2016-12-12 Christopher... tests: Call msg-receive, not msg-recieve
2016-12-12 Christopher... tests: Update test-actors to use msg-recieve instead...
2016-12-12 Christopher... actors: Move message body to being an argument list...
2016-12-12 Christopher... agenda: Move install-suspendable-ports! call to start...
2016-12-11 Christopher... actors: Make the <-* message sending procedures officia...
2016-12-11 Christopher... agenda: Fix 8sleep's time parameter.
2016-12-11 Christopher... actors: Removing deprecated comment. new-world-order
2016-12-10 Christopher... actors: Remove deprecated call to former "8sync" definition
2016-12-10 Christopher... agenda: Cut out huge swath of old 8sync-* procedures...
2016-12-10 Christopher... agenda: Add yield procedure.
2016-12-09 Christopher... agenda: Rename 8sync-nowait to 8sync.
2016-12-09 Christopher... agenda: Remove 8sync macro.
2016-12-09 Christopher... Add comment noting that the "web" system needs a rewrite. wip-suspendable-ports
2016-12-08 Christopher... irc: Update IRC code to use simpler suspendable ports...
2016-12-08 Christopher... agenda: Remove call to deprecated agenda-except-port...
2016-12-08 Christopher... agenda: Remove debugging statements.
2016-12-08 Christopher... agenda: Use suspendable ports feature from Guile 2.2.
2016-12-08 Christopher... build: Require and use guile-2.2.
2016-12-05 Christopher... v0.2.0 v0.2.0
2016-05-10 Christopher... agenda: Add "8sleep" sugar.
2016-05-07 Christopher... actors: Fix hive-actor-local? to check the hive id...
2016-05-07 Christopher... agenda: Permit a post-run-hook in start-agenda.
2016-05-03 Christopher... agenda: Update comment, could also attach catch routine...
2016-05-03 Christopher... actors: Catch all errors in the actor model.
2016-05-03 Christopher... actors: Permit docstrings in mlambda.
2016-05-03 Christopher... actors: Export simple-dispatcher.
2016-05-03 Christopher... actors: Export build-actions.
2016-05-03 Christopher... actors: Add note that maybe action dispatch error check...
2016-05-03 Christopher... actors: Add build-actions and retool make-action-dispat...
2016-05-02 Christopher... actors: Add with-message-args and build mlambda off it.
2016-04-30 Christopher... actors: Add define-mhandler, a method handler definitio...
2016-04-29 Christopher... demos: robotscanner: Use nice auto-message-ref feature.
2016-04-29 Christopher... demos: botherbotherbother: Add missing newline.
2016-04-29 Christopher... actors: mlambda, removing require-slot, GOOPS usage...
2016-04-29 Christopher... actors: debug: hive-create-actor-gimmie*'s init should...
2016-04-28 Christopher... actors: Handle messages/coroutines in want of reply...
2016-04-27 Christopher... actors: Remove unnecessary let in hive-process-message.
2016-04-27 Christopher... demos: robotscanner: Use new <- syntax.
2016-04-27 Christopher... actors: debug: Fixing hive-create-actor-gimmie, hive...
2016-04-27 Christopher... actors: Define "<-" type aliases for send-message and...
2016-04-27 Christopher... actors: Rename hive-bootstrap-message -> bootstrap...
2016-04-27 Christopher... actors: Remove <hive-proxy>; no longer export actor...
2016-04-27 Christopher... actors: debug: Expose more things via debug
2016-04-26 Christopher... demos: simplest-possible: Rename main function.
2016-04-26 Christopher... demos: simplest-possible: Adjust emo/proog dialogue...
2016-04-26 Christopher... actors: Switch hive-create-actor[*] to match create...
2016-04-26 Christopher... actors: Switch random-number-size to be 2^128.
2016-04-26 Christopher... demos: actors: Update main functions to support arbitra...
2016-04-26 Christopher... actors: Add debug module with useful utilities. wip-actors
2016-04-26 Christopher... build: Add actors demos to EXTRA_DIST.
2016-04-26 Christopher... agenda: Update copyright header.
2016-04-26 Christopher... demos: robotscanner: Add comment explaining what the...
2016-04-26 Christopher... demos: actors: Adding new robotscanner demo.
2016-04-26 Christopher... actors: Switch send-message and reply-message to use...
2016-04-26 Christopher... agenda: Rename 8sync-immediate to 8sync-nowait and...
2016-04-26 Christopher... actors: Fix self-destruct.
2016-04-26 Christopher... actors: Fix create-actor, create-actor*
2016-04-26 Christopher... actors: Add actor creation/destruction methods.
2016-04-25 Christopher... tests: actors: Add autoreply tests.
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: Properly autoreply to replies; make reply-messa...
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: Remove unnecessary "begin".
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: Add autoreply support.
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: Fix resuming continuation when waiting on message.
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: Remove nesting of actions in define-simple...
2016-04-25 Christopher... tests: test-agenda: Remove broken shebang.
2016-04-25 Christopher... tests: test-actors: Add copyright header.
2016-04-25 Christopher... demos: botherbotherbother: Make executable from command...
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors; Move message definitions earlier in the file.
2016-04-25 Christopher... tests: actors: Fix test-end in test-actors.scm.
2016-04-25 Christopher... build: Add actors.scm to SOURCES
2016-04-25 Christopher... build: Add test-actors.scm to tests.
2016-04-25 Christopher... tests: actors: Test serialization / deserialization...
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: Switch comment header
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: Fix serialize-message to not use address->string
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: Fix export of pprint-message
2016-04-25 Christopher... tests: actors: Fix check for a missing key on message-ref
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: message-ref: Throw a better error on missing key
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: Export read/write methods on messages.
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: `message-ref' now errors if no dflt provided...
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: New read-message procedures, touch up write...
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: Switch out address objects for more-easily...
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: Added docstrings to some message write procedures
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: Write/pretty-print procedures for messages
2016-04-25 Christopher... actors: Rename function deferred-reply -> message-defer...
2016-04-25 Christopher... tests: test-actors: Start testing the actor model
2016-04-25 Christopher... demos: actors: A couple of simple actor model demos.
2016-04-25 Christopher... systems: actors: New actor model system.
2016-04-24 Christopher... agenda: Make agendas run with "easier" default arguments
2016-04-22 Christopher... build: Ignore .sig, .directive, .asc files.
2016-04-22 Christopher... build: Bump version number. v0.1.0
2016-04-22 Christopher... README: Mention COPYING
2016-04-15 Christopher... Mention INSTALL in the README file.
2016-04-15 Christopher... Add generic GNU style INSTALL file
2016-04-15 Christopher... Move README.md to README
2016-04-15 Christopher... build: Add COPYING-gplv3 to EXTRA_DIST
2016-04-15 Christopher... Update %8sync -> 8sync in NEWS and README.md
2016-04-15 Christopher... agenda: Rename %8sync (and %8sync-*) to 8sync (and...
2016-04-14 Christopher... systems: web: Re-enable co-op repl with simple http...
2016-04-09 Christopher... doc: Add scaffolding for new chapters
2016-03-09 Jan NieuwenhuizenAdd guix package.