X-Git-Url: https://jxself.org/git/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=adventure.yaml;h=7cee07ea47cccb684741ada37f09a9ec9a950b27;hb=6ac098170c8b824f559324632f60270ca4fe00f9;hp=8265423ed9b5b689d8b9b21f620d7c13c5b53c05;hpb=0bab67e106175e5ccd0a1428c5c37856087ba574;p=open-adventure.git diff --git a/adventure.yaml b/adventure.yaml index 8265423..7cee07e 100644 --- a/adventure.yaml +++ b/adventure.yaml @@ -2771,20 +2771,20 @@ objects: !!omap - OBJ_0: inventory: !!null longs: !!null -- OBJ_1: +- KEYS: words: ['keys', 'key'] inventory: 'Set of keys' locations: LOC_BUILDING longs: - 'There are some keys on the ground here.' -- OBJ_2: +- LAMP: words: ['lamp', 'lante'] inventory: 'Brass lantern' locations: LOC_BUILDING longs: - [LAMP_DARK, 'There is a shiny brass lamp nearby.'] - [LAMP_BRIGHT, 'There is a lamp shining nearby.'] -- OBJ_3: +- GRATE: words: ['grate'] inventory: '*grate' locations: [LOC_GRATE, LOC_BELOWGRATE] @@ -2792,25 +2792,25 @@ objects: !!omap longs: - [GRATE_CLOSED, 'The grate is locked.'] - [GRATE_OPEN, 'The grate is open.'] -- OBJ_4: +- CAGE: words: ['cage'] inventory: 'Wicker cage' locations: LOC_COBBLE longs: - 'There is a small wicker cage discarded nearby.' -- OBJ_5: +- ROD: words: ['rod'] inventory: 'Black rod' locations: LOC_DEBRIS longs: - 'A three foot black rod with a rusty star on an end lies nearby.' -- OBJ_6: +- ROD2: words: ['rod'] inventory: 'Black rod' locations: LOC_NOWHERE longs: - 'A three foot black rod with a rusty mark on an end lies nearby.' -- OBJ_7: +- STEPS: words: ['steps'] inventory: '*steps' locations: [LOC_PITTOP, LOC_MISTHALL] @@ -2818,7 +2818,7 @@ objects: !!omap longs: - 'Rough stone steps lead down the pit.' - 'Rough stone steps lead up the dome.' -- OBJ_8: +- BIRD: words: ['bird'] inventory: 'Little bird in cage' locations: LOC_BIRD @@ -2833,7 +2833,7 @@ objects: !!omap - 'To your surprise, you can understand the bird''s chirping; it is\nsinging about the joys of its forest home.' - 'The bird does not seem inclined to sing while in the cage.' - 'The bird is singing to you in gratitude for your having returned it to\nits home. In return, it informs you of a magic word which it thinks\nyou may find useful somewhere near the Hall of Mists. The magic word\nchanges frequently, but for now the bird believes it is "%s". You\nthank the bird for this information, and it flies off into the forest.' -- OBJ_9: +- DOOR: words: ['door'] inventory: '*rusty door' locations: LOC_IMMENSE @@ -2841,13 +2841,13 @@ objects: !!omap longs: - 'The way north is barred by a massive, rusty, iron door.' - 'The way north leads through a massive, rusty, iron door.' -- OBJ_10: +- PILLOW: words: ['pillo', 'velve'] inventory: 'Velvet pillow' locations: LOC_SOFTROOM longs: - 'A small velvet pillow lies on the floor.' -- OBJ_11: +- SNAKE: words: ['snake'] inventory: '*snake' locations: LOC_KINGHALL @@ -2857,7 +2857,7 @@ objects: !!omap - '' # chased away sounds: - 'The snake is hissing venomously.' -- OBJ_12: +- FISSURE: words: ['fissu'] inventory: '*fissure' locations: [LOC_EASTBANK, LOC_WESTBANK] @@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ objects: !!omap - 'A massive stone tablet imbedded in the wall reads:\n"Congratulations on bringing light into the dark-room!"' texts: - '"Congratulations on bringing light into the dark-room!"' -- OBJ_14: +- CLAM: words: ['clam'] inventory: 'Giant clam >GRUNT!<' locations: LOC_SHELLROOM @@ -2883,7 +2883,7 @@ objects: !!omap - 'There is an enormous clam here with its shell tightly closed.' sounds: - 'The clam is as tight-mouthed as a, er, clam.' -- OBJ_15: +- OYSTER: words: ['oyste'] inventory: 'Giant oyster >GROAN!<' locations: LOC_NOWHERE @@ -2893,7 +2893,7 @@ objects: !!omap sounds: - 'Even though it''s an oyster, the critter''s as tight-mouthed as a clam.' - 'It says the same thing it did before. Hm, maybe it''s a pun?' -- OBJ_16: +- MAGAZINE: words: ['issue', 'spelu', '"spel'] inventory: '"Spelunker Today"' locations: LOC_ANTEROOM @@ -2901,24 +2901,24 @@ objects: !!omap - 'There are a few recent issues of "Spelunker Today" magazine here.' texts: - 'I''m afraid the magazine is written in dwarvish. But pencilled on one\ncover you see, "Please leave the magazines at the construction site."' -- OBJ_17: +- DWARF: words: ['dwarf', 'dwarv'] inventory: !!null locations: LOC_NOWHERE immovable: true longs: !!null -- OBJ_18: +- KNIFE: words: ['knife', 'knive'] inventory: !!null locations: LOC_NOWHERE longs: !!null -- OBJ_19: +- FOOD: words: ['food', 'ratio'] inventory: 'Tasty food' locations: LOC_BUILDING longs: - 'There is food here.' -- OBJ_20: +- BOTTLE: words: ['bottl', 'jar'] inventory: 'Small bottle' locations: LOC_BUILDING @@ -2926,23 +2926,23 @@ objects: !!omap - [WATER_BOTTLE, 'There is a bottle of water here.'] - [EMPTY_BOTTLE, 'There is an empty bottle here.'] - [OIL_BOTTLE, 'There is a bottle of oil here.'] -- OBJ_21: +- WATER: words: ['water', 'h2o'] inventory: 'Water in the bottle' locations: LOC_NOWHERE longs: !!null -- OBJ_22: +- OIL: words: ['oil'] inventory: 'Oil in the bottle' locations: LOC_NOWHERE longs: !!null -- OBJ_23: +- MIRROR: words: ['mirro'] inventory: '*mirror' locations: LOC_MIRRORCANYON immovable: true longs: !!null -- OBJ_24: +- PLANT: words: ['plant', 'beans'] inventory: '*plant' locations: LOC_WESTPIT @@ -2958,7 +2958,7 @@ objects: !!omap - 'The plant continues to ask plaintively for water.' - 'The plant continues to demand water.' - 'The plant now maintains a contented silence.' -- OBJ_25: +- PLANT2: words: ['plant'] inventory: '*phony plant' # seen in Twopit Room only when tall enough locations: [LOC_WESTEND, LOC_EASTEND] @@ -2981,7 +2981,7 @@ objects: !!omap immovable: true longs: - 'The shadowy figure seems to be trying to attract your attention.' -- OBJ_28: +- AXE: words: ['axe'] inventory: 'Dwarf''s axe' locations: LOC_NOWHERE @@ -3000,7 +3000,7 @@ objects: !!omap locations: LOC_NOWHERE immovable: true longs: !!null # never present -- OBJ_31: +- DRAGON: words: ['drago'] inventory: '*dragon' locations: [LOC_SECRET4, LOC_SECRET6] @@ -3014,7 +3014,7 @@ objects: !!omap - 'The dragon''s ominous hissing does not bode well for you.' - 'The dragon is, not surprisingly, silent.' - 'The dragon is, not surprisingly, silent.' -- OBJ_32: +- CHASM: words: ['chasm'] inventory: '*chasm' locations: [LOC_SWCHASM, LOC_NECHASM] @@ -3022,7 +3022,7 @@ objects: !!omap longs: - 'A rickety wooden bridge extends across the chasm, vanishing into the\nmist. A notice posted on the bridge reads, "Stop! Pay troll!"' - 'The wreckage of a bridge (and a dead bear) can be seen at the bottom\nof the chasm.' -- OBJ_33: +- TROLL: words: ['troll'] inventory: '*troll' locations: [LOC_SWCHASM, LOC_NECHASM] @@ -3033,14 +3033,14 @@ objects: !!omap - '' # chased away sounds: - 'The troll sounds quite adamant in his demand for a treasure.' -- OBJ_34: +- TROLL2: words: ['troll'] inventory: '*phony troll' locations: [LOC_NOWHERE, LOC_NOWHERE] immovable: true longs: - 'The troll is nowhere to be seen.' -- OBJ_35: +- BEAR: words: ['bear'] inventory: !!null # bear uses rtext 141 locations: LOC_BARRENROOM @@ -3050,7 +3050,7 @@ objects: !!omap - 'There is a gentle cave bear sitting placidly in one corner.' - 'There is a contented-looking bear wandering about nearby.' - '' # dead -- OBJ_36: +- MESSAG: words: ['messa'] inventory: '*message in second maze' locations: LOC_NOWHERE @@ -3059,13 +3059,13 @@ objects: !!omap - 'There is a message scrawled in the dust in a flowery script, reading:\n"This is not the maze where the pirate leaves his treasure chest."' texts: - '"This is not the maze where the pirate leaves his treasure chest."' -- OBJ_37: +- VOLCANO: words: ['volca', 'geyse'] inventory: '*volcano and/or geyser' locations: LOC_BREATHTAKING immovable: true longs: !!null -- OBJ_38: +- VEND: words: ['machi', 'vendi'] inventory: '*vending machine' locations: LOC_DEADEND13 @@ -3076,7 +3076,7 @@ objects: !!omap texts: - '"Drop coins here to receive fresh batteries."' - '"Drop coins here to receive fresh batteries."' -- OBJ_39: +- BATTERY: words: ['batte'] inventory: 'Batteries' locations: LOC_NOWHERE @@ -3089,7 +3089,7 @@ objects: !!omap locations: LOC_SOFTROOM immovable: true longs: !!null -- OBJ_41: +- OGRE: words: ['ogre'] inventory: '*ogre' locations: LOC_LARGE @@ -3098,7 +3098,7 @@ objects: !!omap - 'A formidable ogre bars the northern exit.' sounds: - 'The ogre is apparently the strong, silent type.' -- OBJ_42: +- URN: words: ['urn'] inventory: '*urn' locations: LOC_CLIFF @@ -3107,7 +3107,7 @@ objects: !!omap - 'A small urn is embedded in the rock.' - 'A small urn full of oil is embedded in the rock.' - 'A small oil flame extrudes from an urn embedded in the rock.' -- OBJ_43: +- CAVITY: words: ['cavit'] inventory: '*cavity' locations: LOC_NOWHERE @@ -3115,14 +3115,14 @@ objects: !!omap longs: - '' # something in it - 'There is a small urn-shaped cavity in the rock.' -- OBJ_44: +- BLOOD: words: ['blood'] inventory: '*blood' locations: LOC_NOWHERE immovable: true longs: - '' # described with dragon -- OBJ_45: +- RESER: words: ['reser'] inventory: '*reservoir' locations: [LOC_RESERVOIR, LOC_RESNORTH] @@ -3155,7 +3155,7 @@ objects: !!omap - '' texts: - '"You won''t get it up the steps"' -- OBJ_49: +- SIGN: words: ['sign'] inventory: '*sign' locations: LOC_ANTEROOM @@ -3166,7 +3166,7 @@ objects: !!omap texts: - 'Cave under construction beyond this point.\n Proceed at own risk.\n [Witt Construction Company]' - '"Treasure Vault. Keys in main office."' -- OBJ_50: +- NUGGET: words: ['gold', 'nugge'] inventory: 'Large gold nugget' locations: LOC_NUGGET @@ -3194,21 +3194,21 @@ objects: !!omap treasure: true longs: - 'There is precious jewelry here!' -- OBJ_54: +- COINS: words: ['coins'] inventory: 'Rare coins' locations: LOC_WESTSIDE treasure: true longs: - 'There are many coins here!' -- OBJ_55: +- CHEST: words: ['chest', 'box', 'treas'] inventory: 'Treasure chest' locations: LOC_NOWHERE treasure: true longs: - 'The pirate''s treasure chest is here!' -- OBJ_56: +- EGGS: words: ['eggs', 'egg', 'nest'] inventory: 'Golden eggs' locations: LOC_GIANTROOM @@ -3217,14 +3217,14 @@ objects: !!omap - 'There is a large nest here, full of golden eggs!' - 'The nest of golden eggs has vanished!' - 'Done!' -- OBJ_57: +- TRIDENT: words: ['tride'] inventory: 'Jeweled trident' locations: LOC_WATERFALL treasure: true longs: - 'There is a jewel-encrusted trident here!' -- OBJ_58: +- VASE: words: ['vase', 'ming', 'shard', 'potte'] inventory: 'Ming vase' locations: LOC_ORIENTAL @@ -3234,7 +3234,7 @@ objects: !!omap - [VASE_RESTING, 'The vase is now resting, delicately, on a velvet pillow.'] - [VASE_BROKEN, 'The floor is littered with worthless shards of pottery.'] - [VASE_DROPS, 'The ming vase drops with a delicate crash.'] -- OBJ_59: +- EMERALD: words: ['emera'] inventory: 'Egg-sized emerald' locations: LOC_PLOVER @@ -3242,21 +3242,21 @@ objects: !!omap longs: - 'There is an emerald here the size of a plover''s egg!' - 'There is an emerald resting in a small cavity in the rock!' -- OBJ_60: +- PYRAMID: words: ['plati', 'pyram'] inventory: 'Platinum pyramid' locations: LOC_DARKROOM treasure: true longs: - 'There is a platinum pyramid here, 8 inches on a side!' -- OBJ_61: +- PEARL: words: ['pearl'] inventory: 'Glistening pearl' locations: LOC_NOWHERE treasure: true longs: - 'Off to one side lies a glistening pearl!' -- OBJ_62: +- RUG: words: ['rug', 'persi'] inventory: 'Persian rug' locations: [LOC_SECRET4, LOC_SECRET6] @@ -3273,7 +3273,7 @@ objects: !!omap treasure: true longs: - 'There are rare spices here!' -- OBJ_64: +- CHAIN: words: ['chain'] inventory: 'Golden chain' locations: LOC_BARRENROOM @@ -3283,7 +3283,7 @@ objects: !!omap - 'There is a golden chain lying in a heap on the floor!' - 'The bear is locked to the wall with a golden chain!' - 'There is a golden chain locked to the wall!' -- OBJ_65: +- RUBY: words: ['ruby'] inventory: 'Giant ruby' locations: LOC_STOREROOM @@ -3291,14 +3291,14 @@ objects: !!omap longs: - 'There is an enormous ruby here!' - 'There is a ruby resting in a small cavity in the rock!' -- OBJ_66: +- JADE: words: ['jade', 'neckl'] inventory: 'Jade necklace' locations: LOC_NOWHERE treasure: true longs: - 'A precious jade necklace has been dropped here!' -- OBJ_67: +- AMBER: words: ['amber', 'gemst'] inventory: 'Amber gemstone' locations: LOC_NOWHERE @@ -3306,7 +3306,7 @@ objects: !!omap longs: - 'There is a rare amber gemstone here!' - 'There is an amber gemstone resting in a small cavity in the rock!' -- OBJ_68: +- SAPPH: words: ['sapph'] inventory: 'Star sapphire' locations: LOC_LEDGE