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1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 """
3     pygments.lexers.int_fiction
4     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6     Lexers for interactive fiction languages.
8     :copyright: Copyright 2006-2014 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
9     :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
10 """
12 import re
14 from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, include, bygroups, using, \
15     this, default, words
16 from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
17     Number, Punctuation, Error, Generic
19 __all__ = ['Inform6Lexer', 'Inform6TemplateLexer', 'Inform7Lexer',
20            'Tads3Lexer']
23 class Inform6Lexer(RegexLexer):
24     """
25     For `Inform 6 <>`_ source code.
27     .. versionadded:: 2.0
28     """
30     name = 'Inform 6'
31     aliases = ['inform6', 'i6']
32     filenames = ['*.inf']
34     flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE
36     _name = r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*'
38     # Inform 7 maps these four character classes to their ASCII
39     # equivalents. To support Inform 6 inclusions within Inform 7,
40     # Inform6Lexer maps them too.
41     _dash = u'\\-\u2010-\u2014'
42     _dquote = u'"\u201c\u201d'
43     _squote = u"'\u2018\u2019"
44     _newline = u'\\n\u0085\u2028\u2029'
46     tokens = {
47         'root': [
48             (r'\A(!%%[^%s]*[%s])+' % (_newline, _newline), Comment.Preproc,
49              'directive'),
50             default('directive')
51         ],
52         '_whitespace': [
53             (r'\s+', Text),
54             (r'![^%s]*' % _newline, Comment.Single)
55         ],
56         'default': [
57             include('_whitespace'),
58             (r'\[', Punctuation, 'many-values'),  # Array initialization
59             (r':|(?=;)', Punctuation, '#pop'),
60             (r'<', Punctuation),  # Second angle bracket in an action statement
61             default(('expression', '_expression'))
62         ],
64         # Expressions
65         '_expression': [
66             include('_whitespace'),
67             (r'(?=sp\b)', Text, '#pop'),
68             (r'(?=[%s%s$0-9#a-zA-Z_])' % (_dquote, _squote), Text,
69              ('#pop', 'value')),
70             (r'\+\+|[%s]{1,2}(?!>)|~~?' % _dash, Operator),
71             (r'(?=[()\[%s,?@{:;])' % _dash, Text, '#pop')
72         ],
73         'expression': [
74             include('_whitespace'),
75             (r'\(', Punctuation, ('expression', '_expression')),
76             (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop'),
77             (r'\[', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'statements', 'locals')),
78             (r'>(?=(\s+|(![^%s]*))*[>;])' % _newline, Punctuation),
79             (r'\+\+|[%s]{2}(?!>)' % _dash, Operator),
80             (r',', Punctuation, '_expression'),
81             (r'&&?|\|\|?|[=~><]?=|[%s]{1,2}>?|\.\.?[&#]?|::|[<>+*/%%]' % _dash,
82              Operator, '_expression'),
83             (r'(has|hasnt|in|notin|ofclass|or|provides)\b', Operator.Word,
84              '_expression'),
85             (r'sp\b', Name),
86             (r'\?~?', Name.Label, 'label?'),
87             (r'[@{]', Error),
88             default('#pop')
89         ],
90         '_assembly-expression': [
91             (r'\(', Punctuation, ('#push', '_expression')),
92             (r'[\[\]]', Punctuation),
93             (r'[%s]>' % _dash, Punctuation, '_expression'),
94             (r'sp\b', Keyword.Pseudo),
95             (r';', Punctuation, '#pop:3'),
96             include('expression')
97         ],
98         '_for-expression': [
99             (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop:2'),
100             (r':', Punctuation, '#pop'),
101             include('expression')
102         ],
103         '_keyword-expression': [
104             (r'(from|near|to)\b', Keyword, '_expression'),
105             include('expression')
106         ],
107         '_list-expression': [
108             (r',', Punctuation, '#pop'),
109             include('expression')
110         ],
111         '_object-expression': [
112             (r'has\b', Keyword.Declaration, '#pop'),
113             include('_list-expression')
114         ],
116         # Values
117         'value': [
118             include('_whitespace'),
119             # Strings
120             (r'[%s][^@][%s]' % (_squote, _squote), String.Char, '#pop'),
121             (r'([%s])(@\{[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}\})([%s])' % (_squote, _squote),
122              bygroups(String.Char, String.Escape, String.Char), '#pop'),
123             (r'([%s])(@.{2})([%s])' % (_squote, _squote),
124              bygroups(String.Char, String.Escape, String.Char), '#pop'),
125             (r'[%s]' % _squote, String.Single, ('#pop', 'dictionary-word')),
126             (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, ('#pop', 'string')),
127             # Numbers
128             (r'\$[+%s][0-9]*\.?[0-9]*([eE][+%s]?[0-9]+)?' % (_dash, _dash),
129              Number.Float, '#pop'),
130             (r'\$[0-9a-fA-F]+', Number.Hex, '#pop'),
131             (r'\$\$[01]+', Number.Bin, '#pop'),
132             (r'[0-9]+', Number.Integer, '#pop'),
133             # Values prefixed by hashes
134             (r'(##|#a\$)(%s)' % _name, bygroups(Operator, Name), '#pop'),
135             (r'(#g\$)(%s)' % _name,
136              bygroups(Operator, Name.Variable.Global), '#pop'),
137             (r'#[nw]\$', Operator, ('#pop', 'obsolete-dictionary-word')),
138             (r'(#r\$)(%s)' % _name, bygroups(Operator, Name.Function), '#pop'),
139             (r'#', Name.Builtin, ('#pop', 'system-constant')),
140             # System functions
141             (words((
142                 'child', 'children', 'elder', 'eldest', 'glk', 'indirect', 'metaclass',
143                 'parent', 'random', 'sibling', 'younger', 'youngest'), suffix=r'\b'),
144              Name.Builtin, '#pop'),
145             # Metaclasses
146             (r'(?i)(Class|Object|Routine|String)\b', Name.Builtin, '#pop'),
147             # Veneer routines
148             (words((
149                 'Box__Routine', 'CA__Pr', 'CDefArt', 'CInDefArt', 'Cl__Ms',
150                 'Copy__Primitive', 'CP__Tab', 'DA__Pr', 'DB__Pr', 'DefArt', 'Dynam__String',
151                 'EnglishNumber', 'Glk__Wrap', 'IA__Pr', 'IB__Pr', 'InDefArt', 'Main__',
152                 'Meta__class', 'OB__Move', 'OB__Remove', 'OC__Cl', 'OP__Pr', 'Print__Addr',
153                 'Print__PName', 'PrintShortName', 'RA__Pr', 'RA__Sc', 'RL__Pr', 'R_Process',
154                 'RT__ChG', 'RT__ChGt', 'RT__ChLDB', 'RT__ChLDW', 'RT__ChPR', 'RT__ChPrintA',
155                 'RT__ChPrintC', 'RT__ChPrintO', 'RT__ChPrintS', 'RT__ChPS', 'RT__ChR',
156                 'RT__ChSTB', 'RT__ChSTW', 'RT__ChT', 'RT__Err', 'RT__TrPS', 'RV__Pr',
157                 'Symb__Tab', 'Unsigned__Compare', 'WV__Pr', 'Z__Region'),
158                 prefix='(?i)', suffix=r'\b'),
159              Name.Builtin, '#pop'),
160             # Other built-in symbols
161             (words((
162                 'call', 'copy', 'create', 'DEBUG', 'destroy', 'DICT_CHAR_SIZE',
163                 'DICT_ENTRY_BYTES', 'DICT_IS_UNICODE', 'DICT_WORD_SIZE', 'false',
167                 'GOBJ_TOTAL_LENGTH', 'Grammar__Version', 'INDIV_PROP_START', 'INFIX',
168                 'infix__watching', 'MODULE_MODE', 'name', 'nothing', 'NUM_ATTR_BYTES', 'print',
169                 'print_to_array', 'recreate', 'remaining', 'self', 'sender', 'STRICT_MODE',
170                 'sw__var', 'sys__glob0', 'sys__glob1', 'sys__glob2', 'sys_statusline_flag',
171                 'TARGET_GLULX', 'TARGET_ZCODE', 'temp__global2', 'temp__global3',
172                 'temp__global4', 'temp_global', 'true', 'USE_MODULES', 'WORDSIZE'),
173                 prefix='(?i)', suffix=r'\b'),
174              Name.Builtin, '#pop'),
175             # Other values
176             (_name, Name, '#pop')
177         ],
178         # Strings
179         'dictionary-word': [
180             (r'[~^]+', String.Escape),
181             (r'[^~^\\@({%s]+' % _squote, String.Single),
182             (r'[({]', String.Single),
183             (r'@\{[0-9a-fA-F]{,4}\}', String.Escape),
184             (r'@.{2}', String.Escape),
185             (r'[%s]' % _squote, String.Single, '#pop')
186         ],
187         'string': [
188             (r'[~^]+', String.Escape),
189             (r'[^~^\\@({%s]+' % _dquote, String.Double),
190             (r'[({]', String.Double),
191             (r'\\', String.Escape),
192             (r'@(\\\s*[%s]\s*)*@((\\\s*[%s]\s*)*[0-9])*' %
193              (_newline, _newline), String.Escape),
194             (r'@(\\\s*[%s]\s*)*\{((\\\s*[%s]\s*)*[0-9a-fA-F]){,4}'
195              r'(\\\s*[%s]\s*)*\}' % (_newline, _newline, _newline),
196              String.Escape),
197             (r'@(\\\s*[%s]\s*)*.(\\\s*[%s]\s*)*.' % (_newline, _newline),
198              String.Escape),
199             (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, '#pop')
200         ],
201         'plain-string': [
202             (r'[^~^\\({\[\]%s]+' % _dquote, String.Double),
203             (r'[~^({\[\]]', String.Double),
204             (r'\\', String.Escape),
205             (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, '#pop')
206         ],
207         # Names
208         '_constant': [
209             include('_whitespace'),
210             (_name, Name.Constant, '#pop'),
211             include('value')
212         ],
213         '_global': [
214             include('_whitespace'),
215             (_name, Name.Variable.Global, '#pop'),
216             include('value')
217         ],
218         'label?': [
219             include('_whitespace'),
220             (_name, Name.Label, '#pop'),
221             default('#pop')
222         ],
223         'variable?': [
224             include('_whitespace'),
225             (_name, Name.Variable, '#pop'),
226             default('#pop')
227         ],
228         # Values after hashes
229         'obsolete-dictionary-word': [
230             (r'\S\w*', String.Other, '#pop')
231         ],
232         'system-constant': [
233             include('_whitespace'),
234             (_name, Name.Builtin, '#pop')
235         ],
237         # Directives
238         'directive': [
239             include('_whitespace'),
240             (r'#', Punctuation),
241             (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
242             (r'\[', Punctuation,
243              ('default', 'statements', 'locals', 'routine-name?')),
244             (words((
245                 'abbreviate', 'endif', 'dictionary', 'ifdef', 'iffalse', 'ifndef', 'ifnot',
246                 'iftrue', 'ifv3', 'ifv5', 'release', 'serial', 'switches', 'system_file',
247                 'version'), prefix='(?i)', suffix=r'\b'),
248              Keyword, 'default'),
249             (r'(?i)(array|global)\b', Keyword,
250              ('default', 'directive-keyword?', '_global')),
251             (r'(?i)attribute\b', Keyword, ('default', 'alias?', '_constant')),
252             (r'(?i)class\b', Keyword,
253              ('object-body', 'duplicates', 'class-name')),
254             (r'(?i)(constant|default)\b', Keyword,
255              ('default', 'expression', '_constant')),
256             (r'(?i)(end\b)(.*)', bygroups(Keyword, Text)),
257             (r'(?i)(extend|verb)\b', Keyword, 'grammar'),
258             (r'(?i)fake_action\b', Keyword, ('default', '_constant')),
259             (r'(?i)import\b', Keyword, 'manifest'),
260             (r'(?i)(include|link)\b', Keyword,
261              ('default', 'before-plain-string')),
262             (r'(?i)(lowstring|undef)\b', Keyword, ('default', '_constant')),
263             (r'(?i)message\b', Keyword, ('default', 'diagnostic')),
264             (r'(?i)(nearby|object)\b', Keyword,
265              ('object-body', '_object-head')),
266             (r'(?i)property\b', Keyword,
267              ('default', 'alias?', '_constant', 'property-keyword*')),
268             (r'(?i)replace\b', Keyword,
269              ('default', 'routine-name?', 'routine-name?')),
270             (r'(?i)statusline\b', Keyword, ('default', 'directive-keyword?')),
271             (r'(?i)stub\b', Keyword, ('default', 'routine-name?')),
272             (r'(?i)trace\b', Keyword,
273              ('default', 'trace-keyword?', 'trace-keyword?')),
274             (r'(?i)zcharacter\b', Keyword,
275              ('default', 'directive-keyword?', 'directive-keyword?')),
276             (_name, Name.Class, ('object-body', '_object-head'))
277         ],
278         # [, Replace, Stub
279         'routine-name?': [
280             include('_whitespace'),
281             (_name, Name.Function, '#pop'),
282             default('#pop')
283         ],
284         'locals': [
285             include('_whitespace'),
286             (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
287             (r'\*', Punctuation),
288             (_name, Name.Variable)
289         ],
290         # Array
291         'many-values': [
292             include('_whitespace'),
293             (r';', Punctuation),
294             (r'\]', Punctuation, '#pop'),
295             (r':', Error),
296             default(('expression', '_expression'))
297         ],
298         # Attribute, Property
299         'alias?': [
300             include('_whitespace'),
301             (r'alias\b', Keyword, ('#pop', '_constant')),
302             default('#pop')
303         ],
304         # Class, Object, Nearby
305         'class-name': [
306             include('_whitespace'),
307             (r'(?=[,;]|(class|has|private|with)\b)', Text, '#pop'),
308             (_name, Name.Class, '#pop')
309         ],
310         'duplicates': [
311             include('_whitespace'),
312             (r'\(', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'expression', '_expression')),
313             default('#pop')
314         ],
315         '_object-head': [
316             (r'[%s]>' % _dash, Punctuation),
317             (r'(class|has|private|with)\b', Keyword.Declaration, '#pop'),
318             include('_global')
319         ],
320         'object-body': [
321             include('_whitespace'),
322             (r';', Punctuation, '#pop:2'),
323             (r',', Punctuation),
324             (r'class\b', Keyword.Declaration, 'class-segment'),
325             (r'(has|private|with)\b', Keyword.Declaration),
326             (r':', Error),
327             default(('_object-expression', '_expression'))
328         ],
329         'class-segment': [
330             include('_whitespace'),
331             (r'(?=[,;]|(class|has|private|with)\b)', Text, '#pop'),
332             (_name, Name.Class),
333             default('value')
334         ],
335         # Extend, Verb
336         'grammar': [
337             include('_whitespace'),
338             (r'=', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'default')),
339             (r'\*', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'grammar-line')),
340             default('_directive-keyword')
341         ],
342         'grammar-line': [
343             include('_whitespace'),
344             (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
345             (r'[/*]', Punctuation),
346             (r'[%s]>' % _dash, Punctuation, 'value'),
347             (r'(noun|scope)\b', Keyword, '=routine'),
348             default('_directive-keyword')
349         ],
350         '=routine': [
351             include('_whitespace'),
352             (r'=', Punctuation, 'routine-name?'),
353             default('#pop')
354         ],
355         # Import
356         'manifest': [
357             include('_whitespace'),
358             (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
359             (r',', Punctuation),
360             (r'(?i)global\b', Keyword, '_global'),
361             default('_global')
362         ],
363         # Include, Link, Message
364         'diagnostic': [
365             include('_whitespace'),
366             (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, ('#pop', 'message-string')),
367             default(('#pop', 'before-plain-string', 'directive-keyword?'))
368         ],
369         'before-plain-string': [
370             include('_whitespace'),
371             (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, ('#pop', 'plain-string'))
372         ],
373         'message-string': [
374             (r'[~^]+', String.Escape),
375             include('plain-string')
376         ],
378         # Keywords used in directives
379         '_directive-keyword!': [
380             include('_whitespace'),
381             (words((
382                 'additive', 'alias', 'buffer', 'class', 'creature', 'data', 'error', 'fatalerror',
383                 'first', 'has', 'held', 'initial', 'initstr', 'last', 'long', 'meta', 'multi',
384                 'multiexcept', 'multiheld', 'multiinside', 'noun', 'number', 'only', 'private',
385                 'replace', 'reverse', 'scope', 'score', 'special', 'string', 'table', 'terminating',
386                 'time', 'topic', 'warning', 'with'), suffix=r'\b'),
387              Keyword, '#pop'),
388             (r'[%s]{1,2}>|[+=]' % _dash, Punctuation, '#pop')
389         ],
390         '_directive-keyword': [
391             include('_directive-keyword!'),
392             include('value')
393         ],
394         'directive-keyword?': [
395             include('_directive-keyword!'),
396             default('#pop')
397         ],
398         'property-keyword*': [
399             include('_whitespace'),
400             (r'(additive|long)\b', Keyword),
401             default('#pop')
402         ],
403         'trace-keyword?': [
404             include('_whitespace'),
405             (words((
406                 'assembly', 'dictionary', 'expressions', 'lines', 'linker',
407                 'objects', 'off', 'on', 'symbols', 'tokens', 'verbs'), suffix=r'\b'),
408              Keyword, '#pop'),
409             default('#pop')
410         ],
412         # Statements
413         'statements': [
414             include('_whitespace'),
415             (r'\]', Punctuation, '#pop'),
416             (r'[;{}]', Punctuation),
417             (words((
418                 'box', 'break', 'continue', 'default', 'give', 'inversion',
419                 'new_line', 'quit', 'read', 'remove', 'return', 'rfalse', 'rtrue',
420                 'spaces', 'string', 'until'), suffix=r'\b'),
421              Keyword, 'default'),
422             (r'(do|else)\b', Keyword),
423             (r'(font|style)\b', Keyword,
424              ('default', 'miscellaneous-keyword?')),
425             (r'for\b', Keyword, ('for', '(?')),
426             (r'(if|switch|while)', Keyword,
427              ('expression', '_expression', '(?')),
428             (r'(jump|save|restore)\b', Keyword, ('default', 'label?')),
429             (r'objectloop\b', Keyword,
430              ('_keyword-expression', 'variable?', '(?')),
431             (r'print(_ret)?\b|(?=[%s])' % _dquote, Keyword, 'print-list'),
432             (r'\.', Name.Label, 'label?'),
433             (r'@', Keyword, 'opcode'),
434             (r'#(?![agrnw]\$|#)', Punctuation, 'directive'),
435             (r'<', Punctuation, 'default'),
436             (r'move\b', Keyword,
437              ('default', '_keyword-expression', '_expression')),
438             default(('default', '_keyword-expression', '_expression'))
439         ],
440         'miscellaneous-keyword?': [
441             include('_whitespace'),
442             (r'(bold|fixed|from|near|off|on|reverse|roman|to|underline)\b',
443              Keyword, '#pop'),
444             (r'(a|A|an|address|char|name|number|object|property|string|the|'
445              r'The)\b(?=(\s+|(![^%s]*))*\))' % _newline, Keyword.Pseudo,
446              '#pop'),
447             (r'%s(?=(\s+|(![^%s]*))*\))' % (_name, _newline), Name.Function,
448              '#pop'),
449             default('#pop')
450         ],
451         '(?': [
452             include('_whitespace'),
453             (r'\(', Punctuation, '#pop'),
454             default('#pop')
455         ],
456         'for': [
457             include('_whitespace'),
458             (r';', Punctuation, ('_for-expression', '_expression')),
459             default(('_for-expression', '_expression'))
460         ],
461         'print-list': [
462             include('_whitespace'),
463             (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
464             (r':', Error),
465             default(('_list-expression', '_expression', '_list-expression', 'form'))
466         ],
467         'form': [
468             include('_whitespace'),
469             (r'\(', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'miscellaneous-keyword?')),
470             default('#pop')
471         ],
473         # Assembly
474         'opcode': [
475             include('_whitespace'),
476             (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, ('operands', 'plain-string')),
477             (_name, Keyword, 'operands')
478         ],
479         'operands': [
480             (r':', Error),
481             default(('_assembly-expression', '_expression'))
482         ]
483     }
485     def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
486         # 'in' is either a keyword or an operator.
487         # If the token two tokens after 'in' is ')', 'in' is a keyword:
488         #   objectloop(a in b)
489         # Otherwise, it is an operator:
490         #   objectloop(a in b && true)
491         objectloop_queue = []
492         objectloop_token_count = -1
493         previous_token = None
494         for index, token, value in RegexLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self,
495                                                                      text):
496             if previous_token is Name.Variable and value == 'in':
497                 objectloop_queue = [[index, token, value]]
498                 objectloop_token_count = 2
499             elif objectloop_token_count > 0:
500                 if token not in Comment and token not in Text:
501                     objectloop_token_count -= 1
502                 objectloop_queue.append((index, token, value))
503             else:
504                 if objectloop_token_count == 0:
505                     if objectloop_queue[-1][2] == ')':
506                         objectloop_queue[0][1] = Keyword
507                     while objectloop_queue:
508                         yield objectloop_queue.pop(0)
509                     objectloop_token_count = -1
510                 yield index, token, value
511             if token not in Comment and token not in Text:
512                 previous_token = token
513         while objectloop_queue:
514             yield objectloop_queue.pop(0)
517 class Inform7Lexer(RegexLexer):
518     """
519     For `Inform 7 <>`_ source code.
521     .. versionadded:: 2.0
522     """
524     name = 'Inform 7'
525     aliases = ['inform7', 'i7']
526     filenames = ['*.ni', '*.i7x']
528     flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE
530     _dash = Inform6Lexer._dash
531     _dquote = Inform6Lexer._dquote
532     _newline = Inform6Lexer._newline
533     _start = r'\A|(?<=[%s])' % _newline
535     # There are three variants of Inform 7, differing in how to
536     # interpret at signs and braces in I6T. In top-level inclusions, at
537     # signs in the first column are inweb syntax. In phrase definitions
538     # and use options, tokens in braces are treated as I7. Use options
539     # also interpret "{N}".
540     tokens = {}
541     token_variants = ['+i6t-not-inline', '+i6t-inline', '+i6t-use-option']
543     for level in token_variants:
544         tokens[level] = {
545             '+i6-root': list(Inform6Lexer.tokens['root']),
546             '+i6t-root': [  # For Inform6TemplateLexer
547                 (r'[^%s]*' % Inform6Lexer._newline, Comment.Preproc,
548                  ('directive', '+p'))
549             ],
550             'root': [
551                 (r'(\|?\s)+', Text),
552                 (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
553                 (r'[%s]' % _dquote, Generic.Heading,
554                  ('+main', '+titling', '+titling-string')),
555                 default(('+main', '+heading?'))
556             ],
557             '+titling-string': [
558                 (r'[^%s]+' % _dquote, Generic.Heading),
559                 (r'[%s]' % _dquote, Generic.Heading, '#pop')
560             ],
561             '+titling': [
562                 (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
563                 (r'[^%s.;:|%s]+' % (_dquote, _newline), Generic.Heading),
564                 (r'[%s]' % _dquote, Generic.Heading, '+titling-string'),
565                 (r'[%s]{2}|(?<=[\s%s])\|[\s%s]' % (_newline, _dquote, _dquote),
566                  Text, ('#pop', '+heading?')),
567                 (r'[.;:]|(?<=[\s%s])\|' % _dquote, Text, '#pop'),
568                 (r'[|%s]' % _newline, Generic.Heading)
569             ],
570             '+main': [
571                 (r'(?i)[^%s:a\[(|%s]+' % (_dquote, _newline), Text),
572                 (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, '+text'),
573                 (r':', Text, '+phrase-definition'),
574                 (r'(?i)\bas\b', Text, '+use-option'),
575                 (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
576                 (r'(\([%s])(.*?)([%s]\))' % (_dash, _dash),
577                  bygroups(Punctuation,
578                           using(this, state=('+i6-root', 'directive'),
579                                 i6t='+i6t-not-inline'), Punctuation)),
580                 (r'(%s|(?<=[\s;:.%s]))\|\s|[%s]{2,}' %
581                  (_start, _dquote, _newline), Text, '+heading?'),
582                 (r'(?i)[a(|%s]' % _newline, Text)
583             ],
584             '+phrase-definition': [
585                 (r'\s+', Text),
586                 (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
587                 (r'(\([%s])(.*?)([%s]\))' % (_dash, _dash),
588                  bygroups(Punctuation,
589                           using(this, state=('+i6-root', 'directive',
590                                              'default', 'statements'),
591                                 i6t='+i6t-inline'), Punctuation), '#pop'),
592                 default('#pop')
593             ],
594             '+use-option': [
595                 (r'\s+', Text),
596                 (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
597                 (r'(\([%s])(.*?)([%s]\))' % (_dash, _dash),
598                  bygroups(Punctuation,
599                           using(this, state=('+i6-root', 'directive'),
600                                 i6t='+i6t-use-option'), Punctuation), '#pop'),
601                 default('#pop')
602             ],
603             '+comment': [
604                 (r'[^\[\]]+', Comment.Multiline),
605                 (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '#push'),
606                 (r'\]', Comment.Multiline, '#pop')
607             ],
608             '+text': [
609                 (r'[^\[%s]+' % _dquote, String.Double),
610                 (r'\[.*?\]', String.Interpol),
611                 (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, '#pop')
612             ],
613             '+heading?': [
614                 (r'(\|?\s)+', Text),
615                 (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
616                 (r'[%s]{4}\s+' % _dash, Text, '+documentation-heading'),
617                 (r'[%s]{1,3}' % _dash, Text),
618                 (r'(?i)(volume|book|part|chapter|section)\b[^%s]*' % _newline,
619                  Generic.Heading, '#pop'),
620                 default('#pop')
621             ],
622             '+documentation-heading': [
623                 (r'\s+', Text),
624                 (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
625                 (r'(?i)documentation\s+', Text, '+documentation-heading2'),
626                 default('#pop')
627             ],
628             '+documentation-heading2': [
629                 (r'\s+', Text),
630                 (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
631                 (r'[%s]{4}\s' % _dash, Text, '+documentation'),
632                 default('#pop:2')
633             ],
634             '+documentation': [
635                 (r'(?i)(%s)\s*(chapter|example)\s*:[^%s]*' %
636                  (_start, _newline), Generic.Heading),
637                 (r'(?i)(%s)\s*section\s*:[^%s]*' % (_start, _newline),
638                  Generic.Subheading),
639                 (r'((%s)\t.*?[%s])+' % (_start, _newline),
640                  using(this, state='+main')),
641                 (r'[^%s\[]+|[%s\[]' % (_newline, _newline), Text),
642                 (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
643             ],
644             '+i6t-not-inline': [
645                 (r'(%s)@c( .*?)?([%s]|\Z)' % (_start, _newline),
646                  Comment.Preproc),
647                 (r'(%s)@([%s]+|Purpose:)[^%s]*' % (_start, _dash, _newline),
648                  Comment.Preproc),
649                 (r'(%s)@p( .*?)?([%s]|\Z)' % (_start, _newline),
650                  Generic.Heading, '+p')
651             ],
652             '+i6t-use-option': [
653                 include('+i6t-not-inline'),
654                 (r'(\{)(N)(\})', bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Punctuation))
655             ],
656             '+i6t-inline': [
657                 (r'(\{)(\S[^}]*)?(\})',
658                  bygroups(Punctuation, using(this, state='+main'),
659                           Punctuation))
660             ],
661             '+i6t': [
662                 (r'(\{[%s])(![^}]*)(\}?)' % _dash,
663                  bygroups(Punctuation, Comment.Single, Punctuation)),
664                 (r'(\{[%s])(lines)(:)([^}]*)(\}?)' % _dash,
665                  bygroups(Punctuation, Keyword, Punctuation, Text,
666                           Punctuation), '+lines'),
667                 (r'(\{[%s])([^:}]*)(:?)([^}]*)(\}?)' % _dash,
668                  bygroups(Punctuation, Keyword, Punctuation, Text,
669                           Punctuation)),
670                 (r'(\(\+)(.*?)(\+\)|\Z)',
671                  bygroups(Punctuation, using(this, state='+main'),
672                           Punctuation))
673             ],
674             '+p': [
675                 (r'[^@]+', Comment.Preproc),
676                 (r'(%s)@c( .*?)?([%s]|\Z)' % (_start, _newline),
677                  Comment.Preproc, '#pop'),
678                 (r'(%s)@([%s]|Purpose:)' % (_start, _dash), Comment.Preproc),
679                 (r'(%s)@p( .*?)?([%s]|\Z)' % (_start, _newline),
680                  Generic.Heading),
681                 (r'@', Comment.Preproc)
682             ],
683             '+lines': [
684                 (r'(%s)@c( .*?)?([%s]|\Z)' % (_start, _newline),
685                  Comment.Preproc),
686                 (r'(%s)@([%s]|Purpose:)[^%s]*' % (_start, _dash, _newline),
687                  Comment.Preproc),
688                 (r'(%s)@p( .*?)?([%s]|\Z)' % (_start, _newline),
689                  Generic.Heading, '+p'),
690                 (r'(%s)@\w*[ %s]' % (_start, _newline), Keyword),
691                 (r'![^%s]*' % _newline, Comment.Single),
692                 (r'(\{)([%s]endlines)(\})' % _dash,
693                  bygroups(Punctuation, Keyword, Punctuation), '#pop'),
694                 (r'[^@!{]+?([%s]|\Z)|.' % _newline, Text)
695             ]
696         }
697         # Inform 7 can include snippets of Inform 6 template language,
698         # so all of Inform6Lexer's states are copied here, with
699         # modifications to account for template syntax. Inform7Lexer's
700         # own states begin with '+' to avoid name conflicts. Some of
701         # Inform6Lexer's states begin with '_': these are not modified.
702         # They deal with template syntax either by including modified
703         # states, or by matching r'' then pushing to modified states.
704         for token in Inform6Lexer.tokens:
705             if token == 'root':
706                 continue
707             tokens[level][token] = list(Inform6Lexer.tokens[token])
708             if not token.startswith('_'):
709                 tokens[level][token][:0] = [include('+i6t'), include(level)]
711     def __init__(self, **options):
712         level = options.get('i6t', '+i6t-not-inline')
713         if level not in self._all_tokens:
714             self._tokens = self.__class__.process_tokendef(level)
715         else:
716             self._tokens = self._all_tokens[level]
717         RegexLexer.__init__(self, **options)
720 class Inform6TemplateLexer(Inform7Lexer):
721     """
722     For `Inform 6 template
723     <>`_ code.
725     .. versionadded:: 2.0
726     """
728     name = 'Inform 6 template'
729     aliases = ['i6t']
730     filenames = ['*.i6t']
732     def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text, stack=('+i6t-root',)):
733         return Inform7Lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text, stack)
736 class Tads3Lexer(RegexLexer):
737     """
738     For `TADS 3 <>`_ source code.
739     """
741     name = 'TADS 3'
742     aliases = ['tads3']
743     filenames = ['*.t']
745     flags = re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE
747     _comment_single = r'(?://(?:[^\\\n]|\\+[\w\W])*$)'
748     _comment_multiline = r'(?:/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*\*/)'
749     _escape = (r'(?:\\(?:[\n\\<>"\'^v bnrt]|u[\da-fA-F]{,4}|x[\da-fA-F]{,2}|'
750                r'[0-3]?[0-7]{1,2}))')
751     _name = r'(?:[_a-zA-Z]\w*)'
752     _no_quote = r'(?=\s|\\?>)'
753     _operator = (r'(?:&&|\|\||\+\+|--|\?\?|::|[.,@\[\]~]|'
754                  r'(?:[=+\-*/%!&|^]|<<?|>>?>?)=?)')
755     _ws = r'(?:\\|\s|%s|%s)' % (_comment_single, _comment_multiline)
756     _ws_pp = r'(?:\\\n|[^\S\n]|%s|%s)' % (_comment_single, _comment_multiline)
758     def _make_string_state(triple, double, verbatim=None, _escape=_escape):
759         if verbatim:
760             verbatim = ''.join(['(?:%s|%s)' % (re.escape(c.lower()),
761                                                re.escape(c.upper()))
762                                 for c in verbatim])
763         char = r'"' if double else r"'"
764         token = String.Double if double else String.Single
765         escaped_quotes = r'+|%s(?!%s{2})' % (char, char) if triple else r''
766         prefix = '%s%s' % ('t' if triple else '', 'd' if double else 's')
767         tag_state_name = '%sqt' % prefix
768         state = []
769         if triple:
770             state += [
771                 (r'%s{3,}' % char, token, '#pop'),
772                 (r'\\%s+' % char, String.Escape),
773                 (char, token)
774             ]
775         else:
776             state.append((char, token, '#pop'))
777         state += [
778             include('s/verbatim'),
779             (r'[^\\<&{}%s]+' % char, token)
780         ]
781         if verbatim:
782             # This regex can't use `(?i)` because escape sequences are
783             # case-sensitive. `<\XMP>` works; `<\xmp>` doesn't.
784             state.append((r'\\?<(/|\\\\|(?!%s)\\)%s(?=[\s=>])' %
785                           (_escape, verbatim),
786                           Name.Tag, ('#pop', '%sqs' % prefix, tag_state_name)))
787         else:
788             state += [
789                 (r'\\?<!([^><\\%s]|<(?!<)|\\%s%s|%s|\\.)*>?' %
790                  (char, char, escaped_quotes, _escape), Comment.Multiline),
791                 (r'(?i)\\?<listing(?=[\s=>]|\\>)', Name.Tag,
792                  ('#pop', '%sqs/listing' % prefix, tag_state_name)),
793                 (r'(?i)\\?<xmp(?=[\s=>]|\\>)', Name.Tag,
794                  ('#pop', '%sqs/xmp' % prefix, tag_state_name)),
795                 (r'\\?<([^\s=><\\%s]|<(?!<)|\\%s%s|%s|\\.)*' %
796                  (char, char, escaped_quotes, _escape), Name.Tag,
797                  tag_state_name),
798                 include('s/entity')
799             ]
800         state += [
801             include('s/escape'),
802             (r'\{([^}<\\%s]|<(?!<)|\\%s%s|%s|\\.)*\}' %
803              (char, char, escaped_quotes, _escape), String.Interpol),
804             (r'[\\&{}<]', token)
805         ]
806         return state
808     def _make_tag_state(triple, double, _escape=_escape):
809         char = r'"' if double else r"'"
810         quantifier = r'{3,}' if triple else r''
811         state_name = '%s%sqt' % ('t' if triple else '', 'd' if double else 's')
812         token = String.Double if double else String.Single
813         escaped_quotes = r'+|%s(?!%s{2})' % (char, char) if triple else r''
814         return [
815             (r'%s%s' % (char, quantifier), token, '#pop:2'),
816             (r'(\s|\\\n)+', Text),
817             (r'(=)(\\?")', bygroups(Punctuation, String.Double),
818              'dqs/%s' % state_name),
819             (r"(=)(\\?')", bygroups(Punctuation, String.Single),
820              'sqs/%s' % state_name),
821             (r'=', Punctuation, 'uqs/%s' % state_name),
822             (r'\\?>', Name.Tag, '#pop'),
823             (r'\{([^}<\\%s]|<(?!<)|\\%s%s|%s|\\.)*\}' %
824              (char, char, escaped_quotes, _escape), String.Interpol),
825             (r'([^\s=><\\%s]|<(?!<)|\\%s%s|%s|\\.)+' %
826              (char, char, escaped_quotes, _escape), Name.Attribute),
827             include('s/escape'),
828             include('s/verbatim'),
829             include('s/entity'),
830             (r'[\\{}&]', Name.Attribute)
831         ]
833     def _make_attribute_value_state(terminator, host_triple, host_double,
834                                     _escape=_escape):
835         token = (String.Double if terminator == r'"' else
836                  String.Single if terminator == r"'" else String.Other)
837         host_char = r'"' if host_double else r"'"
838         host_quantifier = r'{3,}' if host_triple else r''
839         host_token = String.Double if host_double else String.Single
840         escaped_quotes = (r'+|%s(?!%s{2})' % (host_char, host_char)
841                           if host_triple else r'')
842         return [
843             (r'%s%s' % (host_char, host_quantifier), host_token, '#pop:3'),
844             (r'%s%s' % (r'' if token is String.Other else r'\\?', terminator),
845              token, '#pop'),
846             include('s/verbatim'),
847             include('s/entity'),
848             (r'\{([^}<\\%s]|<(?!<)|\\%s%s|%s|\\.)*\}' %
849              (host_char, host_char, escaped_quotes, _escape), String.Interpol),
850             (r'([^\s"\'<%s{}\\&])+' % (r'>' if token is String.Other else r''),
851              token),
852             include('s/escape'),
853             (r'["\'\s&{<}\\]', token)
854         ]
856     tokens = {
857         'root': [
858             (u'\ufeff', Text),
859             (r'\{', Punctuation, 'object-body'),
860             (r';+', Punctuation),
861             (r'(?=(argcount|break|case|catch|continue|default|definingobj|'
862              r'delegated|do|else|for|foreach|finally|goto|if|inherited|'
863              r'invokee|local|nil|new|operator|replaced|return|self|switch|'
864              r'targetobj|targetprop|throw|true|try|while)\b)', Text, 'block'),
865             (r'(%s)(%s*)(\()' % (_name, _ws),
866              bygroups(Name.Function, using(this, state='whitespace'),
867                       Punctuation),
868              ('block?/root', 'more/parameters', 'main/parameters')),
869             include('whitespace'),
870             (r'\++', Punctuation),
871             (r'[^\s!"%-(*->@-_a-z{-~]+', Error),  # Averts an infinite loop
872             (r'(?!\Z)', Text, 'main/root')
873         ],
874         'main/root': [
875             include('main/basic'),
876             default(('#pop', 'object-body/no-braces', 'classes', 'class'))
877         ],
878         'object-body/no-braces': [
879             (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
880             (r'\{', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'object-body')),
881             include('object-body')
882         ],
883         'object-body': [
884             (r';', Punctuation),
885             (r'\{', Punctuation, '#push'),
886             (r'\}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
887             (r':', Punctuation, ('classes', 'class')),
888             (r'(%s?)(%s*)(\()' % (_name, _ws),
889              bygroups(Name.Function, using(this, state='whitespace'),
890                       Punctuation),
891              ('block?', 'more/parameters', 'main/parameters')),
892             (r'(%s)(%s*)(\{)' % (_name, _ws),
893              bygroups(Name.Function, using(this, state='whitespace'),
894                       Punctuation), 'block'),
895             (r'(%s)(%s*)(:)' % (_name, _ws),
896              bygroups(Name.Variable, using(this, state='whitespace'),
897                       Punctuation),
898              ('object-body/no-braces', 'classes', 'class')),
899             include('whitespace'),
900             (r'->|%s' % _operator, Punctuation, 'main'),
901             default('main/object-body')
902         ],
903         'main/object-body': [
904             include('main/basic'),
905             (r'(%s)(%s*)(=?)' % (_name, _ws),
906              bygroups(Name.Variable, using(this, state='whitespace'),
907                       Punctuation), ('#pop', 'more', 'main')),
908             default('#pop:2')
909         ],
910         'block?/root': [
911             (r'\{', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'block')),
912             include('whitespace'),
913             (r'(?=[[\'"<(:])', Text,  # It might be a VerbRule macro.
914              ('#pop', 'object-body/no-braces', 'grammar', 'grammar-rules')),
915             # It might be a macro like DefineAction.
916             default(('#pop', 'object-body/no-braces'))
917         ],
918         'block?': [
919             (r'\{', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'block')),
920             include('whitespace'),
921             default('#pop')
922         ],
923         'block/basic': [
924             (r'[;:]+', Punctuation),
925             (r'\{', Punctuation, '#push'),
926             (r'\}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
927             (r'default\b', Keyword.Reserved),
928             (r'(%s)(%s*)(:)' % (_name, _ws),
929              bygroups(Name.Label, using(this, state='whitespace'),
930                       Punctuation)),
931             include('whitespace')
932         ],
933         'block': [
934             include('block/basic'),
935             (r'(?!\Z)', Text, ('more', 'main'))
936         ],
937         'block/embed': [
938             (r'>>', String.Interpol, '#pop'),
939             include('block/basic'),
940             (r'(?!\Z)', Text, ('more/embed', 'main'))
941         ],
942         'main/basic': [
943             include('whitespace'),
944             (r'\(', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'more', 'main')),
945             (r'\[', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'more/list', 'main')),
946             (r'\{', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'more/inner', 'main/inner',
947                                   'more/parameters', 'main/parameters')),
948             (r'\*|\.{3}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
949             (r'(?i)0x[\da-f]+', Number.Hex, '#pop'),
950             (r'(\d+\.(?!\.)\d*|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?|\d+[eE][-+]?\d+',
951              Number.Float, '#pop'),
952             (r'0[0-7]+', Number.Oct, '#pop'),
953             (r'\d+', Number.Integer, '#pop'),
954             (r'"""', String.Double, ('#pop', 'tdqs')),
955             (r"'''", String.Single, ('#pop', 'tsqs')),
956             (r'"', String.Double, ('#pop', 'dqs')),
957             (r"'", String.Single, ('#pop', 'sqs')),
958             (r'R"""', String.Regex, ('#pop', 'tdqr')),
959             (r"R'''", String.Regex, ('#pop', 'tsqr')),
960             (r'R"', String.Regex, ('#pop', 'dqr')),
961             (r"R'", String.Regex, ('#pop', 'sqr')),
962             # Two-token keywords
963             (r'(extern)(%s+)(object\b)' % _ws,
964              bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, using(this, state='whitespace'),
965                       Keyword.Reserved)),
966             (r'(function|method)(%s*)(\()' % _ws,
967              bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, using(this, state='whitespace'),
968                       Punctuation),
969              ('#pop', 'block?', 'more/parameters', 'main/parameters')),
970             (r'(modify)(%s+)(grammar\b)' % _ws,
971              bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, using(this, state='whitespace'),
972                       Keyword.Reserved),
973              ('#pop', 'object-body/no-braces', ':', 'grammar')),
974             (r'(new)(%s+(?=(?:function|method)\b))' % _ws,
975              bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, using(this, state='whitespace'))),
976             (r'(object)(%s+)(template\b)' % _ws,
977              bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, using(this, state='whitespace'),
978                       Keyword.Reserved), ('#pop', 'template')),
979             (r'(string)(%s+)(template\b)' % _ws,
980              bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='whitespace'),
981                       Keyword.Reserved), ('#pop', 'function-name')),
982             # Keywords
983             (r'(argcount|definingobj|invokee|replaced|targetobj|targetprop)\b',
984              Name.Builtin, '#pop'),
985             (r'(break|continue|goto)\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'label')),
986             (r'(case|extern|if|intrinsic|return|static|while)\b',
987              Keyword.Reserved),
988             (r'catch\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'catch')),
989             (r'class\b', Keyword.Reserved,
990              ('#pop', 'object-body/no-braces', 'class')),
991             (r'(default|do|else|finally|try)\b', Keyword.Reserved, '#pop'),
992             (r'(dictionary|property)\b', Keyword.Reserved,
993              ('#pop', 'constants')),
994             (r'enum\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'enum')),
995             (r'export\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'main')),
996             (r'(for|foreach)\b', Keyword.Reserved,
997              ('#pop', 'more/inner', 'main/inner')),
998             (r'(function|method)\b', Keyword.Reserved,
999              ('#pop', 'block?', 'function-name')),
1000             (r'grammar\b', Keyword.Reserved,
1001              ('#pop', 'object-body/no-braces', 'grammar')),
1002             (r'inherited\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'inherited')),
1003             (r'local\b', Keyword.Reserved,
1004              ('#pop', 'more/local', 'main/local')),
1005             (r'(modify|replace|switch|throw|transient)\b', Keyword.Reserved,
1006              '#pop'),
1007             (r'new\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'class')),
1008             (r'(nil|true)\b', Keyword.Constant, '#pop'),
1009             (r'object\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'object-body/no-braces')),
1010             (r'operator\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'operator')),
1011             (r'propertyset\b', Keyword.Reserved,
1012              ('#pop', 'propertyset', 'main')),
1013             (r'self\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo, '#pop'),
1014             (r'template\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'template')),
1015             # Operators
1016             (r'(__objref|defined)(%s*)(\()' % _ws,
1017              bygroups(Operator.Word, using(this, state='whitespace'),
1018                       Operator), ('#pop', 'more/__objref', 'main')),
1019             (r'delegated\b', Operator.Word),
1020             # Compiler-defined macros and built-in properties
1021             (r'(__DATE__|__DEBUG|__LINE__|__FILE__|'
1023              r'__TADS_VERSION_MAJOR|__TADS_VERSION_MINOR|__TADS3|__TIME__|'
1024              r'construct|finalize|grammarInfo|grammarTag|lexicalParent|'
1025              r'miscVocab|sourceTextGroup|sourceTextGroupName|'
1026              r'sourceTextGroupOrder|sourceTextOrder)\b', Name.Builtin, '#pop')
1027         ],
1028         'main': [
1029             include('main/basic'),
1030             (_name, Name, '#pop'),
1031             default('#pop')
1032         ],
1033         'more/basic': [
1034             (r'\(', Punctuation, ('more/list', 'main')),
1035             (r'\[', Punctuation, ('more', 'main')),
1036             (r'\.{3}', Punctuation),
1037             (r'->|\.\.', Punctuation, 'main'),
1038             (r'(?=;)|[:)\]]', Punctuation, '#pop'),
1039             include('whitespace'),
1040             (_operator, Operator, 'main'),
1041             (r'\?', Operator, ('main', 'more/conditional', 'main')),
1042             (r'(is|not)(%s+)(in\b)' % _ws,
1043              bygroups(Operator.Word, using(this, state='whitespace'),
1044                       Operator.Word)),
1045             (r'[^\s!"%-_a-z{-~]+', Error)  # Averts an infinite loop
1046         ],
1047         'more': [
1048             include('more/basic'),
1049             default('#pop')
1050         ],
1051         # Then expression (conditional operator)
1052         'more/conditional': [
1053             (r':(?!:)', Operator, '#pop'),
1054             include('more')
1055         ],
1056         # Embedded expressions
1057         'more/embed': [
1058             (r'>>', String.Interpol, '#pop:2'),
1059             include('more')
1060         ],
1061         # For/foreach loop initializer or short-form anonymous function
1062         'main/inner': [
1063             (r'\(', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'more/inner', 'main/inner')),
1064             (r'local\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'main/local')),
1065             include('main')
1066         ],
1067         'more/inner': [
1068             (r'\}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
1069             (r',', Punctuation, 'main/inner'),
1070             (r'(in|step)\b', Keyword, 'main/inner'),
1071             include('more')
1072         ],
1073         # Local
1074         'main/local': [
1075             (_name, Name.Variable, '#pop'),
1076             include('whitespace')
1077         ],
1078         'more/local': [
1079             (r',', Punctuation, 'main/local'),
1080             include('more')
1081         ],
1082         # List
1083         'more/list': [
1084             (r'[,:]', Punctuation, 'main'),
1085             include('more')
1086         ],
1087         # Parameter list
1088         'main/parameters': [
1089             (r'(%s)(%s*)(?=:)' % (_name, _ws),
1090              bygroups(Name.Variable, using(this, state='whitespace')), '#pop'),
1091             (r'(%s)(%s+)(%s)' % (_name, _ws, _name),
1092              bygroups(Name.Class, using(this, state='whitespace'),
1093                       Name.Variable), '#pop'),
1094             (r'\[+', Punctuation),
1095             include('main/basic'),
1096             (_name, Name.Variable, '#pop'),
1097             default('#pop')
1098         ],
1099         'more/parameters': [
1100             (r'(:)(%s*(?=[?=,:)]))' % _ws,
1101              bygroups(Punctuation, using(this, state='whitespace'))),
1102             (r'[?\]]+', Punctuation),
1103             (r'[:)]', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'multimethod?')),
1104             (r',', Punctuation, 'main/parameters'),
1105             (r'=', Punctuation, ('more/parameter', 'main')),
1106             include('more')
1107         ],
1108         'more/parameter': [
1109             (r'(?=[,)])', Text, '#pop'),
1110             include('more')
1111         ],
1112         'multimethod?': [
1113             (r'multimethod\b', Keyword, '#pop'),
1114             include('whitespace'),
1115             default('#pop')
1116         ],
1118         # Statements and expressions
1119         'more/__objref': [
1120             (r',', Punctuation, 'mode'),
1121             (r'\)', Operator, '#pop'),
1122             include('more')
1123         ],
1124         'mode': [
1125             (r'(error|warn)\b', Keyword, '#pop'),
1126             include('whitespace')
1127         ],
1128         'catch': [
1129             (r'\(+', Punctuation),
1130             (_name, Name.Exception, ('#pop', 'variables')),
1131             include('whitespace')
1132         ],
1133         'enum': [
1134             include('whitespace'),
1135             (r'token\b', Keyword, ('#pop', 'constants')),
1136             default(('#pop', 'constants'))
1137         ],
1138         'grammar': [
1139             (r'\)+', Punctuation),
1140             (r'\(', Punctuation, 'grammar-tag'),
1141             (r':', Punctuation, 'grammar-rules'),
1142             (_name, Name.Class),
1143             include('whitespace')
1144         ],
1145         'grammar-tag': [
1146             include('whitespace'),
1147             (r'"""([^\\"<]|""?(?!")|\\"+|\\.|<(?!<))+("{3,}|<<)|'
1148              r'R"""([^\\"]|""?(?!")|\\"+|\\.)+"{3,}|'
1149              r"'''([^\\'<]|''?(?!')|\\'+|\\.|<(?!<))+('{3,}|<<)|"
1150              r"R'''([^\\']|''?(?!')|\\'+|\\.)+'{3,}|"
1151              r'"([^\\"<]|\\.|<(?!<))+("|<<)|R"([^\\"]|\\.)+"|'
1152              r"'([^\\'<]|\\.|<(?!<))+('|<<)|R'([^\\']|\\.)+'|"
1153              r"([^)\s\\/]|/(?![/*]))+|\)", String.Other, '#pop')
1154         ],
1155         'grammar-rules': [
1156             include('string'),
1157             include('whitespace'),
1158             (r'(\[)(%s*)(badness)' % _ws,
1159              bygroups(Punctuation, using(this, state='whitespace'), Keyword),
1160              'main'),
1161             (r'->|%s|[()]' % _operator, Punctuation),
1162             (_name, Name.Constant),
1163             default('#pop:2')
1164         ],
1165         ':': [
1166             (r':', Punctuation, '#pop')
1167         ],
1168         'function-name': [
1169             (r'(<<([^>]|>>>|>(?!>))*>>)+', String.Interpol),
1170             (r'(?=%s?%s*[({])' % (_name, _ws), Text, '#pop'),
1171             (_name, Name.Function, '#pop'),
1172             include('whitespace')
1173         ],
1174         'inherited': [
1175             (r'<', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'classes', 'class')),
1176             include('whitespace'),
1177             (_name, Name.Class, '#pop'),
1178             default('#pop')
1179         ],
1180         'operator': [
1181             (r'negate\b', Operator.Word, '#pop'),
1182             include('whitespace'),
1183             (_operator, Operator),
1184             default('#pop')
1185         ],
1186         'propertyset': [
1187             (r'\(', Punctuation, ('more/parameters', 'main/parameters')),
1188             (r'\{', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'object-body')),
1189             include('whitespace')
1190         ],
1191         'template': [
1192             (r'(?=;)', Text, '#pop'),
1193             include('string'),
1194             (r'inherited\b', Keyword.Reserved),
1195             include('whitespace'),
1196             (r'->|\?|%s' % _operator, Punctuation),
1197             (_name, Name.Variable)
1198         ],
1200         # Identifiers
1201         'class': [
1202             (r'\*|\.{3}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
1203             (r'object\b', Keyword.Reserved, '#pop'),
1204             (r'transient\b', Keyword.Reserved),
1205             (_name, Name.Class, '#pop'),
1206             include('whitespace'),
1207             default('#pop')
1208         ],
1209         'classes': [
1210             (r'[:,]', Punctuation, 'class'),
1211             include('whitespace'),
1212             (r'>', Punctuation, '#pop'),
1213             default('#pop')
1214         ],
1215         'constants': [
1216             (r',+', Punctuation),
1217             (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
1218             (r'property\b', Keyword.Reserved),
1219             (_name, Name.Constant),
1220             include('whitespace')
1221         ],
1222         'label': [
1223             (_name, Name.Label, '#pop'),
1224             include('whitespace'),
1225             default('#pop')
1226         ],
1227         'variables': [
1228             (r',+', Punctuation),
1229             (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop'),
1230             include('whitespace'),
1231             (_name, Name.Variable)
1232         ],
1234         # Whitespace and comments
1235         'whitespace': [
1236             (r'^%s*#(%s|[^\n]|(?<=\\)\n)*\n?' % (_ws_pp, _comment_multiline),
1237              Comment.Preproc),
1238             (_comment_single, Comment.Single),
1239             (_comment_multiline, Comment.Multiline),
1240             (r'\\+\n+%s*#?|\n+|([^\S\n]|\\)+' % _ws_pp, Text)
1241         ],
1243         # Strings
1244         'string': [
1245             (r'"""', String.Double, 'tdqs'),
1246             (r"'''", String.Single, 'tsqs'),
1247             (r'"', String.Double, 'dqs'),
1248             (r"'", String.Single, 'sqs')
1249         ],
1250         's/escape': [
1251             (r'\{\{|\}\}|%s' % _escape, String.Escape)
1252         ],
1253         's/verbatim': [
1254             (r'<<\s*(as\s+decreasingly\s+likely\s+outcomes|cycling|else|end|'
1255              r'first\s+time|one\s+of|only|or|otherwise|'
1256              r'(sticky|(then\s+)?(purely\s+)?at)\s+random|stopping|'
1257              r'(then\s+)?(half\s+)?shuffled|\|\|)\s*>>', String.Interpol),
1258             (r'<<(%%(_(%s|\\?.)|[\-+ ,#]|\[\d*\]?)*\d*\.?\d*(%s|\\?.)|'
1259              r'\s*((else|otherwise)\s+)?(if|unless)\b)?' % (_escape, _escape),
1260              String.Interpol, ('block/embed', 'more/embed', 'main'))
1261         ],
1262         's/entity': [
1263             (r'(?i)&(#(x[\da-f]+|\d+)|[a-z][\da-z]*);?', Name.Entity)
1264         ],
1265         'tdqs': _make_string_state(True, True),
1266         'tsqs': _make_string_state(True, False),
1267         'dqs': _make_string_state(False, True),
1268         'sqs': _make_string_state(False, False),
1269         'tdqs/listing': _make_string_state(True, True, 'listing'),
1270         'tsqs/listing': _make_string_state(True, False, 'listing'),
1271         'dqs/listing': _make_string_state(False, True, 'listing'),
1272         'sqs/listing': _make_string_state(False, False, 'listing'),
1273         'tdqs/xmp': _make_string_state(True, True, 'xmp'),
1274         'tsqs/xmp': _make_string_state(True, False, 'xmp'),
1275         'dqs/xmp': _make_string_state(False, True, 'xmp'),
1276         'sqs/xmp': _make_string_state(False, False, 'xmp'),
1278         # Tags
1279         'tdqt': _make_tag_state(True, True),
1280         'tsqt': _make_tag_state(True, False),
1281         'dqt': _make_tag_state(False, True),
1282         'sqt': _make_tag_state(False, False),
1283         'dqs/tdqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r'"', True, True),
1284         'dqs/tsqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r'"', True, False),
1285         'dqs/dqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r'"', False, True),
1286         'dqs/sqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r'"', False, False),
1287         'sqs/tdqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r"'", True, True),
1288         'sqs/tsqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r"'", True, False),
1289         'sqs/dqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r"'", False, True),
1290         'sqs/sqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r"'", False, False),
1291         'uqs/tdqt': _make_attribute_value_state(_no_quote, True, True),
1292         'uqs/tsqt': _make_attribute_value_state(_no_quote, True, False),
1293         'uqs/dqt': _make_attribute_value_state(_no_quote, False, True),
1294         'uqs/sqt': _make_attribute_value_state(_no_quote, False, False),
1296         # Regular expressions
1297         'tdqr': [
1298             (r'[^\\"]+', String.Regex),
1299             (r'\\"*', String.Regex),
1300             (r'"{3,}', String.Regex, '#pop'),
1301             (r'"', String.Regex)
1302         ],
1303         'tsqr': [
1304             (r"[^\\']+", String.Regex),
1305             (r"\\'*", String.Regex),
1306             (r"'{3,}", String.Regex, '#pop'),
1307             (r"'", String.Regex)
1308         ],
1309         'dqr': [
1310             (r'[^\\"]+', String.Regex),
1311             (r'\\"?', String.Regex),
1312             (r'"', String.Regex, '#pop')
1313         ],
1314         'sqr': [
1315             (r"[^\\']+", String.Regex),
1316             (r"\\'?", String.Regex),
1317             (r"'", String.Regex, '#pop')
1318         ]
1319     }
1321     def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text, **kwargs):
1322         pp = r'^%s*#%s*' % (self._ws_pp, self._ws_pp)
1323         if_false_level = 0
1324         for index, token, value in (
1325             RegexLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text, **kwargs)):
1326             if if_false_level == 0:  # Not in a false #if
1327                 if (token is Comment.Preproc and
1328                     re.match(r'%sif%s+(0|nil)%s*$\n?' %
1329                              (pp, self._ws_pp, self._ws_pp), value)):
1330                     if_false_level = 1
1331             else:  # In a false #if
1332                 if token is Comment.Preproc:
1333                     if (if_false_level == 1 and
1334                           re.match(r'%sel(if|se)\b' % pp, value)):
1335                         if_false_level = 0
1336                     elif re.match(r'%sif' % pp, value):
1337                         if_false_level += 1
1338                     elif re.match(r'%sendif\b' % pp, value):
1339                         if_false_level -= 1
1340                 else:
1341                     token = Comment
1342             yield index, token, value