# Object format and target platform The semantics of the language are closely tied to the layout of its objects; it is critical for efficient interpretation that the new layout be similar to the original design. Key features of the original format: * `WORD` size: 36-bit * object size: 2 words * `WORD`:pointer size ratio: 2:1 ## `WORD` size Shrinking `WORD`s to 32 bits would pose more backward compatibility hazards than extending them to 64 bits. `WORD`, and derived types like `FIX`, must support 64-bit operations. ## Pointer size On modern platforms, we have two available pointer sizes: 32-bit or 64-bit. With 64-bit pointers all objects would be 4-words and 256-bits, even though most of that would be dead space for most `TYPE`s. The Muddle object layout is only reasonable with 32-bit pointers. ## 64-bit `WORD`s, 32-bit pointers So in order to maintain compatibility with objects designed for a 2:1 pointer size ratio, our target platform is constrained to look like the x32 ABI: an ILP32 environment with access to instructions that operate on 64-bit words. It is not necessary to compile for the actual x32 ABI, as support for x32 executables is not widespread. The implementation can be compiled for x86-64, but internally ensure that its memory for storing objects is mapped in the low 32-bits of its address space and then cast 64-bit pointers to 32-bit values for storage in objects. ## Implications for target platforms: ### x86-64 (primary target) Muddle processes will be restricted to 4GB of address space per process. That "should be enough for anybody," right? Nonstandard pointers add a wrinkle to FFI, but only a superficial one: Muddle objects need to be GC-managed, so they can't be externally allocated anyway; and FFI-pointers belong in `WORD`s, not object pointers. If using an off-the-shelf GC like BDW, it does complicate things: the library would need modification to recognize the packed pointers. ### x86-32 (possible port) It wouldn't be hard to port the interpreter to 32-bit systems, but if `FIX`es are allowed to use 32-bit arithmetic that could break old code that assumes they are at least 36 bits, and any new code that assumed they were 64 bits. In the future, we should consider switching to explicitly-sized `FIX32`/`FIX64` or the like; for now let's just make `FIX` 64-bit. # Interpretation The semantics documented in M-PL effectively mandate that the interpreter act like an AST-interpreter: * any `ATOM` could be rebound at any time to something that takes its arguments as a `CALL` and edits, as syntax, the code of its caller -- so a non-AST interpreter would still have to keep the AST available, and would have to detect whether a `CALL` modified its callee (e.g. by setting a `WRITE` monitor for all AST values) * debugging mechanisms like `FRAME` allow direct inspection and even modification of the call stack, which requires non-internal subroutine calls to use the MCALL calling convention -- so most of the optimization a JIT or bytecode interpreter could perform is rendered moot The central implementation decision is how to overcome or avoid the difficulties inherent in implementing an interpreter with more advanced control flow than its host language. In this case: coroutines, re-entrant stack-allocated continuations, and non-local return are not straightforward in C-like languages. Options include: * stackless interpreter * assembly-language interpreter that can follow the program's complex control flow * implement just the compiler and use a metacircular evaluator to get an interpreter The stackless approach goes well with an AST interpreter, and from the wording in M-PL's Appendix I think it was the original implementation's approach (although it's also possible they matched the program's control flow, since that wouldn't have been hard for a program written in PDP assembly). ## Stackless interpreter Implement the interpreter core in plain C. Decouple the interpreter's control flow from the interpreted program: * Allocate the CONTROL STACKs on the heap. The interpreter core subroutines use slots in their `FRAME` for local variables that may need to be persisted across a `RESUME`. * Track program execution explicitly as a state machine. Advantages: * portability and readability of C Disadvantages: * using state machines in place of direct control flow and eliminating local variables makes for tricky C (cf. Boost's ASIO)