; "ARGS TO INTERNAL TIMER CALLS" ; "SPECIAL FILE DESCRIPTORS" ; "OPEN MODES" ; "Read, no write" ; "Write, no read (never used)" ; "Read/write" ; "Never block on open" ; "Append on each write" ; "Create if file doesn't exist" ; "Truncate size to 0" ; "Error if create and file exists" ; "FILE MODES" ; "LSH BY THIS AMOUNT TO GET TO OWNER FIELD" ; "MODES FOR ACCESS" ; "If STAT into a string, offsets of critical things" ; "2 bytes" ; "2 bytes" ; "4 bytes long" ; "4 bytes" ; "Length of needed string" ; "Interpretation of mode field" ; "Andb with this to get file mode" ; "Directory" ; "Character special" ; "block special" ; "regular" ; "MPX char special" ; "MPX block special" ; "Rest of mode field goes by chmod bits" ; "Device types. Code is file-mode, or'ed with major device number." FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> "???" FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> FIX>> ; "STATUS BITS" ; "BYTE SIZE GOES IN LH"