Welcome to Adventure!! Would you like instructions? > n You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully. > seed 780351908 Seed set to 780351908 You're in front of building. > in You are inside a building, a well house for a large spring. There are some keys on the ground here. There is a shiny brass lamp nearby. There is food here. There is a bottle of water here. > xyzzy >>Foof!<< It is now pitch dark. If you proceed you will likely fall into a pit. > s There is no way to go that direction. You fell into a pit and broke every bone in your body! Oh dear, you seem to have gotten yourself killed. I might be able to help you out, but I've never really done this before. Do you want me to try to reincarnate you? > n OK You scored 26 out of a possible 430, using 3 turns. You are obviously a rank amateur. Better luck next time. To achieve the next higher rating, you need 20 more points.