(define-module (loopy agenda) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu) #:use-module (ice-9 q) #:use-module (ice-9 match)) ;; @@: Using immutable agendas here, so wouldn't it make sense to ;; replace this queue stuff with using pfds based immutable queues? ;;; The agenda consists of: ;;; - a queue of immediate items to handle ;;; - sheduled future events to be added to a future queue ;;; - a tag by which running processes can escape for some asynchronous ;;; operation (from which they can be returned later) ;;; - a mapping of ports to various handler procedures ;;; ;;; The goal, eventually, is for this all to be immutable and functional. ;;; However, we aren't there yet. Some tricky things: ;;; - The schedule needs to be immutable, yet reasonably efficient. ;;; - Need to use immutable queues (ijp's pfds library?) ;;; - Modeling reading from ports as something repeatable, ;;; and with reasonable separation from functional components? (define-immutable-record-type (make-agenda-intern queue prompt-tag port-mapping schedule) agenda? (queue agenda-queue) (prompt-tag agenda-prompt-tag) (port-mapping agenda-port-mapping) (schedule agenda-schedule)) (define (make-async-prompt-tag) (make-prompt-tag "prompt")) (define* (make-agenda #:key (queue (make-q)) (prompt (make-prompt-tag)) (port-mapping (make-port-mapping)) (schedule (make-schedule))) (make-agenda-intern queue prompt port-mapping schedule)) ;;; Schedule ;;; ;;; This is where we handle timed events for the future ;; This section totally borrows from SICP ;; <3 <3 <3 ;; NOTE: time is a cons of (seconds . microseconds) (define-record-type (make-time-segment-intern time queue) time-segment? (time time-segment-time) (queue time-segment-queue time-segment-set-queue!)) (define (time-segment-right-format time) (match time ;; time is already a cons of second and microsecnd (((? integer? s) (? integer? u)) time) ;; time was just an integer (just the second) ((? integer? _) (cons time 0)) (_ (throw 'invalid-time "Invalid time" time)))) (define* (make-time-segment time #:optional (queue (make-q))) (make-time-segment-intern time queue)) (define (make-schedule) '()) (define (time-< time1 time2) (cond ((< (car time1) (car time2)) #t) ((and (= (car time1) (car time2)) (< (cdr time1) (cdr time2))) #t) (else #f))) (define (time-= time1 time2) (and (= (car time1) (car time2)) (= (cdr time1) (cdr time2)))) (define (schedule-add! time proc schedule) (let ((time (time-segment-right-format time))) (define (belongs-before? segments) (or (null? segments) (error)) ) ;; Find and add a schedule segment (error))) (define (schedule-empty? schedule) (eq? schedule '())) ;;; Port handling (define (make-port-mapping) (make-hash-table)) (define* (port-mapping-set! port-mapping port #:optional read write except) "Sets port-mapping for reader / writer / exception handlers" (if (not (or read write except)) (throw 'no-handlers-given "No handlers given for port" port)) (hashq-set! port-mapping port `#(,read ,write ,except))) (define (port-mapping-remove! port-mapping port) (hashq-remove! port-mapping port)) ;; TODO: This is O(n), I'm pretty sure :\ ;; ... it might be worthwhile for us to have a ;; port-mapping record that keeps a count of how many ;; handlers (maybe via a promise?) (define (port-mapping-empty? port-mapping) "Is this port mapping empty?" (eq? (hash-count (const #t) port-mapping) 0)) (define (port-mapping-non-empty? port-mapping) "Whether this port-mapping contains any elements" (not (port-mapping-empty? port-mapping))) ;;; Execution of agenda, and current agenda (define %current-agenda (make-parameter #f)) (define* (start-agenda agenda #:optional stop-condition) (let loop ((agenda agenda)) (let ((new-agenda ;; @@: Hm, maybe here would be a great place to handle ;; select'ing on ports. ;; We could compose over agenda-run-once and agenda-read-ports (parameterize ((%current-agenda agenda)) (agenda-run-once agenda)))) (if (and stop-condition (stop-condition agenda)) 'done (loop new-agenda))))) (define (agenda-run-once agenda) "Run once through the agenda, and produce a new agenda based on the results" (define (call-proc proc) (call-with-prompt (agenda-prompt-tag agenda) (lambda () (proc)) ;; TODO (lambda (k) k))) (let ((queue (agenda-queue agenda)) (next-queue (make-q))) (while (not (q-empty? queue)) (let* ((proc (q-pop! queue)) (proc-result (call-proc proc)) (enqueue (lambda (new-proc) (enq! next-queue new-proc)))) ;; @@: We might support delay-wrapped procedures here (match proc-result ((? procedure? new-proc) (enqueue new-proc)) (((? procedure? new-procs) ...) (for-each (lambda (new-proc) (enqueue new-proc)) new-procs)) ;; do nothing (_ #f)))) ;; TODO: Selecting on ports would happen here? ;; Return new agenda, with next queue set (set-field agenda (agenda-queue) next-queue)))