
+       entry = (le16_to_cpu(fix->head.length) - sizeof(*fix)) /
+               sizeof(*fix_entry) - 1;
+       memcpy(&fix->data[entry], fix_entry, sizeof(*fix_entry));
+       return 0;
+static int
+update_entry(char option, struct carl9170fw_fix_entry *entry,
+            struct carl9170fw_fix_entry *fix)
+       switch (option) {
+       case '=':
+               entry->mask = fix->mask;
+               entry->value = fix->value;
+               break;
+       case 'O':
+               entry->mask |= fix->mask;
+               entry->value |= fix->value;
+               break;
+       case 'A':
+               entry->mask &= fix->mask;
+               entry->value &= fix->value;
+               break;
+       default:
+               fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: '%c'\n", option);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static void user_education(void)
+       fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\teeprom_fix FW-FILE SWITCH [ADDRESS [VALUE MASK]]\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\nDescription:\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\tThis utility manage a set of overrides which "
+                       "commands the driver\n\tto load customized EEPROM' "
+                       "data for all specified addresses.\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\nParameters:\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t'FW-FILE'  = firmware file [basename]\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t'SWITCH'   = [=|d|D]\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t | '='       => add/set value for address\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t | 'D'       => removes all EEPROM overrides\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t * 'd'       => removed override for 'address'\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\n\t'ADDRESS'  = location of the EEPROM override\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t\t     NB: must be a multiple of 4.\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t\t     an address map can be found in eeprom.h.\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\n\t'VALUE'    = replacement value\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t'MASK'     = mask for the value placement.\n\n");
+       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+static int
+set_fix(struct carlfw *fw, struct carl9170fw_fix_desc *fix,
+       char __unused option, int __unused argc, char *args[])
+       struct carl9170fw_fix_entry fix_entry, *entry = NULL;
+       unsigned int address, value, mask;
+       int err;
+       err = get_addr(args[3], &address);
+       if (err)
+               return err;
+       err = get_val(args[4], &value);
+       if (err)
+               return err;
+       err = get_val(args[5], &mask);
+       if (err)
+               return err;
+       fix_entry.address = cpu_to_le32(address);
+       fix_entry.value = cpu_to_le32(value);
+       fix_entry.mask = cpu_to_le32(mask);
+       if (!fix) {
+               err = new_fix_entry(fw, &fix_entry);
+       } else {
+               entry = scan_for_similar_fix(fix, fix_entry.address);
+               if (entry) {
+                       err = update_entry(option, entry, &fix_entry);
+                       if (err)
+                               fprintf(stdout, "Overwrite old entry.\n");
+               } else {
+                       err = add_another_fix_entry(fw, fix, &fix_entry);
+               }
+       }
+       return err;
+static int
+del_fix(struct carlfw *fw, struct carl9170fw_fix_desc *fix,
+       char __unused option, int __unused argc, char *args[])
+       struct carl9170fw_fix_entry *entry = NULL;
+       unsigned int address;
+       unsigned long off;
+       unsigned int rem_len;
+       int err;
+       err = get_addr(args[3], &address);
+       if (err)
+               return err;
+       if (fix)
+               entry = scan_for_similar_fix(fix, cpu_to_le32(address));
+       if (!entry) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Entry for 0x%.8x not found\n", address);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       off = (unsigned long) entry - (unsigned long) fix->data;
+       rem_len = le16_to_cpu(fix->head.length) - off;
+       if (rem_len) {
+               unsigned long cont;
+               cont = (unsigned long) entry + sizeof(*entry);
+               memmove(entry, (void *)cont, rem_len);
+       }
+       fix = carlfw_desc_mod_len(fw, &fix->head, -sizeof(*entry));
+       err = IS_ERR_OR_NULL(fix);
+       return err;
+static int del_all(struct carlfw *fw, struct carl9170fw_fix_desc *fix,
+       char __unused option, int __unused argc, char __unused *args[])
+       if (!fix)
+               return 0;
+       carlfw_desc_del(fw, &fix->head);
+       return 0;
+static const struct {
+       char option;
+       int argc;
+       int (*func)(struct carlfw *, struct carl9170fw_fix_desc *,
+                   char, int, char **);
+} programm_function[] = {
+       { '=', 6, set_fix },
+       { 'O', 6, set_fix },
+       { 'A', 6, set_fix },
+       { 'd', 4, del_fix },
+       { 'D', 3, del_all },
+int main(int argc, char *args[])
+       struct carl9170fw_fix_desc *fix;
+       struct carlfw *fw = NULL;
+       unsigned int i;
+       int err = 0;
+       char option;
+       if (argc < 3 || argc > 6) {
+               err = -EINVAL;
+               goto out;
+       }
+       fw = carlfw_load(args[1]);
+       if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(fw)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file \"%s\" (%d).\n",
+                       args[1], (int) PTR_ERR(fw));
+               goto out;
+       }
+       fix = carlfw_find_desc(fw, (uint8_t *)FIX_MAGIC, sizeof(*fix),
+                              CARL9170FW_FIX_DESC_CUR_VER);
+       option = args[2][0];
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(programm_function); i++) {
+               if (programm_function[i].option != option)
+                       continue;
+               if (argc != programm_function[i].argc) {
+                       err = -EINVAL;
+                       goto out;
+               }
+               err = programm_function[i].func(fw, fix, option, argc, args);
+               if (err)
+                       goto out;
+               break;
+       }
+       if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(programm_function)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: '%c'\n",
+                       args[2][0]);
+               goto out;
+       }
+       err = carlfw_store(fw);
+       if (err) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Failed to apply changes (%d).\n", err);
+               goto out;
+       }
+       carlfw_release(fw);
+       if (err) {
+               if (err == -EINVAL)
+                       user_education();
+               else
+                       fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(err));
+       }
+       return err ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/tools/src/fwinfo.c b/tools/src/fwinfo.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1e64c5b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+ * Copyright 2010, Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <error.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "carlfw.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+struct feature_list {
+       unsigned int id;
+       char name[64];
+       void (*func)(const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *, struct carlfw *fw);
+#define CHECK_FOR_FEATURE(feature_enum)                                        \
+       { .id = feature_enum, .name = #feature_enum, .func = NULL }
+#define CHECK_FOR_FEATURE_FUNC(feature_enum, _func)                    \
+       { .id = feature_enum, .name = #feature_enum, .func = _func }
+static const struct feature_list known_otus_features_v1[] = {
+static void check_feature_list(const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *head,
+                              const __le32 bitmap,
+                              const struct feature_list *list,
+                              const unsigned int entries,
+                              struct carlfw *fw)
+       unsigned int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
+               if (!carl9170fw_supports(bitmap, list[i].id))
+                       continue;
+               fprintf(stdout, "\t\t%2d = %s\n", list[i].id, list[i].name);
+               if (list[i].func)
+                       list[i].func(head, fw);
+       }
+static void show_otus_desc(const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *head,
+                          struct carlfw *fw)
+       const struct carl9170fw_otus_desc *otus = (const void *) head;
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(ARRAY_SIZE(known_otus_features_v1) != __CARL9170FW_FEATURE_NUM);
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tBeacon Address: %x, (reserved:%d Bytes)\n",
+               le32_to_cpu(otus->bcn_addr), le16_to_cpu(otus->bcn_len));
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tFirmware API Version: %d\n", otus->api_ver);
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tSupported Firmware Interfaces: %d\n", otus->vif_num);
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tSupported Features: (raw:%.08x)\n",
+               le32_to_cpu(otus->fw_feature_set));
+       check_feature_list(head, otus->fw_feature_set, known_otus_features_v1,
+                          ARRAY_SIZE(known_otus_features_v1), fw);
+static void show_miniboot_info(const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *head,
+                              struct carlfw *fw __unused)
+       const struct carl9170fw_usb_desc *usb = (const void *) head;
+       fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\tminiboot size: %d Bytes\n", usb->miniboot_size);
+static const struct feature_list known_usb_features_v1[] = {
+       CHECK_FOR_FEATURE_FUNC(CARL9170FW_USB_MINIBOOT, show_miniboot_info),
+static void show_usb_desc(const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *head,
+                         struct carlfw *fw __unused)
+       const struct carl9170fw_usb_desc *usb = (const void *) head;
+       BUILD_BUG_ON(ARRAY_SIZE(known_usb_features_v1) != __CARL9170FW_USB_FEATURE_NUM);
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tTX DMA chunk size:%d Bytes, TX DMA chunks:%d\n",
+               usb->tx_frag_len, usb->tx_descs);
+       fprintf(stdout, "\t=> %d Bytes are reserved for the TX queues\n",
+               usb->tx_frag_len * usb->tx_descs);
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tMax. RX stream block size:%d Bytes\n",
+               usb->rx_max_frame_len);
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tFirmware upload pointer: 0x%x\n",
+               usb->fw_address);
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tSupported Features: (raw:%.08x)\n",
+               le32_to_cpu(usb->usb_feature_set));
+       check_feature_list(head, usb->usb_feature_set, known_usb_features_v1,
+                          ARRAY_SIZE(known_usb_features_v1), fw);
+static void show_motd_desc(const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *head,
+                          struct carlfw *fw __unused)
+       const struct carl9170fw_motd_desc *motd = (const void *) head;
+       char buf[CARL9170FW_MOTD_STRING_LEN];
+       unsigned int fw_date;
+       fw_date = motd->fw_year_month_day;
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tFirmware Build Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2%03d-%02d-%02d\n",
+               CARL9170FW_GET_YEAR(fw_date), CARL9170FW_GET_MONTH(fw_date),
+               CARL9170FW_GET_DAY(fw_date));
+       strncpy(buf, motd->desc, CARL9170FW_MOTD_STRING_LEN);
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tFirmware Text:\"%s\"\n", buf);
+       strncpy(buf, motd->release, CARL9170FW_MOTD_STRING_LEN);
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tFirmware Release:\"%s\"\n", buf);
+static void show_fix_desc(const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *head,
+                         struct carlfw *fw __unused)
+       const struct carl9170fw_fix_desc *fix = (const void *) head;
+       const struct carl9170fw_fix_entry *iter;
+       unsigned int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < (head->length - sizeof(*head)) / sizeof(*iter); i++) {
+               iter = &fix->data[i];
+               fprintf(stdout, "\t\t%d: 0x%.8x := 0x%.8x (0x%.8x)\n", i,
+                       le32_to_cpu(iter->address), le32_to_cpu(iter->value),
+                       le32_to_cpu(iter->mask));
+       }
+static void show_dbg_desc(const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *head,
+                           struct carlfw *fw __unused)
+       const struct carl9170fw_dbg_desc *dbg = (const void *) head;
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tFirmware Debug Registers/Counters\n");
+       fprintf(stdout, "\t\tbogoclock    = 0x%.8x\n",
+               le32_to_cpu(dbg->bogoclock_addr));
+       fprintf(stdout, "\t\tcounter      = 0x%.8x\n",
+               le32_to_cpu(dbg->counter_addr));
+       fprintf(stdout, "\t\trx total     = 0x%.8x\n",
+               le32_to_cpu(dbg->rx_total_addr));
+       fprintf(stdout, "\t\trx overrun   = 0x%.8x\n",
+               le32_to_cpu(dbg->rx_overrun_addr));
+       /* Nothing interesting here */
+static void show_chk_desc(const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *head,
+                           struct carlfw *fw __unused)
+       const struct carl9170fw_chk_desc *chk = (const void *) head;
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tFirmware Descriptor CRC32: %08x\n",
+               le32_to_cpu(chk->hdr_crc32));
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tFirmware Image CRC32: %08x\n",
+               le32_to_cpu(chk->fw_crc32));
+static void show_last_desc(const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *head,
+                          struct carlfw *fw __unused)
+       const struct carl9170fw_last_desc *last __unused = (const void *) head;
+       /* Nothing here */
+#define ADD_HANDLER(_magic, _func)                             \
+       {                                                       \
+         .magic = _magic##_MAGIC,                              \
+         .min_ver = CARL9170FW_## _magic##_DESC_CUR_VER,       \
+         .func = _func,                                        \
+         .size = CARL9170FW_## _magic##_DESC_SIZE,             \
+       }
+static const struct {
+       uint8_t magic[4];
+       uint8_t min_ver;
+       void (*func)(const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *, struct carlfw *);
+       uint16_t size;
+} known_magics[] = {
+       ADD_HANDLER(OTUS, show_otus_desc),
+       ADD_HANDLER(USB, show_usb_desc),
+       ADD_HANDLER(MOTD, show_motd_desc),
+       ADD_HANDLER(DBG, show_dbg_desc),
+       ADD_HANDLER(FIX, show_fix_desc),
+       ADD_HANDLER(CHK, show_chk_desc),
+       ADD_HANDLER(LAST, show_last_desc),
+static const uint8_t otus_magic[4] = { OTUS_MAGIC };
+static void show_desc_head(struct carl9170fw_desc_head *head)
+#define P(c) (isprint(c) ? c :  ' ')
+       fprintf(stdout, ">\t%c%c%c%c Descriptor: size:%d, compatible:%d, "
+                       "version:%d\n",
+               P(head->magic[0]), P(head->magic[1]), P(head->magic[2]),
+               P(head->magic[3]), le16_to_cpu(head->length), head->min_ver,
+               head->cur_ver);
+static void fwinfo_info(void)
+       fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\tfwinfo FW-FILE\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\nDescription:\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\tDisplay firmware descriptors information in "
+                       "a human readable form.\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\nParameteres:\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t 'FW-FILE'   = firmware file/base-name\n\n");
+int main(int argc, char *args[])
+       struct carlfw *fw = NULL;
+       struct carl9170fw_desc_head *fw_desc;
+       unsigned int i;
+       int err = 0;
+       size_t len;
+       if (argc != 2) {
+               err = -EINVAL;
+               goto out;
+       }
+       fw = carlfw_load(args[1]);
+       if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(fw)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open firmware \"%s\" (%d).\n",
+                       args[1], (int)PTR_ERR(fw));
+               goto out;
+       }
+       carlfw_get_fw(fw, &len);
+       fprintf(stdout, "General Firmware Statistics:\n");
+       fprintf(stdout, "\tFirmware file size: %u Bytes\n", len);
+       fprintf(stdout, "\t%d Descriptors in %d Bytes\n",
+               carlfw_get_descs_num(fw), carlfw_get_descs_size(fw));
+       fw_desc = NULL;
+       fprintf(stdout, "\nDetailed Descriptor Description:\n");
+       while ((fw_desc = carlfw_desc_next(fw, fw_desc))) {
+               show_desc_head(fw_desc);
+               for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(known_magics); i++) {
+                       if (carl9170fw_desc_cmp(fw_desc, known_magics[i].magic,
+                           known_magics[i].size, known_magics[i].min_ver)) {
+                               known_magics[i].func(fw_desc, fw);
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(known_magics))
+                       fprintf(stderr, "Unknown Descriptor.\n");
+               fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+       }
+       switch (err) {
+       case 0:
+               break;
+       case -EINVAL:
+               fwinfo_info();
+               break;
+       default:
+               fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(-err));
+               break;
+       }
+       carlfw_release(fw);
+       return err ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/tools/src/miniboot.c b/tools/src/miniboot.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ca4630b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ * Copyright 2010, Christian Lamparter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <error.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "carlfw.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+static void mini_help(void)
+       fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\tminiboot ACTION FW-FILE [MB-FILE]\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\nDescription:\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\tFirmware concatenation utility.\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\nParameteres:\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t'ACTION'     = [a|d]\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t | 'a'       = Add miniboot firmware.\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t * 'd'       = remove miniboot firmware.\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t'FW-FILE'    = destination for the package.\n");
+       fprintf(stderr, "\t'MB-FILE'    = extra firmware image.\n");
+static int add_mini(struct carlfw *fw, const char *mini)
+       struct stat file_stat;
+       struct carl9170fw_otus_desc *otus_desc = NULL;
+       struct carl9170fw_usb_desc *usb_desc = NULL;
+       FILE *m = NULL;
+       char *buf = NULL;
+       size_t extra;
+       int err;
+       m = fopen(mini, "r");
+       if (m == NULL) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file %s (%d).\n",
+                       mini, errno);
+               err = -errno;
+               goto fail;
+       }
+       err = fstat(fileno(m), &file_stat);
+       if (err) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Failed to query file infos from "
+                               "\"%s\" (%d).\n", mini, errno);
+               err = -errno;
+               goto fail;
+       }
+       extra = file_stat.st_size;
+       otus_desc = carlfw_find_desc(fw, (uint8_t *) OTUS_MAGIC,
+                                    sizeof(*otus_desc),
+                                    CARL9170FW_OTUS_DESC_CUR_VER);
+       if (!otus_desc) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "No OTUS descriptor found\n");
+               goto fail;
+       }
+       usb_desc = carlfw_find_desc(fw, (uint8_t *) USB_MAGIC,
+                                   sizeof(*usb_desc),
+                                   CARL9170FW_USB_DESC_CUR_VER);
+       if (!usb_desc) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Firmware is not for USB devices.\n");
+               goto fail;
+       }
+       if (carl9170fw_supports(usb_desc->usb_feature_set, CARL9170FW_USB_MINIBOOT)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Firmware has already a miniboot image.\n");
+               goto fail;
+       }
+       usb_desc->usb_feature_set |= cpu_to_le32(BIT(CARL9170FW_USB_MINIBOOT));
+       usb_desc->miniboot_size = cpu_to_le16(extra);
+       buf = carlfw_mod_headroom(fw, extra);
+       if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(buf)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Unable to add miniboot image.\n");
+               goto fail;
+       }
+       err = fread(buf, extra, 1, m);
+       if (err != 1) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load miniboot.\n");
+               goto fail;
+       }
+       carlfw_store(fw);
+       fclose(m);
+       return 0;
+       if (m)
+               fclose(m);
+       return err;
+static int del_mini(struct carlfw *fw)
+       struct carl9170fw_usb_desc *usb_desc = NULL;
+       void *buf;
+       int cut;
+       usb_desc = carlfw_find_desc(fw, (uint8_t *) USB_MAGIC,
+                                   sizeof(*usb_desc),
+                                   CARL9170FW_USB_DESC_CUR_VER);
+       if (!usb_desc) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Firmware is not for USB devices.\n");
+               return -ENODATA;
+       }
+       if (!carl9170fw_supports(usb_desc->usb_feature_set, CARL9170FW_USB_MINIBOOT)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Firmware has no miniboot image.\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       cut = le16_to_cpu(usb_desc->miniboot_size);
+       buf = carlfw_mod_headroom(fw, -cut);
+       if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(buf)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Unable to remove miniboot.\n");
+               return PTR_ERR(buf);
+       }
+       usb_desc->usb_feature_set &= cpu_to_le32(~BIT(CARL9170FW_USB_MINIBOOT));
+       usb_desc->miniboot_size = cpu_to_le16(0);
+       carlfw_store(fw);
+       return 0;
+int main(int argc, char *args[])
+       struct carlfw *fw = NULL;
+       int err;
+       if (argc < 3 || argc > 4) {
+               err = -EINVAL;
+               goto err_param;
+       }
+       switch (args[1][0]) {
+       case 'a':
+               if (argc != 4)
+                       goto err_param;
+               fw = carlfw_load(args[2]);
+               if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(fw)) {
+                       err = PTR_ERR(fw);
+                       goto err_out;
+               }
+               err = add_mini(fw, args[3]);
+               break;
+       case 'd':
+               if (argc != 3)
+                       goto err_param;
+               fw = carlfw_load(args[2]);
+               if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(fw)) {
+                       err = PTR_ERR(fw);
+                       goto err_out;
+               }
+               err = del_mini(fw);
+               break;
+       default:
+               goto err_param;
+               break;
+       }
+       carlfw_release(fw);
+       return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+       carlfw_release(fw);
+       fprintf(stderr, "miniboot action failed (%d).\n", err);
+       return EXIT_FAILURE;
+       carlfw_release(fw);
+       mini_help();
+       return EXIT_FAILURE;