if (save.version != VRSION) {
rspeak(VERSION_SKEW, save.version / 10, MOD(save.version, 10), VRSION / 10, MOD(VRSION, 10));
} else if (!is_valid(save.game)) {
} else {
game = save.game;
@$(PARDIR)/cheat -d -900 -o cheat_numdie.adv > /tmp/cheat_numdie
@$(ECHO) "cheat: Generate save file with -1000 deaths"
@$(PARDIR)/cheat -d -1000 -o cheat_numdie1000.adv > /tmp/cheat_numdie1000
+ @$(ECHO) "cheat: Generate tamper-detection test"
+ @$(PARDIR)/cheat -d 2000 -o cheat_savetamper.adv > /tmp/cheat_savetamper
@$(ECHO) "cheat: Generate save file with version -1337"
@$(PARDIR)/cheat -v -1337 -o resume_badversion.adv > /tmp/cheat_badversion
@$(ECHO) "cheat: Generate save file 1000 saves"
HTML_TEMPLATE_PATH = "../templates/coverage_dungeon.html.tpl"
DEFAULT_HTML_OUTPUT_PATH = "../coverage/adventure.yaml.html"
STDOUT_REPORT_CATEGORY = " {name:.<19}: {percent:5.1f}% covered ({covered} of {total})\n"
--- /dev/null
+Welcome to Adventure!! Would you like instructions?
+> n
+You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building.
+Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and
+down a gully.
+> resume
+A dark fog creeps in to surround you. From somewhere in the fog you
+hear a stern voice. "This Adventure has been tampered with! You have
+been dabbling in magic, knowing not the havoc you might cause thereby.
+Leave at once, before you do irrevocable harm!" The fog thickens,
+until at last you can see nothing at all. Your vision then clears,
+and you find yourself back in The Real World.
--- /dev/null
+## Resume from artificial "corrupted" save