make html
+For building the PDF version, you need a reasonably recent installation
+of TeX Live. Release 2014 will do. You will also need the Emerald
+package from This
+cannot be installed with tlmgr, nor does it seem to be packaged by the
+usual Linux or BSD distributions. Scripts for installing and
+uninstalling Emerald are provided here. When you're ready, type this:
+ make latexpdf
Other formats are available; just type `make` for more details.
Conversion strategy
| *A was an archer, who shot at a frog;*
| *B was a butcher, who had a great dog.*
-.. image:: /images/picB.png
- :align: left
+.. only:: html
+ .. image:: /images/picB.png
+ :align: left
+.. raw:: latex
+ \dropcap{b}
efore we start learning to use the Inform system, it's probably sensible
to consider briefly how IF, which has many narrative elements, differs from
| *C was a captain, all covered with lace;*
| *D was a drunkard, and had a red face.*
-.. image:: /images/picC.png
- :align: left
+.. only:: html
+ .. image:: /images/picC.png
+ :align: left
+.. raw:: latex
+ \dropcap{c}
onventional -- static -- fiction can be written using nothing more than
pencil and paper, or typewriter, or word-processor; however, the
| *E was an esquire, with pride on his brow;*
| *F was a farmer, and followed the plough.*
-.. image:: /images/picE.png
- :align: left
+.. only:: html
+ .. image:: /images/picE.png
+ :align: left
+.. raw:: latex
+ \dropcap{e}
ach of the three games in this guide is created step by step; you'll get
most benefit (especially to begin with) if you take an active part, typing
| *G was a gamester, who had but ill-luck;*
| *H was a hunter, and hunted a buck.*
-.. image:: /images/picG.png
- :align: left
+.. only:: html
+ .. image:: /images/picG.png
+ :align: left
+.. raw:: latex
+ \dropcap{g}
oing through the design of our first game in the previous chapter has
introduced all sorts of Inform concepts, often without giving you much
| *I was an innkeeper, who loved to carouse;*
| *J was a joiner, and built up a house.*
-.. image:: /images/picI.png
- :align: left
+.. only:: html
+ .. image:: /images/picI.png
+ :align: left
+.. raw:: latex
+ \dropcap{i}
n even the simplest story, there's bound to be scope for the player to
attempt activities that you hadn't anticipated. Sometimes there may be
%% Set up page.
+%% For picture alphabet drop caps
+\newcommand{\dropcap}[1]{\lettrine[lines=3]{\ECFAPicture{\fontsize{50}{60}\selectfont #1}\normalfont}{}}
--- /dev/null
+# This script installs the Emerald CTAN package from
+# into $TEXMFLOCAL, which is usually /usr/local/share/texmf
+# To use, put in the same directory as this script, unzip
+#, and execute this script.
+# Created by David Griffith <>
+# Released into the public domain 2016
+if [ `ps -o uid= $$` -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "This script must be run as root"
+ exit 1
+echo "Installing to $TEXMFLOCAL..."
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--- /dev/null
+# This script uninstalls the Emerald CTAN package from $TEXMFLOCAL.
+# It may be executed anywhere.
+# Created by David Griffith <>
+# Released into the public domain 2016
+if [ `ps -o uid= $$` -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "This script must be run as root"
+ exit 1
+echo "Deleting emerald from $TEXMFLOCAL..."
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+ $TEXMFLOCAL/other/Tallpaul.inf \
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