{//-------------------------------------------------------------------------} {/* } {Copyright (C) 2014 Jason Self } { } {This file is free software: you may copy, redistribute and/or modify it } {under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by } {the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your } {option) any later version. } { } {This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT } {ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or } {FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License} {for more details. } { } {You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License } {along with this program; if not, see https://gnu.org/licenses or write to: } { Free Software Foundation, Inc. } { 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor } { Boston, MA 02110-1301 } { USA } { } {This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and } {permission notice: } { } {Copyright (C) 1990, 2009 - Apogee Software, Ltd. } { } {This file is part of Beyond The Titanic. Beyond The Titanic is free } {software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the } {GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; } {either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. } { } {This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT} {ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or } {FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. } { } {See the GNU General Public License for more details. } { } {You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License } {along with this program; if not, write to: } { Free Software Foundation, Inc. } { 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor } { Boston, MA 02110-1301 } { USA } { } {Original Source: 1990 Scott Miller } {Prepared for public release: 03/19/09 - Joe Siegler, Apogee Software, Ltd. } {*/ } {//-------------------------------------------------------------------------} {*****************************************************************************} {* OBJECTS *} {* by Scott Miller *} {* This include file to AdGame initializes all of the immoveable objects. *} {* Copyright 1984 Pending *} {*****************************************************************************} procedure Assign0; begin {INITIALIZE OBJECT'S ROOMS} for o:=0 to NMax do r[o]:=Null; p[0]:=[53,73,80,6,26,64,36]; p[1]:=[53,6,57,73,80,64,36]; p[2]:=[40,53,14,6,66,46,73,80,57,64,36]; p[3]:=[6,73,80,39,59,57,64,36]; p[4]:=[6,73,80,39,35,59,64,36]; p[5]:=[73,80,71]; p[6]:=[73,80,71]; p[7]:=[36,73,80,6]; p[8]:=[47,46]; p[9]:=[73,80]; p[10]:=[80,73,17]; p[11]:=[72]; p[12]:=[70]; p[13]:=[17,47,73,80]; p[14]:=[]; p[15]:=[17,73,80]; p[16]:=[17,57]; p[17]:=[17]; p[18]:=[]; p[19]:=[69]; p[20]:=[12,69,67,43]; p[21]:=[64,71,37]; p[22]:=[64,71,37]; p[23]:=[64,26,71,37]; p[24]:=[64,69,41,26,55]; p[25]:=[64,69,41,26,84]; p[26]:=[41,12,69,84]; p[27]:=[20,21,26,10,58,38,86]; p[28]:=[21,10,78,33,49,85]; p[29]:=[78,10,21,33,49,85]; p[30]:=[21,10,24,25,82,16,59,49,76,38,86]; p[31]:=[75,21,10,84,7,22]; p[32]:=[61,75,21,14]; p[33]:=[61,75,4,21,10,59,84]; p[34]:=[16,5,21,68,58,10,0,20,74,25,86]; p[35]:=[62,21,10,54,55]; p[36]:=[85,83,21,14,12,64,43]; p[37]:=p[36]; p[38]:=p[36]+[28]; p[39]:=p[36]; p[40]:=p[36]+[26,67]; p[41]:=[87,73,19,47,53,37]; p[42]:=p[41]+[13]; p[43]:=p[41]; p[44]:=[41,19,87]; p[45]:=[41,19]; p[46]:=[41,19]; p[47]:=[3,41,19,17,22]; p[48]:=[3,19,17,22,27,35]; p[49]:=[9,26,37,72]; p[50]:=[9,26,88,46,66,37,68]; p[51]:=[9,37]; p[52]:=[9,37]; p[53]:=[9,69,37]; p[54]:=[9,37]; p[55]:=[9,69,11,45,26,61,37,68]; p[56]:=[9,69,37]; p[57]:=[9,19,37,41,65,22,31,73,87]; p[58]:=[9,10,16,19,20,21,25,36,41,46,58,59,65,66,68,81,86]; p[59]:=p[58]+[17,18,22,31,71,73,87]; p[63]:=[9,10,16,18,19,20,21,25,36,41,46,58,59,65,66,68,81,86,88]; p[64]:=p[63]; p[65]:=p[63]; p[66]:=p[63]; p[67]:=p[63]; p[68]:=p[63]; p[69]:=p[63]+[9,14,37,53]; p[70]:=p[69]+[69]-[10,16,20,36,46,58,59,66,68,81,86]; p[71]:=[10,20,21,25,36,38,41,54,58,69]; p[72]:=[85]; p[73]:=p[72]; p[74]:=p[72]; p[75]:=[23,14,61]; p[76]:=[26,45]; for x:=0 to 76 do p[x]:=p[x]+[15,30,42,44,50,56,60,79] end; {****************************** END OF OBJECTS *******************************}