;;; 8sync --- Asynchronous programming for Guile ;;; Copyright (C) 2016 Christopher Allan Webber ;;; ;;; This file is part of 8sync. ;;; ;;; 8sync is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; 8sync is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License along with 8sync. If not, see . (define-module (8sync actors) #:use-module (oop goops) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu) #:use-module (ice-9 control) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 pretty-print) #:use-module (8sync agenda) #:export (;; utilities... ought to go in their own module big-random-number big-random-number-string simple-message-id-generator actor-id actor-message-handler %current-actor ;;; Commenting out the
type for now; ;;; it may be back when we have better serializers ;;
make-address address? address-actor-id address-hive-id address->string actor-id-actor actor-id-hive actor-id-string actor-am-i-alive? build-actions define-simple-actor make-hive ;; There are more methods for the hive, but there's ;; no reason for the outside world to look at them maybe? hive-id hive-create-actor hive-create-actor* create-actor create-actor* self-destruct make-message message? message-to message-action message-from message-id message-body message-in-reply-to message-wants-reply message-auto-reply? <- <-wait <-wait* <-reply <-reply-wait <-reply-wait* call-with-message msg-receive msg-val run-hive bootstrap-message serialize-message write-message serialize-message-pretty pprint-message read-message read-message-from-string)) ;; For ids (define %random-state (make-parameter (random-state-from-platform))) ;; Same size as a uuid4 I think... (define random-number-size (expt 2 128)) (define (big-random-number) (random random-number-size (%random-state))) ;; Would be great to get this base64 encoded instead. (define (big-random-number-string) ;; @@: This is slow. Using format here is wasteful. (format #f "~x" (big-random-number))) ;; @@: This is slow. A mere ~275k / second on my (old) machine. ;; The main cost seems to be in number->string. (define (simple-message-id-generator) ;; Prepending this cookie makes message ids unique per hive (let ((prefix (format #f "~x:" (big-random-number))) (counter 0)) (lambda () (set! counter (1+ counter)) (string-append prefix (number->string counter))))) ;;; Messages ;;; ======== ;; @@: We may want to add a deferred-reply to the below, similar to ;; what we had in XUDD, for actors which do their own response ;; queueing.... ie, that might receive messages but need to shelve ;; them to be acted upon after something else is taken care of. (define-record-type (make-message-intern id to from action body in-reply-to wants-reply replied) message? (id message-id) ; id of this message (to message-to) ; actor id this is going to (from message-from) ; actor id of sender (action message-action) ; action (a symbol) to be handled (body message-body) ; argument list "body" of message (in-reply-to message-in-reply-to) ; message id this is in reply to, if any (wants-reply message-wants-reply) ; whether caller is waiting for reply (replied message-replied ; was this message replied to? set-message-replied!)) (define* (make-message id to from action body #:key in-reply-to wants-reply replied) (make-message-intern id to from action body in-reply-to wants-reply replied)) (define (message-auto-reply? message) (eq? (message-action message) '*auto-reply*)) (define (message-needs-reply? message) "See if this message needs a reply still" (and (message-wants-reply message) (not (message-replied message)))) (define (kwarg-list-to-alist args) (let loop ((remaining args) (result '())) (match remaining (((? keyword? key) val rest ...) (loop rest (cons (cons (keyword->symbol key) val) result))) (() result) (_ (throw 'invalid-kwarg-list "Invalid keyword argument list" args))))) ;;; See: https://web.archive.org/web/20081223021934/http://mumble.net/~jar/articles/oo-moon-weinreb.html ;;; (also worth seeing: http://mumble.net/~jar/articles/oo.html ) ;; This is the internal, generalized message sending method. ;; Users shouldn't use it! Use the <-foo forms instead. ;; @@: Could we get rid of some of the conditional checks through ;; some macro-foo? (define-inlinable (send-message send-options from-actor to-id action replying-to-message wants-reply? message-body-args) (if replying-to-message (set-message-replied! replying-to-message #t)) (let* ((hive (actor-hive from-actor)) (new-message (make-message (hive-gen-message-id hive) to-id (actor-id from-actor) action message-body-args #:wants-reply wants-reply? #:in-reply-to (if replying-to-message (message-id replying-to-message) #f)))) (if wants-reply? (abort-to-prompt (hive-prompt (actor-hive from-actor)) from-actor new-message send-options) ;; @@: It might be that eventually we pass in send-options ;; here too. Since <-wait and <-reply-wait are the only ones ;; that use it yet, for now it kind of just makes things ;; confusing. (8sync (hive-process-message hive new-message))))) (define (<- from-actor to-id action . message-body-args) "Send a message from an actor to another actor" (send-message '() from-actor to-id action #f #f message-body-args)) (define (<-wait* send-options from-actor to-id action . message-body-args) "Like <-wait, but allows extra parameters, for example whether to #:accept-errors" (apply wait-maybe-handle-errors (send-message send-options from-actor to-id action #f #t message-body-args) send-options)) (define (<-wait from-actor to-id action . message-body-args) "Send a message from an actor to another, but wait until we get a response" (apply <-wait* '() from-actor to-id action message-body-args)) ;; TODO: Intelligently ~propagate(ish) errors on -wait functions. ;; We might have `send-message-wait-brazen' to allow callers to ;; not have an exception thrown and instead just have a message with ;; the appropriate '*error* message returned. (define (<-reply from-actor original-message . message-body-args) "Reply to a message" (send-message '() from-actor (message-from original-message) '*reply* original-message #f message-body-args)) (define (<-auto-reply from-actor original-message) "Auto-reply to a message. Internal use only!" (send-message '() from-actor (message-from original-message) '*auto-reply* original-message #f '())) (define (<-reply-wait* send-options from-actor original-message . message-body-args) "Reply to a messsage, but wait until we get a response" (apply wait-maybe-handle-errors (send-message send-options from-actor (message-from original-message) '*reply* original-message #t message-body-args) send-options)) (define (<-reply-wait from-actor original-message . message-body-args) "Reply to a messsage, but wait until we get a response" (apply <-reply-wait* '() from-actor original-message message-body-args)) (define* (wait-maybe-handle-errors message #:key accept-errors #:allow-other-keys) "Before returning a message to a waiting caller, see if we need to raise an exception if an error." (define action (message-action message)) (cond ((and (eq? action '*error*) (not accept-errors)) (throw 'hive-unresumable-coroutine "Won't resume coroutine; got an *error* as a reply" #:message message)) (else message))) ;;; Main actor implementation ;;; ========================= (define (actor-inheritable-message-handler actor message) (define action (message-action message)) (define (find-message-handler return) (for-each (lambda (this-class) (define actions (or (and (class-slot-definition this-class 'actions) (class-slot-ref this-class 'actions)) '())) (for-each (match-lambda ((action-name . method) (when (eq? action-name action) (return method)))) actions)) (class-precedence-list (class-of actor))) (throw 'action-not-found "No appropriate action handler found for actor" #:action action #:actor actor #:message message)) (define method (call/ec find-message-handler)) (apply method actor message (message-body message))) (define-class () ;; An address object (id #:init-keyword #:id #:getter actor-id) ;; The hive we're connected to. ;; We need this to be able to send messages. (hive #:init-keyword #:hive #:accessor actor-hive) ;; How we receive and process new messages (message-handler #:init-value actor-inheritable-message-handler ;; @@: There's no reason not to use #:class instead of ;; #:each-subclass anywhere in this file, except for ;; Guile bug #25211 (#:class is broken in Guile 2.2) #:allocation #:each-subclass #:getter actor-message-handler) ;; This is the default, "simple" way to inherit and process messages. (actions #:init-value '() #:allocation #:each-subclass)) ;;; So these are the nicer representations of addresses. ;;; However, they don't serialize so easily with scheme read/write, so we're ;;; using the simpler cons cell version below for now. ;; (define-record-type
;; (make-address actor-id hive-id) ; @@: Do we want the trailing -id? ;; address? ;; (actor-id address-actor-id) ;; (hive-id address-hive-id)) ;; ;; (set-record-type-printer! ;;
;; (lambda (record port) ;; (format port "" ;; (address-actor-id record) (address-hive-id record)))) ;; (define (make-address actor-id hive-id) (vector actor-id hive-id)) (define (address-actor-id address) (vector-ref address 0)) (define (address-hive-id address) (vector-ref address 1)) (define (address->string address) (string-append (address-actor-id address) "@" (address-hive-id address))) (define-method (actor-id-actor (actor )) "Get the actor id component of the actor-id" (address-actor-id (actor-id actor))) (define-method (actor-id-hive (actor )) "Get the hive id component of the actor-id" (address-hive-id (actor-id actor))) (define-method (actor-id-string (actor )) "Render the full actor id as a human-readable string" (address->string (actor-id actor))) (define %current-actor (make-parameter #f)) (define (actor-am-i-alive? actor) (hive-resolve-local-actor (actor-hive actor) (actor-id actor))) ;;; Actor utilities ;;; =============== (define-syntax-rule (build-actions (symbol method) ...) "Construct an alist of (symbol . method), where the method is wrapped with wrap-apply to facilitate live hacking and allow the method definition to come after class definition." (list (cons (quote symbol) (wrap-apply method)) ...)) (define-syntax-rule (define-simple-actor class action ...) (define-class class () (actions #:init-value (build-actions action ...) #:allocation #:each-subclass))) ;;; The Hive ;;; ======== ;;; Every actor has a hive. The hive is a kind of "meta-actor" ;;; which routes all the rest of the actors in a system. (define-generic hive-handle-failed-forward) (define-class () (actor-registry #:init-thunk make-hash-table #:getter hive-actor-registry) (msg-id-generator #:init-thunk simple-message-id-generator #:getter hive-msg-id-generator) ;; Ambassadors are used (or will be) for inter-hive communication. ;; These are special actors that know how to route messages to other hives. (ambassadors #:init-thunk make-weak-key-hash-table #:getter hive-ambassadors) ;; Waiting coroutines ;; This is a map from cons cell of message-id ;; to a cons cell of (actor-id . coroutine) ;; @@: Should we have a record type? ;; @@: Should there be any way to clear out "old" coroutines? (waiting-coroutines #:init-thunk make-hash-table #:getter hive-waiting-coroutines) ;; Message prompt ;; When actors send messages to each other they abort to this prompt ;; to send the message, then carry on their way (prompt #:init-thunk make-prompt-tag #:getter hive-prompt) (actions #:allocation #:each-subclass #:init-value (build-actions ;; This is in the case of an ambassador failing to forward a ;; message... it reports it back to the hive (*failed-forward* hive-handle-failed-forward)))) (define-method (hive-handle-failed-forward (hive ) message) "Handle an ambassador failing to forward a message" 'TODO) (define* (make-hive #:key hive-id) (let ((hive (make #:id (make-address "hive" (or hive-id (big-random-number-string)))))) ;; Set the hive's actor reference to itself (set! (actor-hive hive) hive) hive)) (define-method (hive-id (hive )) (actor-id-hive hive)) (define-method (hive-gen-actor-id (hive ) cookie) (make-address (if cookie (string-append cookie "-" (big-random-number-string)) (big-random-number-string)) (hive-id hive))) (define-method (hive-gen-message-id (hive )) "Generate a message id using HIVE's message id generator" ((hive-msg-id-generator hive))) (define-method (hive-resolve-local-actor (hive ) actor-address) (hash-ref (hive-actor-registry hive) actor-address)) (define-method (hive-resolve-ambassador (hive ) ambassador-address) (hash-ref (hive-ambassadors hive) ambassador-address)) (define-method (make-forward-request (hive ) (ambassador ) message) (make-message (hive-gen-message-id hive) (actor-id ambassador) ;; If we make the hive not an actor, we could either switch this ;; to #f or to the original actor...? ;; Maybe some more thinking should be done on what should ;; happen in case of failure to forward? Handling ambassador failures ;; seems like the primary motivation for the hive remaining an actor. (actor-id hive) '*forward* `((original . ,message)))) (define-method (hive-reply-with-error (hive ) original-message error-key error-args) ;; We only supply the error-args if the original sender is on the same hive (define (orig-actor-on-same-hive?) (equal? (hive-id hive) (address-hive-id (message-from original-message)))) (set-message-replied! original-message #t) (let* ((new-message-body (if (orig-actor-on-same-hive?) `(#:original-message ,original-message #:error-key ,error-key #:error-args ,error-args) `(#:original-message ,original-message #:error-key ,error-key))) (new-message (make-message (hive-gen-message-id hive) (message-from original-message) (actor-id hive) '*error* new-message-body #:in-reply-to (message-id original-message)))) ;; We only return a thunk, rather than run 8sync here, because if ;; we ran 8sync in the middle of a catch we'd end up with an ;; unresumable continuation. (lambda () (hive-process-message hive new-message)))) (define-record-type (make-waiting-on-reply actor-id kont send-options) waiting-on-reply? (actor-id waiting-on-reply-actor-id) (kont waiting-on-reply-kont) (send-options waiting-on-reply-send-options)) (define-method (hive-process-message (hive ) message) "Handle one message, or forward it via an ambassador" (define (maybe-autoreply actor) ;; Possibly autoreply (if (message-needs-reply? message) (<-auto-reply actor message))) (define (resolve-actor-to) "Get the actor the message was aimed at" (let ((actor (hive-resolve-local-actor hive (message-to message)))) (if (not actor) (throw 'actor-not-found (format #f "Message ~a from ~a directed to nonexistant actor ~a" (message-id message) (address->string (message-from message)) (address->string (message-to message))) message)) actor)) (define (call-catching-coroutine thunk) (define queued-error-handling-thunk #f) (define (call-catching-errors) ;; TODO: maybe parameterize (or attach to hive) and use ;; maybe-catch-all from agenda.scm ;; @@: Why not just use with-throw-handler and let the catch ;; happen at the agenda? That's what we used to do, but ;; it ended up with a SIGABRT. See: ;; http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-guile/2016-05/msg00003.html (catch #t thunk ;; In the actor model, we don't totally crash on errors. (lambda _ #f) ;; If an error happens, we raise it (lambda (key . args) (if (message-needs-reply? message) ;; If the message is waiting on a reply, let them know ;; something went wrong. ;; However, we have to do it outside of this catch ;; routine, or we'll end up in an unrewindable continuation ;; situation. (set! queued-error-handling-thunk (hive-reply-with-error hive message key args))) ;; print error message (apply print-error-and-continue key args))) ;; @@: This is a kludge. See above for why. (if queued-error-handling-thunk (8sync (queued-error-handling-thunk)))) (call-with-prompt (hive-prompt hive) call-catching-errors (lambda (kont actor message send-options) ;; Register the coroutine (hash-set! (hive-waiting-coroutines hive) (message-id message) (make-waiting-on-reply (actor-id actor) kont send-options)) ;; Send off the message (8sync (hive-process-message hive message))))) (define (process-local-message) (let ((actor (resolve-actor-to))) (call-catching-coroutine (lambda () (define message-handler (actor-message-handler actor)) ;; @@: Should a more general error handling happen here? (parameterize ((%current-actor actor)) (let ((result (message-handler actor message))) (maybe-autoreply actor) ;; Returning result allows actors to possibly make a run-request ;; at the end of handling a message. ;; ... We do want that, right? result)))))) (define (resume-waiting-coroutine) (case (message-action message) ;; standard reply / auto-reply ((*reply* *auto-reply* *error*) (call-catching-coroutine (lambda () (match (hash-remove! (hive-waiting-coroutines hive) (message-in-reply-to message)) ((_ . waiting) (if (not (equal? (message-to message) (waiting-on-reply-actor-id waiting))) (throw 'resuming-to-wrong-actor "Attempted to resume a coroutine to the wrong actor!" #:expected-actor-id (message-to message) #:got-actor-id (waiting-on-reply-actor-id waiting) #:message message)) (let* (;; @@: How should we resolve resuming coroutines to actors who are ;; now gone? (actor (resolve-actor-to)) (kont (waiting-on-reply-kont waiting)) (result (kont message))) (maybe-autoreply actor) result)) (#f (throw 'no-waiting-coroutine "message in-reply-to tries to resume nonexistent coroutine" message)))))) ;; Unhandled action for a reply! (else (throw 'hive-unresumable-coroutine "Won't resume coroutine, nonsense action on reply message" #:action (message-action message) #:message message)))) (define (process-remote-message) ;; Find the ambassador (let* ((remote-hive-id (hive-id (message-to message))) (ambassador (hive-resolve-ambassador remote-hive-id)) (message-handler (actor-message-handler ambassador)) (forward-request (make-forward-request hive ambassador message))) (message-handler ambassador forward-request))) (let ((to (message-to message))) ;; This seems to be an easy mistake to make, so check that addressing ;; is correct here (if (not to) (throw 'missing-addressee "`to' field is missing on message" #:message message)) (if (hive-actor-local? hive to) (if (message-in-reply-to message) (resume-waiting-coroutine) (process-local-message)) (process-remote-message)))) (define-method (hive-actor-local? (hive ) address) (equal? (hive-id hive) (address-hive-id address))) (define-method (hive-register-actor! (hive ) (actor )) (hash-set! (hive-actor-registry hive) (actor-id actor) actor)) (define-method (%hive-create-actor (hive ) actor-class init id-cookie) "Actual method called by hive-create-actor. Since this is a define-method it can't accept fancy define* arguments, so this gets called from the nicer hive-create-actor interface. See that method for documentation." (let* ((actor-id (hive-gen-actor-id hive id-cookie)) (actor (apply make actor-class #:hive hive #:id actor-id init))) (hive-register-actor! hive actor) ;; return the actor id actor-id)) (define* (hive-create-actor hive actor-class #:rest init) (%hive-create-actor hive actor-class init #f)) (define* (hive-create-actor* hive actor-class id-cookie #:rest init) "Create an actor, but also add a 'cookie' to the name for debugging" (%hive-create-actor hive actor-class init id-cookie)) (define (call-with-message message proc) "Applies message body arguments into procedure, with message as first argument. Similar to call-with-values in concept." (apply proc message (message-body message))) ;; (msg-receive (<- bar baz) ;; (baz) ;; basil) ;; Emacs: (put 'msg-receive 'scheme-indent-function 2) ;; @@: Or receive-msg or receieve-message or?? (define-syntax-rule (msg-receive arglist message body ...) "Call body with arglist (which can accept arguments like lambda*) applied from the message-body of message." (call-with-message message (lambda* arglist body ...))) (define (msg-val message) "Retrieve the first value from the message-body of message. Like single value return from a procedure call. Probably the most common case when waiting on a reply from some action invocation." (call-with-message message (lambda (_ val) val))) ;;; Various API methods for actors to interact with the system ;;; ========================================================== ;; TODO: move send-message and friends here...? (define* (create-actor from-actor actor-class #:rest init) "Create an instance of actor-class. Return the new actor's id. This is the method actors should call directly (unless they want to supply an id-cookie, in which case they should use create-actor*)." (%hive-create-actor (actor-hive from-actor) actor-class init #f)) (define* (create-actor* from-actor actor-class id-cookie #:rest init) "Create an instance of actor-class. Return the new actor's id. Like create-actor, but permits supplying an id-cookie." (%hive-create-actor (actor-hive from-actor) actor-class init id-cookie)) (define (self-destruct actor) "Remove an actor from the hive." (hash-remove! (hive-actor-registry (actor-hive actor)) (actor-id actor))) ;;; 8sync bootstrap utilities ;;; ========================= (define* (run-hive hive initial-tasks) "Start up an agenda and run HIVE in it with INITIAL-TASKS." (let* ((queue (list->q initial-tasks)) (agenda (make-agenda #:pre-unwind-handler print-error-and-continue #:queue queue))) (start-agenda agenda))) (define (bootstrap-message hive to-id action . message-body-args) (wrap (apply <- hive to-id action message-body-args))) ;;; Basic readers / writers ;;; ======================= (define (serialize-message message) "Serialize a message for read/write" (list (message-id message) (message-to message) (message-from message) (message-action message) (message-body message) (message-in-reply-to message) (message-wants-reply message) (message-replied message))) (define* (write-message message #:optional (port (current-output-port))) "Write out a message to a port for easy reading later. Note that if a sub-value can't be easily written to something Guile's `read' procedure knows how to read, this doesn't do anything to improve that. You'll need a better serializer for that.." (write (serialize-message message) port)) (define (serialize-message-pretty message) "Serialize a message in a way that's easy for humans to read." `(*message* (id ,(message-id message)) (to ,(message-to message)) (from ,(message-from message)) (action ,(message-action message)) (body ,(message-body message)) (in-reply-to ,(message-in-reply-to message)) (wants-reply ,(message-wants-reply message)) (replied ,(message-replied message)))) (define (pprint-message message) "Pretty print a message." (pretty-print (serialize-message-pretty message))) (define* (read-message #:optional (port (current-input-port))) "Read a message serialized via serialize-message from PORT" (match (read port) ((id to from action body in-reply-to wants-reply replied) (make-message-intern id to from action body in-reply-to wants-reply replied)) (anything-else (throw 'message-read-bad-structure "Could not read message from structure" anything-else)))) (define (read-message-from-string message-str) "Read message from MESSAGE-STR" (with-input-from-string message-str (lambda () (read-message (current-input-port)))))