are not allowed  can not be  constant  does not  expression  identifier  file  here Integer File Illegal  or Undefined  match  real String Textfile  out of range  variable  overflow  expected  type Invalid  pointer 01';' 02':' 03',' 04'(' 05')' 06'=' 07':=' 08'[' 09']' 10'.' 11'..' 12BEGIN 13DO 14END 15OF 16PROCEDURE FUNCTION 17THEN 18TO DOWNTO 20Boolean 21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28Pointer 29Record 30Simple 31Simple 32 33 34 35 36Type 37Untyped 40 label 41Unknown syntax error 42 in preceding definitions 43Duplicate label 44Type mismatch 45 46 and CASE selector 47Operand(s) operator 48 result 49  length 50 length 51 subrange base 52Lower bound > upper bound 53Reserved word 54 assignment 55 exceeds line 56Error in integer 57Error in 58 character in 60s 61 s ands 62Structureds 63s 64s and untypeds 65Untypeds 66I/O 67 s must be parameters 68 componentss 69dering of fields 70Set base 71 GOTO 72Label not within current block 73 FORWARD procedure(s) 74INLINE error 75 use of ABSOLUTE 76Overlays forwarded 77Overlays in direct mode 90 not found 91Unexpected end of source 92Unable to create overlay 93 compiler directive 96Nested include 97Too many nested WITH's 98Memory 99Compiler