;; Copyright (C) 2015 Christopher Allan Webber ;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA ;; 02110-1301 USA #!/usr/bin/guile \ -s !# (define-module (tests test-agenda) #:use-module (srfi srfi-64) #:use-module (ice-9 q) #:use-module (ice-9 receive) #:use-module (eightsync agenda) #:use-module (tests utils)) (test-begin "test-agenda") ;;; Helpers ;;; ======= (define (speak-it) (let ((messages '())) (lambda* (#:optional message) (if message (set! messages (append messages (list message)))) messages))) ;; Timer tests ;; =========== (test-assert (time= '(1 . 1) '(1 . 1))) (test-assert (not (time= '(1 . 1) '(1 . 0)))) (test-assert (not (time= '(0 . 1) '(1 . 1)))) (test-assert (time< '(1 . 1) '(1 . 2))) (test-assert (time< '(7 . 2) '(8 . 2))) (test-assert (not (time< '(7 . 2) '(7 . 2)))) (test-assert (not (time< '(7 . 8) '(7 . 2)))) (test-assert (not (time< '(8 . 2) '(7 . 2)))) (let ((tdelta (make-time-delta 8))) (test-assert (time-delta? tdelta)) (test-eqv (time-delta-sec tdelta) 8) (test-eqv (time-delta-usec tdelta) 0) (test-equal (time-delta+ '(2 . 3) tdelta) '(10 . 3))) (let ((tdelta (make-time-delta '(10 . 1)))) (test-assert (time-delta? tdelta)) (test-eqv (time-delta-sec tdelta) 10) (test-eqv (time-delta-usec tdelta) 1) (test-equal (time-delta+ '(2 . 3) tdelta) '(12 . 4))) (test-equal (time-minus '(100 . 100) '(50 . 66)) '(50 . 34)) (test-equal (time-minus '(2 . 0) '(0 . 1)) '(1 . 999999)) (test-equal (time-plus '(50 . 34) '(50 . 66)) '(100 . 100)) (test-equal (time-plus '(1 . 999999) '(1 . 2)) '(3 . 1)) ;;; Schedule tests ;;; ============== ;; helpers (define (assert-times-expected time-segments expected-times) (test-equal (map time-segment-time time-segments) expected-times)) (define a-proc (const 'a)) (define b-proc (const 'b)) (define c-proc (const 'c)) (define d-proc (const 'd)) (define e-proc (const 'e)) (define f-proc (const 'f)) (define sched (make-schedule)) (test-assert (schedule-empty? sched)) ;; Add a segment at (10 . 0) (schedule-add! sched 10 a-proc) (test-assert (not (schedule-empty? sched))) (test-equal (length (schedule-segments sched)) 1) (test-equal (time-segment-time (car (schedule-segments sched))) '(10 . 0)) (test-equal (q-length (time-segment-queue (car (schedule-segments sched)))) 1) (test-eq (q-front (time-segment-queue (car (schedule-segments sched)))) a-proc) (test-eq (q-rear (time-segment-queue (car (schedule-segments sched)))) a-proc) (test-eq ((q-front (time-segment-queue (car (schedule-segments sched))))) 'a) ;; why not (assert-times-expected (schedule-segments sched) '((10 . 0))) ;; Add another segment at (10 . 0) (schedule-add! sched '(10 . 0) b-proc) (test-assert (not (schedule-empty? sched))) (test-equal (length (schedule-segments sched)) 1) (test-equal (time-segment-time (car (schedule-segments sched))) '(10 . 0)) (test-equal (q-length (time-segment-queue (car (schedule-segments sched)))) 2) (test-eq (q-front (time-segment-queue (car (schedule-segments sched)))) a-proc) (test-eq (q-rear (time-segment-queue (car (schedule-segments sched)))) b-proc) (assert-times-expected (schedule-segments sched) '((10 . 0))) ;; Add a segment to (11 . 0), (8 . 1) and (10 . 10) (schedule-add! sched 11 c-proc) (schedule-add! sched '(8 . 1) d-proc) (schedule-add! sched '(10 . 10) e-proc) (test-assert (not (schedule-empty? sched))) (test-equal (length (schedule-segments sched)) 4) (assert-times-expected (schedule-segments sched) '((8 . 1) (10 . 0) (10 . 10) (11 . 0))) ;; Splitting (define (test-split-at schedule time expected-before expected-after) (receive (segments-before segments-after) (schedule-segments-split schedule time) (assert-times-expected segments-before expected-before) (assert-times-expected segments-after expected-after))) (test-split-at sched 0 '() '((8 . 1) (10 . 0) (10 . 10) (11 . 0))) (test-split-at sched '(8 . 0) '() '((8 . 1) (10 . 0) (10 . 10) (11 . 0))) (test-split-at sched '(8 . 1) '((8 . 1)) '((10 . 0) (10 . 10) (11 . 0))) (test-split-at sched 9 '((8 . 1)) '((10 . 0) (10 . 10) (11 . 0))) (test-split-at sched 10 '((8 . 1) (10 . 0)) '((10 . 10) (11 . 0))) (test-split-at sched 9000 '((8 . 1) (10 . 0) (10 . 10) (11 . 0)) '()) (test-split-at sched '(9000 . 1) ; over nine thousaaaaaaand '((8 . 1) (10 . 0) (10 . 10) (11 . 0)) '()) ;; Break off half of those and do some tests on them (define some-extracted (schedule-extract-until! sched 10)) (assert-times-expected some-extracted '((8 . 1) (10 . 0))) (assert-times-expected (schedule-segments sched) '((10 . 10) (11 . 0))) (define first-extracted-queue (time-segment-queue (car some-extracted))) (define second-extracted-queue (time-segment-queue (cadr some-extracted))) (test-assert (not (q-empty? first-extracted-queue))) (test-equal ((deq! first-extracted-queue)) 'd) (test-assert (q-empty? first-extracted-queue)) (test-assert (not (q-empty? second-extracted-queue))) (test-equal ((deq! second-extracted-queue)) 'a) (test-equal ((deq! second-extracted-queue)) 'b) (test-assert (q-empty? second-extracted-queue)) ;; Add one more and test flattening to a queue (test-assert (not (schedule-empty? sched))) (schedule-add! sched '(10 . 10) f-proc) (define remaining-segments (schedule-extract-until! sched '(9000 . 1))) (test-assert (schedule-empty? sched)) (define some-queue (make-q)) (enq! some-queue (const 'ho-ho)) (enq! some-queue (const 'ha-ha)) (add-segments-contents-to-queue! remaining-segments some-queue) (test-assert (not (q-empty? some-queue))) (test-equal 'ho-ho ((deq! some-queue))) (test-equal 'ha-ha ((deq! some-queue))) (test-equal 'e ((deq! some-queue))) (test-equal 'f ((deq! some-queue))) (test-equal 'c ((deq! some-queue))) (test-assert (q-empty? some-queue)) ;; ... whew! ;;; Run/wrap request stuff ;;; ====================== (let ((wrapped (wrap (+ 1 2)))) (test-assert (procedure? wrapped)) (test-equal (wrapped) 3)) (let ((run-two-squared (run-it (lambda () (* 2 2))))) (test-assert (run-request? run-two-squared)) (test-assert (procedure? (run-request-proc run-two-squared))) (test-equal ((run-request-proc run-two-squared)) 4) (test-eq (run-request-when run-two-squared) #f)) (let ((run-two-squared (run-it (lambda () (* 2 2)) '(88 . 0)))) (test-assert (run-request? run-two-squared)) (test-assert (procedure? (run-request-proc run-two-squared))) (test-equal ((run-request-proc run-two-squared)) 4) (test-equal (run-request-when run-two-squared) '(88 . 0))) (let ((run-two-squared (run (* 2 2)))) (test-assert (run-request? run-two-squared)) (test-assert (procedure? (run-request-proc run-two-squared))) (test-equal ((run-request-proc run-two-squared)) 4) (test-eq (run-request-when run-two-squared) #f)) (let ((run-two-squared (run-at (* 2 2) '(88 . 0)))) (test-assert (run-request? run-two-squared)) (test-assert (procedure? (run-request-proc run-two-squared))) (test-equal ((run-request-proc run-two-squared)) 4) (test-equal (run-request-when run-two-squared) '(88 . 0))) ;;; %run, %8sync and friends tests ;;; ============================== (define (test-%run-and-friends async-request expected-when) (let* ((fake-kont (speak-it)) (run-request ((@@ (eightsync agenda) setup-async-request) fake-kont async-request))) (test-equal (car async-request) '*async-request*) (test-equal (run-request-when run-request) expected-when) ;; we're using speaker as a fake continuation ;p ((run-request-proc run-request)) (test-equal (fake-kont) '("applesauce")))) (test-%run-and-friends (%run (string-concatenate '("apple" "sauce"))) #f) (test-%run-and-friends (%run-at (string-concatenate '("apple" "sauce")) '(8 . 0)) '(8 . 0)) (test-%run-and-friends (%run-delay (string-concatenate '("apple" "sauce")) 8) ;; whoa, I'm surprised equal? can ;; compare records like this (tdelta 8)) ;; TODO: test %port-request ;; TODO: test %8sync and friends! ;;; Agenda tests ;;; ============ ;; helpers (define (true-after-n-times n) (let ((count 0)) (lambda _ (set! count (+ count 1)) (if (>= count n) #t #f)))) ;; the dummy test (define speaker (speak-it)) (define (dummy-func) (speaker "I'm a dummy\n")) (define (run-dummy) (speaker "I bet I can make you say you're a dummy!\n") (run-it dummy-func)) (let ((q (make-q))) (set! speaker (speak-it)) ; reset the speaker (enq! q run-dummy) (start-agenda (make-agenda #:queue q) #:stop-condition (true-after-n-times 2)) (test-equal (speaker) '("I bet I can make you say you're a dummy!\n" "I'm a dummy\n"))) ;; should only do the first one after one round though (let ((q (make-q))) (set! speaker (speak-it)) ; reset the speaker (enq! q run-dummy) (start-agenda (make-agenda #:queue q) #:stop-condition (true-after-n-times 1)) (test-equal (speaker) '("I bet I can make you say you're a dummy!\n"))) ;; delimited continuation tests (define (return-monkey) (speaker "(Hint, it's a monkey...)\n") 'monkey) (define (talk-about-the-zoo) (speaker "Today I went to the zoo and I saw...\n") (speaker (string-concatenate `("A " ,(symbol->string (%8sync (%run (return-monkey)))) "!\n")))) (let ((q (make-q))) (set! speaker (speak-it)) (enq! q talk-about-the-zoo) ;; (enq! q talk-about-the-zoo-but-wait) (start-agenda (make-agenda #:queue q) #:stop-condition (true-after-n-times 10)) (test-equal (speaker) '("Today I went to the zoo and I saw...\n" "(Hint, it's a monkey...)\n" "A monkey!\n"))) ;; Error handling tests ;; -------------------- (define (remote-func-breaks) (speaker "Here we go...\n") (+ 1 2 (/ 1 0)) (speaker "SHOULD NOT HAPPEN\n")) (define (local-func-gets-break) (speaker "Time for exception fun!\n") (let ((caught-exception #f)) (catch '%8sync-caught-error (lambda () (%8sync (%run (remote-func-breaks)))) (lambda (_ orig-key orig-args orig-stack) (set! caught-exception #t) (speaker "in here now!\n") (test-equal orig-key 'numerical-overflow) (test-equal orig-args '("/" "Numerical overflow" #f #f)) (test-assert (stack? orig-stack))))) (test-assert caught-exception) (speaker "Well that was fun :)\n")) (let ((q (make-q))) (set! speaker (speak-it)) (enq! q local-func-gets-break) (start-agenda (make-agenda #:queue q) #:stop-condition (true-after-n-times 10)) (test-assert (speaker) '("Time for exception fun!\n" "Here we go...\n" "in here now!\n" "Well that was fun :)\n"))) ;; End tests (test-end "test-agenda") (test-exit)