[beyond-the-titanic.git] / src / SPECIAL.PAS
1 {//-------------------------------------------------------------------------}\r
2 {/*                                                                         }\r
3 {Copyright (C) 2014 Jason Self <j@jxself.org>                               }\r
4 {                                                                           }\r
5 {This file is free software: you may copy, redistribute and/or modify it    }\r
6 {under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by   }\r
7 {the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your }\r
8 {option) any later version.                                                 }\r
9 {                                                                           }\r
10 {This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT   }\r
11 {ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or      }\r
12 {FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License}\r
13 {for more details.                                                          }\r
14 {                                                                           }\r
15 {You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License   }\r
16 {along with this program; if not, see https://gnu.org/licenses or write to: }\r
17 {  Free Software Foundation, Inc.                                           }\r
18 {  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor                                          }\r
19 {  Boston, MA 02110-1301                                                    }\r
20 {  USA                                                                      }\r
21 {                                                                           }\r
22 {This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and         }\r
23 {permission notice:                                                         }\r
24 {                                                                           }\r
25 {Copyright (C) 1990, 2009 - Apogee Software, Ltd.                           }\r
26 {                                                                           }\r
27 {This file is part of Supernova.  Supernova is free software; you can       }\r
28 {redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public }\r
29 {License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3     }\r
30 {of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                     }\r
31 {                                                                           }\r
32 {This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,            }\r
33 {but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of             }\r
35 {                                                                           }\r
36 {See the GNU General Public License for more details.                       }\r
37 {                                                                           }\r
38 {You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License          }\r
39 {along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                }\r
40 {Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.}\r
41 {                                                                           }\r
42 {Original Source: 1990 Scott Miller                                         }\r
43 {Prepared for public release: 03/19/09 - Joe Siegler, Apogee Software, Ltd. }\r
44 {*/                                                                         }\r
45 {//-------------------------------------------------------------------------}\r
46 program\r
47   Special_Responce_Writer;\r
48 \r
49          {This program WRITES and READS from the two text files:\r
50     'special1' and 'special2'.  If a description exceeds 240 letters (Max),\r
51        then the file 'special2' is used.  Otherwise 'special2' = ''.}\r
52                {This program has the line edit feature!}\r
53 \r
54 uses Crt, Printer;\r
55 \r
56 const\r
57   Max = 240;\r
58 \r
59 type\r
60   DescriptionLength = string[Max];\r
61   OneChar = string[1];\r
62 \r
63 var\r
64   Special1, Special2 : file of descriptionlength;\r
65   Position,Counter,Start,Stop : integer;\r
66   Text1, Text2 : descriptionlength;\r
67   Answer : char;\r
68   Letter : onechar;\r
69   List   : boolean;\r
70 \r
71 procedure Diskwrite(text1,text2: Descriptionlength; pointer: integer);\r
72   begin\r
73     seek(special1,pointer); seek(special2,pointer);\r
74     WRITE(special1,text1); WRITE(special2,text2);\r
75     writeln('Special responce ',pointer,\r
76             ' is written!  Size = ',filesize(special1));\r
77     close(special1); close(special2);\r
78   end; {End of Diskwrite.}\r
79 \r
80 procedure Diskread(start,stop: integer);\r
81 var\r
82 counter : integer;\r
83 text1, text2 : descriptionlength;\r
84   begin\r
85    assign(special1,'special1'); assign(special2,'special2');\r
86    reset(special1); reset(special2);\r
87    seek(special1,start); seek(special2,start);\r
88     for counter:= start to stop do\r
89       begin\r
90         highvideo;\r
91         READ(special1,text1); READ(special2,text2);\r
92         if list then\r
93           begin\r
94             writeln(lst,'Special # ',counter);\r
95             writeln(lst,text1,text2);\r
96           end\r
97         else\r
98           begin\r
99             writeln('Here is special responce # ',counter);\r
100             lowvideo;\r
101             writeln(text1,text2);\r
102             highvideo;\r
103           end;\r
104       end;\r
105 \r
106     write('The file contains ',filesize(special1),' special responces.');\r
107     close(special1); close(special2);\r
108   end;  {End of Diskread.}\r
109 \r
110 procedure Beep;\r
111 begin\r
112  if(length(text1)in[70,150,230])or(length(text2)in[70,150,230])then write(^g);\r
113 end;\r
114 \r
115 BEGIN\r
116 repeat          {Main loop.}\r
117   text1:='';\r
118   text2:='';\r
119 \r
120 writeln;\r
121 writeln('Do you want to R)ead or W)rite?');\r
122 readln(answer);\r
123 if upcase(answer) <> 'R' then       {Write to 'Special' files.}\r
124     begin\r
125       writeln;writeln;\r
126       assign(special1,'special1'); assign(special2,'special2');\r
127       writeln('Now RESETing Special files.');\r
128             RESET(special1); RESET(special2);\r
129       writeln;\r
130       writeln('Input a string not more than ',2*Max,' characters.',\r
131               '  ''\''-Ends string.');\r
132       lowvideo;\r
133         repeat\r
134           letter := ReadKey;\r
135           write(letter);\r
136           if letter = ^h then\r
137             begin\r
138               write(' ',^h);\r
139               delete(text1,length(text1),1);\r
140             end;\r
141           beep;\r
142           if (letter <> '\') and (letter <> ^h) then text1:=text1+letter\r
143         until (length(text1)=Max) or (letter='\');\r
144         writeln;\r
145         if letter = '\' then\r
146           begin\r
147             highvideo;\r
148             writeln('Total of ',length(text1),' characters.');\r
149             text2:='';\r
150           end\r
151         else\r
152           begin\r
153             writeln;\r
154             highvideo;\r
155             writeln('String #1 is full!  Now writing to string #2.',^g);\r
156             lowvideo;\r
157               repeat\r
158                 letter := ReadKey;\r
159                 write(letter);\r
160                 if letter = ^h then\r
161                   begin\r
162                     write(' ',^h);\r
163                     delete(text2,length(text2),1);\r
164                   end;\r
165                 beep;\r
166                 if (letter <> '\') and (letter <> ^h) then text2:=text2+letter\r
167               until (length(text2)=Max) or (letter='\');\r
168             writeln; highvideo;\r
169             writeln('Total description length = ',\r
170                      length(text1)+length(text2),' characters.');\r
171           end;\r
172       writeln('Now WRITING string to disk.');\r
173       writeln('  At what position?  (Next open is # ',filesize(special1),')');\r
174       readln(position);\r
175       Diskwrite(text1,text2,position);\r
176     end\r
177 else                      {Read from 'Rooms'.}\r
178   begin\r
179     writeln;writeln;\r
180     writeln('To the S)creen or the P)rinter?');\r
181     readln(answer);\r
182     if(upcase(answer)='P')then List:=True else List:=False;\r
183     assign(special1,'special1');\r
184     reset(special1);\r
185     writeln('Filesize = ',filesize(special1),\r
186             '  (From 0 to ',filesize(special1)-1,')');\r
187 \r
188     writeln('Enter starting position:');\r
189     readln(start);\r
190     if(start > filesize(special1)-5)then stop:=(filesize(special1)-1) else\r
191       begin\r
192         writeln('Enter final position:');\r
193         readln(stop);\r
194       end;\r
195     Diskread(start,stop);\r
196 \r
197   end;  {End of else clause.}\r
198 writeln;writeln('Another special responce?  Y)es or N)o');\r
199 readln(answer);\r
200 until upcase(answer) = 'N';     {End of Main loop.}\r
201 writeln; writeln(^g,'You are now out of the program.')\r
202 END.\r