(define-module (tests test-actors) #:use-module (srfi srfi-64) #:use-module (8sync systems actors) #:use-module (tests utils)) (test-begin "test-actors") ;;; Some test dummy values ;;; ====================== (define %fake-hive-id "the-main-hive") ;; Some fake ids for actors (define %fake-emo-id (make-address "emo" %fake-hive-id)) (define %fake-proog-id (make-address "proog" %fake-hive-id)) (define %fake-hive-actor-id (make-address "hive" %fake-hive-id)) (define test-message (make-message ((simple-message-id-generator)) %fake-emo-id %fake-hive-actor-id ; Bootstrap messages come from the hive 'greet-proog `((target . ,%fake-proog-id)))) ;;; Actor utilities ;;; =============== ;;; Message tests ;;; ============= (let ((monkey-message (make-message 'id 'to 'from 'action '((monkey . banana))))) ;; A key we have (test-equal (message-ref monkey-message 'monkey) 'banana) ;; A key we don't have (let ((caught-error #f)) (catch 'message-missing-key (lambda () (message-ref monkey-message 'coo-coo)) (lambda (. args) (set! caught-error #t))) (test-assert caught-error)) ;; A key we don't have, with a default set (test-equal (message-ref monkey-message 'coo-coo 'danger-danger) 'danger-danger)) ;; Make sure our test message serializes and deserializes okay (let ((reread-message (read-message-from-string (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write-message test-message)))))) (test-assert (message? reread-message)) ;; Make sure that all the properties are the same from ;; the original message to the re-read message (for-each (lambda (getter) (test-equal (getter test-message) (getter reread-message))) (list message-id message-to message-from message-action message-body message-in-reply-to message-wants-reply (@@ (8sync systems actors) message-replied) (@@ (8sync systems actors) message-deferred-reply)))) (test-end "test-actors") (test-exit)