;;; 8sync --- Asynchronous programming for Guile ;;; Copyright (C) 2016 Christopher Allan Webber ;;; ;;; This file is part of 8sync. ;;; ;;; 8sync is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; 8sync is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License along with 8sync. If not, see . ;;; ===================================================================== ;;; Robot Scanner test demo (from XUDD, originally). ;;; ;;; Here's the premise. There's a warehouse full of droids, some ;;; infected, and some not. The SecurityRobot is being sent in to clean ;;; up the mess. It's capable of sending a message that infected droids ;;; are susceptible to responding in a predictable way. Once it has ;;; identified that a droid is infected, it shoots it full of holes till ;;; the droid is terminated. The SecurityRobot goes from room to room ;;; till things are cleared out. ;;; ;;; Overseeing the operation is the "overseer". The security robot keeps ;;; the overseer up to date on its progress as it goes. (For this demo, ;;; the overseer is also responsible for initializing the world and ;;; reporting info back to the user.) ;;; ===================================================================== (use-modules (8sync actors) (oop goops) (ice-9 match)) (set! *random-state* (random-state-from-platform)) (define room-structure ;; A list of (clean-droids infected-droids) '((3 1) (0 2) (8 5) (5 0) (2 1))) (define-simple-actor (init-world (lambda (actor message) ;; Porting mostly straight up from super-imperative XUDD code. (define previous-room #f) (define first-room #f) ;; Set up all rooms (for-each (match-lambda ((clean-droids infected-droids) ;; Create this room (define room (create-actor* actor "room")) (define* (init-droid #:key infected) (define droid (create-actor* actor "droid" #:infected infected #:room room)) (<-wait droid 'register-with-room)) ;; Link rooms. ;; Couldn't this just be folded into the warehouse room init? ;; I guess it stress tests more the message sending process (when previous-room (<- previous-room 'set-next-room #:id room) (<- room 'set-previous-room #:id previous-room)) ;; Set up clean droids in the room (for-each (lambda _ (init-droid #:infected #f)) (iota clean-droids)) ;; Set up infected droids in the room (for-each (lambda _ (init-droid #:infected #t)) (iota clean-droids)) (set! previous-room room) (if (not first-room) (set! first-room room)))) room-structure) ;; Add security robot (let ((security-robot (create-actor actor ))) (<- security-robot 'begin-mission #:starting-room first-room #:overseer (actor-id actor))))) (transmission (lambda* (actor message #:key text) (display text) (newline)))) ;;; A room full of robots. (define-class () (droids #:init-value '()) (next-room #:init-value #f) (previous-room #:init-value #f) (actions #:allocation #:each-subclass #:init-value (build-actions (set-next-room (lambda* (actor message #:key id) "Set the room following this" (slot-set! actor 'next-room id))) (set-previous-room (lambda* (actor message #:key id) "Set the room previous to this" (slot-set! actor 'previous-room id))) (get-next-room (lambda (actor message) "Return a reference to the link following this" (<-reply message (slot-ref actor 'next-room)))) (get-previous-room (lambda (actor message) "Return a reference to the link preceding this" (<-reply message (slot-ref actor 'previous-room)))) (list-droids (lambda (actor message) "Return a list of all the droid ids we know of in this room" (<-reply message #:droid-ids (slot-ref actor 'droids)))) (register-droid (lambda* (actor message #:key droid-id) "Register a droid as being in this room" (slot-set! actor 'droids (cons droid-id (slot-ref actor 'droids)))))))) ;;; A droid that may or may not be infected! ;;; What will happen? Stay tuned! (define-class () (infected #:init-keyword #:infected) (room #:init-keyword #:room) (hp #:init-value 50) (actions #:allocation #:each-subclass #:init-value (build-actions (register-with-room (lambda (actor message) "Register ourselves as being in a room" (let ((room-id (slot-ref actor 'room))) (<-wait room-id 'register-droid #:droid-id (actor-id actor)) (format #t "Droid ~a registered with room ~a\n" (actor-id-actor actor) (address-actor-id room-id))))) (infection-expose (lambda (actor message) "Leak whether or not we're infected to a security droid" (<-reply message (slot-ref actor 'infected)))) (get-shot (lambda (actor message) "Get shot by bullets" (let* ((damage (random 60)) (new-hp (- (slot-ref actor 'hp) damage)) (alive (> new-hp 0))) ;; Set our health to the new value (slot-set! actor 'hp new-hp) (<-reply message #:hp-left new-hp #:damage-taken damage #:alive alive) (when (not alive) (format #t "~a: *Kaboom!*\n" (actor-id-actor actor)) (self-destruct actor)))))))) (define (droid-status-format shot-response) (call-with-message shot-response (lambda* (_ #:key alive damage-taken hp-left) (if alive (format #f "Droid ~a shot; taken ~a damage. Still alive... ~a hp left." (address-actor-id (message-from shot-response)) damage-taken hp-left) (format #f "Droid ~a shot; taken ~a damage. Terminated." (address-actor-id (message-from shot-response)) damage-taken))))) ;;; Security robot... designed to seek out and destroy infected droids. (define-simple-actor (begin-mission security-robot-begin-mission)) (define* (security-robot-begin-mission actor message #:key starting-room overseer) ;; used to track the current room / if any rooms are remaining (define room starting-room) ;; Walk through all rooms, clearing out infected droids ;; Continue this whil there's still another room to investigate. (define response) (while room (<- overseer 'transmission #:text (format #f "Entering room ~a..." (address-actor-id room))) ;; Find all droids in this room and exterminate the infected ones. (msg-receive (_ #:key list-droids droid-ids #:allow-other-keys) (<-wait room 'list-droids) (for-each (lambda (droid-id) (cond ;; Looks like it's infected ((msg-val (<-wait droid-id 'infection-expose)) ;; Inform that it's infected (<- overseer 'transmission #:text (format #f "~a found to be infected... taking out" (address-actor-id droid-id))) ;; Keep firing till it's dead. (let ((still-alive #t)) (while still-alive (msg-receive (response #:key alive #:allow-other-keys) (<-wait droid-id 'get-shot) (<- overseer 'transmission #:text (droid-status-format response)) (set! still-alive alive))))) ;; Not infected... inform and go to the next one (else (<- overseer 'transmission #:text (format #f "~a is clean... moving on." (address-actor-id droid-id)))))) droid-ids)) ;; Switch to next room, if there is one. (set! room (msg-val (<-wait room 'get-next-room)))) ;; Good job everyone! Shut down the operation. (<- overseer 'transmission #:text "Mission accomplished.")) (define (main . args) (define hive (make-hive)) (define overseer (hive-create-actor hive )) (define initial-messages (list (bootstrap-message hive overseer 'init-world))) (run-hive hive initial-messages))