(use-modules (srfi srfi-9) (srfi srfi-9 gnu) (ice-9 q) (ice-9 match)) ;; @@: Using immutable agendas here, so wouldn't it make sense to ;; replace this (define-immutable-record-type (make-agenda queue) agenda? (queue agenda-queue)) (define %current-agenda (make-parameter (make-agenda (make-q)))) (define* (start-agenda agenda #:optional stop-condition) (let loop ((agenda agenda)) (let ((new-agenda (agenda-run-once agenda))) (%current-agenda new-agenda) (if (and stop-condition (stop-condition)) 'done (loop new-agenda))))) (define (agenda-run-once agenda) "Run once through the agenda, and produce a new agenda based on the results" (let ((queue (agenda-queue agenda)) (next-queue (make-q))) (while (not (q-empty? queue)) (let* ((proc (q-pop! queue)) (proc-result (proc)) (enqueue (lambda (new-proc) (enq! next-queue new-proc)))) ;; @@: We might support delay-wrapped procedures here (match proc-result ((? procedure? new-proc) (enqueue new-proc)) (((? procedure? new-procs) ..) (for-each (lambda (new-proc) (enqueue new-proc)) new-procs))) ;; TODO: Selecting on ports would happen here? ;; Return new agenda, with next queue set (set-field agenda (agenda-queue) next-queue)))))